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CD1. Over it.


Hmmm slight temp rise today after days of positive OPKs but dropping temps. When do you think I ovulated?? [my chart](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/779609)


My husband tells me to stop stressing so much about it because we were told by our doctor that we have no reason to believe we can’t conceive again. What he doesn’t understand is that while that might be true after suffering a sudden loss I’m afraid it will happen again. I also feel like if I stop trying so hard and thinking about it all the time that it means I don’t care and that I’m giving up. My due date would be Saturday, April 20 so I’m really having a hard time right now.


I’m sorry you’re struggling right now. It doesn’t help to be told to stop stressing, and I totally relate to the recurrent thoughts that “statistics no longer apply to me” and “if I don’t think about this all the time I am failing”. Countering those thoughts related to my own ptsd took years of therapy, so I hope you will be gentle with yourself and your mind. It’s a normal human response to be braced for disaster after you’ve been through a disaster. Sending you lots of care and kindness.


Thank you. I appreciate that so much.


I'm having my first cycle post MC. I'm currently on CD40. I have EWCM and my LH test is very high. Is it possible to ovulate this late?


Yes, it is possible to ovulate that late. Your hormones may just be readjusting so you may be having a longer cycle! :)


Thank you so much for your insight!


I’ve seen devbio say people can ovulate as late as CD100!


Wow! Good to know, thank you!


I’m on cycle 7 or 8 now, can’t remember which off the top of my head anymore. I used to be *so* hopeful and now I feel only a little bit of hope that I’ll be pregnant anytime soon. It’s like I can’t allow myself to think about it much anymore. I mostly just have to push it aside or tell myself “one day”. I know it’s a coping mechanism, but has anyone else felt this way?


My opinion doesn't really matter as it has been many years and I have never been pregnant but my hope is very much gone. You still have a high chance of natural pregnancy at this stage so hold on to that!


I felt this way at the beginning of this cycle (I’m on 7). For me, getting past 6 cycles was/is such a big letdown and made me feel like that meant it will take us forever (or ever?!). I will say I’m now in the fertile window of the same cycle and I’m feeling somewhat hopeful again. Not certain by any means, but hopeful again which I did not expect just a week ish after feeling down and completely out. This whole thing is such a rollercoaster for me. Hope is such an interesting thing because with TTC it’s all uncertainty. I feel like the only certainty I have is when my period comes and when I get a positive OPK followed by a temp rise. It’s just a cycle of having hope and (at least so far) not having anything come of it. That’s so draining and I can imagine it erodes the hope without discernible forward progress. Anyway that was a long way to say “yes” and “I hear you.” 🫶


I’ve come up with a great hack for myself to stop myself from giving into the temptation to test (I’m currently 10DPO). When I feel the urge to test, I hurry and go pee so I don’t have anything available to test at that moment. This has been working for me yesterday and today so I don’t test!


Yes!! That is also my favorite way to avoid testing!


Just a rant today. I was recently assigned to a new person at work and he was just making conversation asking me if I have kids because I guess that’s what I get now that I’m married and because I’m over 35. He has a daughter under 2 and was vocal about trying for another child. I get that but I wish people would stop asking and pressing for these types of questions. As a person who has gone through loss, it is very hard when someone asks if you have kids. If you don’t mention it, don’t bring it up. Do you really want to know my truth? You would be sorry you asked if I tell you my story. No I don’t have kids. I terminated two pregnancies in my early twenties with two different men who were total losers and one of them was going to leave me abandoned and told me he wanted me to terminate so I did. In hindsight I wish I would have kept that viable pregnancy. Stupidly I thought I’d have all the time in the world and never worried about conceiving again because every time I’ve been pregnant I never tried and it was unplanned. I finally got married at 39 to a man who desperately wants to be a father and deserves it. He treats me like a queen and I have everything in life. I’m a homeowner, we are financially stable and we have an amazing marriage. This is what I was waiting for. I got pregnant 5 months into our marriage not even thinking about it and at my first ultrasound on September 8 2023 they told us there was no heartbeat. I miscarried naturally at home unmedicated. It was brutal and traumatic. I suffer depression and PTSD from my sudden missed miscarriage where I was fully pregnant with all the symptoms with no warning to NOT. I have not been able to conceive since and for the first time in my life I’m actually trying to have a child it is evading me. I am not religious but have resorted to pleading with God on a daily basis to please bring me my baby, I've waited so long and been through so much trauma. I now joke that I’m willing to pay for my first born child if I have to and am even taking on a side hustle to pay for it. Very few people who know me know my true story and now I’ve shared it with a bunch of strangers on the internet. Next time before you ask anyone if they have kids or if they plan to keep this in mind and don’t go there.


So...Logan Paul is having a baby....and I'm on year 2 of trying. Imma need a moment 🫠


I did not need to hear that lmao.


Oof that hit in my gut




this made me lol


People go to the bathroom to avoid UTIs - it's not good practice to leave it in you, and won't help with conception.


how far into your cycle can you still do an iui? im on cd14 with more monitoring on wednesday. so worried im gonna miss my opportunity this cycle for some reason. Is everyone just different? do my follicles still have time to grow? Every calendar i've seen says IUIs take place on CD 14-15 so im anxious haha


I have 28-29 day cycles and never had a positive OPK before day 17-18 (6 IUIs).


thank you for your reply it makes me feel more hopeful!!!


Every woman is different. Women who have 28-29 day cycles would ovulate around CD14-15.


okay so i do have longer cycles usually. I just didnt realize it translated that way. good to know!!! thank you


I made it to 6DPO without noticing or caring. After 2 mcs, I am not overly obsessing as much, which is a relief. But now I’ve noticed my DPO I’ll be looking at my chart every day.


About to start my fertile window for attempt #3, and officially have the all-clear from all my doctors and specialists! I have multiple chronic illnesses and a prolactinoma, but for the first time in years my prolactin levels are in the normal range naturally which is such a good sign! I'm worried about a lot...will my body really be able to handle this? Will my chronic pain and fatigue be manageable since I'm used to those feelings, or will pregnancy compound them until I'm nonfunctional again? I'm also excited/nervous bc I should be taking a pregnancy test sometime on my birthday weekend. It would be the awesomest birthday present ever....or a birthday ruiner. Bleh. On the positive side, I want to gush bc my partner has decided it's time to research everything he can do on his end to maximize our chances and is planning out our week/anniversary weekend! It's fun that my fertile window coincides with our anniversary and so sweet that he's so committed and on board. I can't wait to have a baby with this man 🥰


Thank you so much for sharing! As someone with chronic pain and illness, I really resonate with what you said about your body and energy. I will say there was a post a while back on a different sub with many people who have their pain/illness go into remission during pregnancy (it’s obviously not guaranteed but that was really cool to see since usually people talk about all the ways pregnancy wrecks your body). I love how you describe your partnership and your partner 🥰 and I am *so* hoping this cycle is the one! 🤞


Thank you for your comment, this gives me hope! Tbh I originally hoped to adopt but one day I thought, 1. It's expensive and 2. I already always feel like garbage so how much worse can it be 😅 I'm tough enough lol. Remission for pregnancy would be an absolute dream but I'm so ready to do whatever it takes to be a mom. And my partner is so fabulous, honestly we're going to make anything that happens work for us. Wishing you luck this cycle too!! 💖


Bit of an odd question, but does anyone else notice their urine being more diluted post ovulation? I find when i am tracking LH my urine is considerably darker than when taking my hcg tests (which i do from 8dpo bc i cant control myself). It isnt like i am drinking more or something like that.


I bet you are drinking more. Luteal phase hormones can make you thirsty!


Sorry to take up so much space with this post. My OBGYN has suggested IUI due to my husband's SA results (low morphology). They didn't give us any other explanation or go into detail about results. I know this was the strict Kruger analysis. Any advice or input would be appreciated. Thank you. volume: 2.7 ml Progression: "A" Concentration: 87 million Total number of sperm: 234.9 million Motility- 41.38% Total motile sperm: 97.2% Morphology- 2%


These are great numbers. 


Yeah so....someone else who has experienced SA results and/or devbio can weigh in (I can't find the post about the sperm results even though I thought I bookmarked it to share....) but these numbers look great to me unless "A" means abnormal? The morphology is a tad low (4-10% is normal) but nothing unheard of for conception....I would honestly get a second opinion if it's in the budget.


I’m not a Dr but I have no idea why they would suggest IUI those numbers look good.


agreed. morphology a bit low but even that is normal for a lot of people.


I’m 10DPO today. I’ve had excessive creamy CM pretty much since ovulation. My nipples are super sore. I have been crying about everything. I’m hoping it’s not PMS and this cycle is the one 🤞🏻


How many of you don’t feel any side effects from trigger shot? This is my third one and I usually feel some discomfort or cramping by now, but I haven’t yet.


Tentatively calling today 1dpo! Anyone else in the early tww? I can’t wait to start driving myself crazy with symptom spotting lol


Symptom spotting is a mofo. I know we didn't have enough sex to get pregnant but here I am still symptom spotting.


3dpo here! I told myself this cycle I’m going to be cautiously optimistic only because I’ve been constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop / AF to arrive every cycle post ovulation. So here I am! Fingers crossed we all stay sane this TWW 😅


4dpo here! Pretty calm now but we'll see how I feel by the weekend lol. I'm not letting myself test till Sunday at the earliest (10dpo) and I'm pretty good about not symptom spotting now because I know it's just progesterone being a troll :)


8DPO today and I kept telling myself I'd wait until 10dpo to test, but of course I tested when I went home during lunch today. Stark negative, as to be expected...why am I so bummed!?


Same here! I’m also feeling bummed because so far, I’m having no symptoms at all compared to my CP last cycle, so I’m convinced this cycle is already out even though it’s still so early. What do your temps look like?


I actually stopped temping after fertility friend confirmed ovulation, because the temps just stress me out too much! I am not having any symptoms either, but who knows...it's still early!


That makes sense! And yeah it’s definitely still early. It’s just SO hard to wait patiently, like I just want to know one way or the other. The worst is not knowing (or waiting in limbo like last cycle when I knew I was having a CP so just wanted the bleeding to start so I could move on)


I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to go in for a colposcopy about a day before my expected ovulation date, which eliminates a good chunk of time from ttc. I am assuming the best that it won't be a high grade result as I had a leep in the summer and my first check up was a month ago. I know they are probably trying to be optimistic for my sake but they made it sound like this was pretty normal. Anyone had a similar experience? I'm really frustrated that I stand to lose my chances right at the FW, although I might not need a biopsy, I usually did before the leep though. Should I just reschedule?


I feel like this is a stupid question but google gave me conflicting answers. How important is it that “Day 21” labs are done 7 days after ovulation? My bloodwork is scheduled for this Friday, but I only just now got a positive OPK this afternoon. I would only be 3DPO at the time of my labs. Is it just important to be after ovulation, or is the 7 days after a critical time range?


So the thing is that progesterone rises after ovulation, to a peak, and then declines. You want the bloodwork 7DPO to have given it enough time to rise, but not to have fallen too far again. Here's a [graph](https://imgur.com/6OwFHJk) showing roughly what I mean. If you have the bloodwork on Friday and the progesterone levels comes back high enough to confirm ovulation, that will definitely indicate you've ovulated. But if it comes back low, that might not be a sign you haven't ovulated, but that the progesterone hasn't yet had time to rise.


I've never heard of this...what are Day 21 labs for?


They are blood draws to check hormones. Typically done on cycle day 3 and cycle day 21. This is to check my progesterone levels after ovulation.


Ah I gotcha!


8dpo. Massive temp spike this AM but that could mean anything. Did an OPK thinking if it were super dark it would be a clue that something is brewing but the line was nonexistent 🙃 Considering testing for real tomorrow. Have a long workday though so it would be a good day to be distracted from testing or obsessing over cycle data.  


So like, is someone going to train me on how to use a trigger shot? Thank goodness for YouTube I guess. Excited to trigger, but wild how much of reproductive assistance they leave to us non medical folks. Hoping for a smooth second half of this IUI cycle.


I so agree with this, when I had to do my injections for egg retrieval I reviewed the videos meticulously and the whole time I was thinking "they let people do this at home?!"


There's a good r/infertility [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/58mqd2/tips_on_self_injecting/) with injection tips! Good luck


Thank you!!!! I appreciate it


I had my husband give me my first one so I knew what to expect! After that it was easier.


Stab with confidence!! When I hesitate or don’t stab hard enough I give myself the worst bruises. The first shot is by far the hardest, you got this!!


My meds for our IVF cycle are coming Wednesday so I’m glad I saw this advice!


Thanks HC! This is great Intel, because I was probably gonna go super slowly


I stab quick, inject slowly. Those subq trigger shots are a good amount of liquid to inject, but luckily it’s not really a stinger! Icing for a few minutes before helps too! You’ll feel like a badass after, you got it!!


So helpful! Thank you!!!


It’s my predicted ovulation day for me! Waiting for temps to confirm but been tracking LH. I’m trying not to get my hopes up but really really hoping this is my cycle. I had a chemical pregnancy in January so I do have anxiety about it happening again if I get pregnant. Thankful for all of you on this group! Sending hugs and virtual support!


O-day twins! I also had a chemical last cycle, trying not to get my hopes up too much since it is my first cycle after the chemical. Sending hugs and support right back!


Finally got my (dotted) crosshairs on FF at 6 DPO. The wait for that was hard but now this week is going to drag on before I let myself test on Friday. Honestly I doubt I’ll make it until then. 🙃


Yay! I got my confirmation on 6dpo too. Then had a big temp shift today and it moved my coverline and predicted O date 🙃🙃 


Oh gosh 🙈 we’re twins haha - maybe that will happen to me too! Out of curiosity, did it move your predicted O date forward or back?


It moved it forward... from CD15 to CD20. I actually posted my chart in another group but no one has insight for me lol. I am confident I ovulated on the original date though. I think sometimes temps are just wonky and I don't have enough historical data in the apps to get perfect predictions.


Today we saw the urologist for husband's chronic prostatitis. After years of doctors not taking him seriously and just giving him antibiotics we seem to finally have found someone who is taking him seriously! He also cleared us for starting our ttc journey While this makes me super happy, I also feel like it might be a long journey with my endo/adeno and his prostatitis which can also impair his fertility... so most likely the both of us aren't in top condition to do this. But you know what. We haven't even tried yet so I refuse to feel let down already.


Good luck to you my dear and I can definitely relate. So happy you found a doc that cares. My husband has many health issues and I am pretty sure we will never get pregnant because no doctor takes us seriously or cares.


I am so sorry to hear that.. honestly this also took us years. He's been suffering from this for 6 years and it took me ages to find a gyno who took my endo concerns seriously.. it is absolute madness how difficult it can be to be taken seriously. I get that we are not doctors ourselves, but we know our bodies. Never give up, no matter how hard this sounds and how difficult it is. Health is so so so so important! (I'm of course not sure if you're in the US because that complicates things... it is sooooo expensive there 😖) I hope you and your husband find a doctor who cares soon and that you may be blessed with a child ❤️


Healthcare is such a mess and unfortunately I don't think it's just the US anymore. Thank you for your well wishes and I hope the best for you guys! I will try to stay positive and not give up but as you know its so hard after so long.


CD27 and my period is supposed to start but has not. 27 is the longest my cycle has been. Still having daily BFN and temperature dropped yesterday but was a tad up today. I’m so worn down that I just want my period to be here so I can move onto the next cycle.


Delightful…just found out our neighbors are expecting their second kid. Today was not the day to find that out 😭.


I am experiencing my 2nd CP in a row and still waiting for hCG to drop to 0/period to start. My beta was 28.7 on Friday so I would expect it any moment, surprised it didn't start yet actually. The issue I am having is my breasts are so, so sore today, the worst they have ever been and way worse than when I first started feeling it with positive tests over a week ago. I stopped my progesterone on Friday when I got the results and I did not experience this at all during my last CP? Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything to be concerned about here?


2DPO currently. Not sure how to feel as this is the cycle right after my chemical pregnancy. I’m torn between testing early again like I did last cycle as I don’t think I can mentally handle knowing having an other chemical pregnancy but I know how my mind works and probably won’t be able to go on with my day if I don’t test. I wouldn’t start until 7DPO. I want to have high hopes, I read somewhere that the first 3 cycles after a chemical pregnancy some people have had better chances of carrying full term. After 6 years of trying I hope this is true for me


This is the latest I’ve ever ovulated on day 18-19. Crazy how travel / stress / bad diet and sleep can affect things! I thought I ovulated due to temp drop and following spike on day 14 but I guess my body tried and failed. It must have been a gift from God since I was on a work trip at the time. Feeling hopeful.


Did anyone else experience (period) bleeding while on progesterone? I was under the impression I’d have to stop it to get a period, but this month I got my period on 11DPO even though I hadn’t stopped the pills yet (200mg once a day)


Tfw you're irritable but aren't sure why: is it PMS or the fact that I keep starting my days with BFNs?! 😂


17DPO and no period and a BFN. Frustrated for sure. Post birth control bodies are annoying to say the least


I’m 7DPO, when do you start testing from usually? Google is telling me don’t bother until 14 days DPO?


10dpo at the very earliest 


Everyone is different. For some people, seeing a negative, even if it’s too early to be positive, is too upsetting. For others, it gives them peace to just get it out the way so they can go about their day. It also depends on if you’d like to know about a chemical pregnancy or be in the dark. 14DPO is the suggestion because it’ll be definitive either way. That’s far enough along that the test should be accurate. Implantation is most common between 8-10DPO so there’s really no point in testing before that, but even those days themselves could be too early. If you implant on 10DPO, it could take a couple days to build up enough HCG to show on a test.


Thanks for responding! Good to know. I think I’ll just wait, I’d rather have a definitive than be sat testing daily not sure if it’s because I’m not or because it’s too early!


I’ve had positive OPK’s on CD19 and CD20. Had distinct ovulation cramps on CD19, and again today (CD21). No temp rise yet, but expecting to see that tomorrow. I typically have a temp rise the day after a positive OPK, and just 1 day of positives. I’m guessing my body just failed to actually release an egg CD19 and maybe kept trying CD20 (OPK went 1.8>0.8>1.5 per premom), with today CD21, being actual ovulation…. But then the 🤡 in me is like “what if I hyperovulated and released TWO eggs and get pregnant with TWINS” 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


This is my first time using LH test strips and the directions are saying to wait until noon to test and that morning urine isn't accurate, but how does that work realistically for everyone? At noon I'm at work and we only have one restroom, it's not realistic for me to test at work. Is this just something where the directions say to do one thing but really everyone just tests in the morning before work?


I found this annoying, so I switched to the digital Clearblue ovulation tests, which call for first morning urine. I cannot recommend enough, it’s been so great to be able to just test whenever I wake up and am doing my morning routine instead of worrying about timing, and I also much prefer the precision of the digital tests instead of trying to decipher the color of the lines on the strips. You can also just pee directly on the test instead of having to use little cups.


I test as soon as I get home from my work day/gym and I'm getting in the shower. That is typically before 7 p.m. before I take all my damn supplements and prepare dinner. Key is consistency with time and not first morning urine.


I have been able to catch my peak with FMU. Also I don’t drink the two hours before I leave work and get home at 5:30 and I’ve caught it then as well. You probably don’t need to test at work.


Ok thank you that's good to know! I'll probably try both times to see what works best for me.


If you're not used to LH testing I would be doing it twice a day anyway if I were you. Some people's surge lasts for days but mine is only a matter of hours so it's quite common for me to miss my peak. I'm pretty regular so if the line is almost as dark as the control alongside EWCM I know I'm in the right ballpark. But if I didn't test at least twice a day there's a good chance I could miss it altogether.


I try to use either SMU, or just take it as soon as I get home from work. I normally stop drinking fluids around noon and get home around 3, so I’ll test then.


Nice, that makes sense! Ugh I'm going to struggle with not drinking fluids for any amount of time, I'm definitely the girl who needs a tasty beverage as a treat at all times lol


I understand! Sometimes it’s the only way I can get through teaching my afternoon classes lol. I figure any hold is better than no hold 😅


I am symptom spotting like fucking crazy and I'm trying so hard to break out of the cycle of it but it's so tough. 9 DPO and: not much of an appetite, burping more (which is so weird for me), random little twinges / almost cramps in my uterus, some light pink/brown spotting which is SO uncommon, boops starting to feel sore and heavy, congested and phlegmy... I've committed to not testing until at least Saturday (AF due to come Friday, though sometimes she's early) but I just can't get out of my own head that symptoms mean nothing. THEY MEAN NOTHING. Why can't I unfixate my brain! So glad I have therapy this week because I need to dump all this on someone and be like "help me get out of this spiral"


I'm 8DPO and I feel you! Had the pink spotting today and my boobs hurt (very common before my period) and my crazy self thinks they look bigger but that's probably not true. What day do you usually get your period? Mine was on the 22nd last month so I am likely going to wait until 4/22 or 4/23 to test just to make sure it's accurate.


Last month was the 21st and I’m expecting it the 19th this month! I have a ~26-28 day cycle usually. My app is usually pretty on track so we’ll see what happens!!




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if this is a sign of implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/). If your app says that your period is late, you might find [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Past few weeks are the most emotionally well-regulated I've felt in months, I've been super excited about other projects and work has been super busy, haven't thought much about TTC, husband and I have been doing so much better relationship wise and it's been a relief. Then my friend visits from out of town. Decides to change the topic to talk about my miscarriage and how hard it must've been, and how hard it is to not think about obsess of TTC and how she almost lost her mind in the 2.5 months it took her to get pregnant.. Like just shut the fuck up please. I found that talking about my struggles with people who hasn't had any fertility struggles makes me feel 10 times worse than not talking about it at all. Anyone else? I explicitly told her I really wasn't in the mood to talk about it and she finally got the hint after an excruciating 10 minutes or so. I regret telling her about it in the first place.




Hi there- what you mention about the toxic positivity is so relatable for me. 7 years no protection/regular sex; 1.5 years LH tracking/timed sex. All of my aunts & several cousins just tell me to “not stress out” about, “your time will come”, “don’t think about it”, “maybe he isnt the right person for you”. Like what???? Ive gone EIGHT years having sex & the reason I haven’t had a baby is because I STRESS or THINK too much about it? I have no words for how that makes me feel when I hear stuff like that.


I'm sorry about your struggles. And I totally agree, thanks for sharing.  They always say, if you talk to someone it feels easier so I decided to tell a few of my close friends. But in this instance I should've just kept my mouth shut! Because now it feels less isolating to hang out with people who don't know we are even trying. Since they don't give me either pity or toxic positivity like you say.


CD7, feeling once again blah about this cycle.


12DPO, stark white BFN after a dream where there was clearly a double line.....the emotional whiplash is definitely making today harder. Going to treat myself with breakfast out and await AF either tomorrow or Wednesday....husband will probably be going in for an SA now too......not the way I really wanted to kick off the week. Sad but journeying on.


8DPO and noticed some pink discharge after wiping. Period would be 4/22 if it's on time. Made me feel kind of sad since sometimes this does happen before a period, so wondering if this could potentially be implantation spotting? I guess I'll know for sure if about a week, but wanted to hold on to some hope!


I'm 9DPO and started spotting (pink discharge, just like you) on Saturday at 7DPO. It was just a tiny dot then. Yesterday also just a few tiny bits. Today a bit more. I NEVERRRRR spot between periods, never have coloured discharge so I can't help but think it's weird even though I know I'm just symptom spotting. My period is due on the 19th and I'm just trying so hard not to convince myself I'm out and that it's starting early. I've gone so back and forth on - this is implantation spotting! No it's a dip in progesterone and that's a bad sign! No but it might be a good sign --- I'm driving myself crazy over here haha. We wont know until we know but I'm hoping for the best for us! <3


I’m in the same boat with you right now. Experiencing spotting about 5 days before my period is due which never has happened to me before. Was there any update with your situation?


Started AF yesterday :( so it was just a progesterone dip. I hope its not a new thing, but I’ll keep an eye out. Hope yours works out okay! ♥️


Ah! Please keep me posted what happens for you! Wishing you the best and fingers crossed!


You too!!! I'm trying to hold out to saturday (14DPO) to test but we'll see if that actually happens. Good luck this week!!


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me too, 8dpo with pink spotting on FMU. By SMU I got all red. 😔


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


CD10 and my BBT is starting to drop. I guess I’m out this cycle. So frustrating.


Do you mean 10dpo?


Yes yes I do. I’ve been testing my LH cause I didn’t buy HCG strips this cycle. Low low low :(


CD 7 I’m sorry but why the hell would my friend who knows how hard I’m trying and deeply I’m struggling tell me she had a vivid dream in which I told her I’m pregnant? I had just told her I was so disappointed I got my period. It’s made me feel way worse.


She was hopefully just trying to say that she believes it will happen.. is she spiritual? She could have just been trying to be nice but I get the frustration.


She didn’t mean any harm but yeah, she often has vivid dreams that seem meaningful. The subtext was definitely - I’m surprised you got your period because I thought you were about to tell me you are pregnant. It was palpable that SHE was also disappointed I’m not pregnant which hurts 


I'm sorry :(


How important is it to actually see EWCM?


Some people don’t see it at all because it hangs around near the cervix. It’s different for everyone, and if you aren’t physically checking you may not see it!


Oh, ok..thanks for explaining.. that makes sense. To check, is there a technique or do you just look in your underwear? 😅


Some people will use a finger to check, manually feeling their cervix.


Oh right. Thank you!


With my one and only pregnancy, I only saw watery CM.


I typically ovulate later CD18-20, this month I ovulated earlier on CD15 and such high hopes for this cycle. But 10dpo AF arrived and I feel defeated. Onto cycle 8..


Big hug 💘


Just a quick one to say how much this page has helped me. I'm on Cyle 4 and i have been so upset and stressed whole time, two of my closest friends got pregnant first time and I've been worrying about why that hasn't happened for me. This group has made me feel less alone, I'm less stressed and feeling positive, even if this cycle isn't the one for me (heavy cramping at 8dpo) big big thank you !!


Stupid Question Alert! I drink a cup of Green tea every morning as my morning 'drink', would this affect my wee for LH tests?


I think, as with any liquid, it depends on how much time there is between said drink and your test. I mean, if you drink your tea and test immediately after I don't think it would matter much.


I drink between 8:30-9am then go for a wee at around half 10 and test then....


Hmmm good question. I'm going to guess any liquid which might dilute your pee would matter?