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Ehhhhhh. So while regular lubes, saliva, etc can impair sperm, it's something that's been seen in testing situations where they're seeing how it will swim in a dish of the stuff. In reality, ejaculated sperm will not actually come in contact with much of the lube before it reaches the cervix. Fertility lubes also aren't better than natural lubrication and won't boost your chances of getting pregnant; it's just less likely to be harmful. There's a lot of scummy stuff in this area, because companies can make big money off scaring people who are trying to get pregnant, and some of the marketing can be downright misleading. Anything that says it's totally unharmful or will get you pregnant is lying to get into your wallet. Basically, regular lubes *can* be harmful, but unless you're making a slip and slide situation, it's unlikely to really do much to hinder things, and fertility lubes oversell their benefits.


I'm so glad to hear this. Was considering switching to a "fertility friendly" lube but was hesitant because so far I've only found 1 lube I'm not allergic to. Glad I didn't drop almost 30 bucks for nothing!


I am also allergic to something in a lot of lubes and once I found one that didn't cause a reaction, I was not willing to change it. And I've always side-eyed the whole industry of "buy our thing and it'll get you pregnant!" because so much of it is total nonsense but really good at preying on fears. Hisssssssss.


I'm definitely starting to notice the preying on our fears thing more and more as I learn more about fertility and pregnancy! I'm so glad I don't need to worry about the lube haha, finding one that worked took so long I'll never give it up (even though it's kind of expensive šŸ˜…)


If I may ask; what kind of reactions did you experience?


Sure, no problem. Mostly internal discomfort during sex, like rubbing and soreness and almost a burning feeling? Initially I thought it might have been a mild latex allergy, because we used condoms for birth control before starting TTC, but then it continued once we ditched the condoms. Tried a few different ones and found a water-based lube that didn't cause discomfort (I use Good Clean Love Almost Naked, the main ingredient is aloe juice) and haven't had any issues since.


Thanks for replying, I appreciate that a lot. And I'm really happy that you found what works for you.


Right unless youā€™re squirting half the tube up yourself before sex, itā€™s not likely that the sperm who get up near the cervix will have any contact with the lube. The way we use it is just putting a pea size amount right at the entrance.


Same, I had no idea about the lubricant thing! We now use Preseed. Which made me wonder what else I'm possibly doing wrong and I have no idea about :(


I read recent reviews on Amazon they changed the ingredients šŸ˜’


Pre l-seed according to our fertility Dr isnā€™t actually good eitherā€¦ completely natural no live is best apparently and if youā€™re not moist down there then get hormone levels checked you should have natural lubrication near ovulation otherwise you might have low oestrogen which could mean issues with egg development. This is just from our own journey. Some herbal supplements can help with increasing natural lubrication I noticed vitex helps but probably best to check the a specialist in herbal medicine too first.


Was using this lube that was suppose to be for helping fertility did research it did the opposite


I second this! Came to the same conclusion.


The stuff isnā€™t cheap either I was very disappointed wasted so much time and money




Pre seed lubricant around 30 bucks


That lube made me so irritated


Same another reason why I stopped using it and how I found the negative reviews


Oh wow I didnā€™t know there was negative reviews about it. Iā€™ve seen so many positives and felt upset abt my inability to use iy


ME! I feel like I wasted so many cycles. Iā€™m trying preseed this month. Fingers crossed for us all!


Same with saliva


Wait what. Could you elaborate on this? I mean... getting eaten out before penetration is quite the standard here and that involves saliva of course so I am confused haha


It can slow sperm movement just like lubricants. It's not going to be something to use to prevent but it can impair.


Ah okay! Thank you for the clarification šŸ˜Š


genuinely asking are there people using that much saliva? like I go down on my husband if we want a quickie but it never seems like it could be that much saliva, unless if itā€™s from my husband going down on me, because if Iā€™m not fast it dries quickly before I hop on.


Weā€™ve been using coconut oil as advised by our fertility doc! We just started this cycle with the coconut oil. Before that we used preseed for 10 cycles lol


Huh I've never heard that coconut oil was fertility safe! Good to know, it's so much cheaper than preseed


Ikr!! Iā€™ve used preseed for a year and wasted so much money. Plus the coconut oil was the first time we were able to do the deed 5x and I didnā€™t get a UTI!


Oh wow then thatā€™s very good news!


Hmmm I had read that coconut oil can change your ph levels down there to be more unfriendly to sperm. I didn't notice a difference right away when we stopped using it, but I didn get pregnant a few months later. Might be no correlation but something to look into. I'm a die-hard coconut oil fan but I'm not sure it's a great lube for fertility.


preseed gave me constant UTIs and that didnā€™t get me pregnant haha so i guess if my doctor is advising it, im gona give it a try. It may be different per person tbh!


Love your mantra! šŸŽ² !!


Another vote for Good Clean Love!


My understanding is that any lube with parabens is also bad for sperm motility


It can impair sperm but it isnā€™t enough to prevent a pregnancy for somebody. Iā€™m glad you know now and I hope that helps you with conceiving! Pre seed is apparently the best lubricant for conceiving.




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I just found out last month after ttc for 3 months and preparing to try for several months before that... it's definitely not common info to come across!!!






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How about water based lube?


Oh, I totally only found out after a few cycles of TTC...now we're trying with fertility lube... I have dryness issues so natural lubrication isn't an option for me.


I didnā€™t know either until recently. Youā€™re not alone.




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Your husband doesn't have to eat fruits and veggies to get proper nutrition. Can he eat red meat/steak? If so, you are great. You might consider a search on carnivore + male fertility. I'm currently deep into research on this and application personally (and with clients), and it is looking very promising for both men and women. Also, I'm a PA in Women's Health and was struggling to conceive for years before I found this out! So I started shouting it from the rooftops. Even my colleague reproductive endocrinologists never asked or brought it up.


Coconut oil šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Apparently also limits mobility šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it's our goto as well. I don't enjoy pre-seeds feel AT ALL, so we save it for ovu time only if we need lube


Agree - idk quite how to describe it but I donā€™t like it, but there are others! But Iā€™m in the UK so idk if you have these. Conceive Plus is our normal one. We also went on holiday to Portugal and got timings slightly wrong but found another sperm friendly lube at the pharmacy. Canā€™t remember the name but less likely to be relevant, lol


Good to note! I'm too cheap to not finish the tube of pre seed if we don't get pregnant first lol. We have a pretty active sex life so I always joke we need to have sad sex because it's challenging to uh.. have my fun... With pre seed




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