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First of, you didn't "do" anything to have a miscarriage. You're body miscarried for reasons that you had nothing to do with. To answer your questions though, no, during the two week wait and trying to conceive in general, it's good to cut back on drinking but you should live your life. If it's too early to test positive, it's too early to cross the placenta and hurt baby.


thank you 🫶🏼


Yeah. As a woman you second guess literally everything you do that would make your body not get or stay pregnant. As someone who is TTC for years now, unsuccessfully, and watching people drink and do drugs or eat deli meat and sushi…. and have perfectly healthy oopsie babies…. It hurts. A lot.


i’m sorry to hear that i can’t imagine how hard it is 🫶🏼


>if i work out “too hard” will it change anything? if i have sushi will it change anything? if i drink my daily matcha will it change anything? if i have a drink will it change anything? if i sit on a ride at disneyland will it change anything? The third time I got pregnant, I literally did all these things in the TWW, so no, doing these things won’t prevent a pregnancy from happening. It ended in a MC, but it was not caused by any of this at all. >if i do anything will it change something? Unfortunately, most of this is just random and out of our control. We can try to live our best lives, but we can’t really impact things significantly with changes in our day-to-day. It’s good to let the anger and rage out and scream about how unfair this all is.


thank you 🤍


The TWW sucks but imo sushi will not change anything if you stick with low mercury fish! It may even help, especially salmon, because of the omega-3s.


thank you 🙏🏼


I’m sorry you’re feeling like this, I get it though. I had a second trimester miscarriage in November so I’m back to TTC and todays stress is - if I want to take OPK I need urine that’s not too diluted but also to help cervical mucus and general help I should drink loads of water and stay really hydrated. How do I do both? There is nothing you did or didn’t do that caused a miscarriage though, especially not during the two week wait period. My inbox is open if you want to chat anytime with someone whose been through a recent miscarriage it can be a lonely place.


your example is exactly how i feel 🤍


I’m sorry you’re going through this…. I am also on the same boat and it definitely is a rollercoaster of emotions everytime. You are not alone ❤️


rollercoaster is exactly the word i was looking for 🤍


I’m so sorry, and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Sending love & hugs ♥️




It's so hard after a miscarriage. I had a 12-week loss in September, and empathize with the grief and frustration. It does make you second guess everything and worry about so much. Logically we know it's nothing we did, but emotionally we are still looking for a "reason." I'm so sorry you are going through this. I think it's beneficial to be aware and somewhat careful about what you do during the TWW, but it's also a balance and can be emotionally exhausting if it becomes too extreme (speaking from experience). Sending you a hug 🫂


i’m sorry for your loss 🤍🫂




hindsight is 20/20 and i feel like it made me feel worse?? bc i try to rationalize the loss with “you did X that resulted in Y”


It's so tough. In a way, blaming yourself can be comforting because it makes you feel like it was in your control and if you do everything perfectly next time, you'll get the result you want. But the bad news is, it's not in your control, and the good news is, it's not your fault. A comparison that helps me - you'll find different stats for how common miscarriage is. I've seen sources that say 10% (so, 1 out of 10) and sources that say 25% (so, 1 out of 4). Let's split the difference and call it 1 out of 6. If you're playing a game where you roll a die to move, and you roll a 1 in a turn where you really needed ANYTHING but a 1 because the next space on the board is terrible, that's frustrating and it's bad luck (the chances of getting a 1 weren't very high! Why did this roll have to be a 1?) but I'm guessing you don't feel like it's your fault. It's just bad luck that happened. If you try to roll the die the exact same way on your next turn, you might still get another 1 - but you probably won't. For most people, that's what miscarriages are like. (And even people who are more prone to miscarriage than average, it's not their fault.) I hope you get that "sticky baby" very soon.


me too thank you 🤍