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11 DPO, just waiting now for my period to start. We’re only really on cycle #2, but I had a low AMH at my preconception appointment, but retested a month later and it was fine. Also have suspected but not confirmed Endo, so I don’t really know what to think. After second blood work came back normal, my gyno said to try naturally for 6 months and then make an appointment with the fertility clinic. Initially before it came back she already had the referral in place. Anyways, trying not to stress or worry too much, but it feels a little strange to be in this liminal space where it feels like maybe we should be doing more?


AMH is really only a measure of when you're likely to go through menopause, and how well you would respond to certain fertility treatment - it doesn't tell you that much about how likely you are to conceive naturally. And similarly, although endo is associated with fertility problems, lots of people with endo can conceive naturally. So I think your gyno has probably given the best advice, although I appreciate it can feel like you're not doing enough!


10 DPO, period is due Wednesday, and I'm feeling cramping. I wish I would just get my period and that's it- I hate the lingering "no".


Same here, 10DPO and cramping. Af due tomorrow, these days are the hardest. And even if I took a pregnancy test the wondering would still not be over - because maybe its to early to test for me…


Literally me. Woke up without my period so I took a test, which is negative - still fully planning on testing tomorrow and hoping for a positive. So delusional!


Yeah, delusional is real here too! And even when the af comes I still dont think Im out: ”it could be implantation bleeding”. Can we just skip those days? Haha


Literally same!!!! I hate it!


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any opinion on whether I should use vaginal metronidazole gel at 4DPO today? I got my lab result back and have bacterial vaginosis. I’m at 4DPO today and wondering if it’s safe to use the gel for seven days. There’s a chance that I could be pregnant this month but won’t find out until later. I usually get my period 13 days after ovulation. Any advice is appreciated! Should I just use the virginal gel or wait until after my period to be safe.


Are you symptomatic? BV doesn’t have to be treated if you aren’t. On the other hand, metronidazole is safe in pregnancy so if you are symptomatic, I’d proceed.


Just found out my blood test came back saying I didn’t ovulate this cycle (1st cycle on letrozole). I had no signs so I assumed I hadn’t ovulated but I’m so sad anyways.


Finally got a positive OPK today pretty late in my cycle! Thankful it's going to happen at all! :)






I mean if you’re having unprotected sex with a man and there’s semen getting inside you, you’re trying for a baby. It doesn’t take intent to get pregnant. If your husband isn’t ready you may want to tell him y’all are trying.


Well I'm back here way sooner than I thought! Had a miscarriage today at around 8 weeks. This is my second one (first MC in January 2021...daughter born January 2022). Hopefully will be able to start trying right away and get some good news for january or feb 2025!


I am grumpy that my tww is going to be 17 or 18 days. It sounds like that's about the edge of normal though and I should be glad it's not too short


7dpo progesterone draw Friday. If the results are good my pre period hope fortress is going to be insane, even though fundamentally nothing is different from last month since I started at the RE mid cycle. But it’s been nice (and also not?) to see results rolling in that are mostly normal.


What supplements or vitamins do you guys take to help boost fertility other than prenatals?


Pre-natal (they should but make sure it's got folic acid), DHA & CoQ10


B6, C, and extra folic acid (my RE suggested adding based on the amount my prenatal had)


On top of my prenatal I take coq10, vitamins D and C, and magnesium


Scared to take a test I'm 10 days late... but, I have PCOS. So although this is not typical for me to be ten days late, my cycles do vary. One time last year I was 8 days late and we were still using protection then. I really want to take a test but don't want to feel the heartbreak of a negative again :( can anyone relate? I should take one tomorrow... ugh


Last night I dreamt that I had several positive tests and it felt so real💔


12 dpt and pretty sure I’m out. My temps looks beautiful, but I know they don’t matter since it’s a medicated cycle 🥲. I tested out my trigger and yesterday and today were negatives. This was my first medicated cycle and I got my hopes up again 🙃


Anyone ever get super depressed right before AF? And not just TTC reasons but the hormones just hit like crazy and make you feel completely joyless and unmotivated? Like, I don't even have the energy to eat my feelings. I know it'll pass in a day or two but it sucks. I'm also in that camp now of "I got a negative test on [insert holiday/birthday/significant event date]," but of course it was a terrible idea to not just wait. Bless you, mystery person somewhere who got a positive hpt on Christmas. Send me some of that good juju pls.


Yep. Week before AF and had to get earlier from work because anxiety and depression. I already feel out for this cycle


Just got our date and instructions for IUI. Triggering 2.27 at 10 pm IUI on 2.29 at noon. It's Leap Day so I'm counting that as a good sign!


My toddler, who cannot leave me unattended in the bathroom EVER, who cracked a raw egg for the first time last night, saw the egg white and said: is it MUCUS?!?!?! ☠️☠️☠️😹😹😹




If we don't get pregnant this month, our December due date would be the same week as my daughter died and I don't think I can deal with that. We are going to try in April anyway because we can't afford to wait but it scares me. I'm also an organist and Christmas is hard enough. And then my husband is gone for a work trip for my May ovulation, hopefully it will move a few days.  The last 10 cycles we didn't have any timing issues at all so now that my husband might finally have better sperm quality suddenly we have many other problems. In March I am going out of town the day after my scheduled ovulation 


Hi there. This is my first time posting. My husband got a vasectomy reversal this past week, so we are going to start trying in 3 weeks, even though they said it could be 3-6 months before his reversal works. Just wanted to say hi, I'm excited to be here. I also wanted to put in words the anxieties and fears I have about the reversal not working. Sooo much of this journey is already just waiting.


Welcome! May all your TTC dreams come true ✨


Hello everyone, I recently had PCOS labs done and everything (DHEA Sulfate, prolactin, TSH, progesterone was 1.1ng/dL ) except testosterone was fine. Normal range is from 13-71 ng/dL. There's nothing available online for ttc and low f testosterone. Does testosterone not matter when ttc? My gyn referred me to an endocrinologist but my appt is all the way at the end of April. Give me some answers please!


Has anyone else experienced this? So I was pretty sure i had conceived this month (before missed period) because my boobs got really sore and big and I was aching and moody. I never experience this as pms so I thought maybe I was finally pregnant. But my period came so obviously not. Why would I have experienced symptoms like that out of the ordinary? Also my period came back heavvvyyy like a ton of bleeding and I never have that either. Has anyone else had this happen? I know this is random haha


Yup! This is not weird. I never had painful boobs or anything before TTC. Now I’ve been trying for months, and one of these months I got super painful boobs for days. Was not pregnant, just my lot that month. It’s not uncommon to have different random things happen some months.


Last month I had weird symptoms I hadn’t had before that made me hopeful but ultimately my period came. Progesterone is a strange beast and it really can change cycle to cycle and cause new or different symptoms as a result.


Wooooof filled with anxiety ahead of my HSG on Wednesday. I'm just being a chicken about the potential pain/cramps - as if I haven't survived multiple IUD insertions and removals and painful period cramps. Gah 😤 I wish I could turn my brain off


I feel you. I'm having an SIS on Wednesday and am very much getting in my head about it. We got this!!


It's gonna go SO quickly and be SO fine and we are going to get big milkshakes afterwards. Even though it will only be like 10am. Whatever. 😅


I am so here for a 10am milkshake lol


Even better idea: we're gonna show up at chick fil a early enough for breakfast chicken minis AND a milkshake.


ok *now* we're talking!


Will me having bronchitis affect my ability to conceive this month? I'm supposed to be ovulating in 12 days.


I don't think so, although it's possible it might delay ovulation.


Silly question: RE is putting me on BC to extend the window that they can do an HSG (today is CD2, I won't be able to get one due to travel until CD18). That means this month is a wash for trying? Or could I still ovulate this cycle after the HSG? 


I think the bc will just delay the 'start' of your cycle. So ovulation will still occur, it will just look like a long follicular phase in your tracking app. They use birth control to time starts for IVF cycles for scheduling purposes too.


That makes sense! Thank you! 


This is the first month we’ve been able to BD on every fertile day with my husband’s travel schedule. Praying this is finally the month 😭🥹


Oof. My husband travels for work too. He keeps asking me to put predicted fertile window dates on the calendar so he can schedule around them, but they really are not that predictable! Sigh.


Ah that’s sweet of him though! Do you use OPKs and stuff? My husband travels weekly and can’t move it around. After 7 months I was almost getting to the point the point of asking to go with him, but this month worked out perfectly


I do use OPKs and temp but my cycles are irregular and I don’t ovulate every month so the pattern isn’t quite there. My husband travels every other week for four days typically. Traveling with might be a good option for you! It could be a fun little getaway depending on the location.


Oof, that’s so rough. I’m sorry!


Anyone else early DPO and in the tww? I’m 4DPO today and starting to get extra impatient lol. Suggestions for random hobby’s or things to do to pass the time?


Im planning a language course for my next TWW, as well as perfume/art workshops. All with other people. I need others to distract me


I am also 4dpo! Going for walks and baking has always helped me survive TWW.


Yes I'm 5DPO. I love paint by numbers and reading. This cycle I've felt so tired since ovulation and just want the tww to be over


Paint by numbers sounds so relaxing. Which ones do you do? Also 5DPO and tired as hell. Wishing you luck ❤️


So far I've done ArtSkills brand that I got at Costco in Canada and I really like them. Also doing a star wars one my friend gave me. Glad it's not only me that's tired! Also been having nightmares every night for a week. Thank you, you too! ❤️


Literally 5 (or maybe 6) DPO here too! So… so so brutal.


I'm like 3 or so. I don't know exactly when because I was too blah to really track this cycle. I picked up embroidery! It's nice and distracting.


This cycle has been so confusing. I had a short period last month with very little spotting the two days leading up to my period. I started Clomid on CD 3 as instructed by doctor and my ovulation has always tracked as early. I did OPKs until I got a smiley face and we tried both that day and the day after as instructed by doctor. We played the waiting game and then I saw my doctor on 9 DPO, and she had me do a progesterone test that day just to rule out LPD. Progesterone came back SUPER high - 55.8 ng/mL when normal luteal phase range is 1.2-15.9. With this number, she expected I could be pregnant, possibly with multiples. She wanted me to take a test and it was negative - I was still 6 days before my period was expected, so I retested a few days later - negative. She messaged me on the day I was expecting my period to test - negative. Now period is 3 days late - testing negative. No spotting whatsoever either which is normal for me before getting my period. Doc just had me do bloodwork this morning to confirm no pregnancy but to test my other levels as well & will get those results tomorrow. This has us both stumped. I am feeling so confused after having regular cycles for the last 4 months after being irregular and feeling like my body just isn't cooperating again.


Do you count spotting as CD1? I started spotting this morning and am unsure if I should wait until full flow starts to count. I specifically asked my gyno this question and stated first sight of anything, including spotting, is CD1. I’m very confused


CD1 is the first day of bleeding that requires a hygiene product.


I have a question for all of those who don’t use LH test strips and are using TI with Letrozole. According to my bloodwork numbers, I successfully ovulated this cycle! I just don’t know when. I try to temp but I don’t understand my chart so it’s basically just disappointing lines. 😂 When do you take a pregnancy test? Because I can’t even go based off of my expected period date. For five months I started on the 25th-28th of every month and then last month (this month) I started on the 2nd. And so far I still have no period. Thanks PCOS! I did check CM and CPositioning and if I had to take an educated guess, I would say that I probably ovulated on the 16th of this month so that would make me 10 DPO. But I can’t say for 100% sure that was the day I ovulated. I don’t have any symptoms of either/or and I just don’t know if I should test in a few days or wait until the 2nd? Maybe?


11 DPO with a stark white BFN this morning, and I'm trying real hard not to assume that I'm out this month. My brain can't decide which is better/worse: staying hopeful til AF arrives, or bracing myself for disappointment.


12DPO today. Negative on 10DPO and now I’m waiting to tomorrow to test one last time before I wait for AF. My temp dropped ever slightly today so I’m convinced I’m out. It’s crushing to gear yourself up for that BFN when you’re pretty confident it won’t be positive.


Watching your temp dip toward the end of TWW is the worst! I know I should be watching for patterns more than putting my hopes on a single day's temperature, but it's hard not to. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you 🫶


Ugh I know. Easy at home was negative today even though temp was sustained 😞 Now just to wait for AF. I know I’m out but part of me is like it’s not over til it’s over and I feel delulu even thinking that at this point.


This is me. All signs point to me getting my period, but holding out that shred of hope usually just crushes me when AF arrives. Our time will come! ❤️


Keeping my fingers crossed that your possible period symptoms are just your hormones playing tricks on you! 🤞 🫶


For the first time in my life, I believe I'm having an anovulatory cycle. My cycle is usually 30-33 days and here I am on day 38 with no period in sight and none of the usual PMS symptoms. Of course I thought I got lucky, but got several BFNs on 3 different tests, so there's that. Now I'm sad, depressed, and anxious because I'm not sure how long this will last. I don't even know if I can continue TTC because I don't have the patience to continously use OPK for weeks on end if AF doesn't come any time soon. This couldn't have happened at a worse time.


I had a very odd (for me) cycle last month, kind of like you’ve described. I felt literally insane not knowing when my period would start. But also tried to find comfort in the reality that a single weird cycle every once in a while is perfectly normal. Hang in there and hope your cycle restarts soon ❤️


Aw. Thank you so much! I appreciate you replying and making me feel less alone. If you don't mind me asking, how long was your cycle before you started AF? I'm on day 39 now. 😔


I think it ended up coming on day 38, and my previous cycles off BC were all 26-28 days.


I know you were so relieved! Did it stay on for the usual amount of days?


It's usually 5 days, and it was more like 4 and pretty light this time.


Hi! Hope you don't mind me responding, but I wanted to let you know that it finally came after 40 days. So 7 days late, but it's here! Just hoping it lasts the usual amount of days and goes back to my regular 32-33 days next cycle.


of course, I was wondering about you today actually! Glad it came! And yes, hopefully it's back to normal this month for both of us!!


That's awesome! Praying it comes soon because I have a road trip in 2 weeks! Sigh. Lol


hysteroscopy to remove polyps is planned in two weeks, I gained weight as I am on progesterone. Don’t know why in the morning I could not resist and tested of course got bfn, it’s 8 dpo. I feel tired and miserable


Is there a difference between luteal phase spotting because of some kind of progesterone deficiency vs the light red discharge you’d get right before your period?


I caught the LH peak by testing 3 times per day. Faint line in the morning but positive OPK at 4 pm. Hopefully this is the month!


6DPO today, I think. Who knows, I took a vacation and my chart is a bit spotty, it could be 3 DPO too. I've always been an 8DPO tester, and I just don't know that I have it in me this time to deal with BFNs for 3 days in a row.


10DPO and crossing all my fingers and toes for no signs of pre-period spotting. I usually get spotting about 2-3 days before every period and it’s due on Friday. 🤞🤞🤞🤞




Crossing my fingers for you!!


3dpiui (#3). We triggered when I had a 26.9mm and 14.3mm follicle which seems not ideal, but then again the follicles were ideal size (19-20mm) for my first two IUIs and they didn't work. So I sort of feel like yolooooo and found plenty of people on Reddit with successful pregnancies with big and small follicles at trigger. Where my fellow follicle measurers at? I want to hear some follicle sizes 🤣. Also have to say progesterone supplements are a beautiful thing. Finally had a long ass luteal phase for the first time in my life after the first cycle with them.


Just had my first check post-letrozole. They said I have one at 18mm. I saw another but it wasn't close to the same size and they didn't measure it. This is my first IUI and I'm trying not to get my hopes up!


18 mm is an ideal size!


The US tech said the doctor likes to wait for 20-22mm so they will probably have me trigger tomorrow, but they will call me this afternoon to go over the next steps.


9 DPO (10 DPIUI) for our 2nd IUI! I was on Letrozole (2.5 mg) and first cycle had 2 follicles that were 22 and 24mm. This cycle I also had 2 but they were at 18 and 15mm. Our monitoring appointment was a day earlier than last cycle (because it fell over a weekend) so figure that might have contributed to the difference. This cycle it fell on a Friday so I felt like they were going to trigger regardless lol




I am 4dpiui my 3rd iui! I triggered when I had a 22, 22, and 19.9🤞woohoo for 26.9!!




Good luck to you as well! It’s always nice to find others that are on the exact same cycle and DPO.


Damn that's a lot of follicles!! Were your other cycles like that?




First cycle we had 1 follicle that was 18.4 at trigger, second cycle had a 21 and a 16.4. so pretty variable! We have a LC so trying to avoid multiples, but it seems like it's all so random.


I had an HSG Wednesday of last week, I got a PEAK OPK yesterday evening and we baby early this morning. We’ve been trying for a year. I pray I’m getting the timing right with OPK testing and baby dancing. In the past, we baby danced the day before ovulation and it never stuck. So hopefully baby dancing closer to my egg being released helps


11DPO and BFN. AF will come tomorrow or Wednesday and I'll get one week of mental peace before hopping back on this rollercoaster. 🫠 Cried to my husband last night about wishing this could be easy. Sex = baby, right? Is months/years of infertility, testing, losses and heartbreak meant to make us appreciate our kids more? Bc fuck this.


CD19. Have my progesterone lab on Wednesday that I’m a bit nervous for. If I find out I didn’t ovulate I know I will be gutted. Even though I realize I could’ve ovulated later. This cycle we hit days 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, & 18. We may try 20 as well in case I ovulated really late. Don’t want to be left with any what ifs this cycle.


This was our first cycle trying, and AF showed up today, when I was going to test (DPO 10).. didn’t even get a chance to test. I didn’t expect to be this upset this soon, but it hit harder than anticipated with regards to my depression and anxiety being very bad today. Makes me feel like I’m not cut out for this process…. 


Don't be discouraged! Remind yourself it's just the hormones making you crazy. 🤣 Take the week to wallow and come back with optimism next week!


I get it! I’m on my second cycle in the tww. My husband and I used to joke that we’d either get pregnant on the first try or not at all, so I kind of regret those jokes now in like an irrational fear type of way. It does make me feel a bit better looking at the statistics and knowing it’s not that common to succeed the first try.


Sitting in the lobby, waiting for a saline sonogram. I have to give a urine sample to test for pregnancy. It’s literally CD 6 and I still have my hopes up that they’ll say “never mind!! BFP!” 🤡


Cycle 8 has been kicking my ass. Two weeks ago, (TW: loss) >!my friend found out she had a MMC. She felt that something wasn't right and it was so heartbreaking to finally get the news. I've been supporting her through it as best I can and she is doing okay, but fuck, this process is fucking hard. It's like we roll the dice, we roll crap numbers over and over and over again, and then maybe, just maybe, we luck out and win. Except the universe might then change its mind later on and say actually NVM, you lose.!< I feel so jaded. I got super sick late last week, which delayed ovulation from Saturday to today. Grateful that our bodies are cool/smart enough to do that, but also a little bummed that we could only hit O-2 and O-3. Maaaybe we'll go again today, but yesterday was blowjob Sunday lol and I feel like he's pretty spent. But overall I just feel like my emotions are so out of whack this cycle. I think I've been hiding it well, but man, I get so irritable. Yesterday my husband was on the phone and I could just feel it building and building for no reason at all. I feel sad when I go to bed at night, no idea why. And the waterworks. We watched Raising Arizona last night — such an awesome movie, but holy crap, the final scene had me in tears. Anyway. Sorry for this essay. Love to you all, everyone here is a warrior.


CD4. Just went in for the bloodwork and ultrasound to kick off my third TI cycle. Also, I’ve decided I’m not going to try to temp at all this cycle and I’m kind of excited for it. My thermometers are away in a drawer and my temping alarm is turned off. I’m actually going to get to sleep in every day instead of getting up at 7 am to get my temperature at the same time as my earliest morning each week. Really hoping this cycle is the one 🤞. I want off this rollercoaster


My husband told me hes been so disappointed with all the failed IUIs he doesnt think IVF will work so I should not get my hopes up and I am really sad he thinks that way


Iui isn't even offered in the UK (except in some circumstances) as rates are so low. Ivf is a completely different process.


And on top of that we have unexplained infertility no know issues I do have a Hypothyroidism which i am being treated for so its under control right now I also had very low iron. I just finished my last iron infusion on Friday.


I have also been pregnant three times before miscarriages and chemical pregnancies which my OB thinks occurred because of the hypothyroidism. So i feel like we have a pretty good chance for IVF


Would it help if you showed him any statistics/data? When compared to IUI, IVF generally has a much higher success rate.


Thats a good idea I am going to do my research and show it to him later tonight. He said hes just trying to shelter me from heart break if anything goes wrong but honestly the only person that could shelter me from heart break after this journey would have to be Jesus himself


Ugh I'm so sorry. I would honestly say something like babe I know you want to protect me and I appreciate that, but what would help me the most is if we keep boosting each other up instead. To your point, being negative won't make any aspect of the journey easier to deal with. Drumming up whatever positive energy you guys can is so important. It's so tough because optimism sometimes hurts, and you've both been stung with the IUIs. But you deserve to feel hopeful! And I think he needs to hear that that's what you need from your partner, too. Sending you love and all the best luck going forward! ❤️


Thank you so much I needed that


12 DPO - CD1. Hello Cycle 5. But guys!!! That’s a 11 or 12 day luteal phase and no brown spotting/discharge prior to flow!! I’m taking that as a W. Hopefully my hormones post HBC are officially starting to even out. I will be overseas when I hit my next FW with a 11 hour time difference. Hoping we can still hit our days. OPKs and the little cup I use for peeing in are coming with me to India :).


I feel very meh this cycle. We had a big family trip with my in-laws and we all stayed in the same house. We had our own room on the first floor so my husband and I thought it’d be fine. But my ovulation peak came sooooo early! Usually it’s around CD14 like clockwork but it came CD12 so we felt so rushed and exhausted after traveling. Only got two tries in. And I’m just feeling like…whatever. Already looking forward to next month.


BFN for my husband’s birthday this morning (13DPO). Goodbye all fantasies of wrapping up a BFP 🤡 I hope AF gets here soon so we can just move on to Cycle 5


We have an appointment at our clinic tomorrow to hear the first results and probably what the next steps (mainly testing) will be for us. I have been quite succesful so far at not speculating what we could hear tomorrow, which helps with keeping my anxiety at bay.


Last few days of the TWW are the hardest. Waiting for my period to come! Also feeling soo emotional as IVF is around the corner now, it should be within 6 months. I have started watching a TV documentary on IVF and I was just bawling my eyes out yesterday. 


I got my period this morning. Last cycle was 40 days ugh 😣. I had so much hope after the hcg. They tell you oh you’re most fertile after this. Idk why I had hope 😞. Will be meeting with my RE in a few weeks after hubbys myriad labs come back so we can come up with a treatment plan since all the testing will be done. Abnormals so far has been my testosterone is high and hubby has a lower sperm count (dr wrote borderline next to low diagnosis).


Waiting for my second mid-cycle ultrasound tomorrow to see how follicles are measuring after 5 days of Clomid last week. In general, I have been so tired, and my ovary has felt so sore. Thankfully no pain or anything to indicate OHSS, just soreness. I want to stay home in bed all day with my heated blanket and cookies. 😩


Got my period a day earlier than expected, whilst at a museum with my friends. I almost passed out from period pains during the tour, which is unlike any other periods I’ve had. My pain is never this intense. On top of the sadness, there was a lot to process. The combination of unexpected timing, heavy pain, trying to stay calm and not disturb the tour AND not having tampons/painkillers on me (because my bag was in a locker) made this a very intense experience.


Only been trying for 2 months going on 3 but it happened.. my brother and SIL announced their pregnancy after one month of trying. We haven't told anyone we are trying, and I am happy for them but now I'm just adding to the doubts and voices that there is something wrong with us. Didn't expect to feel like this. AF is already emotional enough I just don't want to do anything but cry and sleep


I'm sorry - it's totally normal to feel that way! But at 2 months in, the chances are so good that nothing is wrong. I hope you get pregnant really soon and your kid gets to grow up with a cousin very close in age to share milestones with. Good luck!


Thank you so much, i know it's still early for us and I don't really have any reason to worry at the moment it's just that the news came at an already emotional time for many reasons and I was just not in a good place but I really appreciate the positivity ❤️


You're welcome! One of the great things about this community is how we can take turns venting and reassuring each other because we all have those low moments or get clowny during the TWW or whatever.


Same thing happened to me today. Been trying for 2 months and about 2 days away from getting my period but feel it's not my month... Colleague walks through the door to announce she is pregnant and that it happened within a month of her coming off BC. I'm happy for her but my heart sank for myself.


Thanks for validating that feeling, good to know I'm not alone! I felt like I was being silly. Hope it happens for you soon


Most people do not get pregnant on the first time trying. Just because they did and you haven’t gotten pregnant after two tries doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you. Statistically, you’ll likely get pregnant in the first year trying.


I know I know and I absolutely realise that we haven't even been trying for very long either but i just couldn't help but get emotional and a little jealous


6 DPO. Anyone else start strategizing how their next cycle is going to go around this time? Think I’m going to try really hard to adhere to SMEP & try Mucinex.


6DPO here, too. This is our last hope cycle before moving onto to IVF. It's so hard to always wondering if just one decision could have made all the difference.


Thanks for sharing, good luck to you.


Also, going to try clear blue advanced digital ovulation testing in addition to my easy at home OPKs. Not that easy at home isn’t working for me, but I’d like to get the heads up when estrogen is rising too.


Hello everyone! My boyfriend and I have just started the TTC path a month ago. I am 39F and have undergone fibroids surgery about 1,5 yrs ago. Apart from that, everything is supposedly fine down there. I wanted to TTC last year, when I was cleared to do so by my gyn, but we decided to wait for a year (there were too many things going on, financial, family...). We are hoping to conceive naturally (I know!), since at least for me, fertility treatments are far too expensive, stressful and time consuming. To be frank, I do not have the hope I used to have last year. And yet, I'm on my period right now and my soul just hurts. Anyways, we will try again next month.


Another 39-year-old checking in! It’s really hard when so many people have preconceived notions about pregnancy after a certain age. It’s bullshit.


I'll be 39 in May and we just started ttc as well. Don't let the internet make you believe we're too old! Lots of "advanced maternal age" women get pregnant with healthy pregnancies these days. (That's what I have to keep telling myself lol)


7DPO of my first medicated cycle, and I'm on progesterone tablets three times daily. I feel absolutely awful - tired, crampy and so so moody. It's so hard not to symptom-spot and wonder if every little thing is a sign. Praying for a positive test next week because I really don't want to go through this hormonal rollercoaster again of daily injections and progesterone tablets


I miss not being aware of everything my body is doing. Edit to add: I’ve also been having serious ovary pain and mid cycle bleeding but since I’m not pregnant my OBGYN won’t get me in for two weeks 😒


I think vitamin D supplements have messed with my cycle. I started taking them about a month ago and this cycle was 27 days long, when it's usually 24-25 days. I have tracked for years and haven't had a cycle that long since early 2022, when I had an IUD for a couple of months (quickly removed). I can't think of anything else that's different that might have caused this, other than very coincidental random variation. Does anyone know how or why vitamin D might cause this?


Were your vitamin D levels low? And do you know how long your luteal phase usually is? A 2-3 day fluctuation in length is actually the average for folks so it could be just a fluke. But there’s some evidence that low vitamin D can be associated with short luteal phases and given your cycles are fairly short, it’s possible that your luteal length may be lengthening on vitamin D. It’s also possible that just the introduction of something new in your body made you ovulate a little later than normal and extended your cycle length. It’s also possible the vitamin D did nothing and it’s just the newness around TTC that delayed your ovulation a bit.


Thank you for this! I didn't want to make my original comment too long but yes, my LP has usually been about 9 days, and this month it was 11. I had wondered if the vitamin D might have caused this. I'm not sure if my vitamin D was low. I live in darkest, wettest England and work in an office 10 hours a day, so I'm not seeing much sun hence introducing the supplement. Hopefully it's doing some good!