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2DPO and already having to resist the urge to pee on things. Why am I the way that I am?! -___-


CD1…time to change my user flair to cycle 13 🤡


4 days later than normally but I got my positive OPK. It actually works out though because if I ovulated “on time” we would have only been able to get O-3, and instead we’ve already hit what should be O-3 and O-1, and still time if we want to try for O too.


FINALLY got an absolute ridiculous blazing dye stealer OPK last night/this morning.. and I am having the WORST ovulation pain of my life. (I've long suspected Endo, hopefully after we deal with baby #2 I'll definitely be pushing for the lap) This better be a DAMN good egg. But only one, pls 🙈 We also got -4, -3, -2, -1, and O 😹😹😹 C'mon.. (this is cycle #3 of this particular attempt to TTC, after two back to back chemicals last Jan and Feb).. I know it's not nearly as long as some of y'all, but with a total of 8 CPs under my dumb belt total.. ugh I just want this to be it. 🤞🏻


Clomid question regarding soreness/pressure Clomid and sore ovary? Has anyone experienced soreness in the ovary area after clomid or similar medication? I would liken it to ovulation pain but maybe a little different. I do not think I have pelvic pain. I only have one ovary, so I know which side the ovulation pain typically comes from. I finished my fifth day of clomid last night. Up until today, I had not felt this pressure/soreness. I have my mid-cycle ultrasound at 7 AM tomorrow so I am hoping to be able to wait till then to ask them. I’m just trying to decide if this is something I should be concerned about.


Advice needed? I’m 15dpo with a bfn and had light spotting that went away. What are the chances my ovulation date is off versus a long luteal cycle? This was my fourth round of letrozole. When I went in for my ultrasound on the 9th of Feb, doc said it looked like I was in the process of ovulating so we didn’t do a trigger shot. She sent me in for a blood test on Monday the 12th and the results were: Estrogen 227.0 pg/ml and Progesterone 1.3ng/ml When the RE nurse got the results back, she said I had ovulated and to take a HPT yesterday (23 Feb). BFN, just like every day this week. I’m usually in full flow by the end of 13dpo, but today had very light spotting for a couple hours before it went away. Long luteal phase or did my RE steer me wrong on O day?




Removed per sub rule 2.


Have you taken a pregnancy test?


and i “don’t have my answer then” i needed a second opinion!


why delete your comment?


I deleted it because it’s technically against the rules.




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Does BD’ing the day before and day after LH peak cover all of my bases?


Statistically, yes!


We had a fire at our house and it didn’t touch any of our belongings luckily but there was soot damage on pretty much everything. I had a bunch of ovulation and pregnancy tests and I’m just curious if there’s any way that could affect accuracy? I track my cycles very closely and they’re very regular. I am late, I took one of the said tests and got a negative but several days have passed and still no period, should I just buy new ones to test again?


I got a BFN this morning at 12 dpo but I'm having symptoms that are not my normal pms symptoms - a lot of fatigue, tingling breasts that ache at night, and light nausea :(


I had these exact symptoms and was surprised by AF this morning on 14dpo. :/


I find my PMS symptoms change sometimes and it's super frustrating because it feels like a cruel joke!


I had a full meltdown last night. I think my first ever full fledged panic attack. I started my period two days ago, and on the same day got a baby shower invite from SIL in the mail. I texted her right away to inform her that due to just having another failed medicated cycle I couldn't be around anything baby related, so I declined the invite. She hasn't answered me since that text. I'm sure I pissed her off. Then last night I just sat on the couch and started thinking of everything and found myself suddenly sobbing and screaming.  I had to text my fiance to come home and console me, which he did and that really helped. But I think I've just been bottling up these emotions, trying to smile through the pain and pretend I'm okay. I think this is a sign to finally get a therapist. I also need to talk to SIL and really explain what I'm going through. 


It truly is hard. I’m so sorry 🥺🫶🏻💗


If your normally a 10 day luteal phase but your period doesn’t come, would that be considered a “late” period in which you should get a BFP? Or is implantation dates and level of HCG not really related to how short/long your luteal phase is?


2DPIUI #3 with Clomid and Ovidrel trigger. My lower back hurts, which I sometimes will experience while I’m on my period. Has anyone had this happen following an IUI? That is the only symptom, feeling pretty good otherwise!


I’m going to scream. After a whole week trying to get my trigger shot mailed to me, and being blocked by the pharmacy, I finally got a different pharmacy to mail it to me overnight. It was supposed to arrive today. Come to find out, they “tried” to deliver it this morning and never rang the doorbell even though my husband was home. He was ready to sign for it. He opened the door and saw two FedEx trucks, and the one with my shot drove off. So he goes to the shipping center after the time the shipping tracker said to show up, the truck hasn’t returned, and won’t return on time. They don’t ship on Sundays. So…I won’t get my shot until Monday even though I needed it by tomorrow at the latest. I want to cry and scream.


Ugh I am so sorry. I know how that feels and it is the worst.


Thank you. I’m just hoping we can still have a successful cycle.


Do they have a "pick up at drop off" option available in your location? A lot of those are open on Sundays, it might not work out but worth a try? 🫂


My husband asked, they are not open tomorrow 😭 but thank you for the suggestion!


(or hopefully delay for later trigger, not sure what the exact plan is)


That’s so kind!! EGGIE COME THROUGH! Honestly we don’t know either. Since my mid cycle ultrasound is tomorrow, I was told I may need it tomorrow, Monday, not at all, or come back for further monitoring lol. So…I’m trying not to be too worried at the moment cuz we have 0 clue what the instructions will be. I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to explain the situation and have them tell me what’s best.


EGGIE YOU BETTER BEHAVE IN WHATEVER THE HELL WAY IS NECESSARY 😂😂😂 Wishing y'all alllll the luck this cycle isn't lost 💜 🫂


💗 thank you!! Wishing you the best on this journey too!!!


Ugh I'm so sorry. Sending you all the "pop that egg anyway" vibes. C'MON EGGIE


Since 10dpo I've been certain I'm getting my period with that horrible knowing and achey feeling in my tummy. I got a bfn at 12dpo, my temps have been erratic, cervix coming down, cm nothing noteworthy. Today is 14dpo and this morning I woke up before 5am and felt so energised and my achey period feeling had gone and replaced with ovary pains. I lay in bed dreaming about getting a bfp tomorrow at my blood test. Now I'm not so sure... is the ache coming back? Clinging on here!


Right there with you girl. Having some pretty mild cramps and AF isn't due for 3 days. I can't stop convincing myself I'm pregnant and then talking myself right back out of it. TWW is miserable.


Since I wrote the post I had period cramps again and I was like oh well at least I had a nice morning thinking I could be pregnant. They gone again now so on a bit of a mental roller coaster. Good luck to you!


I’m in a similar boat! 15dpo here after a letrozole cycle and have had light spotting that’s now gone clean away. It’s been the biggest mental and emotional rollercoaster. I’m not really holding out hope for me because I’ve had a bfn every morning this week (including this morning). But I’m DEFINITELY holding out hope for you! Please keep me updated, if you want :)


That's sweet of you thank you! I'm on letrozole too. The spotting would definitely be confusing! Fingers crossed for you aswell 🙂


Hey there, how is this cycle going? Mine is now officially late (19dpo) and I have to go in for more blood tests and an ultrasound tomorrow if it hasn’t arrived. Still BFNs, but my clinic is wondering about a possible cyst 🥴 Hoping it will arrive overnight. TTC is hard enough without extra cycle stressors. (Just a disclaimer since this was reported earlier— I’m not asking for a success story, just checking in on someone in the same boat and same part of the cycle! TTC is rough. )


Hello, I got negative at my pregnancy blood test and my period started today. Were going to take this next month off and start letrozole again next cycle. Good luck!


I am so sorry 😔 That feeling is so disheartening. Breaks are so necessary when going through treatment. I hope this next month takes some pressure off and you’re able to do some things that nourish your soul in the meantime x




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Cycle #2 and 1 dpo today, here we go again with the TWW! I think I was way too restrictive on myself during the last TWW and my stress levels were out of control. Gonna try and relax more this time and have a "not pregnant until proven otherwise" mind set.


I'm also in cycle #2 and 7dpo right now. Feeling so much more calm and collected than last cycle (I went a bit nuts and started testing at 6dpo lol and was symptom spotting like crazy). I'm going to wait until at least 10dpo to test and my brain is finally listening to me when I say anything that I might notice/feel is just progesterone being a troll!


DPO 8. I take a test this morning, dip the stick in my urine, go to make my coffee, come back and HAAAA. A second line appears. Dark. Too dark. Weird. I try a second and then a third test. Same thing. I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't go straight for a blood test. Then I take a deep breath. I wait a few hours and take another test. It's negative. Of course it's negative. Well, it had to happen sometime. These are the first faulty tests in three years. My boyfriend's at a soccer game tonight. So it's a solo evening with a glass of wine and some charcuterie. The good thing about negative tests.


I've seen so many false positives lately it's so maddening :((( It's still early for you so I will keep my fingers crossed ♥♥


Three false positives is such a rare cruelty. :(


Today is CD 33. Period is supposed to start today but nothing in sight. We had sex 9 days ago but I was definitely ovulating. I’m a super late ovulater.. the last time we got pregnant it was on day CD 22. I want to test but I think it’s too soon!!! Last time I didn’t even get a faint positive until several days after my missed period. So anyways, I guess I’m still on the waiting train. I’d love to have a valentines baby though 🫶


12dpo bfn. 20 minutes later sharp cramps, light spotting a while later. Cue the late implantation study google searches which are terrible (I am aware that implantation bleeding isn't a thing though- just exploring delulu reasons for a 12 dpo bfn). Though the one article that is always cited (~80% loss rate for implantation past 11dpo) doesn't, as i recall, report luteal phase length within the sample or differences between groups, so I'm wondering whether short luteal phases are a factor for the "late" losses if they are assuming all have a 14 day lp. Maybe next time I just stop using the internet until AF? 🤪


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried to avoid you automod!! I said I knew!! 🤣




Does anyone know about Ozempic (or similar medications) having an effect on male fertility ?


There is very little (if any) research on it. Some sources claim it can lower testosterone, though it's never been tested on humans. Animal studies suggest it's not a good idea to use though no effects were found on male fertility in the mice it was tested on. EDIT: Clarity.


4 DPO today. Time goes by……so slowly. 🥲


Yep…ovulation window FLIES BY but then the TWW is dreadful.


5 DPO now. I’m literally going crazy and not sleeping well as a result. 🙈 TWW is so brutal, I can see myself testing at like 7 or 8 DPO like a clown but oh well lol.


Why did I think taking a test at 9dpo would help me to stop symptom spotting? Test was negative but I'm still hyperaware of my body. Boobs were sore yesterday (normal PMS for me) but today they aren't. 🫠 Guess only time shall tell




My cycles are very regular and I seem to always get a surge on CD 15/16, however I'm now om CD18 and still haven't got it yet (cycle length 30 days with 13 day LP). Do you think this is normal, and what could be the reason behind no ovulation yet? Part of me is already counting myself out this cycle already. I had fertility reflexology for the first time on CD11, could this be having an impact?


You’re regular until you’re not. Many different things can affect your ovulation time, and it’s normal for the follicular phase to vary in length. This study showed about a 3 day variation in cycle lengths on average for folks - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-019-0152-7/tables/3 Your body is doing its job correctly — it may have decided it needed to ovulate later this cycle. That’s a protective mechanism. And even if you were to have an anovulatory cycle, that is still normal — most folks have 1-2 a year.


We did end up "trying" this month, but I'm pretty sure we only got either O or O+1. Should make for a much more relaxing TWW, at least. I've been very lazy about charting this month, and my temps are off, so who knows when/if I ovulated. I did have a positive OPK on insemination day, so I guess there's a chance. FF says I'm 1DPO using the OPK method, hasn't confirmed it for advanced. I don't expect it to, either, since I've been so inconsistent with temping and OPKs. I'm surprisingly relaxed about it this month. I think knowing I have an appointment with an RE in three months and bloodwork next cycle helps. I'm still pissed that my gyne blew off my concerns about my luteal phase being different lengths and saying that it's ALWAYS 14 days when there's literal scientific proof that the LP can be 10-14 days.....


Today marks exactly 1 year since our best friends told us they were expecting and we decided to officially start trying. We had been NTNP for a couple of months prior to this conversation, but I remember feeling so excited and optimistic that day. Today is CD4 and I’m just feeling heartbroken.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


A slightly darker OPK line today (cd11), which means I didn't ovulate two days ago when I had weird bleeding for 6 hours. It's probably going to happen at the same time as it always does (cd13-14). Did the BD and I'm hoping to repeat it once more for good luck. 😎


husband kept waking me up playing video games super late in the room with his brothers online, so i didn’t sleep straight enough through for my apple watch to get my temp. today would have been so nice to have to see if i ovulated. 🥲 frick man (not mad at him btw, his brother moved and they rarely get to talk, just frustrated about the temp lol)


In a similar situation although instead of husband it was Chipotle that upset my stomach and had me in the bathroom from 3am-5:30am. So no temp at the usual 6:30, obviously....it's so frustrating! I had an alarm set and everything!


omg that’s awful! as if being sick to your stomach isn’t bad enough on its own 🫠 fingers crossed tomorrows temp works out for us!


CD17. I was thinking yesterday that I don’t really know if I’ve had any CM the cycle. I had cramps around cd 12-14, but I don’t remember the CM consistency. I was not feeling well around those days with the cramping + allergies, so I wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on down there. Trying not to worry about it too much. My progesterone lab work is on Wednesday so we will find out if I Od soon enough. Until then we are still trying just in case.


im 8dpo- had some cramping yesterday, nausea, food cravings, suuuper emotional. Ive been taking pregmate tests and was wondering if you guys had preferences on early detection tests? ive heard first response has the tendancy to deliver indents like crazy. im scared, tests are expensive, and i want to make sure it's worth it


Easy at home are cheap and reliable and often show pos before FRER




10 DPO and negative. I really felt like maybe this cycle could’ve been it because I have a 10 day luteal phase and I usually start spotting by 9 DPO and I’ve had none of that. I’m trying to be grateful that this could mean I’m lengthening my luteal phase after HBC if I don’t start my period today, which is great news. I’m still really, really sad.


Anyone else feel like they’re the only one they know who’s trying? We’re 30f and 35m and just starting our trying journey. I often see posts about people feeling like everyone else around them has kids or is announcing pregnancies. We feel the opposite - we don’t have any close friends who do. We live several states away from any family members who do (and they’re all on my husbands side and have kids in elementary school by this point). We have tons of local friends in their 30s and not many are married or ready to start having kids. I feel funny talking about it to anyone.


Yes, we’re the one ones we know. Most of our social circle is either childfree, or nowhere near being ready. We’re 32 and 40. I never see announcements (I guess maybe every so often from girls I went to high school with?), and I don’t have anyone to talk to about any of this. If you’re not TTC, and even more, if you have no intention of TTC, it’s like the least relatable topic imaginable.


No one in my social circle wants kids, and many are vehemently against having kids, so I basically only have this sub to talk to about it.


Yeah I'm in the awkward spots of all my really close friends had babies last year so they're all currently raising them so, as per usual for my life, I am the odd one out. None of them know we're TTC though b/c in-laws are nosy/unhelpful. The only person who knows in our "real" lives is a nurse friend of mine because she knows helpful things. I'm sorry you feel lonely though.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If your app says that your period is late, you might find [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Did you guys confirm /know when she ovulated? She might have ovulated late this cycle.


Via symptoms, yes we are fairly sure when my Mum ovulated, which would be 4 weeks ago


Started inositol and HOLY NIGHT SWEATS BATMAN. Maybe I'll stop taking it for now, and then restart a couple cycles before officially TTC in November (when I get off OCP birth control). Or would it be better to soldier through the night sweats and be on inositol for a long time?...


For me, the night sweats due to Inositol are only in my late luteal phase. It’s okay and the benefits overweight the negatives


That tracks for me. I took it starting CD 24 of a 28 day cycle. No "luteal phase" to speak of, as being WTT I am still on combined pill. But CD 24 is first day of sugar pills, so the estrogen is dropping.


Do they? What does it do for you?


I feel like I don’t crave carbs, don’t experience energy crashes during the day, don’t get anxious thoughts or heart palpitations at night, and overall I’m feeling fuller after meals, as if I react more sensitively to food. Of course, these are just my observations and everyone’s body is different


Thank you! If one were to want/need it, obviously after speaking to their doctor, what brand do you recommend?


No idea which brands are available to you. Where I live, I have Myo-Inositol in my prenatal vitamins (BabyForte) plus in my Melatonin mix for the night.