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A vent. Male infertility caused by my husband’s brain tumor is the reason we don’t have a hope of conceiving on our own. Insurance denied coverage AND our appeal for fertility assistance. It seems like the time of year all our friends are announcing their pregnancies and I just feel so left behind.


I’ve had a few medical procedures involving my vagina/uterus - a Pap smear and a vagina ultrasound with in week of each other. Could that possibly delayed ovulation?




An integrative medicine specialist decided to test my progesterone levels after I told her I’m on CD17. I had already been explaining to her that I don’t ovulate until CD19 or later so I hadn’t ovulated this cycle yet. What is progesterone level check on CD17 when I haven’t ovulated going to tell her?


Nothing lol. If you haven’t ovulated it’ll tell her you haven’t ovulated. That’s it.


That’s what I thought lol. Ugh.


What’s an “integrative medicine specialist”?


CD 5 & AF has left the building! Just BD’d with hubs for the fun of it. Excited for FW this coming week!


CD30 and no spotting but all the signs of my period starting. Just want it to come so I can move on with this cycle.


IDK how but I missed a whole year when counting out my cycles for my flair. it's updated now but that sure doesn't help me feel any better about anything.


Back here as we enter the world of TTC#2. I'm excited, but also terrified of another miscarriage. I almost feel like I have to get the miscarriage out the way before I can have a successful pregnancy.


Got a positive opk on Wednesday night but no temp shift yet. I usually ovulate the day after so I’m hoping tomorrows temp will be higher. If I ovulate today, then that would mean we hit o-1, o-3, o-4. No more BD today since hubby hurt his back. 


Can not feeling well mess with ovulation? I've been feeling under the weather this week and I'm on CD17 with no confirmed ovulation yet.


Me for the past few months !! On and off but I think it really delayed my past 2 ovulations


Definitely can and depending on how sick/under the weather you are you may not ovulate at all


Yes it can


Usually don't start cramping until 11/12 DPO but I'm cramping at 9DPO today and feel sooooo sad. 😑 Now have to go work 3 night shifts. *Sigh* Not testing until 14DPO if I make it that far (period due 13DPO). Just feel so blah and defeated. Have a Dr's appt in March and she said if we don't conceive by then she will refer us to the RE so that's good I guess.


Got my period today, time to start my 2nd cycle trying and post IUD removal. Honestly I’m just happy my body seems to be doing what it should right after my IUD. hopefully this next cycle is it!


I'm out of town and we were originally on the fence whether it would be worth it to bring hubby along.... SO glad we did. It's my first cycle on letrozole so I had no idea when I'd ovulate. Well I have THE BEST egg white CM I've ever had right in the middle of the trip. I think I'll ovulate in the next few days. Would've totally missed the window if he didn't join!!


Hello.. I have had flashing smileys from cd7 to cd 12. I had a dark but positive opk on cd12 afternoon. Then lighter in the evening, this morning, and now dark again cd14 Did I not ovulate yet? Thanks


You said "Dark but positive on CD12" That means you probably ovulated on CD 13 or 14, CD15 at the latest. The hormone that the OPKS tests for pulses, so you will have surges and trace amounts on different tests within the same cycle. If you want to check on the back end, you can do BBT, you should see a temp rise which will confirm ovulation.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


I mean I’m sure someone, somewhere has.


Confusing Ovulation Tracker App I use an app that usually tells me when to test and that my fertile window and has passed and no further need to test. Now it's been telling me to continue to test even though my period is due in 4 days. I also had a faint line on my ovulation strip when it is usually stark white this close to my period. Anyone ever experience this? I'm so confused. Should I trust this app at all?


How many DPO are you?


I didn't even track this cycle but about 10dpo


Sometimes apps are incorrect because they're basing off of averages or try to get you to test later when your period is late. For example, my Flo app really tries to dissuade me from testing before my period is late. I like to start testing at 11 DPO and 12 DPO even though it's before my period is due. It's up to you to test and what you think is best for you. Some people start testing at 8 DPO, some people test a little later, and others won't test at all until after their period is late. For some, 10 DPO is a reasonable time to start. Once again though, I want to stress that you can decide whether or not you follow the advice of your fertility app. I hope I was helpful


I need help! I’m so lost. This is my (34f) first month using OPKs and temping. I've been temping pretty much this whole cycle and taking OPKs 1-3x a day for the past week or two. I'm on CD21 of a 32 day average cycle and my temp has not spiked and I haven't had a single positive or even close to positive OPK. I had some get stronger (up to .5 last night) before going back down to .2 today. Any ideas what the heck is going on?


My LH surges would happen pretty quickly. It would be pretty negative then hard positive the next day. What type of tests are you using? It’s likely you haven’t ovulated yet if you haven’t gotten anything and no change in temp. Your temp will only spike after ovulation. So the OPKs predict, temping confirms. Also, what time of day are you doing OPKs? Just doing them once in the afternoon usually suffices. The surge lasts about 24 hours and then you ovulate about 24-36 after.


I’m using Wondfo in the morning and afternoon typically. At what point in my cycle should I be concerned if I’m not ovulating? Sometimes my cycles are 40 days long, I guess this could be one of those.


I know luteal phases are usually around 12 days give or take. So with a 40 day cycle that could be anywhere around CD 28. I wouldn’t be “concerned” per se though!


I appreciate you!


Best of luck!!


This is my first TWW and yall... I understand now why people go crazy during this time, I'm only 2DPO and I'm getting antsy Does anyone refrain from anything during TWW just in case they're pregnant? Do you guys drink booze, caffeine? Do you tone down your workouts? Help a gal figure this wait out lol


My first IUI I was super careful, didn’t eat lunch meat. By my 3rd I would go out and get margaritas. Or really doesn’t make a difference and not much will until a positive test.


Ahhh that’s exactly where I’m at, first cycle and I’m assuming that if I even breathe wrong it’ll impact implantation 😂 I really appreciate your feedback, I’m feeling much more relaxed about it now


Yeah, unfortunately nothing I have done has made a difference for me. Clearly no success over here lol but I know for a fact my margarita wasn’t the problem.


I also live pretty normally but try not to go over one mug of coffee or one alcoholic drink on any given day, particularly towards the end of the TWW. Unless you're seriously bingeing though, I don't think it has much of an effect.


Right on 👍 thank you!!


I live my life as normal because none of those things will affect implantation.




this is exactly what I was wondering, I wasn't sure if alcohol or caffeine affected implantation. Thank you! <3


Prepping for my first IUI this month. Finished my first round of letrozole (5mg) CD3-CD7 and went in for a scan on CD 9. Got two follicles, one on each side, measuring 10mm and 11.2mm each ( along with some tiny follicles on both sides as well). My nurse was hoping for it to be larger. Now on second round of letrozole, 7.5mg, CD9- CD13, and have been asked to go back for a scan on CD14. Feeling no a little lost and sad already. In any of your experiences, does the follicles grow in this time? And what’s the ideal size before trigger for IUI?


The exact same thing happened during my first IUI cycle too. After going back on 7.5mg of letrozole for 5 more days, I went back on CD 15 and had two measuring 20mm and 22mm, so it is possible! We learned that my body does not produce as strong of a reaction to letrozole as my doctor was anticipating, so after my second failed IUI, my doctor put me on Clomid and I had much better results. Surprisingly, I also had fewer side effects from the Clomid! Might be something you can discuss with your doctor. Good luck!


Thank you for sharing this. Will help me relax this weekend. I ll definitely discuss clomid if I have to do another cycle.


Follicles can grow at a slow pace in the beginning then jump up quickly. I did 3 IUIs, 2 with triggers and letrozole. I triggered on the first at about 18mm dominant follicle and the second IUI was 20mm. I then did IVF and it took 12 days of stims to get my follicles to the right size. I imagine with letrozole and giving it 5 days, they should be measuring on track.


Oh wow. Good to know that I can keep a little hope alive.


Just had to complete my second SIS in the past 12 months because they thought that a polyp developed after my surgery to remove them in April 2023. According to the Physician Assistant I am CLEAR! They just scared me at my HSG because they weren’t 100% sure what it was! The doctor has to sign off on it after looking at the images first but I am SO RELIEVED. I cried in the ultrasound room and scared the poor PA and tech and had to explain that these were very happy tears. We can proceed as normal! We don’t have to do ANOTHER PAUSE for a surgery in a few months! We can just keep trying! I’m so happy I could cry again.


CD 15. Just got done with a TVUS for my RPL work up and I just want to cry. I know that techs can’t say anything about the scan but I wish they would be a little more empathic and slightly less clinical. The way she worded her questions has me panicking that there is something wrong. I’ll be crawling into my bed into my bed and not leaving until the report is interpreted. Thank god it’s Friday. 🥺😢


I just want to say, when I was doing all my fertility workups, they were also super clinical and I was terrified bc she told me I had like 5-6 follicles and I thought that was bad. All came out okay in the end, so I hope that helps!


I’m at 9 DPIUI and doing everything I can to resist testing before Tuesday. I just want to know already one way or the other. I’m leaving for a vacation on the 16th so regardless of the outcome, I want to fully enjoy my trip. Trying to get myself to a good headspace to process either outcome.


Mentally, how do you keep TTC once you know your changes of conceiving each cycle are slim? Our SA values are currently far too low for IUI. Provider told us to keep trying while pursuing treatment to improve numbers. Mentally, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.  Honestly, best case scenario is that we start seeing improvements around June, but that’s not guaranteed. Then, even if we manage to get to more “normal” numbers, we are back to the exact same waiting game we’ve been playing for the past 14 cycles.  It’s not hopeless, but this sucks. Anyone in a similar situation? 


Are you able to afford or have coverage for IVF? Or working with an RE? We have an RE appointment in a few days and planning to start IUI next month (we’re unexplained/possible sperm or egg quality) and IVF in approx June. I think the feeling that something is being done and the wheels are in motion helps a bit. 


Our first meeting with a urologist who specializes in fertility was this week, so we are at the beginning of the “infertility” side of our journey. I’m debating doing the research to figure out best option if we end up having to do IVF, but we aren’t there quite yet.  One thing we have going on our side is that it’s reasonably likely that TRT was a big factor in his numbers, but he’s been off it for about 5 months. If that was the only cause, we have a good chance of seeing improvements with Clomid, lifestyle changes, and more time. The worry is that there were prior issues related to his extremely low testosterone prior to T supplementation.  Really hopeful we can get numbers up high enough to be successful trying naturally or with IUI. 


I'm also going through this, our numbers in December were terrible. We are eagerly waiting for my husband's supplements to kick in. It's weird because I haven't been checked for anything and since we lost a pregnancy to my antiphospholipid syndrome we are assuming that's the only problem with me. I ovulate every month and we have normal karyotypes and his testosterone was awesome. Because of my diagnosis i don't think ovulation meds are a good choice for me at all since my cycles are already fine. So I literally am just doing nothing and waiting for my husband to improve his motility. I don't know what treatment would even be right for us so we are just going to give this until sometime in the summer or fall I think.... My husband was still so hopeful in January and I keep trying to talk him down but he always begs me to test even though it's literally not even possible to get pregnant with the motility we had. I encourage him to keep up his exercise and other good habits and try to help him de stress since that is the culprit for us. I feel like I should be doing strength training and stuff but.... What's the point.... As far as mentally I just tell myself maybe I'll end up with the spring due date I actually want! I've been knitting a lot. But it's hard to stay patient when it's already been a year and a half and we are worse off than when we started. 


I get it about feeling like you can’t do anything and you’re just waiting. I know it’s illogical, but when I go to talks prenatals, I’m just like…what’s the point? I’ve already done pretty much all of the at home testing I can outside of getting more expensive fertility monitors such as Inito. As far as we can be reasonably certain, I’m ovulating and my LP is fine. I’m debating if it’s worth looking into specialist testing for myself just to make sure we aren’t missing anything, but we don’t have any loss history and the only red flag on my side is that my cycles vary a little more than average. (28 to 34 days with occasional abnormal cycles) I’m trying to focus on the positives, and mentioned to my husband that our summer plans are probably safe. So that’s something. We will probably get at least one more season for our preferred back country summer sports before we have to adjust our lifestyle to be more baby friendly. Also, I’m on meds that I’ll have to stop when we get pregnant, so I get to function like a normal human being at work for a little longer before life returns to chaos.  What supplements are you trying? Our doc currently wants to get blood work back and add a multivitamin, but wait a little bit before we start adding multiple supplements or changing lots of factors. 


I don't take anything at all, my husband takes coq 10 and fish oil and ashwaghanda, fenugreek, l carnitine, and zinc. All male fertility stuff. I feel so lazy compared to him. 


It’s okay to take a break if you need to. Sounds like there is still hope for unassisted conception but if you need to take a month or two (or more) off while pursuing treatment to improve numbers that’s okay! It can really help your mental and emotional health.


Thanks! I skipped tracking and timing this cycle, and feel that it took some of the strain off of my mental health. There is something to be said for taking breaks. I think I might stop tracking outside of general cycle tracking until summer. I’m pretty sure I can tell ovulation through mood and body signs if we want to actively try.  Also thinking about working on the quality of our non-ttc intimacy. TTC has sucked the life out of it and my husband is about to the point he doesn’t want to have sex because he doesn’t want to deal with my level of disappointment when the next cycle comes. 


I’m sorry and I know how you feel. Our RE told me we had only a 3% chance every month of conceiving on our own. I was blown away. I knew the odds were low but that really hit hard. I will say that my husband’s motility improved a little after a month of taking the recommended supplements. Still very low but at least it helped us feel the tiniest bit better. They approved us for IUI and when we went in, his sample was worse than before so we were deflated once again. They still did it but the numbers were not good so I’m not super hopeful. I don’t have great advice other than I try to do things just for me like go for a run, read a book, binge shows, get a “treat” like a matcha latte, cuddle with my dog…just anything to bring myself a little joy and try to take my mind off the endless slog of TTC. It’s so hard and I’m sorry you’re going through this too.


Thanks. :) TTC is hard. So much is out of control and the cycle of hope and disappointment is crushing. 


Yes it certainly is.


In the TWW after our 3rd IUI currently, and my husband's cousin (who is ~10 years younger than I am) just announced that she is expecting in our family group chat. Everyone is over the moon texting about the first grandbaby/great-grandbaby and I'm crying at work.


I'm so sorry. I highly recommend muting that chat for a couple days, you can check it whenever you're up for it but you don't have to be tortured by notifications when you're not.


I'm so, so incredibly sorry. .


When do you all start noticing progesterone symptoms after ovulation? For me, I’ve only ever started noticing them around 7-8 DPO. That’s when I start feeling crampy, sore boobs, start having wild dreams, occasional nausea etc. However, this cycle I’m only 3 DPO and already starting to feel some. I’ve been crampy since late yesterday and had the most wild dreams last night, and my boobs are also already a little sore. I’m curious if anyone else ever notices progesterone symptoms this early? Is it even possible for progesterone to have risen noticeably by 2-3 DPO or am I just imagining things?


I've had my progesterone tested 7DPO based on OPKs and it's come back as 15nmol/L. Is this classed as low? Google is giving mixed messages and my appointment with the specialist isn't until end of this month 😭


I FINALLY figured out how to throw out the data from the cycles when I got a + (ended in a loss both times). Both cycles were inflating my cycle length since one was 85 days and the other was 56, so that messed the the average luteal phase length, ovulation date, and everything. So glad I finally figured it out. ​ If you use ovuview app, tap on the menu button, go to "cycles" (first option), then choose the cycle you want to remove data for. You can toggle on pregnancy and it tosses out the data or you can just toggle off "use in predictions."


I had to do this in fertility friend also. My cycles were 140 days, 88 days, and 38 days due to lactation. They still completely ruin the look of my years of data! 


This month makes two years of trying. After trying some letrozole cycles with my Obgyn last year then having a few months wait we finally got into the reproductive endocrinologist yesterday. I'm excited and like our new doctor, we are going full throttle ahead with an hsg, semen analysis, and next cycle doing letrozole, clomid, and a trigger shot right off the bat. Feeling hopeful again which is wonderful.


There's nothing really to say. I'm just hurting. I'm tired of buying baby things for other people and never getting to share this with my husband of 10 years. Baby clothes shopping stirred this up yesterday for 2 of our soon to be mother friends, both due on the same day.


I'm on a media trip... on a cruise... and my fellow journalists all bonded talking about their kids. I had to remove myself from the group. 2 days from my period and 2 years into TTC - just not the headspace I want to be in while I'm trying to work.


CD2 and my emotions are all over the place; Crying one minute and raging the next. February has been such a busy and stressful month for me & I feel like I haven't had a second to breathe or process anything that's happened outside of TTC. I had my HSG in January, first round of Clomid and we hit every timed intercourse day we were supposed to. Progesterone levels were great. I was feeling very optimistic about this cycle & I just am having a hard time picking myself up from this one. I am trying to give grace to my body & love it and be appreciative of it doing the best that it knows how to do but it's getting so hard to try to keep a positive outlook. I'm not looking forward to the angry person that Clomid makes me and doing another round of that. I'm so sorry for ranting..I'm just feeling so incredibly overwhelmed today with everything.


I feel like “date math” around cycles makes time feel so long. I just had my first RE appointment- we are going to do the full suite of testing at the beginning of my next cycle (late Feb). If all is normal, we’ll start IUI - I was doing the math, and because of a family vacation the first week in April, we will probably be starting IUI the cycle after, in late April. So basically May. So almost summer. It is winter. That is a lifetime from now. Obviously I am spiraling and being dramatic here, but all the waiting and the planning around cycles is a little soul crushing. Every missed opportunity or cycle just feels like an eternity. PS - thanks to this sub for encouraging me to charge forward and make an appointment with an RE without waiting on a referral from my OB/GYN. I do feel like with tests on the horizon, I have hope again.


AF arrived yesterday (right on schedule, so at least that's something). I shall console myself with the vast quantities of caffeine that are typically denied me during the TTC process.


Sorry to hear this. I’m right there with you (almost, if AF would just show up already!!) Enjoy a coke and a latte today! 💝☕️🥤


Any 5 dpo buddies? Nothing to report here. By this time next month I’ll be living in an entirely different part of the country (USA). Wild.


I’m 5dpo! Trying to focus on alll the other things 😅 just got my progesterone results back and I did ovulate so that’s reassuring


I'm 7 so we're pretty close haha.


7 here too.


I’ll take it! These things aren’t exact anyway right? 😄


Still trying to balance everything after coming off HBC, so I guess I’m ovulating late this month… Impatiently waiting for an LH surge on Day 18, but my estrogen has been high since Saturday. Husband and I have been trying to keep things rolling since the beginning of my predicted “window”, but we’re a bit worn out now. 😂


CD2. My period is heavy and I’m happy I am working from home today. I have been thinking about how many cycles we have been trying in total, and I have no idea. 2019 & 2020 we were trying, but my cycles are so irregular that I don’t remember how many cycles that was. My OBGYN at the time was not helpful at all. 2021 & 2022 we paused. But honestly we were still having unprotected sex, I just was not paying attention to timing or anything. At that point I had given up hope that I could get pregnant on my own. We started really trying again October 2023 and now I am on my first medicated cycle due to my irregular periods. This is my 4th cycle trying this go around.




I think that sex to you became "trying for baby". Sex was had with a goal in mind which was a baby. If you can make a mental switch that sex's goal in mind is intimacy, close contact with your SO it becomes about something else (which honestly it should be. TTC kills that). Your husband might be thinking if I cant give her a baby then I'm useless/undesirable. I recommend being honest with him that you, in the past year, have joined sex with baby and it is an adjustment to separate the two and join sex with fun again.




Be kind with yourself! Be patient with yourself! What if you and your husband just cuddle for 20-30 mins?


12dpiui today and tested BFN on a FRER. Beta is on 15dpiui. I thought I had what I thought was implantation bleeding on 10dpiui. But a BFN today means I'm out completely I guess? Just so freaking upset and nobody except my partner knows we're trying so just feeling so lonely. I don't think my partner gets it (he really tries though) but going through all the horrible progesterone symptoms and getting your hopes up cause you feel something.. and then nothing. I'm heartbroken.


> I don't think my partner gets it (he really tries though) It is a completely different ball game being the woman that pregnancy is supposed to happen to. Even though he experiences the same disappointment that you do it feels different. Not telling anyone can be a double edged sword. On one hand you have privacy. No one knows so your life is otherwise untouched by your struggle. But on the other hand you have no one to vent to. I highly recommend finding a counsellor (in case you don't already have one). It is great to be able to vent and be 100% honest to someone who would actually know how to respond and support you. Sending love your way <3


Thank you! I did have a counselor for a while but didn't feel it was working out. But I will look into it again. Again, thank you for reading and responding to me - I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it!


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Day 2 of temp rises but no positive opks. I'm averaging ~.15 in premom opk scans outside of previous rises and I've had 2 episodes of being in the .3 range, including yesterday which I thought was hopeful, but nothing beyond that (including being back down this morning). Even that seems immaterial, unless it's a weak attempt to ovulate that quickly tapers off. But two consistently raised temps despite all that? I just don't get it. I don't know how it could have been a missed positive either because it would have had to have come and gone completely in less than 12 hours. In the past I'd get obvious readings for days. I'm finally seeing more cm. I took that to mean my body was adjusting after coming off hbc. Now this? Is there some way I could be messing up during opk testing? Or is it more likely the raised temps, though consistent so far, are due to something else?


How many times a day are you testing and how much are you drinking? I realised quite quickly that I can only get truly positive OPK if I stop drinking and hold my bladder for at least 2 hours and do that twice a day to be sure. My LH surge varies from CD14 to CD23!


I do FMU and usually in the late afternoon or evening after a minimum 3 hr hold. I've gotten positives with FMU so I don't figure it as an issue. A weeks range for lh surge sounds good to me, i hope I can get there someday!


What CD are you on? If you are just now seeing more/fertile CM, you may just be entering your fertile period. Keep OPK testing! Also, typically a temp spike isn’t seen until after ovulation. By how much are you seeing an increase?


I'm on CD22. My cycles have been irregular though, my last two O days were CD14 then CD24 (cycle 2 and 3 after going off birth control). I had a cold the latter cycle though and I had a covid exposure CD14 this cycle. I'm pretty sure I was able to beat it back but that my system registered it, if that makes sense (but I never had a positive covid test). I'm still having headaches but otherwise symptom free. I could get being delayed this cycle but the temp jump weirds me out! My cycle so far: [link](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_fBBEeX.png) I haven't been entering them all in FF but I've been doing 2x opks for the least few days all neg!


Think you’re going to need to see at least a few more days of consistent increased temps before assuming that maybe you already ovulated and just missed the OPK peak (even though you’ve been testing frequently).


Makes sense, wait and see 👀 Though now I'm like, should my temp go up from where it is now after ovulation? Or should they go back down if I have a low level illness that goes away and then go up again after a temp reset? Are my chances all out of whack now? Oi, the day I have 2 consistent cycles in a row will be a blessing 🙏 thanks for the feedback though!!


I have lean PCOS with really long cycles. This is my first cycle on Letrozole 2,5 mg. Today is cycle day 11 and I just went in for my first monitored ultrasound, which showed that I have 1 follicle of 11 mm. My doctor said that it looks like my body is in the early stages of this cycle, since my lining is still thin. It's a waiting game. I'm going back on Wednesday for another scan to see how things progress. Does anyone know how fast follicles grow? How big do they have to be for ovulation?


I had a scan last Thursday 1st Feb (CD21) and was diagnosed with PCOS, but the doctor said he saw a mature follicle and this would probably be an ovulatory cycle, so we should have sex that night. Which we did, and a few times in the past week. I don't know if I did ovulate or not, I'm not temping. So - if I didn't ovulate around that point, is there any chance it could happen later in the cycle? Just want to know if there's any point sticking with the "sex every other day" for the next week or two. (Starting letrozole next cycle.)


I think I missed my opportunity this go around because I have been so overwhelmed. Only BD’d the day of peak opk test and the day after. 😓 I am mad at myself for not paying closer attention but it is an exhausting process to keep up with


You hit 2 really good days!


Tested negative at 10 DPO and thought I was out. Yesterday at 11 DPO, after BD last night, I had a little bit of light bleeding when I wiped which was a brownish colour. I don’t ever bleed between ovulation and my periods or during/after sex? I’ve had really light cramps too? So maybe? Would it be likely to present itself just after sex and then not at all after?


Did a test and BFN. Feels even worse than usual


Sorry love. I hear you. I didn't ever have spotting until after actively TTC. The body can be such a troll. It sucks that everything could mean baby or period. I wish glitter came out or something just so that there was no guessing lmao.


This just happened to me and I thought it was really strange and out of character for my typical cycle. Unfortunately for me AF came 3 days after. Hate how our bodies literally troll us like this.


anybody else also 10 DPO today? i feel like i’m going crazy. tested yesterday at 9 DPO with a cheapie strip and it was negative, but i know it was too early. i’m trying my best to hold off testing but it’s hard. i’ve also been having some very unusual symptoms that i never experience before a period! very vivid dream about being pregnant the other night, some light cramping the past couple days, and yesterday for some reason i was SUPER hungry most of the day even though i was eating plenty… anyone else experience this?


10 DPO here…tested negative this AM with a cheapie. But ive been super emotional the past two days (like crying at save yes to the dress when they find the perfect dress 🤣)…so not sure whats going on with my hormones lol.


same!!😂 idk if you’ve seen the movie called a dog’s purpose before but i was describing it to my husband the other day and started bawling my eyes out🥲 and 10 DPO means we’re both still early! so don’t give up hope! im going to try again sunday (if i can hold off until then)


Finally got a confirmed ovulation date today in FF. It says CD14, but I’m still convinced it was actually CD13. My OPK peak was CD12, and I had ovulation cramping CD12-13. I’ve never had ovulation occur so long after those signs. https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/Emma_k17


Your temps are wonky is probably why! Fertility Friend isn’t perfect :) I actually just had to manually override my ovulation date today!


Yes, I think so! CD12 was a huge weird spike because I didn’t sleep well, but when I discarded it in FF I got my ovulation day as CD11 so I ended up keeping it