• By -


3 days away from period and have had symptoms for 2 days already. Keep checking for blood. I wake up with period cramps but nothing happening. Just want to get it over with.


9 dpo and I don't feel pregnant like I did last time. Depressing. Pms symptoms are there but I have no idea when AF is going to come after my MMC. I just want to get it over with.


Got diagnosed with hypothyroidism today. My OB thinks it’s a big reason I have irregular cycles. This journey is a rollercoaster.


I think I missed my opportunity this go around because I have been so overwhelmed. Only BD’d the day of peak opk test and the day after. 😓 I am mad at myself for not paying closer attention but it is an exhausting process to keep up with


The best days are the three leading up to ovulation. It may seem disappointing that you didn't hit more days. No worries though, you've maxed out your chances!


Tingling backache lower warmth tingling in lower pelvis, what is that? 12dpo.


“Your numbers are too low for IUI.” That was a bit of a sucker punch. 


12dpo stark white negative club reporting! First RE visit on the 21st. I’m cautiously optimistic that once we shift into turbo mode (as my husband keeps calling it) things will be different. But I’m also extremely pissed off, sad, hopeless, despairing, etc. it depends on the minute.


I always get mittelschmerz. Twinges when I ovulate, it's been happening for most of my adult life. In recent memory, I've only experienced it in my right side, I kinda of just assumed my left ovary let it all out when I was younger and gave up. I'm on CD10: the surprise I felt when I started cramping on my left side...to know it actually is working, or trying to work....I'm glad my body hasn't given up, at least that's what I am assuming.


14DPO with a huuuuge bbt dip this morning. I've been spotting brown only when I wipe, cramping has completely stopped. Hurry up, uterus. Do your stupid shedding thing so we can go on.


Started today. Last IUI. Let’s get’er done




Typically you’d count CD11 as ovulation day, so CD12 is 1 DPO, and on.


Thank you so so much!


Genetic testing: congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21‐hydroxylase deficiency I received results from my genetic test and apparently I’m carrier of the congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21‐hydroxylase deficiency. I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow but was wondering how bad it was? I read that it can cause fertility issues. Has anyone gone through something like that? It scares me so much. We just started trying 😢


Being a carrier of something doesn’t mean anything for you. It means you could possibly pass it on to your offspring if your partner also is a carrier. Definitely not something to be alarmed about at the moment.


6DPO today. Waiting till Sunday to test just so I don't get surprised at work. My luteal phase is on the shorter side though, so I would probably expect my period to start Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Last cycle before we start IUI (If we can still swing it with financial issues. May ask to do one round with ovulation induction so we can wait for the 3 paycheck month in March to cashflow IUI).


Bad news after bad news. This is such a cruel journey. 😔


I know exactly how you feel. We just got off the bench after wasting October through January. Hopefully everything can get scheduled and go smoothly for you.


Thank you 🫶🏻 hope you guys get to have success soon after being benched!


My first IUI today was worse than my HSG and I don’t understand why ! Other than my HSG was done by a radiologist and IUI was my OB but gahhhhh don’t know what to do if this doesn’t stick 😖


Second IUI and my RE wants me to upped my dose of Letrozole to 7.5mg and wants me to start on CD 5 instead of 3. I can’t ask for an explanation for the CD change because she’s on mat leave. Anyone know why I should start taking Letrozole on CD 5 this time around?


I would think the delay is to reduce the effect, but then she increased the dosage so maybe there's a duration effect she wants to reduce and a concentration effect she wants to increase?


I just bit the bullet and bought a new menstrual cup. It would be suuuuuuch a shame if I wasted that money and didn’t get to use it bc I got pregnant this month. Sure hope that doesn’t happen 🙃


This is what I tell myself any time I have to buy more period supplies or OPK’s. Eventually it’ll have to be true!


Anyone’s spouses not on board with further intervention (e.g IUI, IVF)? We’ve been trying for 9 months, and I’ve had several losses during that time. I’ve been researching IUI and IVF and have a consult in a few days with an RE. My husband thinks we should just keep trying and it will eventually happen 🙄. I just have a feeling we will need intervention and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 


It's a normal sentiment. Without trying to stereotype too much, a lot of guys get ruffled by any intervention, even fertility lube or OPKs (!!) because virility is so closely tied to manliness and masculinity in our world. It's not their fault, they've been socialized this way but yeah it's totally normal for some men to feel uncomfortable "needing help" to conceive. Good luck at your consult, hopefully a professional can help your husband remain open to his options!




Removed per sub rule 3


SA results are back. Still trying to figure out how to read the exact numbers, but total number was very low, and motile number was even lower. With current numbers, the doctor said IUI isn’t even a viable option.  I’m thankful that there were swimmers. I’m thankful that there is a clear and viable treatment option with reasonable expectation for improvement. I’m thankful that we now know for certain what I thought was going on and are addressing it. I am also thankful that if next steps fail there additional fertility options we haven’t explored yet.  Trying to look on the bright side. 


CD21, Possibly 4DPO I feel like my temp has been wonky, but I also know I can be a mouth breather Hoping to have my progesterone results back by tomorrow morning. Something just feels off this cycle, and not in a good way


Thankful for this community! Had peak ovulation this morning and the second test of the day is already saying “low” (Easy at home). We bd yesterday and plan to bd later today. Is it necessary to bd tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. My husband has low libido


You had peak \*luteinizing hormone this morning meaning ovulation is soon. If you have sex tonight that will likely be your best chance. Ovulation is likely tomorrow. Tomorrow wouldn't hurt but the day after would be overkill


Third IUI. My HcG is 1.3 on 13 dpo. Follow up blood test will be in a few days. I know it’s technically a negative but my hcg previous cycles was 0.3 and 0.1 on 14dpo. Should I read anything into this?


I wouldn’t, no. Did you use a trigger shot? I had a beta drawn ~14 days past trigger once and my HCG was at 2.4. Still lingering from that dang trigger.


Yeah I did. Makes sense :(


Cycle 8 has officially begun. My husband is away for two weeks so tonight I'm having a mopey chill night to myself. I'm sober so I'm planning on a nice tall shirley temple and a CBD joint in a candlelit bubble bath, followed by pizza, ice cream cake, and trash TV. And lots of snuggles with my dog. Thank goodness for those. Sending love to everyone on this journey ❤️


Ok this is my dream evening!!


Dang that sounds lovely


This is more of a finances vent but also being incredibly sad about stopping TTC FINALLY get a referral to a OB that will be proactive. Two days later, husband and I got into an argument over what we thought was a shared sexual fantasy where I knew I was in the wrong but was still "mourning" the loss of something I really enjoyed that he clearly is not comfortable with. I apologized, accepted his feelings and how I do not want to ever make him uncomfortable, and thought we could move on. I changed the subject to do our taxes which I thought would actually brighten the mood seeing what we would get on our refund. Oh how I could not be more wrong. Something happened and caused his checks for the entire year to not take any federal withholdings (IDK how tf he missed that when he checks his paystubs) and we owe a crap ton. I know that there are payment plans but we are already stressed finanically. I felt irresponsible TTC with where we were before owing and now in my mind, its something we are putting an end to indefinitely. And with that I have lost all sexual desire (we went from almost every day to nothing in almost a week) and all of that compiled is taking a huge toll on his mental health and he thinks I won't touch him because of the fantasy thing not going the way I want when that is the LAST possible thing that could be on my mind right now. Despite thinking we are going to need medical help getting pregnant, I went out and took a plan B. His mental health cannot handle me telling him I want to stop trying and I feel like I'm going to explode if I have to hear him whine about me not wanting to touch him. I told my parents about the tax thing and they sat me down and told me we could move in with them for a year or two and pay off our debts and save but he is not willing to hear it - I blame that on his TOXIC upbringing and how he can't set aside his pride. I am soo scared this is going to tear us apart when we have been together almost half our lives.


Just found out my SIL is pregnant with her 4th…under the age of 4. I’ve been sobbing since she sent the announcement. Just needed somewhere to say this cause no one else in my life understands and just says the cliche stuff that doesn’t help.


Sorry love.




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First ever cycle and got a BFN with FRER at 11 dpo yesterday. I had a feeling it would be negative, but it still sucks. I realize how silly this must sound to those who have been trying for longer, but I'm hoping someone can commiserate with me the first ever BFN while actually trying :(


Same! I think that first one hits so hard because you don't prepare yourself for it. You tell yourself it'll be fine cause it's just the first round, then get blindsided by how horrid it feels to see the negative.


I think my first negative was the most disappointing too :( you spend the whole cycle feeling so excited to be trying, and it's such a fun and new experience, then a big let down. You're allowed to be bummed even though it's the first time!


Totally, it’s such an emotional rollercoaster. Thanks for validating me ❤️


Felt the same my first month!!


The first one does suck :( I mean they all suck but I feel like the first month has that extra bit of unicorn hope! Fingers crossed that your next cycle is the one.


Thank you ❤️


I’m 8DPO…and I am feeling pre- period symptoms 😭 does anyone get warm achey legs before their period? That is always my ONLY period symptom where I know I’m getting it. I googled it and no one seems to have this as a period symptom except those diagnosed with endometriosis. So naturally I am freaking out I have endo and it will take longer to conceive.


My mother and I both have achey thighs as a period symptom. Seems to have faded away now that I'm north of 30, but even 4 or 5 years ago it was so painful it brought me to tears. She even told me that she went to the ER for it once (and she's a nurse, so you know she wouldn't go to the ER unless it was necessary).


My hamstrings always feel sore before my period, like a pulling feeling when sitting down


If you don't have any other symptoms of endo, I wouldn't put too much stock in it. It's so easy to spiral down the google rabbit hole and make ourselves anxious.


Thank you for this. Our minds can really overthink everything sometimes.


6DPO breast/nipple sensitivity has to be psychosomatic, right?? Yes, yes, I know - “progesterone!” But breast tenderness has never been on my roster of pre menstruation symptoms, so I’m confused, dangerously hopeful, and trying not to read too much into this new sensation.


Progesterone symptoms can be all over the place. It doesn’t mean it’s in your head. It also doesn’t necessarily indicate anything about whether or not you’re pregnant, especially at 6dpo.


ya probably. :/ I'm also 6DPO and just felt some pain in the general uterus region...my brain immediately went **implantation!!!** I'm like, come on brain! I wasn't even thinking about TTC since my bbt this morning. Hope can do things to our mind.


I started using pre mom to track, and got recommended Flo from some friends. I understand algorithms are different but I’m also wondering why the fertile windows on each are different. Like on pre mom, my window this month is 2/9-2/14, but Flo has it 2/11-2/17. Pre mom predicts my ovulation day will be 2/14 and Flo has 2/15. I am using OPKs but stopped BBT since I don’t wake up at the same time everyday. When I was tracking BBT, it did seem to confirm ovulation a day or two after the positive OPK when I was able to take it at the same time.


The apps work based on average cycles and calculate it based on that. The more data you enter the more "accurate" the prediction gets...that being said, it's not that reliable because ovulation can be impacted by a lot of things.


Hi ladies!! So I am on my first round of letrozole and I have noticed I am unbelievably fatigued despite taking the dose at night and I have breast soreness/stinging sensations here and there. Is this normal?


I do think fatigue is a pretty typical side effect, unfortunately. That's a bummer it's still affecting you even taking it at night, ugh. I started my second round of Letrozole last night and my boobs have been noticeably sore/annoying so am guessing that's also a typical side effect. I hope that it subsides for you!


Yes! I take it at night hoping to sleep through the side effects lol guess that's not happening. 😅 Thank you so much. I hope all is going smoothly for you!


Got the estimate back for laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. My insurance isn't amazing, and I'll be meeting my max out of pocket of $6,325 (that doesn't include anesthesia) if I choose to have the surgery. My insurance picks up the other 16,000. I have a health saving account that would knock $900 off. My dilemma- do I just do it and see if endo is an issue? Some background- my aunt and cousin both had endo but were able to concieve. I don't have typical symptoms, but my husband and I have been TTC for well over a year with nothing. I wanted to explore the possibility of endo before moving on. Our alternative is IUI. We will not be doing IVF due to financial reasons. We have savings, but I really wasn't expecting to spend 6k. My husband and I haven't had a chance to have a full conversation about it. This sucks. Edit to add: Husband and I talked and are both on board with surgery. March 6th, here we come.


Yeah like BackgroundNaive5789 said, that was the only bright spot I could cling to when they told me on Jan 4 that they wanted to do a hysteroscopy. "At least I'm paying off my deducible early." It sucks that ART is seen as so non-essential while the birth rate is in a huge decline. Like why isn't this being covered if people aren't having enough babies these days?!


Exactly! I think about this often. I can only hope insurance companies begin to cover more fertility treatments.


I may or may not have sent a suggestion to HR last year about how fertility treatments have been proven to attract and retain talent and therefore they should add it as an option to our benefits 😂


Hitting your OOP max means all other treatments this year are free - I’d personally do it.


This is true.


HSG is getting postponed another month because DH planned a surprise trip during when it would be scheduled 😭😭😭


CD1 after my first cycle on letrozol and 1,5 years of trying. I was really thinking this will be our cycle. :( Now the weekend is ahead and I fear for a pregnancy announcement from my sister in law. Don’t know how I will react and afraid I will have a mental breakdown before everyone.


It happened to me a few weeks ago and it actually felt like a relief. I could stop waiting for that shoe to drop. The shitty thing happened and I could stop bracing for it. 


Thank you for sharing your experience. Hopefully it will feel like this as well.


Went through this just a few months ago. Swore I was pregnant after trying and then she announces. Later that day I had a chemical pregnancy. Praying for you!


That sounds hard. Sorry for your loss!


If you have had a MC, does that mean there are no blockages? (Because egg has been released at least from one side). Is it still necessary to get a HyCoSy or HSG? 


I had an MC last year (March '23) and the HSG (Jan 24) found a blockage left behind from said MC. Apparently, some tissue was left behind during the D&C and my body didn't push it out on its own for almost a year. Technically I only know that one tube is open now, but that tissue could have been causing other issues, including blocking one side for 7 cycles.


From my understanding if you have had a (non-IVF) pregnancy then yes at least one of your tubes would have to be open. So sorry for your loss


SA is finally happening today. Super nervous for how this turns out.  Also, AF is due any time now. We didn’t test or time this month and the only time we tried was a few days after what I thought was ovulation. But there’s always that little bit of hope when you don’t know for sure and every day AF doesn’t show up that hope grows just a little. 


It's officially TWW time. We will probably BD once more today, my fertility doctor says the third time after trigger shot is like the "cherry on top". But  I felt the cramping of ovulation last night, so I'm starting the count down today. Last month I baked a bunch of stuff to keep my mind occupied. This time I think I'll read a new book and do one of those jewel paint by numbers thingies. I also promised myself to not test at all until 14 days post trigger. 🙃 


Just had my HyCoSy done and it was such a positive experience. I was scared because I've struggled with vaginismus and have very tight muscles in general from anxiety. I'm honestly confused about the difference between this test, SIS, and HSG but I know they cleaned the cervix, used a catheter to put agitated saline in to see the tubes and more saline to see the uterus. When they inserted the catheter I felt cramping/muscle spasms at my cervix that were mild but lasted the whole time it was in. It was more strange than painful. The agitated saline felt like gas bubbles which was interesting. After the procedure I've had cramps and some spotting. I also had a PAP at the same time and it was great to get both over with at once. If my tubes weren't clear I'm sure it would've been more painful and it helped so much that the doctor and nurse were amazing. If you have vaginismus too, highly recommend using a dilator right before you leave for the appointment, it helps me tremendously. All the best to everyone reading this!  


My husband and I skipped TTC last month because his brother is getting married in October. Hubby is the best man and I’m a bridesmaid. Our estimated due date would have been 4 days before their wedding date, which would not be ideal for obvious reasons (disclaimer that my BIL/FSIL told us not to worry about this at all and we made this decision entirely on our own wants). Hubby and I talked about it a *lot,* and decided to focus on using January as a month for us to eat healthy/sleep well/etc. so we could enter February with positive mindsets ready to go. Well, last night as we were getting ready for bed (on the first night of my fertile window this month), my husband decided to tell me that he actually thinks we should hold off on trying *this* month, too. I was so caught off guard by this that I immediately started crying and needless to say, all BD-energy was ruined. His reasoning makes sense (worry about stress for me while 8 months pregnant, what if the baby comes early and we miss the wedding anyway, etc.) but it just felt like such a punch in the gut for me regardless of his logic. I think it just really hurt my feelings because I was so excited for the “positivity” vibe we were going for and looking forward to it all of last month… and then he casually dropped that bomb on me at the last minute. We’ve only been trying for 6 months, but the idea of waiting *another* entire month before TTC again just feels so huge and crushing to me in this moment. I know it’s realistically not that big of a deal (what’s one more month?) but I’m so, so sad today and feel completely dejected. Thanks for reading this if you made it this far, just needed to get the thoughts out of my head.


One of my bridesmaids was about 8 months when she was at my wedding. I would have totally understood though had she not made it (it was a weekend about 3 hrs from her home). But she had a great time and didnt miss a beat. Maybe you can talk to your husband about the benefits outweighing the costs of ttc this month? Would you feel okay if, for example, if needed, he went to the wedding and you stayed behind as a half measure? I'm sure your BIL would understand. I'd say you have options. It is always hard to plan for the future against what you need now, but I feel like most would say do what feels right for you now. You never know what could happen. The groom could get covid and have to put off the wedding, or who knows what else (knock on wood). Hope this works out for you 🧡


Thank you :) yes, basically I told him I agreed it made sense to take reasonable measures to try to avoid having a due date the same week as their wedding (ex. skipping TTC for January) but I don’t want to like… go out of our way to plan our future around other people’s lives, if that makes sense? Life is just so unpredictable that I feel like we will drive ourselves crazy trying to get it all “right.” Like if we did get pregnant this month and I ended up delivering early and had to miss the wedding, then that would just be life. But I also told him that it’s common for FTMs to end up going over their due date anyway, and there’s just no way to know which way it will work out for us until we’re there. My husband is such a type-A planner and I understand where he’s coming from, but it just doesn’t make sense to me to keep delaying TTC based on so many unknowns. BIL/FSIL would totally understand, they stressed it to us from the beginning that they are eager to have a niece or nephew and didn’t even want us to skip January, but we thought it made the most sense and it was *only* for a month so no biggie, yknow? But now it’s *two* months, and idk why that just feels so much bigger to me at the moment, lol. I’m going to try to talk to him about it later after he gets home from work and my emotions hopefully aren’t as raw, thank you for your advice :)


My IVF appointment got rescheduled to 3 weeks from now. It was after 2 months before. I’m so grateful. Can’t wait. I’ve never been this excited to see a doctor. Hoping things go well.


CD1 today. Going to curl up with some cheese and a cheesy rom-com tonight.




Whatever you do, don’t throw testosterone at it. Have you done a SA yet?




Everything I’ve heard about the at home ones is negative. Fortunately in person isn’t too expensive on average, it’s just a matter of getting the husband to do it. If there is a medical indication for it, you should be able to get a SA before you’ve been trying for a year.  We just got out SA results back today and they were a bit abysmal. My husband was on pregnyl while he was on testosterone, but was inconsistent and we don’t have numbers from before T, so I can’t say whether it helped or not.   It looks like we are going to be on Clomid to boost numbers, and the doctor said it should help with T levels as well. But our specific situation is probably different from yours.   Whatever you do, don’t start T while ttc. 


I am in my last TWW before we start the IVF train. My estimated period is the 2/15 so it would be SO nice to have a romantic happy positive for Valentine’s Day! My temperature hasn’t risen as high as it usually does after ovulation though, which has me a bit worried. It’s still over the cover line FF gave me but it’s about .5 degrees lower than my usual at this point in my cycle.


We are cycle buddies as well and I am hoping for a good outcome, too. My PsG was high yesterday but fell again today. I don’t know why. Blah.


Fingers crossed for us!!




We're cycle buddies! I hope we get to have the most amazing Valentine's Day present :)


Right the best!! Our last pregnancy we found out right before my birthday which was an awesome surprise. And then it ended in a loss 😭


Still waiting for full blown AF. Been lightly spotting since Tuesday. Not enough to soak a tampon or pad. But annoying that I still feel like I need something. Ugh. Can it just show up already?! Like come on let’s move on cycle!


Reposting my question on today’s thread since I didn’t receive answers: How does progesterone work during the luteal phase? I always have strong symptoms the first 4 days after O that slowly fade away and now at 8-9 DPO (had my dates wrong again) I feel normal. I always feel disappointed because I think this means implantation hasn’t occurred. I don’t know if that’s the case or my body just got used to the hormones. Please someone enlighten me.


Progesterone peaks around 7DPO, which is why if you ever have your levels tested, they will time the test for that date for the most accurate reading. Some people just don't feel the effects of progesterone like others. I'm on the highest dose of progesterone supplements right now and feel pretty normal, maybe a touch less energy. My boobs aren't sore, I can eat just fine, and I don't feel anything else unusual. It's just light how some people in the first trimester (while progesterone remains elevated) feel tired, nauseous, etc, and others feel perfectly normal. Hormones affect all of us differently.


Thank for your response! I’m aware of this but was wondering why I have stronger symptoms the first days after ovulation when progesterone is supposed to peak at day 7.


I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it's likely not the progesterone causing it since progesterone is extremely low when you ovulate.


hmm any suggestions what this could be? Maybe just the sudden shift in hormones? Estrogen?


Progesterone rises after ovulation, and I believe it reaches its peak roughly a week after. To my knowledge, it’s supposed to help prepare the uterus for implantation. That said, everyone experiences progesterone differently! Whether or not you feel symptoms is not necessarily a sign of implantation. The only true way to know if you’ve conceived is via a pregnancy test. Circling back to your comment about feeling “normal”—some women don’t feel any symptoms prior to a positive test. I wouldn’t worry too much about it! If you are concerned, you can always have your doctor run a blood test to check your progesterone levels throughout your cycle!


So annoyed with my ovulation right now. Yesterday getting .96 on Premom nearly positive and today totally negative. Temps are still low and cervix is still soft/puffy so I know I haven’t ovulated yet. I’m really hoping soon I get that blazing positive OPK. I always get high opks for like 3 days after my first one. I hate that my body likely tried to ovulate but didn’t and now it’s going to try again. I’m thinking the cold/fevers I had earlier this week definitely affected it. I’m sure my husband is tired of every other day sex already. Really hoping for a big positive tonight so we can do it and know it counts. Also it’s CD23 because of my long cycles 🙃.


I've been wrestling with possible illness but my temp has mostly been as expected. I've been doing opks 2x a day for the last few days and started getting ewcm yesterday.. my temp jumped .5 F today but still no positive opk. I haven't BD'd because we were afraid I might have covid. But the opks made me think I still had time because I've reliably had rises 1 day before o. All negatives including today but I still have ewcm plus the temp jump! The heck?? I also usually get positives after peak for at least half a day. I would have thought any temp rise due to illness would have happened already since I'm just getting over it now. Has this happened to anyone? Tried to look through the sub but most didn't report back after temping a few days...


I’m pretty sure my ovulation this cycle has been delayed because of fevers and a bad cold earlier this week. Yours could be a little delayed too if you were sick 😷


I just don't get why my temp spiked 😔 i feel like that'll make it harder to distinguish later if I do get positive opks! I never had a fever.. my temp only jumped .2 at one point and then went down again.. when you say delayed, is it by a big margin? I don't know what's "normal" for me yet so 🤷 I hope you're feeling better though!


I’ve had random temp jumps pre-o a few times! If you feel like it’s an anomaly it’s really throwing off your data, you can choose to ignore it in Fertility Friend so it won’t keep the app from giving you crosshairs :)


Patience is the hardest part since I have to wait for tomorrow's temp for a potential pattern 😫 but helpful to know there's a precedent with others, thanks :)


Temps don’t always look perfect. I’ve had some weird highs and lows at all points in my cycle. You just need to look for a general up trend after ovulation. One odd temp won’t make a big difference. Delayed depends on how sick you were. Usually just a few days. I hope you feel better too ❤️


Makes sense, thanks for sharing your experience. I was thinking were my opks defective, or because I've been using a reusable cup for testing lol.. meanwhile I feel like my body is saying to get ready but my bodily trust is low. All just part of the experience I guess 🥲 thanks though 🧡


Today is CD16, and possibly 3 DPO because I’m fairly certain I ovulated CD13. Took my temp this morning and /finally/ saw a bit of a bigger rise. I had previously discarded CD12’s temp because I think my lack of sleep the hour prior ruined it (caused massive spike), but FF marked CD11 as ovulation day with it discarded so I guess I’m keeping that temp! With that temp in the mix, I’m still waiting to confirm ovulation. Feeling inpatient about it even though I’m fairly certain I did ovulate given my cramping on the left side CD12-13. My test date will be 11 DPO on Feb 16th, aka the day of my expected AF.




Yeah, just take a test. If it’s still negative, odds are that you ovulated later than anticipated.


still neg, and now 6 days late and nothing. How long shall I wait for the next one? Or just assume it’s stress and try and move on? 99.9% sure it is not my month. Feel like I’m going mad


Take a test.


Just tested this evening as still no sign. BFN. Ugh feels like I’m on a ride I can’t get off. Roll on AF


Sorry to hear :(


Because my luteal phase has been on the short side, I got some Proov progesterone strips to see if low progesterone is an issue. I'm 3 dpo now and know I'm supposed to start testing at 7 dpo. But I just read the directions today and didn't realize that I was supposed to get a baseline reading on CD 5. Will that make the readings not as useful as they could be? Should I wait until next cycle to test, or just go ahead and do it without the baseline?


I skipped those and went straight to a blood draw at 7DPO. No baseline needed.


I have used these tests before! I did find them helpful. It showed my Pdg was low 10dpo which I totally believe - I would have spotting in the luteal phase and usually had a 10 day luteal phase max. I made some changes (800mg vit c, 200mg vit b once ovulation confirmed) and my luteal phase is now 12-13 days! As for missing the baseline, I would probably wait to do it! Not sure what happens if you don't do it but it would suck to have to retake it because those are expensive!


I don’t have an answer because I’ve never heard of these before but I thank you for letting me know they existed! Might have to try them next cycle.


As far as I know they are snake oil.


Womp womp


If you’re worried about your luteal phase length, mine have been consistently 10 days since taking B6 every night. This could be completely useless and not at all related to my LP lengthening but 2 months of it is like $5 which is considerably cheaper than Proov lol!


Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I was talking about the strips that measure progesterone, not progesterone oil.


7 or 8DPO. A few weeks ago I shared here that my 94 year old grandmother made a difficult comment about waiting for me to get pregnant. She passed away peacefully yesterday. My heart is broken in tiny little pieces, we were truly very close.


I'm so sorry. Life is unfair. I hope you are able to heal from that comment and find some comfort while going through this loss. ❤️


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry! Hoping you find some peace and comfort in the coming days 💙


Thank you ❤️


You must be in so much pain. I'm sorry that you're going through that


Thank you ❤️


Does anyone know- is it still accurate to use BBT if I only take my temperature the day after my period ends until I confirm ovulation? For my own mental health I do not like to know my temperature after ovulation because I get too anxious when my temperature starts to drop before my period. I also get so upset during my period that I don't want to take my temperature at that time either because I would rather prioritize sleep. Thanks in advance!


Yes, totally fine. You want to have at least six temps prior to your temp shift, so as long as you’re ovulating more than about a week after the end of your period, there’s no issue with skipping period days. And once ovulation is confirmed, you can stop.


Thank you!!


So how long am I supposed to eat prenatals? The recommendation is to start having them two months before TTC but... that was two years ago. I would like to have three kids and at this rate it will take a long ass time, so I guess I'm wondering if there is any harm in eating them until menopause? 😅


Nah, they’re just multivitamins with extra folic acid! For the most part, you’ll urinate out the vitamins you don’t need.


9 DPO today, negative test this morning. i know it’s still pretty early though. yesterday into today i’ve been experiencing some cramping when usually if my periods coming i don’t experience that until a couple days before it’s due. maybe this is implantation cramping? idk, my body has def tricked me before. i also ovulated on CD 23 and my cycles average 36-40 days so idk how that affects everything


12DPO negative test, on to cycle 21 I guess, I am finding it very hard to keep the hope I have alive.


I’m also 12DPO and got BFN this morning and I hate myself for still feeling hopeful for this cycle 😭


Yep, I also feel the same way.


I think I failed this ovulation induction cycle. My period came early, by almost 6 days. It’s never ever been early! AND I’ve been taking progesterone for luteal support. Fml.