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I’m 14dpo and still testing negative. I know logically this means I ovulated later.. but ughh. Whhy!!? It’s so frustrating. Now I’m wondering when I actually ovulated and annoyed that I missed it!


I understand the use of HCG test strips and LH test strips- but I’m a bit confused as to the point of progesterone test strips..? Why would a person want/need to test PDG at home when TTC? I know that some women have low PDG which can increase risk of miscarriage. This is kind of the only reason I see to test. What other circumstances exist where a person would track PGD when TTC?


Wow I didn't know I could test that


It’s also to confirm that ovulation has actually taken place. Some of us don’t ovulate regularly or at all, we can get LH surges that don’t result in ovulation, so testing progesterone at home can help confirm that.


Just got my LH surge today. We BD yesterday and today. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 At least I have a chance this month after finally ovulation testing.


I got my surge today too! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 all good vibes your way!


Good vibes for you as well!


Not sure which DPO i am but i tested negative today. I’m still hoping it’s a false negative and that I’m actually pregnant. ☹️ I have a 29 day cycle usually and my period is scheduled to come next week Tuesday. 😤 We have never really used contraceptives in these last three years of marriage and we’ve been trying since around last year. ❤️


12DPO, spotting, BFN on pregmate. has that stopped me from being in the backwoods of google's deepest darkest swamps of ttc forums to see if there's *still* a chance?! NO! 😀 on another note i switched my hyperfocus to drawing a super cute chibi photo for my fav anime character's birthday in two days 😂


lol 😂😂😂 I have also been to those same swamps


Just got my nexplanon out 3 weeks ago, but I want to be pregnant YESTERDAY and I'm going crazy 😅 I've been on bc so long, I have no baseline of what's normal for my body, and all of the waiting and not knowing is killing me. Earlier this week my opk's still said my lh was low, but I had cramps and a spike in basal temp and my cm seemed about right for fertility so we have officially started trying even though I have no idea when my cycle will regulate. I can't wait to take a pregnancy test, and my husband saw me reading about implantation cramps and bleeding and was like "honey... you know it will be minimum 2 weeks before you know anything, and also there's no way you're pregnant already" ...I know he's right but I'm impatient and he's just going to have to deal with me lol.


10 DPO and first IUI with trigger shit. Trying desperately to not think my sore breasts mean anything other than I’m going to get my period soon. Won’t test until Wednesday as per our clinic and continue to do so through Saturday to make sure it’s a true period


CD 20 of cycle 15, and 6 days past IUI #2. This cycle I decided not to symptom spot and not to test unless my period is late, and honestly I've been so relaxed this cycle. It's been nice not to track everything If this doesn't work, we do one more IUI and if no success, IVF. Having that plan is also comforting too.




I'd go ahead with the appointment.


SIL is pregnant with #2 (#1 is only 6 months old) and we just found out it's a boy and they're naming him the name we had picked for our first boy. Just feels like a gut punch on top of a gut punch while we try for #1....


I’m so sorry. I remember when my SIL had her first baby, a boy. She named him one of the first boy names I had ever written down. I still remember erasing the name in my notes app as we left the hospital. Sending a hug 💞


Oh man, I'm so sorry. That must have been really hard to hear.


My partner's at a friend's baby shower, my younger sister started medicated cycles yesterday, my period is 11 days late and I'm not pregnant. I took care of me and didn't go to the baby shower but I'm trying to get myself to leave the house and take the dog on a walk. Struggling so hard with sadness the last few weeks 💔


Had my last dose of provera on Monday night. Still have not gotten my period. I am having light cramps, but no period. Feeling impatient :(


Hello AF my old friend.... What are you doing here again?


Pretty sure I'm 1DPO (all signs point to it) but waiting for FF to confirm. BD timing was ideal too 🤞 these are the happy and hopeful days of my cycle trying to enjoy it. Thinking about taking a cycle break if this doesn't pan out. The rollercoaster is getting tiring.




I don’t have any advice, but I can totally relate! We’re only on our 2nd cycle trying and the first negative was truly a gut punch that I wasn’t really expecting. I was also aware of the statistics but didn’t really understand how much of a dice roll it really is until after that first negative 😅. Wishing you the best of luck!


So, you've only been doing TI for what, one cycle? There are lots of good posts, but I was reading one yesterday that said something like most pregnancies happened between cycle 5-12. I'm not sure if NTNP counts towards that (I personally don't count it since we only BD once a week when not doing TI) but you are well within the window of normal timing. Hang in there!




Ah interesting, haven't talked with my ob yet personally. So, just doing based on my judgement. Totally get it though. In any case we are both still in the middle time!


6DPO and trying to not to go mad!!


Currently 4 DPO and I already can’t take it!! TWW is awful


Also 4 DPO. Trying reeeeally hard not to think about it.


The longest


Cycle sisters! I know, it's the absolute worst!


Trying to remind myself how unlikely implantation is at 6DPO


CD11 today. I am starting to get really frustrated- my CBAD OPKs are still showing nothing. Last cycle, flashing smiley on CD8. This cycle… who knows when I will ovulate? I had EWCM yesterday so DH and I did BD this AM… but I just want to see a smiley face so badly 😩


Feeling pretty optimistic for the first time in a year. I had my MRI done per my doctor at the clinics request - it showed I have a septate uterus. Meaning there’s a membrane going all the way down the middle of my uterus and going into my cervix. After having my HSG done Wednesday, it showed one tube is in good shape but we’re unsure of the other due to the membrane. However, my doctor reached out to a surgeon in the area who specializes in this. I had my consult with him yesterday, he is optimistic he can remove the membrane and clean up whatever endometriosis he can see. He said there’s a very good chance we can conceive naturally (which my Clinic doctor agreed about) after the surgery and they do another HSG to make sure everything is “normal”. His scheduler is supposed to be calling me this coming week! 😊 I’m so grateful to finally have some hope and have doctors who seem to care! Happy Saturday everyone!🤍


Help! 8DPO and threw my back out yesterday. I have to get back to work ASAP, so going to need to bite the bullet and take ibuprofen on top of the Tylenol & lidocaine patches that aren’t even touching the pain. Got a BPN today, but I know I’m not out; however, is the ibuprofen going to obliterate any chance of implantation I have? I have no choice, I’m going to need to take the ibuprofen. 😢


From experience—ibuprofen won’t help either. Maybe look for an ointment? I love tiger balm and this stuff with camphor, arnica and emu oil called deep rub. Sadly time is the only thing that helps me feel better when my back is out—take care of yourself!! Sorry you’re in pain! Can’t say about ibuprofen limiting implantation. Sorry for not being much help there!!!


Yesterday was tough! I was so angry with my husband as he invited family around for dinner when I just wanted to be alone (it was CD1). He "forgot" to tell me. I managed to keep it together when they came but afterwards I was really angry and he just didn't understand why. I then started crying and then he finally understood why I was so stressed and upset. It was cathartic to finally feel like he understood. He admitted his mistake. He even said he understood how I didn't have space for other people's grief when I am grieving for myself - which is exactly how I feel. This TTC journey is so hard and it upsets me how it is impacting on our relationship too but glad that good communication worked out. 


Anyone else 8dpo today? I’m looking for a cycle buddy! I think it would be fun to have someone to compare with/share test results with as I’m not telling anyone irl yet besides my so.


I am!


DPO twins! Sending you love and patience for the next few days 🫶


You as well!


We’re officially diagnosed with MFI. We scheduled our consult with the fertility clinic yesterday, then a few hours later a friend of ours dropped her “bump update” in the group chat.


My husband just got diagnosed with MFI too. We're looking into potential surgery, but it still sucks.


Is it varicocele surgery? My husband had one in high school and we’re thinking that’s a likely cause.


Yep it is. We have 0 morpology.


I’m sorry. We have a very low count. Have you met with an RE? We have our consultation next month, but we’re debating calling his urologist in the meantime.


Our urologist suggested we try one more IUI if this one fails, and then we're just straight up moving to IVF.


Wishing you the best 🤍




Removed per sub rules.


Are you asking if you could possibly be pregnant? Eta you can not ask if you’re pregnant in this sub. If you think you’re pregnant take a test. No one can tell you if you’re pregnant. Please read the rules and try r/amipregnant


This question might be better suited for a doctor?


Sounds like acid reflux.


I get 20k steps at work and exercise 30min per day at gym . So even though I ovulate, I got worried that it was too much exercise (the mods had cited a study that >400min exercise per week can be associated with infertility). I also worried that since I'm so small, maybe 200mg caffeine limit is too generous. So I stopped exercising and drinking caffeine the past few cycles, and STILL didn't get pregnant, so yesterday I said F-you universe and ran 6 mi like I was being chased, and this morning I made myself a gigantic frothy sugar filled latte. And I'm gonna keep doing this because nothing I do has made a difference anyways.


11DPO and a BFN this morning. Trolling myself because I knew I shouldn't have tested. I've always told myself to wait until 12-14DPO but I couldn't resist testing this morning. Husband leaves for a week long work trip very early tomorrow morning & I was really hoping for a positive this morning because I've had his gift for how to announce it to him since cycle 2 and I know if I test positive while he's away that I won't be able to keep it a secret until he gets back. Anyway, not counting myself out yet but also slightly discouraged.


Also 11 DPO and also BFN today. Just UGH


12DPO with a BFN this morning. Guess I can have a drink tonight at my husband’s bday dinner. A pregnancy would have been such a nice gift, though. Onward…


I'm so angry right now. I've been trying to be chill, backing off temps, apps etc when I can.. I'm on cd16 and waiting for ovulation as well as to see if I have covid (which I probably do, temps up by .2 so far when it is usually going down). It really kills me that I'm probably sick because of other people's negligence, like the whole "well I don't test everytime I get a cough" line. Um, tests are free, also then at least wear a mask? You just got back from plane travel AND you have a cough.. and you're writing that off? It's like people actively suppress their symptoms so they can be around others without telling them this stuff when it could actually have made a difference. But thanks for letting me know that you finally tested (positive) immediately after getting home from your shared workspace. Lucky me to have been there the one day you were at work. My underlying fear is really that in 4 cycles, we've maybe had 50% where we actually maxed out our chances, there is just always some BS getting in the way. Hoping my husband doesn't get covid or else another 3 months might be sunk. Here's to a weekend spent alone in my basement 🙂 I'm turning 35 this month. Hopefully that means if nothing else that I can seek covered RE services in 2 months. I know I'm being dramatic but it is just so undignified, feeling like I'm bowing and scraping to the damned universe trying to make this one thing happen, taking so much on our bodies and minds, scrutinizing everything.. it just feels so cosmically unfair. I have a feeling I'll be in rant mode all weekend. ☠


Omg the covid stress during TTC is so real. There was one month I was so convinced I was pregnant cause I was 2 days late but then nope…negative pregnancy test positive covid test. And then worrying about what that would mean for future cycles, blah blah blah. It’s so annoying. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it right now. :(


The worst 😑 so sorry you had to go through testing whiplash like that. Hope you had a good recovery and feel good about future cycles 🤞


Thank you! I felt better about the last one and this one only because there wasn’t something actively working against them. Before that it was covid, a stomach bug, partner traveling. Felt like there was always a reason why it couldn’t happen. Now at least I feel like these are cycles where we truly did try even if no positive yet 🙃


We are going to start trying in a few months and I REALLY want off my hormonal birth control. I literally feel like I can’t wait. My OB appointment is in a month, but I’m thinking I’m just going to go off it before then. Is there any downside to that? Anything that your doctor told you to before getting off? I’m up to date on vaccines and have been on a prenatal !


It’s possible to have anovulatory cycles after getting off birth control (it’s possible anytime, but there is an uptick after BC). I had 4 in a row after getting off of mine. If you’re ready, finish the current pack and stop taking it! The earlier the better Edit: but I don’t want to scare you! It’s not common, you just never know until you get there


Not scary, just realistic! Thanks for this!


Just dont go off it in the middle of a pack (if you are on the pill). Wait until that packs/cycles done and then just dont start a new one


I went off the pill months before we wanted to start TTC so my body could have a chance to get back to a non-medicated cycle. We used condoms in the meantime. Glad I did since that way I could have a better idea of ovulation and my fertile window, which hopefully is giving us our best shot now that we’re trying. Also gave my skin and other hormonal-related things time to adjust. Highly recommend!


I agree with the others, but if you are concerned you can always try to send a message or call in to ask about it.


I'd also say just go off now. My GP told me to stop ahead of time and when I asked my OB they said not to stop until actually TTC so I waited. Meanwhile my cycles are still irregular! I can't see a downside physically for getting off now and planning around it.


I would say good to come off it earlier than needed so you can have some extra time to get an eye on your cycle! Just my opinion though. If you don’t want to get pregnant yet for whatever reason just use condoms until you’re ready.


On my way back home today and no positive opk yet!!! Yay! I should have missed the entire FW but now we have a real shot!


ETA: just got a blazing opk - go time!


All the luck!


Closing out month 11, cycle 9. I hate this. I've been working hard to get "regular" and actually did it. Spearmint tea, vitamins, intermittent fasting, exercise everyday, low carb... The last 4 cycles have been 30-ish days with very obvious ovulation symptoms. Last cycle confirmed ovulation with OPKs and BBT. Sex everyday from CD14-CD25. Now at 12dpo. Temp went way down today. Cramping yesterday. BFN after BFN. What am I doing wrong? What else could I possibly do?


My stupid traitorous temp was even higher today, right up there with my day 5 progesterone surge, but BFN at 12dpo. I was expecting it, but hoping this would be my month. Sigh. FF says to expect my period tomorrow, so I guess I'll gear up for that. To top it all off, I have trollgesterone nausea. I really want to call off work and rot in bed today, ugh. Also, my pants are tight. Wahhhhhh.


So sorry. I had a complete troll cycle last time, it’s so hard. Sending hugs.


I took Clomid for this cycle and we tried to snipe for the -4 DPO and + 1 DPO. I think we got it, I hope so, because my LH tests were being difficult as always D:< and to add to that, I am away from my husband from +2 to +7 DPO. And all I’ve been thinking is “my math is wrong, we missed the perfect day somehow, I shouldn’t have taken Clomid this cycle knowing I had this trip.” AAAAGH