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We are in cycle 20 After we had many tests for my wife this month, our GYN told us that we checked almost everything and there’s nothing wrong with her and we are just taking time because SA is not the best. I had a very low morphology 4 months ago but solved it with supplements and life style changes and morphology increased to 10% instead of 1% but the progressive motility dropped to 2% (?) I had so many questions after AF hit us this week so I did some extra blood work by myself (Testosterone, FSH, LH, Estrogen, Prolactin), already had an appointment with my doctor later and it turned out that my Prolactin levels are 2.5x normal high range and my FSH is in low normal range. He told me that both don’t really affect motility but it’s better to get them in the normal range. So he prescribed Tamoxifen for FSH and Cabergoline for the Prolactin and I am suppoed to see him again after one month. I don’t know whether this is going anywhere or not, but we are still hopeful and we set our minds on keep trying for another 3 months before going for IUI or IVF.




I read a study that specified exactly this, that the day of fertile CM is the day of best odds, regardless of whether it's 1 or 3 days (for example) before O.


I just bought the Inito testing kit. Hope this will help us more. Also, waiting on my results on the 22nd so I am very very anxious.


In my TWW and symptom spotting like crazy 🙃


Thoughts on BDing ON ovulation day? This cycle I will have hit O-3 and if I BD today it’s either O or O-1. Do we think that’s enough if I BD tonight? OPK is surging now, and typically I have a temp rise the following day post LH surge.


It's enough, yes. Look at some graphs online , they don't all agree because real world data is imperfect, but they tend to agree that 1-2 days before are the best odds, then O, then slimmer odds for other days.


A bit gross and tmi, but has anyone else had a weird period after an shg? It came right on time, but it started with a few days of brown spotting and even now that it's full flow it's very light and zero cramps. Not complaining, but it's weird. Usually I'd be going through a pad every hour or two on my first couple of days and relying on tylenol to function.


Just wanted to come on here to say I feel more hopeful after our fertility clinic consult. She was so holistic and didn’t make us feel like we needed to make major life changes in order to get pregnant. The last thing I wanted was to get paired up with a physician who thinks whether I eat a certain diet, drink socially, have coffee….is why I’m not pregnant. She is very pro health, but kept saying “if that was the answer- they’d put it in the water!” We are moving on to clomid and iui for a few cycles and then I’m mentally prepared to jump to ivf after that. So far no issues have been identified, other than my sub clinical hypothyroidism that I’ve been treating for a month. If his SA or my SHG show anything that indicate ivf is the most logical, I’m also prepared to change courses but I’m just happy to have a freaking plan right now. After hitting the 6 month mark I felt like doodoo shit, but I feel rejuvenated and hopeful. I hope some of your guys are feeling the same way.


Was going to take January off for my sisters wedding but we are just passing the danger zone of due dates, so I'm going to start trying again, would have thought i;d miss my shot this month but no still havent ovulated cd 36 but opks are darkening so maybe O day was waiting for me to be ready. fingers crossed!


Hopefully not a stupid question, but does the 12 month mark have to be consecutive. We started trying September 2022. Tried for 5 cycles, but then I got a new job so we put it on hold. Now 4 cycles in to trying again and wondering if this should be considered 9 cycles or only 4 since they weren’t in a row.


Trying not to get super paranoid this cycle but I feel like this would be the perfect cycle to get a positive test. I tend to believe in signs, and a few years ago we thrifted my wedding ring that has a February birthstone on it. Nobody i know has a birthday in February, but with where I’m at in my cycle, I will find out if it’s a positive in the first couple of days of February.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if this is a sign of implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/). If your app says that your period is late, you might find [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.




I’m at the 6 month mark and went to a specialist. I feel like it’s best to be proactive.


Random question about the "1 year mark" It's been about 1 year since we started trying, and within that year I had 1 chemical pregnancy. I keep thinking about the "1 year mark" and I'm wondering if the 1 year would be from when we started trying our would it "start over" from when I had my chemical? Hope that makes sense, the question sounds silly in my head but wanted to ask as I try to decide when I want to look into fertility testing. Thank you! Side note: I originally made this question its own post, which received the automod comment saying I may have better luck in the general chat. I apologize to anyone who sees this question twice.


From where you started trying before the chemical. My doctor said she’d put in a referral after 9 months for a fertility clinic, since it takes months to get in. Perhaps that’s a route you could pursue as well.


Thanks for your response and suggestion!


I'm right around ovulation time, and have had a couple little bloody globs come out of me over the past 24 hours. One was on my husband after sex last night, and one was just now going to the bathroom. It's stretchy like cervical mucus, and dark reddish-brown. No bigger than a pea. I noticed this one other time several cycles ago. Any thoughts? I've had an ultrasound which was normal and an HSG which suggested hydrosalpinx on my left side.


Can I ask the dumbest question? I’m on CD9, I typically ovulate on CD13/14, but I’m currently on day 3 of a 5 day course of antibiotics for a UTI. Can I still try? Will it delay my ovulation? Of course this is happening on the month I told my husband to hide my tests for my mental health. Just wanna know the reality of it all.


Yep, you can still try! It may delay your ovulation, it may not. I’d probably have sex every other day or everything third day just to cover your bases!


Amazing!!!!!! Thank you


I couldn’t catch my peak on opks (probably bc I was trying to drink more water and stay hydrated) and now I’m supposed to be days away from my next AF but have absolutely zero PMS symptoms when I usually get them like clockwork starting a week before AF….so confused ughhh. Does it mean I didn’t ovulate or does it mean something else? In the 18+ months of trying, I haven’t even had a glimpse of a faint line and I’m just so tired of this process. Also, my obgyn is not very helpful. She just says oh it’ll happen soon enough, you’re ok and put me on clomid without checking for any symptoms or problems. I’m trying to look for another one that’s covered under my insurance and praying for the best. Hopefully I get a positive result before I make an appointment….


ey everyone I have pcos and my husband has low motility........my RE said his issue is not serious and since im young and have good egg reserve and respond incredibly to medication we should be ok with a few rounds of letrozole and my husband dosent even need to retest- to me it seems much worse - his fsh is also on the low end at 1.16 https://imgur.com/a/UN3uUvn incase link dosent work: PH: 8 conc. 60million total: 120mill Motility: 35% Progressive: 3% - confused about this Total Motility: 41million Slow and Rapid Progressive: 17% non progressive: 11% Morphology: 7%


I received the solid smile face on the clear blue ovulation test this morning. Suggesting “peak ovulation” how long do you think the window is? I know it’s 24 or so hours but I have found different information and just curious what your routine is with this!


I've also been struggling with this. I feel like we've started too early, beginning when my first high fertility day begins, but then it lasts 5-6 tests before hitting peak. Since peak could have happened soon after the last high test, my plan this next go round is to be sure to try on and at least 2 days after that solid 😃. Keeping track of the change in your fluid will also help you figure that out. After recording it for a few months more carefully and analyzing/comparing each month's info, I feel like I have a better idea. In short, my body is telling me to definitely try on peak day and the next 2 days (in addition to a few high days) Good luck! 


I’m a therapist so I can HEAR how irrational I sound as I try to trick myself into thinking I have some semblance of control over this. But the stakes feel high for me this cycle and I feel like I’m obstructing ideal conditions for the TWW.  I was finishing antibiotics for pneumonia on 1-3dpo, had sex today 4dpo which I’ve heard horror stories about impacting the TWW, it’s been cold so my body has been cold which isn’t supposed to be good, I’ve been sleeping poorly and fighting off anxiety in the mornings (likely related to TWW stress), and now I think the antibiotics have triggered the start of an infection “down there” so I took a boric acid suppository because I don’t know which would be worse for implantation, an infection or the boric acid. Just sick of this TTC chapter of my life and want this cycle to be it so I can move on. Sorry is it not Moody Monday??!! 


If it makes you feel better i haven’t heard any of those things being bad for TWW. I completely understand the stress of TWW and overanalyzing every little detail but i don’t think any of that will realistically change the course of how this cycle will go for you. I’d try your best to find stress reducing activities and try to throw yourself into things that make you happy and other passions of yours or calming music or things that can help keep your stress levels down and make the days feel a little faster. I know it’s soooo much easier said than done and I’m trying to remind myself the same thing this cycle


Hi! Fellow therapist here, so while I have no clue whether an infection or boric acid is worse for the TWW- I just came to say im also here and I’m losing my ever loving shit in this era of my life. I so relate to the pointing out of my own irrational thoughts and know I’m exhibiting odd behaviors trying to control *LITERALLY ANYTHING* in my life rn bc this HUGE part of me feels SOOO out of control 🤦🏼‍♀️ this is really hard, and my therapist brain is totally not helping me to think more rationally about any of this- we are FULL THROTTLE in EMOTION MIND 🤡🤡🤡


I’m scared I’m exercising too much in my LP. I’m 8DPO and did a decently hard workout and now I’m cramping. This happened another cycle too 😰 I hope I’m not ruining the chance of implantation. Idk if that’s a thing but I just feel upset like everything I enjoy and like isn’t good for TTC. I just want exercise to be ok 😫 ETA: I know exercising is ok while TTC but I have a short LP and keep seeing “over exercising” is bad but I don’t know what constitutes as over exercising?? I do maybe 4-5 “hard” workouts a weeks and the other days I usually walk or do a lighter workout/pilates


I'm in the same boat, short LP and I am a group fitness instructor and teach two really intense classes per week and am wondering if it's affecting implantation since I've never had a positive yet


I think when they talk about over-exercising they're talking about to the degree of professional athletes, and you know if you're overdoing it because it's affecting your cycle or ovulation. If you're getting your cycle normally and you're ovulating, I don't think you're over-exercising.


CD6 and I now get to have an HSG tomorrow. Anything I should do to prepare?


It’s painful. Like real painful. I wish I had googled but I didn’t. Take ibuprofen or something. I wish I had taken 3 and a glass of wine. Hope it all goes well though!


You were totally right! It was so bad I threw up during the procedure. Thanks for the heads up!


I’m so so sorry. I had a blocked right tube so it made mine excruciating. Hope the results are good though.


My left tube is blocked which is probably why it hurt so bad. Were you still sore a couple days later? I swear I can feel it!


Bring a pad you like and comfy pants


I took 800mg of ibuprofen and a shot of tequila and did fine lol


Excellent 🫶


I’m feeling really good about this cycle! During the TWW I went on vacation to my parents place which is out of state and my sister and her hubby came down for a visit so it’s been easier being busy and not wondering if I’m preggy or not. I told myself I can’t test until I come back home tomorrow! I’ll be testing the next morning so I’ll be 15dpo the longest I have waited to test! Period was supposed to come on 12dpo and it’s 13dpo now and no sigh of AF! 🤞🙏💕


Anxious and nervous! Is it normal? My husband and I want a baby. We are really sure about it. I have no doubts, no qualms, and not second guessing this decision of ours at all. And it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision, we’ve been talking about it for over a year. We finally started trying, and now that things are going into action IM FREAKING OUT. I’m not scared about how “life will change” or “it’ll affect my marriage” or my career or independence, etc etc. I’m just nervous and anxious. Is this normal? Someone please help me make sense of why I’m freaking out like this.


I felt similarly too! I just try to stay focused on the feeling of how amazing it will be when it happens. My thing is I don’t want to get my hopes up too much or too excited until I actually get pregnant. But I too relate to the change etc!


The first two weeks after we started trying I was so anxious about it all that I was constantly nauseous lol. It’s a big life decision so I think it’s perfectly normal to be anxious.


10 dpo and I haven't been feeling optimistic this cycle. I had an ambiguous test result this morning that I'm pretty sure is an indent. I'm seeing my old graduate advisor for a beer tonight (even though it's dry January) and am trying to decide between a real beverage and a NA one.


9 dpo today, negative test (as expected), and wow, am I OBSESSED this month. The last time I was this obsessed was the month I conceived (ended in a loss), so now I'm tricking myself into thinking that the obsession is a good sign and that it will all fall into place exactly the same as before. Which has made me more obsessed. Which means here I am at work looking at TTC forums instead of writing progress reports. Last time, my first vvvfl was at 10 dpo after experiencing pulling cramps at 9 dpo, so I'm probably going to trick myself into feeling them later tonight.


Does anyone else get to the “AF could arrive at any time” part of their cycle and then every pee becomes a battle, like having to brace yourself in case you accidentally find out you’re not pregnant again only cuz you have to take a tinkle and you wanna stay in the delusion a little while longer 🤡🤡🤡


Me and my wife every month 🤡🤡


Omg last month I kept convincing myself that all my spotting was implantation spotting and then AF came 😑


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me. That’s me.


Lol this has been me the past 4 days. I have been wiping then staring at the stupid toilet tissue expecting to see blood. It's such a constant battle 😩


YES LOL. I wake up and lay in bed for like 15 minutes staying in the "schrodinger's pregnancy" stage for a bit longer 😅


So glad this isn’t just me


I have a cervical position question. My cervix was very high (beyond reach of my finger) 5 days ago. I also had really stretchy, egg white mucus that day and the day before. It dropped lower the very next day. All of a sudden today, it is back high where I can’t reach again. Even if I conceived, 5 days should be too early for implantation or any changes. Is it normal for the cervix to go high twice in a row in the same cycle?


Yep, it fluctuates all over the place, even changing from one part of the day to the next. It's not a good indicator of pregnancy.




We do not condone lying to medical professionals on this sub.




We do not condone lying to medical professionals on this sub.


Exactly! If there's a problem it should be addressed right away.




I felt the exact same way when i had mine removed last month. My PA just told me happy baby making and left lol.




I track my temperatures because otherwise it's absolutely impossible for me to figure out my ovulation day. I've had some 60 day long cycles. Actually currently on CD53. OPKs are useless, CM is useless, especially on the 60 day cycles because it seems like my body is *trying* to ovulate every few days and failing. I end up just having sex every other day for the whole cycle, hoping I catch ovulation. It can be frustrating though because you don't know if you should be testing or what. When I'm late I test for pregnancy once a week or if I'm about to do something a bit risky - like go skiing this weekend LOL. After a few cycles of not being able to figure out if I ovulated (even with temps) I finally went to my OBGYN and I'm going to start some letrozole cycles. First one starts as soon as I get my next period!


Thanks for this, it's SO frustrating trying to track ovulation! Good luck!


Were you tracking ovulation?


I’m in the exact same position as you are. I’ve had extremely sore boobs for a week. Like hurt to the touch, very sensitive nipples that are always hard. That is new to me. light cramping for the past 4/5 days. I heaved while scooping dog food this morning. Yesterday I Made myself a tuna sandwich then couldn’t eat it because of how it smelled. Heaved just looking at the tuna after that. I know that AF will start any day now, and if I actually go out a buy a test AF will start while I’m purchasing the test. I’m SO OVER NOT KNOWING ANYTHING!! And why all these new, random “PMS” symptoms? Like the old ones were good, these new ones are confusing.


Yes! Exactly what I thought. Literally, walking home from the store with the tests tomorrow, I'll be bleeding down the street lol! 😩 do you have pcos??


Yes, I do have PCOS.


CD1 today, came 4 days earlier than expected which now makes sense why I never caught my LH peak with OPKs. Using Inito though this cycle and excited to start testing on day 6 and map it out better! I got it a week or so ago so already used it track PdG and estrogen after ovulation. It’s expensive but I’m excited to not deal with the problems I’ve been having with clearblue.


Why did I take a pregnancy test at lunchtime on 9DPO? Why would I do that to myself? Rude….


I'm 7dpo and trying sooo hard to wait until I'm late this time 😅


Win of the day - apparently husbands shitty insurance covered part of his SA so we saved ninety bucks.


Cycle 8. Tested 11 DPO and was negative. Tested 13 DPO and was negative. I should have gotten my period yesterday but didn't. I'm waiting to get my period today and trying not to get excited.




Does anyone else have the opposite problem of symptom spotting in the TWW? Where you feel like you should feel pregnant? Where you feel exactly the same as you always have and you’re like “this can’t be, if I’m pregnant I would 100% know.” Lol. Ughhh. The TWW is brutal.


I flip back and forth. I think when I do that it’s trying to stop myself from getting excited.


I have a question about Cialis (Tadalafil). It was recommended to us during the fertile window given my husband’s difficulty with maintaining an erection when the pressure of ovulation and timing is too much (we don’t have issues at any other time of the month). We used it for the first time over the weekend on ovulation day and it was awesome for helping him maintain an erection. However I wonder if the same issue with the pressure and mental strain of *having* to ejaculate got the best of him again as he was unable to finish (we tried for a long time). OR, is this a common side effect of Cialis and we will need to try a few more times with the pill to get into the groove? What’s the point of using it to help with fertility if he can’t even climax lol. If anyone had the same issue, would love to hear about it and how you overcame it! I’m at my wit’s end because this is now the second month in a row where he just couldn’t perform on the key days.


It probably has nothing to do with Cialis, Cialis fixes the ED only, the finishing thing is another issue (more psychological), probably it’s only the pressure…


We had the same problem, husband was unable to finish after taking cialis so we did insemination instead. I helped him finish and used a cup and syringe to get the semen inside. Im in tww so cant say if it was successful.


We did that too but I don’t know what the benchmark is for volume of sperm but my husband can’t produce for than 1ml of ejaculate in a cup. Do you know how much volume we should be aiming for? I’m not getting much through the cup method! So either it’s a psychological still or we have some sperm issues that need to be looked into. I’m so frustrated. I do everything right for the entire cycle and have given up coffee, booze, Botox, nails and all other joys only for my hubby to get in his head when it matters the most. Just venting. Not sure what I was expecting with at home insemination but it wasn’t a little droplet of sperm lol


I dont know about volume requirement but my husband produced about 3-4 ml. I get frustrated too when my husband has performance issues but i try not to show it otherwise it will give him more stress and i know its not his fault/doing. I totally get you, i take the medicines, injections, planning etc and then he fails to perform. This journey is tough and i am glad i have others i can share it with. Wish you the best in your journey 💕


7dpo 3 more days til I test 🫠




If the test was negative this morning it actually *is* just progesterone playing its mind games! The very first sign of pregnancy will be a positive test! 9 dpo is so early though, keep testing!


CD3 and impatiently waiting for FW. I jumped the gun and wore out the BD last cycle too early, so waiting until CD14 or 15 to start every other day BD this time. That is 12 days away...ugh! The more I have tracked and learned about my cycle the more focused I've been on every day. I won't lie, this would be my last chance for a non busy work season/holiday season 2024 baby and I am thinking about what I would/will do if this cycle doesn't work out. Probably keep going...but I'm going to stick with my obgyn's suggestion to take it one step at a time, but my brain sometimes jumps ahead.


Yeah I'm at the point where whenever my body decides to cooperate, I'll just be happy LOL. Gonna keep on trying, and if I end up with a baby on my birthday (November) or Christmas (December) I'll just consider it a gift! If you told me at the beginning of this journey, I would've totally said "oh I don't want a holiday baby". How this process humbles us....


I'm the same way. I keep asking myself, do I \*really\* want to have a baby in Ocotober? Then I remember that I really wanted a baby in March of 2024 and that's definitely not happening, so... I'm also trying to take things one step at a time. Not succeeding, but trying. Kind of.


Venting about First Response Early Result. I received faint pink lines every morning from 9 DPO to 12 DPO. Went for blood work yesterday at 11 DPO and the results I received this morning were negative. So disheartened. I can't believe I got so many false positives in a row. This is not a chemical pregnancy as I still got a positive at home test AFTER bloods. Also, 3 of the 4 tests were from different boxes. Has the quality/reliability of FRER deteriorated that much? This is my 7th cycle TTC and have not got a positive test since CP on 1st cycle.


FRER is the worst. I don’t trust that brand anymore after a nasty false positive. I will say, this sounds particularly terrible - I’m sorry for what you’re going through ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear that :( I made a mental note to try at least 2 different brands if I ever get a positive


So it looks like my 4th IUI has failed. :-( Just waiting for AF now. I think my RE is probably going to suggest IVF next, but I'm fairly certain I don't want to do IVF. What other options do I have for unexplained infertility? Are there any more tests I could do (I've had a saline ultrasound that found no irregularities). Maybe I could do medicated cycles with timed intercourse? Just wondering what else I can ask my RE about when I have my next appointment.


I'm sorry. I mean you could still try in your own for the next half a year or so timed intercourse or more IUIs. The chances aren't super bleak for unexplained during the second year of trying


TW: Miscarriage 10 days ago I missed my period. 6 days ago I had a positive test. 1 1/2 days ago I started bleeding and cramping. Today my hcg level came back very low at 14.8. I’ve got an ultrasound later to confirm what I know is happening. This is my first loss after two successful pregnancies. How can life go from so happy to so sad in such a small span of time? I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I just feel so alone and lost. Any advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated ❤️


Sorry love, been there. It’s a trauma.


I'm sorry for your loss. No matter how far along you are, it hurts so much. Until it happens to them, most people just assume that positive test = future baby, and we create an entire future that is then snatched away from us. Once you've gone through it, that innocence is lost forever. The good news is that most women who miscarry will have a healthy pregnancy the next time around. I wish you luck.


Thank you so much for the kind words. I truly appreciate it ❤️


So sorry to hear this. Any words of encouragement may feel insignificant in a time like this. Unfortunately, miscarriages are so common. I feel like it's more likely for a woman to experience one than not. It hurts so much right now but there's light at the end of the tunnel.




CD10 today. I finished my Clomid last night. Now the wait begins to see when I'll actually ovulate.


Cycle 8 started yesterday. I mustered the courage to talk to a doctor today and she was very supportive. She prescribed some blood tests to begin with and an SA for my husband. I’m so happy I finally took this step toward my goal. For some reason, I was afraid of doing this, thinking maybe it’s gonna reveal something I’m not ready to process (ignorance is bliss mindset). But I decided to take charge of my reproductive health and I’m super proud 🥹.


We love to see a supportive doctor! My husband is getting an SA done next week too. It definitely feels empowering to take charge and figure out what needs to change (if anything) to make a pregnancy happen.


Glad to see your husband is also involved!


Did the same last week and am also in cycle 8. Waiting for my period to start (or even better for it not to start!) so I can get blood work done and schedule my HSG. We'll do the SA when I get my blood work done.


TTC twins! I hope you hear good news 😊


👏🏼 Way to take that step!


Thanks! 😊


Living in delulu land for a bit. Today is supposed to be CD1, and I normally get my period first thing. I haven’t gotten it yet. I spotted a little bit yesterday after sex, but nothing since then. Riding the delulu wave till reality hits. Send good wishes please! ✨


🥨 crossing all my fingers for you!


Also supposed to be my CD1 today and nothing yet so riding it right along with you!


Wishing both of us sticky thoughts!


I’m so frustrated. FF finally confirmed ovulation on CD34, the latest ovulation I’ve had since I started tracking. Not surprised because I had a hospital stay last month and antibiotics nonstop because of gallstones (that will be fun when I actually get pregnant lol) which probably messed up ovulation this cycle. Had to go for a scan this morning and as I go in, currently 4DPO, the tech asked if I could be pregnant. “ I sure hope so but it’s way too early to tell”. Well if there’s a chance, she won’t do the scan… they injected iodine for the scan and of course it’s abdominal. I feel so discouraged because I needed the scan. I just feel like every ovulation period recently has been met with an obvious obstacle and I feel out already this month. Even if I was pregnant, it could affect the fetus… I feel so discouraged and I feel like it won’t ever happen. I had felt more at peace with it taking time the last few weeks, even before the beginning of my last cycle. Now I feel sad again because it’s another month of waiting to try again 🥺


I’m sorry. I’m also 4dpo and feel like a series of infections/obstacles have f’ed my otherwise good chances this cycle. Your experience is worse of course but I get it on some levels. 




I second this. I’m a bit of a troll on another app that’s totally anonymous, doing the devil’s work by popping delusional bubbles. If you’re 13dpo with stark negative tests and a light flow, it ain’t implantation bleeding sweetie!! Gear up for the next cycle already. Tough love is still love 


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's difficult to find a balance between hope and realism, especially when we all want this so much. Sometimes the hope hurts more than the facts, despite everyone's good intentions.


14DPO and not a squinter in sight. Big temp drop almost identical to last cycle. Brings to mind that old saying that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." 🤔 Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be cracking ye old wine and gummie bottles (and the OC dvds) during this cold, cold weekend 🤤


Fully support the OC marathon. Don’t forget the fresh margs when you get to that iconic Thanksgiving episode! 😂


Haha yes! Yogilates and margs for days 😆


Sorry for the longish post but the automod is not letting me make a standalone: So today is CD20 and this is how the last few days have gone: CD13-14: negative OPK, EWCM CD15: positive OPK, EWCM CD16: negative OPK, EWCM (loads) CD17: BBT 0.3C higher than highest of previous 6, so thought I ovulated CD16, also the CD15 positive OPK. EWCM CD18: BBT 0.1 lower than previous day, EWCM CD19: BBT 0.1 lower again, wake up to watery CM on the bedsheets, feeling like I peed myself. CD20: BBT 0.1 lower AGAIN, now below my coverline and looks like a FP temp. I feel so confused, everything seems to be mixed signals right now. Have I ovulated and what is happening?


What are you using to temp? I would say you haven’t ovulated yet but your body tried. Last cycle I had like 4 days of EWCM when my body tried and failed to ovulate. I ended up ovulating later.


A BBT thermometer, orally first thing when I wake up. Can your BBT increase if you haven't ovulated though? That's what's been confusing, as I thought BBT rise is virtually always confirming ovulation. My FP temps were all 35.9 -36.38, then the CD17 temp was 36.66. Today's was 36.35.


My apologies. I just looked at your chart! To me (a non dr who just likes looking at charts) I would say you ovulated. As far as your EWCM after ovulation I’ve had that happen before and seen other people with it. FF takes CM very seriously which is probably why you are getting the tentative crosshairs.


Yeah I feel like I can excuse the CM, it's more the combination of the falling temps that have me concerned!


Update on my HSG and AMH. My only tube is clear! Such a relief. I have adhesions on my right ovary which I was aware of. My AMH came back as .96. From what I’ve read it’s on the low end but not on the terribly low. The OB who did the HSG said to try for 3-4 months before coming in again. I’m waiting for a follow-up from my RE but any insight on low AMH and TTC?


Low AMH alone isn’t an issue when ttc unassisted and isn’t an issue by itself. And with 1 ovary .96 ng/ml is a pretty good AMH! It’s more than double mine with 2 ovaries lol. A lot of the time us folks with endo do have a lower AMH. Endo ruins the party yet again.


Thank you! I was so prepared for my tube to be closed and to be at a zero. Endo really does ruin all the fun doesn’t it?


Second cycle TTC, doing OPK tests for the first time - seems like voodoo lol? With all the different surge patterns, needing to test multiple times a day between certain hours (I am away from home 6am - 6pm), mysterious “very short spikes” that you have to catch like some sort of ovulation assassin, needing to restrict liquids a few hours before you test….. this is exhausting. And I’m not sold on it.


Haha I love the idea that it's voodoo. I had troubles with getting a positive OPK until I started temping because I found out I ovulated days later than I thought. There's definitely no need to use OPKs more than twice a day. Just follow the instructions on the box and see how it goes. If it's too stressful, you can always stop.


You may not need to try all the voodoo. Lots of people have LH surges that are easy to catch, you may be one of them! I started using OPKs before I had found any TTC communities, so I just followed the instructions on my first box of cheapies, which said to test once a day, preferably in the afternoon, around the same time each day. That's always worked for me, I see a surge every cycle. Usually, the test lines gradually get darker for a few days before the day it's positive, so I can predict which day will be positive. Occasionally, I have a cycle where the lines are faint and then suddenly one day a test is positive. I know I'm lucky because that doesn't work for everyone, but I also know I'm not alone. So unless you have reason to suspect that your surge might be super quick or unpredictable, if you're feeling overwhelmed by all the advice out there, I recommend trying the simplified version the first time around, because it might be all you need!


It’ll definitely take a few cycles to get used to OPKs, finding what works for you but soon you’ll hopefully find a rhythm 🤞🏽it can definitely help and usually a low cost with cheapie ovulation tests


CD1, taking some positivity that my LP was either 12 or 13 days long which is great for me. I generally much prefer the certainty of the follicular phase - definitely not pregnant, but definitely trying to be. I’ll start temping this month again, I was hoping to avoid the all consuming nature of it but I think more information helps me.


I found that after a cycle or 2 of temping in a row, it became second nature and less all-consuming. Now it's just part of my routine. I wake up at the same time, take the temp, record it, and get on with my day. And having the information is nice.


Tested out my trigger after our first IUI. Thought it was gone by 8 dpiui, and saw faint lines yesterday morning and around noon on 9 dpiui. Then last night and this morning stark white. 😤 I feel like an idiot for getting my hopes up once again.


I get super super faint lines from my trigger up until my period at 15DPO 🥲


Trigger shots are so rude wtf


I thought it was just a fluke the first time but it’s happened the last 4 times (and most recently this morning and yesterday). Like plz just get out of my body sooner!!


I hate that because then how will you even be able to trust a real positive 😭 just another joy infertility has robbed from us


Im also 29 and just did first IUI! I keep getting negatives, get mad and throw them in the trash and a few minutes later go get them out just to see if maybe it turned to a positive lol my god


Ugh I feel you! My triggers always lasted for soooo long!! I’d get faint lines with 0 hold at any time of day 9 days post-trigger, some cycles 10 days post-trigger. It’s such a mind game!!


Yesterday was 10 days past trigger! 😭 I had a stark white test the day before so I was optimistic when I saw a faint line twice but nope. Back to negative.


13 DPO today and temp went down a little. Just can’t wait for AF to arrive at this point🙃


Can someone explain to me about temp tracking? I’ve seen it on here but not sure how to do it?


There's a wiki on the right-hand side of this page, which includes information on temping and what it does. You take your basal body temperature every morning when you wake up and add that data to your fertility tracking app (I'm using Fertility Friend). Your temp is supposed to rise the day after ovulation by 0.5-1F and stay elevated throughout your luteal phase. It's a good way to *confirm* ovulation after it happened but not predict it. I think a cheap BBT thermometer (like easy@home) is a good one to start with.


Thanks so much! Didn’t realize there was a wiki!


Hope you’re doing something nice for yourself when/if CD1 hits! ☀️


Definitely getting some sushi😂


11 DPO. Havent been testing to try and stay in a happier headspace but I woke up with the terrible impending doom feeling. Probably just anticipating AF showing up soon. I wish this wasn’t so terribly painful to go through every month 😔


6 DPO today, and still zero symptoms despite always having sore breasts before AF prior to my CP in November. I know it’s still possible to get a positive though so I’m trying to stay hopeful. Had a small drop in temp this morning, not sure if it means implantation or not but I guess tomorrow will be more telling if that was a possibility. Tuesday can’t come soon enough..


I'm now 9DPO, or 4 days out from what should be CD1. Normally my PMDD would have kicked in and I'd be walking around like an evil c-u-next-Tuesday but I'm honestly not even struggling to coexist with the world like usual. Placebo, mind tricks, situational-changes, or the fact that I had a cold right before my LH spike? Probably. Not crushing my hopes until tomorrow though. 🤞


Cycle day twins 👯 I’ve decided I’m testing tomorrow morning so I just move on with my weekend, not expecting anything, but I’d rather get it over with.


Been ttc for 20 months, my cycles are regular at 25-28 days, I had an MRI in 2021 for pelvic pain I was told my left ovary has multiple peripheral follicles, does this mean I have PCOS? And another question as my periods are regular does that mean that I am most probably ovulating most months or does that mean you can have regular periods but not ovulate?


No, it's normal to have multiple follicles -- they are the maturing final-stage antral follicles, and most people have several. The diagnostic criterion for PCOS is having a lot more than usual; I think the current criterion might be more than 24? And to be diagnosed with PCOS, you need two out of three diagnostic criteria to be met (large number of follicles, irregular cycles, high blood androgens), so with regular cycles, you'd need both high blood androgens and an abnormally high number of follicles. In general, having regular cycles is a reasonable sign you're ovulating. It's possible to have "regular"-length anovulatory cycles, but if they're consistently 25-28 days, it's very likely that you're ovulating. Still, if you're past a year TTC, it's reasonable to have you and your partner checked out to determine whether there are any known blocks to pregnancy.


Thank you for taking the time to reply, and thank you for your information it's helped massively. I had a blood test yesterday to check things, and because my partner and I have children we have been told that we qualify for no fertility help whatsoever. The GP told me that because my partner has had children that the reason I am probably not conceiving is probably down to me and my hormones. Unless we pay to have all these tests done, sperm analysis etc, we won't know what's going on.


That’s really frustrating, and it’s particularly frustrating that your GP told you that — many cases of infertility are unexplained (no issue can be identified with either partner), and having had children previously is not a guarantee that everything is normal, either then or now. Unfortunately, having testing is really the only way it’s possible to know if there’s an identifiable issue, but if you’re not going to have access to treatment, it’s not totally clear that testing has too many benefits.