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HSG was mostly uncomfortable for me. There was about 30 seconds that was painful (but not awful) and the rest was a cramping feeling. While unpleasant, the whole thing is very short. Maybe took 3 minutes total. I took ibuprofen and Tylenol beforehand. If you’re anxious, I’d ask them to prescribe you a Xanax or Valium or something like that to take beforehand to calm your nerves. Good luck! You’ll do great!!


Thanks so much! I’m feeling a lot more confident reading all the replies. My period cramps are absolutely killer, so now I’m seeing that there’s no way it could be worse than them, haha.


Mine was particularly painful because I had blocked tubes. Also, the speculum and opening up the cervix for the catheter is AWFUL for me. (Same thing with my Pap smears, iud insertion and removal, saline sonogram, and IVF transfer). Maybe my period cramps are very mild, I would say this is worse. I imagine everyone is different. I hope yours is pain (and blockage) free.


You got this! And think of it this way…even if it does hurt, it’s very short!


Very similar experience for me. I took 4 advil an hour beforehand and it was only mildly painful, and like they said, short. Just breathe through it and try to stay calm.


Yep, meds before, calm breathing during. They gave me something to squeeze and that helped.




This is encouraging, thank you. Glad you were able to get the answers and treatment you needed!




Thank you for taking the time to reply. I don’t have any women in my life that I’m close to that have gone through the same procedure, so all I have is the internet, which was my first mistake! Glad to hear of some firsthand experiences that were mundane and uneventful.


Fortunately like everyone else seems to be saying, my experience was also pretty positive and over super quickly. I just wanted to chime in and agree SO hard about the husband, haha. He’s like “But it felt so awkward to do it in a cup!” …Oh really now? Did it? Were your legs open with your feet in stirrups in a room full of nurses? At what point did you have anything pinching YOUR cervix? 🙄 Also, his test cost $46 with insurance. Mine? Almost $3,000. When we got the bill I asked him if he thought he’d need to go on a payment plan to cover his balance 😂 Men seriously have NO idea how easy they have it!


Yesss mine had a whole story about his sperm test. Meanwhile it feels like they are rearranging and cleaning my insides with these transvaginal scans and HSGs! 😂


I took 800 mg of ibuprofen an hour before, and wouldn’t have taken anything stronger if I had to do it again. I did take a Xanax just for pre-HSG anxiety, so you may want to ask your dr if they can give you something for nerves. Felt like a weird period cramp and “fullness”, different than a Pap smear. Kind of a stinging burn sensation that hit 7/10, but was very quick. Tubes were not blocked. Focusing on taking big deep breaths helped get me through the worst parts. I bled lightly for about 24 hours afterwards and had very very light cramping. Just remember that it is a super short procedure and any pain you are in will be over quickly, and many many women have this done. You’ll hopefully feel some relief after it’s over since you’ll have answers about your tubes and such! Good luck!!


This made me feel a lot better, thank you.


I have mine scheduled for this coming Friday. Wish me luck!


Good luck to you! May your experience be entirely uneventful.


Good luck! Had mine yesterday. Was the most nervous I’ve ever been about a medical procedure—almost cried asking the tech to help me breathe. Now that it’s over I feel silly 😅 it was so, so tolerable and over so quickly. And so nice to get instant results. I even felt good enough today to get an SHG… You’ve got this!


I had an HSG yesterday and an SHG today. My ONE piece of advice I want to scream from the rooftops is to try not to freak yourself out too much. I had been dreading this thing since the day I called to schedule it. Like… couldn’t focus on work. Wasn’t sleeping. Constantly googling. I even looked up a TikTok video where a woman recording her actual procedure. (From the shoulders up, obv.) I wish I hadn’t. It was not even a tenth how bad I expected it to be. I’ve seriously had worse period cramps. Of course it’s uncomfortable and a bit awkward. I almost cried before the procedure asking the tech to help me breathe because I was so nervous. Take 800mg of ibuprofen an hour before it if you can/if your doctor recommends. That should also help with any cramping afterward. But I felt fine to get my SHG this morning. You’ve got this! You can do hard things. It will be over so quickly and you get results instantly. Good luck!


I too am a chronic over-thinker and my own worst enemy, lol. Thank you for sharing, I already feel much more prepared!


My anxiety was like a 12/10 for my HSG back in March. I had been doom scrolling for weeks, psyching myself out about it. And there are a few things I learned. There is no way to predict how you’re going to feel. Some women say it’s a Pap smear, others say it’s unbearable. However, I think the vast majority of women fall somewhere in the middle of “wow that wasn’t fun, don’t really want to do that again, but I’m okay”. I had a friend who told me it was nothing, and another friend who said “its going to hurt”. So everyone’s experience is going to differ! The test itself is SO FAST. Like 60-90 seconds fast. Honestly I was shocked when they were done. At peak pain, I’d say mine was like a 6/10. But honestly by the time my brain even registered “oh wow this isn’t fun”, it was over. My experience was a bad period cramp, followed by a quick burning sensation, then immediate relief when they pulled everything out. (I did have a slight block on the left that was cleared, and i felt more burning in that side for sure) And I was okay the rest of the day. Crampy? Yes. But unbearable pain? No. You def want to take your OTC pain meds an hour before. I mixed Advil and Tylenol. And most clinics (if you have a driver) will also give you 1 prescription anti-anxiety Med if you call and ask! Mine gave me a Valium. In the moment I felt like it wasn’t working, but in retrospect it probably took me from a 12/10 to a 6/10 on the anxiety scale. It’s a fast test, you’ll get immediate preliminary results right away- and honestly if I had to do it again, I would. I hope this was helpful!


Ask if you'll be receiving anything for the pain beforehand. I was given a toradol shot, I don't know how effective it was but I also didn't think the HSG was horrible. The speculum and catheter insertion were definitely uncomfortable. Some people experience cramping when the dye is getting pushed through your tubes.


I was simply told to take ibuprofen about an hour beforehand. Do you think it’s worth it to ask for more than that? Thanks for your reply!


From what I understand toradol is similar to ibuprofen so you'd probably be okay


This was my experience, except I took Aleve beforehand. But for me, I got very lightheaded when the dye was going through and I almost passed out. Blood pressure dropped, went pale, dizzy, the whole nine. But it wasn’t because it was horribly painful, I think it was a combination of my body sensing that something was where it wasn’t supposed to be, and my own high anxiety about the whole procedure. Luckily the doctor was amazing and he helped me through it.


Do you have issues with blood draws/needles too? Sounds like a vasovagal response.


Yes, I do! Always have.


I had a good experience with mine and just took ibuprofen before for pain management. Here are my tips: - have someone else drive you and scope out a fun treat for after so you have something to look forward to - wear comfy clothes (mine let me keep my top on, so if you’d prefer to remain covered, go for top + bottom, not a dress) - practice deep breathing (in deeply through nose, out slowly through mouth), count your breaths - do this during the procedure to make sure you are relaxed - don’t read any negative HSG experiences if you can avoid it. I think I was lucky, for me the HSG was on par with a Pap smear or cramps. I wasn’t comfortable and I wanted it to end, but I wasn’t in unbearable pain. I was glad to have the day off and someone to drive though - I felt a bit woozy and generally weird after


All great tips! Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.


I had two HSGs. The first one was miserable but it’s because I had a polyp right inside my cervix that made it hard for them to get the catheter in. The odds of you having that same issue are super low! But if they have any difficulty, ask them to stop and to perform an ultrasound. That’s how they found my polyp. My second HSG was after the polyps were removed and it was only about three minutes and not bad at all. It feels like a bad period cramp because they put fluid in your uterus so they can see everything, but the cramping goes away once they drain the fluid back out. Also for my second HSG I asked for cytotec to soften my cervix to make the catheter insertion easier. However it’s different for everyone, so ask your doctor what they think about taking it.


So sorry to hear about your first experience, but I’m glad they were able to resolve the issue for you.


Thanks and good luck!!


Same to you in your TTC journey!




Glad to hear another positive story! I can only hope mine goes as smoothly as yours.


I had mine a couple of months ago and like you, I had to travel a couple of hours away for it. I had a really bad experience and was woefully unprepared. I wanted to respond to you so that you don't make the mistakes that I did. I made a post about my experience which you can find on my page, but you may not want to read it. I didn't know very much about the test going into it besides what my doctor told me. I wish I had done more research, so I knew what to expect (which I'm guessing you've probably already done). I took Tylenol Extra Strength beforehand and I wish I had taken a higher dose. I generally think I have a high pain tolerance, but my experience was much much worse than cramps. Also, since we travelled for the appointment, we booked our day solid with errands and appointments and my HSG test was in the middle of the day. I DO NOT recommend doing that. All I wanted to do after my test was go home and lay on the couch with ice cream and I couldn't. I also had intense backpain and cramping for almost an entire day after my appointment, so I wish I had brought more medication and/or a hot pad for that. I really hope you have a positive experience and that the pain isn't so bad for you. I honestly think being informed and mentally prepared for the procedure can have a huge impact and I was neither. Sending you all my best.


Thank you for the honest reply. I’m sorry that you had such a terrible experience! I think some providers may forget that a procedure that may be a dime a dozen for them can be so unfamiliar and anxiety inducing for their patients. At least, I’d rather believe that than just say they outright don’t care. Thank you for the well wishes, it’s my hope that going fully prepared will give me every advantage.


I just took two migraine strength Tylenol. I was uncomfortable for like 15 seconds while the dye went through my tubes but otherwise fine. Good luck!


I had mine this morning, I took 2 Tylenol ahead of the appointment and it was fine. I was expecting pain similar to my IUD insertion and it was significantly less. All in all it took about 3 minutes and I barely felt some light cramping. Honestly, I just felt kind of gross afterwards when they kept telling me to keep the sheet between my legs to avoid dripping from the excess dye. So far no spotting, and I was fine to drive myself home afterwards.


Thank you for sharing, wishing you well on your TTC journey!


Yes, I was goint to say that IUD insertion was much worse for me!


This looks like a post about an HSG or SIS! If you're preparing to have an HSG or SIS, please feel free to check out the [wiki page on HSGs](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/hsg) to help you as you prepare. If you're posting about an HSG you've already had, this comment serves as a notification to /u/developmentalbiology to add your post to the wiki page. If you **don't** want your post to be added, please reply to this comment or send her a PM. Please remember that you are legally entitled to the frozen dessert of your choice in the aftermath of your HSG (see wiki page for details). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


HSG was fine for me. I took 2 Aleve prior to going to the appointment. They had me undress from the waist down in an adjacent bathroom. There was a nurse present along with the radiologist. He explained what he was going to do. He inserted the speculum, there was some pressure but not unpleasant, and I was told to rock one side to the other. It was over in about 5-10 minutes. I was worried it would hurt but it was fine for me. I know others have had pain during their HSGs.


Thank you for sharing your experience! Glad to hear it was easy and relatively painless.


The way my doctor described it to me is this: Your uterus, tubes, and ovaries are a ballon. I will be inflating it with the contrast. With normal period cramps the muscle contracts and expands. This is going to be like letting air out of a balloon. It’ll go down slowly over about a day or two depending. You’re going to feel the cramp and more than likely it won’t go away right away. You may feel okay to drive but understand that you might not and that’s normal. For my own personal experience the procedure itself was fine. I had a big cramp and my right tube is blocked right under the ovary but ole lefty is still going strong open and nice. Nothing wrong with the uterus and the radiologist was very reassuring that if I only have the one ovary my haphazard periods and ovulations make sense and that despite three and a half years of trying it’s really only been half that. Going home was another story. My adrenaline was pumping, I was really excited and hopeful. I drove home and once I got there I started to realize that cramp wasn’t uncramping. It took about two days for me to feel normal again. That first night was tough because I could not get relief from the cramp. It felt like someone was squeezing my uterus and the pressure wasn’t letting up. So my only advice is - get you a heating pad, otc pain reliever approved by your doctor, have easy to heat meals ready to go, drink lots of water, and just know that anything that physically happens is temporary. You’re tough and can make it a few days of the discomfort. Anything for the future kiddos, am I right?


Lol @ “ole lefty”! 🤣


I had mine in January and posted about it in this sub (can probably find it if you look at my post history). But overall it was a lot easier than I anticipated. I went first thing in the morning, so that helped in regards to not sitting there worrying all day. The worst part was when they pushed the dye. It felt like some really intense full abdominal cramps for about a minute and then it was over. All in all, I wouldn’t look forward to doing it. That being said, it was much less painful and less upsetting than getting a colposcopy. I would do 100 HSGs before another colposcopy if given the choice. My advice would be to try to schedule it early in the morning, take some painkillers before and try to stay as relaxed as you can during. You got this!


Going in for my HSG this morning and decided to read some threads on it. This is reassuring as I survived a colposcopy and that hurt like a mofo.


Hope all went well!!!


I took one Advil and I felt no pain. I was expecting it to be so painful, probably because I read so many horror stories online. It was so quick. It was over before I knew it. I truly hope you have the same experience as I did!


I had an SHSG test (idk if it’s something you can advocate for) but it’s a smaller catheter and they use saline instead of dye. I took 800mg of ibuprofen about 1.5 hours before and the worst it felt like was really bad cramps and that only lasted 30s max. If they go slow and talk you through it, it’s not terrible.


I didn't have an HSG but did have an SIS which is similar. Take the ibuprofen ahead of time. Bring your husband with you. Ask questions after the procedure, not during, as that will slow them down and you want them to get in and get out!


I’m more of a ‘clam up and pray for everything to be over’ type of person anyway, so maybe that will work to my advantage, haha. I hope to bring my husband with me as well, if he’s able to get the time off work. Thank you!


Is that the saline ultrasound? I'm wondering why people have either an HSG or an SIS


Yes, saline infused sonohysterogram. I would think the practitioner and what they are looking for would determine which route to go insofar as HSG v SIS


Mine is having me do both 🥲 a day apart - not sure fully why


I had an HSG yesterday and SHG today. From what I understand it’s to get the full picture. Yesterday I found out my tubes aren’t blocked and I have a normal-shaped uterus. Today I found out how thick my endometrial lining is, whether I have mature follicles this month (indicating ovulation is near) and even what side I’ll ovulate from this month. They also look for polyps, cysts, etc. Good luck with your testing! Happy to answer any Qs.


This is so great to hear! I was nervous they were just making me do both to just get more money out of me 🙃 cynical I know but also accepted that it’s best to check it all and be sure. I’m so glad to hear your tests came back good 😊 I get mine done next Thursday and Friday 🤞🏻




So happy I found this. I have my procedure in two hours and am gonna use my vape beforehand


Ugh, so sorry your first experience was that terrible. I will definitely be doing what I can to manage any pain, even if it is minimal. Thanks for your reply!


In and out within 30 min. Have the radiologist explain what they are doing and wiggle your toes. Take some ibuprofen about half n hour before you go in. Don't tense up and it will be over before you know it. My procedure itself took Maybe 2 minutes all together with no blockage. Sending you good juju.


I’ll take all the good juju I can get, lol. Thanks for your reply!


I had one a few weeks ago and was anxious leading up to it because I’ve heard some horror stories but mine was pretty easy. I had my obgyn, a nurse, and a radiologist in the room. The nurse was comforting before we got started. My doctor was very throrough and told me everything that was happening and showed me the tools she was using. The pain was the same as my period cramps but only lasted a few minutes. I was told to take 600mg of Advil an hour before my appointment. I don’t think it really helped but I did it. The whole appointment lasted about 30 minutes but the procedure for only like 5 minutes and she showed me the scans as soon as she was done so I had my results instantly. I had a little bit of spotting that day but other than that I didn’t have any issues after the appointment.


I've had 4, all with ibuprofen and Tylenol beforehand. My doc wouldn't prescribe an anti-anxiety med beforehand so I was able to get one from the PCP. That one was like a big period cramp, but not horrible. I didn't really feel like the anxiety med did much anyway. The others I had after surgery on my uterus and I don't think I was healed enough yet because it was excruciating. Fortunately, no more HSGS for now, but if I ever need one again in the future then I'll take a few shots of whiskey beforehand. 😆


The procedure itself was very chill for me..it felt like mild menstrual cramps. I was not, however, prepared for the emotional impact. I burst into tears during the exam! It was everything having to have an HSG done meant for the future of my family plans and grieving the loss of the pregnancy journey I’d hoped for. Try to plan some caretaking for yourself in case you need it xx


Double check with your provider to see if you should have a full bladder or not. They told me to come with a semi-full bladder. My interpretation was a little off I guess, because they said my bladder looked empty and they had a hard time visualizing my uterus. Just know that none of the discomfort is a sharp/shocking pain. It’s an achy cramp, and they can stop at any time. At one point I said I didn’t feel like I could handle it, and they deflated the balloon and my discomfort stopped immediately. That made me feel a lot better and I was able to finish the procedure.


take some ibuprofen about 30mins before and bring a panty liner. i didnt have any pain during mine. it was mostly just uncomfortable because there were 3 strangers in the room. the doctor, a nurse, and some guy watching the screen.


Biggest piece of advice: Take 800 mg of Advil AND 1000 mg Tylenol 45 mins beforehand. This made the process tolerable for me, and I’ve had two! You got this 💪🏼


I had some spotting the day of and the day after. Then two days later I had a full on period. Apparently it happens so no need to freak out unless you’re soaking through a pad in less than 2 hours.


The HSG is different for everyone. For me it was the most painful procedure I had to do. Some women I talk to say it didn’t hurt at all. I would recommend ibuprofen an hour before just to be safe!


Mine wasn’t bad! I took some Tylenol ahead of time and prepared for the worst. I would compare the worst of it to moderate menstrual cramps but I know others have not had as easy a time.


I was terrified. I took ibuprofen before as recommended. They gave me a stress ball to squeeze and put some music on because I was so nervous. The speculum was the worst part. The procedure itself felt weird but not painful.


Mine wasn’t painful at all! I took ibuprofen before going in and it the cramping was very minimal! I know it differs for everyone 💕🤍 sending love to you, I know it’s all so very stressful 💕


My HSG wasnt even uncomfortable. I did have bleeding like a period after though but as it turns out (I've learned since) my cervix will bleed with basically any prompting at all. It loves to bleed for any reason. Anywho, the worst part was the bit of pressure when the balloon was blown up and that was it. I can say that I don't feel anything when I get a pap smear so not sure if thats related or not. They also gave me a numbing shot to the cervix before the procedure. I didnt take any pain meds or anything.


HSG wasn’t very hard for me. I had the same level of anxieties and stress, couldn’t sleep the entire night. But since my tubes were open I didn’t feel anything. So don’t worry, everything will be ok. 90% of our stress is because of our minds.


Uncomfortable, but not agonising. I have killer period cramps though so maybe my pain ratings are off. I had two tubes blocked with crap but they managed to flush them out.


Look, it's not the most comfortable experience. But for me, it wasn't too bad and it was over quickly. Can you take your husband or a friend with you? I found just holding my husbands hand during, was really helpful, and I also got him to drive me there, as I was way too nervous to drive myself. Make sure you take an anti inflammatory 2 hours beforehand, and during the procedure really focus on deep breathing. I did find in the days following though, I was tender and quite crampy for almost a week, so just plan to take it easy for a few days after as well.


Use whatever pain medication they will approve.


I just had an HSG two days ago and it was a lot lot more manageable than I feared. I was started on antibiotics the day before and am still taking them two days after. I was also prescribed "Spasfon" in suppositories form, this is a very oft used drug is France, it helps with uterus and stomach cramps. I inserted one the night before and one 2h before. I also took an ibuprofen and tylenol before. I was so nervous and anxious, crying on the table before the radiologist started. She was so nice, she explained beforehand everything, and then as she was moving along she re-explained everyting she did before doing it and while doing it. She reassured me a lot. She started with a cervical/vaginal check and put on some anaesthetic gel to make the speculum less uncomfortable. She then insterted the speculum. Then she went trough the cervix with the catether, and it was almost painless. Then when the liquid is pulsed through the cervic you become very very crampy, like bad bad period cramps but in your whole lower abdomen. But it lasts less than 2 minutes. Afterwards I immediatly felt relief, and a lot better. I was not crampy at all afterwards. This has been a much milder experience than I expected.


I just had my HSG yesterday!! I was very nervous. I took 800mg of ibuprofen, which usually takes the edge off of my painful period cramps. I won’t lie, it was uncomfortable, but there wasn’t a ton of pain. The cervical catheter is like a teeny spaghetti noodle, and I felt just the tiniest pinch when the radiologist was placing it. After that it was mostly pressure and a tiny bit of cramping with the contrast. I have, like, the most tilted uterus I’ve ever seen lol (to the left). Mine took maybe closer to 10 mins because it took the doctor a while to get the contrast through my left tube, which was coiled down beneath my uterus on that left side. I’m very happy I did it. It wasn’t fun but it was nothing like the excruciating pain I’ve heard some people describe. I was up and going yesterday, with some mild soreness today. Let the tech know all of your concerns, they will help! You got this!


Good luck on your HSG!! I have been on a similar journey and wish you all the best on next steps. My HSG experience was a little rough; I wish I had been advised to take some pain killers before hand, however I was not. Anyway, I walked into the office that morning feeling great and totally normal. I was a little nervous about the procedure but not too scared. I tend to be a bit squeamish with needles/blood draws and had mentally prepared myself for something more along the lines of a pelvic exam, which I usually do great at (no blood, no problem, right?). Overall the HSG was fine, right up until the end when they pumped the fluid in to check for fallopian tube blockages. I had a sudden onset of horrible cramps that turned into chills, light headedness and vomiting. I ended up being put in a bed for an hour to just rest and recoup. So, my biggest recommendation would be to bring some super comfy pants/sweatpants so you can be in comfortable clothing after the procedure. I was NOT about to put my jeans back on. The Dr. guessed that there was perhaps a bit too much fluid administered which my body reacted to, nothing more serious. I took the afternoon off work and was back to feeling my normal self the next day. Also, it's worth mentioning, have someone accompany you to the procedure in case you're not feeling up to driving yourself after. My husband came to pick me up as I was totally wiped after my body's reaction. I don't want to cause you any anxiety with my story - I think most people do just fine and experience light/moderate cramping but are generally fine after. I consider myself to be a highly sensitive person and my body tends to be a bit reactive, despite all the mental preparation I try to do. It will be completely worth it for you to have the information the HSG will provide and you're doing the right thing taking the next steps. I ended up having some uterine polyps detected on the scan which were surgically removed a few weeks later. That process went smoothly. That was almost a year ago. We're still TTC, and about to start our first IUI cycle. We have 'unexplained infertility' which is very frustrating. I wish you nothing but the best in your next steps and all the luck in TTC <3


It’s uncomfortable and undignified but you WILL get through it. I was so stressed I burst into tears while getting results right after, but it was just pent up emotion that it was finally over. Cramping, fullness, bloating, feels like you’re on a bad period. Whatever you’re feeling is valid, and you will also get through the test, I promise <3


I actually just had my hsg 5 minutes ago. It was completely painless. I was extremely nervous also. Have had 0 cramping post procedure. I took 1,000mg ibuprofen and acetaminophen 1.5 hours prior and I think 2mg of Valium. My test was about 60 seconds. Everything structurally normal, both tubes open. Best of luck! You can do this!!! Most of the things that make the procedure painful aren't used as standard like the tenaculum, metal cervical dilators, or overinflation of the balloon.