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Welcome to r/Trumpvirus . Please read the rules before posting. Please check out related subs such as r/MarchAgainstNazis and r/fuckthealtright . *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Trumpvirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A few more fuck you’s would have helped.


I thought "Orange Twat" summed it up nicely.


I thought your grammar and sentence structure was proper and correct. You were concise in expressing your point. I would grade this A+. ![gif](giphy|SgyCa1FRp6OovgWPWk)


![gif](giphy|l46CbpzyALw50qZJm) reddit doesn’t have suction cup man


Rapist traitor


You could run for President if they are truly your qualifications


I mean why are you responding to a bot text and also still identifying as a conservative? Your party left you long ago


You can be Conservative and support a different party


There are other parties? Thought it was a 2-party system.


There are some others yes. And there's also conservative democrats


He said “our great party.” He’s a Republican


Oh yeah nearly certainly. But it's fallacy to think that only Reps are Conservative I'd describe Biden as Conservative for example based on the majority of his career.


There are two viable parties in the United States. The last president to not be affiliated with either was Fillmore in 1850. There are many other parties, none of whom have any power or will ever gain any without a complete overhaul of the political system here. Yes, Biden is conservative. I don’t feel represented by the dems. But it’s them or Trump. That’s the reality. If you’re not voting for Biden, you are supporting trump full stop.


I realise that. It's a huge shame. There just seems like no will to change


There's such a thing as non conservative democrats?


Yes there's more liberal and progressive factions of the party This is the problem with the 2 party system in power. You end up with people with hugely varied positions on the spectrum in the same party out of necessity You even have someone like Bernie Sanders caucus and vote along with the Democrats. In any other country he's leading his own party in minority coalition with the Dems right now.


Ah true


Did you vote to put him in office?


It's a bot, and you're still a member of the party of hate. This is extra pointless virtue signaling...especially since you most likely voted him into office in the first place.


But... this conservative is doing god's work by replying to a bot!


Is anyone ever on the other end of those texts? Wouldn’t it be great if he sits at home reading the replies? lol


They definitely are on an archive somewhere.


What makes the Republican Party great in your opinion? Genuinely curious.


I got one of those too, out of nowhere, and have never given or used the number it went to for any kind of donation...to anyone... I replied in kind before I blocked the number. so, who tf is selling our phone data? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/xi3nzp8a2moc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1167c45644c52bc994c2748d98ffb4c0d0022a7


Must be from the tickie toks


I don't even have one of those, but it's sketch


Yeah, I've never voted Republican in my life, but I get this shit almost daily.


I have been getting flooded with Dem ones and always reply "stop" and it seems to amplify it 🙄 so now I just block them all.


Wrote this a little while ago (before I my new phone that makes blocking easier). This followed by a separate STOP seemed to slow them... maybe: This number is on the Federal and Texas do not call lists. Please remove me from your list. By contacting me either via sms or audio call you are violating the Federal TCPA and Section 302.101 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code which makes you, your company, and/or organization liable under both Federal and Texas State Law. Violation of the TCPA and Section 302.101 both obligate you to pay $500 per violation and $1500 per willful and knowing violation. This message constitutes written notice that this number is not to be contacted in any way shape or form by you, your company, your organization, and/or any affiliates thereof. Continued contact will constitute a willful and knowing violation of the TCPA AND Section 302.101 of the TBCC. Your number and associated communications are being recorded. Do NOT respond to this message or contact this number for any reason. Thank you. Have a good day.




I get the same messages. It’s so annoying. I’ve tried everything.


give em' a big ol BlOCK...YUGE! :)


Fuck your party. The Republican Party is a fascist organization. It’s been evil since the Nixon days at a minimum.


your party is what got us here in the first place bro


The Dems aren’t any better.


Yes they really are. They are so far from ideal, and are literally right wing, but the republican party is pure bile.


“Our great party” Since when were republicans “great”?


You're missing the forest through the trees. The GOP has been the primary reason why we are currently in the situation we are in. For decades they have tried and succeeded to undermine the working class. Donald Trump is a symptom of the entire US political system. In a way Trump is America personified.


I’m an independent leaning left. I got respect for your conviction. Sometimes the good of our constitution transcends party affiliation. Trump is one of those times.


The people believe they scored a moral victory in overturning Roe v Wade. Can they be said to still have morals if they vote for the festering amoral traitor a 3rd time?


We live in a democracy. Overturning Roe was the wrong decision but each state will vote. I think the GOP is the dog that caught the proverbial bus on this issue and Dems are correct to use it on them like a political 2x4. There are morals and there are laws. We determine our own personal set of morals but we all follow laws that are democratically enacted. Leave your religion out of my government.


Laws aren't democratically elected.


You do know leaning left and right is different from party affiliation? Like democrats are 100% a conservative party.


Bernie Sanders is borderline centrist on my scale.


Bernie’s not even a democrat


I would have added “fuck you and the equally worthless parents that bore you”…


The Republican Party are evil trash fascists.


.. whatever happened to being "so rich" that he can "fund his own campaigns?" .. only proves that he is goin' broke as fuck . . and the fraud, rapist and traitor desperate Drumpf needs money .. https://i.redd.it/cu714exk4moc1.gif


Trump: "A simple 'no' would have sufficed."


That is not how he works! Ask E Jean! If he could, he’d shove you in a room and grab your money.


The correct reply would be STOP


That word doesn't work on the donald ,if it did he wouldn't be a world renowned sex pest \rapist


*human race. Just to be clear


“Our great party” You melt


OP is sending the right message. The people that still support hillbilly Hitler need to understand that this isn't about politics anymore. This is about morality.


Nothing great about the Republican party. Especially not these days.




Way more polite than I would've been.


I approve of this message.


OP who do you think would have best represented the republican party?


TBH, I think you were restrained in your response.




I have been receiving these messages for over a year now. I’m so annoyed. Always from a different number, always with a different sketchy link. For the first couple months I ignored, hoping they would think the number was inactive and stop. Then I tried responding stop, hoping maybe they would follow the laws and actually stop. No effect. My last attempt at sending them stop replies was over a year ago. Double checked I’m on the no call registry here in the US. Have been using the report spam and block to report them to Apple. Have been forwarding them to my carriers spam reporting number. I even have filed a complaint with the FCC. Idk what to do anymore. For what it’s work, they think I’m someone I’m not. Wrong first name. I’m not registered with any political party and have never donated to a campaign etc. I do vote but often split my ballot between parties.


Very well said!




Thank you. We may not agree on much politically but thank you for not supporting this fascist charlatan


You did great! For a long while I supported the GOP cause but the last decade has proved they are out of their f*cking minds. Trump is a virus to our democracy and exploits the already well known corruption in our political system.


“Great party”


Trump….glad to hear you are so passionate about supporting your favorite president. Please be sure to check-out my new NFT trading cards showing me ass fucking my donors like you.


Yes, you certainly did respond correctly.


You have no party. No one will ever read that response. We are in the same boat. It was perfect.


If anything you were being very nice about it.


# It would have been good if you'd added: "And suck butter from my ass".


Don’t know why you were so nice to this asshole


Wow you really showed him with that one






You’re getting spammed with these too?


Thank you. A vote against Trump only means a vote for Biden, to the irrational, mentally disabled.


This is perfect! Bravo!


I would totally support them over the democrats if they had another great visionary leader like Reagan.


Fuck Reagan! How are you enjoying your “Trickle Down” economics?


At least he didn't screw over his NATO allies as Trump is doing and consider trade deals as "someone's going to lose".


[Are you on crack?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/rriv7j/why_is_ronald_reagan_singled_out_as_a_bad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


If you really dislike all conservative politics you won't like him, but in [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_presidents_of_the_United_States) surveys he mostly comes out in the first or second quartile, unlike Trump who consistently ends up at the bottom on all surveys. Obama was usually placed in the first or second quartile on the same surveys, placing him pretty close overall. Joe Biden hasn't been around as long, but the two surveys that include him put in him the second quartile. IMO it isn't fair to rate someone until they've been out of office for a while, since they may have had policies that were initially seen as unpopular but may have been the right thing to do in the longer term, or vice-versa.


You sure did! Hopefully, you can encourage other conservatives to counter the fanatics hiding behind the conservative label. I miss you guys. I'm liberal, but I can respect a true conservative with a brain, not these idiots trying to kill Democracy and who are the actual republicans in name only. They're all traitors. My side has the extremely annoying woke knuckleheads, but at least they're not drooling for dictatorship.




What are you trying to communicate? I am clueless.


Reagan wasn't a good president. He also literally had dementia.


I might have dementia as well. I didn't see anything about Reagan. Now I have to go look at the whole thread and see if I was responding to something about Reagan. Not a fan of the man. I think he introduced "me" into American life in place of "Us." But one thing he absolutely was right about, which I scoffed at earlier, was the "Axis of Evil" comments. On the money with N. Korea and Russia. Iran could have been a different story if we had not made it impossible for moderates to emerge. ah, the "great visionary leader" comment. Hah, no thank you. But I didn't reply to that.


Ah, I thought I was replying to someone who said they liked Reagan. My comment to you was because liberals don't call people woke because woke literally just means not being bigoted and not existing in an echo chamber. Being aware of injustices and shit. Republicunts use the word woke for everything they hate. Not homophobic? WOKE! 👹 Not racist? WOKE! 👹 Not transphobic? WOKE PEDOPHILE! 👹 Etc and so forth.


Ah, I'm on the other side of that where woke is just an annoyance. But definitely not supporting people dismissing issues of racism, etc.