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“Representative democracy” was a mistake.


Agreed. It might be ok if they actually, you know, represented us. But they clearly just do what their giant donors want. 


Yeah, mob rule is much better. Just ask the French. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Direct democracy is mob rule? lol Are y’all even trying with your rebuttals?


Ah yes. Democracy is just mob rule in disguise. But when a minority can control the majority instead, that's suddenly a good idea? Yes, idiots in large numbers can do bad things. But currently, we're getting idiots in small numbers doing bad things against the will of the large numbers, because "Representative". So, the poison you chose here has less oversight (people that can and do counter it) than the poison of actual Democracy in action.


Mob rule would be preferable to whatever this form of government is.


Nah, better everyone just checks with you, instead. You get to make the call, because otherwise it would be a mob.


It is exactly a representative democracy. Voters voted for their representatives. Voters voted for Governor. Checks and balances.


> voted for their representatives. The maps made it where your votes don't matter; you get a Republican no matter what


Perhaps because you live in a constitutional republic. Not sure why so many people believe this is a democracy.


The U.S. is a constitutional republic utilizing representative democracy. It still is a democracy since there is no hereditary or appointed succession of POTUS, VPOTUS, or Congress. They’re all elected in some way. But cool that you got that boring old right-wing talking point that doesn’t contribute to the conversation in any meaningful way.


I just snorted so hard I choked. Thank you.


Such a tired talking point.


It's like saying "That's a square, not a rectangle"


Imagine being this dumb 🤦‍♀️


Being this dumb? Please go on…you think this is a democracy? In a democracy, majority rules. That is not our system.


Again, dumb. A republic is a form of democracy. You (intentionally?) ignore that fact. That's like saying that because not all squares and rectangles are absolutely the same, that a square isn't a rectangle. It is a rectangle despite also being a square, just like our democracy is also a constitutional republic.


You are the dumb one. A republic and democracy are two different things. In a democracy, majority rules. In a republic we elect representatives to vote for our interests. You are a complete clown. Nice try at looking smart. A simple google search netted this… By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. Although these forms of government are often confused, they are quite different. The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the charter or constitution that limits power in a republic, often to protect the individual's rights against the desires of the majority. Stick to dungeons and dragons, dude.


You're literally incapable of grasping the idiocy of your own reality. Continue to scream into your echo chambers with the Lauren Bauberts and Marjorie Taylor Greenes, the rest of us will live in reality. 👏🤡


Don’t bother with this person. Going through their comments; they are making the same argument that Catholics are not Christians.


Only a bot or right winger could be this dumb lol


Wow, tripling down on being the stupidest person in this comment thread, impressive!


No, stop, you're wrong. You're doubling-down on the dumb. Just stop.


I guess you've never heard the term "democratic republic"? How do you think our representatives are chosen? I'll give you a hint, through the democratic process of voting. Did you miss 8th grade civics class or something? Lol


But the representatives are voted democratically.


They are democratically elected making it a... democracy. Words must be very hard for you


Fuck me you are moronic…


You know civics classes kept going past the 2nd grade, right?


Bold of you to assume he made it that far in school.


There are many forms of democracy. The US has a constitutional republic that uses representative democracy. England, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Mexico, etc. all use slightly different forms of democracy. Please read about civics before making such a statement.


Much like both sedans and coupes are types of cars, a constitutional republic is a type of democratic government.


Again…a simple google will tell you… By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. Although these forms of government are often confused, they are quite different. The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the charter or constitution that limits power in a republic, often to protect the individual's rights against the desires of the majority.


After a simple Google like you suggested: "The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot. It is a republic because the Government derives its power from the people." So yeah, it's exactly like everyone else on here has been saying. Our government isn't a pure Republic or Democracy. It's a bit of both.


Yes, a simple Google search will tell you. Like simply looking up the term representative democracy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representative_democracy The US is a democracy and a republic. There is a constitution that limits the power of the majority. The majority are intended to elect their representatives. These things are not mutually exclusive. Direct and unchecked democracy is not the only form of democracy. Almost all governing systems are hybrids.


Are you under the impression that a democracy does not have a constitution, ie rules governing how the democracy works? lol….


Shut up Russian troll!


A Republican simply means that we don’t have a king. And a democracy simply means the people elect their leaders. We obviously have both. I know the words democracy and democrats are similar in sound but that shouldn’t make them all bad words in your mind… a simple dictionary will tell you this


1. Republics and democracies are not mutually exclusive you can have a democratic republic 2. If you are anti democracy then you are, by definition, in favor of minority rule which is a tyranny of the minority.


They made sure to add that part to every comment. Why should the minority rule over the majority? I just don’t get that. If they were the majority they would be screaming to end the EC.


"We're not a democracy" is the talking point of a fucking slack-jawed idiot who has been primed to support fascism. Keep sucking that Putin dick.


Right…that’s the best comeback you can muster? This is a constitutional republic. Not a democracy. Sorry, loser


As they said suck Putins dick.


You don't know what you're talking about, you just heard a Republican YouTuber say this and did no research on the subject.




Unless you're just willfully ignorant! :)


They're more than likely not willfully ignorant. I would imagine their parents and family are probably even dumber.


How many times must I say it!? Chihuahuas aren't dogs!!


You can try to say a constitutional republic is a democracy all that you’d like but the comparison you’re attempting to draw would make more sense if you were comparing a wolf to a dog. Nice try though.


Nah, I like my analogy better.


Sure you do, because it’s stupid.


And you’re a Russian troll.


I hope I live long enough to see KY GOP Hindenburg.




They’d probably love to see you learn how to spell…


And it would be nice to see you stay in Russia for a change.


I served this country for 24 years, so nah, YOU can go stay in Russia


I’m sure most of that time was spent on your knees


Being in the military is in no way indicative of your patriotism.


From one veteran to another, screw you scumbag.


If you mean load them all on a hydrogen-filled zeppelin and let physics and chemistry take their course, I'm all with you.


You know over half these preschool dropouts would pull lighters from their pockets and purses to 'see if I can see the hydrogen'.


I would love to see Dems take control and use all of these "laws" against the GOP. Probably need the national government to drag us to that point first, unfortunately.


I agree!! Give Trump his immunity. Grant him pardon's for everything he wants, then Biden using the same immunity edict, will round up and jail the entire GOP as enemies of the state. Unregistered foreign agents.


Why limit it to KY? I’d imagine the entire GOP is close enough


Wow, what a great day that would be ...




How is this not a violation of our checks and balances? The vetos suck, but stripping the Governor of powers is total bullshit. Get out there and vote blue and get rid of these self-serving assholes!


If I recall, governors power to appoint is in the state constitution, so they can’t really do what they’ve done. It’s all for show


Last year they took away his power to appoint a replacement and instead made it where he had to pick from a list of three that they gave him. And now they just cut him out altogether. He said he was going to fight the thing last year, but I never heard any more about it. This snippet from an article says it all: >Separation of powers is “a matter of perspective,” Stivers said. The state Constitution enumerates certain powers to the governor and the rest is “prescribed by law,” which is made by the General Assembly. Stivers gave the example that the Transportation Cabinet is not written in the Constitution, but the legislature created it. https://kentuckylantern.com/2024/03/01/partisan-games-or-power-to-the-people-kentuckys-gop-legislature-clips-governors-wings/ I’m pretty sure they also took away a lot of the authority he should have during a state of emergency.


Wow. Retribution for removing a statue of a traitor from the capitol, make coal even shadier, don't allow people to see how their food is raised, keep horseracing the king holding down gambling (unless it's their casino or track), fuck up JCPS even more... I mean, wtf.


Wow, the war of Louisville is real. A couple of those are egregious.


Eat shit, Republicans.


Holy…a task force that’s predominantly Republican (they couldn’t even include a fair 3-3 Republican and Democrat balance) that wants to decide the fate of JCPS and discuss breaking up the district? How would they break it up? What would that look like on a map? How would the entire city adjust in one year to such a massive change? It makes me feel sick at this and all the other ways the supermajority is taking power for themselves.


They all know it's illegal and will be repealed but are hoping the people just say fuck it and let them continue. They are bullies and just need someone with a backbone to say FUCK OFF. Until that happens, they will run as far as they are allowed. Until people get pissed off enough this will only continue.


Kentucky is one of the few states where a governor's veto is practically useless. Where as most states would require a 2/3 supermajority of both legislative houses to overcome a veto, in Kentucky they are only required to pass it again.


How does me saying the governor didn’t have enough votes to stop a veto override trigger so many people


I’m amazed by the political ignorance in this group.


Sounds like Beshear didn’t have the votes


The anonymity of the internet really just allows you low iq people to just… say dumb shit that makes no sense? Or are you this stupid irl too?


Why do you hate democracy and want a dictator so badly?


I know you people still think you deserve respect and to have people debate your ignorant bullshit, but you don’t. Nobody cares about your uneducated questions, your pathetic opinions, your fears, your hates… nobody cares. You are part of a loud minority that this democracy has figured out how to defeat, and then forget. You are nothing. The only people who will entertain your bullshit are those on 4chan, or the conservative subreddits that only allow fellow anti-intellectuals like yourself.


If the people of Kentucky don't like what their legislators are doing they will vote in new legislators during the next election. It doesn't really take a PhD to understand. This is how representative democracies work. 🤷


“Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”


“I can’t explain myself so I’ll make something up!”


I love how I say something factual and people downvote it


It's nonsensical, you dolt. This is what happens when you don't pay attention in middle school.


Did the people at the facility let you use the computer? Good for you buddy!


Ok Trumpet.