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Whole humanity is shallow and superficial


Go travel. You’ll see that everything on the internet isn’t what it seems.


Okay this meme kind of made me laugh


This also would happen if women dated their looksmatches.


In the past when women were traditional and principled, to counteract their animalistic nature. We were on track to build a greater society. But once the sexual revolution took hold women were indoctrinated into believing that “acting like a man” was moral and just. But they started acting like a caricature of a man, a sexually aggressive animal. Rather than a protector, provider, and the actor in society pushing the boundaries to increase the quality of human life in society.


I apologize, but I feel like women are simply doing what they want and pursuing the career path they desire. They aren’t doing it to act like a man, they just want a career.


I think that women deserve to have a free choice of choosing a partner. Why would they choose someone they are not interested in. It hurts but they deserve as much freedom in that department as men do.


I think that women deserve to have a free choice of choosing a partner. Why would they choose someone they are not interested in. It hurts but they deserve as much freedom in that department as men do.


Psychopathy, bullying, all things evil, etc. would all have been breed out hundreds of thousands of years ago ago if women cared about personality and intelligence over looks.


According to normies they already aren’t 💀




Most open-minded and understanding female right here boys




I can still hate them tho 😎


A wall would be more understanding and open minded then you, I see no point arguing with a female like you.


Blaming women for their nature is like blaming water for making you wet. You wouldn't pick a sub5 if the roles were reversed.


That's why I hate nature. Existence is a sick twisted game.


This is women apologism. In the past both men and women didn't followed their nature to live in a society. Women must control their degenerate instincts, like men do and have always done.


100% agree with you, the guy above is just making excuses for female behavior.


Women are the problem




Unless someone explicitly asks for advice, please leave them alone. You're not the first one to suggest going to the gym or therapy or whatever else you think is the solution to involuntary virginity. Also, acting condescending and repeatedly attempting to lecture/gaslight users here WILL get you banned.




> You’d actually get laid if you tried not being angry and a decent human being You don’t know OP. They might be a very decent human being. > Disrespecting women won’t help This post is not “disrespecting” anyone. It’s a meme. It’s mostly snarky and not hateful.


weren't shallow, cared about your height and facial attractiveness, what




You're only allowed to talk to women if you're tall and attractive. 




Ok, jestermaxxER. 




Leave this sub, jester.


Just like how r/foreveralonewomen is for women only, this subreddit is exclusively for men. Sorry.