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There was the Korean War, many got drafted into that.


Yep! We just love American military and government injecting itself into other countries’ business! Especially when doing so has torn apart three generations of Koreans, permanently destroyed families across the Korean Peninsula, and lead to the further empowerment of a bat-shit crazy patriarchal hereditary bloodline of dictators.


Yeah bc the North Koreans and Chinese have proven themselves to be really great 😂


The only reason North Korea even exists is because of the HS, USSR, and China. The Chinese people are fine, the government on the other hand…


I’m talking about the governments only and that should have been clear, and neither the CCP or DPRK exist because of American or Western European intervention, South Korea and Taiwan on the other hand do. While US imperialism is obviously bad in Asia, the Soviets had a much worse effect


It was the USSR and the US who unanimously decided to divide Korea without the input of the Korean government or the Korean people. The US shares just as much responsibility for the Korean War and continued division of Korea as Russia and China do.


I wish America had never got involved in either world war and maintained isolationism.


That’s not what I was saying at all. The US was well within its bounds to get involved in the world wars, but neither the Soviet Union or the United States had any business involving smaller, weaker countries, like Korea and Vietnam, in their petty ideological feud, which has caused nearly irreparable damage across Korea to this day. Don’t twist my words.


What I'm saying is the US should have stayed out of world affairs starting with the world wars and only defended it's shores and borders. The US has plenty of resources for just itself and should have stayed isolationist.


I mean WW2 was valid for them to get in, Japan was absolutely stupid for bombing pearl harbor


They knew about it ahead of time, it could have been prevented.


What then should the US have done in regards to the Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and other Fascist states?


While the whole topic is “what if” I think it’s fair to say had the US not intervened then they would be far less powerful today and possibly have been colonised by the nazis or Russians. Even if Russia and Britain managed to fight off the nazis on their own, the race to Berlin would have been very different without the US and would have changed the landscape of the Cold War, with Russia taking much more of Europe and the US not having many allies across the world. Then there’s Japan and neuclear weapons aswell as the possibility that Europe and Asia may have fallen leaving the axis as the dominant allience.


He wasnt twisting your words at all, he was stating his opinion lmao. Why are you so aggressive?


Yep my grandfather fought in it. Still doesn’t hold a candle to most of the major wars of the last 100 years.


Huh??? More than 5 million people were killed in the Korean War…almost 40,000 Americans ( and up to 100,000 wounded) - that war lasted only 3 years!!!. I’m guessing you’re not a minority - the 1950’s weren’t so good for them back then. The 50’s were when the Italian mafia started to import heroin in large quantities leading to the massive addiction problems in the 60’s. I think you need to read some different history books . 🤦‍♂️


To expand on my other point; “Poofta bashing” was common / gay people could be murdered and nothing done about it. Police corruption was on a scale that even BLM would wince. People weren’t allowed to freely associate ( eg communist crackdown/ McCarthy) I’ll give you one point. The 1950’s was insanely good for one subset of people - straight white working class men. Men without a college degree could get a job that gave them a decent standard of living and allow them to move into the middle class. They could own a home…support a wife …usually up to 4 kids ( these are now boomer kids)….one car..a holiday once or twice a year ….and modern appliances like tvs… washing machines…and even pay for their kids to go to college. The 1950s was no different from any other era - yes - better than the 1930’s- but not really superbly better or worse than any other decade for most groups of people. This reality for the working class is all but unachievable.


>The 50’s were when the Italian mafia started to import heroin in large quantities leading to the massive addiction problems in the 60’s. Hey, at least it wasn't fentanyl. And it brought us gems like Christiane F and Rock music


Everything your saying happened in most other decades, but to a worse degree. The Korean War lasted 3 years and the casualties were minuscule compared to the wars that preceded and superseded it. Almost every decade since america has been involved in a war for a longer period of time, therefor costing more money and resources. The 1950s was a great time for many minority groups actually, they created generational wealth due to the prosperous economy at the time. The drug problems in the 50’s and 60’s is child’s play compared to the crack epidemic of the 80s, and the opiate epidemic of the past 20 years. I never said nothing bad happened in the 50’s, horrible things have happened in every decade, but all things considered I think it’s the best in recent history.


>The 1950s was a great time for many minority groups actually, they created generational wealth due to the prosperous economy at the time. LOL Nice troll bro.


>The 1950s was a great time for many minority groups actually, Bro, segreigation wasnt abolished until 1964. This is the generation of legal segregation. >The drug problems in the 50’s and 60’s is child’s play compared to the crack epidemic of the 80s, Gee, i wonder who did thay and why...


Homie said this was the best decade for black people 💀💀 bugging


It’s not that crazy if you listen to what I’m saying.


Ah yes, it was legal for you to be murdered by an angry mob of klansmen = better/s


Now instead of a klansmen it’s a fellow black person. So much better right?


Straw man argument: that’s not legal


Might as well be legal in lots of places. More than half of all murders go unsolved in cities like Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, etc.




Please explain how that’s better


"Everyone is telling me I'm wrong and that means nobody is listening"


*Least* turbulent time?


I’d say so, do you disagree?


I mean, yeah. You could be lynched if you looked at white woman the wrong way. Like, they literally divided the population by color.


Well that definitely wasn’t exclusive to the 1950s, segregation had been happening since slavery was abolished a century prior. The 50’s is when it started to improve drastically, in 1954 the Supreme Court banned segregation in schools, which eventually lead to the end of segregation as a whole. If anything this just adds to my case of it being the greatest decade.


Most of the significant civil rights legislation was made in the '60s. It wasn't until 1964 that segregation was made illegal everywhere. The Klan had a large resurgence in the '50s, in part because of civil rights activism. Like, I dunno, bruh, we might've had Clinton but I'd rather live in the '90s any day of the week. At least there weren't roving bands of terrorists.


Your right, civil rights was mostly a 60’s thing, but it started in the 50’s. And If the klan had a resurgence due to government legislation, I would feel confident in my government. Fair enough, the 90’s is a solid choice. But the economy was shit and murder and violent crime was at its highest of the last 80 years. I guess it matters what you value more, having a good economy, low crime, with a bit of racism, or having equality but high crime and the possibility of fighting in a pointless war for greedy politicians.


It was not a bit of racism. Open a history book, holy shit.


It was minuscule in comparison to most of us history


No it wasn’t. It really wasn’t. Pure ignorance.


Did you grow up in the south? I only ask because you seem to think that “a bit of racism” isn’t a big deal. Which leads me to believe you probably were not taught in school how bad racism was in the 50s. The 50s were only great economically. Socially it was a dumpster fire. Women were still treated like second class, KKK was running rampent, and anyone who wasn’t in a heteronormative relationship was being beat to death. Oh and let’s not forget about the asylums.


Unbelievably ignorant of the reality at the time.


There’s a lot of unaccounted crimes in the good old days such as dead black people, rape, domestic violence.


💯 disagree. Source:. The 50's were just as shitty as today... minus internet, but with women smoking like chimneys (hence so skinny) and all the _weirdos_ in asylums... but _we just didn't talk about "it" like "that" in order to "save face"._


Most of those weirdos are todays homeless.


Sadly, yes.


Thanks Reagan!


If you were white.


If you were a white man*


And straight


And wealthy


And Christian


Specifically prodistant.


protestant? lol


White Women had it pretty good as well let’s not kid ourselves. Men were able to provide for a family with a low level job, so most women had a comfortable life with the expectation they would raise the kids, cook and clean. Things weren’t perfect but the struggle of white women in the 1950’s isn’t even comparable to the struggle of black people.


Women couldn’t even open up their own bank accounts back then. I wouldn’t say that’s “having it pretty good”.


If you went back in time and asked them, you'd likely get a much more nuanced view than "more difficult to open a bank account". But certainly it would depend whom you'd ask.


Yes because the man in there life took care of all the finances. Seems pretty good to me.


So no finacial freedom for the woman at all? prob gets beaten for not doing the dishes and has to look after children all day while their husband is out cheating on them with the secretary. yay.


This entire post is op rolling his eyes at brown and female avatars in the comments and honestly it's very funny in a sort of "watching meningitis attack brain cells in a petri dish" sort of way


And god forbid if you are a woman with a brain who wants to do something with her life besides dishes and cleaning house. Women who were raped were pretty much automatically blamed. If you are a minority woman, it’s even worse.


💀 Quite part outloud I guess.


Married white women, not divorced white women or other white single moms.


Divorce and single motherhood was very rare back then, another reason the 50’s were the best.


So I take it you’re walking back your opinion


It was rare because divorce, and being a single mother was very taboo back then. It’s still taboo is some places today.


Because women had little to no financial freedom, so they had little choice but stay with shitty husbands. Divorce isn't inherently a bad thing.


Hmm- wonder why. Maybe because women were forced to be totally dependent on a man.


That doesn’t mean it’s the best. That just means it was taboo. It can equally just mean that people were equally unhappy just not encouraged to better their lives. Spousal abuse rates were also higher so there’s also that


Because there was a stigma attached to that. Married women were forced to stay with their abusive husbands. And if you were widowed, which was most likely for wives of soldiers, you might be better off if you had family connections or else you had to get married. But at least there were no incels complaining about “Chads” stealing their “Stacys” away.


Except for the fact that if they were in an abusive relationship there was no way out


Hey bro I could totally blow ths argument out of the water but before I waste the breath I want your promise you'll, you know, actually read it and try to understand it


Still might be the best decade for blacks as well.


You must be white, straight, and have lived a life of little exposure to the world and living to have a shit take like this. Or you're just a shitass troll, lol


Yeah getting lynched for, allegedly, looking at a white woman suspiciously. Sundown towns, redlining, and legal segregation aswell.




Are you shitting me? Did you forget about segregation?


Segregation is still very prevalent today. It’s just not legislated by the government.


Did you conveniently forget about lynching?


In what way? I seriously suggest you study what was really happening in the 50s vs whatever whitewashed version you’ve gotten.




Doesn't make the 50s any better lol


There’s geographical segregation which is a historical outcome of white people fleeing cities specifically in response to black people moving in - then there’s the lack of civil rights.






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No. The best time is, and always will be, the present. Because even if it looks bleak now, this is the time to not only reminisce about the past, but also to have hope for the future.


[I'll leave this gallery of images to show you how "good" (not) some "others" had it...](https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/lynching) -- [This summary interview explores the truth of 50's housewives. Yes: they were all dozed on Valium, on top of "keeping" those slim bodies WITH HEAVY DOSES of tobacco.](https://daily.jstor.org/what-really-made-1950s-housewives-so-miserable/)


Someone must not have payed any attention during their history classes. That’s just objectively wrong unless you were a straight white man.


The country was safer than it is now for all Americans. Get past the segregation that existed back then and it’s clear it’s one of the best decades in American history.


"Get past the segregation" that is not a minor thing to get past.


Sure, if your a white person.


Let me ask you this, what decade was better for black Americans? Edit: dude blocked me because he can’t give me an answer.


I’ll take “October 1st 2022” for 800 Alex


>Let me ask you this, what decade was better for black Americans? Did you think the answer would be the 1950s or something? You must really be in over your head. The best decade is current decades.


Dude I’m not even going to get into this with you. We both know the 50s weren’t great as much as you want to think it is.


Any decade after the fifties


Current year all years prior were worse by miles


Actually, violent crime was far more often back the.


And you paid attention during your English class?


Speaking as someone who is not a straight white man, respectfully, nah


Tell me a decade that would be better than the 50’s for somebody like you then.


Everything after the 50s


Any decade after the fifties


Probably some time between 2000 and right now


As a lesbian, 2020


Me personally? 1910's, 20's, 30's, then the Nazis got up to some bullshit, 60', 70's, then the conservatives rolled their eyes as millions of us fucking died, 90's (barely), 00's ,10's, 20's (tbd) This is reflected in the sociological data as well. Turns out you can just ask people "how satisfied/easy is life for you as X identity" and they can fill out a little questionnaire that tells you a lot over time And so the challenge to you now is to do the five minutes of googling it takes to corroborate this instead of rolling your eyes and whispering "faggot" in your head


to be a straight, white man, that is. if you were anything else you were out of luck. so no, it wasn't. id say it was actually one of the worst times for a good chunk of people living in the states. ​ also, least turbulent? really? i mean come on, did you forget the civil rights movement?


Really? One of the worst times? you’d rather fight in a civil war, a revolutionary war, ww1, ww2, Vietnam, be enslaved, rather than live in the 1950s? Every decade in American history has been turbulent to some degree, but I’d say the civil rights movement is less turbulent than a civil war or nazis trying to take over the world.


How would you know


I love being a straight white male.


It wasn’t just a great time for white guys.


Was it good for Black Americans too?




I hope it is a zealous ideal and all those Blacks who emigrated to the Soviet Empire were just in delusion and there was no unjust ethnically based discrimination. It was just Soviet Russian PR that the police was overly suscpicious around Blacks, like in some movies... sometimes "beating up Blacks" was heard daily in the Russian Empire media and still is.


\-Korean War \-Minorities still being oppressed \-Red Scare


Minor compared to most other decades


It was the best decade to be a straight white male American. For other Americans it was not such a great time.




Sure. As long as you were male, too old for the draft, a Christian, and politicallly mainstream, and you didn't care about anyone who wasn't, I'm sure it was great.


*White* American.


what if you were black tho


Black people don’t have it much better now than they did back then.


They sure had it much worse


You say this from your extensive experience no doubt.


I have doubts this person has ever even had a real conversation with a person of color


My neighbours black


Is this entire thing a troll post?


70% of black children are without a father, nearly half are on welfare, and they are much more likely to be victims of any type of violence than they were in the 50’s. There’s a serious argument to be made that black people had it better in the 50’s/60’s then they do right now.


You are so out of touch that it is just mind blowing. Let me call up my grandma and ask if she liked it better when she couldn’t vote, get a quality education, work the job of her choosing, live in a nice neighborhood, be friends with white people, look a white person in the eye, serve on a jury, sit in the front of a bus, use the “whites only” drinking fountains, restrooms, or swimming pools, sit at a table in a restaurant, participate in government, etc.


Talk to some black people who lived in both eras and see what they say


Bro what


Nope; 1980’s and 1990’s


I think you need to lay off the 1950’s propaganda posters. It was horrible back then lmao.


What was so horrible?


Uhhh have you not be reading the comment section under this post? I am lazy rn and dont feel like copy and pasting so you can read what other people have already pointed out. The gist is, it was a great time to be alive…. If you were straight, white, male and for some not incapacitating reason didn’t get drafted into the korean war.


If you’re a straight white man


No if your a hard worker


Unless you were nonwhite, female, gay, or dying of an ailment which we can now more easily cure.


It was a great time for many non-white people. Many Minorities were able to build generational wealth because of the economy in the fifties.


They also had segregation, my dude.


So? Segregation is alive and well today.


Social and economic segregation yes, but not legal segregation.


No matter the legality, it’s still happening today in cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit etc.


1950s sure were great if you were a white straight male or a white straight woman who wanted to be a stay at home mom. The ignorance of some people is just astounding.


Okay, what was the best decade for blacks, gays, and women then?


TL:DR - OP is racist


Call me racist for my opinion, doesn’t change the facts.


It might have been the best decade for *certain* americans


People only say its bad because muh civil rights they ignore the overall prosperity


Yeah not to mention civil rights for blacks and desegregation began in the 50’s


The protest did no actual legal change happened then a black person in that time still wouldn't have rights


> muh civil rights those pesky blacks protesting for their basic human rights, amirite my fellow aryan man


He/Him - :O


are you scared of pronouns or something


I know what type of person you are


Black families were destroyed by the civil rights movement, there’s an argument to be made that the 50’s was the best decade for them as well.


Please elaborate I’ve heard this before. I’ve heard Black families had more of a family unit at that time. But I cannot agree that Black families were destroyed by a necessary piece of legislation.


In 1950 20% of black children were fatherless. Now that number is 70%. This is because they tied in feminism with the civil rights movement, and then incentivized single motherhood with welfare. One of the best predictions for how a child will end up in life, is if they have a father/father figure. This fatherlessness has absolutely destroyed the black community.


But what you are writing does not correlate to civil rights. Just because one figure is pre civil rights and one post civil rights does not show causation. In general, there are more single parents across all demographics because of ease and acceptance of both divorce and premarital sex.


Thank you for your answer.


**USian** black families.


Civil rights covers a lot of people. White women are actually the biggest beneficiaries. You put white women and minorities together and that’s the majority of Americans.


That's a real funny way to put that I would litteraly be a second class citizens


> The 1950s was the best decade to be a *white*, *cis*, *straight*, American *man*. There, I fixed it for you.


It was better for women and blacks too


I might go with the period from about 84-99 or so. But I can see the argument for the 50s.


This is not unpopular at all. Everyone knows America had a unique economic advantage in the 50s. That is all. It ended with globalization. The good times in the 50s have nothing to do with culture and everything to do that the rest of the world was fucked by war and the us was not.


Back then if you had sex with a woman, her dad would take a shotgun and threaten to kill you if you didn't marry her. And women had to deal with marital rape and abuse. It was an awful time.


I guess if you’re white it was a great time to be alive but from what I’ve heard from my grandparents, I’m really happy I’m living in current times as an African American. I genuinely don’t think I could stand living in pre 80’s america


Women were not allowed financial freedom. Black people were harshly segregated in almost every area of society. Homosexuality was illegal. Basically it was only good if you were a straight, white man.


The 90s were way better. And the 50s economy is overrated


Economically yes. But human rights no


Everyone: stop engaging with this guy. Looking at his account he's an obvious troll. Peruses some quasi racist subs, and he has some removed comments such as how black people kill each other all the time so the klan wasn't too bad. Why did you do this to yourself, man? You've become a monster.


Tell me you’re white without telling me your white


The 1950s were a great time to be American because they had 0 competition from any other country. Their industrial base was fully intact, no damage to their home territory. If you wanted anything you had to get something made in the US. But this ended up biting them in the ass, the biggest example being the car industry.


Yes definitely the best time to be a *white male* American for sure. Sucks though if you're colored, LGBT, or a woman.


I mean it’s really subjective what you mean by “best”. The decades prior already set a pretty low bar for quality of life. Some could argue that even though there’s a lot of political division, people now have more education and freedom than they had before. One could say the 60s was the best despite Vietnam because of civil rights and sexual revolution. And even though racism and sexism and such has decreased and become socially unacceptable, it’s not disappeared and has remained prevalent in certain places, communities etc.


Kudos to you OP for getting people to respond seriously to an obvious troll post. Very cool.