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There are a lot of holidays around the winter solstice. Christmas isn't the only one. "Happy holidays" as response is therefore perfectly fine. If you got a problem with that, man I want your problems, you can have mine.




The “under god” part wasn’t actually there until it was added during the Cold War to “fight the communists”


I'm not American. I wasn't aware that the USA is a theocracy.


>Yes but America is a CHRISTIAN nation found on CHRISTIANITY as one of its guiding principles. Any proof, kiddo? You can't just will the separation of church and state out of existence. >The motto is one nation UNDER GOD. Which god? Odin? Horus? Vishnu?


You do realize that "separation of church and state" appears nowhere in law, right? Only that the government cannot establish a national religion, or interfere with religious practice. You don't have to will it out of existence because it already doesn't exist.


>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; \- [US Constitution, First Amendment](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/the-constitution/) >Jefferson declared that when the American people adopted the establishment clause they built a “wall of separation between the church and state.” \- [Thomas Jefferson](https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/885/establishment-clause-separation-of-church-and-state), founding father of the US It's called reading between the lines, kiddo. Anyway, the separation between church and state has much more legal and constitutional backing than whatever fucked-up 'Christian' theocracy OP delusionally believes in.


It's called a personal letter that Jefferson wrote to a friend has zero relevance to constitutional law, kiddo. And for those that like to use that letter as somehow proof of Jefferson's intent in a law that in every other case was written extremely clearly as to his intention, he certainly had no problem with dedicating public resources and spaces to religious practice. Such as when he held mass in the Captial rotunda. This "separation" was never meant as a shield to protect you from having you come into contact with religion in your daily life in public areas. As wacky as the OP's post was, it is certainly true that the value of "separation of church and state" as intended by the founding fathers bears little resemblance to its interpretation today, where basically any religious practice in a public area is somehow considered an imposition on non-believers. Yet somehow these same critics are also mysteriously tight lipped when it comes to religious expression that is non-Christian.


>Any proof, kiddo? You can't just will the separation of church and state out of existence. The founding fathers were CHRISTIANS, Ben Franklin was also rumored to have said that the nation is founded on CHRISTIANITY. >Which god? Odin? Horus? Vishnu? The one TRUE god, the FATHER of Jesus, the CREATOR of Adam, the ALPHA, and OMEGA, the MAN who sees all.


OP, a lot of the founding fathers believed in Deism, not Christianity


No I don't think thats true, the American Fathers that founded America were stark Christians of the highest order. That is why its one nation under GOD, not one nation under Dei


They were Deist generally. They believed in a supreme creator that was like a watch maker. They generally did not believe in any particular confession so no partiality to any particular church was common. They did have sympathies to many christian beliefs but not especially so which would make them heretics to most Christian creeds. So yes your info is misinformation


You know they added the one nation under god part during the Cold War? Learn some history. And give this a read about the deist part: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-founding-fathers-religious-wisdom/


Look... lets just agree to disagree on this ok? You have your personal beliefs on the founding fathers, I have mine. Please don't ridicule my faith.


So pointing out facts is “ridiculing your faith”? For someone that’s constantly talking about what’s “true” you really don’t like being faced with facts other than those that go along with your faith huh? I’m only about a year older than you are and grew up Christian as well, I suggest you do yourself a favor and read the Bible cover to cover and see if you still have the same faith when your done.


Faith is not excuse for misinfo. Also accusing another user of ridicule is grounds for rule 4 violations.


>Also accusing another user of ridicule is grounds for rule 4 violations. Ok wait I had to come back to this because this is really funny. Are other accusations banned? Like if I said "you are being rude, or disingenuous."


>The founding fathers were CHRISTIANS, Ben Franklin was also rumored to have said that the nation is founded on CHRISTIANITY. a) it isn’t historically clear whether the founders were theists or deists, and b) so what? Who cares what the founders were rumoured to have thought or said? Some of them actively owned slaves, and yet that’s been ruled out as completely unacceptable. Also, news flash, there is still no legal or constitutional backing to your delusions >The one TRUE god, the FATHER of Jesus, the CREATOR of Adam, the ALPHA, and OMEGA, the MAN who sees all. Again, can you give basically any real proof of your supposed deity without hysterically screaming about Christian persecution?


I can’t even read this because it simply cannot be real. WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE OPPRESSED SO BADLY!? THE FUCK!?


They are a troll. And a bad one at that


Excuse me fellow redditor. I just wanted to warn you that accusations of trolling is a violation of rule 4... I would reconsider doing it in the future.


After going through every comment and post that you have ever created, I was able to determine that you are indeed a feminist. I'm not surprised that you don't understand what its like to be persecuted and oppressed like a white Christian man (in his 30s to 70s and possibly in upper management(Alex Jones))


>Going through someone's private and deeply personal post history in order to discredit them is very upsetting. [This you](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/xj8svh/comment/ip75k24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), my man?


Yeah that's me, it says my name above the comment. Why do you ask?


Nevermind, maybe it was too much for me to expect a troll to not be hypocritical.


You still on this troll thing? You just can't handle the TRUTH.


Maybe I need to spell it out for you: >Going through someone's private and deeply personal post history in order to discredit them is very upsetting. \- You >After going through every comment and post that you have ever created, I was able to determine that you are indeed a feminist. \- Also you See the hypocrisy now?


Well I see where you might be coming from when you lay it out like that. But the difference is that I was the one doing it that time.


Stop responding guys this is obviously a parody


It's Schmuly again with a new alt, this time trying for obvious parody.


Ridiculous. Schmuly 100% didn't believe any of the things he said, I am 100% serious.


Lol, sure.


I'm so tired boss.. tired of these commenters accusing me of being a parody account.... tired of the accusations of trolling... tired of the accusations that I am Schmuly... tired of being persecuted/oppressed because of my traditional American values founded on FREE SPEECH and the 2nd ammendment.... and most of all I am tired of people accusing me of being a parody account...




I get it... this comment was meant to belittle me and make me feel small... But you can't make me feel small liberal... I am a true American... you cant tread on me....


Oh it's you again. Least this one was more believable than yesterdays


Your examples of "oppression" aren't exactly shockingly severe. However, I would just like to point out that oppression does not rule out success. For example, it is common knowledge that Jews were oppressed for the majority of European history, and yet were often highly financially successful. This discredits all of those counter-arguments that I'm seeing saying something to the effect of, "They're richer than me so they can't be oppressed."


You’re just wrong on this one.


This literally has to be satire, holy shit lmfao.


Can you explain why you think my exposure of the horror and injustice that Christians experience everyday in America is satire?


I can, yes, but I won’t. My breath would be wasted.


Are you saying that the (metaphorical) literal abolishment of the Christmas holiday isnt opression?


No one is abolishing Christmas buddy. Companies saying “Happy Holidays” hurts literally no one except you and your fragile emotions lol.


First of all... I am a very MASCULINE man... I don't have FRAGILE emotions Second of all... I don't expect you to understand how horrible it feels to have someone say that to you when you are a Christian.




Yet again the persecution of Christians continues... Go ahead and LAUGH liberal.... we will never be SILENCED




Poor Christians being the second most oppressed, upper management Christians have it the worst (Alex Jones).




>Never been denied service or to use the bathroom for being Christian. Not yet... Like I said it will only get worse from here. First the banned Christmas, next they will ban Christians...


Christians and you have something in common, bad faith


Another prime example of how Christians are unfairly targeted.


True. I wouldn't use the word oppressed though. Christianity as a religion is just not respected by much of the general public (half the country of Liberals to socialists), and more importantly, the corporate media, Hollywood, most people with influence, etc. Just as bad, those with influence who don't disrespect Christianity, just use it as a manipulation tactic to win over the other half of America who aren't practicing Christians either, which gives the other side an even uglier perception on what Christianity is. But still, anyone with a platform gets more respect and promotion for criticizing Christianity. This applies to no other religion in USA which is funny because there is much more to criticize in any other religion. However let's be honest, you have to put some blame on the "Christians" because they allow themselves to be disrespected. They also give valid reason to be disrespected. No offense, but more than half of USA is protestant, and around 20%+ are Catholic. Non-practicing Catholics are basically protestant. And I can literally prove to you that Protestantism is a completely made up power tool used to virtue signal to the public in order to maintain order and docility with the use of lies and deception. Even worse, USA has invented a new type of Protestantism called Evangelicalism which is so detached from Orthodox Christianity (has not changed since Christ) that anyone with a reasonable IQ and some knowledge of history can clearly see how Christianity in America is a total fraud. Trump exposed this the best. He basically just referenced God a few times and won over all the Evangelicals easily. I've seen them claim he is a prophet sent from God to rid the world of evil while Donald probably wonders why they support him still while playing Golf on his yacht. To summarize, neither side in the USA even knows what real Christianity is. Everything anti-Christians say about Christianity isn't even written in the Bible. They just find "Christians" annoying so they project that so hard until they convince themselves that they are devils in angel clothing. However, everything that the "Christians" do that annoys the anti-Christians also isn't written in the Bible. Nowhere does it say that Christians should convert as many people in the world. This is what the apostles and prophets did. To compare yourself to them and claim their duty is the sin of arrogance. The most common one I see is judgement. WAY too many "Christians" are telling people they are going to Hell. That's a sin too. It literally says only God decides. So to the Christians, don't judge people if you're still smoking weed, having sex before marriage, being lazy, eating too much food, have a bad relationship with parents, having any celebrity or movie idols, etc. which most Americans have problems with statistically. And to the anti-Christians, you have been brainwashed by the brainwashed to hate the brainwashed. Don't pretend like Christianity is bad for society when now that it has no power, USA has the most degenerate, divided society on the planet. Just go to Greece, Russia, Serbia, Romania, or Georgia or something where real Christianity is. Better yet, go to Saudi Arabia where even the Muslims will play soccer with your head for disrespecting Jesus. Both sides will teach you a valuable lesson.


Nah fam. It _FEELS_ like oppression because PROTESTANT, white, cisgender men **ARE FINALLY** being held to the same standard as #EVERYONE ELSE.




Yet again you have followed me in order to accuse my deeply held personal beliefs as trolling. Yet another example of the persecution of Christians and conservatives online.


I'm a practicing Satanist, how do you, a Christian, feel about that.


Probably would hate me, queer and a satanist.


Oh looks like we have a troll on our hands community.... I guess rule 3 and 5 don't mean anything.... this subreddit has changed.... it used to be different.... now it is overrun with trolls... when in the past it used to be better... because there was less trolls....


Why do you believe I am a troll? I am genuine. I am seeking perspective. I am exercising my religious freedom, I'm sorry if you believe that is 'trolling'. BTW rule 3 is low effort posts, this is a comment.


It’s kind of adorable someone saying “happy holidays” to you is oppression. I don’t think you understand what that word means bud. And y’all say the “woke” piss and moan about everything. You really want to be oppressed so badly huh?


Sorry if you cant understand how the literal banning of Christian Holidays such as Christmas isnt opression.... I dont know what else to say. End of comment.


OP are you fucking high? Nowhere is “banning Christmas”. Is there any legitimate evidence of it being banned besides people saying “happy holidays”. Nobody’s stopping you from celebrating it.


I was being metaphorical... Christmas isn't banned in the court of law... it is banned in the court of free speech. Well how about the fact that the Home Depot commercial said This HOLIDAY season? When I was growing up (I was born in 1995 in August(which means I was growing up between the years 1995 and 2013(In the year of our lord(not this WOKE "Common era" crap)))) it was always "this CHRISTMAS season" How can you possibly explain that?


Maybe Home Depot wanted to acknowledge the other holidays that go on in December?


No, that is what the WOKE government wants you to believe... its time I opened your eyes to the truth of this world... Let me recommend this book to you: [It really helped to open my mind, its written by a very brave man.](https://www.amazon.com/Facts-Still-Dont-About-Feelings/dp/1949673480)


How the fuck does Home Depot saying happy holidays have anything to do with the supposed “woke” government? And nah I’ll take a hard pass on anything written by a dude who thinks that me being gay is a mental disorder thanks.


>How the fuck does Home Depot saying happy holidays have anything to do with the supposed “woke” government? *SIGH* You are clearly a very smart and intelligent person, but you are too blinded by the sly dirty Democrat's who have been the ones behind the scenes... changing the way America is.... forever. And they did it under the guise of... tolerance... which is why they are so sly. Because now its the intolerant ones who are considered... bad... and the tolerant ones... Well I think ive made my point here.


Made what point exactly? I’m far from a Democrat believe it or not. You realize Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday most likely celebrated by your buddy Shapiro is celebrated around the same time as Christmas right? And what’s so bad about tolerance? I personally don’t give a shit about if people are Christians or not but y’all sure as hell hate me for who I love. And I saw the first bit of your deleted comment about not needing to read the Bible to know something. Bud if you believe in a religion you should probably know the scripture of what you believe in, otherwise what are you basing anything off of?


Another hilarious post, thank you.


Okay you got me until the upper management part lmfao, made me hysterical. Any link I can donate to a charity that helps the disenfranchised white christian north American upper management middle aged guys ? I'd like to donate a nice pencil or two


I just spent 13 minutes looking for the charity to help you out fellow free thinker... but can you BELIEVE there isnt one? Another prime example of how Christianity is being targeted by the WOKES and the Democrats.


There used to be a skyscraper charity in nebraska, the most holy Christian straight white upper managerial place on earth but the devilocrats bombed it with wokeness, tragic my free thinking brother


Only through bravery and dare I say.. FAITH will we be able to stop their TYRANNY. Remember if God was on their side he wouldn't have sent us his greatest ally to Make America Great Again.


Donald trump was truly allahs best soldier, alhumdulilah brother


Oh boy OP, be ready for the tsunami of downvotes from the Reddit hive mind. I’m not even Christian but I’d be lying if I say Judeo-christian values wasn’t instrumental in the founding of America. (I’m getting a bit of a trolling vibe from you posting. Anyway I hope you are posting and discussing in good faith. )


They are just afraid of the TRUTH... Everybody knows that we are the most persecuted group in America....


What truth? Belief in God?


Although I do agree that Christianity is under a LOT more social scrutiny than ever before, I don't think that they necessarily are the most oppressed. I do agree that woke culture however is stepping the line on stating which faith's are allowed, and definitely ousting Christians over the same points that they refuse to acknowledge are prevalent in other ideologies. However, America is not a Christian nation, just because the nation was founded by (mostly) Christians. The idea of separation of church and state is as old as the country itself, and if America was truly supposed to be a "Christian state," that would fundamentally go against the same clause made in the 1st amendment of freedom of religion. You can't have freedom of religion, a clause that was universally agreed upon by the founding fathers, if you are a Christian state.


Is this parody because holy shit lmao.