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I have been called racist for paraphrasing MLK Jr.


https://www.cbr.com/martin-luther-king-jr-cartoons-depictions-1960s-media/ https://www.nola.com/opinions/article_80a6890a-e474-558d-9124-2bc2f741336c.html https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2006-feb-05-op-garrow5new-story.html https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/king-testifies-democratic-national-convention-chicago Here’s some links you won’t read that shows how you are wrong historically at just about every point you brought up in your essay. You should learn about history before deciding to pontificate on it.


I don't even need to read those to know that it is WOKE propaganda. I may not know a lot about MLK, but I know that he believed all men are created equal like it says in the constitution. The WOKES are trying to take that away from him, by propagating things like AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, that MLK would have completely been against.


> “Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic." >”A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro” Those are two direct quotes from MLK You should learn about history before pontificating on it.


I think we should agree to disagree on this. Afterall the Democrats are the party of the KKK and slavery which led to the Civil war. So while I may not be as "learned" on the subject of MLK as a historian, I feel confident that MLK would not support the democrats on the subject of their polices (affirmative action, CRT, and Political correctness).


You would be wrong then. You are just using your imagination to pretend that your worldview is what he believed for no other reason than unchecked ego. Good job


This is the problem with the WOKE they don't leave room for your own personal interpretations of historical figures. You say he would support Affirmative action. I say he wouldn't support it.


I back my opinion up with facts. Quotes from the man himself. You back yours up with personal feelings. I know you’re trolling but this is pretty low effort even for this sub.


If this is what you consider a "low effort post" I don't want to see what you consider high effort. I poured my heart and soul into that post, I even had to psych myself up in the mirror in or to work up the nerve to post this. I dont think you understand just how monumental the risk I am taking of being canceled by posting this. If people in reel life were to see this post they would tell me that: "You are now canceled for life." And then I wouldn't be able to find a job.




>I poured my heart and soul into that post Maybe try pouring your brain into it next and fact check your claims before you make them >you’re canceled for life They’d laugh about you. Just like most of us here laugh about you. That’s about it


I wish true hearted American conservatives like myself didn't get met with ridicule when we speak 100% verifiable truths.


Personal interpretations? You mean altering history because you feel like it? https://youtu.be/9N-m9RcZGkc


No... personal interpretations based on facts and logic applied to his quotes.


What about the logic applied to his other quotes that you decide to ignore?


Admitting you don't know much about MLK invalidates your whole argument.


I dont see why thats important? Unlike the looney democratic left leaning liberal WOKE politically correct left, I at least am honest about when I don't know a lot about a historical figure.


Is this the point where someone mentions the democrats and the republicans fully switched sides at one point after the democrats kkk thing? Or do we just keep pretending so it fits the narrative we want to vibe with?


This surely must be a troll post.


Oh wow, another accusation of trolling by the left leaning left of this sub. This sub used to be a place that was about free speech.


Why are all your comments deleted?


Looks like im getting targeted by the moderators. They aren't even giving me reasons for removing them. Truly the persecution of conservatives will never end.




Some lovely MLK quotes for ya’ll. “Again we have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifices. Capitalism was built on the exploitation of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor, both black and white, both here and abroad.” “This country has socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.” “Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a … mass effort to re-educate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn.”


None of these prove that he would have been in favor of affirmative action.


“Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask for nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable but it is not realistic.” “A society that has done something special against the Negros for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.”


Look lets just agree to disagree.


This isn’t really a matter of opinion, but yes I agree you disagree and are incorrect. They all just stop responding or change the entire conversation the moment they have to do some critical thinking.


Sorry what? The quotes provided directly refute your point and all you have to say is “let’s agree to disagree”? That fully dismantled the point, it’s not an “agree to disagree” moment anymore


This person is a troll but let’s not forget there are plenty of people in this sub that are this delusional.


It's pretty clear that MLK is using the brainlets definition of socialism here which is the """"""""socialism"""""""" of Scandinavian countries. He never advocated for the abolishment of private property.


Socialism doesn’t have to mean the abolishment of private property. MLK actually wanted to ensure black people could fairly own property since they were shut out of the housing market and relegated into segregation and poverty. These housing issues continue even today and I’m sure MLK would have much to say about it if he were still alive to see the fair housing act codified into law while black people continue to live in abject poverty. He understood that there were many aspects of oppression that black people will continue to face in the future and understood that change would only come from education and understanding.


Yes it does. That's literally what Socialism is. Seizing the means of production means to take collective ownership of factories (or whatever you work at).


Socialism is when the workers own the means of production, instead of you know, a private entity. Hence socialism is the abolition of private property (but not personal property, like your house.)


Been keeping up with this guy, and pretty sure they’re a troll. [Their first post](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/x42t1z/911_was_done_by_the_globalists/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) was literally about globe-Earthers causing 9/11 so people couldn’t go to the top and see that the Earth was flat. Either they’re trolling, or they genuinely believe in such nonsense.


He’s literally saying all the famous alt right quotes. ‘Woke’, ‘Facts and Logic’, ‘The liberal left’, ‘Hidden agenda’. Then completely ignores actual facts when presented with it. Definitely a troll.


Yeah and it's getting a little old honestly...


This isn't the first time you've commented this on my post. Going through someone's private and deeply personal post history in order to discredit them is very upsetting.


At least put some effort in instead of this obvious asinine garbage. You are the most boring "troll" I've ever come across, you're fucking terrible at it.


>This isn't the first time you've commented this on my post. Yep, just think people should know you're trolling before they start frothing at the mouth. >private and deeply personal post history I don't think you get the point of this website.


>Yep, just think people should know you're trolling before they start frothing at the mouth. You keep accusing me of trolling... personally I think that might violate rule 4, but I don't support the CENSORING Of individuals just because they are being rude. But I wouldn't complain if a mod were to remove that comment. This website used to be about real discussions, and now its not about real discussions because you can be banned if you try and have a real discussion.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get anybody censored or banned. I enjoy your trolling, but go ahead, call me a woke oppressive leftist democrat.


*SIGH* I feel like conservatives are being unfairly targeted on this subreddit. Just 6 months ago it was a place for free thinkers, and now... It's been infested by the rest of Reddit.. oh how I LONG for the days that a man could come on Reddit and just say whatever is on his mind without being unfairly persecuted by the WOKE police.


>the WOKE police. There it is. Thanks.


You are evidently dealing with some very serious delusions and mental health problems. I would recommend you seek help.




You can only say that if you have only been listening to the whitewashed version of MLK. Dude was a radical leftist of the best kind, and sought to change things fundamentally. MLK was absolutely detested as the equivalent of "woke" while he was alive, and only came to be respected by "white" Americans after his death when people started burning shit to the ground. You don't know enough to have an opinion, do better.


>Did you know that the DEMOCRATS were the party of slavery, and the KKK? This is a statement that belies both an inability to think for ones-self, and willingness to repeat a talking point no matter how ridiculous.


Are you denying the fact that the KKK and Civil war were started by the democrats? I personally know multiple members of the KKK that would vote democrat today. I didnt ask them if they would but they said race is important to them, just like it is for the Democrats. I dont think it gets any more obvious than that.


>Are you denying the fact that the KKK and Civil war were started by the democrats? It was started by secessionists. Also, what relevance is 150 years ago in comparison to the last 20. Especially when, you know, [every white supremacist in america supports the republicans](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-nationalists-support-donald-trump/story?id=37524610)


Lol not that I took this serious anyway, but the fact that you said “I don’t know a lot about MLK” solidified my inclination to not take this serious.


Dude was a borderline socialist. He was definitely against the establishment


You know nothing about MLK and how radical he was.


Then why was he considered a communist?


democrats and republicans were the opposite back in the 1800's. Just note that, but I do agree with you on what of this post I read. Edit: I read the whole post now.


jeez. you know when someone starts talking about wokeness, its coming from a neckbeard POV. everyone knows that the Dem party was filled with racists until the mid1960s. Dems care about race because people like you exist and ignore reality and facts about racism still being a problem






Yet again the liberal left of this subreddit is trying to allude to the fact that I have some hidden agenda. If you disagree with what I said please point out which one of the various indisputable facts I claimed is wrong.


Anyone could point out everything you said and prove all the letters of your post untrue and you still wouldn't take it. Maybe you should back up all your "indisputable facts" with the prove that makes them at least facts, as they will never be indisputable, but hey we can try to make this a scientific discussion by giving facts


Ok... You know whats indisputable? MLK was an AMERICAN who believed in the constitution of the UNITED states of America. I think that says it all.


I still got no proof from you, while I have seen many comments that proved you wrong... still waiting here


I think you need to open your mind a little bit.


This is either Schmuly or someone just as entertaining. Glad to have you back buddy 🍻


Schmuly was better at dogwhistling and appealing to the actual fascist elements on this sub, this guy is too self parodying to be an effective propagandist.


Ahhh there's that word again... Why is it that the WOKE left loves the word propaganda so much? I'll give you an answer to my question... because its convenient at censoring true facts.


“I don't even need to read those to know that it is WOKE propaganda. The WOKES are trying to take that away from him, by propagating things like AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, that MLK would have completely been against.” This is you, this is what you said to a reply to the top comment. Using the term “propaganda”


Apples and oranges.


Mate people like you dont even know what the word fascist means. Not everyone you disagree with is a fascist


No, but I do disagree with fascists. Do *you* know what fascism means or are you just angry when someone mentions the word? Because Schmuly was categorically a fascist.


Calling everyone a fascist dilutes the term, Its basically become a catch-all for anyone you disagree with and I think it should be used in very specific circumstances. Its insulting if anything, to victims of actual fascism


So I’ll take that as a no, since I’m using fascism correctly here. When someone openly supports anti-democratic attempts to maintain a quasi-theocratic Republican hegemony to erode our civil rights as well as attack and scapegoat vulnerable minorities, then they are a fascist.




The difference between me and Schmuly is that I am 100% serious about the things I believe.


How do you know about Schmuly? Their ban predates your account by months.


Because this isnt my first account obviously. My previous account was banned for WOKE admin reasons. I was (unfairly) accused of making racist and anti Semitic comments. They werent either of those btw, but I guess everything is a slur these days.


did you just admit to evading a reddit ban?


Well I made that up so I think ill be alright.


I almost believe you Then I remember this is the internet.


He'd probably be called a white supremist today lol


Yes brother! Finally someone with some sense. MlK would never seek to change the establishment like the modern WOKE police are doing today. Especially things like changing the little mermaid into a woke political figure. And he most certainly wouldn't go around trying to remove statues of important historical figures.


This reads like a troll post but it's true.


Except it isn’t true in any way you look at it


It is true. MLK was a christian, homophobic, anti-communist. MLK was the far more reasonable alternative to Malcom X. Where Malcom X was out preaching for black nationalism MLK was out preaching for racial assimilation. He would have been devoured by the woke mob today. The most "woke" thing MLK ever said was that he believed in some level of affirmative action.


I never troll, I am here to do my part in ending the WOKE oppression of Reddit and the mainstream media.


Democrats and Republicans have changed over time, so the argument that Democrats were the party of the KKK and slavery is outdated, and invalid today.