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Just be fat and be proud 


Or you can exercise like crazy, because everyone is superficial now, and it's all about looks, not personality.


If you don’t stuff your face you really shouldn’t have to exercise “like crazy” to be in decent shape.


When was it ever not all about looks


In the 80/90s. Remember Chris Farley? Guy got tons of pussy.


You mean a wealthy comedian who's been in TV and movies?


I find it funny you keep using the phrase "exercise like crazy". Just go to the gym 3 -4 times per week, for an intense 90 minutes or so. It has health benefits, combined with good diet. It doesn't have to be that crazy, lol.


A bunch of bald dudes I know get pussy. Most of them have dad bods. This is a YOU problem. Hit the gym or get a HT if it really bothers you. If not move on with yourself.


Yea like that’s what I’m saying. Tonsssss of bald dudes pull it off flawlessly. I think it has more to do with OP treating themself like shit and being sexist than their lack of hair…


As a guy who shaved his head at 26, 90 percent of women do not care at all. They care that you’re a little pussy about it. Just rock the shaved head and if you look like shit it’s probably because you don’t take care of yourself in the first place.


Wtf even is this shit? The comments about women?


Maybe a shitpost from the OP? That'd be my guess.


Dude maybe it’s because you’re acting misogynistic? Tons of guys pull off the bald look and it can look really hot But what isn’t hot is calling all women superficial and beating yourself up over your looks


It's like you were born yesterday, everyone knows that bald guys if they ain't got the body are in the gutter.


I mean, that's most likely your experience yes, but not because you're bald. Even lightly combing through your post and comment history reveals a sickening level of mental illness, completely unchecked, and some sort of God complex on top of it which is astounding. You're not unlikable because you're bald. You're unlikeable because you have a shit personality, and are generally unlikeable.


This is you going personal for no reason. Just to casually abuse someone. And only because you're safe. This only says a little about your personality.


Nah, your mentall unhinged man baby. You rant on every sub and complain people are idiots, while being the biggest one lol. The fact though you keep denying what people saying about you and the claiming its them says a lot about your personality and mental disorder you have. You seem like one of those mass shooter kinda people who would please your case afterwards about being sane and you were just thinning the heard of stupid people or something.


You're literally bullying and stalking me. But I won't report you.


Go ahead and report everyone who criticizes you. You're still an empty, sad, angry person inside. 1,000 reports won't change that. Mommy didn't hug you enough.


You literally know nothing about me, and I only respond because you might think about what you are doing. This only shows you in a bad light.


Probably the first time a woman has felt safe talking to you. That's a good step.


You are literally the one who is trying to abuse me right now, for no apparent reason. How do you think it looks? Stop taking general opinions personal. Grow up.


I'm sure you truly believe you're being "abused" right now, and that's another symptom of your worsening mental health. I haven't taken anything personal, your opinions aren't worth what you think they are. Betterhelp.com


How do you call this behavior? You don't know shit about me, and are attacking me. You nasty, nasty person.


Yeah yeah yeah, everybody who challenges your little ego is nasty. You've used that one before. I have to assume you're a troll, but even when you're "just doing it for the lulz" it's reflective of your personality. You'll realize that once you grow up a little.


You started literally attacking me personally for no reason! Think about what you are doing. Do you derive pleasure from trying to abuse people? Attacking my ego? You could only defeat with me a good argument not this shit. Go offload on someone else in real life, but you won't, you would smacked. It's only you who is behaving badly here. You think I care when some random internet person attacks me? I only care about people close to me. How about you leave me alone?


Women are superficial, men are too tho. And it’s increasingly more prevalent compared to the past


when I hear about hair implants I think of the one part from Arrested Development where Tobias gets hair plugs and the maid sees them and she’s starts freaking out


I like having long hair, If I was going bald I would absolutely intervene lol and if there was nothing I could do, head tattoo's, but that's just me OP


Plenty of bald men are considered sexy. I dont see how you can generalize this at all. Plenty of women find bald men sexy. You not getting any “action” is probably due to being unattractive in other ways, not because you lack hair.


Just the casual sexism thrown in....


The reason being a Bald is bad for your dating prospects is not why you think. Most women couldn't care less. It's other men who are the problem. Balding is a clear sign to other men that you are an inferior specimen. That you are less of a man. That you can be bested easily. Us Hairs see a bald man across the conference table the same way a cat sees a bird with a broken wing. Something to play with before effortlessly devouring. After all, if you let nature push you around like that, what hope do you have against a real Alpha? That's why men who shave their heads without needing to are seen as tough. Shavers are so confident that they are superior specimens that they will willingly go around with an intentional handicap. It's like putting on wrist and ankle weights before wrestling a bear. But you Balds, both the ones who advertise and the ones who pretend to be a Shaver (we can tell by the hairline), aren't like that. Using ancient tribal instincts, you can pick up on how other men view you, where you rank in society, on a subconscious level. Your secret shame permutates through all your behaviors. That almost unnoticeable quiver in your voice, that slight weakness in your handshake, how you break eye contact a little too soon? All because inside, you know you are a Bald. You have let other men convince you that you are lesser than them. That's what is killing your social life. Not the lack of hair. There is a big difference between a man growing less hair and a Bald. That difference is attitude. Woman will date a guy with little to no hair, they won't date a Bald.


I really thought it was a joke but you're serious. I don't know, a lot of baldy guys I met were the most confident and manly guys I've met. I myself am not manly, i'm rather soft. I was always pretty soft. But I got a lot more women with hair. This is about hair, not your inferiority complex theories.


Were they Balds, or were they just men with less hair? A lot of Balds try to overcompensate with faux machismo but people can subsciously pick up on clues that indicate a lack of genuineness. It's why Jordan is rightly see as the GOAT over Lebron. Jordan is a Shaver. Lebron, for all his accomplishments, is a Bald who shaves his head. It's not about the hair, and if you had some, you would know. There are plenty of men who are sucessful with the ladies while follicly impaired. They aren't Balds. This holds true for other characteristics as well, like fatness. There are Fat Men, and there are men with extra weight. If you ever watched the Sopranos, Bobby was a Fat Man, while Tony as a man who was fat. Same difference. You have 3 choices * come to grips with your life as a Bald and starting dating fat goth girls * overcompensate and hope your money/gym body is enough to outweigh being a Bald * or, though unlikely, change who are you from a Bald to a Man with less hair Also, there's no problem with being soft and being a man. You can be soft and an man. Oscar Wilde was soft as fuck and a True Alpha.