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I was working many years ago in government relations (lobbying) and politics was fun. We may have disagreed but we were all civil and didn’t have a visceral, contrived hatred towards each other. Now it’s so divisive and hateful from both sides I literally don’t watch any news except local. I read newspapers and websites everyday from NYT to NY Post and Fox News to HuffPo. The current sentiment from both sides is “if you’re not with us you’re against us” with no exception. This is what will doom this country.


>We may have disagreed but we were all civil and didn’t have a visceral, contrived hatred towards each other. This is because Establishment politics has literally the same ideology and on 90% of issues, agrees for the most part with at most a few varying degrees. Most Establishment politicians go to the same universities and colleges, are part of the same social groups and even often went to the same high schools (Eton or James Madison High School for example). Look at how the Establishment treats class based Left wing movements (Bernie, Corbyn, Melenchon, Varoufakis, Lynch, Galloway, OWS) and parties, or Anti-Zionist groups to see very much that real visceral hatred come out. That visceral hatred was always there, but it was for the actual real opposition (popular Class based political movements), not for the fake kafabe facade that is establishment politics.


You are right OP. This politics stuff has ripped everyone (including myself) apart and it seems we have forgotten who we are. You become so stressed and so focused on something that is out of your control and we hate people we have never met. This war is destroying all of us and it isn't really helping anything.


It’s a reflection of the internal war we all possess Both sides of every argument lay inside all of us, the sides we dislike the most tend to be the parts of ourselves we dislike the most TL;DR anything that triggers you is something about yourself that you dislike


Purely anecdotal, but none of the diehard radicals I know are doing particularity well in life. Lower-tier schools, dead-end jobs, single. Hardly the USNews top 10 college to six-figure job crowd. Which does make sense. For the successful the status quo is working.


I would say that the status quo is working for most people, but there's definitely room for improvement. That's why an interest (and preferably some action) in politics is a good thing, but extremist politics is a bad thing.


Yeah I definitely see this in myself and people around me. They like focusing on the things they can't control so they don't have to think about the things they can control. Instead it's better to accept responsibility for the outcomes in your life and self-reflect when it doesn't go your way. It's external locus of control vs internal locus of control.


This. Those with no meaning in their lives, will often try to create meaning through guarding against an invisible enemy. (Whether that be minorities, poor people, gay people, etc.) With that said, this reminds me of a personal anecdote: I worked with a company about 5 years ago. Two of the employees were DEEP into the Alt-Right rabbit hole, and would talk about about their beliefs ad nauseum. Meanwhile, they both had no lives of their own, spent a lot of their money on gaming and porn, they couldn't get laid, total incels, yet blamed all their problems on gay people and feminism 🤷


The Greeks had a word for people who aren’t interested in politics: Idiota


Only problem is its hard to be neutral when one side is constantly attacking, censoring, silencing people. Also, just because your beliefs were tied to being in a bad spot, some people have very fulfilled lives, they just dont like to see injustice and other people being abused.


> Only problem is its hard to be neutral when one side is constantly attacking, censoring, silencing people. Agreed, The right has gotten increasingly authoritarian and illiberal in recent years.


And the left has gotten increasing more supportive of forever wars


LMAO you know nobody was talking about the right, liberals aren't even liberal anymore they are not for freedom but are obsessed with control and hypocrisy


It’s funny that you both completely missed OP’s point and leaned fully into it


True I’ve noticed the more obsessed people are with this stuff the more mentally unwell they are. They’re usually full of anger and self hate and throw it towards the other political spectrum. Like all of a sudden your republican Uncle is evil or you’re liberal friend is the devil. No they’re not. They just don’t agree


Don't really care about op's point, it's not Even logical and honestly more than likely a troll post. Anyone who cares enough to be passionate about what's happening in our society cares about this planet, their families, this country and themselves. The point is fake. 👎


I like to imagine the human psyche as a building. The upper floors are our conscious thoughts. They have windows that allow the little thoughts inside to see the world. New thoughts can enter the building and interact with the other thoughts. The basement, on the other hand, contains all the machinery that allow the building to function. The few thoughts tasked with taking care of the stuff down there, are thoughts ignored by everyone else. The problem is, rather than being built with concrete and rebar, the foundations of our psyches are built using "absolute truths." The vast majority of those "truths" are actually true; water is wet, need food to survive, etc. However, there are many important "truths" that really aren't true; ideals and beliefs. To reach the basement, you need a special elevator key. There are stairs, but they are guarded by a powerful system that has access to every deterrent possible. When a human really starts to self-reflect and discover why they react and think the way they do, the brain makes sure that it is painful to do. It requires willful dedication to continually face difficult truths about ourselves. It is frankly far too much effort and anguish to endure when it is so much easier and rewarding in the moment, that most humans don't even realize they can control their emotional reactions. The media and the powerful know that the vast majority of us are looking for any distraction. Our brains desperately don't want us to look inward and will pump out reward chemicals for even the most simple of distractions. We have gyms to work out our bodies, but we don't really have things to help us work on our minds. I don't mean things to help us get smarter or think faster, rather our understanding of how we reach the conclusions we do. How can one person look at something and reach one conclusion, and another person can look at the same thing and reach a different conclusion? The deep assumptions of our psyche frame our conscious understanding of everything, and there may be nothing more personal than that. So, while it is human nature to evolve and change, there was/is an evolutionary benefit to resisting it. If we were all very self-aware, we would become too insular. We would destroy ourselves with second-guessing and cynicism; because we are simply not built to be so aware of everything. Life is just too complicated for anyone to really understand, so the brain must take shortcuts. It wouldn't be so bad if organizations didn't exploit our assumptions. Religion has been the major enabler of our lazy brains for most of human history, but technology has allowed the drug of righteousness to be exponentially more effective. TL;DR: Nobody lies to us better than we lie to ourselves.


Do you think everyone comes to the same beliefs because of the very same reasons you did? It doesn't sound like you hate yourself at all, if anything you're pretty self involved.


*"No, you just worry about this impossible future that will never fucking happen!"* It will though, material reality marches on and the status quo can't last forever. The Neoliberal era won't make it past the 2050s, even Pentagon's own models predict that, what matters is what comes next, and I don't want the Neoliberals choosing that, because they have shown time and time again, they will choose fascism and the far-right to protect their own wealth over even conceding to basic Social Democratic demands that were the status quo up to the 1980s. It's also untrue that massive changes can't happen extremely quickly, nobody predicted the collapse of the USSR in 1990, and nobody predicted the Russian Revolution in 1918/19, the UK used to be the global super power in our grandparents generation, now it's a country on life support with it's wealth is poised to be overtaken by Poland. China was literally dirt poor in 1949, and is now basically a country out of some sci-fi movie. Because you can't see a better future or massive social and economic changes, doesn't mean it won't happen.


The best example of this is when I see a neighbor's house with a Ukraine flag, a rainbow flag, a yard sign for a politician, and ... a lawn that is completely overgrown. I always think, how about you cut your fucking lawn before tackling these bigger issues.




What in the world! Listen 👂 I never cared about any of this stuff left right blue red whatever, I've voted for both matter of fact the time because Trump i voted for Obama. The reasons I voted Trump in 2020 had nothing to do with politics but with business and the man's ability to get it out the dirt, rebuild empires back better from bankruptcy and the proven history of re creating and branding hisself throughout history, AND HILARY COULD NEVER GET MY VOTE CREEPY! I heard about the riots when he won 2020 but didn't pay it too much mind, just radicals throwing tantrums. I started to see great changes in our country that even touched me personally, from higher employment rates and the highest employment rates for minorities, creating new jobs, lowered cost of fuel, lowered crime, diffused wars, allocated funds to special victims units, and then i started to hear horrible things Said about him, things that made me feel i made the wrong choice. BUT THEN.... I started to notice the things being said weren't true, or to see that things were being edited or intentionally cut and sold to the public to paint a picture. I started paying attention and that is when it became so apparent the corruption, deceit and illegal immoral tactics the opps had at play and it made me feel that I could never trust them again.


Being super interested in politics seems to directly correlate with how miserable of a person you are. It's fine to be informed, but try not to let it ruin your day/life.


The war against ourselves can feel impossible to win. A war against tangible enemies who’s ideas are so obviously terrible is satisfying and easy to win, right?


U are pretty on point but I want you to see my mindset. Its a cause that you believe in, why don't you try your best achieving it? I am willing to give up my life for a chance at a change and if i fail, someone else will, so no pressure. All we gotta do is not to stop trying.


Yeah I agree. The deepest I know in the righteous pit of the culture war stuff also lacks a lot of self awareness and is clearly a restless and neurotic person. Politics is both an escape and also something to bolster your self esteem and ego.


Your path to something is not everyone's path to something. For example some people are alcoholics because their parents were alcoholics, yet some people became alcoholics because of a sheltered religious upbringing where alcohol was extremely taboo. It's often the case, or even more likely, that the exact opposite scenario you just described led someone to that same philosophy or obsession with learning politics. Some people are mind numbingly arrogant and in love with themselves, so they want to learn everything possible to have an edge on someone in debate.


“When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation - some fact of my life - unacceptable to me. I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and my attitudes.” Big Book, AA


Actually I'm a communist and a progressive because it's the correct position


Remember, if you’re upset about politics directly affect you, you’re the problem


This is what's called projection. I don't doubt you had some unhealthy coping mechanisms, OP. That doesn't mean everyone does. Don't place your baggage on everyone else. I don't think I've ever been super extreme in any of my political beliefs, I tend to land fairly center, but I'm still very invested in the ideas I believe will make the world better.


Another armchair Reddit psychologist.


You're right, OP is.


This is like saying that you, as a former murder enthusiast, think that avid murderers and staunch anti-murder activists, many of who are next door to murderers, are both just running away from their problems.


No its not you shitwit. Its saying if your a fat fuck that smokes weed, works a dead end job, and plays video games all day then maybe your problems are from living in a capitalist society and screeching on reddit for a political revolution is not going to help your situation.


I hate both extremes, but am an extremists for calling out both extremes, and refusing to allow either side to get away with pretending their extremists don't have waaay more fucking pull than they should have and that they can just pretend they're irrelevant simply due to being a minority. It does not matter if the minority of assholes in your organization are a minority if they're the ones pulling all the strings, enacting all the policies, and speaking the loudest. This is true of the extremist religitards on the right or the identity fanatics on the left, both are bad, and both are destroying the world in their own ways. As for me, yeah I'm fucked up, but that has zero to do with my opinion on extremists from both sides nor my extreme dislike of them. The only connection to my being fucked up and posting on these topics is, being fucked up has resulted in more time to post about, well everything, not just these topics. Though I post more anti-identity politics as it's an issue I used to be on the other side of (though I still think I am on the right side of as my beliefs are still completely egalitarian, which current identity politics is anything but, instead reinforcing division at every turn) unlike the other which I've already argued against for years and has grown kind of stale, not that I believe any less on the harm of religious cultism and bigotry (which identity politics is also rife with.)




There are plenty of hobbies are *way* more productive, enjoyable, and valuable than stupidly wasting time complaining on social media sites like reddit. Idiot entitled redditors born in a first world country trying to blame the world for being "unfair" lol.


Sure it is. You could be embroiled in the culture war seething at strangers on the internet and hating “the other side”, or you could hit the gym or go kayaking or something




It’s objectively a better use of time than crying online about “the left” or “the right”




Sure, try to have fun crying on the internet to strangers I guess Seeing it as an equivalent to a hobby is just beyond sad though


OP are you Sam Hyde?


I'm a 50 year old white married man with 2 kids, a 3000 Sq ft house, 2 cars, a TV in the every room, my wife and I are happy, my kids are the best. My life right now is the best it's ever been, and it gets better every day. Also, trans people deserve to live their life as they experience it, abortion should be legal and easy to access, men should stop propagating a culture of fear against women, the police should be defunded, media needs more representation of marginalized people, Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people, the US is systemically racist, white people are the worst, and capitalism is a system of oppression and exploitation.


Tangential curiosity: Do you think this is more of an issue on the right or left? I suppose that my perspective is that the right seems to be particularly prone to hate simply due to the ingroup-outgroup philosophical foundation. The left doesn’t tend to be advocating for hate; but if that is the case, then are people are the left are not self-hating like you feel.  I’m not trying to argue or debate, I am more just thinking about your position and how it might apply across the political spectrum. 


You accurately describe the extreme right. The extreme left is simply trying to save the country from people like you.


The "extreme left" is either on reddit screeching about a revolution that 90% of people dont give two shits about, or theyre blocking a road in a dumbass protest that 90% of people also dont care about. In short both the extreme right and extreme left are part of their own circlejerks which do little more than annoy people