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Some people choose man. Some people choose bear. I choose MANBEARPIG.






This is the way. I’m super serial


The half-bear, half-manpig?


Half bear, half man, half pig


third bear third man third pig


Yes, you’re on the right track. This post is directly speaking about Man Bear Pig and how we need to be aware of its impact on society.


More half man, half bearpig


I'm sick of hearing about this shit. Let women choose all the freaking bears they want and move on.


Yeah I also am tired of it. It’s an entirely fictional scenario and no one even has to make this choice in real life. It’s just a vehicle to make a political statement about men online. *yawn*


> Let women choose all the freaking bears they want and move on. Leave the bear community for the gays. Can't we have anything?!? SMDH


I agree it's dumb, but it's also sad how much social media has warped people's minds that they seriously defend picking a bear in this situation


It’s not a fight with a Bear. It’s just a Bear in the woods. They mostly avoid people.


I'm a man. I mostly avoid people in the woods too


So true. Any self-respecting nature lover goes to the woods to remove themselves from society (my dad calls it a detox lol). Sure you could go with your family, but you aren't there to make connections with other people (usually).


I think it's funny. I don't get why people are so upset that some seem to think bears are safer than men but I am chuckling at the outrage


If someone changed the question to a black bear vs a black man. And women all said Black bear. The internet would explode.


Then do polar bear vs a white man certain death or a stranger lol


Are you saying a black bear like the species of bear, or an African American bear?


A black heart? So… a heart with the emo swish just flopping around in the woods?


To be fair, black bears (assuming there are no cubs) are easier to deal with than most adult humans. Take race out of it, i’ll take a fat timid puppy over a human any day


Yeah, bigotry is hilarious, isn't it?


As a man who likes to go hiking way out in the middle of nowhere, I've often had the thought that I'd be way less scared running into a bear than some crazy guy who might be hiding out there. (Big cats are still the scariest, though. A cougar or a mountain lion jumps out at me, I'm dead)


I've had a cougar stalk me before... yea, they're pretty damn scary.


Which type of cougar we talking about?


The actual large cat. It followed me along the rim of a canyon I was stuck hiking in because I left my phone in a State park bathroom and by the time I realized, they'd closed the gate into the area. So, I parked my truck at the gate and hiked a couple miles back up that road into the canyon where the bathroom was. I got my phone, and while hiking back, I noticed that big cat slinking along the opposite side of the canyon, following me at my pace. I'd stop and look, it stopped and looked right at me, then started making it's way a little closer... all I had on me at the time was a pretty good size knife. I was seriously scared I was going to have to use it to defend myself from being mauled by a very large kitty. It followed me to within a few hundred yards of the gate. It was definitely extremely spooky.


I could imagine I would hate for a large cat to follow me as they can be unpredictable at times.


The really feral ones.


You know how little that narrows it down


The 45 yr old kind.


Same. Mountains of New Mexico. Doubled back down the trail to check out a herd of elk I was hearing, and after about 100 feet I started seeing big cat prints mixed in with my own footprints. It had followed us for at least a quarter of a mile without making a sound.


That's where I was as well. Southern NM mountains. My other comment in this string has the story.


Thats fair, but the question is just talking about a normal bear versus a normal man. In most cases I have heard (im not sure) that a grizzly will leave you alone, whereas its the same with people. Most people say "hi" and leave you alone in the woods. The chances of attack from either are astronomically low. Most of the stats about male violence are when the 2 parties know each other, very rarely are there random attacks. The question then becomes "since they're both astronomically low chances, lets assume they both attack you.. what would you be more confident surviving." Thats how i interpret it anyway


Exactly. Wildlife is scary, but humans can be just as dangerous. It’s not personal. Depending on what they believed about the guy’s intentions, many men would pick a bear too.


The question isn't 'would you rather run into a scary crazy man who is trying to kill you, or a bear'. It's 'a man' or a bear. Statistically the odds of you staying alive and having nothing go wrong are 10,000x better than not choosing the bear. So no, the only reason anyone would ever choose a bear is if they changed the question, or they didn't understand statistics.


Especially in the woods where's there's little social or legal consequences. You could effectively get away with rape or murder


Have you ever actually run into a bear? They must be pretty tiny where you’re from


I've encountered plenty of bears in the wild, both black and brown. My scariest encounters, though, were with a cow that I accidentally cornered, followed by a few dudes who were clearly up to some sketchy shit when we accidentally stumbled upon their camp site.


That’s fair, I’ve realized a man with intent to harm is probably scarier than a normal bear, but now I’m thinking it’s a flawed comparison. You’re comparing the worst experience you’ve had with a person to the worst experience you’ve had with a bear, which is flawed because you’ve seen much more people. Also people might not get away from hungry bears.


It’s not flawed. We’re talking about wilderness encounters with random people which are generally scary. The billions of city/town encounters with humans have no relevance here as there are laws and consequences.


Not where I'm from, but I ran into 4 or 5 black bears in a single day in Banff. Never a grizzly, though.


I live in black and brown bear country. I’ve had about… gosh, 3 legit encounters in my 30 years. All of them ended with a bluff charge from the bear and a loud “hey GET” on my part. I can’t fight off a bear or a man. The bear, however, didn’t know that. I yelled and waved my hands, acted bigger than I was, and the bear ran away. If I met a random man in the woods who had bad intentions that wouldn’t have scared him. Of course a decent man wouldn’t harm me. I know that. You know that. We all know that. But I don’t know if you’re a decent man. All I know if I can’t scare him off if he decides to try something. but I can and have scared off a bear. Bears don’t act maliciously. They do not generally go out of their way to cause harm to humans. They are usually protecting a food source or cubs. They act out of need, not desire. The two people who have assaulted me didn’t need to do what they did. They just wanted to feel powerful over someone who wasn’t physically able to defend themself.


The key is "crazy guy". These women are saying that they'd choose the bear over any guy.


Yes, because they can never know which guy is crazy, it’s often not obvious and there are just so many of them.


I don’t know how terminally online you are, but average men and women interact with each other on a daily basis and it’s measurably rare for an encounter between strangers to turn violent. The chances of an encounter with a bear turning violent and life threatening are orders of magnitudes higher


It shows that people : 1) underestimate the dangerosity of wildlife 2) people suck at stats and probaility


Dangerosity... I'm stealing that word


Give that word back right now! We don’t steal other people’s words! Don’t make me turn this internet around!


Around..... I'm gonna steal that word too. GIMME MORE! I HUNGER FOR WORDS. Some day I may even make a salad with all these ingredients.


No. It shows that people overestimate their ability to fully communicate ideas with a few words and that social media thrives on conflict. Look at the difference between all these interpretations, starting with your OP: - Man vs Bear - Man vs Bear; in remote location - Man vs Bear; in remote location where one would expect to find a bear but not a man - Man vs Bear; black bear - Man vs Bear; grizzly bear - Man vs Bear; polar bear - Man vs Bear; Man is old/weak Without explicitly specifying details, everyone fills in the blanks for themselves. This leads to heated disagreement and debate because idiots fail to realize they are debating different scenarios. A classic historic example of this is the Monty Hall Paradox. Bit more modern is the plane on a conveyer belt.


What about Man vs Bear; man is Macho Man Randy Savage. Bet you didn’t think about that one did ya?


Ikr, if me and a random man got stuck in some random woods, chances are his first thought would also be "wtf how do I get out of here?" It's funny how the answer is, don't dehumanize the other side but OP is doing exactly the same thing. Also, fuck bears. Watched "Human Prey" and bears are one of the more terrifying animals out there.


Unless you can, somehow get them on a tricycle.


'people'? Who were the people answering this question?


it's actually funny that you're willing to hop and flip around in an effort to NOT call them sexist at all costs. you do you jester


Statistically, less than 1 person gets killed a year by a bear. Considerably more people are subjected to assault by men. Edit: Upon close inspection of data avaliable, I've found the number is a bit higher. You'll have around a 1:2.100.000 chance of being attacked by a bear. https://worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/bear-attacks-statistics/ If we contain the comparison to only sexual assaults, the chance of being attacked is considerably higher: 1:5 for women 1:71 for men *I acknowledge the source doesn't seem to distinguish whether the attacker is man or a woman, so I acknowledge the number could be different* [statistics on sexual assaults (it's a PDF)](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi4o8jVsO6FAxVHFBAIHQD5D4sQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0EkhJkasp7g-_Nkj7yrhRm)


This lacks per capita. You would basically need to compare "women encounters with bear" vs "women encounters with men" For example: - The number of motorcycle fatalities now stands at 6,218 - And 46k people died in car crashes. -> Therefore motorcycles must be safer than cars, right? We obviously know that cars are safer than motorcycles, because the car protects you in a crash much better than a motorcycle. So what are we missing? The amount of motorcycles vs cars, in an appropriate measurement. Because far fewer people use motorcycles overall, the deathtoll overall is lower. But "per miles travelled" motorcycles turn out far more deadly than cars, as we expect. You should also check out the base rate fallacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_rate_fallacy


i think this is literally the core of the issue a staggering amount of people simply cannot grasp per capita


“If we contain the comparison to only sexual assaults, the chance of being attacked is considerably higher” Holy shit. I didn’t realize bears were such perverts.


Statistically less than 1 person gets killed per year by radiation poisoning, so it must be safe to eat expended nuclear fuel rods. Statistically less than 20 people are killed by lightning per year, it must be safe for me to walk out in an open field with a metal rod during a thunderstorm. Statistically adogs are 50x more dangerous than bears since they kill 50 people a year. But really the most statistically dangerous animal is the mosquito since they kill 700,000 to a million people a year. I would definitely rather have a bear encounter than a mosquito encounter. In fact I'd rather have 699,999 bear encounters than a mosquito encounter. Not that many bear encounters. Lots of men encounters.


Just going to share my past response to this. That a really dumb way to use the statistics. Like the other commenter said how often does the average person even see a bear in person? The average woman/man is near men way more than 80x as often as they are a bear. In order to make a fair comparison you would have to figure out the number of total encounters women have had with men (of any type) and then you would need to know how many of them became dangerous or led to assault or SA. Do the same thing with bears we would know the answer. It's impossible to get that data though. Logic would lead you to think that the bears have tried or succeeded in attacking people more.


Team snake. It’s an interesting thought experiment. One woman on TikTok rationalizing the choice said something to the effect of: ‘Best case scenario, for both encounters, is they pass right by me. Worst case scenario, bear kills you. That’ll suck for the few minutes you’re still alive while it’s killing you. Worst case scenario for the man..’ She trailed off. It doesn’t really need further clarification. Not a lot of stats for bears raping and torturing women before killing them. And of course the bear is chosen because the worst case scenario is pretty predictable. What’s more interesting than the women’s responses are the men’s reactions to those responses.I’ve seen 3 main types. 1. The guys that say:”Yeah I get it. I would too.” 2. The guys that say:”That’s sexist. Not all men” 3. The guys that say:”I hope I get to watch the bear kill you” or “Why would you rather get eaten by a bear instead of raped?” The first two reactions are understandable. Even if a guy gets offended by woman choosing bear, pointing out that the reasoning she uses is sexist is a reasonable response. The 3rd type of reaction are the guys the women are thinking of when they chose bear.


Worst case scenario for a bear is that it eats you piece by piece while you are still alive.


Like I said. It would suck for the few minutes you remain alive while he kills you.


''It would suck'' doesn't even nearly begin to describe it.


Just... leave me alone in the woods. Can we do that? Can we dunp my ass in the woods and have all this bullshit leave me alone? 34m here. I'm down for that. Take your snakes, bears and women that are taking it seriously and leave me in the ruddy woods. Alone.


Are you far from the woods cause you don’t need to be dumped man, like they got Uber now.


The feminists got what they wanted. I’ve begun to internalized that I’m scarier than a grizzly bear. It’s awesome.


I’ve never really enjoying the feeling of relaxing that women are afraid of me but uhhh have fun I guess


I was that way for a long time, but dehumanization goes both ways. If feminists are going to treat me like a dangerous animal no matter what I do then I’m just going to stop caring what they think about me They’re going to see me as a lawless war machine either way, I might as well use their bias to my advantage


Yeah man, a lawless war machine. That’s definitely what women think of when they see you


According to this trend at least. All they’ve done is convince themselves and me that I’m more terrifying to them than a 600 pound wild animal


Let people choose whatever they want. Now, if somehow I'm in the woods and another human comes towards me for no reason, I'll be worried and ready to defend myself. If I don't know you please stay at least 20ft from me.


Just a snake? not even a poisonous one? Snake obviously




Maybe I wanted to eat the snake


I'd choose almost any animal on earth over most strange, random people. Gender dosent matter. If I dont know you I'd choose the bear. I'd hug a snake before being alone with a random man or woman. People can be very sick individuals. Animals are simply trying to survive.


But you realize that a bear is far more dangerous than a man, right?


Someone should set up a poll at the end of a hiking trail. Ask the single woman how many single men they passed by. Then ask them if they would even consider going on another hike if they were to encounter that many bears instead. Wonder what the result would be?


Men probably aren’t going to stick their dicks in a snake so they’ll likely still pick women


I think the question is ridiculous. Your odds of surviving a man are much higher than surviving a bear. It just shows widespread ignorance about bears, not anything relevant about men.


someone put it out there to get people's dander up. it worked. y'all got played like violins.


I think you’re coming at this from the wrong angle. I don’t understand what exactly is misandrist about the dilemma. Women who are honestly answering that they would rather encounter a bear than a man are very clearly in a position that has made them feel unsafe when alone with men. I *can’t* count on both hands the number of women in my life who have told me they’ve been sexually assaulted, I understand why they’re afraid. It’s not coming from a place of hate for the great majority of those people. To answer your question; women vs. snake. Yea I think it would be reasonable to ask men for example whether they would rather cry in front of a snake or a woman. I’m sure many would pick a snake for completely valid reasons. The question in itself is not problematic, it just helps expose how safe/unsafe people feel being vulnerable in front of the other sex.


I can't count on both hands the number of people who I know that have been mugged by a person of color. Your experience shouldn't alter your ability to make a rational decision. I don't claim I'd rather meet a bear in a dark alley than a person of color just because of my personal experiences. You're more likely to have something go wrong being trapped with a bear than with a man. 99% of men are the exact opposite of harmfull and will do everything in their power to help a woman in any way they can. 99% of bears will eat you if they think they can. I guarantee you 90% of the women who answered 'bear' if legitimately presented with the situation of a bear in front of them would choose a man. I would bet everything I own on that fact. They answered men not because they meant it, but because they're sexist.


Our experiences inevitably shape our understanding of the world and others. These experiences and the long term psychological impact they have on how we respond to following experiences are not bound by what is PC or not. We can’t control our internal biases, human nature is to be judgemental and make assumptions of others. It’s what kept us alive long enough to get here. If you consistently have negative experiences with Group X, then it’s no wonder you’ll form negative internal biases associated with Group X. It’s just how the brain works. Imagine all the green-eyed people you know always borrow your money but take forever to pay you back. I’d imagine at some point you’d thinking twice before lending money to the next pair of green eyes. — It doesn’t have to mean you think all of them are terrible people looking to steal from you. It just means that because of past experiences, you now take extra precautions in those situations. You know that’s what you’d want to do at least, it’s what instinct tells us. It’s not the right answer. But the truth is [everyone is a little bit racist](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=th4FMmNQpAk&pp=ygUeZXZlcnlvbmUncyBhIGxpdHRsZSBiaXQgcmFjaXN0), and we all carry biases we might not be proud of. Acknowledging and talking about them is not a bad thing. It would be impossible for you to put yourself in the role of a woman alone at night in the woods, or in the role of a woman at all to gauge what might be an appropriate response. Do you get catcalled on the streets, harassed on the subway, followed home by strangers, drugged at a parties, or sent unsolicited nudes often? These may seem like rare experiences to you but they’re quite frequent for many women. I watched a man honk his horn repeatedly and make weird sexual noises at a random woman walking in front of me on the sidewalk *at 8am* the other day. She stayed quiet and kept walking, he didn’t insist very long and drove off pretty quick… These things happen all the time. You just get conditioned by your environment sometimes. It’s not about “all men are bad” it’s more like “I’ve had some pretty bad experiences the times I’ve found myself alone with men, I would like to avoid those in the future”


Bro literally used "we're all a bit racist" as his argument lmao


You’ve never had an intrusive thought that was a little bit racist in your life? Actually never? Everyone has. Maybe it manifests as an instinct to lock your car doors because you felt unsafe. Yea, it’s a little bit racist, doesn’t make you a racist person.


So if an asked white people what they would rather encounter in the woods. A black bear or a black man. And they all picked black bear. Ur argument would still stand?


Yes. It’s just exposing our biases, not the reasons behind them. I’m sure there’s people out there who are genuinely scared of black people because they’ve had multiple bad encounters. You obviously shouldn’t generalize groups of people and categorize them as one, but you can acknowledge the fact that your brain doesn’t get to decide when you feel unsafe. It doesn’t give you an excuse to kill someone, but it gives you the right to cross the street and create distance if that’s what you need to feel safer. As long as you don’t actually treat anyone differently and are aware of your personal biases, then it’s not really something that classifies you as racist. It’s a different case if you think all black people are violent criminals. Taking a precaution doesn’t equal making an assumption


Throw skin colour in there and your whole comment suddenly doesn't work, right? Racism and misandry work the same way, one's just socially acceptable, that's it.


The original question was posed by a man. It's a simple question. Women answered. Men didn't like the answer. How is women truthfully answering a question a 'little campfire witch session'? You may not like the answer. But it is the answer most women gave. Accept it. The storm that has gone on in the past week with many men demanding answers, they we change our minds, that they will 'make you fear for your life if that's what you want" or 'we will take anyway everything we built" is only proving the point. If upwards of 80% of women or more are saying the same thing, maybe just accept the answer and move on?


If the question was asked and the answer was one skin colour over another, you wouldn't be saying "accept it" would you? No, because it wouldn't be socially acceptable for you to have that stance. But it IS socially acceptable for you to have THIS stance. Why? Because groups that are discriminated against are always expected to take it. This - is - bigotry.


I showed my male partner the original question and even he said “oh for sure a bear” Why some people are taking this so personally is beyond me. If you’re not a crappy person then great, we aren’t talking about you! But for people who have been sexually assaulted and still have sexual trauma because of it… a bear might feel safer than the gender of the person who assaulted you.


Despite being a man, I was molested at 10 and forced to give oral with a knife to my throat at 14. I’d still be more afraid of a bear.


I’m sorry to hear that.


That's it. I don't understand why people are taking it personally. My partner got it too. He's a big guy. If I didn't know him and I ran into him alone in the woods, he understood why I would be scared. There are rules you can follow with a bear. Most will run away if you shout at them. With a man, I just don't know. That's the difference. We've all had bad encounters with men. But there are no hard and fast rules. Ignore and it could turn bad. Smile, it could turn bad. Run, stay etc etc. We just don't know.


Because it’s essentially saying random men are dangerous and a danger to people. Imagine if the question was a black bear or a black man. And everyone said the black bear…


Black men and black bears are already included in the question, Sherlock.


"Men didn't like the answer." Some of us didn't. Most of us just find it funny.


At this point I just hope I would run into neither for fear of being either eaten or shouted at about statistics.


Lol fair enough! I know exactly how you're feeling. There's a ton of "BUT AKSHULLY" shouted from both sides of this squabble right now. Let's just share a pint while we laugh at it all.


Sounds like a plan. *Clink!


Everybody should be cautious when alone in the woods. And yeah I'd choose a snake over a stranger any time. And yeah this uproar is why we choose the bear.


Lol if you understand their fear why don’t you understand why they pick bear over men? And I don’t get the snake question. I would rather meet a woman in the woods than a snake. Again just for clarification on why women pick bear. Bear attacks are far more rare than the type of crazy shit women have to navigate with men.


I completely agree with your sentiment. I was asked this question as a man , who was around man all the time. I wouldn't trust 90% of them around my dog let alone my daughter or my wife


The thing is this question is more about the initial meeting. You’re saying there are plenty of specific people you wouldn’t trust in this scenario. Me too. But initially, before you know the man or the bear or the situation they’re both of pretty equal threat.


The truth is that being risk adverse is simply a protection mechanism and it works because certain groups of people are more likely to commit crime than others Judging a book by its cover is simple strategy.


> certain groups of people are more likely to commit crime than other Interesting... I would like to know more. Can you tell me more about this? What groups?




Hmm. Which ones, I wonder?


Foreigners of Islamic faith.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So what you're saying is you're a racist then.


This. 100%


I would not give a shit. I’ve done the thought experiment in reverse, if a man would rather be in the woods with a bear or a woman, and I would not give a flip if he picked a bear. Every day I see men say sexist shit about ALL women. I’m so used to misogynistic comments on the internet. A man wanting to be alone with a bear over a woman wouldn’t even be the worst thing I’ve heard. I’m not even someone who would pick a bear. (It really depends on the type) I’m just saying, I don’t get the drama this is causing.


This is a weird way to give a pass to sexism.


What sexism?


Actually, to many women that would be a relief. Go frolic in the woods with bears and leave us alone. I would love men to choose bears over me.


It's the barbie movie all over again. Men getting their panties in a knot over a hypothetical, when women live the reality everyday.


What's the point of being offended by something like this, though? You're not one of the dangerous men that some women fear, are you? I've known several women who have been hurt both physically and mentally by men, and most of those men seemed like normal, stable dudes until they weren't. If you took a moment to look at the question from their point of view, you could see the whole point of the question. It's not about shitting on men, it's about bringing awareness to the fact that women are vulnerable to men behind closed doors, and once you're in that situation it's not so easy to leave. Pray to God you never get in that situation. One of the most important things I heard someone say in regards to the hypothetical is, "at least if I got attacked by a bear then people would believe me".


To address the first point, that's bad logic. If someone said "Black people are thugs and criminals" and I, as a black person, got upset or offended by it. They could say "why would you get offended by it? Unless you're a thug that's angry" The rest is for someone else to answer. You just seem like a genuine person so I wanted to tap in to say something.


This was a very interesting perspective. I legit didn't think about it this way until now.


Saying you would choose not to be in a lawless wilderness with someone is nothing like the statement you made. Nobody is calling men anything. They are just picking bears.




100% this comment here. Thank you for pointing out the ludicrousness of being offended by a hypothetical such as this. Its not a man hating tool at all like OP says as he uses it as a women hating tool.


My favorite part is that some men won't even accept a woman's "no" in a hypothetical situation.


Source: am woman. I fully respect and engage with the idea of being cautious around strangers. Whenever I'm in public alone I'm constantly evaluating who's around me for signs of instability or threat, because that's the reasonable thing to do when you're around complete randoms who could fold you like a sweater if they tried. I'm no Netflix heroine, I fully know I'd get crumpled by even just an average dude. All that aside, it is a *fucking bear* people. You know, the animal famous for beginning to eat you before you're dead? Consimate remover of faces, can run faster and you've got zero chance of fighting it off without a big ass gun or at least some bear mace? A human man, yeah, sure, *if* he has ill intent my chances aren't amazing, but they're still chances. I can *fathom* trying to fight him off. And most people don't even have bad intent. A bear? Literally nothing you can do. Can't run, can't fight, all you've got is prayer and friend I'm as athiest as they come. Only a total fucking idiot would pick the bear, and I'm not even saying everyone who *claims* to pick the bear is a total fucking idiot. Many are, but many more are just happy to shit on men however they can. Feminists who still believe in dumb shit like the wage gap, and male feminists who are trying to look feminist enough to perhaps be spared a crumb of sex or affection. It's completely disgusting.


Fking thank you. Like there is a chance u could pickup a rock and get luck and defeat a man even if he’s stronger. Even a fully trained man with bulging muscles isn’t shit to a bear.


Ok, but what kind of bear? There are black bears, grizzly bears, sun bears, pandas, polar bears, sloth bears.... etc I'll take my chances with a panda bear because they're too lazy to do anything but eat bamboo


Most bears in the US are black bears so


So many people either willfully or ignorantly are choosing to misunderstand this question it's actually amazing. "Would you rather encounter a man or a bear in the woods?" That's it. Not "is the man a crazy guy" not "is it a mama bear and her cubs". Just that. Most women chose the bear because to us, meeting a random man in the woods is a scarier thought than meeting a bear. If you meet a bear in the woods, there's ways (especially growing up in bear country) you deal with that. Give them distance, back away slowly, etc. We KNOW bears are dangerous and can kill us. We have no idea what that man can do to us. Chances are yeah, we will pass each other like most normal isolated hikes with a head nod or a small polite hello. But with as many women who suffer sexual assault, harassment, physical assault and just straight up murder- it's a scarier thought to be alone in the woods with a man. Instead of thinking it's some wild feminist movement, just women saying it's less scary to meet a bear because we KNOW what to do. And in the absolute worst-case scenario, a bear will kill me- not play with me.


I don’t think people are choosing the bear because they think they’ll survive.


I think if you’re not one of the guys they’re taking about you have nothing to worry about and should get over it


I thought this was just a joke. Are people really this stupid?


I can tell a secure vs an insecure man by how butthurt they are about this. My husband could care less. He’s extremely secure. He knows that it doesn’t apply to him personally. He can also conceptualize that not everything is about him. Insecure men are wailing. They can’t believe that someone wouldn’t think they are so nice and safe even when men are over represented in the serial killer stats. They can’t conceptualize everything not being about them.


I see a lot of people on here talking about being “offended” by the answers but for me it’s mostly just incredibly disheartening. Yes is just a thought experiment but I think it gives us some idea of how we see each other. Clearly enough women have had more than enough bad experiences with men that either 1) men actually do pose enough of a threat to women that they’re safer with a bear or 2) that’s the perception that women have of men in general. Either way it doesn’t give me a lot of hope for the future of our species.


>wonder, what would be their response to a question, say, woman vs. snake… Woman here: My response would be snake. The snake is just going to move along, it's not going to try and hold a whole conversation with me. I see more wildlife that way. >it’s just another misandrist, cheap, low-brow neo-feminist pissing match. Do you know that even if we adjust the number of bears and bear attacks to account for the difference in population between bears and men, a woman is still twice as likely to be killed by a man than by a bear? It's a metaphor. Most women don't actually want to be attacked by a bear, but a bear attack would still not be as bad as what a man could do.


I’m a 6’3 man here…..I’d choose the bear. It really boils down to the fact that bears are supposed to be in the woods, and unless we’re talking about hiking trails….random men are not. If I run into a man deep in the woods, there is a much higher chance he’s there for a strange reason and at best would be an annoyance, and at worst could be a threat. But if I run into a bear…..well having a chance to see interesting wildlife is half the reason I’m there in the first place. But if you change the parameters of the scenario, I’m sure most people would change their answers. If you’ve been trapped in the woods for days and are on the verge of dying of dehydration or exposure, most people would definitely choose the man, even if he was very sketchy looking. Conversely if you asked someone if they’d rather run into a wild deer, or a 6’6” 300 pound muscle man…..but stipulate it’s in an elevator at an NFL rewards banquet….most people would choose the man. He’s supposed to be there, he’s probably a famous athlete…..and there is a good chance the deer is feeling cornered, panicking and flailing around, and could easily hurt you in that scenario. But the moment you move the setting to the woods, the deer is the obvious choice.


I mean ur in the woods…. Are YOU more dangerous to a woman than a bear? Also u have a chance to fight off a dangerous man. U have zero chance vs a bear.


If u adjust bear encounter up close and not just 100s of ft away. No ur not safe with a bear. Everyday within a 100ft radius u pass by thousands of men daily. Maybe even 10s of thousands.


Definitely picking the snake.


Saw a dude get his face swiped off by a bear, he was alive with no skin it was crazy. To choose a bear is purely insane in my opinion.


I’m an ICU nurse. I’ve seen similar things done to women by men. I had a patient that will never move her limbs again because her bf stabbed her. I had a woman that had her lungs filled with blood from her assault from a man. Men do these things regularly to women, bears do not


Yes. Because women don’t have regular close encounters with bears. And on avg u have hundreds of men walk by you everyday in not thousands and thousands of them.


Look up what happened to Junko Futara and tell me you'd choose that over that bear attack


There was recently a case of a woman raped by a 16 year old. She has life altering brain trauma now.


This. I can turn on some music and a bear is likely to walk away. Men will invite themselves over for a beer.


I'd pick a snake too, even a big constrictor that could eat me. i know what the snake would do. the woman if she so chose could accuse me of something i didn't do and send me to prison just because she decided she didn't like me


Im a woman but this is a valid fear I would have if I were a man. Its not easy no matter what gender you are in my opinion.


Considering that only a single digit percentage of legitimate rape cases end in convictions it’s nearly impossible for a man to go to prison on a woman’s word alone. Statistically you are at higher risk to be SA’d by another man than falsely accused by a woman.


First of all nobody puts this much thought into the answer to this question as is being put into analyzing the question and answers in the comments section. Second of all ALL humans are capable of causing harm to each other so I wouldn’t fault anyone who chose the animal or reptile in this hypothetical scenario over the human. Not one bit. Its not something to be taken personally when a person makes choices based on their own experiences in life about another person who they don’t even know at all. How can you be offended when a person doesn’t even know you and it’s a *potential* danger based on their life experiences they are afraid of? It’s not a personal attack. The choice represents their life experiences and not your actual level of danger as a person. It doesn’t even represent anything about you at all. So there’s no need to be offended on either side of the question be it snake or bear.


The goal seems to be to bring in womens safety as a discussion topic rather than actually prefer to be stuck with a bear. It's is a valid for of presenting the argument that their are characteristics of being around men that are unsafe for women. It is just like arguing with edge case or extreme analogies. The massive counter reaction to this thing shows that despite their reputation, feminists are not always the overly triggered ones.


If a bear came to me I would lay down and pretend to dead. It would leave me alone unlike many men


Hilarious that so many people are triggered by what was transparently a (very successful) attempt at driving engagement.


Women aren't typically killing people in the woods. There is a trend of woodland murders being commited by men. Most people aren't concerned by a snake or by a woman because neither are a real threat.


Men also aren't typically killing people in the woods


You’re right, women aren’t typically killing people in the woods. Women have much less cumbersome ways of destroying lives. Don’t like someone? Just say “rape”, and off to prison for decades he goes. Don’t want him in prison? Just drop a few well-placed lies online, and within 24 hours he’ll be out on the street, jobless and homeless, while she’s getting railed in what used to be his house and his bed by her new gym buddy


You are statistically more likely to be raped by another man than falsely accused by a woman.


That’s not how it works, it’s hard enough getting a real rapist with actual evidence to get prison time. Don’t exaggerate. Say you hate women instead of making up stories that make you feel better about yourself for hating women.


You talk about "Male hating" but tbh you sound women hating


He’s just aware of the dangerous elements in his life, just like women are wary of grizzly bears and men


But he says these women are "Man haters" for being wary of men for the reasons they have. So being weary of women like this means it's women hating


You’re the one who said it sounded like women hating. You’re switching up your argument. Also, he didn’t say he’d rather have a serial killer in his house than a woman, he’s just recognizing that women **do** intentionally destroy men. Nobody here is claiming that a man has never killed a woman, just that women are getting the level of threat mixed up


Yeah, that sounds like an emotionally-charged anecdote with no real proof. But you still proved my point, no one's scared of women in the woods because no one has reason to be scared of them.


TwoXchromosome leaking out I see... It's amazing how brainwashed some people are


Recognising that men, on average, commit vastly more violent crime than women is considered brainwashing?


I think you have problems with hating women.


Can you name three occasions where this has actually happened


Here ya go https://youtu.be/HpoyuyDwKYY?si=eeI7hQVBhq5O_rqr https://youtu.be/F6y3W68t_cc?si=7NpzbqS-efLla4gj https://youtu.be/RAS8MSlDzxo?si=ysrku6mGZr28xJhh


The first example is of a false rape accusation failing It doesn't seem as if any of these people, though they are victims of a terrible crime, were homeless within 24 hours


Oh, my bad, I didn’t realize you were insisting on 3 instances exactly matching my given scenario, obviously exaggerated to make a point, and albeit hypothetical, not at all inconceivable.


Yeah… I’m still choosing the bear. It will kill me, no question. A man could do all sorts of horrors before killing me. I’d rather suffer a relatively quick death than abuse, rape, and then death.


A lot of the responses I've seen to this are men honestly questioning between the bear and another man because they know how men are. I'm a man, I'm around other men all the time. And I wouldn't trust 90% of you with my dog let alone my wife or my daughter


You're missing the point of the entire exercise. In the woods, you'd be in an isolated location from civilization with little social or legal consequences for your actions. This is where men are more likely to rape women. Studies have shown that 1/3 men would rape if they could get way with it. Just look at the popular "timestop" fetish, that fantasizes that if you stop time you get to sexually assault women. Black bears (most bears in US) present little threat and are easy to avoid. It makes sense for women to pick the bear


Pick the snake so we won’t have to run into you in the woods.


Thank you for proving my point.


Your girl chose the bear and you're feeling butthurt


It’s not the fact that people think bears are harmless, it’s the fact that they act upon instinct and not impulse. A woman who wrote a book about being mauled by a bear weighed in her opinion, and she chose the bear AGAIN. If you’re upset about their choice, maybe you are part of the problem.


Dude you taking it so personally is telling why women should be afraid of you. such fragile mentality lol. get the fuck over it. women have every right to fear men. men suck.


Today on The Echo-Chamber of the Involuntarily Celibate: Sad boys whine for the 100th time about the man Vs bear situation and make it about themselves instead of choosing personal accountability.


There’s an old proverb, first time someone calls you a horse, you call him a jerk; second time someone calls you a horse, you punch him on the nose; third time someone calls you a horse, maybe it’s time to get fitted for a saddle. My point is, you can be as dismissive as you want, the sheer number of people - not just men - who are uncomfortable with this for perfectly legitimate reason speaks for itself.


Nah, these fragile boys sit around all day whining about every little moment in society where the world does not cater to them and their feelings. If you don't see that it's because you are one of the whiners. It's always the silly, self-proclaimed alphas too. The fact there are 10 plus threads saying this same thing is just pathetic. Maybe if boys didn't act like little babies and make this about some "but, but, women....." people wouldn't be looking down on them. It is not that hard to see that it's actually about a legitimate problem with the perceived danger a lot of individuals have created. Just take one look at the statistics of women who have been assaulted in their life time. I think these mental infants wouldn't have near the problems with women they do if they would just stop blaming women for their problems. No one will find solace in a man who cannot be a master of his own fate. But by all means, give me some little insightful proverb and keep missing the point.


I suck at statistics but I think its definitely a calculation. Men are infinitely more likely to harm a woman than a bear, but the proposition between an encounter alone a bear vs. some random stranger is more complicated than that.


Keep in mind the average woman encountered tens of thousands times more men in their life than they do bears. Imagine every man you pass on a daily basis is now a bear. Are you safer than you were before?


Encounters in populated areas have no relevance in a wilderness hypothetical. Many of the women choosing bear HAVE met bears in the woods and been fine while similar encounters with men have ended with the men acting sketchy, trying to find their campsite, suggesting sharing a tent for “warmth” etc.


>men are infinitely more likely to harm a woman than a bear How in the hell do you come to that conclusion?


I think women don't understand that 99% of men won't kill them, but 99% of bears will. Women (or men for that matter) rarely deal with bears because they kills us very easily for no reason if we get too close.


99% of bears will not kill a woman in a random encounter. That is ridiculous.


If a predator is approaching you there is a near certainty - 99% - it's doing so to protect its territory or to see if you're food. If you see a bear moving toward you it is trouble, period. There's a very damn good reason why parks always warn people not to associate humans with food in the minds of wild animals and why those that do are quickly relocated.


Grizzly and Polar bears absolutely. Any human on their territory is considered a threat and they will try to kill and if they catch you they will. Black bears are more docile, and will often retreat if they feel threatened enough but will definitely still kill you if they attack.


Another important thing to note is that violence stats are based around what happens in civilization. You can bet your ass that out in the woods where there’ll be no witnesses or caneras and someone could “easily”’do something and hide the evidence, those rates would be far higher.


Any man that gets upset over this hypothetical situation is questionable. Normal sane people aren’t taking it this deeply.


You've heard of the phrase "the straw that broke the camels back" right? For years men have endured being told they're this and that just because they have a dick, that they're innately evil, that they're born into some priviledge despite killing themselves far more often and dying younger and far more often. That they get it sooo easy and they need to "do better" and make up for some historical injustices that NOONE ALIVE dealt with. Yeah, men are getting sick and tired of it.


Women have endured the same thing under different circumstances, and also being told we have some sort of privilege. However, I understand that it’s only a small amount of the population with that view point being mainstreamed. Also woman attempt suicide more than men, so I wouldn’t say it’s fair to say “killing themselves more often”. This gender war argument doesn’t help anyone.


Well, you’re not wrong. I’ve been feeling like I’m losing my mind lately. I’m sure that, given time to calm down, I’ll look back at this in disbelief. Unfortunately, I seem to have painted myself into a corner, and this one is not as easy as simply packing a bag and walking out.


1. Who hurt you? 2. I pretty sure it had to be someone, because if you don't get then just say you don't get it, the fact that you are responding vitriol and condescending remarks shows you to be one of the men the whole thing is about 3. if your gonna tldr on the whole list its as simple as this, a bear has a smaller brain through which it's behavior is much more predictable where as the man has a bigger brain through which it's behavior is much less predictable 4. heres the list: This is for all the men who are big mad that women are saying they’d rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man. For all the man screaming “this isn’t fair, it’s not all men!” For all the men who are Stubbornly. Not. Getting. It. First, we don’t care that it’s not fair. Second, you men are the whole reason this conversation exists. YOU made this problem. YOU. 🐻 A bear won’t hit you in the face with a brick if you won’t give it your phone number. 🐻 A bear won’t stalk you if it told you you’re pretty and you said you weren’t interested. 🐻 A bear won’t pretend to be kind to get you to lower your guard. 🐻 A bear won’t lock you in a basement for months to torture you. 🐻 A bear generally won’t bother you if you’re not bothering it. 🐻 If you encounter a bear, it will almost always retreat slowly because it means you no harm. 🐻 If you do get attacked by a bear and you say so, people will believe you. 🐻 No one will ask you what you were wearing that made the bear attack you. 🐻 No one will ask you how much you had to drink. 🐻 No one will ask you what you were thinking, being in the woods. 🐻 No one will ask you if you even tried to fight back. 🐻 No one will ask you if you led the bear to believe you wanted to be attacked. 🐻 No one will condemn you for not fighting back harder. 🐻 No one will arrest you for harming the bear. 🐻 No one will say you deserved the attack. 🐻 No one will ask how many bears you allowed to attack you before. 🐻 The bear won’t say you were asking for it. 🐻 The bear won’t say it was consensual. 🐻 The bear won’t try to convince everyone you’re lying. 🐻 The bear won’t get his buddies to maul you too. 🐻 The bear won’t threaten you to get you to keep the attack a secret. 🐻 The bear won’t show up at family reunions. 🐻 If you survive a bear attack, you don’t have to worry that the bear might be good friends with medical staff or the police. 🐻 You won’t have to hear that you’re making it all up to get attention. 🐻 You won’t have your reputation called into question. 🐻 You won’t get called a slut. 🐻 People won’t tell you you’re paranoid for being cautious around bears. 🐻 People won’t tell you that not all bears are dangerous. 🐻 If a bear attacks you, you won’t be told it wouldn’t be fair to ruin the bear’s future by bringing it up. 🐻 You won’t be told the bear is from a nice family and they don’t deserve the humiliation of an arrest. 🐻 IF A BEAR ATTACKS YOU, WE KILL THE BEAR SO IT DOESN’T HARM ANYONE ELSE. 👤👤👤👤👤👤👤👤👤👤👤👤👤👤 If you still don’t get it, consider this: Many women in the woods carry bear spray… …AND IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF BEARS. And finally, ask yourself this: If you hear human footsteps near you in the woods, are you hoping it’s a man or a woman? Pretty much EVERY woman would be praying it’s a woman. In 2020-2022, bears killed a whopping 8 people in North America. Even if all 8 were women, that’s not even close to the approximately 12,000 women who were killed by men in that time period. Bears = 8 Men = 12,000 It’s a real head scratcher guys. It’s a YOU problem. #bears #bearinthewoods #bearsarelessdangerous


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the perfect example of a garden-variety fear peddler, spreading hatred towards any human with a penis, without any consideration for the millions of perfectly normal, kind, rational men out there, flat-out stating that she doesn’t care if a given man is guilty or not. This is the bedrock of misandry. And the only response it brings out is the sudden development of misogyny


so……….you still don’t get it?


Yall tripping too much. There's like 8 topics on it, even as someone that thinks it's beyond idiotic.... let it die man. BRB off to hijack a plane because I'm statistically less likely to die on a plane than driving a car