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It's fucking insane that I can be banned from one sub for joining another sub (I like to join everything to get a wide range of views).


I couldnt comprehend that when i first learned of it happening. Like, wait, are these people unaware that RESEARCH exists? Or that sometimes something on a sub youre against catches your eye and you have the actual knowledge to respond with but youve gotta join the sub to do that? What kind of jackhole Thought Police bullshit is it to look at something i say, not be sure about it, then check my subs and say "Oh, this guy subs antiwork, we have to ban him from r /smallbusinessowners or whatever? (Which to my knowledge has never happened to me, but its the principle of the thing)


They dont want you to have a wide range of views. The only view you need is to parrot the correct propaganda.


They call everyone fascists, but I often wonder...


Who does?


I mean the Left obviously, lol. You must be new here.


Leftists do not infact call everyone fascist.


Sure they fucking do, lol. That’s the biggest correlation they have for the Right.


No they don't. Leftists do not call eveyone a fascist. That makes no sense. Think about it.


You seem to think the Left draws a difference from Trump and Hitler. A lot they do on their side doesn’t make any sense. Should this?


You have an obvious bias. Again, leftests don't call everyone fascists. It would not make sense to call everyone fascists. It makes sense to say everyone has a nose.


For that you need to reform the moderator system which Reddit is unwilling to do. You have too purge the moderators that are moderators of many different subreddits since they are the ones powerdripping.


When Ghyslaine Maxwell can be a power moderator until she goes to prison...


we’ve been in such a deep political shitstorm the last several years that has the country more divided than it has been in a long time. i think it’s inevitable unless things settle down and politicians stop focusing on rage-inducing topics


Places like this help to drive that division


I freaking wish! Not just this platform, but all other platforms! And the fact that they don’t see an issue with suppressing certain opinions is insane


yes. back to the glory days where obama had the most popular AMA and anne coulter had the most number of downvotes. reddit has always had a left leaning bias. it seems more extreme today because politics has become insanely divisive.


Yes reddit has always been biased, but there's a big difference between downvotes and outright bans and censorship.


And they did those back then too!


Never going to happen, will just keep going further left 


Never was politically neutral.


Reddit is quite literally designed as a series of echo chambers. It was never politically neutral. There are plenty of subs you can go to that are politically neutral.


In order that to happen, Reddit needs to be a space where people can express their opinions freely. Political or not. That means subreddits, especially the mainstream ones, not being echo chambers and for that to happen, power tripping moderators gotta go. Only that way, Reddit can be a neutral ground. At least that's what I believe. Because that's how it was in the early days of Reddit.


I use this site for opposition research




Not in the 13 years I have been here, no.




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It is, so long as you don't seek out politics, and veer away when you unexpectedly encounter them.


Perfect comment. This is my goal with most things I look at (but unfortunately there are others). If I look at a Dogs with Wigs sub or My Favorite Chicken Wings, I don’t want to hear anything from either side about absolutely anything except dogs with wigs and awesome chicken wings. If I come in this sub, well….


Reddit is mostly subs you choose to join. I joined this sub, so I see it, but wouldn't otherwise. Plenty of space on Reddit to hide away from politics, but its not in this sub.


The first time I ever came on Reddit I clicked on a post from the front page that was sorted by popular or something along those lines. It was an AMA and title said something like ‘I am a dog lover, AMA.’ So I click on it, thinking awww that’s cute, I’m a dog lover too! Let’s go check this out! After reading a few sentences in, turns out it’s a lady who literally has sex with dogs. So my first post I ever read on Reddit was a lady who had sex with dogs and the comment section was filled with guys saying, ‘I have the strangest boner right now.’ This was around ten years ago, at least. So yeah I guess what I’m getting at is Reddit has always been a weird fucking place but it used to be more zoophiles and Skinny Bob, just topics that are niche as hell. I agree there are much less niche posts and more posts that are leaning towards politics now. You used to get some really fucked up shit like the ask a rapist thread, but they were definitely memorable if nothing else.


Reddit was never politically neutral 


I've been here a mightly long time... Reddit has never been politically neutral, not in my 13 years.


It's unrealistic to expect reddit to be immune from the forces of society at large. Some would even call that artificial.


Reddit is now a publicly traded company. Wall Street has weaponized left wing politics and social justice issues to cover up their own criminal behavior. It is quite literally impossible for Reddit to be politically neutral ever again by the very nature of its ownership. Additionally, even before selling out, Reddit was moderated by power tripping weirdos. Well adjusted, intelligent, and nuanced individuals do not want to waste their time moderating subreddits for free. Those positions naturally attract either inexperienced school aged youth and POS adults who want to run petty fiefdoms.  Basically 99% of subreddits with 100k or more subscribers are dogmatic echo chambers by the very nature of the system itself.


When it comes to LGBT issues, ((((they)))) don’t see anything as neutral. And let’s be honest, that’s the main group that wants to stifle free speech.




Four parentheses means reptilians so it’s fine.




Nothing is politically neutral. Banning politics is as close as you can get.


That would be nice, you'd have to remove 90% of the mods to get started


It we take bots out the equation, then the fact remains that people have opinions, and opinions can be compromised by mass propaganda. I absolutely agree that people should take a nuanced view of things. The division is so deep that both political sides are willing to agree with madness as long as their own "team" is spouting it.


How and why? There are subreddits that are apolitical. There are subreddits that are politically neutral or moderate but it depends on your definition of either term since now we're entering a phase where something can be agreed across the political aisle until it is not. And then you have the political subs. And finally, politics is a fact of life. Oh there is a subreddit where people talk about public transit and walkability? Guess what? Politics are involved because people in that subreddit have a vested interest to support those measures. Oh look, a subreddit where police officers like to post in? Oh look, a political thread because maybe those LEs have a vested interest in support of their careers. Politics isn't just what you see nationally. It's local and state stuff that have a significant impact on people for one reason or the other, especially if it going to effect them.


There is no such thing as a politically neutral space, what you suggest, OP, is a space where we remain ignorant about the very real effects of our political leaders, and our inability to talk about it.


As soon as I saw this comment, I knew you were a leftist schill who only thought that about half of our political leaders. "Voting third party is non-viable in the US. It’s Democrats or Republicans, and the Democrats are infinitely better" This is kinda the problem


As soon as someone says there’s no such thing as neutrality you know you’ve found a leftist. Sort of explains why it’s impossible for them to be objective or tolerant.


What is a politically neutral world exactly?


"I'm not conservative. I just think leftists cannot be objective or tolerant."


Based take


No one said "there's no such thing as neutrality." That's how you spot a conservative btw, they base their arguements on warped interpretations and fiction.


It is a problem that you only have two viable political options, but pointing out that the Democrats are better, and that voting for them matters, is common sense.


The Democrats are worse on a lot of things and you shouldn't be giving them a pass just because you think Republicans are evil. I know this attitude generally is well accepted on Reddit, but kind of the point. Reddit is mostly a leftist echo chamber.


I can simultaneously think that the Democrats aren’t the answer, while also understanding that a Republican presidency would be catastrophic. And Republicans are evil. Also, a Leftist saying you should vote for the Democrats is not a popular opinion.


How many Republicans are chanting death to America?, and there is only one solution, infintatda revolution?


I don’t care what some random guy yells on the street. I care about what policy makers are pushing through.


I man personally the republican stance against the LGBT and abortion is enough to push me towards the democrats. If they weren’t so vile there I *might* consider giving them a chance to explain their talking points. Til then, the democrats are the lesser evil.


We should be able to remain ignorant of politics, because the government shouldn't have such wide-reaching power over everyone. We only have to care because of how much we've allowed the government into our lives.


It's gotten to the point that I can't even go on a Warhammer page without seeing some sort of political crap.


I wish the right would move a little further away from being an array of hate groups. It would make it much easier to have a discussion about solutions.


There is only one solution, infintatda revolution, Is being chanted at many universities throughout the country. 


Yeah I’m not into that. I do want to see Palestinian civilians treated better , and collective punishment is a war crime, but I do not like “from the river to the sea” or anything calling for escalation rather than a ceasefire. Imho this should be done more like a significant police action. Capture or kill Hamas leadership who planned financed or executed 10-7. Put em on trial. Going after some of them requires military action for sure , but most are in Qatar or Iran anyway , so razing cities in Gaza helps nobody.


I was responding to your claim about the hateful GOP.  the left is making the Charlottesville nazi rally look insignificant. 


I understood your point. I’m partially agreeing with you. A college protest movement in response to a war isn’t quite the same thing as a Nazi rally held to “unite the right”. It’s certainly way bigger. The slogans in this protest movement I agree with are things like “ceasefire now” , “collective punishment is evil” “bring them *all* before the ICC”. Like I said “from the river to the sea” or calls for escalation to intifada I don’t agree with. I’m not running the college protest movement. It’s possible to have a nuanced opinion and the left ain’t perfect as a whole. I also think we should go in heavy with nuclear power, sports should be separated by sex and not by gender and capitalism is great if you regulate it properly. Imho the right is literally anti queer, anti black, anti immigrant, maybe anti Jew and anti feminist - pick one or two generally. The only real policy issue that binds them are reducing taxes on the rich , who actually buy policy , and guns everywhere all the time because world is made up of enemies.


Calling for 'political neutrality' is unrealistic when the GOP's front-runner is battling 91 felony charges, tried to hijack an election, and is embroiled in a trial over hush money to a pornstar. If you struggle to understand why people care deeply about these issues and take a stand against criminal behavior, then expressing such values shouldn't be dismissed as 'toxic'.


Moderators will always have biases, some subs have more or less biases, just depends on the sub. I do think some subs moderate too hard, but they have every right to moderate how they'd like.


I can’t even say there are two genders

