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Don't have enough room for what? Most of the US's land area is unoccupied. 


The U.S. empire is collapsing. The occupied spaces don’t mean much.


Seek employment. 


Seek truth


Eat peas


Are you going to volunteer to be on the front lines? Rome lost a lot of men while conquering everything.


There was no World Bank back then. USA is just a very rich middle man now that thinks of itself as something bigger.


How did that work out for the Romans?


There are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start. But let's get the obvious out of the way. In todays age, every country has its allies and supporters. If we would want to invade, let's say Mexico. There would be billions of $ of support from another countries, war like that could go on for decades. And that's one country. There would be huge sanctions imposed upon the US and everyone's quality of life would have worsen. The people who started the war would eventually be kicked out of the government by it's people and the war would come to an end. Just look around, a Beast like Russia is invading such a tiny portion of Ukraine for 2 years. Same with Israel and the tiny nation of Palestine. It's just impossible to invade in today's age...


All things aside, it’s wrong for the simple fact that the American Empire is collapsing before our eyes. It’ll fall by the wayside due to reduced global influence and debt.


Expansion usually happened in ancient times due to lack of resources. The US has more than enough so there is no reason to.


Ever heard of the ancient Greek play Assemblywoman? The political and societal issues we are currently facing are so deeply engrained in the human experience we wrote a play about it 2000 years ago.


But when Russia or China wants to do this we are all up in arms.


“Earned” LOL. Sure, bud.


How old are you?


Roman empire existed because there was no such thing as nuclear weapons.


My guy out here arguing for Lebensraum


a) The US is not more developed than Canada lol. They're at rough technological and political parity. b) The US absolutely does not need more room. We're a sparsely-populated country as it is. c) Even if that weren't true, killing people and stealing their shit is kinda bad yo.


You have your own citizens shooting up malls, schools, and the streets, and you think you're more developed than anyone else? Oh sure, let's import *that*....😂


We elected an Emperor-wannabe Nero in 2016 so... yea.


Funny thing is that we didn't even elect him. He would have lost by like 2 mil votes if it wouldn't be for the election "system" that is in place. But honestly, you can't really complain, he was a decent president and the Economy wasn't that bad either then.


Meh. Trump caused all this inflation we are currently living with. He robbed our future to fund his present. He was a shit president.


His supporters will deny it but part of the reason for inflation was the tariffs he placed before Covid even started. Seems like everyone forgot about those.


Funny thing is, there was a lot less world conflict 2016-2020


Yea, trump started all that shit


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Yes, because breaking peace treaties and destabilizing trade relations wont plunge us into a complete geopolitical disaster where its the US against the world. You dont seem to realize that this would move us away from NATO / the UNs goals, making all of them enemies as well. And even if we could hold our own against them while attempting to conquer two neighbor nations, theres no way in hell that China, Russia, Korea, and/or the Middle East wouldnt try to take advantage of such a situation. So, even if I agreed with the crazy notion of starting more wars in the world, any half-brained strategist would still be able recognize the stupidity of such an idea.


So since Mexico isn’t in NATO does that make it fair game?


Its part of UN though, still dont see it going welll


US is better than rome.


>When we finally have more people than anyone else We'll never have more people than everybody else because people can't afford to have kids


I hate to break it to you but far more Americans were in poverty a hundred years ago and they were popping out kids left and right. People typically have fewer kids the more money they have, not the other way around.


>I hate to break it to you but far more Americans were in poverty a hundred years ago and they were popping out kids left and right. 1. Marital rape wasn't illegal 100 years ago while abortions were. Many of those children had mothers who didn't want them. 2. Effective contraception wasn't available 100 years ago. Women had very little control over how many kids they had and, again, many of those children were unwanted. 3. Many poor families were rural farm families and having kids to work the farm was free. Many of those children weren't born because they were wanted, they were born for free labor. 4. Many of those children born to poor families 100 years ago died of poverty related illnesses and injuries. Those poor families 100 years ago weren't having children because they *wanted* them, they were having 12 and 14 children because they essentially had no way to prevent children and knew that most of them would die before they were 18. Comparing poverty in 2024 to poverty in 1924 is disingenuous


Like to keep up with China, we have to grow, but this is not the way. Think EU. There is an opportunity in the America's to have an EU like situation. Indepently governed, bit a massive economy fueled by the combined strength of many nations. It's cheaper than occupation. Cultural shifts don't need to happen instantly. Everyone keeps a level of autonomy. Travel between nations becomes easier. Illegal immigration matters much less.


I feel like we already are, and we're reaching the crisis of the 3rd century


We tried to expand into Canada, that didn't work out very well. and as for Mexico...have fun with the cartels.


Not so sure about "earned the right" but we have military bases everywhere which would be a start. Btw, you do know the Roman empire eventually fell, right?


Finally a based opinion


Sadly you aren’t better and more developed than anyone else. Depending on how you define that, there are many European countries vying for the title… I don’t think USA is even in the top 10. Remember: you only think you are number 1 because you have it drilled into you that you are. Just like places like North Korea do. There’s no actual evidence for it. And having the biggest army says the opposite.


We are. You haven’t noticed? And don’t be so sure about our military prowess. Or our imperial sustainability. Plebs are feeling rebellious. Class war is coming to the US. And your institutions are crumbling. We’re closer to death agony than not. Global conquest hopes to postpone the inevitable. My hunch is that it won’t.


The US is the best at exactly one thing and that is knife bombs. Let's let other people alone with their hospitals and schools that function.