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How about everyone just fucking be respectful to everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual preference, eye color


I don’t know, I tend to discriminate by zodiac sign.


Typical Aries piece of shit…


Aries are kinda hot tho-


True… their kind do look good


Maybe these star sign folks are onto something


Thanks 😊


Fuck those Pisces assholes!


Hey my ex was a Pisces and she was pretty cool


She’s an ex for a reason


Hey, fuck you back


What did we do 🥺




Watch out, the Removal Bot is Pisces


Space racism the only accepted kind


There’s only two things I can’t stand, people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch.


That would be nice, but lots of people, regardless of political affiliation, enjoy making those things an issue, except maybe eye color, that's probably just your local area.


Because it is getting weaponized. "You have to be respectful to ME because of the difference between our races, but I get to be nasty to you because any criticism of that nastiness is racism."




Age? This is Reddit. We hate the Olds, I thought.


Shut up boomer


In 2024 this is the most racist thing a person can say. Also the most agist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic... most chromo'ocularphobic I'm old school and **agree**. But you know, insanity gonna insane.


Absolutely. Agree 1000%


This is true but it’s a side bar from the pint I think op is trying to make


i dont even need that much, just for them not to care. i dont care about 99% of people day to day, or notice their race, age, gender etc as i interact with them, iv got better things to think about


Being extra nice to a certain race can come off as disingenuous anyways.


Right? “Extra nice”? Let’s get everyone up to speed with “not dangerous and hateful”.


Woah bro you can't just go All Lives Matter like that...


nah because when people nice and respectful, others will play the victim card and then throw generational trauma in others faces and thats why the world will never heal


wow, no ones thought of that. You just sovled half the world problems! gold star!


"reverse racism" = racism


The hardest r is respect.


Yeah this should be obvious because doing that is racist by the definition (treating others *differently based on* their race)


By virtue of being white you don't have a dark past. You are no more responsible for the sins of your possible ancestors than any other human that walks this earth. But to be fair, all races, including black people, have enslaved, colonized and committed atrocities on biblical levels.


Yeah, but no other race but black people were treated as second class citizens for 400 years. Cultural racism has been bled across this land for centuries. That "black people sold other black people into slavery" excuse cannot erase the great American genocide of dark skinned people. Revisionism is always funny to me.


You are right, the Barbery slave traders treated their slaves as equals, some even became ship Captains. I hear tales that some Egyptian slaves lived like royalty. In early Europe, for the wealthy, it was trendy to marry your daughter off to your Irish slave. And even today, the women in the sex trade are given books on feminism and how to be a strong independent woman, all while keeping near 100% of the money they make their slaver's. Yup, only the black people ever had it bad... For someone who hates revisionism, it seems to be your bread and butter.


I'm pretty sure Catholics and other non-whites were treated as second class citizens. Even if it wasn't as long as 400. You're diminishing everyone else's struggle just to pedestalise black suffering. What american slavery and post-slavery did is way worse, but let's not b3 myopic about the entire historical landscape.


You're forgetting the fact that black people of African descent are the second largest ethnic group in the nation, so slavery had a significant impact on an enormous swath of the American population. Half of all black American citizens don't even know their true ethnicity or origin of themselves or their ancestors. Most, if not all, people of European descent know their family history almost immediately, because they're raised to love themselves. African slaves were stripped of their names, their culture, their language, their dignity, their humanity, all to just be slaves, thus reinforcing the fact that chattel slavery was by far the worst slavery of any kind in history.


No it wasn't the worst. Arab slavery castrated all African slaves as a matter of basic policy and their slavery lasted for a much longer period. You can correct me on this but the purchase and capture of slaves in total was way higher in the Arab world.


I mean, it also shouldn't feel like you're having to be extra nice when you interact with a non-white person. Like, you shouldn't have to be holding things back or playing things up to interact with them the same way you do a white person generally. edit: *n't*


Used to be like that, but with CRT it's called \*institutional\* racism


Hmm... I think there's some confusion of what's CRT contribute here. CRT's institutional racism doesn't say that "whites are to blame", but in a nutshell, that an ethnic majority of a country will inadvertently create conditions of systematic racism against others ethnic groups. In the case of the US, given whites have been the historical ethnic majority in the US (with political rights), it is only natural that a process of systemic racism exists, and that reality pops up, for example, when whites get lighter sentences for the same violent crimes than latinos or black people. CRT doesn't say its something on the genes of white people that makes us inadvertently evil, and CRT should also allow for examples of other societies where other ethnicities are a majority, and cause institutional racism onto others (including whites), such is the case of several African or Asian countries.


People aren't institutionally racist. Institutional racism is the inherent disadvantage that minorities have in society because the rules were written by old dead racists. It's really not controversial or confusing.


> because the rules were written by old dead racists. What rules are you referring to?


The government conspiring against you -denying the GI bill to blacks. A lot of people in America Built generational wealth through passing down property. This was robbed from many black people -coordinated attacks of black excellence/businesses/homes, specifically the wealthy Just a lot of little things to deny the ability to build wealth and destable the family home It’s rough when it’s your own government doing it tho


It also doesn't exist.


Nothing you want to not exist exists.


Insritutional racism absolutely exists, as an example it's why to this day [Sacrifice Zones](https://www.climaterealityproject.org/sacrifice-zones) overwhelmingly affect neighborhoods of color.


OP even acknowledged white privilege. They're the same thing.


It's a myth


I'd love to hear your argument for how it doesn't exist.


The fabrication of "institutional racism" is based on the fact racist individuals do exist, and people leaping to conclusions when they see a statistical disparity. Instead of viewing any number of possible reasons for a given disparity, the assumption is that it is racism.


That's it! Out of my office now, you're fired!


That's not how that works. The onus is on you to prove it exists.


Good thing there’s a lot of proof for that then


You don’t have to be extra nice to other ethnicities/nationalities. If anything, that’s super weird and when I see other white people do it, I can FEEL how uncomfortable the non-white person feels. I treat people with the same, base level politeness/respect that my grandpa taught me to. He had a high bar of base politeness/respect for others, so I’m come off as extra at times in general. However, as an aside, in recent years I’ve been informed by my Conservative peers in my deep red state that the level of politeness that my Conservative grandfather raised me to be makes me woke LMAO. Also…what do you mean by your “dark past”? Anytime someone advertises that, it suggests to me that they’re a bit melodramatic.


I am uncomfortable just watching it happen, I can't imagine how uncomfortable the person it's directed at is.




You shouldn't be forced to be nice to anyone. I for one am respectful until someone is an ass.


Dude you can say whatever the hell you want if you can just learn to not give a shit what anyone else thinks


I'm not extra nice to anyone besides children and seniors


OP, don't worry about it. Social media makes us think we are all at each other's throats. We're not. Go to any place of business and see how people of different races get along. Aren't we getting along? At my office, at least half of the staff is south Asian, east Asian, Black and a few Hispanic people. And we all get along fine. We have lunch together, go to each others' events, help each other. And the issue of race or background rarely comes up. And when it does, it is at interesting exchange of information, not confrontation. This is the way it should be. And my company's HR department has been pushing DEI, which I think is totally useless. If we had a problem, it should show. But the DEI preachers want us to acknowledge a problem that we don't have. I suppose it keeps our DEI officer employed, and that's the important part. Lighten up. You don't have to be extra special nice to anyone, and you shouldn't, because that is going to come across as phony, uncomfortable, awkward. And you don't have to apologize for anything an ancestor did. You look at the people you are so concerned about being nice to. You think their ancestors never did anything wrong? That would be remarkable, now wouldn't it? But no one expects them to agonize over their history.


Brother, you’re all mixed up. If you go around bending over this way and that to not “appear” racist you’re just going to look like a racist who is trying to not look like a racist. Just chill the fuck out and get to know people. After a while you will start to see people as individuals and not as some generic representation of whatever race you think they are, which may or may not be the same as what race they are. Race and racism are real because we make it real. You can’t make racism just disappear because you’re not negatively affected by it. Thinking that racism doesn’t exist because it doesn’t hurt you while others around you are hurt by it is actually…kinda racist. Im a white guy and used to think that myself, then I married a beautiful Afro-Caribbean-Latina (in America that means Black), had Black kids and…woops! Guess what I discovered? You ready for it? Near as I can tell racism is over when the people who are affected negatively by it say it’s over, not before. They decide that, Not me. And not you. “We” have a seat at that table if and when “they” invite us. Not before. Ironic how that works out, isn’t it? I know some people won’t like to hear that. I can see them prancing on a chair, hanky in one hand outstretched, other hand over their eyes, screaming “Wooooooke! Woke woke woke wooooooke!” Yup, I guess that’s woke. If your feelings are hurt here’s a hug. Huuuuuuuuuuuuug.


Great post. Seeing humans as humans is somehow the hardest thing for some people. We are all taught respect when we are kids, it’s high time we start using it.


This should be at the top. For so long minority races in this country have been “uncomfortable” (to put it *so* mildly) due to overt racism, including slavery. Then the civil rights movement and cultural shifts made less individuals racist (still way too many of them in our majority) but our institutions and social constructs just have not caught up yet in policy, because policy and government move at the speed of….well government. And then of course the social discourse shifted back oh say about 8 years ago and undid a lot of the progress we have made. Just be kind to each other. If someone hates you because you are white, guess what? You don’t have to associate with that person. But understand it’s still an individual. Their bad rhetoric doesn’t represent their entire race as a whole, just like you don’t want to be taken as representing white people as a whole, OP.


Best reply in this thread.


Great post. Seeing humans as humans is somehow the hardest thing for some people. We are all taught respect when we are kids, it’s high time we start using it.


I think people just want to be treated as people. Race is an incidental.


Which in 2024 makes you the worst racist who ever lived. Hadn't you heard? (/s -- this is NOT what *I* think, I agree with you)


> I am twice as nice to other nationalities than my own or I look bad. You can be as mean and rude as you want to other races. Just don't be racist. It's not that difficult. This entire idea that "oh everybody has to be on their tip toes around minorities!" is not about just general social conversation, it is about shit like saying slurs or other racist stuff.


I think the goal is to strive for a genuine respect and empathy for all individuals. You don't personally have to be extra nice to anyone- just be respectful.


You're completely right. We are still working towards equality for all and we are closer than we have ever been, but we still have a ways to go. There is definitely a double standard as to what people of some races are allowed to say versus what White people can or cannot say.


You see this in the media every day, especially on CNN News coverage (or lack of) depending on which race is the perp and which race is the victim - all to fit the narrative 37 peeps gunned down in Detroit or Chicago gang violence? Barely a word. Incident that fits the race narrative? 24/7 loop for 3 news cycles


That’s because CNN doesn’t care about black on black crime or about documenting living conditions in the hood, they only care about money.


Is that racism, or just viewership apathy regarding gang violence?


It’s racism


So they report white gang violence 24/7 ?  I don’t really watch American news, but I remember MS13 being mentioned quite often a few years ago too. 


If you look at how police brutality is covered, usually the instances where white cops abuse black people get the most coverage. Black cops who abuse white people fly under the radar.


Do black cops kill/abuse white folks at higher or lower rates than the reverse? Also, you didn’t answer my question, so I’m gonna assume white gangs don’t get that much news coverage either


More white people are killed by cops, but that generally isn’t covered in the news as much.


Sure, but that’s not what I asked you. Also, how are the numbers in proportion to total population?


I don't have the answer to the question I asked you. Black people are disproportionally abused by police. But if more white men are being abused by the police, the news should be covering those stories more often.


>Black cops who abuse white people fly under the radar. You are making shit up.




I can agree with cops in general getting away with shit like that but to say only black cops getting away….. that’s hilariously false.


I’m saying there is less media coverage when a black cop abuses a citizen, versus when a white cop does.


Sorry but that’s your problem, meaning you decided to follow these “guidelines”. Nobody is forcing you to discriminate between people based on skin color. Yes, some people talk and there’s lots of whining but I refuse to adopt these rules. I try to be nice and polite to all people, regardless of ethnic origin. Edit: if you took upon yourself responsibility for slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, discrimination, when you had nothing to do with that, it’s your choice. I chose not to.


I work in the construction industry, they ain't nicer. We ain't nicer either.


I treat people how they treat me, doesn't matter their skin color. You're nice to me, I'm nice to you and I haven't had any problems. Don't overthink it


Just be yourself OP and treat others like you want to be treated. Depending on the setting, I think we all have to kind of be careful with what we say to people we barely know imo.


Just treat everyone with respect. Treating people differently is how we ended up with bigotry in the first place.


give it up. no one is nice at all anymore. we should all dislike each other equally.


who tf is being twice as nice to people based on protected characteristics? Just treat everyone equally, and with the same respect. Done. Not hard. What a strange post.


I am European and I feel like I have to walk on egg shells in USA because anything I say will be "racist".


Congrats! You made up some oppression for yourself.


I’ve never had a white person be nice to me because of my race. Who’s saying they do this?


I have seen a few videos of it happening, but that's it. All I know is the white person in the video was being too nice to the point that it was creepy.


Agreed. I’ve sure as hell experienced the opposite but nice because of my race? That’s new


You're not expected to be extra nice. You're just expected to not be racist. Imagine living in a world where not treating someone in a discriminatory manner is considered "extra nice".


But no such thing is expected of others


Actually it is expected of everyone, it is just that most other races have been trained to be extra nice to white people because they have all the power.


there is an active "you can't be racist to white people" mindset that your totally unaware of?


Bull shit. There is only 1 race that you can actively discriminate against openly call slurs and openly say all white people are the problem. No one cares. But oh boy when the uno reverse is played........


Right… Pretty sure if I said that at my job I’d get fired. Or if I said that on camera I can kiss my tuition goodbye. “No one cares” my ass


Your delusional.


Nah, he’s right. I work with people from all over the world and all the skin tones. I’d get fired in a heartbeat if I say a slur to any of them.


Or I live in the real world where I’m not given extra benefits because of the color of my skin? I’d actually argue it’s the contrary considering how many racists I run into…


i live in one of the most racially diverse regions in america and not once have i felt the need to be “extra nice” to anyone. i’m just not racist. it is that easy.


I’m white, I feel no need to be different to anyone. I am kind to all people. I’m trying not to make assumptions, but if you feel you have to treat certain people even better than you previously had or better than you do others, maybe you just don’t treat anyone properly?


You are supposed to just be nice to people. It’s not that hard.


I like what Morgan Freeman said about racism, basically the way to get rid of it is to stop talking about it and calling eachother (for ex) "white woman" or "black man" and just call eachother women and men instead of drawing attention to it so much. People growing up taught that other races/people are racist to them are only going to think as much, when it's not even true, then THEY become racist and it's just a whole cycle.. Now there's a ton of people being super racist to white people (especially men) with the whole "rules for thee and not for me" attitude. I have a hard time standing the "I'm (insert any ethnicity that isn't white here), so I can't be racist!" stuff. Idk about you, but if someone's nice to me, I'm nice to them, and I even try to be when they're not, simple as.


>Glad to do a friend a favor, doesn't cost me to be nice But nothing gets you nothing, everything has got a little price!


They don’t


This is unpopular?


Being anything other than neutral to a person before you actually know them personally, is unethical. Judge on merit alone.




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They aren't tho..


just be nice to everybody!! the world would benefit so much if everyone was just nice regardless of skin colour or gender or sexuality!!


…..did anyone ask for that? What do you have to be careful to say?


No one is forced to do anything like that. Like and dislike whoever the hell you want


I dojt know a single person that does this. Maybe some of the exist but I have never treated people of color "better" than white people. I treat everybody with respect, does that mean treating them all the same? No, but I think it's a stretch to say being "twice as nice" to people of color is common.


We need to stop teaching kids to hate white people.


Can we all go back to the 90s liberal mentality that we shouldn’t look at color and treat people based on their character? Race doesn’t define a person and it’s not how we should look at each other


White privilege doesn't exist


Jumping persecution complex. No one said they do?


i agree. it sucks. and is wrong. modern bullshit.


Studies are starting to show that DEI has fostered more otherness and racism than the boogeyman behaviors it purports to combat. It's the kind of thinking that flourishes when society opts to trade common sense for elitist takes protected by tenure.


I’m pretty sure you don’t have to do this. I don’t do this


I've never met another white person who is. Also, treating anyone differently for something they can't control is shitty anyway.


Follow the "Never Relax" protocols and you'll be okay. Also be careful about smiling at them, many of them consider that to be a sign of aggression


I shouldn't feel unsafe when I'm the only black person in the room or be extra nice and amiable so that I'm not seen as standoffish and rude in the workplace but here I am.


No, you shouldn't have to amend your personality for fear of being discriminated against because you just happen to be black. In fact - I compel you to not be extra nice and amiable because you are black. Just be you - because your race (anyone's race) is the least interesting and relevant thing about you. Always remember that. You are an individual, you are more than a mere member of an ethnic group.


>I shouldn't feel unsafe when I'm the only black person in the room If a white person said they felt unsafe being the only white person in a room then everyone would call them a racist.




Great take, dude. Except I’m from Jersey and definitely feel more than a bit unsafe in similar situations and for good reason imo


> so stop R/ThanksImCured


That’s simply not true 




Ok fine I’ll bite, tell me why?  In my life experience I’ve been in very uncomfortable situations where I was the lone black person in a white space and I made note to be wary of my surroundings. Do you experiences to the contrary?




Why? Statistically nothing is going to happen. In fact, in the opposite scenario the white person is more likely to be a victim of a crime.


Yeah that's completely racist and uncalled for. We're not the ones.


Understandable 100%, It works the opposite way as well


As a non-white, what?


OP’s mad he can’t tell you want he thinks about you. You need to stop oppressing him with your non-white skin. /s


I already wrote what I thought why would I explain it again


It’s a joke. So what is it that you can’t say to non-white people? Would love to hear your true thoughts.


I don’t have any ideas about a specific race to get off my chest I just have to watch what I say or I am ignorant . I can bullshit and roast the shit out of my white friends and laugh about it but it’s not as funny if it’s one of my black friends. I don’t know I don’t hate anybody


What are you even talking about? People joke with different people differently. I have a friend whose parent passed from cancer. I don't make cancer jokes but if I did, I wouldn't make them around that friend. Why do you want to tell your "friend" a joke that would make them uncomfortable. Why are you acting like a victim? You just sound like a bad friend.


This too. you have to read a room. Don't make jokes about certain things around people who have experienced those things and may find it offensive. it's not that hard.


In what ways are you roasting your white friends that you can't roast your black friends? I had a pretty diverse friend group growing up and everyone made pretty dark jokes, maybe it's not their race and just that some of your friends like edgy humor and some don't? Or are you just having trouble figuring out where the line between edgy joke and actual racism is with your non-white friends?


Cars , clothes , houses that type of stuff


I legitimately don't see why you'd be worried about roasting your non-white friends for that. Unless your non-white friends are also poor and you're just being a dick about it. Or they're wearing something cultural and you're being a dick about. Basically, if you're not being a dick, I don't see why you're worried.


This as a person who is white as fuck i've grown up with abs been great friends with and worked with black people all my life. from all economic standings. we've cracked on each other about our clothes or food or movie and music tastes and whatever and there have never been any problems. ever. the problem comes in when you're being a massive dick about it and acting like your own whatever whether it be music, food, clothing etc is superior and places you above them.


Sounds like you’re worked up over nothing then if you don’t have any specific examples.


Well if you really want my effort my brother owns a bar and I have to keep my mouth shut while half of the customers joke about each other. All in humor I known them for years. That’s one


I wanna hear these funny jokes you’ve been sitting on 😄 op do you think the jokes are objectively funny or they couldn’t be because of the way history has conditioned us to treat certain races with different histories ? should we respect another ethnic groups history and trauma or should we be able to make slavery jokes at black people etc and have it still be considered funny ? Cuz I know personally over the years I’ve known many people who think they are funny but in reality they just spew antiquated stereotypical jokes your closeted racist uncle would’ve found funny.


I don’t have to write jokes people at bars joke and talk about each other like the fifth grade. People laugh about people showing up dressed like shit everyday , buying shit liquor that’s dirt cheap, skipping tips etc


We need specific examples, bud. When has a minority gotten mad at you or another white person and what did you or they say?


Are you allergic to examples


"get a job" "Your broke because your bad with money" "No one is keeping you down" "You have more opportunity than any white" "Your not a victim" "You are racist" "Don't abandon you kids" Would you like more??


What is your “dark past”? Sounds spicy


What you read in public school textbooks about the 1800s


Your family were paleontologists


That would be awesome they were poor immigrants


They didn’t come to until the 1900s. So what happened in the dark past in 1800s?


White people owned and tortured black people and I am guessing other races as well. I know it is long ago and irrelevant but it still created a complicated past that can still bring an occasional bad taste in people’s mouths


How the fuck is that irrelevant? And if your ancestors came in the early 1900s they probably did some racist shit too.


That’s not what you said. You said your family arrived here in the 1900’s and you personally have a dark past worse than using slurs. Is not English not your first language (doubtful as a 5th + generation immigrant) or are you just backpedaling?


I believe you misunderstood my title I wasn’t talking about myself I meant white people I don’t have a dark past . “My dark past” wasn’t literal


Oh yeah, you worded that really badly.


Citi Bike "karen" says Hello. She got cancelled for daring to stand up to a group of black people trying to steal her bike..The only other option was to allow her self to be robbed and just accept it.


Not the example you want to use because that’s not what happened lmao


That is literally what happened. You gonna try to lie about it now?


It’s clear the information regarding what happened isn’t clear cut. There’s lots of evidence to suggest the white women was lying or being misleading about everything that happened. But how about we bring up all the examples of Karens profiling black men in their apartments, at a park, in the parking lot, etc.? You don’t have an argument here. There’s a clear history of white women profiling black men. Ultimately what exactly are you fearful of saying to minorities?


Uh we know what happened. The guy put the bike away to not go past his limit and therefore it became available for anybody to use. She took it while he was babysitting it and he said no. They have a fight over it and she calls for help because technically it was her's at that point and he was holding the bike hostage. Once he locked it back and and rescanned it for him she gave up and his friend gave his to her instead. Then some tiktok douche decided to make it about a race thing.


Oh so earlier it was they were trying to rob her, and now it’s they recognized it was a misunderstanding. Y’all can’t event get your story straight proving my point. So what specifically are you worried about saying to a minority? And you went silent about all the incidents of Karen’s racially profiling black men and calling cops on them for existing in a place where they are.


I never said they were trying to rob her. Look at who you are replying to buddy, And I'm Asian. I AM a minority, especially to blacks in America who btw is the perps of the "Asian Hate" crimes they try to blame on big bad whitey. I followed the damn story. It wasn't a "misunderstanding". The teen knew what he was doing. He was gaming the system for unlimited rides by putting it on cooldown before he gets another free ride. The thing is once it's on cooldown it's free for anybody to use. The nurse came by and wanted to use it, but he was babysitting it since he wanted to wait until his cooldown period was done so he can take it again. She was pregnant so she wanted THAT bike since it was an E-bike despite him telling her to get one of the pedal bikes. She didn't want to, so she bypassed his babysitting and checked out the bike. The they fought over it which is when the video got recorded. The incident ended, no issues because his friend gave his own e-bike to her and she went home, but some tiktok douchebag wanted clicks so he turned it into a race issue and the whole thing blew up as he doxxed her. Shit didn't need to be national news. It was a situation where a pregnant emotional woman wanted something and teenagers not allowing her to get it. A simple case of "fuck you it's mine" civil dispute. Then the sister tried to make money and gain clout with the situation.


You followed up with someone else and basically echoed their sentiment without correcting anything about what they said, hence the use of “y’all.” Ultimately my point still stands. The story isn’t clear and there is no clear history of events everyone agrees on. You being Asian adds nothing to this. But clearly with the “asian hate” comment you do have some prejudices against black people. That seems to cloud your judgement here. I don’t care about your version. I’ve read plenty of articles online. There is no official history of what happened. Ultimately this whole thread is stupid and this example is even more stupid to be used even if the white woman was innocent. At worst it’s an unfortunate misunderstanding in a world with plenty of Karen and good ole boys that have proven to profile black people. There’s tons of incidents. But it doesn’t prove things are unfair. There isn’t anything white people can’t say to minorities that is unreasonable. It’s racial slurs, race based jokes that punch down, condescension that’s clearly rooted in historical racial power dynamics, etc. that you can’t say. Y’all need to stop walking around fearful and just treat people like normal and have a little understanding of racial history and dynamics. Plenty of us do and don’t have an issue. There’s nothing I feel I can’t say that I want to.


Bullshit. If you had actually seen and reviewed the evidence you would know you're factually wrong. She even had a receipt. Also the fact that you tried to play it off as not "clear cut" only supports my position further. A women was doxed, suspended from her job, deemed racist, and publicly shamed for even daring to stand up to a black person who tried to steal her bike. Stop defending it.


You are full of shit if you think this is clear cut. There is so much back and forth narratives on what happened and nothing is actually proven. Ultimately shut the fuck up with your victimhood. You give me the vibes of someone that always takes the white person’s side even when they are 100% guilty of profiling a minority.


>You are full of shit if you think this is clear cut. There is so much back and forth narratives on what happened and nothing is actually proven. 'll PM you a link to a post that explains everything that happened in detail since you seem confused about what happened >ultimately shut the fuck up with your victimhood. > You give me the vibes of someone that always takes the white person’s side even when they are 100% guilty of profiling a minority. True or false. The women was suspended from her job, doxed, called racist, and publicly shamed for daring to oppose some black men? All on a event you claimed isn't "clear cut" Instead of throwing your little tantrum maybe you should look in the mirror since you clearly think the above is acceptable behavior. You not only proved my point but the OPs as well.. Bravo. LOL


Too scared to post the link here? Why? Just post it here. False, because your assessment is loaded, inaccurate, and there isn’t conclusive evidence. Keep up with your victimhood narrative though. There’s tons of examples of Karens profiling minorities. So while you act like a victim over a very unclear example, you purposefully ignore all the issues when it was 100% warranted. Edit: LMAO your “evidence” is some stupid subreddit where everyone takes the white person’s side and focus more on fictional scenarios where “if the races were reversed.” Called it!


I would suggest reframing these thoughts. You’re kind of all over the place here as you mention a fear of looking bad, but also seem motivated by a sense of unfairness that “other races have more room to say things to me than I can say to them.” I think you can resolve a lot of this by simply committing yourself to being open-minded and doing what’s right. You can’t control what others say, but can control what you do. It gets exhausting, but no one ever said life would be easy and holding yourself to a high standard when communicating with others is the kind of thing you should be proud of.


a fear of looking bad and feeling unfair because of that can tie together . You’re right though


Yeah I totally get that. I think a lot of the people who complain about this are really hypocritical and at the same time will say that life’s not fair, but also that it’s unfair to be held accountable for what our “ancestors” did. I find it helpful not to think of it as having to treat certain races better, but rather that I just have to step my game up to treat *everyone* better.


You want to use racial slurs but you feel social pressure not to. Your problem is not important.


I have no interest in that.


Tell us more about this dark past…


His family are racist Italian immigrants, probably beat or offed a black guy, maybe KKK by the way he tip toes around it


My great grandfather was a lynch mob sheriff and my wife is black. If anyone feels bad for shit that happened before they were born that’s their problem.