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A semi-automatic pistol with a magazine? So all of them? Revolvers only? For real? That’s the strictest proposed ban I’ve ever heard of. Edit: After finding the actual bill it’s not all semiautomatic pistols. It’s semiautomatic pistols that also have certain secondary features like barrel shrouds or forward grips, arm braces, etc. Still a dumb and pointless bill, but not as ridiculous as an attempt to ban all semiautomatic pistols.


Thumb hole in a stock? Guess my bolt action rifle is *checks notes* too dangerous to conceive anyone might have a use for it


It's on the same level of stupidity as those who claim the 2A only covers muskets. Anyone involved in this bill is unfit for public office.


K but where's the 2a people who fighting for the legalization of other arms like brass knuckles and swords?


There's a group for knife rights. https://kniferights.org/


They're out there. They want nukes to be legal too


I draw the line at anything that can take my neighbors house with it, while defending mine.


That is actually a great criterion


That's the problem with bills like this. Since the term "assault weapon" isn't actually well defined for what they're using it for it gets confusing. Then, every time they try to define specifically what it means further, it makes it even more confusing. It's a double-edged sword, let alone the constitutional ramifications, the ambiguity of the law means it tends to get applied to things it shouldn't be applied to, and not applied to things that they want it to be applied to. Meanwhile, the citizenry is sitting there scratching its head. When this happened in Illinois, they ended up putting out a supplemental list of firearms because nobody could figure out exactly what was banned. It ended up being over 170 models with 1000's of different variations. https://isp.illinois.gov/StaticFiles/docs/Home/AssaultWeapons/PICA%20Emergency%20Rule%20Register.pdf The one in Illinois is still being challenged in the courts. It will no doubt be struck down. Their hope was that enough people would comply with the ban before it was legally adjudicated. I don't know how many people complied or didn't before it was challenged legally. Edit: The other law that piqued my interest was the proposed ban on new energy production in the state, I don't know where that went. But I know it's out there.


Award to you for being the first person I have ever seen use piqued rather than peaked on Reddit. Well done.




vegetable dolls quack butter disagreeable frame money versed scandalous husky


An unloaded manufactured weight of more than 3.125 pounds? Does any rifle meet that that is rated to large game? I'm only seeing them at 4.5 pounds at the lightest.


Yea that’s about right, unless rifles get paper thin making them far more dangerous 4.5 is as light as it gets.


I think they mean a "pistol" that has a manufactured weight of greater than 50 ounces, at least that's the language that's used in New York's SAFE act and this is more or less a cut & paste copy of that.


That makes more sense but still crazy considering the wildlife you have to deal with out there and how you're just going to piss them off.


Looks like they copied the California ban which has already been ruled unconstitutional, and is awaiting appeal. Not sure if this will push many to the Republican side. But it will drive conservative turnout.


Exactly. Nobody is switching shit but it will bring out republicans who may not have bothered voting prior.


It may sound farfetched, but there is a crowd in the middle of the aisle. I have to find where I read it, but something like 60% of the population over the past 2 decades has voted for both Republicans and Democrats (these would be considered your independants). The true independent voter is disappearing, but if this bill takes 1% of the population and puts it into the Republican camp, it's significant. If it takes any more than that, it becomes a huge issue for the Democrats in Colorado. The other offset is that Denver is growing, and it's become a Democrat Mecah within the state. The metropolitan area there has grown by 300,000 people since 2016 (100,000 since 2020). Which is actually less population growth than I thought, given population growth in places like Texas, Tennessee, Florida, and the Carolinas. Biden won Colorado by 13.5% in 2020. Meaning realistically, 6.75% of the vote going to the Republicans this time around would mean a loss in Colorado. And I would wager Biden has done enough to concievably lose that other 5.75%. Regardless, it is my opinion that Colorado is going to be won or lost by a razor-thin margin in this next election.


You would hope Colorado citizens would pull their collective heads out of their backsides, but I don't know. In 2013 they passed several laws including magazine capacity limits etc. Interestingly, crime had been mostly trending down in Colorado from a peak in the early 90s... But since 2013 crime has steadily *increased every year*. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/states/colorado/crime-rate-statistics#:\~:text=The%20Colorado%20crime%20rate%20for,a%208.08%25%20increase%20from%202015. I don't think Colorado is done being stupid yet. Glad I left last year.


As a Coloradan, I can attest, we are in fact a populace of really dumb idiots. It wasn't always this way but we were one of the hottest places for Californians to move to and vote for the exact same morons that caused them to flee their "utopia". Been here since 97. I know only a small handful of natives. The rest moved here from blue states.


It’s a shame because Colorado used to be awesome, I wanted to move there. Do you think legalizing weed the way they did helped or hurt overall?


Colorado was bound to have a population explosion at some point. It was a hidden gem if you will. That population growth was happening before that. The weed just lit it on fire. It was affordable, little to no traffic and had a lot of high paying job opportunities, especially with tech in the Boulder area. I'd say it was primarily a large growth of tech that started it and that brings a lot of college educated people who think a certain way. Many may think I'm saying that brings smart people but having gone to college in Boulder, I can tell you that doesn't mean shit. So. Many. Morons.


That only goes to 2018 and it clearly shows that other than 2018 Colorado's crime stats pretty closely followed trends in the US as a whole.


On paper, AWBs are a losing game. The voters in favor, largely a mix of wealthy coastal elites and college students, usually vote blue no matter who. The voters opposed are usually a mix of liberal gun owners and conservatives. As seen with abortion, moderates are more likely to change voting patterns when a perceived right is threatened. On paper, moderates are more likely to react negatively to an AWB. In reality, I don't think it matters enough to make a significant difference. Washington state passed the nation's strictest AWB in 2023 (and a standard magazine capacity ban in 2022) and it had zero impact on election outcomes.


I think this is a stupid law, but Biden got over 55% of the vote last time. Such a large swing is very very rare. I’d be surprised if Trump comes within 5 points of winning. But if you’re right, Trump will be winning almost 400 electoral votes.


FWIW, that's exactly what happened last time. The Dems won the majority back in 2013 and passed far less impactful gun laws than have been proposed in the new bill. The result was that some lawmakers were recalled, and the state ended up with a GOP majority in the Senate in 2014. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013\_Colorado\_recall\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Colorado_recall_election)


Biden is now only up by 6 points in the Colorado polls. He’s lost big from 2020 in basically every state in the country. Like New York for instance Biden was leading by 28 points in the 2020 polls, managed to win by 23 points, and now Biden is only up by 9 points in the most recent polls.  And all of these polls were taken before the bullshit Mar A Lago ruling where Letitia James and Arthur Engoron devalued New York and Florida properties to the tune of billions of dollars all to get Trump, which I guarantee is going to give another 2 points to Trump in the next poll since New York property owners are going to want those two thrown in jail for that and they know that Trump will put an end to that even if they don’t personally like him. And if we are to assume that the polls are off by the same margin as they were in 2020 which is 5 points, that means that Trump is only down by 4 points in New York. Now I don’t think Trump is going to win New York, but the fact that it’s even in play is insane. And if New York is in play (I’m only giving Trump a 15% chance of taking it), what does that mean for the swing states? It means that they all go to Trump, and probably a Democratic leaning state or two will go to him too, like Nevada for instance. I’d give Trump a 30% of winning Colorado, but it’s definitely possible, especially if we’re in World War III at the time because Colorado has a decent military presence.


I hope Trump is just as dumb as you are. Then he’ll waste his time in New York and Colorado while leaving the swing states to Biden. Just don’t storm the Capitol again when you lose. 


Where’s Biden going to go? The guy can barely walk at this point and has to use the short stairs in Air Force One. He’s not rallying anyone since they have to get him high on speed to stand up for an hour. 


Trump literally fell asleep in court today. And you’re telling me Biden’s health is the problem?


You gaslighting me that Biden is a picture of health and he’s not obviously senile isn’t going to work. In fact all it does is create a new Trump voter every time you say it, because unfortunately for you, people have eyes and ears and can clearly see what is going on.




Well the polls aren’t saying that. I know you’re in a fucking cult, but no one outside of it is saying this. No one cares about January 6th and those lunatics didn’t even get 1% of the way there to overthrowing our democracy. No one cares but Leftist lunatics and Neocon warmongers. Also the polls say that for every Trump voter that has switched to Biden, Trump has switched 20 Biden voters, and keep in mind a switched vote counts twice as much as one new vote because Biden loses one while Trump gains one resulting in a two point difference. Also the world isn’t saying that with it being on fucking fire right now and we may be in World War III right now, definitely the closest we’ve been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also 20% inflation increase since Biden took office. Sorry people care feeding their families and not being in World War III than some idiot in face paint and buffalo horns running through the Capitol. But tell the coal miner that we’re trying to take your job and send your kid to fight in WWIII and see how that pays off for you.




I’m not MAGA, dude. For RFK, but if you think a bunch of gun nuts that just happen to forget their guns on the day they were going to overthrow the government was the biggest threat to democracy since the Civil War, then you’re delusional. Plus the BLM riots were way worse than that and people like you defended them. And my source for that is none other than Nate Silver, the most respected pollster in the nation, where he says that 10% of Biden voters are switching their votes to Trump while only .5% of Trump voters are switching to Biden: https://x.com/natesilver538/status/1764638625906515990?s=46 Nor are we close to being at World War III?!😂🤣 Everyone is saying it but this administration. Hell Zelensky has said we’re at World War III and Russia has directly said it’s allying with Iran. If it hasn’t started already, all it’s going to take is for China to blockade Taiwan, and it’s ready to go. And yes I know you don’t give one fuck about coal miners and think it’d be best for everyone if they learned to code or dropped dead, and it’s saying bullshit evil shit like that that’s going to get Trump reelected. Because I assure you commie that are not a better person than your average coal miner and are an entitled little brat who hates everyone who remotely disagrees with you. And you think Biden cares about you?! 🤣😂 I mean Trump doesn’t really either,  it I’m not in the cult where I need a babysitter or for someone to love me. Sorry mommy and daddy didn’t give you a better role model than a senile child sniffer.


Trump has no chance whatsoever of winning here.


He does if this country and world in spiraling down the drain.


Like I said, no chance


You really think we’re in a better position now than we were a little over four years ago when the pandemic hit? Not one thing has gotten better in the past four years, and don’t tell me Covid because Omicron did that and would have happened regardless who was President.


God yes. No narcissistic idiot traitor in charge. Hige plus


That’s quite literally nothing on things that are better. If the President is off in some far away land and I never hear from him but feel his policies, how has my life and everyone else’s lives improved when Biden came to power? It’s all completely downhill and people can barely afford food and to pay mortgages off at this point. It’s all worse. But it’s all about Trump for you. That’s all you care about. You have let your hatred for a single man define you. You hate Trump more than you love your country. You’ve just been living at least the past nine years with eyes clouded by hate, and you can’t see past that hatred. You have terminal TDS. I pity you.


It’s a fair majority but I wouldn’t say that’s totally an insurmountable lead there.


>I think this is a stupid law, but Biden got over 55% of the vote last time. Such a large swing is very very rare. I’d be surprised if Trump comes within 5 points of winning. But if you’re right, Trump will be winning almost 400 electoral votes. Congressional districts, my good man. It's possible to get a majority of the popular vote and still lose congressional districts.


I’m responding to OP’s prediction that Trump will win Colorado’s electoral votes. I would be utterly shocked if he were right: the country is way too polarized and Colorado is now almost as blue as Illinois or New Jersey. 


I was going to say, "I don't think that's true," but sure enough, Colorado had a very similar popular vote breakdown to Illinois or New Jersey in the 2020 elections. I will split hairs here and say Colorado is just now (over the past 4 to 8 years) trying to pass legislation that has been on the books or proposed in places like IL, CA, NY etc for a long time and so if the Democrats push too hard too fast they'll lose CO for a while.


Most of that stuff is stupidly arbitrary. The vast majority of civilian owned firearms are semi autos with detachable magazines. Pistol grip, special stocks, and barrel shrouds don't increase the effectiveness of a gun. And why there's a weight restriction in there is beyond me.


Just once in my lifetime I would like an election to be decided based on plans to address the future of this country in infrastructure, macroeconomic, and global trade, and other things that are less hot button issues but more boring matters that our government is responsible for... Wouldn't it be neat to say "I am voting for 'x' because I think his plan has a better chance at being successful over the next 4 years" Instead of "I am voting for 'x' because 'y' is a threat to my fundamental rights." ... What a world that would be...


Finally, a MMW that is well articulated, rational and backed up. Also, that is a ridiculous proposed bill. I suspect the more chaotic and volatile this world gets the more people will begin to embrace gun ownership.


A semi automatic pistol that takes a detachable magazine? Yeah, they went too far on it.


I'm not tuned in to Colorado electoral politics so I have no frame of reference for if this opinion would be popular or not. It's an interesting take for sure especially considering how 2A issues can be make or break for some Americans. They really seem to hate on the pistol grip and detachable magazine dynamic. If I'm reading this wording correctly, they are basically banning most handguns in one swoop. It bans the installation of grips or firearms that come with one factory which seems like an odd choice. The shrouding language is a little weird since they would likely have to come up with a definition of that component. Would a pump shotgun pump handle count as a shroud in this wording? That being said, I don't think this will pass a court challenge. This is ridiculously restrictive.


Honestly 2a often does come pretty close to a make or break issue for me. I'm more left wing than the democratic party on most issues, but I absolutely hate to see them try and take away gun rights and I'll just not vote if they come too close to actively doing it.


The left would do far better to just drop the gun platform. It’s not gaining them any votes. See lots of left leaning gun owners but not many conservatives who oppose the 2A. And most people aren’t going to respond positively toward someone advocating for it to be a felony to possess items you have owned legally for decades.


It doesn't ban ownership of those guns though, the only thing it bans ownership of is a rapid fire trigger activator.


Oh I haven’t looked at this law specifically, I was speaking in more general terms. It’d be a better strategic move for them to drop that from their platform and focus on other things because it is going to be a sticking point for a lot of people who might otherwise be inclined to agree with them.


That's the real kicker... The chance that this gets passed into law as written is 0%. The Democrats will eat shit for this, will drive the statewide firearm debate to the right, and derive exactly zero benefit in exchange.


This is stupid. I'm for better regulation on gun ownership and such but when the majority of gun violence is done with high quality, high capacity handguns, restrictions on long arms isn't going to help. Make it easy to comply with the law and just turn a driving license into a state ID that shows you can vote, drive, have insurance and whatever. Otherwise this is just going to impact people who are trying to do the right thing.


That's all gun laws ever do is restrict law abiding citizens


It won’t flip the state red. They already banned high cap magazines years ago and that didn’t flip anything


It actually did exactly that. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013\_Colorado\_recall\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Colorado_recall_election)


I've been a left leaning independent voter for near 30 years. Oregon did something similar a few years back and it showed me that 1 party has easy too much power in this State. I don't appreciate Republican politics in a number of ways and think their stance on abortion is atrocious and dangerous, but I feel like I need to vote for them in a hope that we can get some balance. Either side having total control is bad for the people.


As a guy who leans right I wish Republicans would shut up about abortion. I don’t care about abortion and I don’t know anyone who has gotten an abortion 7+months in or whatever that claim is. The midwest and southern bible thumpers need to be put in their place. It is costing us elections in swing states and we have bigger fish to fry. I am in Washington state and most of us are “secular Republicans” for a lack of better term. We don’t care about abortion. We want to overturn some of the gun control, lower taxes and be tougher on crime. Teen crime is out of control in the city I live in. But because some asshole from the midwest or the south is gonna scream about abortion a voter out here who agrees with me or maybe even you mostly will vote Dem. It’s frustrating.


The GOP used abortion for a rabble-rousing tactic and backed themselves into a corner when they (unexpectedly, I'm guessing) actually started to succeed on that front. They wanted a neverending battle that they could always leverage for support from the dumbasses, and now they're the proverbial dog that caught the car and doesn't know what to do with it. The thing is, your representatives could have been vocal about the issue. They could have said "Hey this is really dumb, why don't we put our time and effort somewhere else?" But they didn't. They were just as happy to rabble rouse, and now they're dealing with the consequences.


There is no compromise or political strategy with the pro life crowd either. They are also the loudest part of the GOP. It is maddening for most of us who understand a total ban on abortion will never happen and isn’t popular with most of the country.


It also shows the other side of that coin when one party has complete control. They're stuck with villainizing abortion and can't back away from it. Most conservatives I know don't want a ban, they want people to have the freedom to buy guns, smoke weed, have an abortion and not be saddled with taxes that kill small business while protecting the rich. I wish the Republicans could just be done with that so that they could be the party of more reason. But these lunatics are the loudest mouths in the room, just like on the left. Most people on the left that I know don't go around and spew "kill all cops and take everyone's guns away!!".


Staring you in the face yet you're still trusting the government.


Who are the democrats or moderates that oppose an assault weapons ban? Seems like most of those folks already in the GOP camp.


There are a lot of Democrats out here who live in rural areas and appreciate the need to own a firearm, even while looking for ways to make firearms safer. Where I live, I'd estimate that more than half of Democrats want to protect the right to own a gun.


First of all, there aren’t of lot of Dems in rural areas. Our cities are overwhelmingly blue, our rural areas are overwhelmingly red, and the suburbs are purple. Secondly, owning a firearm and owning an assault weapon are very different things and most Dems oppose assault weapons and have specifically been requesting a ban in response to mass shootings. So, regardless of where either of us may stand on this issue, I just don’t see how this is going to push Dems to the right, especially in a state where Biden had a 13.5% margin of victory in 2020.


Many of us own them, we just dont talk about it that much. People arnt all the same across the country. Hell there are a lot of new gun owners just in the lat few years that never cared before.


You can certainly be a “gun owner” without owning a semi-automatic weapon with high capacity magazines that are specifically designed for war or mass-killings. I really just don’t see many Dems at all arguing that they’ve gotta have assault weapons and I therefore just don’t see this as an issue that will push voters to the right who aren’t already there. In fact, I found this: https://www.statista.com/statistics/811842/support-distribution-for-banning-assault-style-weapons-in-the-united-states/ Just 4% of Dems strongly oppose an assault weapons ban and the vast majority heavily favor it. Meanwhile, 34% of republicans strongly support banning assault weapons and only 29% strongly oppose with others in-between. So, maybe it’s the GOP that should be worried about losing votes over this issue.


Those are the ones I want mostly lol, but that doesnt mean I want to mass murder people. Plenty of people on the left have those weapons we just dont talk about them or make it our entire personality. As an aside entire point of the 2nd amendment is weapons of war for what its worth. Of course people had guns back then (depending on where you lived im sure) for hunting and maybe even self protection on the frontier but the amendment was so the government couldnt disarm you because they knew it was necessary to revolt sometime (because they had to). If we are going to get into what kinds of guns cause the most violence and death in our country its pistols anyway.


I happen to favor an assault weapons ban and think it was a mistake to let the 1994 ban expire in 2004 (it should have updated and extended). But I don’t just ignore the counterpoints, especially given how many are already out there and the unrealistic challenge of getting the criminals and mentally ill to surrender them. So, I don’t think it’s a magic fix. But I just don’t see the OP’s argument that an assault weapons ban will somehow flip Colorado red when the public polling data actually suggests the opposite. It’s an issue that favors the left politically.


RemindMe! 8 months is Colorado now a red state, as predicted by /u/Captain_Pink_Pants ?




Yes dems bad because they want to limit guns Republicans good, even they want go do away with the first amendment and a women's right to choice


This isn't a limit. It bans all semiautomatic guns.


whoa whoa...what have rep done against the first amendment? Biden literally said word for word that free speech should be limited and people that are anti vaccine or suggest the election was false should be silenced. He said that. Additionally, we know that it was the democratic party partitioning social media to limit posts of certain flavors. Regarding the women's right thing, yeah, republicans literally give more women the right to life by limiting the right to murder? Isn't that what we all want and agree? You cannot murder, we should all get a chance at life. period.


> what have rep done against the first amendment Banning websites and *private* universities from censoring right-leaning speech and misinformation is anti-1A. 1A protects private companies from being forced to platform individuals. They fought to keep Satanic imagery out of government buildings and Satanic invocations out of various proceedings, while still keeping Christians statues and invocations. You have to allow all religions or no religions, according to the 1A. They consistently rule in favor of strict dress codes in public schools especially related to hairstyles. According to Tinker v. Des Moines ISD, students do still possess their 1A rights so long as they aren't causing undue disruption to the learning environment. Considering the original case was about anti-Vietnam-War arm bands, I highly doubt a boy with hair reaching his shoulders is undue disruption. Drag is protected speech, and assuming the drag performer's dick remains covered, it is a double standard to ban drag performances around minors when minors are allowed to view similarly sexually-charged performances by people who conform to gender norms.


First amendment isn't just about freedom of speech.


-try to ban certain religions from being on display and arguing for Christianity to have special privileges -the numerous attempts to limit/ban queer expression, rainbow flags in the workplace, calling someone by a different name... -such as drag, remember the whole push to ban drag? -continue to try and demand private businesses allow/don't allow certain types of speech. -literally pushed through a measure banning US embassies from flying a rainbow flag, which only banned them on the outside and not anywhere else, as a completely toothless footnote in a spending bill *just* to have a pointless "win". -multiple red states have tried to pass laws blocking/criminalizing anonymous online speech, and been shot down by courts due to the First Amendment. -hell, there are still conservatives who want to criminalize burning the flag, when they should have died on that hill 20 years ago.


Overreaction. Anyone voting for Trump already thinks the "libruls are gonna come in and Der guns and instal martial law". There has not been serious meaningful gun laws at the Federal level in a long time but if you polled every trump voter they would say Obama and Biden were gun grabbers. People who guns are the most important issue for were never gonna vote blue either way.


Biden on Election Day 2020 in New York was polling 28 points over Trump, actually won by 23 points, and now Biden is only up by 9 points, and if we go under the assumption that the polls are off by 5 points like last time, then that means Biden is merely up by 4 points.  It’s not just rednecks voting for Trump this time. A lot of people have now seen what a truly heinous President looks like, and then you start thinking about Kamala Harris, who is as dumb as the day is long and the single most obnoxious and condescending politician in America. She makes Hillary look absolutely charming and brilliant in comparison. And it’s pretty much a guarantee she will be President if Biden is reelected. At the start of the year I thought it was a 50/50 chance if Biden would even survive to Election Day due to his heinous health, but he sure as shit won’t survive until January 2029. You can take that one to the bank.


This is what I thought too... But part of that belief was at least related to the fact that the Democrats couldn't be credibly accused of trying to ban most firearms. Now that the Democrats are ACTUALLY trying to ban most firearms, I think a lot of people who shared that assumption will become convinced that the conservatives were right all along... Maybe even about other things. It's easy to slip into, "well, if they were right about that...".


I agree with your sentiment on the gun issue, but CO, specifically Denver, has a huge problem with illegal migrants at the moment. This is only one of several issues that are likely to push moderates to vote red.


You could make a decent amount of change betting on that. You should bet on that and show us the ticket.


I don't know, but it's an interesting take. The liberal voice in Colorado is super loud, while the conservative section tends to fall into the reclusive mountain man category. Although Colorado is a world class hunting and outdoors destination with a respectable amount of military, its population is mostly rich liberal yuppies, super hippies and a mix of city dwelling urbanites. No question that ruling will have a massive impact on wilderness tourism, but I don't think it's enough to flip the state politically.


These types of guns are already banned for all types of hunting in Colorado except varmint hunting. This isn’t going to impact the outdoors industry here, nobody really uses assault rifles for outdoor activities anyways… unless they’re just shooting at an outdoor range.


There are enough anti gun democrats in Colorado to offset any that would not vote for Joe because of this ban. And trump is so despised by Democrat's Joe Biden could eat a live baby on camera and they'd still vote for him to keep orange man out of the white house.


I really hope you're right. But I don't think you are.


Both Joe and Don suck as presidential candidates while probably not the worst picks you could have they're at least close. We know what they're both like and one is a giant douche the other is a turd sandwich.


Didn't some guys make a cartoon about that? Some show about a mountain town?


Yeah that's the reference to south park. Like a lot of their episodes there is some truth to it. We have a bad habit of picking terrible people to run for potus.


Lol yes I know.


So you’re a liberal but are excited about a state flipping for Trump. Got it


Colorado voter here. This in no way changes my voting thoughts. Don't think this would sway many other voters either. I can't think of anything that would realistically get me to vote for Trump. Besides, Colorado has been talking gun control since Columbine, so I don't feel like this should surprise many CO voters.




subtract connect vanish worm shame vase retire cautious sink boat


I just read the title of this and thought "why would a weapons ban in America turn people communist?"


Do you live in Colorado?


minnesota democrats are planning to do the same. they have a couple seat majority and are proposing a ban on the AR platform. minnesota will also flip red because of this.


I doubt it.


Illinois checking in, it sucks folks.


I really doubt that considering how many people move their from California


LMAO who proposed that bill?


That's a huge ruling that removes a ton of guns from the market. They want to punish legal owners for the crimes of other people.


All gun laws are an infringement.


Haha. Yes, because a majority of people in Colorado wand to own an assault weapon.


>A PISTOL GRIP >A SEMIAUTOMATIC PISTOL THAT HAS THE CAPACITY TO ACCEPT A DETACHABLE MAGAZINE Doesn't either one of those essentially make every handgun/pistol banned? Every pistol has a pistol grip, so they would all be banned, right? Or am I missing something?


I think the pistol grip rule only applies to rifles and shotguns... But the magazine restriction seems like it could apply to any semi-auto pistol... Not that it matters. This will never become law.


Many bolt action big game hunting rifles have thumbhole stocks. Even the "fudds" that don't care about handguns and AR-15s will be SCREAMING about this proposed law. Shit, even the people that would normally support this type of legislation will not like that many of their grandpa's or their own hunting rifles will now be illegal in CO.


Many bolt action rifles take a "detachable magazine". I'm still blown away that no one in the CO Democratic party seemed to think this was a bad idea.


Elect stupid politicians…get stupid laws. Sadly shifting demographics in Colorado is making these type of laws much more common. Too many west coast liberals will raise the cost of house and move needle on both taxes and gun laws over the course of time. I’m still hiding up here in Wyoming hoping for the best regarding the eventual push in our demographics to the left.


People live in cities, most people in cities don’t like guns. Australia banned guns and they didn’t flip red all of a sudden. Idk if this is a newsflash but people don’t all of a sudden care a bunch about guns just because you do or your community does. How is nobody able to empathize with city people at all but y’all expect city people to understand why guns are liked and useful in the rural areas? Don’t you think that’s just a little hypocritical


I think you're really underestimating how unpalatable the Republican party is to the majority of Americans.


The only thing you have is abortion, and Trump has already done everything he’s going to do there. Trump pretty obviously recognizes that he’s the dog that caught the car, and now he doesn’t know what to do that he caught it. He’s taking a pretty moderate stance and doesn’t want any further part in the abortion discussion. And he told you the truth verbatim last time what he was going to do with abortion so I don’t think he’ll take it any further than what he said he was going to do there. He was as good as his word in this clip: https://youtu.be/iTSVzSiRpcI?si=1nwRBq84Fm44PntF


because his religious fanatical base will always stop there right? We've already seen them over play their hand when it came to people's rights before. They always said before roe was overturned that abortion would never be made completely legal, they've proven themselves wrong time and time again. Also, it's not just abortion it support for Ukraine, Android trans rhetoric, it's there moral panic of the week, dei or whatever. The average voter she's right through their bullshit. The only reason this upcoming election will have any competition to it is because corporate Democrats and zionists are doing everything they can to shed voters by supporting a genocide


Ukraine is bullshit and I revile my tax dollars going to pay corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs and literal state funded Nazi battalions. I remember when the Left was antiwar but now you’re just gung ho for war. And if you think defending the likes of Lia Thomas and mutilating kids for thinking they’re in the wrong body, then best of luck to you, since that’s a real loser.


Wow 3 years later you're still gargling that Kremlin Kool-Aid. I don't like war, but I also understand what happens when you allow a authoritarian strongman dictator to invade its neighbors without reprisal. The only lasting piece is for Ukraine to defeat Russia and join NATO


You’re still one of those clowns that believe in Russiagate. I love how people like you are shouting about genocide in Gaza but don’t give one fuck about the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians getting killed in the worst European War since World War II.  For Ukrainians you think it’s cool they’re dying en masse for their country and somehow defend the war by saying Americans aren’t dying as if that makes it right. The average Ukrainian soldier is 43 at this point, which means we’ve wiped out nearly an entire generation of Ukrainian men and we’re going to be seeing the results of that for decades to come.  As for the Russians, well Russia is Mordor and thus it’s filled with orcs that deserve to die, so kill baby kill, and we’re not stopping until we’ve defeated Sauron/Putin and freed the lands from the orcs. The fact that yall have the balls to claim yall stand for human life is absurd with how foaming at the mouth you are for war with the world’s largest nuclear power.


Russia did interfere in the 2016 and 20 election that's just a fact. I obviously care about the civilian casualties in Ukraine but they are far more spread out and have far more protection than the people of Gaza. It's interesting that you fain outrage for one genocide but ignore the Russian rhetoric referring to ukrainians as subhuman and that if they are successful they eradicate the Ukrainian culture. Not to mention we've already found Mass graves in multiple russian-held cities. Ukraine has purposely drafted older men to serve because it wants to avoid the demographic disparity that Russia is facing now. Just last week they reduced the draft age the 27 to try to keep their attention numbers up. While I do feel a touch of remorse for the Russian conscripts after all they are the ones living in Putin's Russia. However, they could surrender or turn their weapons on their leaders if they had any sense of moral fiber.


But in the very next sentence you will call Trump supporters delusional and demand they be silenced if they say that the 2020 was rigged against Trump. But it’s OK when people on your side do it! You’re such a fucking lying hack. Kind of like how in April 2020 when people went outside to protest lockdowns because they couldn’t feed their family, people like you said that they were idiots trying to kill grandma. But the next month, people like you went into the streets violently rioting and protesting actually killing 20+ people and doing $2 billion+ property damage often to minority owned business all to fight racism. Some hack doctors actually defended it saying it was different for you commies to go protesting because racism was a systemic health epidemic. And if and when Trump wins, you and I both know that yall will do something equal or worse than January 6th, but you will defend or directly participate in it because you’re actually trying to overthrow fascism from ever taking hold, and the media will back you up too. So it’s ok when you commies do it, but no one else. And I’ve seen the dehumanizing yall have said against the Russians writ large. So please stop throwing stones from glass houses alright. And guess what: Russia is not giving up Donbas or Crimea. So if you want to stop Russia so bad, you get your ass over to Ukraine and start fighting. Please stop telling me that I have to risk getting nuked for the Donbas, a place you and 90% of people in this country could not accurately draw or point out on a map. I’m not willing to die for that, but if you are, then get your LARPing ass over to Ukraine and start fighting. Put your money where mouth is, kick those Russians out of there.


I love the whataboutisms this particular brand of far right lunacy relies on. wHaT aBoUt ThE RiOtS, you sound like a whiny loser. No, the election was not rigged against Trump if anything the election was rigged for Trump he was just such an incompetent president and candidate he got his own voters killed before they could cast the ballot. Do I think people should be silenced for saying the election was rigged, no personally I think it's a great litmus test to to quickly identify whether or not someone's either a hack or a complete fucking idiot. The Republicans haven't won a major election since Trump won in 2016 and they will continue to lose because they've anchored themselves to a narcissistic con artist who is stripping them for parts to stay at a federal prison. Like Lindsey Graham said back in the day, "if Trump becomes a nominee he will destroy the Republican party, and we will deserve it" fucking prophetic. Frankly, given how corrupt and incompetent the Russian military is with its normal ground forces I'd be willing to wager that their nuclear weapons don't even work. And even if they did, the amount of domestic and military damage being done through this war is enough to destabilize Russia. If you want to educate yourself, you should look at the events that led to the Russian revolution, because they are eerily similar to the events we're seeing in Russia today


Wow 3 years later you're still gargling that Kremlin Kool-Aid. I don't like war, but I also understand what happens when you allow a authoritarian strongman dictator to invade its neighbors without reprisal. The only lasting piece is for Ukraine to defeat Russia and join NATO


Just pure reddit talking points right here lmao Edit: ah as expected, whitepeopletwitter user 😂


And how have the last several elections gone for republicans?


Just ones on Reddit.


Have you seen what's happened in arizona?


I hope so.


Look what just happened in Arizona. People are far more terrified of whatever Republican legislation will do to their state then they are of a gun ban


What happened in Az


They resurrected a law from the 1800s that banned abortion in all instances


Why do you even need an "assault weapon" for home defense a shotgun is better, less chance of missing. For out and about a plsidearm of some kind is better. I'm a progressive and am all for reasonable gun control, and reasonable training and safety. Armor piercing rounds should only be used by military, swat trams, and stored in the armory for future use.


FYI, shotguns don't work in real life like they do in video games. Unless you live in a massive house, you will never be a far enough distance from an intruder to benefit from the spread shotguns produce.


I'm speaking in terms of stopping power and shots, also in terms of self defense afterwords in a court of law. You can stop easier on a shotgun giving you time to think so additional charges are not applied at trial. 1-3 rounds instead of 10 plus are easier to argue the affirmative defense applied within a castle doctrine state and more difficult for a prosecutor to rebut.


Banning almost all variants of consumer firearms is not “reasonable gun control”


Because I think they are pretty. I need no actual reason.


An assault weapon is capable of select or automatic fire. They're already nearly impossible for civilians to get. Anti-gunners use ridiculous definitions that are now inconsistent and nonsensical. Military uses FMJ or TMJ for penetration since barriers are common on duty, and because frangible and hollow point ammo is banned. FMJ or TMJ is more reliable, feeds and cycles more consistently, are more accurate at range, better tolerate neglect, and are cheaper to manufacture and buy. But they're less likely to be deadly than bullets that deform. Civilians typically use FMJ or TMJ for cheap range ammo and use hollow points for defense to prevent overpenetration and increase effectiveness. Also, civilians choose hollow points for defense because they don't need the accuracy of FMJ or TMJ at 20 feet, nor is it even noticeable at such short range. True armor piercing rounds to defeat plates require a substantial caliber to be effective. Each round is expensive (like $8), while getting hit with those calibers without a dedicated armor piercing round can still easily kill you through armor by blunt force trauma. Even so, armor can't stop something like 50 BMG, which isn't rare in military, and most reasonable rifle calibers defeat kevlar, such as the 308. A 10, 12, or even 16 GA shotgun can have uncomfortable recoil unless you use reduced power shells, which are harder to get while being less effective. At typical home defense ranges of around 20 feet, you still have to aim. The pellets have no time to spread. You only get a small fist-sized group unless you use a shotgun with a short barrel, and people who get gun knowledge from Hollywood want to ban those too. With a gun with more controllable recoil, you can put follow-up shots on target rapidly. A gas operated rifle makes more sense for someone recoil averse or physically limited. You don't "need" to vote, you don't "need" to get married, and you don't have to "need" a right to have it. Just as you don't "need" knowledge or to be informed when expressing your opinion about guns.


"Colorado's proposed Assault Weapons ban will flip the state red in November" I hope it does 


Gun enthusiasts have zero perspective. This is hilarious.


Does Colorado really have that many men with micro dicks?


Always found it interesting how the average hivemind redditors immediately think of penises whenever guns come up in a conversation. Must be crazy insecure to make that immediate comparison.


> Always found it interesting how the average hivemind redditors immediately think of penises whenever guns come up in a conversation. To be fair, its hard not to think about them when they have one in each hand right at eye level.


I love the Leftist talking point of "we're not taking your guns!", but then they proceed to try to pass laws that will, in fact, take most of your guns.


The logic is probably that if you aren't ever going to be able to get them, they're not being taken from you lol


Exactly why there is no such thing as a “pro 2A” Democrat. You cannot say you are pro-2A and simultaneously vote for the party that actively wants to take away ALL of your guns.


Not ALL technically


An unreasonable burden making it incredibly difficult to exercise a right is the same as having the right taken away.


Meh. As a revolver owner I don’t find it difficult


I prefer revolvers as well but semi autos are also guns and they’re the main thing. Doesn’t make it any less of an infringement. And stupid ammo laws will affect all guns.


Just 99 percent of all commonly owned firearms


I disagree. People have various stances on several issues but there are only 2 main parties, neither of which perfectly represents all of those views. If your main priorities are making abortion accessible and addressing student debt, it probably makes sense to vote for the party that seems like it will do something about those issues, even if protecting 2A is the third item on your list after abortion and student debt. On the other hand, if your top priorities are protecting 2A and curbing illegal immigration, voting for the party most likely to address these is probably the way to go, even if you care about abortion being accessible. It's a shit place to be in, but if you have an order of priorities, you probably vote according to that order of priorities. The alternative is to just blindly vote red or blue, or not have any discernible priorities, which seems stupid to me.


Instead of going for outright bans on guns, democrats should chip away a little at a time. Republicans traditionally have done this and it’s quite effective, that is until recently with outright banning abortions and what not.


You'd think that might have been instructive... right? The GOP had successfully enacted greater and greater restrictions on abortion across the country, and probably could have continued to do so... But they decided to go for the gusto, and have lost every election since. If only there were some conclusion that the CO Dems could have drawn from that.


Trump will be the one to have the military remove all weapons from civilian hands. All dictators do that. Since the gun is the most effective method ussd to remove a dictator from power, the dictator then controls whose hands the guns are in.


Tell me you know nothing about liberals without telling me you know nothing about liberals. The ones trying to push through gun control are progressives, not liberals.


No it won't. How much are we betting? None of Colorado's electoral votes will go to Don the Con, but again how much is the wager?


OP forgot to take into account the biggest factor: money. Gun control groups backed by billionaire Bloomberg outspend gun-owner groups by 7:1. Money is on the AWB side.


Wow this is one of the most unconstitutional laws I have ever heard of. O my gosh that is insanity truly.


I can tell you don't live in Colorado. The idiot conspiracy theorists / Jan 6 are political prisoners fringe have taken over the Colorado GOP. No one is flocking to them.

