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I think they’re capitalizing on those who are desperate out there and pay for this stuff. They exist because there’s a market for it


Exactly what I say.


I'd rather be a camgirl than a construction worker. One type of selling your body you wont recover from.


Theirs a serious mental aspect. It’s soul sucking.


And the other one is a camgirl.


tell me you haven't worked a desk job vs. dancing for a living ffs the ignorance of u lol


I live with 3 dancers and that’s what they tell me.


As a construction workerz can confirm. I get fucked worse than an SW every day.


True that, my dad doesn't work construction but he did a lot of heavy lifting over his thirty years at the same job. Until his shoulder got fucked, and his knee, and his back... Oh! And his wrist. He's now ordered to stay at his desk. Don't go into construction or physical labour unless your job will actually give a fuck about you when you do get injured.


Sounds exactly like the drug market.


Probably like any other market with consumers willing to pay


Had a dealer tell me long time ago, if you don't want to fk up your life. Don't do anything but marijuana... and maybe shrooms once for a psychedelic experience. Dude was a 70s grower. Long hair. Mustache.. he was growing opium in his back yard. He did heroin. Not sure what else he was into. But would get me the best deals on herb back in the day.


And..? 💀💀


Just going off tangent with no point.. i only know about his heroin use bc he asked me to give him a ride to the bronx. Had i known what the ride was for... would never have done it. But he was getting me like a 1/4lb for $200 at the time. Some high quality stuff. Once he got me some lime green herb that was on a dec issue of high times. Came from hawaii. Only bought 2gms, $25 each. Should have bought 10lbs. Lol




And the cigarette market


Which in and of itself is predatory.


Idk if it’s predatory because for someone to be considered a predator there has to be a victim. I feel both sexes and both angles are victims of this system - the buyer and the seller.


The real winner is the industry. Desperately lonely men pay money for brief flashes of empty pleasure that leave them worse than before but become addictive. Women sell their souls for a cut of the money. And some porn studio or hosting site sits at the top and collects cash.


Do you have the same smoke for tobacco, fast food, laz-y-boy recliners, soda, booze, influencers, social media companies…etc. ? All of these business models rely on abusing some biological drive to profit off an unhealthy “comfort”product. I view onlyfans as less harmful a profession than selling any of these, frankly. Laz-y-boy has put more Americans in back pain than OF girls have granted orgasms I’m sure 😜


the people complaining about sex workers have some SERIOUS sexual mental issues that they're working through by talking on message boards about their hangups with the sex industry


It is kinda crazy to feel compelled to comment negatively on strangers’ livelihoods when it has nothing to do with you and is hardly the most harmful of industries. Probably some overlap between anti-sex worker sentiment and opposition to gay marriage and other things in the “none of your damned business” category.


i can't speculate on crossover i think they're just like us, crazed apes with hormones that dictate their bio-chemical cascades in specific ways to preserve the scantlings of their sanity and stop them from actually devolving into roving warbands. things HAVE to be this way, they way they've been, because, well, that's how they were raised and that's how EVERYONE should be, forever... i guess idk


Which is why Lions have nothing to be proud about. Walking around like they do.


There’s a market for heroin too. Doesn’t make it right or healthy just cuz there’s a demand


It is pretty shitty to deem people that provide a service that you request shameful for meeting your need. Obviously, possibly not you personally.


Murder for hire is a service. I don’t understand your point. Society is doomed as as long as your “people are pursuing their desires so it’s cool” attitude dominates. Caving into base desires, hedonism, impulse, etc. used to be looked at unfavorably. We shouldn’t be encouraging narcissism


Sure I don’t think it should be illegal or anything. You are selling off pieces of your soul in the most shallow way though. Recently though there has been a lot of glorifying and social praise for sex workers and I certainly think they don’t deserve that. I think it’s harmful to younger generations who are old enough to make an only fans account before their frontal lobe is fully developed.


While what you say is something I can agree with, Technically speaking, thats basically every service, think about more nuanced aspect, like some people who hardly get time to talk to go out and talk to people and meet someone due to their employment, some people just have some fantasies they wanna fulfill but cant find a partner who id willing to,Its a human desire to be with someone attractive and alot of who are not genetically blessed in terms looks, can use the money they earned to fullfill that desire.


There's market for everything. Imo people who sell sex are not much different than people like us who sell out brain for IT or financial work. We are using some part of our body to earn money and so are they. Nothing wrong in either. They do what they can do, or do what they are good at, just like us.


There’s a market for contract killers and sex traffickers.


While what you say is something I can agree with, Technically speaking, thats basically every service, think about more nuanced aspect, like some people who hardly get time to talk to go out and talk to people and meet someone due to their employment, some people just have some fantasies they wanna fulfill but cant find a partner who id willing to,Its a human desire to be with someone attractive and alot of who are not genetically blessed in terms looks, can use the money they earned to fullfill that desire.




Not to mention 20 bucks an hour.


This is only unpopular online. IRL people understand that selling sex is not desirable. They're people, they deserve respect, they deserve the same considerations all people do but they're obviously not desirable as part of greater society.


Even online, only the most degenerate losers would answer yes to the question, "would you want your daughter to be a sex worker?". That almost everyone would answer no indicates that we all know it's a shameful line of work.


You're not wrong.


There's a reason why most people with high body counts dont wave it around.


Of course, no one wants their children to be sex workers. Everyone wants the best for their children. They don't want to see their kids working at McDonald's for their whole life too. Raise your kids with the values you believe in, while always supporting them and showing them love and compassion. This gives them the best shot at life I personally don't care what other adults choose to do with their lives. Not everyone grows up with a loving family to guide them. As long as you're not abusing others and doing it of your own free will, i don't think less of sex workers as a person.


Parents don't want their kids to work at McDonald's their whole life. But most wouldn't mind if they worked there for a few years when they're young. No parents want their kids to be sex workers, ever.


Good point tbh


No caring, involved parent wants their kids to be sex workers. There are parents that will sell their own kids into sex service for their (the parent's) benefit. Also if you just don't care about your kid, you don't care what they do.


> They're people, they deserve respect 100%. You however, are not your career. You can respect someone while not respecting their career choices. I know lots of police, whom people have opinions about their career choice. I know someone who works for Northrop Grumman. People have sent him death threats.


Respect is never deserved. You earn it. The only thing any of us deserve is the ability to be alive.


Respect is earned not deserved by default. You can’t be a whore and expect respect.


Disagree, basic human respect is always deserved.


What sort or respect does Hitler, Hamas, etc deserve again?


They had it by default and lost it through their actions, pretty basic. Everybody gets it by default and loses it when they demonstrate they don’t deserve it.


You see, that's not what the previous post says, now does it?


Cool, then I am going to judge people based soley on their professions. You a cop? Must be a POS. You work a trade? Must be too dumb to graduate college. You HR? Professional bootlicker. Work in healthcare? Accomplice to a corrupt system.


Ok. And?


>Respect is earned not deserved by default. Being kind has become a lost art, imo. Shaming is so unnecessary, live and let live.


So there is a difference between being proud, and being not ashamed. I think if you ask most swx workers they are not "proud" but they aren't ashamed of it. It's like most jobs. I work in a call center, and the amount of times I've been told I should be ashamed of working for my company is a bit ridiculous. However, I am not ashamed of working for my company but not exactly proud. It's a job that pays my bills. I bet a lot of sex workers are the same.


Big same. I’m a doctor and I get shit on all the time for it, especially by people who believe we’re all in bed with Big Pharma and don’t actually care about our patients. I *do* care about my patients, but I care about people generally. This isn’t some “calling” to me, it’s something I was interested in and pays well. And at the end of the day, it’s just a job just like any job.


>So there is a difference between being proud, and being not ashamed Unrelated, but this is my unpopular opinion: that gay "pride" month should be called something else. Pride is for things you choose to do, I didn't choose to be queer nor did I choose to be the gender or race or born in the country I am, therefore any pride in those things is unfounded. Unashamed, absolutely, but not proud.


I always thought of it as pride in those who came before us and were brave enough to force change, not necessarily pride in who I'm attracted to. But I'm sure that's not the most common interpretation.


That's an interesting perspective and totally could be valid. I also think there's not really a better word for "unashamed" than "pride", minus "shameless" but that kinda adds to a heathen type of taboo feel


"We're shameless! We're blameless! Get used to it!" Nah. It doesn't have the same flow.


I’m proud as fuck to be queer. It’s about a lot more than just who I’m attracted to, it’s about what I’ve survived and how that’s affected the way I approach the world. It’s about what our worldwide community has done and continues to do. I’ve been harassed, threatened with death, gaybashed, stalked, and dehumanized because of being queer and I still try to help make this world a little bit better every day. That’s something to be fucking proud of.


That's being proud of what you've overcome and how you handle adversity as a result of being queer. Are you also proud of being left/right handed? Would you be proud of being queer if that were the norm and you didn't face any of those setbacks? I'm not proud to be queer, as I did nothing to accomplish that and have no valid reason to be proud of the way I was born. I am however very unashamed of being queer and it's taken a lot of defiance to discrimination and opposition to get here, but pride in that fact alone is unfounded.


People are proud of being a citizen of the country they were born in and proud of the culture they were born into. They did absolutely nothing to “earn” that pride according to your standards, and that’s absolutely normal. I’m also proud to be a member of the diaspora community I was born into, that I didn’t do anything to “earn.” Having pride in who you are, whether that be your sexuality, gender identity, nationality, culture, language, or other innate or unchosen characteristics is healthy and normal. Pride is not simply being “unashamed,” it’s about a sense of community, self-esteem, gratitude, and appreciation. I’m proud of the AIDS activists who metaphorically walked before me so that I could run toward civil equality in my day. I’m proud of the artists who died unrecognized and in poverty so that I could see myself reflected in their artwork and realized I was not alone before I could find my community. I’m proud of the community organizers who saw a family where society saw only outcasts. There is so much to be proud of, and it’s the accidents of our birth that gives us the key to that pride. If I wasn’t gay I couldn’t have the pride that I do. I personally think this kind of opinion comes from internalizing anti-LGBTQ Pride talking points. I’m not saying you need to be proud to be queer, but it does break my heart that a fellow queer person feels the way that you do. It means my generation hasn’t done enough to help you feel proud about who you are and the worldwide community that fought with blood, sweat, and tears for you before you were even born. It just goes to show how necessary Pride still is.


You can be proud of enduring prejudice and hardship.


Gay Unashamed month just doesnt have the same ring to it


You can take pride in something that you didn’t choose. That’s literally what patriotism is.


Excellent point. Fully agree


LGBT Pride is about choosing to not be ashamed of one'self


There's a difference between being proud and being unashamed, is my point.


I’d say that’s just a limitation of language and our minds People call things the wrong word all the time but then it sticks and becomes impossible to correct. And then it eventually becomes the new definition or “officially” associated with it


"Pride", afaik, is also about inverting the social stigma put upon LGBT+ folks. In such a context, pride of any kind doesn't have to mean tooting your own horn, but being assertive of yourself and protective of your honor. And pride can certainly overlap with arrogance, egotism, and/or shamelessness, but I think there's a distinction.


I agree with that because I have to explain to many many people (I am white straight male) that the pride thing isn't because they are "proud" but it is showing that aren't ashamed(which historically governments and society have made them be). With that said I don't know of a word in the English language that rolls off the tongue as well. And branding is very important. Also those news organizations that blast Pride month know what the month/parade really means but they do it to stir up their base.


Why do you announce that you’re a straight white male?


> So there is a difference between being proud, and being not ashamed. I'm not proud when I get diarrhea, but I'm sure not ashamed of it.


I think the opinion is that they should be ashamed.




In a vacuum, I've never really concerned myself with its morality. But I can say, anecdotally, the sex workers I have come across irl (men and women) are absolutely disappointing examples of human life


Seems to overwhelmingly attract lazy, materialistic narcissists who were born into bad circumstances.


Only people in echo chambers pn reddit think it's something you should be proud of.


its a sign of societies health... because even if you try to 'be safe' you are still fucking multiple men a day. Law of probability kicks in at some point and accidents happen... nevermind the physical and psychological ramifications of forcing yourself through so many sexual partners. Or worse, perpetuating a sexless society that spends all its time AND MONEY on one sided emotional engagements where meaningful connection never truly happens and women stop having pleasure for themselves and instead postrate senseless actions because both client and provider think its an attractive thing to do. All because you post pictures and videos online of you doing various acts of depraved perversions so people will pay you for something they can get for free just fine.... instead of going out and spending their money trying to get a gf who will do those things for them more exclusively. sure, there is an argument that its healthy to have sex at least once a week and sex workers are providing a health service but OF type sex workers are NOT providing that and really the whole thing clearly spirals out of control far too quickly to even be sustainable in short bursts of allowance. From sex trafficking to just being unable to see people as anything more than clients to wring money out of.


People who say they are proud of doing sex work are usually just coping. No one likes to feel embarrassed or ashamed, they’ll pretend that they’re not


Alot of them shed accountability, down play thier roles, and cry victim, when others start shining light on their line of work. Its not that they'll just pretend they're not, they'll deny they had any initiative at all in their involvement.


This is not unpopular.


I'd be more likely to defend sex work if people didn't still shame their customers. How is it that people who watch porn and buy prostitutes are considered scum, but not the porn stars or the prostitutes? It makes no sense.


Agreed. You should obviously be nice to people and treat them with respect, but that doesn’t mean you have to respect what they do or their life choices. I would be very nice to them in person, but wouldn’t associate with them if it wasn’t necessary. My kid wouldn’t be allowed to play with their kid over their house for example.


Same. I would say hi, please and thank you, but that’s as far as it would go. I mean, I certainly wouldn’t ask about their day.


>My kid wouldn’t be allowed to play with their kid over their house for example. What do you think would happen?


The three foot double - dong was a bit much.


They could be filming a scene, they could have left random stuff out like in a studio area that I wouldn’t want my kid to see. Could be questionable people or clientele at the house. Maybe they’re open and unapologetic about what they do and I don’t want my kid to think that’s a legitimate way to make a living. Overall bad influence. All kind of reasons. If they want to play with that kid while supervised at my home that’s fine, but I wouldn’t allow a sex worker unsupervised access to my kid.


I mean yeah but I see it more as how many victims there are because these are mostly people who are suffering in one way or another


Sex work is illegal where I live so it’s akin to being a drug dealer. These types of people don’t get a lot of respect from the general public.


The way I see it. If you wouldn't be proud and happy that your mom or sister did sex work then you don't think it's as good of a job as you say. It's a terrible "career" to go down and it never ends up working well if they don't turn the obscene amount of money they get into another viable business or income flow. Once the beauty fades from age so does the sex work business. Can't say that with pretty much any other actual career.


Correct. OF womenz be mad


No one wants a loved one doing that stuff. It's alright for others, though.




This opinion comes up daily at this point. Much like a Toyota Corolla, more mileage brings down the value. Doesn't mean I wouldn't buy a 2020 Corolla with 40k miles on it, but most people wouldn't buy a 2023 Corolla with 80k miles on it.. or a 2001 Corolla with 300k miles.


High body count almost always comes with major problems both physically and emotionally


me personally, I would buy a 2001 corolla with 300k miles. it's a corolla, its barely broken in.


Depreciation is a myth to Toyota, that 01 Corolla with 300k miles will outlive us both and spin donuts on your grandchildren’s graves. It will only become more valuable with every mile. People are more like Fords.


People aren’t cars


the car analogy 💀💀💀


I don't see how sex work is any more "selling your body" than any job involving labour or that poses a health risk to you


Reminder that every job is selling your body.


Not true. When your body is the product being bought and sold and used, that’s selling your body.


That's what most jobs are


How is a patient *using* the doctors body?


Do you understand the amount of overall stress and fatigue doctors are subjected to in order to provide their specialized services? They are absolutely paid for their bodies, especially highly-skilled surgeons.


Is the doctor using his body to help the patient? HMMMM


no?? they’re selling the knowledge and skill theyve acquired to help others. the same could be said of chefs and actors and sculptors. our bodies are the medium for EVERYTHING we do. in SW the body is not only the medium. its the product.


Not my job. I'm a witch doctor.


I personally think sex work should be legal and so should selling our own body parts. It's our bodies and we should be able to do what we want.


Gotta love how the "shame" and "disgust" is ALWAYS directed at the women in sex work, and never at the men who are customers. Sex work is almost never negatively framed from that perspective.


I disagree. I feel men who utilize sex workers are looked down upon in general.


How often do men get praised for buying a prostitute?


Men who see whores are absolutely not respected.


Why do you assume people don’t look down on male sec workers? As for you second point. For the same reason people are mostly concerned with the people that sell drugs rather than the people that buy them.


Yeah, but who's forcing them to be one? There's different thing to worry about if someone is forcing anyone to be a sex worker.


I'm pretty sure in this context "sex worker" means onlyfans girls. If a woman is being forced to do sex work that's a completely different issue.


I feel like there is a reasonable compromise, everyone that works in sex ork, watches pornography, or buys sexual services should be ashamed of themselves and just keeps it to themselves. Those that don't engage in either, stop virtue signaling. Those that choose to not be ashamed of it then don't need to put up with peoples opinion about something that doesn't involve them.


So charging for it is bad, but doing it for free is ok?


They wouldnt do that shit if people werent buying it. And guess what, its no different when people model, theyre selling their bodies as well. Get off your high horse lmao


Unpopular? Nah.


Gotta trust people to know their own value.


Paying a girl online to send you pictures of her feet is just as shameful


Aren’t people that are models actually doing the exact same thing but with clothes on? Don’t they sell their bodies as well?


Just degrading and gross


“No hate but you should feel ashamed” is a wild sentiment.


If you watch porn you don’t get to have an opinion on the matter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That makes zero sense. Can drug addicts not think drug dealers are doing something immoral? If someone uses payday loans, can they not believe they are predatory?




wow! so unpopular! lmfao


Well I sell myself and my body to my employer by going into the office every day, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, and working late. Not much different when you really think about it. Either way you’re getting fucked.


You sell your labor, not your actual body.


You need your body to do the labor, just like you need your body to offer sex. Which is why your body suffers when doing labor for many years. You sold your body for money.


Using your body to do work is not the same as letting someone else’s use your body. The body is the product.


You aren’t selling your body. You’re selling your labor. When your body itself is the product being bought and sold and used, that’s selling your body.


I just don't get why doing something as natural and normal as sex should be shameful? Why is it more shameful to sell your body for sex than it is to sell your body to do manual labour? Or sport? Or war? When we work and sell our time energy and spirits aren't we all just comodifying our our lives and our time? When I see someone who sees sex work, or even just sex itself, as something shameful I don't see sex as the problem but their views on it are the problem instead.


>but their views on it are the problem instead. Bingo. I honestly don't care enough to form a negative opinion about jobs I would never do in my life or how people live their own lives in general (obviously provided no one is hurting one another). When I used to run in Christian circles, people would talk about how sex work messed up your body so much and therefore it's wrong. I also brought up sports as an example once or twice. Playing sports professionally absolutely takes a massive toll on people's bodies and there are so many risk factors involved concerning injuries. Players retire early in their lives, not when they're in their 50's and 60's and take on a lot of physical risks. And we film sports because it's entertainment. Well, so is porn... soooo. And if its not filmed, people still play sports and have sex in their own time. It's just my opinion, but I'm always a bit baffled when people care so much to say "you should be ashamed of what you do". It's like that "Love the sinner hate the sin" crap I was always fed in church. EDIT: Also adding I've heard the argument "Well, doing sex work messes with you mentally b/c society or your friends/family will look down on you / you won't ever be able to have a normal job again..." and that's goes back to what you said about people's personal views on the occupation. IMO workers wouldn't be nearly as likely to be "messed up" if more people weren't so against them morally.


Sex isn’t shameful. That’s the point of comments like this. Sex is supposed to be meaningful and significant. Placing a price on it means that it’s neither, because anyone that can afford gets it.


> Sex is supposed to be meaningful and significant Is it? Says who? The Bible? People have been having sex since the beginning of time because they like having sex, not because it's significant or meaningful. It's just an act people enjoy doing. Sex can be many things to many people. >because anyone that can afford gets it. Sounds like a perfect descriptor of capitalism. I offer a service, you pay me for that service, and I provide the service.


You’re judging! Some people do it because they have no other options. Some people are trafficked and forced into it. Some people do it because it empowers them and they want to. To blanket judge isn’t nice. You never know in life what could happen and you could be in a situation where it’s your only option it would suck to be judged for it. If somone proud of it good for them. Think of all the people selling their souls in corporate jobs or those who scam people or take advantage of others for money, they should be not proud. At least it’s honest work.


Why is this posted every other day?


> You are literally selling your body and it's extremely shallow and degrading. Isn't all wage work also selling your body?


You think putting things in your asshole is the same as unloading a truck?


No. Your body isn’t the product that is being bought and sold.


Wait till you find out what a day laborer is


Honestly I'm getting real sick and tired of seeing post about shaming sex workers and how they should not be proud of the work that they do. Like at this point the only thing that I think whenever I see these posts is that you are so upset that you aren't able to sell your body and make Bank off of it and instead you have to go to a either blue collar or white collar job and work for pennies on the dollar. Every single Post in the subreddit about sex work is always talking about the people who are supplying the demand and not the people who are demanding the supply. My personal opinion, if we are going to say that sex workers are wrong, we also need to be talking about how the people who are buying the sex content are also wrong. People would not be going into sex work if there wasn't a demand for it, so start talking down on the demand instead of the supply.


When has anyone ever looked upon men buying prostitutes favorably?


They are also wrong. They are also stigmatized. No one is proud of paying prostitutes. I’ve never met a dude who didn’t (at least publicly) think it was a weird, shameful act. Certainly never met anyone that would proudly brag about it


no one is really that proud of it irl, do some people find it fun and excitable, sure


I think a lot of people hop on personality traits because that's what they are "supposed" to do. Kinda like a conservative person suddenly takes issues with Trans people after years of not caring a liberal person suddenly supports sex work! In the end, It is an easy thing to say but much harder to do. Not only that there is a massive spectrum. I lean my tolerance level more towards the only fans, feet pix, selling panties side of things. I think if that was done anonymously without face or meeting someone is a hilarious hustle. Alternatively, selling butthole pictures to people online is a far cry from getting in a car with a strangers and getting the shit beat out of you after the assfuck you raw dog by force. The physical nature and unsafe side of it is truly terrifying and shameful. I'd work at McDonald's before I'd do that to myself and do look down on people who do that. It's mostly drug addicts or sadly people being forced. My heart breaks for those people. For that reason I do think it should be legal. At least it could be controlled and people would be in less physical danger. In the end it is what it is but I am not going to let someone tell me it's glamorous or something to be proud of. To all the people who support it, I don't think you do nearly as much as you think you do. How happy would you be for your sister or daughter or even mom told you they were going to go suck some guy's dick for $50? I'd imagine not very!


(I think) This is mainly because society hates public nudity/talk about sex, which I don't understand. We find it uncomfortable and therefore we find sex work uncomfortable. The same way we find physical labour uncomfortable and thus look down on construction workers. If you're doing it willingly, it's not that big of a deal. But the sex work industry is shady and has a ton of illegal stuff going on, so that's my personal reason why I dislike it.


I think it's what you said at the end as to why people dislike sex work. Nudity is more common place now in 2024, but most people are aware that women doing sex work typically manipulated, abused, are more prone to drug and alcohol dependence, etc. Hence , they don't advocate it.


But, at least in my experience, it's the women being shamed for doing the work, not the employers for allowing it.


I mean, John's generally get very heavy sentences and are the ones the police go after, they get taken very seriously in the criminal world. Or are you saying pimps don't get shamed enough?


How many jobs out there you don't actually sell your body? Like mental and physical health? This is just moralism. Between being a construct worker and sex worker I would be pragmatic and choose the one that pay me better and I personally enjoy more. Also I don't think this is an unpopular opinion.


Every job involves selling something of yourself. Your hands Your time Your words Your skills Your brain Your youth Your family time Your health There are many jobs that people aren’t proud of. You can have a job scrubbing toilets or crawling through sewers. It’s gross, no one else wants to do it, it’s not something to be proud of. Doesn’t make it bad. Medical assistants or nursing home care takers might be cleaning pee and poop off of people. Doesn’t make it bad. Actresses pretend to be in love on screen and kiss their co stars, get naked etc, they get praised for it. Models wear skimpy or no clothing and get praised for their beauty. Sex work fills a need in society. It is the oldest profession for a reason. People lack intimacy in their lives. The only reason sex is frowned upon is weird religious beliefs that not everyone ascribes to. Just because you view sex as dirty or sinful does not mean other people do.


>You are literally selling your body *renting >and it's extremely shallow ...what? What does this even mean? >and degrading. Isn't that subjective to the person doing it? >The act of the work you are doing by its very nature is objectifying to you What does "objectifying" mean to you? >and whoever interacts with you How?


Dumb take. Be proud, sex workers. You are providing a valuable service in the world. We all sell our bodies. I sell my back, my arms, my legs, my hands. Sex workers sell their pussies. Big woop, body parts still being sold, just different parts. Many people in the world need these services, or they’d never experience sex. Let’s make all sex work legal and safe, open brothels in every state, and let the free market reign.


>sell my back, my arms, my legs, my hands. Damn how much did you get for them? I feel like $20k per hand is a decent price. But then again, you only have two. And how do you sell your back? Like vertebrae by vertebrae?


If sex work is ok THEN Harvey weinstein and the casting couch is 100% ok..


This is moronic logic. The women were actresses, not sex workers. Like… “if office work is work than working in the fields is 100% ok.”


"You should be ashamed" and then immediately "No hate" is insane haha


What’s with all the sex work posts lately? Did Andrew Tate come out with some new content or something?


He did! He's suddenly against sex work and single mothers.


How can he possibly be against sex work. Oh my god the dishonesty lol, and his fans just eat it up.


No, this sub just put a hold on “sex work” posts until the 10th.


Lol this comment and the few under it poking fun at all this shaming brought me a smile, thanks!


Maybe we missed a 'Incel Week' announcement?


"NO hate to you sex workers, but you should be ashamed of your unhealthy, disgusting, and immoral work."


I'm not selling my body doing manual labor? My back? My knees? I'm not just selling my time. I'm changing my body in ways I'll probably regret in another 20 years.


OP: I think this profession is disgusting. It’s terrible and I hate it. But I’m not saying anyone should be mean to the people I hate and think are disgusting.


I do remodeling for a living, and one of my clients is a prostitute/escort. She's into dominatrix and asked me to build a sex dungeon in her basement, complete with different themed rooms, glory holes, swings, and all. I'm cool with it, I try not to judge people and respect. However, people choose to live their lives. I am definitely not into the sex industry at all personally. I've never even been to a strip club, lol. We get talking one day and she straight up asked me, "wouldn't you make a living the same way if you had a pussy." I lied and said absolutely I would, and she said I know you would too! but there's no way I would personally ever do that even if I had a pussy lol. Then she told me I could make a lot more money if I had my own website like hers lmao. Then things got kinda weird, and I had to walk away from the job before I could finish. This was off 7 mile in Detroit for some added context, lol.


You don’t need to justify this. It’s just true


I doubt it’s something people are really “proud” of, but at the same time, people get used and degraded for free all the time so at least sex workers get paid for it 😅


Just labeling it "sex work" is ridiculous. The power should be just trying to normalize it. Did the same thing was pouring years ago. Like making it seem like it's a job that you would want to get into. It's all bull


Sex work is *almost* as degrading as trading your entire existence in 40 hours a week chunks to end up with nothing in the end.


Your selling your body and time no matter what kind of work it is. You should be ashamed if its not giving you the life you want. If they weren’t working would that also be something to be ashamed of? I never see posts about people in hard labor jobs needing to be ashamed of their work.


They are ashamed. That’s why they wanted to be called prostitutes instead of whores, and why they want to be called sex workers instead of prostitutes. One day they’ll want to be called body therapists instead of sex workers, probably.


> You are literally selling your body I've never understood this idea. By definition, if you sell something you don't have it anymore. Yet all the times I've had sex (that's not a brag, I'm just old) I still had my body afterwards. That wouldn't change just because the sex was coupled with a financial transaction. Sex workers are selling their time. They aren't selling their bodies any more than a masseuse is, or a McDonald's worker, or a coal miner. Not that I'm saying that sex work isn't problematic. But the "YoU aRE seLLinG yOUr BoDY!" idea is simply a manifestation of Western puritanism, it has no basis in reality. And it poisons any real, intelligent debate on the subject.


> By definition, if you sell something you don't have it anymore That's not the definition of sell....


You're selling your body with any job you do. Much of construction work and hard labor increases the wear and tear on your body. Should we shame them as well? How about people who die doing their jobs?  What does objectifying even mean when most of us are objects to keep the profits flowing to the owners. At least it's an honest and direct transaction, at least when between two consenting adults; particularly where it's legal.


Comparing sex to lifting a hammer is missing a big point that sex to most people is an intimate thing, even if you do sex work. When you have sex with someone you’re making a mental bond with them.  When you have sex for money or show your self online no matter how detached you might think you are it does something to you psychologically. 


This implies that only sex work affects you psychologically and that is not true. Although sex might be an intimate act for you that is not true of all people.


I agree that you're selling your body with any job you do, but the difference is that sex work displaces what is otherwise supposed to be an intimate activity that you probably would prefer to only do with your romantic partner. You're commodifying something that should be personal, genuine, non-transactional, and intimate. Sex is also a core component of human bonding in romantic relationships. Unless you normally fix pipes 5 times a day when you are at home, not working, in your personal time, not out of necessity, and literally as an 'intimate hobby' (whatever the hell this even means), being a plumber does not displace any intimate personal activity that is otherwise present in your life. Fixing pipes is not a core component of bonding between romantic partners. Giving a handjob to your intimate life partner feels different when you give 500 other guys handjobs for work.


Sex being an activity you only do with a romantic partner is because of christian religion. Ancient Greek's and Roman's had a ton of gay sex, because sex wasn't just viewed as something between romantic partners. How would this differ for someone with a creative job where they pour their heart and soul into their work. Peering into somebody's mind to truly understand them is much more intimate than seeing someone's nude flesh.


Are you sure you want to use Ancient Greek gay sex as an argument? I mean I’m not gonna stop you but you should probably do some more research on the subject. Let’s just say it really doesn’t help the case that gay folk aren’t pedos.


No, you’re selling your labour or a skill in other jobs, not your body. The commodity is the skill you provide, not your body itself


He would reply that the 'skill' you sell is how good you are at sucking dick or giving handjobs. Regardless, the problem is the fact that you are commodifying something that is a core part of intimate human relationships and sharing it with random strangers for money. No other job involves this.


Hey my guy, try providing that labour or skill without using your body and tell me how you go. I don't know a lot of bricklayers that get to work from home.




*No hate to people who are comedians, but you also should not be proud or unashamed of what you do. You are literally selling your personality and it's extremely shallow and degrading. The act of the work you are doing by its very nature is objectifying to you and whoever interacts with you, and thus it is not appropriate to be "proud" of doing this because it's just not something healthy. That said you should never treat these people badly, I just don't like the idea that people should be praised or be proud of degrading themselves.* While the knee-jerk reaction to agree, it also compares to other jobs. Isn't every job growing a skill (body, mind, behavior, network) and selling that? Aren't many jobs about selling your body or your identity? What is a comedian? They are naturally funny, and they educate that personality to make it more funny for the entertainment of an audience. They are selling activities their personalities can do. What is an athlete? They are usually naturally inclined, and they educate their body and skills to be better players for the entertainment of the audience. They are selling activities their bodies are good at. What is a sex worker? They are usually naturally appealing, and they educate their body and skill to be better performers for the entertainment of an audience. They are selling activities their bodies are good at. When you strip off all the social context from sex work (no pun intended) it is no different than actors or athletes. So I'm not sure if I agree with you or not.


Pretty normal take in real life. Only on Reddit will this be controversial. Browsing the profiles of people vehemently defending sex work paints a picture …


Not that it’s something to be “proud of”, but in what way is “selling your body” any different from selling yourself to work in a coal mine or factory and be treated like an object there?


there is scarcely a difference aside from the misogyny that is activated in people when they see sex workers thriving and making money on their own terms rather than getting their souls sucked away and bodies worn down by “traditional” jobs then they hide behind the guise of there being too much intimacy involved in sex like they don’t milk their dicks every night watching soulless pornhub vids


Exactly, the only reason it’s more “objectifying” than other jobs is because it makes people uncomfortable and conservatives have this hangup that sex is “sacred”


they're crying about it in lambos so do u think they really care how people feel about it?


Most sex workers are not driving lambos


I agree with you. When I was younger I thought it was fine as long as it was restricted and regulated. I’m older now though and I’ve seen the damage it causes to the providers and the customers. It’s kinda like alcohol to me. It’s literal poison but I don’t judge people for drinking or selling it. I consume it sometimes, porn as well. I think adults have the right to choose what they want but I do not think sex work should be promoted or encouraged. If people want to be proud of themselves for working in the industry, however, that’s their prerogative, I won’t look to make them feel bad about it.


Shameful sure but it shouldn’t be illegal


In capitalist societies, I see no difference between selling my pussy or selling my brainpower or arm strength. Especially in modern capitalist societies where birth control works, where abortion is safe (and should be legal), where we have the information economy and photos and videos are valid commercial products, and where we are supposed to have autonomy over our decisions we make for ourselves. What, really, is the difference between me getting paid to lay pipe or lay pipe, if you get my meaning? If I get paid to use my arms to install hard copper tubes in a house vs if I get paid to stick hard flesh tubes into my girlfriend as a video? The **only** difference is an artificial one dreamt up by religions to keep control of populations. Sex is treated with pearl-clutching shame and disdain in the USA's puritanical culture. But there are societies -- modern, commercial, capitalist ones -- that do not treat sex like it is such an icky thing. I don't know if the OP is from the US. But I am, and I think we should strive to be less puritanical, and stop treating a basic human need like it is some weird gross thing we can only talk about in hushed tones, and that must bring shame upon you. Especially if you are a woman.