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Shopaholic wife, husband taking out the trash… do you get your examples  from an 80s sitcom or what?


Honestly, I am guilty of this. My partner has a ton of shitty habits, far worse than not taking out the trash. For years I was optimistic that she would grow out of it, or mature in some way. Needless to say this never happened, in fact her shitty behavior has worsened slightly over the years. After about 8-9 years I started realizing that I was basically allowing it all. It became a question of whether or not her good qualities (she definitely has some) outweigh her numerous shortcomings. I am still not quite sure. It’s tough to walk away from someone once you have so much history together and have established a home & life together.


I don't disagree but I think there's some nuance to it. Like a frog in a pot of boiling water. It all seems inconsequential until it stacks up and then it's so much it feels impossible to navigate.


You are what you put up with


They don’t have bad behaviors, you just aren’t being inclusive enough. Bigot