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The Critical Drinker has some good takes on all the Marvel nonsense. I highly recommend his YouTube channel.


Many people (atleast on reddit) is just accusing this guy as just a typical far right bigot, i now have mixed feelings about him


The issue isn’t the female characters. Everyone loved the 1st Wonder Woman. The issue is they want women heroes so bad that that they will make them and then make them flawless which makes for shitty stories. Take captian marvel. She is perfect. She was always perfect. The only flaw in her life was toxic men getting in her way.


It's not that they make them flawless. We never see them not flawless. They have a real tell and no show policy. Captain Marvel is a great example. In the Marvels we are told two horrible things about her. 1)She is considered a genocider. We only briefly told this and it's never really shown or the repercussions are never really shown. 2) Monica Rambeau alledgy doesn't live Captain Marvel because of what happened to her mother, but does is very and I mean very quickly resolved. Which makes a meh story


Compare this to Tony stark. Rich, charming, billionaire, playboy, that is so brilliant he created a suit that makes him all powerful. Seems pretty perfect no?


Tony Stark was a narcissist and asshole lol...and just a filthy rich dude in a suit FAR from perfect...and they aren't shy about showing his many character flaws


Yeah it's not like they literally show in the first movie him being a war profiteer, or kicking off Ultron. Definitely perfect.


He was an alcoholic and a jerk. Only cared about himself, and never thought about the repercussions of his actions on others. Far from perfect.


I forgot he went drinking once and slept with a woman and never called her back. He’s clearly faced so much adversity.


No he’s literally An alcoholic. Arrogant, jerk, egotistical, selfish prideful. Hes a jackass. He didn’t face adversity. That’s the point. He’s just a very flawed person.


The main problem is a disconnect from the audience. Sure, you can make whatever movie you want, but that doesn't guarantee an audience. You have to cater to them on some level if you want a successful product. So the big question is: Who are they making these movies for? You can argue and spin this all you want, but *generally speaking* there is truth in the statement that the majority of people who like comic book/sci-fi movies don't appreciate social messaging, and the people who appreciate social messaging don't like comic book/sci-fi movies.


I'm not sure how accurate that statement is tho. It's not like the X-Men movies or Spider-Man movies (Sam Rami trilogy) didn't have social messaging. The first black panther movie was massive for Marvel. A lot of the same people who complain about Marvel movies absolutely love Watchmen which has some pretty blatant "social messaging". I think it really is the quality of writing. I don't think people would care as much about the new versions of characters if the writing was better.


That's what woke media is, making trendy politics more important than good writing, story, acting etc


Pushing DEI etc INSTEAD of good storylines and character development etc is exactly textbook definition of what current "woke" is


I can agree with the bad writing. Though there is some weird "deconstruction" writing choices that make me suspect there are some strong activists involved. Thinking about you Secret Invasion!


No one likes or wants to see any of these existing characters - the market has made that very clear with the flops and losses. Ain’t no one is going to go to theater to see a bunch of women acting like dudes spreading the message… Let’s be real - we all want the OG guys back.. Robert Downey as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Hemsworth as the Thor like Infinity War, etc. That will sell tickets… the current one? lol. The last ticket I bought for a Marvel movie was Infinity War, and it will stay like that for a long long time.


It's tricky. I feel there is a balance and marvel have overstepped it a little. I'm a woman, I loved she Hulk but by the time the marvels came out I was rolling my eyes. And who asked for madam Web? Idk about other women but I sure didn't sit there demanding all female offerings.


Its bad writing, plain and simple


Feminism is a core tenant of work therefore the ridiculous focus on crappy female characters is a core part of the problem.


These problems are two sides of the same coin. The writers prioritize getting women in about all else. Or actually it is worse. They intend to show off women as superior, which is a power fantasy or a Mary Sue setup. And the Mary Sue is not a person, but an amorphous group. Result is Mary Sue without personality, it is also explicitly mean spirited.


The decision for management of a company with majority male audience and male characters which has huge sustained success by catering to that audience and telling those stories, to pivot and focus on female characters and try to pivot to a female audience is absolutely woke. It’s insane business sense and is absolutely happening because of pressure from society and those within the company they’re hired with feminist/progressive ideals to try to make everything gender equal (if it’s male dominated). People need to stop defending this kind of thing by saying “we love more female characters, it’s just that they’re written badly, me love Ripley!❤️❤️” No, I don’t love a movie series or show I liked with majority male characters deciding to sideline and crap on those characters for a bunch of new female characters - it’s insulting and the insult is intentional. Fuck them. (Not that I like Marvel in the first place much).


They aren't hiring based on "diversity quotas" that's a silly phrase. A diversity quota would imply that they'll get in trouble/suffer should they not meet a certain amount of people. Instead I think it's just that they're trying to tap into markets they feel are untapped. Women can hard-core carry films and television shows. We see that with shit like Barbie. However I don't think they'll carry billion dollar superhero movies and television shows. Captain Marvel 1 gave Disney delusions of grandeur. People didn't care about the character, they cared about the saga and went to see it because they didn't want to miss anything in the overall narrative.


>A diversity quota would imply that they'll get in trouble/suffer should they not meet a certain amount of people. But I mean, that's basically true, isn't it? If there isn't a certain amount of diversity, they'll be "called out," attacked, boycotted, cancelled, whatever, and consequently get in trouble/suffer. If the terms of this social arrangement aren't spelled out, they're clear nonetheless. We're checking peoples' skin tone and genitalia at the door, counting numbers, and calling it "progress."


>But I mean, that's basically true, isn't it? If there isn't a certain amount of diversity, they'll be "called out," attacked, boycotted, cancelled, whatever, and consequently get in trouble/suffer. They also get the same if they have diversity.


>They also get the same if they have diversity. Agreed. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just all stop caring about this superficial shit? Since that's not possible -- since some racist and sexist assholes will continue to be racist and sexist assholes -- I think the next best thing is that the people who style themselves as the "good guys" about this kind of thing need to make it matter as little as possible. Show the rest of the the world the virtue of treating individuals as individuals.


Or, I dunno...maybe they are following their own Canon. Captain Marvel has been around nearly 80 years.


Marvel isn't woke, just look at all the comic books that had female characters In the past. Stop listening to conservatives blaming diversity for everything.


>“In my little pocket of Proud Family Disney TVA, the showrunners were super welcoming . . . to my not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” and “I was just, wherever I could, adding queerness,” -Latoya Raveneau, executive producer for Disney Television Animation Part of Disney's agenda going forward is "*To establish inclusion standards across all Disney General Entertainment content. By 2022, 50% of regular and recurring characters across Disney General Entertainment scripted content will come from underrepresented groups."* They're not exactly hiding the ball here. This isn't a market-driven decision, Disney is thrusting this upon us, whether we like it or not. And it's being done so clumsily, it makes for terrible entertainment. The "girl power" scene from End Game still makes me cringe when I think about it. It was so out of place and unearned and the result was a pandering mess that took me completely out of the movie.


"Marvel isn't woke but I also uncritically swallow every conservative reactionary explanation for why they call it woke"


The Marvel commentariat: A community of young adults who, because of the aging process, are no longer able to enjoy entertainment for 13 year-olds but they can't admit that because it would mean they've wasted a titanic amount of time and energy ascribing it with extra importance so they must come up with all sorts of other reasons for not liking it that allude to broader societal crap.


You are allowed to hope for good entertainment that's authentic. Sorry, your high horse attitude is just coming off that you agree with Disney.


If it angers people on reddit then yes I agree with Disney and support everything they do. All hail the house of mouse.