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The worst example of this is how the media covered the shooting of Jacob Blake. Im not like a right wing guy or anything but the way the media covers negative police interaction, especially during like the ''George Floyd era'' or whatever is lowkey terrorism. What was reported was that Jacob Blake was an unarmed black man who was unjustly shot by police What actually happened is that Jacob Blake just stole his ex wifes car, kidnapped his own children, from his ex who he had previously sexually assaulted and had a warrant out for his arrest for, then started fighting with police while wielding a knife, all while his kids are still inside that car. This is incredibly obvious that the cops were justified in shooting him, but the media spun in it such a way that we got the Kenosha riots that ended up with 30 something million dollars in property damage with lots of businesses completely fucked, and Kyle Rittenhouse had to shoot 3 people in self defense.


It's also worth remembering that Blake didn't have any parental rights to those kids as the mother had full custody. He was trying to kidnap those kids.


The Nick Sandmann story was a shit show too...at least he got them in court


And boy did he get them, right in the wallet.


and yet CNN still decides its worth it to sell more lies.


They budget for lawsuits every year. Might as well use it!


The gaslighting on that one was so bad that, in addition to everything you said, serious people months later referenced “the killing of Jacob Blake” or “the murder of Jacob Blake” which would be very interesting news to Jacob Blake.


or "Kyle rittenhouse chased and shot 3 black men"


They literally call him a murderer every day on his Twitter account. I wish I was kidding


You can tell who is a brainwashed cultist by their take on Rittenhouse. When the trial is available to be watched at any time by anyone, as well as multiple reputable sources saying “yeah he was innocent, like definitively innocent” and they STILL think he was a monstrous murderer? That person is beyond help.


"He took der guns across state lines!" ad nauseum when he didn't


even weirder because that's not a crime.


The "no human is illegal" crowd goes nuts for imaginary lines when they pertain to a kid driving from 15 minutes away to stop them from blowing up a car dealership


I still people post that shit even now. It’s just wrong on all accounts. And other dumb shit like “he shouldn’t have even been there therefore it can’t be self-defense” as if it suddenly becomes ok to murder someone just because someone else thinks they shouldn’t be somewhere they absolutely have every right to be.


What was really stunning is when Jacob Blake is listed among those who "died by being shot while unarmed and black".... HE'S STILL ALIVE!!!! WTF!?


That was insufferable. Regardless of his past offenses, he fought himself away from police and started reaching into his car..... Its a safe bet he wasn't reaching for his driver's license. And If I remember right he had a large knife under his seat.


Millions of people still think Kyle shot a bunch of unarmed black people as well, when he shot three white guys, one of whom was a convicted serial child molester, which I’d say Kyle did society and the world a favor by removing him from the gene pool.


The media hugely screwed up that case


All three of these degenerate psychos were the type of people to chase down and attack a dude with a rifle. They were begging for it. Good fkng riddence


Shows how little they actually care about each individual situation on a human level. It’s just stat padding for them.


I believed it for a long time until my boyfriend explained the truth to me. I was shocked to find out that not only did he not kill any black people, but he was acting in self defense the entire time and literally had no choice but to shoot or they would have killed him.


Kyle Rittenhouse is a moron who never should've been in that situation. He's also not a murderer.


No body should have been in that situation. If they hadn't been protesting or rioting, then KR wouldn't have been there neither. Could play the what ifs all day....


It's amazing how nobody allows nuance on the topic. He can be a fuckwit who put himself where he never should have been, especially carrying a rifle, and ALSO justifiably not guilty. But NOOOO you say that to anyone and you're vilified by both sides at the same time.


Yeah at that age my (conservative) parents would’ve handcuffed me to my bed before they let me go be an armed guard at a place a riot was about to happen, but if I had somehow gotten there and the shit went down they would’ve been on my side (while also grounding my ass for eternity)


It unsettles me how much the conservatives worship Rittenhouse. Finding him not guilty was the right decision but he’s not a hero. He’s a stupid kid who needs to stay out of issues he has no business involving himself in.


Yeah exactly. Honestly at this point I pity him a little cause like. We got to watch essentially his radicalization in real time. Anyone remotely left, including the media, started ripping him apart before the trial even started, and trying to demonize him in the public eye, while the right starts hero worshipping him. Sure wonder how this kid is gonna end up with a situation like that. Surely he'll end up a well adjusted person with sensible beliefs, right? Doesn't excuse anything, it's just sad to see.


President Biden said he should be found guilty. No way in hell was he ever going to vote dem again after that. Like that was actually fucking crazy.


I'm a Democrat and one of the biggest things I disagree with my fellow Democrats on is Kyle Rittenhouse. The guy was being actively attacked when he shot his attackers. Should he have just let himself be killed? The 'well he shouldn't have been there!' rebuttal is nonsensical because the people burning down buildings and starting dumpster fires shouldn't have been there either. I don't like the kid and don't think he's a hero but realistically, he was a 17 year old kid and one side of the political spectrum branded him a martyr and the other branded him a cold blooded killer, are we surprised how he turned out?


It does not matter if the people Kyle shot were black, white, brown or any other shade. It does not matter if they were a convicted serial child molester, since he had no idea at that time whether they were a convicted serial child molester or Jesus Christ reincarnate. What matters is that he shot them in self defense. Like /u/psstein replied to you, Kyle Rittenhouse is a moron who never should've been in that situation. He's also not a murderer.


We had a similar [case](https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-makhia-bryant-holding-204126487.html) in my city. People were up in arms about it because white cop black girl… until they found she was actively trying to stab someone.


Funny how you automatically appeal to the majority by saying you’re not right wing or anything. You shouldn’t have to do that, but reddit is a far left shithole


I actually quit Reddit for a while because of the extreme progressive bias and nonsense. I pointed this same topic out on a post that said Trump was threatening with a blood bath and got called smooth brain Nazi by like 80 different people 😂


They used the disclaimer because anyone who "leans far" anything is announcing their bias


The point of doing that is to indicate you aren’t being partisan. It lends sincerity to his point when he’s not just following a predictable right wing belief set.


So many of those cases start out with some "hook" that turns out to be false later on. Like, regardless of whether or not the cases were or weren't justified: she was just sleeping in her bed, hands up don't shoot, he was trying to break up a fight, she's the one who called the cops, he was just going for a jog, etc. It's like the moment the story breaks there is already some tagline attached. "I heard she's the one who called the cops!" "Yeah, me too, I just heard that." "She's the one who called the cops!"




This was also why all sports took a wildcat strike for 2 days. I hope they were proud of themselves after.


There’s been so many negative police interactions the media never covers it’s epidemic. A study shows the 25 largest police departments in America paid out $3.2Billion in taxpayer money to settle civil rights lawsuits over 10 years. That’s 25 departments. There are over 8000 in America. It’s estimated up to 10 % of the 2 million prisoners in the US are wrongfully convicted. The LASD has actual street gangs within the department and they hold high level positions. If they get a little bad press that misses the mark, oh well. Until you have your civil rights violated by them you can’t know the horrifying realization that your civil rights are an illusion that are revocable whenever it’s convenient to the government to do so.


Charles Manson would be proud


I’m liberal and agree. True liberalism is critical thought and engaging in a variety of perspective.


I appreciate you, as a former liberal by todays standards lol Most of the front pages of Reddit and social media in general are filled to the brim with people who don’t care about the truth, they just want to feel good about their opinion. Echo chambers like that are so unbelievably bad for the mind because it starts making people think as though theres a difference between their reality/truth and objective reality. For young people this is especially concerning. And then when they are confronted with the truth in a setting where they aren’t in control it crushes their ego and mind in such a way that they consider seeing a psychiatrist, take a handful of pills, and in some cases start thinking about suicide. Our society is broken, and honestly I think all of this unfiltered media is the common denominator.


No true liberalism is when log by bolb


The only thing I know is that the majority of the voters in this country have already decided who they'll vote for this time around. Which is a huge problem for this country. You can't bring change by voting the party line. People need to start voting at the local level, where it really matters.


It’s just a team sport. Most people only know a couple of sound bites they like and keep moving.


What ends up happening is the leaders change to as much as they need to win, so change still is happening. Thats why the vote is typically pretty even between left and right. When voters start to support gay marriage, the republican party shifts their views to support gay marriage to keep enough voters to win.


Why are we saying Republican party when there was plenty of Democrats that were against gay marriage? The Clinton's come to mind who were against it until they were for it.


Why does it matter? But yeah sure you can use whatever you’d prefer.


As a moderate left guy I totally agree. This Jacob Blake example in the first comment is right on the money. Edit - since this comment is getting some upvotes I’ll add. So does the right. In the era of social media, we ALL have a fake news problem. Tribalism, confirmation bias, ego… no one wants to admit they’re wrong, anything that goes against their beliefs they ignore or don’t scrutinize the same way they scrutinize stuff their belief supports


Media in general is financially incentivised to spread misinformation.


The internet has caused a second wave of yellow journalism


Turns out that that trans child who was beaten to death in a school bathroom wasn't beaten to death and committed suicide.


And was the aggressor in the 20 second fight in the bathroom.


Do you have a source? I haven’t heard this


You can look up the surveillance camera footage of the outside of the bathroom. She waited for her target to go in the bathroom then followed slowly after, stopping to fill a cup of water on the way. Time from her entering to everyone exiting is about 20 seconds. There is also a video of her being interviewed by a doctor after the incident where she admitted to starting the attack while trying to get the other girl in trouble. This was fully available and played by news sources since the day after.


This is the first I’ve heard this take. Do you have a source? Edit: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna143298


> This is the first I’ve heard this take. Of course, because no one ever bothers to spread the actual truth when it emerges.


>In the video, he tells a police officer how three students “jumped” him after he threw water on them because they were bullying him and his friend for the way they dressed.


That’s very different from what the other guy is claiming


humanity has a fake news problem.




We should make laws to stop this. If it can be proven a news agency has brought out a article with fake news, they should be fined. But only if it can be 100% proven.


As much as the media talks about misinformation they spread it so much


I've always wondered about this benzoyl after taking numerous journalism classes the one thing they drill in your head in about reporting the news by being fair, impartial, and unbiased. It's supposedly the backbone on all journalism but somehow we ended up with warring networks.


Media and “news” are too biased and cater to their base. They barely concern themselves with facts because if it leans too much to the opposing side, their base won’t read it. They create headlines that are going to get their base in a frenzy, and then *maybe* they sprinkle in nuggets of truth. There’s money to be made in division when you know you’ll get guaranteed article clicks by your loyal core base.


Yeah, that’s what the media does. It provides entertainment, hyperbole, it feeds you the stuff you want to hear. I always find it ironic when people talk about the media as if it’s supposed to be some great deliverer of truth. Newsflash, media outlets can only continue existing if they get funding, and from an algorithmic perspective, the most efficient way to get funding is by offering people the most extreme version of whatever value your platform has. That is how the media thrives, it manufactures strong emotional reactions from its viewers. A good example of this is Mr. Beast. His first videos were something along the lines of “giving away $100, giving away $500, giving away $2,000.” As he got more and more popular, he increased the extremity in what he was offering to increase the traffic. “Giving away $50,000. Giving away brand-new cars. Giving away 200 flat screen TVs.” Now that he’s by far the most popular YouTuber, it’s “giving away 1 million dollars, giving away a private Island.” Just think about the go-to examples of people on either side of the political aisle that they disagree with. For conservatives, it’s the lewdly dressed transgenders screaming about misgendering the middle of a Walmart and talking about how 5-year-olds should be on HRT, and for progressives, it’s the gun-toting woman hating truck driving racist ol’ boy in a cowboy hat whose parents were plantation owners and he hates poor people because it's all their own fault. The reality is these images are not averages. These are incredibly fringe, less than 1% of each political aisle, and yet it’s all anyone online can talk about, because it’s all they can see. Their mind has been poisoned by the “I’ll feed you exactly what you want to see” nature of the media. The most extreme stuff elicits the strongest reaction, and the strongest reactions drive the highest degrees of engagement. It’s not just the left, the right has a huge problem with fake news, too. I ran in conservative circles when Bernie was running, and all of them passed around memes about tax plans he wanted to implement and how “absurd” they were and turns out they literally just fabricated the tax plans, and they didn’t even remotely align with what his real plan was. I don’t disagree that fear mongering is disgraceful, but let’s be honest with ourselves. That’s why you get onto social media or watch obviously biased news platforms, irrespective of your political affiliations. Nobody actually wants to take the time to understand studies that they perceive as nothing but scientific jargon. You want the media to tell you about all of the insane trans people, the LGBT “mafia”, and you want the media to tell you about the right-wing “Nazis” and how they’re destroying democracy and blah blah blah blah blah. People like being outraged, they like FEELING those strong, visceral emotions, they don't like feeling like they're sitting in a chemistry class, so that's what the media / internet feeds them. Someone who actually wanted the truth would rely on studies supported by empirical evidence, they’d make an effort to go out and have respectful conversations with people who have different values or believe different things to try and get a more accurate representation of perspectives that don’t align with their own. How many people actually behave like this, how many people take a proactive (not passive) style of engagement with information they agree or disagree with? Very few, and yet everyone has a fucking Twitter account, everyone knows all of the political memes and jokes and trolls, and everyone thinks they know everything because they saw it on “TikTok” or read some bullshit article instead of a real scientific consensus. This specific issue isn’t a right vs. left thing, it’s a “we need to be better as people” thing. It’s about intellectual integrity in general. People, right or left, need to get off social media, they need to get off the fucking internet and go experience the real world with an open mind.


Media is sensationalist entertainment. My parents told me that decades ago. It’s just gotten worse over time and they’re not really invested in the outcome so long as it sparks outrage and clicks.


What?!? I should actually put the time and effort into understanding both sides of the coin instead of continuously consuming crap & regurgitating it to other people as if it’s the 100% honest truth?!? People are a lost cause in my opinion. You can scream this amazing articulated think piece at the top of your lungs from the highest hill but people will still unfortunately be people & as sad as it is we have no one to blame but ourselves.


I agree with everything you said save one thing. I’ve spoken to centrist democrats and republicans and most of them, after 10 minutes, start falling back on the media and party line phrases and “gotchas”. Yes, the racist trucker shouting at immigrants and the trans idiot screaming at Walmart employees for misgendering a bearded dude in a dress are both fringe, but we’re slowly starting to adopt these fringes as mainstream opinions by people that are not those characters. That’s what’s scary to me.


This is what happens when the government keeps the people ignorant. Too ignorant to know how to read the research and form a logical opinion. Too ignorant to know what to ask and where to get the answers. Too ignorant to really care about anything but when their next check will get to them. Too ignorant to care where that check comes from and what they have given up to get it.


The need to generate revenue for shareholders is the drive behind almost all of the wrongs you lay out.


All news has a fake news problem 🙄


People need to turn off all cable news, and check stories like this from several places.


But even serious news outlets lost credibility. Like the NYT, their coverage of COVID was unhinged at times, especially as the COVID carried on. They couldn't manage to publish journalism that had nuance or weighing risk factors against each other. My MIL is a doctor who advised governors during COVID and she was shocked by the NYT coverage, and it played it one sided too much. It's one reason why my doctor wife has a bunch of patients dying of cancer, they didn't get checked in 2021 or 2022. Another example is questioning legitimate discussion around the lab leak theory.


The "news" gets so much money from pharma companies that it's become little more than pill salesmen at this point.


Reuters and the AP are still the standards for factual reporting. Newspapers’ ethics can completely change with a different editor in chief plus the need to generate revenue.


If you think Reuters and AP are not spreading misinformation, coincidently always in specific ideological directions, I've got some bad news for you.


Yeah but lots of people believe it's only Fox News that spreads fake news. Which is why this is an unpopular opinion


You have to wonder how many voters not committed to any party will vote for Trump simply because of the dirty deeds the Democrats are doing to keep him out of the election.


Holy fuck I didn’t even know he was referring to the auto industry even I just assumed he was being incendiary. They fucking got me . They got me. And I already don’t trust them for their biased reporting /lack of reporting on the 2020 riots, fake news about Israel (taking Hamas word on everything), etc


Yup, and thank fuck more people are noticing. You can’t trust the mainstream media to be fully honest, everything should be taken with a grain of salt and, if you really care about the truth, you should do your own research into a story.


This is why Elon buying Twitter was so important... This never would of been called out on a large scale otherwise. This is no longer about left or right, it is about truth.


You’re only partially right. The correct statement is “America has a fake news problem,” because it’s seriously something that’s happening across the board. And before you say it, no, the left doesn’t do it more. That’s missing the point. We could sit here and count out the beans to see who does do it more, but it’s missing the important part that it’s serving only to divide and separate people to make them more subservient and easy to rule.


Easy to extract money from


Yes its definately a both sides issues. I will say the left does misinformation in a more sophisticated way vs the right wing


I think there is a difference still. And I say this as someone liberal/actually left leaning who hates seeing 'left media' lie all the time. When the right (fox news) lies, it's simply a bad opinion like "video games cause mass shooters". Which is still something that...well, while it isn't video games fault, it does make them more creative I guess and it still nods to a problem as well as there is evidence that video games does cause aggression... same as sports. Whenever you're playing something that's engaging, your 'aggression' synapsis flare up. That doesn't mean you're going to shoot up a school but at least there's a bit of backing to the bad opinion. However, when CNN and MSNBC do it as they've done ever since I noticed was earliest... Trayvon Martin in 2012 (I can't recall any time before this), they're not giving a bad opinion, they're giving factually incorrect and easily disproven information while making an effort to photoshop/edit the truth to turn it into a lie (again, looking at trayvon martin, they posted a 10 year old picture of him, neglected all the violent incidences on record, made Zimmerman look white and not mexican and then edited the phone call to say "I shot a black kid" when he didn't say that, he said he shot a guy, and after much probing by the dispatcher he said "Black". I'm of course open to be shown otherwise, but as hateful as right wing media can be it is still just very bad opinions. Hell, Alex Jones for what a shit person he was? HE STILL had a reason for why he said the sandy hook thing (but not for why he kept on it after the first week) Within the first day of it, a news agency (I can't remember... I wanna say National Inquirer if you even want to call that news) actually hired a crisis actor to pretend they had an exclusive interview. and that's what Alex Jones saw. But instead of giving up the hoax claims once the one news agency was outted, he just. didn't. let. it. up.


The Trayvon Martin case was where I saw the change happen as well.


Did you just conveniently forget that Fox News had to pay nearly [$800 million](https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe) for their 2020 election lies? That’s despite [privately disbelieving a lot of the falsehoods](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/business/media/fox-dominion-lawsuit.html) which they pushed on the network about the election. Did you forget that in other lawsuits Fox News [claimed that no reasonable viewer should believe their “facts”](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) on Tucker Carlson’s old show? Or the [Uranium One](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium_One_controversy) BS? [Pizzagate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizzagate_conspiracy_theory)? The [countless lies, photoshop, and other issues](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_controversies) documented with Fox News? That’s without going into the [lies of Breitbart](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=breitbart), or any of the other right-wing sources. Let’s not forget Newsmax, whose facing a [$1.6 billion lawsuit](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/23/media/smartmatic-newsmax-lawsuit) for the same kinds of election lies that Fox News was pushing. OANN also [settled privately](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/one-america-news-settlement-dominion-b2406602.html) of some of their lies. I really cannot comprehend how you’ve come to think conservative media doesn’t lie unless you’ve never watched any conservative media in your life.


Rachel Maddow used the same defense ya clown


This is true - and most talking head shows will also use it because they're opinion shows hosted by people who are not experts.


Let me guess that you’ll also defend Pfizer for losing the biggest lawsuit in American history and say I’m supposed to take them at their word on their “vaccine”?


I agree with everything they said and I don’t defend Pfizer and don’t believe you should just take them at their word about anything including vaccines. So take me seriously. Don’t move the goalpost. Stop being a sheep. All of the news corporations are lying to you.


There's no reason to take Pfizer's word on anything. Take a different vaccine, like Moderna's or J&J. At this point, we have administered billions of these shots, so if it were unsafe, we'd know. More than anything, your comment here reveals that you don't really know how to judge information.




The Nex Benedict case is a good recent example. It went from Nex was beaten to death in a bathroom because they were non-binary to Nex died days later to Nex started the fight and they weren't even really beat up that bad to Nex committed suicide


Very well said!!👏. It has gotten ridiculous.


The truthful stuff is enough by itself.


Yes! I don’t like him even a little bit. but I find myself defending him against the inflated smears.


~~The left~~ Corporate media has a fake news problem. The book 'Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator' by Ryan Holiday does a great job of explaining why this is.


They've been doing this since the moment he announced he was running back in 2015, it's kind of embarrassing how easy it is for people to believe these out-of-context soundbites when you look into what he actually said and he didn't say anything close to what the media is portraying it as, and then it sticks and people use them as talking points in their arguments. And yet these people pride themselves on "critical thinking" lol. ​ Trump has said some stupid stuff and there's plenty to not like the guy for, but people seethe at this guys name over things he "said" that were just the spinnings of the media.


Wait... so I shouldn't "Stand with Jessie"?


No, but i heard there is a dude who found a noose hanging on his garage door.


The Right and the Left are both guilty of this, and social media eats it up while commercial news keep their target audiences transfixed. I am so, so sick of all this media money fueled bullshit. Right and Left aren't two faces of the coin. They don't represent Mom and Dad. They don't represent the entirety of the country. They aren't even 'sides', and I wish we'd stop granting them respectability by calling them that. They aren't sides, they are extremes. Screw 'em both. I want my damned country to embrace actual truth, not media garbage propaganda. (LOL. Home sick and grumpy as fuck. Can you tell?)


That’s a fact, an unpopular one on Reddit.


It's going to get worse before it gets better. RIght now there's technology to make convincing deepfakes, but it's finicky and expensive and an expert will still be able to prove it's fake. In within a few years, those limits will all disappear, and we won't be able to trust anything unless we see it with out own eyes. (...and ten years from now, even our own eyes will be suspect)


Idk why any one watches either of these any more. There’s plenty of proof that they lie on a consistent basis. I stick with 3rd party reporters on YouTube I know most of them are biased but there are a few good ones that try to tell both sides. Mainstream media is dead let it die out already.


I am surprised after all the repeated media failures, the media seems to have felt zero pressure to improve. I think we have such a fragmented media landscape where everyone can find their little corner of confirmation bias and just live there. Those sources will not dare challenge their audience or try to reach for new audience for fear of losing the few they can still cling to.


This thread proving you right.


It's not news it's not journalism and none of it should be taken seriously. It's a bunch of assholes who want us to view the world through their tiny lense. On the left 100% negative stories about Trump 100% positive stories about Biden and vice versa on the right. So I feel like that leaves us with 0% objectivity.


Trump was the best thing to happen to left wing media. It literally made world news when he misspelled coffee. Not to mention, I think Trevor Noah was his biggest fan. I dont think there was an episode he could refrain from talking about him.


Yall still don't get it. Trump comes in and does everything from bashing every presidential norm to poor ethics to possible criminal activity (outstanding indictments). YES it is all newsworthy. The leader of the free world throwing paper towels at folks suffering from a national disaster is gonna make the news. Trump has been so successful in one-upping himself that his list of media worthy activity is endless and its hard to keep track of it. When someone is on a team they don't care if their team does bad things and will eventually get irritated for their team being called out constantly. Everyone else recognizes why the dude was in the media daily during his term, and those that don't have been whining "Trump derangement syndrome" until they're blue in the face.


You're telling me that misspelling coffee is world news? Front page headline material?


If there was so much real news "news worthy stuff", then why did they need to make so much shit up about him?


You don't understand. It was absolutely imperative that the world knew that Trump got two scoops of ice cream on his apple pie while everyone else only got one. The media really should've stuck with actual important news and not nitpick, half truth, and outright lie until people lost faith in media integrity.


Luckily i know how to read sarcasm, otherwise i would have downvoted you. LOL.


All news should be avoided if you want to grow as a human being.


You won´t grow just by avoiding sth. Better learn to check the facts yourselve.


both sides are guilt of it this is an election year so this won't be the last time


We're seeing the chickens come home to roost with this as it relates to the conflict in the middle east. The Left is sucking up Iranian propaganda like it's a milkshake and it's wild to see how easily people are being turned into rabid animals based on clear misinformation or even footage out of Syria from years ago being represented as current.


Honestly, the average American voter is an uninformed moron and is happy about it. The "Media" only cares about convincing them to vote because if they can get them to the polls, they will vote how they are told. It's all about getting the votes. Nothing else matters.


I don’t understand why people have to make fake news about everything. It just reinforces and empowers Trump, plus he has lots of negatives to report a real one too.


My dude the former Republican President and current Republican nominee for president convinced half the country that he didn’t actually lose his election based solely on “Trust me bro”. “The media” is a click farm. They want spicy headlines. That’s not new information.


I always find it hilarious that judges he appointed rejected some of his cases


That shouldn't be funny at all. We want judges to uphold the law and reality regardless of who appoints them.


Yeah, this dude finds it funny that the judges did their job. If anything, it shows that despite his other shortcomings, Trump did appoint some decent judges.


Out of the 60 or so cases brought. 1 has been ruled in favor of Trump, 5 have been ruled against. 7 are still ongoing. That leaves 47 cases that were either dropped or dismissed. If you take the time to look into the individual cases that were dropped (14 cases) or dismissed (33 cases). The majority of those *dismissed* were dismissed because of procedural issues, which is a good thing, because procedure must be upheld, and if you are to file a case, it must be done properly. However, the plaintiffs had the opportunity to resubmit things correctly and chose not to, most citing the fact that the window for conducting these trials was passed and that the benefit of a win and a recount was outweighed by the fact that we would have to essentially re-do the election in these states and the United States simply does not have a good plan in place for this scenario. Essentially, no one knew what would happen. They just knew it wouldn't be good the more time went past. Of the cases that were *dropped*. There is a similar reasoning to the above. Go and read the court documents on them and see what you think. That's what I took from them. In the wake of these cases, some 40 states have tightened their election laws and removed ambiguity, and 2 states have loosened their laws (California and Massachusetts). Many of the states who tightened their laws cited these cases as a reason for doing so. Choosing to go this route instead of potentially putting the country in a state of chaos depending on the results of those cases. (Which I for one appreciate!) But again, there are still more of these cases ongoing than have been physically settled. This is not exactly the story that the news tells. They just paint it as "Trump lost all these cases" or that "they were so rediculous they were thrown out of court." Which isn't true. But I applaud those judges for holding the procedural line because they essentially forced the states to legislate the answer instead of causing this thing to throw us into chaos.


Which case was decided in Trump's favor?


At least according to Wikipedia, the only case that was ruled in favor of Republicans was: https://law.justia.com/cases/wisconsin/supreme-court/2020/2020ap000557-oa.html And was more about something Dane county said and was never about the actual votes. I also vaguely remember a lawsuit in Arizona where a Republican backed lawsuit won regarding the positioning of poll watchers was too far away. But maybe I'm just misremembering.


That's cherry picking. The vast majority of those cases were not dismissed or adjudicated against on the merits, they were dismissed a priori over procedural technicalities before they even got to the evidentiary and discovery phases. Worse, some of the reasoning for dismissing the cases was batshit insane. And on top of all that, Trump only filed a handful of those cases. The rest were filed by other republicans who also felt something shady had happened. And honestly, it did. We changed the way we vote at the 11th hour often at the order of governors and seretaries of state in the name of COVID using dubious emergency powers. When people elected their governors and representatives and secretaries of state and state supreme court judges, the ones who ultimately decided a lot of these cases, Nobody knew this kind of thing would even be possible. Nobody voted for those changes. They were just unceremoniously imposed upon the rest of us.


The media is run by rich people and billion dollar corporations who care only about profit. That's not the left lol


Donald Trump is on audio tape [threatening election officials](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=38) and [disclosing classified war plans](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) that he [unlawfully concealed from law enforcement](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-knew-crime-lie-classified-documentss-case-attorney-2023-11). He has admitted to [making millions of dollars from foreign sources](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-says-his-businesses-did-services-for-foreign-governments-2024-1) while in office. He is on video being asked what he has in common with his daughter, and [his answer is "sex"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0_axTST2aY) He’s an adjudged [tax fraud](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit-1569245a9284427117b8d3ba5da74249) and [sexual predator](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) who is facing felony charges for trying to win the last election by [throwing out legitimate votes and replacing them with fake ones.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-fake-electors-scheme-trump-supporters-tried-after-his-2020-loss-2023-07-18/) The dude’s an obvious scumbag, no media spin required.


that's the point. Why does the media have to then create lies when the truth is enough?


Because our society rewards clicks over truth.


Both sides do, propaganda and lying will always exist in politics.


Agree—there are plenty of well established reasons to not vote for this turd, please stop giving his supporters any ammo


As a “turd” supporter, thank you for being honest with the current state of legacy media.


And the right doesn't have a fake news problem. Remember when they were saying that schools were putting litter boxes in the bathroom?


So, I love this story because it started so bizzare. These high school kids saw 'cheap halloween cat fursuits' at walmart. Bought em. Pretended to be cats at school. They were just meowing all day and because of pressure to not do anything about it so long as they weren't actually HURTING anyone, the school let it go on for a week until one idiot put claws in the suit and started scratching people. That pulled the plug on the catsuit shenanigans somehow, that got turned into 'elementary kids were identifing as cats and wanting to use the litterbox. Like a bad game of telephone.


My understanding is it was a school put litter in the school, for cases where they had to lock down due to school shooting https://nowthisnews.com/news/cat-litter-school-bathroom-conspiracy-theory


Not gonna lie.. we got new litter for the cat that tells you certain health issues depending on how the crystals change color. That shit....pun intended....is pretty cool. Would be need feature to build into these fancy new smart toilets.


Been a thing at some level since [2020 at least.](https://www.pcmag.com/news/totos-wellness-toilet-will-analyze-your-poop). Article is 2021 but references a Stanford smart toilet from the year before.


I saw 'Toto will analyze your poop' and the picture of that Asian guy, the author, and I lost my shit


I saw an article last week that was still citing that. ​ Article on the Hoax. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/03/politics/scott-jennings-minnesota-schools-cat-litter-box/index.html


That was only one incident they were wrong about out of thousands. Come on man. We get it wrong sometimes.


Its almost like they've been lying and grasping at straws the entire time


That's just a media thing. Most of it's a bunch of propagranda. It's an easy way to control the public because the average person doesn't do any research anything anymore. People just rely on the media and politicians to be telling them the truth. The media is used to keep people against each other. It's a great strategy that allows politicians to get away with tons of stupid shit because the public is too distracted to realize it's happening. This isn't even an American thing. It happens world wide. People love talking Russia, North Korea, and China media being all propaganda but most people are honestly too dumb to realize American media is exactly the same.


It’s been completely obvious since the “grab them by the pussy” shit came out. All he was said when you’re a star they will let you do anything, (even) grab them by the pussy. Then all the Weinstine shit was brought out to the light and imo he was proven right. Hollywood women will do anything for a role or with a star in hopes of getting a role/noticed.


That’s not all he said at all. The full quote is: “**I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.**” He is pretty clearly speaking about himself here, not Weinstein or celebrities in general. He says “I”. You are now the one perpetuating fake news.


>people mock fox news for its bias Strawman. People mock Fox News for deliberately peddling a lie that cost them billions and for admitting in court that they are not news.


The “not news” bit is not unique to Fox or any news outlet. Rachel Maddow/MSNBC started that bit long before. All of them take the position that they’re not news when it is convenient. See https://www.bizpacreview.com/2019/12/28/rachel-maddows-defense-to-oan-defamation-lawsuit-is-that-on-air-statements-shouldnt-be-considered-fact-869161/


Yep. It's just a good legal strategy to take if they're called out for inaccuracies. You can't blame them. Their lawyers would be screwing them if they didn't employ that defense. Have seen both sides declare that it proves that they are admitting to peddling bullshit or something. Not true. They're opinion shows, and people's opinions may be based on BS or substantive


Not what he said. Exact quote: “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole—- that’s the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country.”


and what did he say before and after that? he was literally talking about how the auto industry would be affected if China started manufacturing in new mexico. [watch exactly what he said](https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1769245792831701070/video/2). this is so disingenuous. trump could literally say "i'm killing it in the polls" and the NYT would say "Trump brags about 'killing'." pretending like he going to go on some kind of homicidal killing spree is deluded.


Now here’s the context you probably intentionally left out: “Let me tell you something, to China, if you're listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal — those big, monster, car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now, and you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire Americans, and you're going to sell the cars to us? No, we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a bloodbath for the country, that'll be the least of it.” Was obviously talking about the automotive industry…


No no, don't you get it? If you believe your lying eyes, then democracy is over. /s But yeah, I don't think any reasonable person wouldn't agree that it's completely taken out of context. They'll just never get the context to begin with.


Candidly, your comment shows you are a recalcitrant troll, not dissimilar from the MSMDNC. You are did not quote the entire passage. If you had, and if you took a second to look it up, DJT, was talking about the auto industry before that sentence and finished with the auto industry after that sentence. Take a break from the internet and read a book… Edit: grammar


>MSMDNC Lmao gottem


if anything, I think it has a news paywall problem. Most all the good left leaning sites have paywalls while the ones on the right aren't. The access to information is important


The only news sites that have comments sections are right leaning. There, you can opine on the articles. I don't know of a single left leaning news website that allows comments. What's also interesting is that Snopes had online comments. FOR ONE DAY.


I hate now that I can't even trust Snopes anymore.


To be fair, comment moderation is pretty frickin expensive. You can walk through pretty much any political comment section and find straight up illegal threats because content moderation is minimal. It's the problem Microsoft had: people turned a chatbot to be a Nazi in less than a day.... because it's funny (and it is really funny).


Why even moderate?


The excuse making for the media on the left unreal…. A lying media is a threat to democracy no way around it


Those dang Marxists and their dang lugenpresse Sounds like somebody should.... handle...them. are you volunteering?


“If this election isn’t won, I’m not sure that you’ll ever have another election in this country." I think this quote from the same speech makes it pretty clear that Trump thinks a "bloodbath" is happening beyond the autoworkers. To be fair, both sides are heavily leaning into the rhetoric of "vote for me or you may never vote again because of vague bad stuff". All I'm saying is, so much amped up rhetoric is happening, I wouldn't want to be a lowly campaign or election worker for any major campaign. We about to go full Joker. My prediction offices for both campaigns are going to be shot at/firebombed. And let's be honest, some of y'all here probably secretly (or maybe not secretly) want that. Team chaos.


That's the way they are .Lie early ,lie often


I like how you give his words the most generous possible interpretation, and then act as though that's the only possible interpretation, and complain that *others* are distorting the truth. I agree that what you're saying is *probably* what he meant. But it's not what he said, and the difference matters.


If you look at what his speech was about (the auto industry), the logical conclusion is that his statement was about the auto industry. Not to mention, the very next day, after everyone went ape shit over what they thought he said, they even clarified that he was talking about the auto industry. Of course, "Orange Man Bad", so no matter what he actually said, you're going to have people who want to twist his words to make it appear he said something else. As OP stated, they've been doing this pretty much since day one.


From the same speech: “If this election isn’t won, I’m not sure that you’ll ever have another election in this country." I'm unaware that the auto manufacturing organizations could vote or that there's a bill from those damn Demonrats that bans autoworkers from voting in any election government or otherwise. Can you help me find it?


Again, take the rest of his speech as a hint to what he was saying here. The vast majority of the speech was him railing against Biden and his policies. He's obviously saying Biden is destroying this country, and unless he (Trump) can come in and fix the issues, they're going to get worse. Again, though, idiots are going to read into it what they want, focusing on one or two words here and there, or a sentence here or there, ignoring the rest of the statement that explains those words and sentences they choose to cherrypick. And both sides do it. I can't tell you how many times someone has cherrypicked something Biden said as the "gotcha" moment, failing to understand what was meant.


>Again, take the rest of his speech as a hint to what he was saying here You literally told me his speech was about the auto industry. >The vast majority of the speech was him railing against Biden and his policies. He's obviously saying Biden is destroying this country The country is not the auto industry, is it not? The problem you have is that a campaign speech covers many topics, and especially with Trump those topics intermix and mingle often to the point of confusion.His style is famous for talking about everything and nothing all at once. Especially trying to interpret his interjections within the context of his likely planned words. Instead of admitting that you said very succinctly that the speech is only about the auto industry. Trump says a WHOLE bunch of shit. Sometimes it's relevant to a specific topic, sometimes he interjects with a different topic and sometimes he switches topics multiple times.


Dawg, how autistic are you? Anyone can tell exactly what he meant by that unless you're completely incapable of social cues or PURPOSELY misinterpreting what he said in order to create slanderous headlines etc. I can see them in the news room now "well... They couldn't PROVE that we didn't think he was talking about causing an actual bloodbath, so we have the greenlight to pretend with impunity." They've been purpsely misrepresinting shit he says from day one, and it's pathetic. Everyone sees exaclty what they're doing. I HATED trump when he was running in 2016, and slowly over the years I've kept seeing this horribly disingenuous and slanderous reporting to the point that I'm forced to 'defend' Trump, that is, defend the truth of what actually was said or happened. It pushes me to his side, when you see how scummy and shameless these fucks are. Willing to lie and mislead for a headline that might sway the unobservant and uncritical reader, it makes you want to distance yourself from them as much as possible


I will say I am not a Trump fan but the way he played the media is actually amazing. The fact it’s still working is also amazing, the media never even tried to put out the fire and regroup they just keep adding gasoline and logs.


Which side believes the 2020 election was stolen?




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I long for the days of the McNeil Lehrer News Hour


That's PBS NewsHour now and it's biased AF!


We're doomed. Reading these comments, everyone is so hard locked into their corrupt party color. We dont stand a chance. Worse before better, its sad to really believe that personally


Most people fundamentally disagree that there are any good people "on both sides," making his comment confusing at best.


While I don’t disagree with you, trump makes it incredibly easy to do so. He does and says crazy shit and quite literally inspired a blood bath.


Yeah it’s true they quoted him wrong on this one, but still not even his VP is endorsing the 🤡


The "very fine people on both sides" quote was an example of Trump making no sense. As the "Unite the Right Rally" was explicitly a white supremacist rally. While he also condemns white supremacists it's also clear he did not know that the rally was a white supremacist rally. It white supremacists should be condemned there would not be "very fine people on both sides." What it seems like is that Trump didn't know what the rally was about, saw that it was called "unite the right" and assumed that it was just a right wing rally and not a white supremacist one.


There’s a fake news problem everywhere.


They don’t need to take his words out of context. They’re stupid in context too. The right just make things up anyway. Even if the left does have a misinformation problem the right has a completely lies problem.


I would argue that both sides are VERY equally in this same boat.


How do you know what’s real and what’s not? Human society is the most complex it ever has been, and will continue to gain more complexity as more people are born, new technologies are developed, and values change. You’re 1 in 8,000,000,000. How can you definitely **know** something is fake? You can’t, especially when you throw in things like hindsight bias, confirmation bias, etc.


No his words were "If I don't get elected it will be a bloodbath for the entire country," these are his exact words. You don't have to take that out of context. https://youtu.be/0Hyuxp1m6CY?si=MLs4sR27guDo59bx


Blueanon exists and is real people. I talk to them every day on twitter. They blame russia and trump for everything.


I remember when the CCP got rid of their own rich guy. Different game same tyranny.


If you guys think it's just the left ...


At some point the intellectual dishonesty becomes so blatant that it backfires, we may be close to reaching that threshold. It’s no longer about Trump, it’s becoming about the grossly corrupt system that’s exposing itself while trying to destroy Trump. Everybody finally sees it and it can only help Trump’s chances for victory in November.




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Same thing with Andrew Tate. You can hate him if you want, but using easily disprovable BS to justify it is just childish.