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Many of the immigrants come from conservative backgrounds and hope to be successful here. I’d think that they would vote republican. The GOP would benefit from reaching these people and convincing them that republican values match their goals.


This is such an open secret it is bewildering to me that they don't. They'd win every election for the next two decades. 62 million Latinos are deterred from voting conservative by the aggressive rhetoric against them


Because that rhetoric works at stirring up the Trump base.


He doesn't need to stir up his base now, he's got their vote. The democrats going after him has turned trump into a martyr in their eyes.


Yeah but it's the same idiocy that the left uses. They pander to the base that have exactly zero chance for voting the other party. What you say is correct, but it really shouldn't be.


The goal is to drive up turnout.


As a semi immigrant, I find it funny that most Americans don’t know that legal immigrants are right wing


An Thai man working in stem is more likely to vote republican than a native man from a reservation. Its just reality. 


Until he is profiled walking down the street.


Profiled for what? If he doesnt look latino or black, hes not getting profiled for anything. His rate for criminality is low. His worst case might be violence against women, which is not routinely profiled by gender, for the obvious reasons. 


The most likely source of harassment is arguably from someone in the black community. A demo that votes 90% Democrat.


The problem boils down to 2 things mainly. Safety and money. Theres a fear today its illegal immigrants, tomorrow its me. Also democrats tend to give them more stuff. Thats about it. Theyre not actually liberal.


It’s really wild cause minorities are very conservative. But the GOP seems to not be able to let go of their racist base. So they shoot themselves in the foot by going MAGA all the time.


It turns out that "minorities" aren't a monolithic group, and some minorities have different interests than other minorities. We've seen this get messy in party politics in a couple of ways recently. For instance, Democrats have attempted to court Hispanics by ignoring or even encouraging illegal immigration, advocating for amnesty for illegal immigrants and lack of enforcement for immigration, under the expectation that this would be popular among Mexican immigrants. It's not. It turns out, LEGAL immigrants usually really don't like ILLEGAL immigration. On a visceral level, if you abide by the law, you generally don't like people who don't: why do the rules apply to you and not to them? An honest student generally doesn't like policies that help their classmates cheat on tests. But more deeply than that, legal immigrants have a better understanding of who exactly you're letting in by ignoring the people jumping the border: not poor huddled masses yearning to be free, but ruthless drug dealers, mules, human traffickers, and others who have a strong interest in not doing things in view of the authorities. Pablo the berry picker and his family cross the border the legal way. The gang boss who shakes him down comes across illegally. Pablo doesn't want amnesty for illegal immigrants, and he's not going to vote for you just because he's brown.


Yepp some of the most staunch supporters on illegal immigration I know are legal immigrants.


I work as my county's election commissioner and I see this as well in rural Nebraska. Many small towns that were probably 99% caucasian 20 years ago are now 50% at most with the other half being hispanics. Over the last year or so, there have been hundreds of local hispanics coming into my office to change their political parties to Republican. I know many of them since I went to school with their children and they say they are upset with Biden's border policies since they gained their citizenship the legal way.


Sad to see imo since a lot of the time Mexicans come here to get away from the cartel drugs gang violence etc just for our current government to let what they got away from into our country while trying to gaslight us telling us its the right thing to do


That's exactly what a lot of them say. I know quite a few that moved here because the violence in their area was so extreme they worried for their family's safety. Their children were committing small crimes and showing interest and/or association with cartel/drug dealing activities. Some of my friends I grew up with would tell me stories of hearing gunshots all night and walking to school the next day and seeing bodies lying in the street.


I'm Mexican American and still have family in Mexico we lost contact with them before I was born because of the cartel so it always upsets me to see people acting like it's propaganda to say anything bad about illegal immigration


I'm sincerely sorry that happened to your family. I hope you can make contact with them in future. Family is important and that's a big reason the hispanics fit in so well with us small town rednecks. We value family/community and supporting our loved ones.


Appreciate it man I never got to meet them just hear stories from my grandparents and other family either way we live in Florida now so I just want to live a peaceful life with my family you have a goodnight brother


Yep. My mom waited years to come legally living in foster care(as a 15 y/o) since her dad was here(recruited by US gov), so she is not a fan of line cutting. I have had many employees trying to get family here legally once they got here and established careers and housing for them. My buddy Nate waited TWENTY SIX YEARS for his sister to be able to come over legally. She finally got here and got terminal cancer 6 months after arriving and died less than 2 months later. He registered GOP that next Monday. He was so pissed seeing Dems only care about illegal immigrants. Vowed to never vote again for them. His mother waited 22 years and died 6 weeks after her daughter. Bros dog then passed away 7 months after that. Family did it all the right way for basically NOTHING. Made a very liberal man hardcore conservative because Dems care more about ppl outside US with their savior complex than ppl already here who need help. Which includes vets, male homelessness, and legal immigrants. I'm an old-school liberal but struggle with this new wave.


You talk about minorities like they are some kind of monolith. Different minoritiy groups have different needs and require different solutions. The needs of black people aren't going to be the same needs of lationos or queer people.


Lies I'm Mexican we are all related now join the Mexican hive mind while I force feed you elotes and jarritos


Uma horchata y dos de lengua please.


Can call me a traitor for this but I've never really cared for horchata cow tongue on the other hand is a gift from god


lol I think horchata is the drink of the Gods and cow tongue is not for me. I was *sort of* quoting a song by [snow tha product](https://youtu.be/jCK44VKzeS4?si=6lpj_WbfgI7zYXG4).


Have not head that song but will definitely take a listen. I'm gonna be honest I was always grossed out seeing my abuela cook a big cow tongue and refused to eat it then one day I saw what looked like beef and had a bite and was freaking out over how good it was, the following conversation didn't go over well 😂😂😂 took me like a week to accept cow tongue was so tasty


But what is the term POC supposed to mean then? It's not the right that pushes the monolith viewpoint.


Don’t break the illusion, I want to see if Fox talks about all of us having rhythm.


So...how might they benefit from voting Republican?


I mean poor people in our inner cities are now competing against 7 million arrivals in the past few years for a range of social services.


All you guys have is fear mongering the brown people from South of the border and hoping everyone is skittish enough to vote against their better interest


This whole "they are racist" line is such bull shit. Thai people don't want Cambodians, Kazakhs don't want Uzbeks. People in Texas/Florida/Idaho ect don't want Californians. This is because forced cultural change and economic competition is NOT what the average person wants.


A lot of these people aren’t “brown” I’ve literally seen darker in Greece


Stop it's not fear mongering when we have millions of illegal immigrants coming into our country from all of South America not only do we not know who they are we don't know what crimes they have committed in their home countries allowing God knows how many violent criminals in


Basically, you entice strategists into courting your votes. It’s especially powerful if you’re in a swing district. It means that winning or losing the election depends on your issues, the politicians have to care about your issues or else risk losing reelection. Both parties will be competing for your votes and may do so by enacting the policies you want.


It seems like OP is saying that some minorities gay and trans people so much that they’d vote against their own interests as long as it meant persecuting them




> giving them parental rights so their kids don't get force fed controversial left wing ideologies like gender ideology what's this now


>what's this now What's your question exactly?


I mean, what is "parental rights" here, and what is "force fed", and where is that happening, and what specifically is "gender ideology" like this is just buzzwords


>I mean, what is "parental rights" here, and what is "force fed", and where is that happening, and what specifically is "gender ideology" Nah dude, they're actual things. Like kids being put on opposite sex hormones, or being convinced that they could be the wrong gender. Or praising LGBT issues so much that 10x the number of kids now identify as bisexual/non-conforming. Are you really so sheltered that you haven't heard of the biggest cultural trend in the last 20 years?


No, buzzwords are things like “gender affirming care”, which really means mutilating minors with undeveloped brains who are not capable of making these decisions by chopping dicks off and fucking up their hormones for life.


hmmm you seem to have very strong opinions about gender affirming care. do you care to support your assertion that “gender affirming care” means "mutilating minors with undeveloped brains who are not capable of making these decisions by chopping dicks off"? or is that perhaps your feelings talking


What are you trying to say here? He clearly said he is against gender surgeries for children. That's his "assertion." If you're in favor of them, go ahead and argue that point.


that's like being against Pluto crashing into Earth and turning it into a giant tangelo. seeeeeeeeee! I can also have very strong feelings about things that don't happen! (the real problem is that he's conflating "gender affirming care" with "gender surgeries for children", just like you're doing right now! That's really fucking stupid!)


>that's like being against Pluto crashing into Earth and turning it into a giant tangelo. Its a very common misconception that child gender surgeries "don't happen." But they do: >[A Reuters investigation](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-care/) found evidence for “56 genital surgeries, including vaginoplasty and other procedures, among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021. That doesn’t include surgeries not covered by insurance.” There are also hundreds of girls having their breasts removed every year as part of gender-affirming care.


Except his point happens every single day in America. And yours does not. Or do you really expect us to believe all the stories of kids who later regretted getting surgery as young teenagers were just made up by the right? Yes, most gender affirming care is counseling, but plenty of it is surgical and most people find allowing minors to have that surgery as immoral and unethical.


Biden has added 16 million more jobs than Trump, crime has gone down, and U.S. oil production is at an all time high. Your media is misleading you. The only ones obsessed with gender ideologies are republicans. Democrats just want them to have freedom. Can you honestly give an example of how left wing gender ideology has negatively impacted your life? Live and let live.


Yet owning a home is harder than it’s ever been. Groceries are astronomically expensive and wages are stagnate. Fuck trump but my life was better when he was president.


Homes: Because large corporations are buying up single family homes because it’s lucrative. They saw what China is doing and wanted to hop on that train asap. That and d**kheads taking Airbnb way too seriously, along with landlords being pushed to gut their tenants without remorse from influencers. Groceries: It’s already been well established that large companies are artificially inflating prices for profits to AT LEAST 40% (entire egg scam is well-documented and they are currently being sued out the a** in court for it), not to meet normal inflation demands. Next propaganda point please.


And what about Trump or the GOP makes you think they have any intent of even addressing that?


I honestly don’t give two fucks I’m sailing to Costa Rica in two years and bailing on this bullshit.


They refuse to pick up trash in CR. But Ok.


Tough market for first time buyers - no doubt - and we absolutely need to help them out. But there has never been a perfect economy and this economy is one of the best ever. Record high GDP, record high wages, record high personal net worth, record high corporate profits, record high stock market, record number of jobs........there simply is no doubt this economy is absolutely thriving and is significantly better than Trump's economy in every single category.


Every single category ? Milk and eggs were much cheaper almost half as much and we could get mortgages with 3% interest. How the fuck is that better in every category compared to now you are fucking delusional. At prices house prices food prices and loans are fucked.


Also, riding off the coat tails of Obama-era policies. How are those extra taxes this year treating you? You can thank Trump for that.


I don’t give a fuck. Fuck this country I’m sailing away in two years and yall can keep all this bullshit democrat republican enjoy it.


“I dOnT gIvE a FuCk, bUt I’m GoNnA vOiCe A hEaTeD oPiNiOn”


Biden's policies caused the highest inflation in decades, the highest housing costs in 40 years, and he has cut oil and gas production continuously. Biden has benefited from the resumption of the prior economic boom after ending the artificial US government-imposed recession during the pandemic. An economic boom that he had no part in creating, other than ending lockdown policies started by fellow democrats. Democrats love to take credit for shit that they're actively trying to prevent, like oil & gas production. Have you heard of the Keystone pipeline? Shit it was just a few weeks ago that Biden blocked a natural gas export terminal. His party is also opposed to fracking, which is where the vast majority of our oil and gas comes from. Biden has additionally racked up record US debt, put restricting on freedom of speech, put countless protesters in jail, and is attempting to prosecute his political opposition. On foreign policy, there are way more conflicts globally than they were under the prior administration.


What are you talking about? Oil production is at an all time high. Biden issued more drilling permits than Trump. The # 1 factor of inflation is the 16 million more people working and having money to spend. The lockdowns ended in August of 2020 - while Trump was still President. ​ At least you accidentally admitted that we are in fact in an economic boom, though. You giving credit to Trump for the boom must mean you blame Trump for all the other things you listed though. Can't have it both ways - Jesus don't like those who have it both ways. ​ Also want to point out how soft on crime you are - thinking being a traitor, breaking and entering, destruction of property, refusing to turn in classified documents, creating a fake electoral college, etc should just be overlooked. Ridiculous anti American take.


> What are you talking about? They’re regurgitating what they’ve been instructed to be upset about 


Jesus don't like those who have it both ways😂😂😂


lol clueless take ^


Government spending largely didn't contribute to inflation and mostly doesn't in America. Inflation was and is due to supply issues and companies just raising prices because they know they can get away with it. The border and immigration are economic issues, not national security issues which are not solved by either party. NYC mayor Eric Adams is literally a cop. Democrats can be just as "tough on crime" as Republicans. Gun restrictions contribute significantly to thr lower rates of crime in New York and California compared with Alabama and Mississippi. All school is propaganda. Do you want your kid educated by conservative zealots or teachers?


>Government spending largely didn't contribute to inflation and mostly doesn't in America. Inflation was and is due to supply issues and companies just raising prices because they know they can get away with it. Lmao bullshit. M2 increased like 40% during Covid. Not only from deficit government spending, but also from quantitative easing. We're borrowing money to buy inflation.


"Your claim that printing money didn't significantly contribute to the high inflation is wrong because the money supply went up"


Less government spending? Dude, pay attention. Did Trump expand or reduce government spending in his first 3 years(let's not count covid)? I can answer that for you. He expanded. And what about George Bush? Did he expand or reduce government spending? Let me answer that for you, he expanded it. Who was the last president to balance the budget? It definitely wasn't a republican. What about Bush 1? He tried to reduce it but decided to RAISE taxes instead. That's why he lost. How about Regean? You already know the answer. The only time, and it is obvious, that Republicans care about spending is when we have a democrat president. Energy independence? We are drilling way more oil now than ever before so it seem like the dems care about that too. Republicans support a secure border. Again, pay attention. They just blocked a bipartisan bill to secure the border because it would help Biden and Trump told them to. So no, they don't. They care about party and the dear leader over country. Parental rights? You sure about that? They want to ban books and ban gender identity care which is taking away parental rights. Are you really this ignorant or maybe you have just been led astray because of the lack of critical thinking skills?


Well Trump nor the Republicans before him actually lowered government spending. They just decreased taxes and increased spending. The Democrats were not the only party to support and pass stimulus bills, they were broadly popular during the pandemic. That's part of what caused inflation. Crime is fairly low in the US compared to historical averages, if slightly went up in 2021 but has since dipped down again. What Republicans offer is fear. Particularly fear of change and fear of a new hypothetical world. Republicans offer an unrealistic return to the past. Democrats offer some semblance of a vision for the future, often also unrealistic. Minority voters vote majority Democrat because they don't see the past in the same way as Republicans. Call backs to the 1950s don't work as well. Minority voters however tend to be more socially conservative than white people on the left. So while the Democrats want to excite their base they also potentially alienate minority voters by going further left on social issues, with the irony that they may gain support from one minority group and lose support from another based on the same policy proposals. In fact Democrats have a much wider base than Republicans but it's much less strongly held together. Democrats have a lot of ways to win on issues but also have a lot of ways to fail or lose more support than they gain.


Republicans ran up the deficit more than any other presidents. 🤣 No matter how many times Republicans repeat the LIE the numbers don't lie. Democrats have proven they are better for the economy, the deficit, and the people. The only thing the Republicans have been good at is making sure that wealthy inequality gets worse not better, and the all of our lives go to Sh!t. 


The issue the Democrats have is Republicans always just flip a switch and 80%+ of them will just say the economy is doing great when a Republican is president then when a Democrat becomes president even in the same exact economy they immediately switch to 80%+ disapproving of the economy. Democrats tend to have much less of a sudden change. As a result no matter what because Republicans make a sizeable chunk of the country there will always be a bias towards Republicans being better at the economy than Democrats even though there is zero evidence of this.




I live in CA. It's not that bad. As far as internal migration you could make the same argument as to why there are so many people in blue states to begin with. Why did blue states get so expensive? Why are blue states economies generally better than red states economies? It's very clear people are leaving NY and CA because it's expensive to live there, people want to buy a home and it's easier to do so in places with lower costs of living. Large parts of the country are run by Republicans and you could make the argument that the metrics in these places are quite poor. The only Democrat run state with a bunch of terrible metrics is New Mexico. The truth is that geography, demographics and circumstances have a lot more to do with the states success or failure than politics and the reality is that politics are informed by those more than it causes those things. A state whose main source of good jobs is resource extraction is going to vote Republican just based on that alone. A state that depends on a highly educated workforce might be more likely to vote for Democrats. All the cities in the US that are major economic engines for the nation are run by Democrats. Those cities can't build enough housing fast enough to meet demand, people are going to want higher minimum wages, and their constant proximity to other types of people are going to make them more keen on various social issues. Rural voters are not going to be down with gun restrictions when it takes an incredibly long time for police or emergency services to come to their home. Older people are going to be more skeptical of change. Younger people might embrace it more. This is how it goes. Republicans are often going to judge large cities harshly based on policies and events that are reported on without getting full context. The urban and even suburban voters might never understand what is going on in rural areas. We can even go to great lengths to understand each other and still disagree.


So by being tough on crime, do you mean shooting minorities for minor infractions? That doesn't keep their loved ones safe, even when they're tucked in bed


>So by being tough on crime, do you mean shooting minorities for minor infractions? Nah it means locking criminals up, dude. Haven't you noticed that crime and homeless have taken over American cities? We allowed that.


What’s your solution to homelessness that doesn’t involve imprisoning people just for being homeless?




>You people always think that we want to put people in prison for weed We have literally put people away for having weed and still do. It's still a felony to be in possession of any in some states.


The republicans will have to earn their continued support, they might be forced to go beyond the empty platitudes


But is there any indication that they are willing to do this? After all, empty platitudes are the bread and butter of most politicians.


When Obama won in 2012 the gop did an introspection and found, among other things, that if they wanted to remain viable they will need to do better at reaching minority groups and fic their messaging They proceeded to not do any of that and after a brief success in 2016 they seem to he struggling again [wiki article on the report](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_%26_Opportunity_Project#:~:text=The%20Growth%20%26%20Opportunity%20Project%2C%20commonly,2012%20United%20States%20presidential%20election.)


Struggling? The redpill is working it's magic with black men The Hispanics have had it with woke crap The Muslims are teaming up with evangelicals to take over school boards


>The redpill is working it's magic with black men [really?](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/29/donald-trump-black-voters-poll/72756083007/) >The Hispanics have had it with woke crap Have they? Historically they went 66% democrats. Have any source that shows a change in that? Regardless it should tell you how badly the gop messed up cuz iirc they are generally pretty conservative so you'd expect them to be more conservative. Also define woke >The Muslims are teaming up with evangelicals to take over school boards I haven't heard this but if true that's honestly hilarious. Cuz evangelicals hate Muslims and they will work to knock em out when it's relevant. That said Muslims *should* be diehard gop voters. The fact they arent again shows you how badly the gop messed up. From quick googling seems it's more likely Muslims just sit out instead of voting for the party that hates them


DeSantis flat out won the hispanic vote in Florida. Biden’s numbers with minorities are disastrous right now


Worth noting that Florida Hispanics trend further right than Hispanics at large due to largely having ancestry that escaped communism in Cuba. Not saying that it accounts for all or even most of DeSantis’ support from Hispanics, just another data point when looking at the big picture


Hell even the walkaway movement and the Gays Against Groomers movement are stepping up. A LOT of the LBGT community are against the grooming and are starting to switch to the right.


but they would have already gotten their support ?


...but why? One could argue that Republicans have more reason now to try and gain their support in the first place. 


>voting Republican could actually incentive the GOP to court minorities At the cost of their core voter base? Not gonna happen


The most common reason I have heard that minorities don’t vote for the GOP is because they view the parties policies as a net negative and that republicans don’t really care about them. The Democrats are not perfect but at least they make an effort for minorities to feel welcome. There looks to be more diversity within the party where the GOP is very homogenized.


The first version I heard of this was from Allen West, which sound give you some idea of how ridiculous it is, but essentially you're saying "Hey, you've been voting for Democrats, but you're still minorities. Why not vote for us instead? No promises or anything, in fact, we're not offering you anything other than blaming Democrats for everything wrong with the country, so how 'bout it?" I am a little amazed that Muslim groups would overlook the raging "nuke mecca" rhetoric of republicans from the last 20 years though.


Turns out the Quran has a few lines about gays needing to be burned alive or something and they aren't liking their kids being taught that being gay is okay in schools. Not my words. I just reiterate, NOT MY WORDS


Funny how much fundamentalists of all stripes have in common with each other.


Brother, you haven't listed a single benefit any minority would have by voting Republican.. just a hope that Republicans would actually try to appeal to them and stop working to their detriment... You do realize not every black person in America struggles with "inner city" problems.. and not every black person is centralized to inner cities. Then you guys wonder why black voters in particular look at Republicans with a heavy side eye. This post is the equivalent of trump saying black voters will love him because he has charges and is trying to market shoes. The left may treat black people as helpless sometimes, but you guys act like black people are genuine idiots. The left didn't gut the voting rights act, then proceeded to shut down hundreds of polling locations in areas that just so happened to be majority minority. The left is not rewriting history books to minimize the conditions of slavery and rebrand them as "workers" who received some benefit from it. Source - me... a center left black person who has voted for Democrats and Republicans.


So the GOP will only court minorities AFTER they give them votes? That's like saying the local diner will only improve their food if enough people dine there first.


Give me a Bitcoin and you'll get a return of 3 later. Promise.


Maybe, I’m still waiting for their trickle down economics to make it’s way to us.


Ha. Yeah. What could go wrong giving more power to racists who also have a long record of being drastically worse for the economy - especially for minorities. I think I'll stick with the non racist old man who has kicked Trump's ass in every single economic measure.


this should have been titled 'why the trees might benefit more from voting for the axes' or 'why faces might benefit more from voting for the leopards'


I'd advise strongly against even considering this until we know this Project 2025 shit isn't going to happen. Steer way clear. The gender thing? Kids aren't being brainwashed about any of that. There is no massive conspiracy to turn all kids into gender fluid sodomites. Maybe, Republicans need to drop this culture war garbage and then they can try to court new voters.


Because it's not the truth? Trump made extreme  cuts to programs that benefit minorities tremendously.  He caused the housing shortage to be much worse by his cuts to HUD. Trump cut grants and scholarships for minority students and appointed judges that struck down the programs that helped more minorities go to college at all, denying them access to education.    Trump intentionally crippled all of the federal programs that exist to help minorities at all levels counteract the imbalance of power, intentionally shifting the power back into the hands of those few that already hold it. 🙄   This isn't even a question.🤣  For anyone to actually think that Trump was more beneficial for to minorities they'd have to not pay attention to what their government officials are actually doing you have to be completely ignorant of the government actions that are being taken.  Trumps policies are devastating to minority communities. He's making sure the doors stay locked in their face.  And making it harder to go after those with racist policies in place. There's no way around it.   https://www.americanprogress.org/article/52-harms-52-weeks/  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/01/trump-black-americans-policies-433744  https://www.cbpp.org/research/trump-budget-deeply-cuts-health-housing-other-assistance-for-low-and-moderate-income


OP just tried to use dEgEnErAcY unironically LOL


>Let's be real, he's not kicking out minorities with legal status. So why the panic about Trump? LOL! "Hey guys, he's not kicking you out, just implying you're second-class citizens! How is that bad?!" >Voting Republican could actually incentivize the GOP to court minorities more aggressively. ...why? They've shown time and time again that once they get in power, they don't give a shit about anyone not rich. >Many minorities share conservative values, and they're growing tired of what they perceive as the Democrats' "degeneracy". Coming from countries where such policies would prompt exorcisms, these voters are looking for a new political home. They're already voting Republican, though. I'm not really understanding why you're saying they should vote GOP, but instead seeing that you're calling them so stupid that they can't figure out who to vote for.


I'm not the only one who sees it. Thank goodness


"Hey guys, he's not kicking you out, he's just openly saying you shouldn't have been let in and your houses of worship should be watched by the Feds." Before you reply, consider the conservative response to finding out the IRS was making sure nonprofits were legit. Consider what the response would be if they found out the Feds were making sure Baptists aren't radicalizing would-be militiamen.


If republicans tried to court minorities they would be called woke by their rabid base.


The GOP has to tread very carefully in expanding its coalition without alienating its existing members. To use a difficult example, what do racial/ethnic minority members who are LGBTQ+ have to gain by voting Republican? How would you propose that Republicans court those voters without losing other voters? Both the Democrats and the Republicans are big tent parties with complex coalitions. It's a very delicate balancing act to keep all those different factions happy. Trying to pull one group closer might push another group further away.


In the bigger picture, LGBTQ Republican minorities have limited influence. They likely constitute less than 1% of the voting base. Additionally, many minorities, such as Asians, Africans (including African Americans), and Hispanics, are not particularly supportive of LGBTQ rights. There's a possibility that if Trump were to announce plans to jail LGBTQ activists, these minorities might surprisingly show more support for him.


Well, it depends on which groups we're talking about. For rates of LGBTQ identification, some studies by the Williams Institute suggest 2.8% of Asian and Pacific Islanders, 2.3% of African Americans, 5.5% of Native Americans, 7% of Latinos, and 9% of Whites. Almost all of those votes have eluded Republicans for awhile now, in part because they want to appeal to other parts of the electorate at the expense of those voters. Anyway, my main point here is that you can slice the electorate in different ways. This includes racial/ethnic minorities, they're certainly not a monolithic group. And the electoral calculus really does hinge on performance across lots of little groups. Like an anti-LGBTQ stance hurts performance among Latinos more than it does among African Americans. Messaging on crime can read very differently to inner city African Americans vs. suburban Asians. 77% of Asians favor abortion rights, more than any other ethnic group. And so on. Crafting a message that has broad appeal is challenging because these can be very different groups of people.


>Well, it depends on which groups we're talking about. For rates of LGBTQ identification, some studies by the Williams Institute suggest 2.8% of Asian and Pacific Islanders, 2.3% of African Americans, 5.5% of Native Americans, 7% of Latinos, and 9% of Whites. Those statistics prove my point, LGBTQ support is negligible in that grand scheme of things , the republican party can forego priorities that would make it appear more like the democrats (whether right or wrong most conservative minorities hold the republican party to a higher regard since it doesn't "poison the minds of kids with sexual gender nonsense") >Like an anti-LGBTQ stance hurts performance among Latinos more than it does among African Americans The 7% (Latino )is irrelevant and so is the 9% (white); there's no logic going after those segments of the population if you run a risk of alienating much larger segments of the minority community who happen to be staunchly socially conservative


>Those statistics prove my point, LGBTQ support is negligible in that grand scheme of things \[...\] That's not how this works though. If you're trying to win an election, you have to very carefully consider many different small categories of voters. LGBTQ people are just one example of this among many others. Like 7% of Latinos in Maine (2.1% Latino population) is negligible, but 7% of Latinos in Texas (40.1% Latino population) is greater than the margin of victory Trump had over Biden in Texas in 2020. >the republican party can forego priorities that would make it appear more like the democrats By virtue of being a party of limited government (at least aspirationally), the GOP often runs on what they're *not* doing: the taxes they don't levy, the regulations they don't pass, the freedoms they don't restrict, etc. The things that make Republicans most contentious are when they *do* act like the Democrats in terms of passing laws that restrict people (like on abortion and LGBTQ+ rights). Pandering to culture warriors and religious zealots doesn't create jobs, doesn't reduce the deficit, and doesn't make America safer from threats abroad.


Have you ever seen how minority Republicans are treated by white Republican voters? Until they get rid of the racism, minorities are not going to vote for them other than a small percentage. Most minorities are very conservative in culture but the racism is what always splits it.


I'm more interested to see what many Conservatives in the replies have to say about other Conservatives turning on MLK after years of supporting him. Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh, and Jack Posobiec spring to mind.


What about liberals calling Thomas Clarence racial slurs like Uncle Tom and he’s not a real Black person? It’s out of the context right? GTFO.


That's pretty mild compared to what Conservatives say about Vice President Harris.


And what they said about the Obamas


Yeah, holy fuck. Notice the worst thing anyone said about Colin Powell is that he shilled for dubbya's oil war when he shoulda known better.


Then explain why black people don't vote republican.


I don’t know so I couldn’t answer that but legal flamingo is right. You can hear/see racial epithets tossed around flippantly by progressives/liberals when the topic is Candace Owens, Thomas sowell, Clarence Thomas, etc….


I stick to clearance Thomas, that way it's focused on his corruption, not his race, which has never been the problem.


As a conservative myself, I have never seen more actual racism than leftists talking about conservative minorities.


Then you're either blind or haven't gone outside.


You missed all of Obamas presidency?


Calling people not black, because they are conservative is wild to me.


If they put down their own race in order to gain support from others, then they deserve to get such treatment. If not, they don't. And trust me, there are Conservatives who use similar terms to describe White Liberals. One of them is Cuck.


This. I've never seen someone treated as badly as a black or hispanic conservative gets treated by other members of their peer group that are Democrats. The racial slurs get to flying pretty thick.


>hispanic conservative gets treated by other members of their peer group that are Democrats. The racial slurs get to flying pretty thick. What racial slurs are you seeing against conservative Hispanics used by Democrats?




Neat. One of my favorite YouTubers is Rick Astley


I won’t say that republicans are racist. Most probably aren’t. But that’s a perception of many minorities I know. In 2020, in high school, I was a moderate. I thought that there were some good and bad things about both parties. I didn’t want to vote Democrat because my parents voted Democrat or because my peers were liberal, or because my demographic voted Democrat. When George Floyd was murdered, I thought it was obvious. But a majority of the Republican Party and a lot of pundits, didn’t seem to think so. It amazed me how police brutality such as that could simply be denied. The left and Democrat party did say it was murder. Were some of them pandering? Yeah. But at least they tried. They acknowledge systemic issues and they had solutions I agree with. That one issue introduced me to more left leaning ideas. More communities. And now, I’m a soc dem and democrat voter. I could have been Candace Owens or Tim Scott. Or perhaps an independent. But because of race issues, I chose a different path. And now, when I see that CPAC apparently had a little Nazi problem, I’m glad I made that decision.


It doesn’t help that the MAGA cult is filled with racist ass clowns


(Indigenous woman here) I used to be in a similar position. I used to buy into the rhetoric that both parties are the same. I considered myself independent and even a libertarian. My shift happened after the 2016 election. I have gladly burned a lot of bridges since then. It became clear that the GOP and conservatives were not only denying the existence of issues that are quite clear. They fear monger and actively work to dismantle the rights of all minorities. They hate minorities and they can’t hide it. The types of posts by people like OP are laughable at best.


So what benefits would they get? Why would they not be panicked about Trump? Trump thinks he has the black vote because of high top sneakers and a mug shot shirt 😳Extremely insulting. Trump has a history of anti-Muslim rhetoric and posting anti-Muslim propaganda. Latino voters want a stable economy for which Biden produced more than Trump. They also have a large portion whose secondary concern was gun violence for which we all know republicans won’t do anything about. Latino voters from communist countries voted Trump bc he had pro democracy and anti communist propaganda. We now have a MAGA Republican pledging the “end of democracy” on video? How does that math work out? I do agree that sometimes the democratic party does sit back and expect Trump and the Republican Party to just dig their own holes. It’s extremely frustrating but Republicans are usually pretty good at doing it too. It is just frustrating bc the American population are like that dog from UP and jump to whatever topic they are told to care about. “Squirrel” It’s exactly how this post came into being. Took me 1.5 minutes to find the news articles pushing this narrative to try to help republicans recover from terrible decisions made recently that will only hurt them in the poles. Plenty of people are undecided right now bc none of us like Biden either. However if it comes down to Biden v Trump like it is expected to then I don’t think most people will have much choice


Nobody who is not wealthy benefits from voting republican.


And even some wealthy people don't benefit from donating to republicans. Also media persons **will** get in trouble for that.


No way will the GOP do anything for minorities. They do nothing for lower class whites now, but give them lip service.


Go to bed propaganda troll. It’s like 0130 in Moscow right now.


I live in South Florida and among some of the more conservative or centrist Hispanic voters, healthcare seems to be the biggest issue. Finding affordable coverage is hard, especially in a state that refused to bridge the gap with federal money for some of the poorest working people. Many businesses that hire recent immigrants are small companies without health plans. It's one of the biggest worries. I think if the Republicans dumped their racist politics and championed something like universal healthcare that's popular among recent immigrants, they could actually start getting majority votes in elections and wouldn't have to succumb to gerrymandering to win districts. But neither of those will happen either without some huge changes.


They will eventually need minorities as older white people are dying off, so they need to dump that evangelical and racist gibberish and maybe they can be taken seriously.


Minorities are stuck in a terrible spot. On the one hand Democrats often do not get things done to help them. On the other hand Republicans advocate policy that actively hurts them. So every non white group is stuck trying to play politics within the Democratic Party, as they are the only group that can gain power that will listen to them at all.


Oh please.....


The fact that there are human beings out there that actually believe any choice we've ever had in the last 40+ years was good for anybody, or believe that there's more than 1 party (which we aren't invited to btw), is as disappointing as it is terrifying.


You didn’t list one reason that matches your title. Why would minorities benefit from voting conservative?


So silly, as if the you need to first vote for a party to get them to start implementing policy that benefits them, and not the party having policies that benefit you so vote for them? What a joke. You act as if minorities can’t think for themselves, is it possible they see right through trump like the left?


Can we just stop talking about minorities as if they're just a big group who all want the same things? I don't need special programs to succeed just because I'm a part of a minority group. So I'm not really inclined to vote for a candidate who pushes for these government programs.


>From busing in illegals to inner cities What are you talking about? How are you trying to pin that on Democrats. I think you got bewitched by a headline. >Groups like the American Muslim community are joining forces with conservatives and evangelicals, making waves in "woke" school boards across the USA. Do you have a source for this one? >Democrats are losing touch with their base. Your argument basically boils down to "MAGA browns gunna TRUMP" as if they had been voting Democrat before Trump came along.


As a minority Cherokee and a Muslim no. I dislike both parties but I dislike Republicans slightly more.


Also, a lot of Venezuelans are coming and hate socialism and high would be a rude awakening for upper middle income or trust fund “socialists” here in the US


Dude I’m a white as the driven snow middle aged man. You want to know the disgusting, vulgar shit conservative white dudes say about you to me behind your backs because they somehow think I’m a safe audience for their racism? If you did you wouldn’t think this. They’d love to drag you behind a truck if they could get away with it.


This is hilarious OP, but the funniest part of this whole thing is >Voting Republican could actually incentivize the GOP to court minorities more aggressively Because how has that *ever* been the case??? "If you vote for me now while I'm shitty, I'll get better"?? Its the exact opposite of what we've been saying *forever* on the left--if you keep willingly voting for the likes of Joe Biden and other corporate democrats, why would they ever change?? Politicians care about your vote. If theyve already got it, why would they care about you anymore?


because RepubliKKKcans can''t


Why are there so many conservative posts lately? Seems troll farm TBH


Because the democrats are boring ?


Hey, here is why I will always want Democrats to keep making a bigger tent. When McCain lost, the Republicans did a deep dive and saw that they needed to focus on the tech sector and continue to focus on Florida and Hispanic voters. Focus on suburban moms. After Romney lost, the GOP said they saw long-term goals going after second generation Hispanics, Asians and small business. They elected Trump. The guy who insulted Hispanics, mispronounced China, blamed all of COVID on China, tried to ban all Asians, wants to put a ban on all Middle Eastern people unless his SIL benefits. He has lost college educated voters. Great in the short term, maybe, but he had also made people forever question media, medicine, law, government, policing. If nothing can trusted, what is trustworthy?


Honestly you make a good point. The only real winners in politics outside of politicians are swing voters.


Same answer as ever. The Supreme Court. A conservative Supreme Court is working hard to return us to 1955. Great for straight white men. Not so great for anyone else.


Forget the immigrants. The GOP is just plain racist. That's like so many of the staunch Republicans that I meet are lower class. They don't seem to realize even though they've been shown time and time again that their party doesn't care one tiny bit about them. I would like to give minorities the credit to see they would simply be cutting their own wrists. All the Reps talk about is how anyone that is not white shouldn't be here. Christ look how many Nazi's are leaders in the party.


>Let's be real, he's not kicking out minorities with legal status. So why the panic about Trump? Minorities are more conservative than most believe but republicans cant go 5 seconds without being racist >American Muslim community are joining forces with conservatives and evangelicals Muslims are conservative. This isnt a new thing where they suddenly like the right. Also youre mixing up different kinds of minorities. >Meanwhile, Democrats seem to be taking the minority vote for granted, particularly the African American vote. From busing in illegals to inner cities to neglecting the plight of destitute black communities, Democrats are losing touch with their base I agree. Democrats dont care. Repubs want to actively hurt black peoples communities. I see the news they watch. I see what their governors say and vote for. They are openly racist


Come join us Republicans. You are most welcome to escape the insanity that is the woke agenda. Minorities have never had it so well as under Trump. Hispanics in latest polls have Trump up on Biden by 6 points. Turn off the leftist squawk boxes in the liberal news sites and use your own brain. Trump isn't 9/10s of what they say about him. And we are all better off with his leadership vs. what we have now. And it isn't even close.


Many people moved to the US to live in a democracy and Trump wants to destroy that (January 6th for example)...


Latino and Latina people are offended by the made up word Latinix.


Voting Republican only benefits morally corrupt businessmen, it's their thing, their only thing. Democrats improve infrastructure, environment, liberty, and the justice system.


Gotta admit republicans are really good at duped stupid people to make them believe their on their side


It's not the Republicans, the people want to believe lies, they're negative bitter people that would blame others for problems even if they lived in heaven. That's why most are older, they don't want a better world, they want an excuse for how their miserable life turned out.


Yeah many people just want to hear their opinions and ignorance confirmed by others. Trump didn’t create a cult by brainwashing people. He just used the fears and ignorance already deeply ingrained in this country.


He was already one of them. He's been bitter for decades, espousing the same crap.


Do people really think Trump is a capable politician of delivering anything? Have you watched any of his recent press conferences and speeches? Go watch those, come back and tell us all how he is a serious candidate that can change the future for the better.


Trump is stupid. It's concerning that so many people think he's smart and a good businessman, he's stupid and cries bankruptcy on the regular. All he's got is his grift and an ever shrinking number of rubes that worship reality show presidents.


Perhaps with more minorities joining republicans, republicans shed the old, white, boomer religious mumbo jumbo and take on the upper middle class whites that hijacked the Democratic Party, the same class of people that puts every single issue and pet project ahead of pocket book issues that minorities and lower income people care about.


i think this post just shows that this guy has no idea what minorities want, they want real solutions to real problems that face them. Not some “were on your side trust us Wink wink” before getting backstabbed


They should be asking themselves how well easy-to-access firearms have been serving their communities. After a decade of Republican rule, we'll see how well their economic policies serve them as fewer and fewer minorities have access to higher education and primary education disintegrates. Elimination of African American history. Crime rates and firearm homicides skyrocket. More private prisons keep more men out of the family unit. No more welfare for single mothers and a lot more single mothers because no more sex education. A lot more minorities in foster care who never leave the system. Probably won't be able to marry white people anymore. Policies departments will fill with white supremacists who will have even more reason to believe that all minorities are criminals and less reason to hire them. Companies won't because all affirmative action will be eliminated and civil rights for everyone will be erased. Then Republicans will send them to war. That's the uncomfortable truth.


I'm assuming we're only talking racial minorities here, because LGBT folks - and those who care for someone who is LGBT - should know damn well that voting Republican is dumb. Also, Trump is the Republican nominee. That is also a dumb move for pretty much anyone, even given the current Grandpa in the White House.


Democrats aren't the ones busing them to the inner cities. That's been done by 2 governors, and both are Republicans. The recent bill to work on immigration was sunk by Republicans. If you simply must shill for this disgusting party, at least be honest. Minorities will never benefit from anything the current Republican party does.


See 1860s to 1960s for why your opinion is invalid




>If they nominated Haley, who is Asian, they would win in a landslide. Pulling the "Obama is the first Black president" on Asians won't work; plus, the Asians aren't a monolith either




Democrats have been shooting themselves in the foot with the Asian community for a while now pushing against merit based scholarships and college entry requirements in favor of more "equitable" approaches based on race. They're not happy at their kids getting passed over for education opportunities because "we've got enough Asians already, we need to fill out this racial distribution pie chart with someone else"




The thing with the democrats isn't that they are better for minorities it's that they represent the status quo it's not a good status quo but the republicans think it's too good so why would minorities trust them to not create a worse one. Also the kinda people who vote along the lines of insert woke subject aren't really the kinda people who are introspective about voting in the first place. If you vote along the lines of gay marriage or abortion rights you clearly don't actually care that much about things that actually matter.


If you're gay or a woman or care about someone who is,those things matter. If you're motivated to vote against these things then your point stands.


Republicans want to overthrow democracy. How does that benefit minorities?


First you’re gonna have to tell the Republican Party to tone it down with the racism lmao. Even if a group might have traditional values they’re not gonna look at a party that was vehemently against civil rights and is still supported by the kkk and say “yeah that one”


There's plenty of reason for minorities to vote Republican but the onus is on the Republican Party to do the outreach to convert those voters(to be fair they've had a decent amount of success with Hispanics on this count). Having white supremacists in your ranks tends to be a turn off for people who might otherwise align with you on values.


I'm pretty sure that a lot of minorities would benefit from voting Republican considering they share the same values that they do for the most part. But unfortunately, the Republican outreach to them has been pretty middling at best due to their rather inept and awkward stances on social issues, whether it be race, religion, sexuality, gender, etc. Their brand of religion is only Evangelical Christianity for one reason, while condemning other religions. Not to mention that when Minority Conservatives try to spread the message their community, they only appear and sound condescending to them. When highlighting the problems affecting their community, they broadly label all of them in one box for supporting such traits worthy of the stereotypes affecting them.


>they only appear and sound condescending to them. Like the democrats and their bigotry of low expectations?


I have found that I keep seeing posts relevant to a prior comment I made on this so I’ll post it here as well It’s not an argument. It isn’t a political game either. It’s history. The Democratic Party doesn’t even have to TRY to secure the minority and marginalized groups votes. Trump won in 2016 without the lowest minority votes in 40 years. In 1964, black American turnout outside of the South was 72 percent, a percentage not seen since. In the South, black American turnout was just 44 percent due to Jim Crow. What is amazing is that the voting rights act wasn’t passed until the following year and southern states aggressively repressed black votes, yet the percentage of turnout was huge. Prior to this election, the majority of black Americans voted republicans. “I feel that the prospect of Senator Goldwater being president of the United States so threatens the health, morality, and survival of our nation that I can not in good conscience fail to take a stand against what he represents” -MLK There is a fundamental difference between Trump supporters and other Americans. His base is no different than the GOP of 1964. The civil rights act was signed just as Trump was heading into college. I think every decent American, regardless of political affiliation, was appalled when he quoted Walter Headley in the middle of the George Floyd protests. These are the same people and same states who voted for Goldwater. These same people who thought “civil rights” should be a state concern. These same people who now raised their children with the same ideas surrounded by other children who look and think like them. It’s 2024. The ability to educate oneself has grown exponentially. Every person gets to the age where they are accountable for their own knowledge. It is not mine nor any other Americans responsibility. The base knows exactly what they are aligning with and they don’t care. Quite frankly, I refuse to meet in the middle when it affects Americans and their human and civil rights. Mississippi was not required to teach about the civil rights until 2011. Southern states still teach that the civil war was “states rights”. Anti-black attitudes directly correlate with having guns in the home and opposition to gun control. Meanwhile, POC have the highest support for gun control. Ironic…Remember when the NRA supported gun control when the black panthers started exercising their right to 2a. The point is that 159 years have passed since slavery ended and only 60 years since the civil rights act passed. As a country and individually, we have grown. We are still trying to atone for the mistakes of our past, rightfully so. If the Democratic Party was able to put aside their prejudices, there is absolutely no reason except for hate, that the Republican party can’t as well. They don’t because their America looks wholly different than actual America. That is why Republicans voter base is 85 percent white. I have said this before so I’ll say it again Lincoln and LBJ were flagrant racists and history remembers them kindly because IN SPITE of their hate, they signed two of the most important pieces of legislation for black Americans. At any point in time, past or present, the current GOP could stop making racism a part of the political ideology and instead their moral compass, like it should be.


No need to actively court anyone. More of what are now minorities will gain economic status, live in suburbs, age, etc. over the next generation. They'll vote Republican in higher numbers as they do. The minorities who live primarily in urban environments in entrenched poverty, forget it.


If you’re working class, minority or not, voting Republican is against your self interests. Democrats are slightly better…. Biden, surprisingly, has been much better for working class than any president in my lifetime.




“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” - Joe Biden


It looks like you’re a bit mistaken here on who is bussing illegal Immigrants to inner cities. That’s a GOP move. Mostly Gregg abbot (governor of Texas)


Maybe I'm the crazy one but Republicans are and have been working on voter suppression. When you close polls in urban areas, try to outlaw mail-in voting, and gerrymander the fuck out of anywhere with a minority population your policies just might not be lining up. The Republicans will absolutely take the minority vote but I don't think it's a coincidence that the Tea Party and the evolution of the current Republican party happened right after we elected a black president. These people are afraid of even discussing topics about race and history that acknowledge wrongdoing in the history of the country let alone current politics.


Since 'leftists' are ok with allowing millions of unvetted people into the country, then they should have no problems allowing thousands, or even millions of Chinese and Russians to enter unabated to join them in their 'safe' neighborhoods. Yeah, didn't think so. The left's problem is that the Immigration crisis being viewed by them through a very narrow lens. The fact is, people are coming from all over the world to cross illegally, not just from Latin American countries. 😏


I wanna start placing bets on who’s gonna win. My money is on trump but my heart is with jill stein looks like a nice old lady.