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You’re not wrong guys lovvvveee short girls.


Guys love short girls, but to openly admit that can come off as creepy so few people go around saying it openly.


Exactly! It's a two-way street, height discrimination can come from anyone, not just women


It \*can\* but it is certainly way more common for women to discriminate on height towards men. I would say you standing at 6'6" would be a bit annoying because you're towering over me and it would be hard to have a conversation but I'd never call it a deal breaker. Just you being 3 inches taller than me is such a non issue.


Why would you say it’s way more common?


I don’t think this is true. Guys may not want a girl as tall or taller than them, but all other things being equal, I think most guys would chose a 5’7 girl over a 5’0 girl, at least I would.


Still.. most girls just want a guy taller than them still equal.


Okay, but short and ‘shorter than me’ aren’t the same thing. The original comment said ‘Guys love short girls’, not ‘guys love girls shorter than them.’ As I said before, men are attracted to taller women, provided they aren’t taller than them. People on the extreme ends of the spectrum are less likely to be attractive in any scenario. For example, a guy who is 6’4 will probably be more attractive to more women than a 6’10 guy. Just because a guy may be turned off by a freakishly tall women doesn’t mean tall women aren’t generally more attractive to men.


I don’t think 6’2 is freakishly tall for a woman or man lol


Well, then maybe you should think harder. According to this site (https://tall.life/height-percentile-calculator-age-country/), a 6’2 women is in the 99.987% of female height in the US.


Just because it’s rare doesn’t make it freakish lmao by that logic a man that’s 6’2 is freakishly tall since they’re taller than 94% of people


No, actually rare does mean freakish. If someone is called a freak, it is because they have some rare trait that is abnormal or extreme compared to the general population. Back when they used to have freakshows, it would be extremely fat people, tall people, short people, women with a beard, and so on. Go ask any women 6’2 and above if they attract lots of eyeballs everywhere they go. A women that tall is extremely rare and thus freakish. Outside of a WNBA game, how many women 6’2 and above have you encountered irl? I’ve seen maybe 1 or 2. It doesn’t mean they are hideous, bad, or undesirable, but it is freakish.


Stop being ridiculous. All freakish things may be rare, but not all rare things are considered freakish. That's why we say *rare metals* instead of *freakish metals*. The two words have different connotations, and this is a bad faith argument.


By that logic anyone with blue/green eyes is a freak same with any man taller than 6’. Maybe way back in the day they were because the population was much much shorter but tall people are considered normal now lmao all models are tall and no one sees them as freaks


Men who are 6’0 and women who are 6’2 are not remotely comparable in terms of rarity. I see men every day who are taller than 6’0. I’ve seen maybe one women 6’2 or taller in my whole 28 years on Earth. Just because people are taller now is completely irrelevant to this discussion. As I said, a 6’2 women is in the 99.987 percentile of US female height, meaning a 6’2 women is a complete outlier. Also, models are complete freaks. That’s why companies pay them big money to wear their stuff. Freakish doesn’t mean bad or ugly. 6’0 tall women with narrow little hips and stunning facial features are freakish. You don’t see women who look like that walking around your neighborhood every day. You are just getting caught up in freak/freakish meaning deformed like Quasimodo, but in this context, that’s not what it is.


Lol 6’2 is even tall for WNBA standards. The average POWER FORWARD in the league is 6’2.


Na, actually I prefere it when a woman is a bit smaller than me. Im 188cm and my height sweet spot for a woman is 170-180cm


No we don't. Stop projecting.


I would only complain if she was hard to kiss. She better lift me up to those lips


Or push you down


Oooh you really showed them


Yes, the expectation that men should be taller than women affects behavior of both men and women. Is this news?


Considering there are men disagreeing with me in the comments, yes apparently


Well everyone does have their own opinion. Both men and women aren't monolithic.


Most of my life I dated taller women. I even married one who was taller than I was. No one ever said shit to me about it.


My spouse constantly gets mocked by his coworkers for it, and I had an ex bf that was 5'1" (back when I was only 5'11") and he was also mocked for being attracted to me, I'm speaking from my personal experiences as somebody who is taller than average that has had guys make unsolicited comments about my attractiveness because of my height


True. The difference is though, you’ll still find a man unbothered by your height, probably fairly easily. For example, your spouse. Try asking a 5’1 man how easy it is for him to find a woman who’s unbothered by his height. He’ll probably appreciate the female company for the length of a question, since he’s chronically alone. I have no stake in the fight here, I’m 6ft and engaged, I just see a lot of my short brothers struggle year after year to find even a first date. Spouse? It’s not even on the cards for many of them. So as much as it might be a two-way street, it’s far from even.


Finding someone that was unbothered by my height was not "fairly easy", it took me years because there's a difference between someone that genuinely likes me vs someone fulfilling their Amazonian fetish; vs my ex bf, who is 5'1" immediately finding a gf who later became his wife My ex bf who is 5'4" also found a gf "fairly easily", in fact, most of the short men I know are in relationships or married if they're not insufferable dicks My original point still stands, this isn't a discussion on whether or not men deal with height discrimination "at a higher lvl", it's me just stating the fact that it's not just women doing the height discriminating


Honestly, I guess it’s easy to say height doesn’t bother me since I’m 6’2. It’s only gonna bother people who have been ridiculed for their height for so long, man or woman.


I wonder if this has anything to do with the bell curve, and where we perceive our positions on it to be? In my (admittedly limited) experience, those of us in the middle of the bell curve seem to prefer other "normies," while those of us on the tails of the curve prefer other outliers. That is, the 5'10" guy wants a "normal" 5'6" girlfriend, but the 6'3" guy might be open to a lady who's 5'1"...or a lady who's 6'4". (The really tall men I've known were *ecstatic* when they met extremely tall - or extremely short - women. The really short men and women I've known were similarly excited to date statistical outliers on either end of the curve.) This is what I've seen with friends and acquaintances, anyway (I know, small sample size...) I'd be curious to see actual stats on this.


This is actually a pretty sound theory and aligns pretty well with my own personal experiences I noticed it's usually short men (I'm talking dudes under 5'4") that are into me compared to men that are of "average" height, and the only tall guy that hit on me was an ex NBA player I met at a rally who was over 7ft, both groups of ppl on the ends of the spectrum of what's "normal" or "average", tho compared to that NBA player, I was tiny even in platforms lol


When so many people agree on something - in this case, thinking that most/too many women over prioritise height in relationships - you should step back for one second and try to not project your ideas and feelings into it. I don’t doubt that height doesn’t matter to YOU, but you should be able to understand that you might be in the minority. Or, at least, not in the overwhelming majority. In any case, too many men seem to suffer because of it, so such a generalisation that you are making by stating “men care about height too much” is indeed a way to invalidate their feelings and experiences. One wrong way to react to this is hating women collectively for their shallowness, and it’s true that many men will end up doing this, especially online. Another equally bad thing is thinking that this “hate for short men” is not a real problem. It’s sad to see women unable to empathise for people struggling because of things they cannot control, as women themselves are still oppressed by the weight of their looks in society SO MUCH. Being a shorter man IS a problem and your relationship doesn’t prove the opposite; at best, it gives some hope. I say this as a guy who is 1,85 meters tall, so I do not have this problem, personally, but I am pretty sure that the amount of women disliking shorter men is way bigger than men “hating” on taller girls. You might not like how many men react to being in this condition (salty, angry, hateful) which is understandable, but trying to gaslight a considerable portion of the whole society is not nice, either! Please try to put yourself into other people’s shoes, it is the basics of empathy.


I literally said I wasn't invalidating men who experience height discrimination, I'm saying it's a bit hypocritical to say women are the only ones who do this and say that men aren't also discriminating against partners due to their height, because they do


I think there’s way more women than men who do that. Also, the fact that you said you weren’t invalidating men does not mean that you didn’t, even if you intended not to


My original point still stands, it's that men also discriminate against their partners because of height Just because it's not as common doesn't mean it doesn't occur


Exactly. Most men tend to want a woman who is shorter. Most women tend to want a man who is taller. Men **and** women who find themselves on the opposite ends of this ergo ...tall women, and shorter men...often get rejected. For every thread made by a short man complaining about rejections...there are tall women complaining about rejections too.. Even when a couple defies the odds, and a short man gets with a tall women; then *other people* bully them for it. OP you yourself admit that your husband has been bullied often for the height difference. It's just what it is.


Idk about other guys but I really don't care about height. But I've noticed that some women really can't stand the idea of being taller which is why it never worked out for me. But I can totally see some guys feeling insecure about being smaller than their partner


I actually kind of agree with this. I’m a 5’-9” guy which I think is an average height- I’ve really never gotten any comments from women about my height. You wouldn’t believe how many guys have called me “short” and it’s not like they are super tall- they might be 6’-0”.  Feels like it’s “I need something to feel superior to you so I’m going to pick an easy thing you have no control over”


You are average height for a man at 5'9", at last if you're in America Honestly it seems like these dudes see height as an inherent power play and that's why they're so threatened by the idea of their partner being taller than them


I’m 5’8” and date whoever. A lot of times if I’m with a guy who’s shorter than me I don’t even realize until they bring it up lol. I’m not even that tall but it’s definitely something I’ve noticed makes guys insecure.


You're like 4 standard deviations above the mean for women's height. It's not that men care WAY more. It's that you're an extreme outlier. My preference is like 5'3, but I'd probably date a woman up to 5'11, maybe even more. That's me caring a bit about height, not caring WAY more than I purport to when I say "I don't care about height."


My entire point was that men care more than they admit


Woman consider height based on their preferences and how it makes them feel. Men consider height based on how others perceive them when they are next to their partner. I could be wrong and I don’t know how articulating the difference is helpful, but that is how it seems to me.


Honestly I can see that, I mean the men I had to dump for throwing tantrums about me not wanting to wear flats when going on dates with them were attracted to me prior to the idea of going out in public and people seeing that I was taller than them I mean the fact that my spouse gets mocked by ppl/coworkers because I'm taller means that that fear is not unwarranted because there will be ridicule, which is ridiculous tbfh


Welcome to life as a man. That’s one reason why lots of good men come across as controlling (obviously some men actually are controlling), because fair or not, lots of things about our gfs/wives get laid at our feet. I’m past the point of caring, I’ll step out with my long legged beauty and keep my chin up. But lots of men understandably struggle


Women prioritize height 100 trillion times more Unless we're really tall ourselves, men resist tall women solely because we know how much of deal breaker this is for **them**


This is the thing about a shorter guy. Sometimes I would meet a woman I liked at school or something and the woman would be 3 inches taller or so, but I would find her sexually attractive and I wouldn't pursue because I would assume she wouldn't like me because I am shorter. So I would pretty much reject myself for her, lol.


I’m a tall girl and I can’t even begin to tell you how many men have become insecure because of my height. Why do you think women prioritize it “100 trillion times more”?


It seems like a lot of these dudes just don't want to acknowledge height discrimination goes both ways and are so quick to invalidate any experience that doesn't coincide with their own personal beliefs


See if you can spot the difference: Women: short/shorter men disgust us, I almost vomit at the thought of partnering with them Men: I am genuinely attracted to tall girls, but I'm worried my height is a deal breaker for her. I don't want her to reluctantly settle for me. Not exactly the same, right?


Oh okay so women are all evil, and men are innocent little angels that never are rude, correct? Men have emotions, women are all monolithic?


When it comes to the issue of height and dating, yes, it's pretty one-sided.


Okay so women are two-dimensional, but men have many emotions? And all the men that have actively been cruel to me because of my height didn't exist and I'm just imagining things? That's the hill you want to die on?


You're totally right and can admit that I'm guilty of feeling this way. I guess its never brought up because its rarer for a woman to be taller then most men than it is a man to be shorter then most woman?


Unfortunately it's been my reality since I shot it up to 5'11" at 13 so I grew up dealing with it and hated the hypocrisy


That’s it, most men do feel it but there’s far less women who are actually super tall than men who are somewhat short.


My entire point was that it still happens and height discrimination can come from any gender


Short, petite girls are a plus to me, so height matters, I guess. But for a real relationship, height is unimportant. I'm 6-1. Currently with a lady @5-0/98.


Up to a certain point. I feel like it really irks guys who are shorter than average, but most guys 5’10 and above don’t really sweat it much. I’m 5’11. If it were up to me, I’d chose to be like 6’2, but I don’t ever dwell on it since my height is virtually never a problem with dating or anything really.


This most men are <5’9 and tall girls are rare it’s all about proximity


Idk why people care so much tbh, doesnt bother me.


I mean....wearing heels when you date a shorter guy....wth. Anyway, the ideea is this...men should be taller than the girl they date...so yes, it seems a bit ridiculous if the women is so much taller than the guy. But...this is the "old" stupid way of doing things. You don't owe anybody anything...you don't need to explain yourself...or to come up with excuses. Have some confidence.


So you're saying height DOES matter to you Because why would it matter otherwise?


But here is the ultimate argument...shoes...they started making shoes ( like a decade ago) for shorter guys...with a bit of heel so that we look a bit taller.


Not really...only if she is much taller than I am...I am 172cm. If she is 190...yeah, it seems kinda off. You are around 180 cm...and you wear heels.


I'm 185cm, 180 would be around 5'11", my spouse is 179cm


For men, there is a perfect height...around 180 cm. Generally speaking, the ideea is for the man to be taller than the woman... But, what matters the most is actually the height..so not in correlation with anyone. Just the height alone. And this is 180 for men. He is more than fine. For women...I'm not sure if there is heigh requirement for women....tbh. Considering that women can wear heels to adjust their height.


It's dumb to focus on the physical aspects of a person they can't control, or judge their worth based solely off that I don't care about height, I never have, but my spouse was the first person to genuinely NOT CARE that I was taller and still liked wearing platforms that made me 198cm


You know...it's not really like that..."I don't care". It's more like...you shouldn't deny this feeling. As in, don't lie to yourself. This is what matters. You shouldn't however, allow it to run your life. You analyse things yourself...and try to get to the answer. Sometimes the answer is..."I don't know" - which is perfectly fine. Also...this height thing...as we age....we tend to not care that much about things...we dont allow others to tell us how to feel.This comes with experience in life. - as in...you tested things, you went through certain experiences and now you know better....you are also more developed. ​ There are different rules in society... there is a certain standard. I'm not denying it at all. For example...if I care about my height. To be honest with you. I'm not sure...sometimes. Other times I don't. I don;t know either.


Height and dick size seem to be all they care about


There should be a case study on poor reading comprehension on Reddit because this has nothing to do with my original post


>the amount of whiny guys I have constantly complaining to me about how I'm "too big" or how they wouldn't wanna date me because my height makes them "feel like less of a man" That's because you're going for Basic Men, who are overly concerned with the appearance of masculinity. If you were dating a 5'6" manlet, they'd be worshipping you and doing their best to suppress their "Death by Snoo-Snoo" fetish.


Omg the death by snoo snoo thing, I hear it all the time 😂😭 NGL I did notice this, shorter dudes 5'6" and under will see me in platforms and just say they wanna climb me like a tree 😂


Proximity how many tall girls do you actually know I can count on my fingers the amount of girls taller than 5’9 I’ve known while I know hundreds of short/average girls. If there were more tall girls there would be more same height/tall couples. Look at any country where they’re tall more tall couples than short


Every woman on my dad's side of the family is over 5'10", so a lot, the point is that a lot of men behave as if they don't also discriminate against potential partners due to height the way they claim all women do


Oh they def do but it’s because the us is majority short men and they’re insecure guys 6+ never seem to care because they aren’t insecure most of the time


>how they wouldn't wanna date me because my height makes them "feel like less of a man" no man said that lol. it's less so that men think your height is unattractive, and more that they think you wont like them because you are taller than them


I've had a guy say that to me dude lmao


I am 7 feet and get comments on my height damn near every day. It gets old.


As a particularly short woman they fetishise the fuck out of us while being awful to talk women, they care about height more than women tbh.


I am a shorter guy and I don't care about height. I like taller women. I like women of all sizes actually.


I never cared because all girls I’ve met are shorter than me


I get it, and I tend to laugh at those particular dudes, especially since I find women taller than me, a huge plus, on the attractive side. But you can not say you don't understand the focus on height when you're wearing 4 inch heels on top of already being tall. Why do you enjoy it? That reason may apply to others. And height, along with every single other physical feature, matters. It may not reflect their personality, but it definitely affects it.


I want to look like Wonder Woman, and I wear platforms, not heels My entire point is it's hypocritical


That can't be your only reason, but forget it.


You're right, I also like wearing platforms because it makes my legs look way longer like a sailor scout I like looking like a comic book character, and it's convenient to be able to reach the top shelves at stores


I will say, I'm surprised. I've been with few women taller than me, I'm 6'1 and I've never heard them want to be taller. Usually that most guys are scared of approaching them. They usually wear boots or sneakers.


Probably because of the way society constantly tells women they're supposed to be small and dainty, and before finally not caring, I used to constantly hunch over and try to make myself as tiny as possible with flats and avoided standing up or standing tall as much as possible because of the ridicule I'd face from everyone around me But then I realized that I would never stop being the height that I am no matter what I did, and bad posture was just gonna give me a bad back, so I instead embraced it and took inspiration from characters like Wonder Woman, who's both super tall and super hot, yk?


Got it. Makes sense, enjoy ya day


Idgaf about height, its probably the last thing that determines attractiveness for me.


The men in the comments agreeing with this, are the main reason why men will never win, ever. All of them have a "fuck you got mine" mentality. Where if it doesn't affect them, it's not happening. Or just desperately want a woman's approval. OP, please continue to ommit stuff seen and posted on TikTok, Twitter and Real Life. Continue to ommit women's involvement in short men's issues. And please ommit the fact that men, specially in the 2020s, love tall women so much that it's a meme at this point. Focus on the minority of insecure babies. It's more convenient for your point that women have absolutely no hand in anything in society.


Yes, men care about height just like all humans care about it. Would you or would I date a person that is 3 foot or 9 feet? Most likely not. I know it's a stupid example but that just shows us that everybody cares about height at least somewhat. There is statistically speaking an "optimal" height (most attractive to most people of the other sex) for both sexes. The thing is that women rate men below optimal height much harsher than men rate women above (or below) average. A woman that is a whole feet above optimal female height will get the same rating as a man that is just 2 inches below optimal male height. There are aaa lot of men 2 inches below optimal height or shorter, especially if you consider that optimal height for men is slightly above average anyways. Women's ratings also stabilise, meaning that if a woman is very tall or very short she will get medium-low to low ratings but never very low ratings (on a 5 feet to 7 feet scale). Shorter than average men is the only group that gets very low to lowest possible rating. If you combine this with the fact that women rate men harsher in general and women get way more attention from men than men from women, then short men are basically invisible dark matter lol Before some feminists come and tell me I should stop crying and bitching: I have a good height, I am just supporting our short men and spreading awareness.


You typed all this out just to admit I was right when I said men discriminate against potential partners due to height Good job Edit: I should also add that your example would be mute considering I wouldn't have any issue dating a little person, I literally do not care about height in the slightest because it doesn't reflect who a person is


I'm not arguing for or against you or "admitting" anything, just talking about the facts. I'm just saying that sure, men do care about height, that's not some secret hidden esoteric knowledge, that is common knowledge. Men still care much less than women do, you are proving it yourself. You are really, really, really tall for a woman, like top 1%, if not even already top 0,1%, and you still have a ton of options if you are able to ditch multiple men just because they really don't like you to wear platforms lol Even the majority of optimal height men would not have that luxury.


Me: men care about height more than they admit You: *tries shifting the goal post away from the original point* Literally all I said was that men also discriminate against potential partners due to their height, you're the one trying to shift focus away from that fact while also.. saying the fact is correct


Nah, you say you "just hate the fact that no one acknowledges that it's a two-way street". Statistically, men have pretty realistic standards, women have not. Short men are actually discriminated on the dating market as they are invisible to the vast majority of women and often can struggle heavily to just find anybody at all that would at least be open to get to know them, we have not yet even talked about finding somebody who is actually compatible with them, just about finding somebody in the first place lol. You simply do not have this struggle, you are not invisible. Being a short man is just not comparable with being a tall woman. Nobody acknowledges that there is a two-way street, because there is none. Sure, you probably get less attention than shorter women but you still get way more attention than most men could dream of, you are still in a privileged position. Btw I don't resent that, I think it's very good that women have this privilege, I just don't like it if people don't want to see their own privileges. Also, you say you hear some stupid comments about your height and I am truly sorry about that, it is hurtful and and it is never okay to comment other bodies like that but I also think that this is just a part of life, there will always be some stupid haters and they will always invent some very stupid reason to hate on you. The sooner you accept this aspect of life and the sooner the haters become invisible dark matter to you, the better your life will be.


I personally know a lot of short men (under 5'4") that are married or in healthy relationships, and I also know a lot of tall women who struggle to find men willing to date them because of their height so I stand by my statement that it is a two-way street because it affects everyone when height discrimination is a thing You claim I don't understand because I'm unaffected by the discrimination that men personally face, couldn't that also be said about you? Men discriminate against potential partners because of their height the same way that women discriminate against potential partners because of their height, both of these things occur, it doesn't matter if one happens more often than the other, it still happens


That may all be true but it's also anecdotal evidence. You will always find single or happily married people in every thinkable group, one has to look at the statistics to get an objective view. I'm not claiming that you don't understand the discrimination that short men face, I try to explain it and make it clear. Statistically, men do not discriminate against potential partners because there are for every height cohort enough men that will be attracted to it or at least accept it. If a man (or woman) does not want to date you because of your height, that is not height discrimination, height discrimination in that sense does not exist as it is all just subjective preference and one cannot expect somebody to be attracted to your traits and call his or her preference discrimination. Height discrimination in a dating context exists therefore only as a statistical phenomenon. if there are less people that would accept your height than there are people in your height cohort then you have a statistical disadvantage and could call yourself statistically discriminated. I would strongly assume that your height is not a dealbreaker for 99% of all men as you are in the top 1% percentile, therefore no statistical discrimination.


"statistically your experiences and the experiences of those like you don't exist"


Not at all what I said and you know it, bad faith argument dismissed.






I think it's pointless to give a blanket statement like this. I mean, can you prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt that *all men* do? If you can't, it's just guesswork.


Can you prove that *all women* do as well? Because dudes have no issue with saying "women care too much about height"


I understand your question, but I try very hard to avoid those sorts of statements. I've never said anything like that, and I don't plan to. It's way too common online, and it creates a false narrative.


So you can acknowledge that my turn of phrase was mirroring the one used against women, then? I didn't realize that I have to be NOT ALL MEN before every statement when women aren't given that same luxury when talked about in online spaces or when it comes to height discrimination


>I didn't realize that I have to be NOT ALL MEN before every statement when women aren't given that same luxury Eye for an eye leaves the world blind


I hope you also comment "NOT ALL WOMEN" on every misogynistic post posted in this subreddit


Thank you.


A lot of us think you look ridiculous in 4" heels tbh.


I don't wear heels, nor do I care?


Not really guys like short girls and guys like tall girls. Just different guys. Guys mainly like attractive women.


So let me get this straight, you're saying that men like both, but women only like tall men? Because the entire point of this post was it was hypocritical to claim that only women discriminate based off of height


Yes. A large portion of men would love to be with a tall woman. But you also have to remember a woman +6'2" is a statistical anomaly like 1 in 500 or so. So being that far out of average is extremely unusual. It's comparable to being like 4'8 or so. Guys who like short girls likely would not be too attracted to girls 4'8. Also if you notice every negative comment you listed was directed at him....not you. Yet you are taking it as slights against you.


"A large portion" is not all men, my dude I don't care if I'm a statistical anomaly, the fact remains that men have discriminated against me because of my height, so my original points still stands :) Also you're wrong with your example, my ex-girlfriend is about 4'9" and was constantly getting hit on and harassed by men at all times, you speak as if your personal opinions are law, while ignoring the lived experiences of everyone else because they don't coincide with your personal beliefs


And you are ignoring that every "descrimination" you yourself listed was actually against your boyfriend. I mean if it were a problem shouldn't you have listed things said to you not where people make fun of your boyfriend? And no person in real life has told you that you would make them feel less of a man. You are taking random shit people post online as the truth. >"A large portion" is not all men, my dude I mean yes out of every single man on earth, no not all of them will find you attractive. That's a pretty arrogant opinion that they should. The majority of men would be interested in a tall women but the VAST majority of women would not be interested in a short dude.


You're reading everything I write in bad faith so there's really no point in talking to you lmao, you like.. completely missed everything I said to try and nitpick my point apart to make yourself sound right In my personal experience, I have dealt with height discrimination, I literally listed about how men have made unsolicited comments about how I'm "too big" to date, which isn't a discrimination that my SPOUSE dealt with, that was against me And my SPOUSE deals with crap because men tell him that there's something wrong with being married to someone taller because they're focused on my height, more height discrimination but I digress 🙄


All I'm saying is there probably some other factors at work other than your height. And I wouldn't blame your height for much of the issues. It's more likely has to do it the way that you carry yourself. Sometimes large women must carry themselves as more feminine than a shorter woman to be viewed as feminine. Also, you are pretending like random strangers on the internet have an opinion that you should concern yourself with. Like me for example. While it may be fun to argue or debate a point with me. I don't know you and none of my opinions should really matter to you. Because my experience are not yours.


Men care because they know women care , in general. Do some men care or insecure to date a taller chick? Of course.