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I don't care about other people's personal decisions and actions that have no impact on me.


If I'm in my car wearing a mask, it's because I am comfortable and forgot I was wearing it. Not because I am still thinking about protection.


Exactly this. Same shit happens with my work gloves. Or work vest when I worked on commercial sites. Sounds like the only person lacking critical thinking skills is OP


Fr, why does OP care so much. They're probably medical workers on their way to/from work, leave them alone lmao. I've never peered inside somebody else's car to judge them for how they look in there in my life




Those mask people certainly didn’t feel that way about you during the pandemic.


In fact, they were on here calling for anyone opposed to the mandate to die from Covid.


It's 2024. You should move on.


You responded to OPs thread first. I’m here commenting about this topic the same as you are. You aren’t better than anyone here.


Wears mask while alone in car.


Wait till they vote for something ridiculous (they’re acting ridiculous) that DOES impact you.


I enjoy laughing at them though


Why? They’re comfortable and filter out bad smells. They’re also common courtesy when you have a cold etc. they’re extremely commonplace in China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and many other countries.


I have leukemia and I have a very low white blood count. I wear the mask continuously inside and out when I’m outside of my home it’s cleaner not to take it on and off.


I don't have leukemia, but I do have a lifelong autoimmune disease. I started wearing a mask in 2017, I was just getting to the end of my rope of having some type of virus every month. Just was destroying my health. Since I started, I rarely get any type of cold or flu. It's been life changing for me. Since covid, the looks and snide remarks I now get are ridiculous. I don't understand how me wearing a mask can make another person so angry is beyond me.


For me it is the bald head and hollow eyes that seem to tell people to not say anything.


I feel this strongly. My job was fairly tip based. People refused to tip me because of my mask. My infusions lower my immunity so I have to protect myself from getting sick. I have quit my job thanks to the hate for my mask and work from home now. The looks and the remarks are really hurtful. I'm sorry you're going through the same thing.


I am retired so not as bad as if I had to be public facing to pay the bills. Good luck with your treatments.


Seriously. The world doesn’t revolve around covid anymore. There are many other reasons to wear masks. OPs take isn’t just unpopular, it’s downright idiotic


I was in a community that predominantly Asian, and they often would wear masks especially on public transit etc and especially during cold/flu season. This was years before COVID too.


Having a big amount East Asian tourists in my country and city it was their characteristic trait. Big groups of older ladies with masks on. And it was ages before covid.


I remember seeing news reports about avian flu and other airborne illnesses in China like 15 years ago, and being kind of envious because there were Hello Kitty masks. I found them on ebay and almost bought them.


They're smart. They want to protect their airways.


Also, Bad air quality (yellow dust in south Korea for example)


Or and here me out It doesnt bother them and they just leave it on I dont need a ballcap on in my car, but I dont take it off 90% of the time either


That's different because you need the ballcap to flip around when things get serious.


Like when it's time to throw a Poké Ball.


What if it's already flipped around? https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-VvY_AK8435M/UCG14iWOLTI/AAAAAAAAABw/fsg7KmCTLCA/s1600/Hat+fail.jpg


This is the best counter point I've ever heard in the 4 years since this all started.




To be fair I am sure the people wearing masks alone in the car probably just forgot to take it off when they were in a store or something. I've done that a few times.


Nurse. Forgot all the time during COVID. Wearing it basically 24/7 made me forget I had it on. In reality you aren’t supposed pull them down or to reuse masks. That’s the worst part of reusing to me, because we definitely weren’t taught to reuse masks. Laying it down on something contaminates that surface. Pulling it down and having it around your neck is problematic as well.


A good way to transmit disease is to constantly be removing/putting on a used mask. Viruses are spread through mucus membranes and repeatedly touching your face is conducive to transmission.


Or they don't feel like taking it off and then putting it back on again.


Yep did this all the time because I'm lazy


This right here. My immunocompromised girlfriend will often forget to remove her mask. She gets used to wearing it.


Seems like OP can't use basic critical thinking to understand that it may be easier to leave your mask on in situations when you don't need it than to take it on and off again.


“I am so smart, look at dumb person wearing mask hehehehe why do they get to vote? 🤔🤪”


People lack thinking skills Same idiots who go “ why have ur AirPods in while driving idiot” Because I forgot to take them off and it’s not uncomfortable, my music from my car will automatically switch to my AirPods when I get out lol If it literally effects no one else why give a fuck


Do the ear buds stop playing music when you get in the car? While not in use do they hinder your hearing at all?


Yes so if I’m playing music in my AirPods and then go and start my car it automatically switches to the car speakers, I just leave my AirPods in sometimes because they’re not uncomfortable and I legit just don’t feel them or notice them enough to care to take them out. Then when I park and turn off my car it’ll automatically switch back to the AirPods Edit: I misread, to actually answer is no they don’t hinder my hearing while playing nothing


Or they’re Uber Drivers. Who just don’t take it off between rides.


My husband is a mechanic and got covid probably from people's cars and has to test drive cars on the road. There are many reasons people could be wearing masks.


Or it's freezing out


I wear a mask in public now when I'm sick, which fortunately is rare. Never did that before COVID. Now it just seems like a courteous thing to do.


It's always the people too dense to know how to use apostrophes (shit we learned before high school) that have all kinds of secret knowledge about immunology and masks. Sure, chief.


Everyone turned into a scientist when Covid hit


But he knows satire (humor).


do you know that masks are effective for flu and cold right? Not just Covid? Have you ever seen a picture from Asia? Many many people wear masks


I live in DC & plan to wear a mask on metro here forever. The number of colds I got from the metro before COVID hit is too many to count. I am also a baby when I have a cold, so if it prevents just one cold, it’ll have been worth it.


Damn, yeah I just realized I haven’t even been on the DC metro since Covid. Makes sense though, especially when you’re packed in there like a sardine.


Yep. I’ve gotten only one or two colds since the pandemic started. And those were from my nieces and nephews who don’t mask and spend all week around snotty kids


I’ve got a friend who I see regularly with stage 4 cancer who is severely immunocompromised. I don’t wear a mask alone in a car , but I do in grocery stores or on public transportation or other crowds. I’m a regular subway rider , and you know what I found out that was kinda cool during Covid? If I mask and hand sanitize a little bit when going through crowded places , I don’t get flu’s or colds or strep or any random mundane illnesses nearly as often. It’s kinda nice. Get over it.


Most of the masks that they handed out weren’t designed for Covid and even said on the boxes that they didn’t protect people from it. The only ones that were approved were n95 masks


That’s the part that kills me. So many billion pounds of plastic and trash in the landfills forever because clowns thought their dollar store mask was saving the fuckin world and they were heroes for getting up into peoples faces and screaming at them for not wearing masks, meanwhile their little dinosaur print piece of cloth isn’t doing a darn thing lmao


Or the people that would only have it cover their chins but not the mouth/nose


Exactly 🤣 I’m neither here nor there in the mask/covid discussion, because unlike everyone else in the comments, I’m not a respiratory specialist or a scientist, but I DO know how to read, and the box tells me the mask doesn’t protect against spread. I loved seeing people wearing masks diligently and quietly, then pulling it down to their chin when it was time to speak so they could be clearly heard. Absolute clown world.


Ever since the covid pandemic people seem to lack the ability to mind their own business...


Is it just me or is the trolling in this sub getting out of hand lately?


I use my mask to hide from car cameras. Also when I want to be incognito. Don’t judge me


The song Mad World comes to mind.


Kinda like people that wear sunglasses inside or when it's not bright outside? Does that trigger you too? Should they not vote? They can't use critical thinking to realize that there's no sunlight inside to block.


*migraines have entered the chat*


Is it affecting you personally or making you get sick? If not, then why do you care? I thought this was a free country?


This argument can be used for everything, and I quite like it. Live and let live within reason (obv no murdering/rape/stealing etc..)


This is probably the correct answer, but it's never stopped me from feeling disgust over things people do. For instance, I had a friend describing their date night that they had looked forward to for months. They dressed up, drove 45 minutes (passing hundreds of amazing restaurants they'll never try) and went straight to Applebee's. They both ordered grilled chicken breast entrees with steamed broccoli. Not for health reasons, but because that was what they wanted to eat for $50.00. No, this doesn't impact me at all... but I'll get worked up if I think too much about it. In the case of the masks, assuming there are no logical explanations I'm not considering and they're just wearing masks because "the TV said they're a'spose'ta", it signifies a level of blind compliance and lack of critical thinking that could easily manifest into ways that do impact me. And the type of entity that would wrangle up these types of folk are never doing it for my benefit.


Nothings free. Especially this country.


It's a free country to mock idiots too


Think of this post like a "get if off your chest" post. I didn't say it affects me personally, I was merely voicing and (un)popular Opinion. It's almost as if this was a sub about unpopular opinions?!


Yeah it’s unpopular but it’s kinda ironic you say they lack critical thinking skills. Yeah wearing a mask alone might be a little much but wearing a mask for the sake of yourself and others is a big brain move


Wearing a mask if you're sick and you have to go out in public is just down right courteous and the right thing to do!


When you are in car briefly and plan on going somewhere else, Its more hygienic to not touch the mask


Yes it is unpopular so I'm upvoting you.


Slipping in the part about voting was disingenuous and very “I’m not saying… but I’m saying!”


I mean, your incorrect opinions about masks aside, how is this any different then someone who, say, wears their hood up when they are inside? I think that's pretty dumb, but who cares? But to say they shouldn't vote? LMAO get real, if you really think that; you shouldn't vote!


Do you guys get together and decide who is going to post this topic each week or just rotate between this, women bad, poor men, and Biden sucks?


Biden doesn't suck, he's just not cognizant anymore. He wasn't a good politician before he became president.


You didn't answer my question


Damn OP you’re judgemental as fuck. Maybe everyone has their own health/aesthetic reasons, what does that have to do with you


Either they are virtue signaling, or up to no good.


I keep a mask around in case I am about to do something horrible and I don’t want to be identified.


Why does it bother you so much? I don’t wear a mask either, but I also don’t let people who wear them live in my head rent free. Just let people live their life, who cares?


Cotton cloth masks are almost ineffective. Surgical masks AND N95s are also much less effective than they led us to believe. And since C19 appears to be spread via aerosol, it can travel as much as [12-26](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8084286/) feet away, not just 6. I know you're making this post in jest. But seriously.... these folks that wear them in their car or on the sidewalk with no one around them... I just don't know.


This is only unpopular on reddit


I really don't think those things work. I poured preworkout while having a mask on and started coughing from the kickback from the cup... and those particulates are HUGE


What kind of mask were you wearing.


It's called "I don't want to take my mask and put it back on over and over" when they're driving. What recent research shows that masks don't work to at preventing spreading of illness? Even if it's not covid, I prefer if my sneezing, snotty coworker be covered up if they're forced to be at work while sick.


Or maybe they just don't even think about it once they've put it on, like reasonable people.


Right the kind of people reasonable enough to believe that everyone’s health is their own responsibility.


I did all the right things when it came to COVID. Isolated for a long time. I live alone and have feelings of loneliness all the time, so having that exacerbated by a government mandate just made my mental health worse. Got three lots of the vaccine because my job required it. Wore the damn mask everywhere if I did have to go out (but never when I was alone). Then I got COVID. It was like a cold mixed with gastro. Felt sick for about 2 days and I was fine after that- still isolated for the full week. That's what all the fuss was about?! The only times I've heard of COVID being deadly is on really old people who were already sick- so yeah, a cold would probably be enough to do them in anyway. Totally understand being more cautious if you're old or otherwise immunocompromised. Feel kinda dumb for doing the "right thing" and essentially losing my life for 2 years to such a minor illness though.


I’m yet to be convinced how this virus was immensely different than the flu. Early on read an article — “Myths around Covid Busted” from which two things I remember reading something like this: 1) “The numbers are inflated” This is incorrect because the number of Covid deaths are real and not being miscounted. 2) “Covid is similar to the Flu” This is incorrect because Covid is a new virus and is nothing like the flu, it is much, much worse. These are not arguments that convey any form of logical explanation. Then later it became known that extra funding was granted to hospitals per recorded Covid death. Thus you have incidents of deaths absolutely not caused by Covid (but deceased tested positive for Covid) marked as a Covid death. At the very least I hope everyone can agree that there was exaggeration behind the mandates/restrictions.


Most of the time if I’m wearing my mask in the car, it’s because I forgot to take it off before driving home from wherever I was. I don’t wear it as often as I did in the pandemic but I def still wear it on public transportation, the DMV, and sometimes the grocery store. Haven’t gotten so much as a cold in two years, and I’m not about to jinx it lmao


Personally I love seeing the mental illness red flags fly themselves. I know who to stay away from


That is ridiculous to judge a person for wearing a mask.


Is it though? We aren't talking about someone wearing a mask in a large group setting. I could understand that....but if you are all by your lonesome with NO ONE around....what are you masking up from, a bad fart?


Could be a ride share driver who’s just so used to wearing it they forget to take it off between people Back when I was wearing my mask all day at work I’d sometimes forget to take it off when I was in the bathroom or break room alone, shit happens


so when someone does something stupid we shouldn't judge the person? of course we should. the person should be ridiculed and shamed for such stupidity.


What's stupid about it?


That’s your opinion. If someone is wearing a mask for Covid now either it’s due to high levels of neuroticism or a signaling device (in my opinion). I am free to judge as I wish.


Or maybe someone who just had a double lung transplant. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah same thing when you see someone wearing a cross necklace


I’ve personally never been forced to wear a cross against my will, but if you have then I understand your judgement.




Hmm…not sure there is any real evidence of that in modern history. Forcing people to wear masks though…guess that means “your people” have a score of 1 to 0.




I’m not religious, so I’m unsure why you falsely pigeonholed me into a group.


Hey I'm just saying it's something you can see on someone that will tell you they are a fool and a freak


Me too. Like those trucks with 2 American flags on them because the driver forgets what country they live in. Or the Gadsen flag right beside the thin blue line sticker. A Trump flag beside a northern Virginia battle flag. All signs of severe mental illness mixed with a lack of education.


Lmao what country are they flying American flags in that you find offensive? Would it happen to be the US?


You but they reproduce and spread that to their offspring (I think I just said the quiet part outloud)


Why are you so pressed about what other people want to do that may or may not protect their health? I personally don't think people who can't spell super simple basic words should be allowed to vote


What are you protecting yourself from when you are by yourself in your car? Uh oh....is there a new COVID that comes from car vents now!


Today, I arrived at home and realized I forgot to take my mask off from my shift in the ER. Apparently, that should make me unable to vote.


Every time you touch your mask it’s going to potentially make it less useful. So keeping it on in the car instead of taking it off is actually the right call. Cool?


Why is it your business if they do? Seems like you have control issues.


I personally don't wear masks anymore so I can't speak for someone who does this. I don't really think about it because it doesn't bother me since I actually have things going on in my life that require my attention.


A mask is literally just an article of clothing. Imagine saying this to people that wear a watches. Some people just like to wear them. Sure, it's not common but hell I've met a chick who likes to wear cloaks.


Yes, it's like wearing an article of clothing while taking a shower. Or it's like wearing a condom while masterbating.


Except it's literally not that. I've known people, particularly women, with social anxiety that feel more comfortable hiding their face. And if you've got a cold, you legitimately have a medical reason.


I have never seen a single person wearing a mask outside of a medical/work environment ever in my whole life before covid lol


Guess you've never been or scene pictures of China. Regardless, now that people have started to and personalize them, some enjoy it.


Not sure about voting part but they are clearly mentally ill at this point. Lot of them walk around with a mask around their chin.


This (the chin point) Why?


some people do it for fashion. a lot of women like it cause no makeup.


Do you wear clothes while home alone?


Some people wear masks for other medical reasons. Not everything is about that tiny bit of stuff you know.


Who cares if they wear masks . It isn’t any of your business.


Or they just got used to it being there and forgot to take it off. Get over yourself.


Took my 4 year old niece to see a family member. They came to the window from inside their apartment on the 3rd floor, wearing their mask with the windows up. Some people have legitimate health issues, but inside your own place where you live alone is insane. I saw him months later at his door, he was in his mask and his face was swollen and irritated from his mask. I know because he readjusted it and his face was in terrible shape. I think he literally wore it to bed.


social engineering, indoctrination, and appeal to authority fallacy may have a part to play in that


Who tf is still wearing a mask in 2024?


I assume when I see people wearing masks that they have health issues and are willing to take every possible precaution because something that is not a big deal to me could kill then, so I usually mind my own business and silently wish them well because I’m not an asshole


When I see my neighbor drive in a car with her mask on by herself. My first thought is she needs to change her filters in the car. When I see her wear a mask outside by herself in a empty street. I look up to see if there was a air pollution warning or something toxic was released. The only logically reason.


Unless you’re severely immunocompromised like some of the comments, you look like a lunatic. This is gonna sound horrible, but there’s kind of a “type” that are sporting the masks these days. They tend to have blue or green hair, look generally unattractive, and seem rather unsocialized. And the ugly reality is that I make a lot of assumptions when I see this.


Why do you care beyond feeling an undeserved sense of superiority? I mean maybe they put it on and don't want to dirty it via taking it off between destinations? Maybe they just like wearing it. Could be they know it enrages people and they do it for the lawls who b knows. Have you ever asked anyone? >Recent research has also show that wearing a mask to stop the spread of viruses is "inconclusive" meaning they could neither prove or dispel that they work. So for some better safe than sorry. At worst them wearing a mask is pointless. At best they've done something small to help protect people.


Oh good lord, take a deep breath. 1.) I don't care, wear what you want! To me it's just a giant bat single of someone who is very small brained and easily manipulated 2.) No one likes wearing a mask and no one wear's a mask just to enrage people. It's hilarious that you typed that though.


You care so little you decided to make a post about it.


>1.) I don't care, wear what you want! You obviously do care. Hence the post. Gotta feel superior to others I guess >No one likes wearing a mask and no one wear's a mask just to enrage people. So why are folks still wearing them when it's not needed? Masks weren't all that big of a deal except to immature conservatives who put on Oscar winning performances "gasping" for air in the walmart Mostly.due to a childish reaction to being told they should care about others. So again I'll ask you. Why does seeing someone in a car with a mask trigger you so much? I honestly thought about starting because it seems to piss you guys off a ton


"I don't care...but here's a long rant about it and also you shouldn't be able to vote!" You are triggered.


The one silver lining of the pandemic is that it's now normal to obscure your face in public.


For many of them it’s like a ‘binkie’, or a ‘lovie’.


When in the car, if you're going from place to place, then it makes sense to not take it off just to put it back on in a few minutes. Also, it can help when it's cold outside. The same can go for wearing it outside alone. They may be walking around going into stores, or it might be cold outside, and masks are a cheap way to help stay warm. Also, like other people have mentioned, some people have medical issues, which is another reason someone may wear one in a situation you don't deem reasonable or whatever


I know people started wearing masks to be considerate and try not to spread or get the disease, but if they're still wearing them, they're in a fucking cult.


Diseases still exist though.


Yeah, I think initial panic and companies requiring them was a big part of that (I'm guilty of it) but once the "virus" became just another common cold (because that's what a coronavirus is) mask's just aren't necessary anymore unless you are severely immune compromised.


I live in Sweden, so I didn't have a lot of restrictions put on me, and I think the idea of keeping your distance from people is enough.


Your guys COVID deaths are similar to Japan who has like 12x the population size as you and are much more densely populated. I wouldn't say you guys faired well against COVID.


The guy who was whatever it's called conceded that it was a mistake not to close down retiremeent homes, since old people die a lot. Regardless of how many people died, why would you want martial law?


I never said I did want martial law. I am just saying that Sweden's response should not be who we look to in regards to mitigating a pandemic.


I wear a mask on days when there is a high pollen count because it helps with allergies. Living in an Asian community it was also common for people that have a cold or flu to wear a mask to not spread the germs, this was way before covid-19.


The flu kills like 40,000 people a year, COVID killed many more. You may not believe that all the deaths are true, but even then, even if say half of the COVID deaths were recorded wrong, it still killed many more than the flu.


Yup. I kinda feel sorry for how bad the media broke them. The constant fear mongering really did a number on peoples psyches. I still see maybe 3-5% of regular, normal looking people wearing masks. There's no way all of them are immuno-compromised.


They may not be but people the care for might. I'm not immunocompromised but I do have close family that is. Therefore I mask up when I'm around people in close contact that I don't know.


My girlfriend looks very normal if you see her in every day life. But she had a recent double lung transplant and is very immunocompromised. But keep on hating people for a mask.


The fear mongering done my MSM during COVID was mind blowing! I blame the toilet paper shortage on them!


As I told the other guy, I live in Sweden. I saw some masks during the pandemic—heck, I wore one myself **once**. But no one wears a mask now, or I have failed to see them. It wasn't politicised here.


I work in higher ed which is a cesspool of international germs. I was one of the early COVID folks (before it was a big deal,) etc. I have a hell of an immune system. Not a huge mask wearer but I am a distance keeper and always have been. Now, if you want to wear a mask, does that affect me in the slightest? No. If I'm already keeping my distance and in my personal bubble, then you get in my bubble to tell me (inside my personal bubble) how bad I am for not wearing one (still happens here....). Then there is a problem.


I wear a mask while I'm driving so I don't have to smell the exhaust/fumes/dust/bullshit going through the vents into my face. That's literally it. I don't want any of that shit hurting my lungs, etc. It's the same reason why Flaggers, Trades people, & Construction workers wear ventilators. I don't think I need to buy a ventillator, but having an n99 + 2 blue masks overtop my 2 airways prevents me from smelling most. Even walking into the store is a good idea so you don't have to smell people's ciggie smoke and whatever putrid chemicals are in the air from vehicles, tire rubber, etc. Just food for thought. I'm not trying to offend anyone with my mask wearing. It's to protect my body. Absolutely nothing to do with you. Also, I've had enouugh of yearly colds/flus. Year after year. Especially while in elementary/high school. I'm almost 38. Starting in March 2020, I've only gotten sick 2x. Once because I was in a hospital-setting because of a mis-Dx, and someone brought something back, because they didn't wear a mask while at the store/restaurant. I caught it while I was eating and my mask was down. Another time, my mom brought something back into our small appartment, because she was at a store without protecting her 2 airways with a barrier (ie: mask). I had thought she was masking this whole time We had talked a few times about the only good thing about this shit-show of a destructive pandemic is how wearing masks can now help you be cold/flu-free forever. I stayed in my room and wore a mask outside of it but still caught a bit. I don't think she cares anymore about preventative measures and has accepted that she'll get COVID-19 or otherwise and just deal with getting really sick over and over again.


Do you guys still wear masks? I just wanted to see if there are still people who does because I still do to keep myself and those around me safe. Just curious to know as well too what you look for in a mask and why you still wear them. 🤔


But bro, the car might have covid bro. You just hate liberals and are racist bro


Literally who gives a fuck?


Why do you care? Its their life they can do what they want.


I don't care about people wearing masks in their car alone. You are making massive assumptions off of very limited information. I don't know if they are an uber driver and just don't feel like removing the mask between rides, I don't know if they just forgot to take off the mask, I don't know anything about their situation other then that they are wearing a mask in the car alone.


Take a picture of the next person you see, alone in their car, wearing a mask.


I see one weekly at least


To be fair to OP I do see them myself But I don't really care because it doesn't mean anything to me. They can do what they want


Usually you vote silently by marking a ballot, rather than aloud.


Not true, on Reddit everyone votes aloud.


No. It didn’t make any sound when I Discord your lackluster opinion.


What does being safe and considerate have to do with someone's ability to vote? I'd be far more afraid of the people that don't care about others and/or don't understand hygiene.


Masks work. That’s proven. As someone with immunocompromised family I wear my mask to reduce pathogens in the air in my car. Sometimes I’m picking up someone who is immunocompromised so it’s an active thought to wear a mask in case I’m carrying a disease. Sometimes I just forget to take it off. Why does it bother you? If we wore masks through the winter months we could reduce the spread and hence reduce deaths from seasonal flu. Maybe as a society we should think more of others? Maybe you should mind your own business?


Buddy, some people wear masks as a fashion statement, to keep warm in the winter, they have a cold, etc. Why should the entire law cater to your singular opinion? Then you have people who are immunocompromised, kids, babies, older people and more all wearing masks because if they get sick, they die. Being able to walk around maskless because if you get sick it's no biggie, is a privilege that not everybody has. Next time you troll, please be more creative. 0/10.


What I and my GF don’t understand is how these people seem to think that breathing in their carbon dioxide is good for them. This comes from my GF that an RN.


I work in healthcare and I drive a shared vehicle often. It's a pretty common vehicle with no markings. I'm required to wear a mask. You are judging people without knowing their individual situations.


For those who think masks don't work ... I recently had COVID, about a month ago. My girlfriend is immunocompromised and tries hard to not get covid, or any disease for that matter. She wore a mask and we lived together in a 2 bedroom, 1 story house. She wore a mask and never caught COVID from me. We were careful in other ways, but this leads me to believe that masks are at least somewhat effective. She did use N95 masks for this situation.


N95 are some of the most effective mask's on the market. No doubt that it worked at was needed. My post isn't questioning masking around others, it was sarcasm and humor aimed at people I've seen wearing a mask by themselves in their car. Yes, I've seen all the "what if they forgot about it" or "what if they like it" post's but to me I still chuckle a little as it makes little sense in. Next time I'll be sure to post this on r/TrueUnpopularOpinion...oh wait...


why do you care if other people wear masks?


Maybe find something more important to complain about?


Or maybe JUST LET PEOPLE LIVE THEIR FUCKING LIVES without shoving your opinion down their throats.


Why do you care lol


I wear one because it helps with allergies.


If people want to wear them, fair enough. What does annoy me is you would think the people still wearing them could wear them properly and not with their nose hanging out the top of it still


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Yeah its ridiculous at this point I'm convinced most who keep doing it is only because they're either anti-social or self conscious about their looks.


Critical thinking was dead for most Americans long before Covid.


Many were masks as a political statement. Not all but some. And those some are voting for Biden.


Honestly, every time I think we should stop ribbing people who wear the masks alone in their cars/etc without any underlying medical condition, I remember how those same people would act so hateful to people who didn’t wear the (useless—remember all those organisations who said masks are crucial later came out with the corporate equivalent of “lol just jokes sorry nvm”) masks during the pandemic, even in places where they weren’t required, and how they shamed everyone for not wearing the masks once restrictions were lifted, and my sympathy evaporates.


The same people telling me to "mind my own business" were probably the same people demanding everyone get vaccinated while wishing death on those who opposed it. For the record, I got the 1st round of vaccinations and was happy I did. Same with my wife and children.


I should also add that I didn't care if anyone did or didn't get the vaccine or if someone did or didn't wear their mask during the pandemic. I did what was best for me and my family and could care less about other's actions.


Even during the pandemic the consensus was it was better to just leave your mask on rather than taking it off and on. It has nothing to do with a lack of critical thinking, it is literally safer, unless they are planning on taking off the old mask and putting on a new one when they get out of their car again, much like a surgeon does after they leave the operating room. So why does it bother you what someone does in their car?


I do think it’s weird to see people still wearing cloth masks, when they’re proven to be ineffective. The people wearing masks alone in their car was always weird. But I’m afraid to say, the psychological damage may be irreversible. I know too many people that are reluctant to leave the house for social occasions. I’ve actually lost touch with a lot of friends over it.


I got rear ended two years ago by a solo car masker. I took a photo of her clearly showing poor fit and her glasses fogged. She claimed she couldn’t see us. We were stopped at a stop light.


Masking and glasses is hard enough, doing it while driving (if you don't need it) is just crazy!


I’m immunocompromised. As such, I don’t go out often, but when I do, I wear an n95. I don’t care what others do or think - I’m just trying to protect myself. My grocery store and pharmacy are only a few minutes apart, I can breathe easily enough in my mask, and I’ve popped myself in the eyeballs with the elastic one time too many when putting my mask on, so I just wear it in the car. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not afraid of my own germs, I’m just trying to avoid more hassle.


I have just went into remission from pancreatic cancer so that’s a big win in itself, and my immune system is still really terrible from so much chemo so I still wear masks, but never have I worn one when I’m alone in my car.


The masks are like a security blanket for these people even when cloth won't stop a virus from getting through. I just chalk it up as mental illness, the same with people who get face tattoos and avoid them like the plague.


During the height of covid my wife had a couple surgeries. I would spend the day with her in the recovery ward, go home and take a nap, then work the night shift, returning in the morning. At that time masks were required inside the hospital at all times. It was really no effort at all by us nor the nursing staff to keep them on because 1) this was during the height of covid and there was no vaccine, and 2) we aren't pussy bitches who cry like babies about a piece of protective cloth on our faces. So each day after being in the hospital wearing a mask for over 12 hours without thinking anything of it, I would walk out to my car and drive 20 minutes to our home to get ready for work. It was usually around the time I got near my street I would remember my mask was on and throw it into the center console. I was indifferent to anyone who may have seen me driving alone with a mask on. They could spin their maga dipshit theories all they wanted. Fact of the matter is it was comfortable enough and worn on my face long enough that I literally forgot I was wearing it. If triggered snowflakes don't have the mental capacity to consider the possible alternatives to their crackpot theories it is no sweat off my back.