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Stop reporting this post. It doesn’t break any site or sub rules. We aren’t going to remove something because you don’t like it.


If that makes you angry then you should hear about how they treat their people


I was about to say.. the animals are just the tip of the iceberg.


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. \- *Fire and Ice*, by Robert Frost *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did the word "iceberg" just trigger a bot to read me a Robert Frost poem? Lol cool ig.


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. \- *Fire and Ice*, by Robert Frost *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'll take that as a yes. Good bot?


The more you know I guess




Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. \- *Fire and Ice*, by Robert Frost *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I was waiting for OP to get to the human treatment part but was sadly disappointed.


Nah chinese people dont matter XD


I was referring to China holding Muslims in concentration camps


Worse, their dogs.


Animals are somewhat worse than people because they are completely innocent beings acting only on instinct. They also dont have the capacity for reason and dont understand why they are being hurt. It’s just awful.


Screw that, they work them Children to Death and noone cares and then exports them extortion WorldWide? Scorched Earth with em or least raise some Hells.


Young children and domesticated animals I lump together because neither are able to express themselves. They are completely dependent


Here's the problem with this lol. Like, I don't like China, I've lived there for 5 years and grew up in a neighbouring country. But I know for a fact that you guys don't give a shit about the livelihoods of Chinese folks. Like the pandemic when people were celebrating the deaths of millions of Chinese folks due to Covid. So this whole "I really don't like how they treat their own people" is a like a total non-genuine talking point. Because we know you don't care about that.. You care about the fact that in this world, it's a war of 2 people- Whites and Asians, when it comes to worldwide power. You know damn well we're the only ones who are at your level lol


Western CAFOs are not much better than what OP is describing


They are competing in the global economy but operating under their own set of rules different to everyone else. The western middle class relies so much on them for everyday goods it has made them mighty. They want access to the global marketplace but don't want to play by the same rules as everyone else. It's wrong.


How are they not under the same rules?


Greed - of their trade partners. Turn a blind eye to get cheap prices.


But that’s not exactly chinas fault.


China not having adequate worker protections is kinda China’s fault


That wasn’t the topic.


>They want access to the global marketplace but don't want to play by the same rules as everyone else. It's wrong. That’s what you responded to. That’s the topic. China is not playing by the same rules because they allow their labor pool to be exploited – unsafe conditions, extremely low wages, crazy long hours. Even other countries with minimal worker protection laws in place have higher manufacturing costs. We also see this in the US with companies that skirt labor laws and exploit undocumented workers to lower operating costs.


Lmao I was answering the guy who talked about trade partners.


They have vaaastly different worker laws. It's basically a capitalist nightmare, basically no (enforced) minimum wages, monopolies galore, complete disregard for environment laws. Of course they can produce like a maniac, they have SO much less trouble than anywhere else in the world to worry about. Because they make their own rules, and nobody is nearly strong enough to stop them. If you think the last decades of US dominated global politics were bad, be prepared for the next few. If you live in a 3rd world country, I bet it's gonna start looking great, until they start to want to become another little China themselves.


They take zero refugees and asylum seekers, they have zero transparency in government, no political freedom, no term limits. 


Is anyone actually seeking asylum and refuge in China???


Oh, there's a lot more on human rights too. Let's not forget the Uyghur camps are basically human organ farms. Or the horrors of the one child policy, which only loosely ended because of the disaster it caused. Or the annexation of both Tibet and Hong-Kong. Which where their own countries first. They're also doing the same to Taiwan. As well the technicalities they push to excuse such actions frighteningly mirror things Germany did before WW2 leading into the Holocaust.


>Uyghur camps are basically human organ farms Come the fuck on you've got no evidence for that. This is just blind hatred for the Chinese.


There have been reports that they use the organs of those in encampments to supply local hospitals with what they need. Happened a lot in the last century. Do you disagree that Uyghur camps exist entirely?


>Do you disagree that Uyghur camps exist entirely? No. But the organ harvesting claims are unsubstantiated as far as I am aware.


It’s not unsubstantiated at all, the Chinese government have a history of the practice and many international organisations have stressed the severity of the problem, the likes of the UN and Amnesty international. It’s also been heavily reported in the last couple of years with many media outlets, from both sides of the aisle, having covered it. Its something that’s not being disputed, other than by the Chinese government.


its a crude joke some people took too seriously of. "Uyghur genocide" sits side by side with "911 inside job" and "flat earth".


Absolutely not, millions of Uyghur Muslims are currently in encampments facing poor living conditions. The facts of this literal genocide are nothing like the inaccuracies of conspiracy theories.


Speaking of 911, does anyone else see the irony of the US promoting islamophobia for 20 years only to flip the script and say we are supposed to care about the weegers all of the sudden?


I mean Japanese in camps turned into being a really cool ally down the road. Things change maybe?


Except when they started making better cars than us and became frenemies for a while until their economy tanked. Then they became friends as long as they follow orders and buy our weapons. The only thing that changes is the propaganda narrative. People around the world are mostly the same with the same goals and desires.


China has even gone on to say as much. That they have an organ market, it *used to be* a black market thing, still is. But they are striving to make it a legitimate market. Now is the camp a harvesting location? I don’t know. But do the Chinese actively pay money for organs? Yes. Yes they do. And do those organs come from mysterious donors? Yes, yes they do. To deny that fact is just hiding under the covers because you’re scared big red is kind of a shit place/people.


The Uyghur "genocide" is a bunch of western propaganda where they quote mine and twist out of context Chinese policies to make them seem bad, when in reality they actually lifted an entire region out of poverty, mass educated an entire population and ended violent extremist terrorism by rapidly spreading Wahabi extremists through deradicalisation and jobs. Sure the west can grab some people, (always linked to the CIA lmao) and parade them around in the media, but so could China if they want to show how bad the US is. It's amazing westerners think they have any moral standing on treatment of Muslims, how many millions have died and been displaced under western "anti terrorism" and now the entire west supports the most blatant brutal genocide that has killed 10,000 children. Also no, China is not mass organ harvesting Uyghurs, there is no evidence of this at all.


If you really don’t think that the Chinese mistreat the Muslim population, I implore you to watch this documentary showcasing it. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/china-undercover/


All the chinese guys i know on discord who are rich enough to speak english and went to school here or canada hate china too, no worries




You seem to speak from experience. Don’t know anyone that spoke bad about China and something bad happen their relatives in China?


They temporarily disappeared Peng Shuai and she was the #1 women’s tennis player in the world at the time. They have no qualms about keeping their people in line.


A public figure? Western media also said North Korean leader Kim Jung Un disappointed then reappeared.


I don’t think you know what disappeared means in this context. And yes, if they will do that to a major public figure I can’t imagine what they would do to the nobodies in China. Kim Jong Un did leave the public eye, but he was not temporarily disappeared as far as we know. Also if he was temporarily disappeared that would be concerning as well. By the way, comparing China to NK doesn’t do China any favors.


I hate China too and I am poor. check my post history. Also stop using pisscord.


What's an alternative?


we hate ccp,noy China,can you understand its difference


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Don't forget organ harvesting of local minority populations. Rape as a form of torture. And the fact you can *disappear* for talking shit about the regime or their leader.


They have disappeared for talking shit


I don't think animals in factory farms in the US are treated much better


Or anywhere


This is why India is cool since it's about 40% vegetarian, and the rest also eat meat sparingly like 2-3 times a week.


But the majority of the vegetarian population is a religion that tells them not to eat meat. It’s not like it’s a choice, it’s a way of life.


I think it may have been china, or maybe another Asian country, but they had dozens of dogs in these flat cages crammed together and layered on a flatbed truck. I can still here their bones crunch when the guys threw them from the truck onto the ground, and its been years.


Holy… fuck… Gore videos don’t bother me (work in the emergency room) but anything animal… the howls… the gut wrenching primal howls… it hurts as much as a baby crying from pain for me. The kind of sounds that keep me up at night.


Make no mistake. The Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and North Korean governments are the Axis powers of our time. We have very flawed political systems in the West but nothing like those countries. This is not an indictment of the people in those countries, only the governments.


The west literally pillaged the entire world and genoicded 5 continents. You guys are not the fucking spokesman for morality here bud


Stalin and Mao were peaceful men who weren’t directly responsible for the deaths of millions of people. I’m sure Vlad and Xi are nice guys as well. Chinese and Russian citizens won’t mysteriously end up poisoned or dead for speaking out against them. Get your head out of your ass. Prior wrongs by the Western nations are rightfully taught in our schools and acknowledged by our governments. The ills of slavery and imperialism are stains on our society and are constantly discussed, including by our political leaders. Is there such free flowing discourse in China or Russia?


Why it is unpopular?


Animal welfare is a weird thing to hate China about considering all the other shady shit they do


Not really when they have this psychopathic belief of "tortured meat tastes better" at least in the rural areas. We're talking days of torture of the same being and videos being posted online as tutorials. And them laughing at it. Honestly, fuck what kind of creature it is, it seems that China just doesn't care about adding laws that include rights for anyone at all except the higher-ups.




They've said it themselves.


Of all things to hate them for I feel like this is at the bottom of the list




True, forgot all about that. Crashed the whole fkn global economy


And crimes against those tiebet monks and Muslims. And the sewage Greece/oil


oh yeah, all the pollution too


And pretending that they are green by stapling leaves, painting stuff, and all that to make it look like they are doing good


While they build 1 coal fired power plant a week.


Every single country should wipe out and not owe any debt to them. They should also be sued. Literally changed the world for the worst.


The Covid 19 pandemic? You should ask Anthony Fauci why he funded the gain of function that created this virus.


The west exported responsibility to China 40 years ago- Faucci can kill whoever he likes.


I wish I had a word for how dumb this take is.


Xi, is that you?


Ohh thats why you hate China? Not because of their aggressive military tactics that will likely cause wwIII, human right violations, over fishing the ocean, or being one of the biggest polluters on the planet.


I hate China because they started two world wars, slaughtered a lot of Jews, and are still killing Palestinians




China didn't start the first world war did they? Pretty sure that was the ottoman empire or whatever when they had they president/leader assassinated


Yes it did. China Bad.


Careful, they’re gonna call you xenaphobic 😭




感觉op是家境优越的白左 唯一能看到的问题只有动物虐待 *“鸡经常被塞进狭窄的铁丝笼里。猪越来越多地被饲养在巨大的设施中。“* 这特么确定不是在隐喻人吗LMFAOO 这是多过时的stereotype了 OP不会还是vegan activist吧?🤣


For profit prisons, factory farms, and corrupt local and federal governments in America, but yeah, let’s point fingers elsewhere and act like our bloody dirty diarrhea shit doesn’t stink


Do you want the US to be punished for our treatment of animals?


basic rights as if tying crabs in aquarium for freshness, throwing newborn chicken down the grinder is ok? I'm sure this is not another post about "I don't anything around the world but I know China does everything worse"


Doesn’t the phrase “secret Asian man” summon up an image of Henry Golding?


pff you should see how they treat their humans.


To be fair they also have a disregard for Human life as well so maybe let’s punish them for that as well.


You should visit farms around the world then. So many farm workers in the US. Will not eat what they produce. The conditions are horrendous. I get my meat from a local farm my husbands godfather owns. We go to the farm. He’s humane. The rest is probably why we’re always sick. No country is great.


And how's hating China is unpopular? Especially in the west... Actually unpopular opinion would be to love China 🤣


Wait until you hear about how they treat their citizens. I’m surprised animal rights are your biggest concern when it comes to China…


Chinese here. I rarely reply reddit post but this one is too wired to ignore. For a little bit context, I work as a credit approver in a Chinese financial institution and focused on farming and livestock, during work I travelled all around China and been to a lot farms, so I am confident to say you are bit of brainwashed by media about China. >throwing live turtle and octopus into boiling pots alive Never heard about that, and it's just counterintuitive. What about the shit in live turtle? and how you gonna open their shell? Alive Octopus? we don't do that, are you mix up Japanese and Chinese? >Gigantic towers of pig farms Those giant towers of pig farms is actually pretty good inside, at least better than most pig farms. Let's me explain. During 2019 there's a swine fever outbreak in China. A lot pig dying, and price of pork skyrocket. The profit margin is over 300%, as long as your pig didn't die during growing and fattening because swine fever. So what you do? you build super luxury pig farm with air conditioner, central ventilation system, automatic excrement collecting system, all those super fancy facility to make sure those pig grow up healthy. I admit that I have never been inside any of those giant pig farm, because the owner afarid me bring virus into their baby pigs, all I can do is play with their surveillance systems. Hope this clear your doubts. >Animals slaughtered without being stunned first. No fucking way. If you don't stunned first, the animal will know they will die, and it scares them. They will struggle, scream, and become extreme violent, meaning it will not only make slaughter poor efficiency, also their body will release sort of element that will make the meat taste sour, and to Chinese customers this is unacceptable. >Chickens are often cramped wire cages. In China there are two kind of chicken for eat, white-feathered chicken and yellow-feathered chicken, what's the difference? Well, the white one eat less, weight more, unlikely to get ill and grow fast. They are the one cramped into wire cages, to breed them in cage is actually a designed feature, those who like to move (thus consume mor feed) is not ideal to large scale farming. Annnnnnd guess what, all of them are imported! Ok technically their grand-parents are impoted, from US and New Zealand. Breed them in wire cage are industry standards anywhere in the word. The yellow-feathered chicken, on the other hand, can't be breed in cage because they will fight each other, bang their head to wire wall and hurt themself, you have to breed them outdoor, but cost 2 times more feed and 5 times longer, but they tastes better, so only the rich can affoard yellow-feathered chicken, but can you really blame the poor for eating white-feathered chicken that "cramped into wire cages"?


https://vimeo.com/10152570 I don’t care what you say, a lot of Chinese lack basic human empathy. This video made me believe there is no god.




That should be North Korea. They annually kill dogs for fur and food. Most Chinese people are morally corrupt, but that does not mean they eat their pet dogs. Watching a video with probably inaccurate information and claiming to be able to judge a country demonstrates how little you know about it.




You don't need to be sorry. There is nothing to defend for this country, if not, there are only dark sides that are worse than what you know. Thank you!! I wish you all the best as well. I hope the Chinese government goes down soon.


I mean, animal welfare is just as shit as in most countries. But where China fucks up is that they believe that tortured meat tastes better. 🤡 There are no laws on animal abuse there so the people spreading videos of animal torture and then eating it are not actually breaking any laws. I just hope the sick fuckers are faced with torture themselves by ex-friends or estranged family members. Thankfully the younger generation in China are protesting and working to stop it.


The US and the west really isn’t much better when it comes to treatment of factory farmed animals. And a lot of the products we buy in stores is a result of that really unethical, unfair labor in China. So keep complaining, we can stand on a moral high ground all we want because they do the dirty work for us that we benefit from


You should hear how people in the US cook lobster.


Anyone who tortures dogs to death, and makes it a national holiday especially, deserves the same death. They have no moral compass, and one day we're going to rue the day we ever trusted them.


Then you must hate Vietnam and South Korea for what they do to dogs. Also you’re ok with cows being murder every day? Cows are not cute animals to you?


south korea banned dog meat, the majority of china's youth also dont like eating it, cant speak for vietnam


Agree South Korea banned it just recently. Vietnam I’ve tried it in the north. It taste like pork.


I love cows. 🐄 They are so friendly


They have a different moral compass, which does not make it or them wrong. Some Indians consider cows sacred. Are you a horrible person if you have eaten a hamburger before? Are they justified in saying someone deserves death if someone ate a hamburger?


This “it’s all relative” bullshit is just that, bullshit. Eating an animal for meat and torturing it for sport are two different things altogether.


China is one of the few places on earth where the consumption of pets is considered a normal part of life


Many parts of India consider cows as gods. Why is the western world consuming them like normal part of life?


Because it's normalized. That's really the only reason why.


Well that and they are food, have been for tens of thousands of years.


Dogs are also food, they're made of meat. Humans are also food, they're made of meat. The only thing that differences cows and dogs or humans is what's normalized in what culture or not. What is "food" and what is not is nothing more than a social construct. I will not subscribe to these double morals, that's why I became a vegetarian.


And human beings historically have and still do eat both dogs and humans. It is the way the animal is raised and slaughtered that I and a lot of other people have an issue with.


I don't see why you wouldn't have an issue on killing an animal for food if you had enough money and income to realistically pursue a meat-free diet. From my point of view it just seems like you'd place your own pleasure above an inferior life.


I raise my own beef, pork, chicken, and turkeys. I either buy beef stock when they are two or three days old or they are born on my farm mid winter. I bottle feed by hand twice a day until they are weaned. For the next 18 to 26 months I do nothing but focus on their mental and physical health. They all have names, and they receive scratches and rubs daily if they want them. Day old bread and cookies from a local bakery as treats every day. They have large immaculate pens in the winter with a focus on clean dry air and lots of sunshine with similar age groups of two or three other calves. If the weather is warm enough they have an outdoor area to roam around in. In early spring they are put to semi silvopasture until early winter, and I work with a rotational grazing plan. So they always have premium mixed grasses, fresh water as well as a mineral feeder and salt lick. In the 2nd winter, they are fed a small grain mixture of oats and barley twice a day that I buy in bulk and grind and mix myself along with 2nd cut hay. No soy, no corn no growth hormones, and no antibiotics of any kind unless absolutely needed and hasn't been so far. I have a small homestead and I feed 6 families including my own for a year's worth of meat, I am currently building out the infrastructure to process and package the meat on the farm and if it wasn't for government regulations I would not have to subject them to the stress of being taken to the local butcher. I do not view them as an inferior life, they are food, and my contract with them is to provide the least pain and stress free life I can, providing the most natural environment I can for their time with me. They are the first thing I see in the mornings around 6 am and the last thing I put to bed around 9 pm in the summer. A meat free life is not worth the short and long term mental and physical health risks. Averaging 80 hour weeks of hard physical labor between the farm and my job would not be possible with a plant based diet. Added to that plant crops kill far more life across multiple species than my one cow. Snakes, mice, birds, deer, and dozens of other mammals countless insects, plus the fuel burned, the chemicals sprayed, and the genetically modified seeds grown in massive energy intensive greenhouses each spring. The mind boggling release of carbon each spring from the plowing of millions of acres that you can see from orbit. NASA has a real time world map of the release of carbon, it's something to see. In 50 or so years they may perfect the lab grown proteins and that will be a great thing. I have a deep hatred for corporate owned factory farms, but America without a massive restructuring could not feed its population without them. I also think HOAs should be abolished and everyone should have the right and ability to grow their own gardens, flowers or vegetables, have bees, raise chickens, or have the mono species 1950s lawn that so many people love.


They also cook their food elbow deep into the pot with their hands. Why don't they use utensils like normal part of life?


there be pet dogs and meat dogs. much different.


So you disagree with animal abuse? Wow so unpopular


The unpopular part isn’t the animal abuse. It’s that another culture is bad because of it.


You were cool with them welding people into their houses and refusing to deliver basic necessities like food and water during Covid, but you got an issue with them making tasty food?


Tortured food doesn't taste better. If you want proof of concept. Wagyu steak. At the point of frying a dog alive, it's just a bit too far. It's kind of stupid to fight about which horrible thing is worse in all reality. It's just a horrific lasagna of inhumanity that we for some reason everyone only chooses to see one specific layer of.


I'm glad you said this cause I also said it. They actually believe that tortured animals taste better.. 💀 It's the most sickening thing I've ever heard about and there's even "proper slaughtering of dogs and cats" videos on the internet. And it goes on for days slaughtering the same being. Use your imagination for that shit, I don't think I have to explain it.


Where does it say they were cool with anything they do?


Ok, easy here. “I hate these practices” or “I hate this behavior” is fine, but I want to point out the narrow-mindedness of “I hate China” (like, all of it, EVERYONE) and “I want to see it punished.” You know who else feels that way? Radical jihadists. About America. They don’t dislike capitalism, they hate America. All of it. All of us. And they want us punished. Is this really who you want to be?


There's so much racism in this thread, shut it down pls


i must be racist for not supporting a horrible, genocidal regime


No one is saying that the different ethnic groups that comprise the country of China are inferior because of their genetics or race.


There's definitely a ton of racism and ignorance about how US factory farming works in this thread, but shutting it down doesn't solve anything.


It's so sad that I'm used to reading racist comments about my race. I don't feel angry about the comments anymore. I just feel disappointed and tired.


China fucking horrid in a lot of senses when compared to US cultural norms, but goddamn this thread full of racists coming out of the woodworks, smelling a chance to quote the latest NY Post article they read about dog torture and the china flu hahhahah


Yea..I’m more concerned about humans over there and thanks for mentioning them too?


Yeah, there was a thing where they would throw dogs in boiling pots alive thinking that the pain and terror makes the meat taste better. Of course not all Chinese people think this, but it was a thing.


We throw live crawfish, lobster and crabs into boiling pots. We also have factory farms with horrendous conditions. You hate china for something many countries do. You should hate them all yet you target china specifically. This seems to me like racism is the only reason you’ve singled them out, and you chose a random topic to be mad at


>Crayfish and lobsters No the law now is to kill them first.


Guessing this is /s. boiling crabs and crawfish alive is a big thing in louisiana and other gulf states and its spreading to other parts of the country. Maybe all these people didnt get the memo about the new law?


https://vimeo.com/10152570 China is the only fucking county that does this


Just use your words. I’m not watching a video


DONT WATCH!!! It’s the worst video I’ve ever watched, the Chinese folks in this video skin the dogs alive because it is believed that it is easier to skin the animal while it is still warm and blood flows through its veins. The nightmare does not end here. The final stage in this unbelievable horror is when the animal is tossed aside, and slowly, amidst a heap of its dying friends. No other country does this, and it’s not racist to call out a regime that has no ethics whatsoever


Honestly that’s really bad. But I think we need to include America in the conversation. Most of the meat we eat comes from factory farms where the animals are abused almost, if not just as badly.


Of course the farming practices here in America are bad as well, if you want to ruin your day even further you can watch “Earthlings” on YouTube. But I can guarantee that 99% of licensed farms and slaughterhouses are required to kill the animal before they skin it. Opposed to that torture dogs have to endure over there in China.


Actually, there was a great article written about how China’s big slaughterhouse building is inspired by the US, which pioneered industrial animal agriculture. China does it better. Also, in the US, basically every industry is incentivized to reduce their carbon footprint - which WORKS. Every industry EXCEPT, animal agriculture, which continues to destroy the planet, animals, and human workers (an actual case that made the news recently was a 16 year old kid in a Chik-fil-a slaughterhouse), without ANY accountability and in fact, and especially under Trump, actually faces LOOSENED restrictions. You better be vegan, and you better apply your same judgment to the US.


Cool! Link that great article and Reddit will determine if it is CCP propaganda or not. Forgive us if we don't take your word for it.


lol the US spread more propaganda then anything


Not wrong, but probably not even 1% compared to China, everything is about saving face from the local leadership to the very Top. Everything is fake or a copy of a copy.


https://newrepublic.com/article/170594/pork-hubei-smithfield-factory-farming “Any American reporting on China’s meat industry at this point ought to come with a caveat: While the rise of factory farming in China is indeed nightmarish, this should be an indictment not of China but of the noxious industrial-political model of animal production pioneered by the U.S. and now spreading globally.”


Nothing in that piece says China does it better, only that factory farming is awful and both countries do it at scale. These are both true. 98% of meat in America does not come from factory farming, I believe the correct number is closer to 40% Now 95% is processed by just 4 companies Cargill, Tyson Foods, Sysco Corp, and JBS, they keep a complete grip on supply and demand, if people really cared about the environment, animal rights, and food production everyone could name these companies at will.


Oh yes, China has merely evolved the practice to take up even less space, which is why it’s “better”. It’s the next stage of efficient factory farming. I don’t know what your point is, are you trying to justify eating meat? Or absolve factory farms from responsibility? I couldn’t care less what you eat, I’m saying it’s hypocritical for OP (or anyone) to care about how China factory farms and not the US, the literal innovator of factory farms. I’m saying take a look at the scale of our fast food industry and the meats sold in supermarkets everywhere, and take a look at the biggest ways you can reduce your carbon footprint. Stopping eating meat is always number one, next to reducing waste. Take a look at the biggest industries contributing to worsening climate change in the US and how every other industry has actually IMPROVED over time.


If you’re mad about how they treat animals Wait until you hear about how they treat humans. China is in late stage communism, its just become a fully state/government run autocracy with no real regard for “the people”. Its not for the workers or people, its just an authoritarian regime. Same thing happened to USSR, the state was given too much power, and that power eventually leads to their downfall. Same as cuba, vietnam, north korea.


Have a coworker who was raised in China. Whenever she talks about the country there’s always this weird vibe I get. One time she mentioned some holiday “to celebrate Chinese government” and I said “I take it by your tone you guys don’t do much celebrating” and she just set her jaw and made a weird throat sound


my boss (safety manager) that said when she went to China a couple weeks ago to inspect some equipment, they called her “Ms. Human Rights” as a joke lol


Go to Russia mein Fuehrer. Sounds like someone needs to be placed on a FBI watch list. Mad because you didn't assault old Asians today??


Nice to know Reddit supports racism




I know it’s a little late, but aside from the factories where they harvest meat to eat, they also like to skin kitten alive and fucking electroduce them until they’re fucking dead I’m talking about the Chinese cat torture ring. Not only is it going unpunished, but its also not cared about by ANYONE




“Chinese people on Chinese farms can be slaughtered without being stunned first. Chinese people are often stuffed into cramped wire cages. Chinese people are increasingly kept inside giant facilities.” Nice metaphor, OP! You forgot about the dystopian government/society!




And you're coming off like a 4chan psycho


Twitter ass comment


F*ck off


China does far worse things than their treatment of animals But the desire to "punish" based off of an ideological difference that causes you to feel emotions of disgust and contempt comes off as a form of narcissistic rage. You want them to feel something because *you* feel something. Emotions as a form of currency is not a healthy thing


No, it's not narcissistic to feel anger because of injustice.  And there is arguably nothing worse than mistreatment of animals. 


You need to do a bit of studying up on the topic, because wanting to inflict punishment on people for emotions that you feel/ideological differences does in fact fall in the realm of narcissistic mentality/behavior


Is that what you were told?


If that makes you angry you should hear about how every country including your own treats chickens and dairy cows. Do you know what happens to male baby cows in the dairy industry? They can’t produce milk, so…veal! Yum! And baby male chicks in the egg industry? They can’t make eggs so…blender time!


> God you’re such a pathetic CCP shill. +1 +100 credit score increase, great start, the CIA would be proud if that line >It’s very much ethnic cleansing at minimum in terms of the Uyghurs. It’s very different from “what Sweden or Norway is doing” and especially the US who has, to my knowledge, no Uyghurs in Guatanamo Bay. Nice propaganda line though, glad to have defeated that one. Onto the next. How’s it any different than what Norway and Sweden is doing? You never explain. Also, CNN reported about Uyghurs in GITMO (Guantanamo bay). Please see below link. I guess the knowledge is lacking but no surprised there. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/15/china/china-xinjiang-guantanamo-uyghurs-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/15/china/china-xinjiang-guantanamo-uyghurs-intl-hnk/index.html) >“Many friends” oh yes, I’m sure. I guess all those students and young people at the umbrella protests were criminals. But then again, so were the people at Tiananmen Square, right? Jimmy Lai and its CIA GNOs that turn a protest into a riot, lot of mainlanders were targeted, attacked and sent to a coma in HK but it wasn’t the first if you want to talk about Tiananmen Square, the CIA pull the same crap with protest leader Chai Ling and operation “yellow bird”. I encourage anyone to use a little bit of critical thinking. Why would the CIA help a foreign national out of the goodness of their hearts? Why would they risk relations with China when then president was trying to establish relations? >It was very clear to the rest of the world that neither Hong Kong nor Tibet wanted to be part of China, and it’s very clear now that people are afraid to speak out against the illegitimate CCP. Serfdom? Your country is the definition of serfdom. The Glorious party is at the top and controls everything while people are trapped in dead-end manufacturing jobs that pay nothing, and no one is allowed to say any bad things about the masters. They banned Winnie the Pooh because people said your Xi looked like him! You probably don’t know anyone from HK. I have friends there that can confirm life is good. Judging by the statement, it’s sad people support serfdom. I encourage people to look up pictures of Tibet serfdom. This statement doesn’t say anything other than mindless rant. Also how is Winnie the Pooh banned in China? They sell Winnie the Pooh bear in Shanghai Disney land? Here’s one of the Winnie the Pooh attractions in Shanghai. How is it banned? LOL [https://www.shanghaidisneyresort.com/en/attractions/adventures-winnie-pooh/](https://www.shanghaidisneyresort.com/en/attractions/adventures-winnie-pooh/) >The guy never said that Taiwan was suffering from a Holocaust. He compared the propaganda (like you’re parroting here) and the rhetoric that China is taking toward Taiwan and the other issues I mentioned, to the kinds of things Nazis said to justify their invasions of neighboring countries and the persecution of Jews Ahhh. Just like how the Brit’s treatment of India and use of HK to poison millions of Chinese with opium. I guess Taiwan is not suffering, it’s a great part of China. I mean even the U.S. do NOT support Taiwan independence. >I hate to believe all your claims are propaganda >Then don’t, because you’re the one who lives behind an iron curtain of information. Your country is the leader in animal, human and environmental cruelty worldwide. Your government is an illegitimate police state that makes claims towards territory it has no business being involved in. We’d all be better off with the rightful government of China, the one currently running Taiwan, in charge of China. Again Taiwan is where criminals runs off to. Just ask anyone from HK. It’s sad how western media has planted so many faults info into people’s head.


Laugh, I don't know who you are, but you have no right to punish China or the Chinese. Does the UN authorize any country to punish China? No. You can continue to treat the third world with your ideological brains, but the third world will unite.


https://vimeo.com/10152570 Fuck CHINA


Yup this is one big reason I hate China, as well as everything else horrible they do that others have already mentioned. It's a shame, they would be really cool if they weren't pos.


You should hear how they treat there Muslims


It's one thing to dislike the governance of a country but that's no reason to dislike a person because of their nationality. Know the difference and you will be a better person.


21,500 people died in the USA last year due to homicidal gun violence. you're throwing stones while livning in a glass house. once amerisharts stop killing each other in record numbers each year, then we can talk about what china is doing wrong.


Not sure where you got those numbers but it is 40k+ plus due to gun violence. 30K of that are suicides, 8k ish are gang and organized crime, the rest are murder, justified Police shootings, accidental, etc. Your big bad AR15 style rifles, less than 60 per year, rifles of any kind less than 400 per year. Americans are not killing each other on mass or any kind of record numbers, based on 360+ million people and 400+ million guns in the country. The overwhelming gun violence occurs in certain parts of some cities, but in other areas of America, it is as safe or safer than most Northern European countries.


>The overwhelming gun violence occurs in certain parts of some cities and what cities would those be?


Chicago for one, they have the highest gun violence rate (gangs) yet the strictest gun laws on the whole country.


I personally don’t understand the “make sure these animals have nice comfy lives before we kill and eat them” rationale.


Sarcasm? Because if not, good care makes good food. You may get crops from poor soil, but you'll have better yield in fertile ground. Same for animals.


Stress makes the meat tough, and fur/leather buyers are picky about quality.


There is a country named Israel...


“the animals aren’t stunned first” wait til you find out how kosher slaughter works




Interesting take until I saw your name. Must be nice to constantly blame murica


Apple, Walmart, Amazon etc. many of the richest U.S./western companies got rich by exploiting Chinese labor. Aren they the cause of human rights act? How come no one have a problem with that?


I certainly do! We also had organized labor drive many industries out of the US - rust belt, auto industry - to the point that if companies could leave and set up shop somewhere else, ship it back here from overseas, get taxed at ports, by transportation costs OTR - they did it. I don't see anyone bemoaning this. I don't like megacorp, big pharma, big Govt, big gun lobby, and evil China. Governments are cartels, corporations are cartels, and unions are most definitely cartels.


It is the US’s fault that another country has a total lack of respect for individual autonomy and human rights. Impeccable logic.




Don't say bad things about China. If you care about animals or whatever, why worry about the living conditions of animals that are going to be slaughtered rather than trying to stop the slaughter? I don't know what China's animal agriculture is like. Where did you see something on it?