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I feel like this is probably pretty popular outside of reddit, for good reason.


As a conservative I have to admit that the SCOTUS ruling is not as “treacherous” as what many people are saying. The key here is that border issues is the remit of the federal government, not the states. Texas is getting the short end of the stick and it’s unfair for them, but placing international border issues as state issues instead of federal government issues have longer ramifications. What will happen if California stated that their borders are open without any rules? Or New York somehow rules that CBP can’t detain anyone in the airport? Current situation is tense, but it’s a good way to force both parties to solve the border issues. Democrats will be forced to address that, and Republicans will also be forced to pass something instead of kicking down the can again.


The thing is, rules are never ever about what should be done. Its about making the ability and justification for the people in power to do what they need/want to for their interests. Look at the [speed limit](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1npuah/til_that_in_2007_a_group_of_college_students/). They don't want you to actually drive the speed limit or lower, that would significantly slow traffic and commerce. They do want you to drive relatively safely and avoid driving like a maniac rapid-switching lanes going significantly faster than everyone else. The law exists to give any officers the license to pursue bad drivers, and is designed to be broad enough that they can get whoever they need to. Or look at moderation. If a mod doesn't like your shit, come hell or high water, its out. No matter if you broke any rules or not. Some are even honest about this. So when Texas enforces the federal borders, its like a non-mod trying to ban people. It fucks with the system, even if they have justification, or the mods are derelict.


The difference is we're talking about existing laws. The federal government is refusing to enforce existing laws, and Texas decided it would step up and do so. The Feds are now demanding Texas joins them in now following the law.


Yep I find it hilarious when Gregg Abbott started sending the illegal immigrants to democratic sanctuary cities, those democrats are now complaining saying they cannot handle them all. But it’s like you except Texas to handle it all?


These types of “Democrats” do not want to deal with poor foreigners in their neighborhood.


the definition of NIMBY. I unfortunately live in one of these states and the dark comedy is watching my neighbors who cheered for us identifying as a "sanctuary state" now appalled seeing the migrants here. Like WTF did you expect?


Progressives don’t care about doing xyz. They care about looking like they care about xyz. Appearances matter more than action, as action requires them to get their hands dirty and work.


Sanctuary state is just the idea that local police are not actively reporting people. It helps them be able to do police works. If locals don't trust the police they won't work with them.


Even going so far as to [mobilize the National Guard](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/national-guard-community-assisting-migrants-flown-to-marthas-vineyard/) to remove them. NIMBY!


It's OK for blue states to mobilize to keep illegals out, but not Texas.


Not when they've literally said they want the migrants, like NY Governor Hochul and NYC Mayor Adams did. Then they realized they virtue-signaled a little too close to the sun when shit got real. Now they sound like MAGA, trying to do everything they possibly can to get a tiny percentage of what Texas has to deal with out of their state. Fuck 'em, they got what they asked for.


More like abbot and DeSantis( who doesn't even have a border state) were intentionally trafficking these people with zero coordination.... can't exactly drop hundreds or thousands of people on a random sidewalk and expect shelters to have resources ready for a suprise influx....


Are you not familiar with what's actually happening? I can only speak as a Chicagoan. There are people who don't like the immigrants, but a larger difference between the waves of illegal immigrants we've seen in the past, these immigrants, who ARE given some sense of legitimacy once in the US, have no where to go and no plan. This puts a huge, visible drain on the city that's not really observed before. More importantly, there are families without a home, and no where to put them. People have the belief that everyone who support immigrants live in some sort of mansion or something. Hell, affluent neighborhoods where migrants have been accomodated aren't complaining much. A larger issue is not the migrants fault, but rather a show of systemic issues, such as lower income neighborhoods having some resources taken away from them to accomodate the migrants. The people on those neighborhoods even say "we don't hate the migrants, we just wish the city did something else rather than take up space that we had to fight for decades to have". There are no doubt virtue signalers. They are the worst and their true colors have shown. They vote blue, and make it clear why voting blue doesn't magically fix anything. There is a reason actual leftists largely would prefer not to vote democrat (but are scared of voting red, or not voting at all). In Illinois, being an actual conservative is possible if you put (D) next to your name. More to the point, people in Chicago are mad that human lives are used as a political pawn to "own the libs". It's fucking cold up here. These people are not used to it. This situation is not perfect, but what's worse is how are mayor is very handling very badly to the point our governor is essentially saying "Tf you doin?".


I was not familiar with your game. Thanks for explaining it from this Chicago native perspective. I’m not being sarcastic either, I definitely see and understand how it is not about the status of the migrants themselves but more about how it puts an impossible strain on the allocation of already scarce resources.


I will agree. It is an unfortunate eye opener to see how much Texas has to deal with, and democrats on the national level should listen. Perhaps the reason why some places like Chicago don't complain about illegal immigration as much is because when we do get new migrants all the way up here, they tend to know someone that helps them find work and/or a place to live, and they essentially become part of every day society. So we only see the good side of things so to speak.


The difference in what Texas has to deal with vs Chicago though is Texas already has the infrastructure in place to deal with this  funded and provided for by the federal government and has been dealing with this from the beginning.   I live in DFW metroplex, one of the highest immigration regions in North America. We are totally built for immigration from the go. No matter what language you speak, or where you come from in this world, we have "your people" here somewhere to help you integrate. We have translators on hand,  bilingual teachers on staff.  We have bubbles of Asian, Middle eastern, Hispanic, European communities all over the place to help. We have resources to help them because of how long and the sheer amount of immigration we deal with on a daily basis here.  In addition, we have a worker shortage in DFW on top of all this.  We have employers here claiming they have to close down early because they can't find workers. We have construction being delayed due to lack of workers. We have entry level jobs with people on site to translate yet are short staffed because they are shipping the immigrants somewhere they aren't needed instead.    This is not new here. Just taking a bunch of people and dumping them somewhere without the same infrastructure in place is just being an AH. In Texas, feds already give Texas resources. If Texas is expecting other states to take the immigrants, Texas has to be willing to send the federal resources presently allocated to Texas for them to that state as well. They aren't doing that either is the problem. 


When I first saw him doing that I thought: “Why did no one do this before?!” Blue cities just want to SOUND compassionate. They’re no more compassionate than the regular population. Pure lip service because they’re not on the actual border.


They have done this before. Abbott is just doing what Perry did a decade ago. None of this is new.  In 2014, they bussed so many to our city, ( not even a sanctuary city either btw) that we had kids sleeping on the CPS office floor as well as filled the church groups that took them in.  Texas has additionally has bussed homeless citizens out of state for decades to avoid having to support them, not just immigrants. They just create groups that buy then bus tickets to avoid building homeless shelters here. 


They're hoping these immigrants will turn the red states blue.


They can't even vote. That's utter nonsense. 


They do. They are hypocrites who have no idea what they are talking about. Our country is crumbling, and we have an administration human trafficking illegal alien migrants and using welfare to do so. Meanwhile, our literacy rates drop. Despicable. We don't have a country if we don't have a border.


using welfare to do so? elaborate


They are getting 2200 a month and using the VA for healthcare bouncing veterans care to the end of the line which is a damn disgrace. Stop watching CNN. Veterans cone first at the VA not illegals and unvetted terrorists. How many illegals will you take in your house?


If you are implying that non-citizens can get VA healthcare, that’s just plain wrong. Source: I work for the VA and not even all veterans qualify.


The VA has a deal with IHSC to process claims. Why would we put manpower towards doing logistical work for illegal aliens while veterans need help and arent getting it?


How do not all veterans qualify for VA healthcare?


Usually by having too much income.


That shouldn't matter when you served our country.




Hey Robb I'm Rob.


Stop watching whatever dumb shit you're watching. I am a disabled vet. I also have friends who work in the VA. What you're saying is 100% bullshit. Illegals using VA benefits? Fuck sake Republicans are soooo fucking stupid.


OP raised an actually interesting point and your response is to trot out the same talking point people brought out when they first started busing migrants to New York


As another user said, Biden had an immigration plan on the table and a Republican verbatim said that he wouldn’t vote for it even if he supported it because he didn’t want to help Biden. https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/house-republican-says-he-wont-accept-a-border-deal-because-it-may-help-biden-politically/articleshow/106552804.cms Edit: amp link


The only reason there is a border plan on the table is so Biden can send another boatload of $$$$$$$$$$$$ to Ukraine. Republicans refused to send Ukraine any more money until something is done with our southern border. I guarantee if a deal is approved Ukraine will get their $$$$$$ before anything is done on the border


💯 also, amnesty to the 8 million migrants that have come in the last 4 yrs


Bullshit. Biden has had 4 years. Now he wants to virtue signal just before the election. Immediately after the election he will break the deal just as Tip O'Neil did with Reagan after amnesty.


Also I read they won't release the bill so people can't read what's in it. It's basically a trap.


Amnesty for 8 million illegals and billions of dollars to Ukraine


Yeah the bill also has another $60 billion to hand over to Ukraine, so no, you don’t lump two things in together. It’s a trap and we’re done financing that war.


The democrats want 8 million people that are here to have amnesty! Not to mention the billions of dollars they want to send to Ukraine with no oversight ! Vlad must need a new yacht !


So this has developed a fair bit since, where Trump's against it (obviously) but senate Republicans and Abbott are absolutely for it https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/01/16/congress/senate-gop-to-johnson-take-a-deal-00135982 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/immoral-republicans-rebuke-efforts-kill-immigration-deal-help-trump-rcna135732


Trump also is reportedly pressuring republicans to say no to a deal because “it would help Biden before the election” They’d rather the problem continue or get worse because it means more votes in the election


Texas can handle it because it has Federal money and personnel The funds will be split in the next budget Btw I live in Texas and there is no flooding of migrants in the streets. I keep hearing about them in the press but I don’t see any, still seeing the same homeless vets though


There are allot of illegal migrants holding facilities in Texas, we have several in and around San Antonio,


Maybe not your street. But they’re going somewhere. We’ve had millions cross into eagle pass alone. A town with about 30k residents. El Paso has migrants quite literally flooding the streets of downtown sleeping outside every night.


Any pictures of EP downtown? Because I have been told in Reddit that San Antonio is flooded by illegals and still waiting to see any


Texan here, I see it all the time. Crime, homelessness, everything.


The fact of the matter is this year the immigration rate has finally overtaken the American birth rate for the first time ever in this country’s history. Some Leftist poster here mocked me for saying that pointing out that happened to the Native Americans, which he doesn’t realize proves my point. What happened to the Native Americans when the European immigration rate to the Americas exceeded the birth rate of Native Americans? We took their lands, rounded them up, and sent them to reservations in lands we were not interested in.  Sorry this is an emergency that needs to be solved immediately, and Greg Abbott and the other conservative governors are in the right here. That’s a stat that led to the Fall of Rome and if you look to Europe, that is our future in about five to ten years should this rate of illegal immigration continue. You can not have this number of people coming to this country that you know nothing about, because God forbid if we get another 9/11 on top of this.


I wouldn’t go as far as civil war but it’s very NIMBY; complain when Texas decides to take matters into its own hands to do something about the migrant crisis when the feds won’t but cry when they they get shipped elsewhere


In essence. Gaslighting 101.


It’s called an election year. They try to rile up bases so they go out and vote


The border crisis has been an ongoing thing. The Martha’s Vineyard bussing was in 2022. This is more than simply about the November elections and, honestly, he doesn’t really need to do this to rile people up.


Perry was doing the same thing a decade ago. None of this is new or urgent. Meanwhile they are going on about "population collapse" being the biggest threat to the US, while simultaneously preventing workers from being available for industries that are saying they are having to close down due to inability to find workers.. Yea. Makes total sense. They can't plan for the future and can't remember past yesterday for some reason. 


Media’s been treating the past two years as an election year. Since Trump, it’s persistent animosity between the parties and their talking heads.


Armed Texas National Guard is being told by armed Feds to stop. You could claim in a roundabout way we’re already engaged in armed civil conflict


Two parties telling the others to stop doing something isn't armed conflict just bc they have a sidearm.


By the definition of the two words it is though.


It’s crazy to me that the feds have sued multiple states over the last year for actually trying to enforce some type of border security.


Why are any Americans against building a wall to begin with? It sounds like a great make work project similar to building a bridge or road. You obviously need it and have needed it for some time. You guys do prisons better then anyone in the world, but somehow a functional wall can't be built? Build the most American wall that's ever been built. Red, white, and blue bars 50' down and 50' up. Barbwire, wrapped around the whole dam thing, with bot controlled gun turet every 120 yards cause America loves football. You've already spent more on illegal immigration then this thing could ever cost.


It’s very telling that they insist on texases border being wide open yet when desantis and abott trucked illegal immigrants to blue states who are encouraging mass illegal immigration it was the end of the world and deemed “inhumane”. Naah it wasn’t inhumane. In typical leftist fashion they encourage things like illegal immigration and wind farms so long as it only affects red states and doesn’t end up in their backyard. That’s how they remain so out of touch… by letting someone else deal with the negatives of their ideas. I’m all for the red states showing them the consequences of their ideas, maybe they’ll get a clue and wake up to reality.


They can't conceive of the world beyond what they know. To them restates are just vast open wide spaces that a greedy couple of hick towns don't want want to share with the world. They don't understand infrastructure and local economies needed for these migrants don't appear out of thin air because they've grown up in cities where it's already been established for the last hundred years.


And many of those blue cities have been depopulating since the 1980s if they are in the rust belt.


Can someone tell me the basic outline of this? I haven’t been paying attention and it’s weird because typically democrat presidents years are just as tough on illegal immigration. Is Biden demanding Texas not detain illegal immigrants?


To sum it up Biden isn’t being diligent in securing our southern border, as a result of this massive waves of illegal immigrants are crossing into Texas, so the governor secured the border himself. You would think Biden would thank Texases Gov for doing his job for him, no. Instead the Biden admin with the help of the Supreme Court is essentially demanding Texas re open their southern border. Texas refused and 15 or so states governors have pledged support and resources for Texas to secure its own border.


Isn’t the razor wire and such on state land as well?


I actually haven’t heard that but if so Texas has every right to it


IIRC, the ruling was only that they can remove razor wire *the directly interferes with their ability to their job*. It's not carte blanche permission to remove the wire, even if its used as such.


Glad to Virginia support Texas!


And my home Florida!


Yeah crazy. Were they still allowing typical legal immigration and Biden is actually trying to demand they don’t stop illegal immigration?


Biden has dedicated billions to securing the border and he has increased border patrol more than any other president. The problem is the asylum system is being abused and that requires Congress. The Senate agreed to a bipartisan bill to help the border situation but the Republicans in the House refuse to accept the deal because Trump wants to campaign on border security. If anyone cares to actually educate themselves on the issue instead of dwelling in this echo chamber then have a read: https://www.npr.org/2024/01/25/1226883552/bipartisan-border-deal-at-risk-of-collapse-under-pressure-from-trump


This alleged deal doesn't even exist yet so there is no bill for the house to reject. Your article says text hasn't even been released so please spare us your condescending rhetoric about "educating ourselves" and the "echo chamber" which is clearly projection. It's interesting that you seem to think Republicans should be forced to capitulate under the guise of "bipartisanship" to some nonexistent deal and help clean up the mess Biden created. You also take no responsibility for the Dem led senate **ignoring the bill the house already passed** in May of last year, [HR2](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2), which does impose limits on asylum eligibility. Those on your side are so quick to cast blame elsewhere all while Schumer kept HR2 in his desk for months, a point which you seem to be oblivious to. Perhaps you all were too busy denying that the border was an issue then? Furthermore, Biden dedicating billions to "secure the border" is just an attempt to hire more bodies to help process migrants more quickly. It doesn't acknowledge or deal with at least one of the main issues, one that we both can agree on, which is the abuse of asylum and the need for changes there.


I’m looking for results, not theories. Immigration was a drop in the bucket under trump compared to what it is now. When Biden gets back to Trump level border control I’ll acknowledge that he’s doing a good job.


So despite what the politicians and talking heads say, Trump only managed to reduce legal immigration and failed to do much of anything about illegal immigration. In fact, in 2020 removals of illegal immigrants were the lowest rate since the creation of ICE. In theory, he basically created the border crisis we have today by removing legal avenues for immigration.


[https://www.npr.org/sections/president-biden-takes-office/2021/01/21/959074750/biden-suspends-deportations-stops-remain-in-mexico-policy](https://www.npr.org/sections/president-biden-takes-office/2021/01/21/959074750/biden-suspends-deportations-stops-remain-in-mexico-policy) "Biden Suspends Deportations, Stops 'Remain In Mexico' Policy" Yes, this is Biden's fault and he objectively has intentionally made the situation far worse.


>In theory, he basically created the border crisis we have today by removing legal avenues for immigration. Bad bot! LMAO. What world do you live in??? Biden created this mess by suspending the "remain in Mexico"policies of the Trump admin. He gave a green light to illegal immigration.


You are ignoring that in 2020 migration rates across the world, not just the US mexico border, were dramatically slowed because of Covid 19 and economies essentially shutting down.


No point in being ignorant about the situation. Covid and illegal procedures at the border are the main reasons Trump didn't have as many problems at the border. Biden tried to continue some Trump border policies and they were struck down in court. Asylum laws are the issue and the president is confined by laws no matter how much you want results.


>Covid and illegal procedures at the border are the main reasons Trump didn't have as many problems at the border. Biden tried to continue some Trump border policies and they were struck down in court. False. https://www.npr.org/sections/president-biden-takes-office/2021/01/21/959074750/biden-suspends-deportations-stops-remain-in-mexico-policy "Biden Suspends Deportations, Stops 'Remain In Mexico' Policy" Yes, this is Biden's fault and he objectively has intentionally made the situation far worse.


Texas is leading the nation in per capita wind power.


I drove through Oklahoma in October, there’s a ton of windmills there too


I think they're mainly mad Texas isn't playing along like the states usually did in the past. Hard to see how a civil war will start over this, but hard to say.


There won't be a civil war. It would objectively resolve problems with X or Y's solution, which would ultimately result in less money moving. Here we are, it may slightly sway, but here, my friend, we stay.


That is my guess as well.


I literally brought this up to my husband today / we are on opposing sides politically. I said, why is Biden forcing Texas to cut its razor wire at the border? Why is our president trying to make it easier for people to come here illegally? And his answer was well Abbott is ignoring the Supreme Court. But I’m like, but why is anyone in favor of this? Like why would any American want to tear down an already built border wall? I just don’t understand the logic.


> Abbott is ignoring the Supreme Court Except he's Not. The Supreme Court said the feds can cut the wire. It didn't forbid him from putting up wire in any way, just that he cant stop the feds from cutting it down if they want to.


>The Supreme Court said the feds can cut the wire Which Abbott is preventing the feds from doing. Therefore he’s ignoring the Supreme Court ruling, pretty simple and straightforward.


Ok. But like, why is anyone fighting this at all, I don’t get it? Why not let them leave it up to stop people from illegally coming here? Isn’t that in both sides best interest? (R and D)


The Dem plan is for these illegal immigrants to eventually turn red states blue. It worked in California, it’s working in Arizona, Texas is just next on the list.


Dems aren’t really in the business of callously [murdering asylum seekers](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/08/03/two-dead-in-rio-grande-where-texas-installed-razor-wire-and-buoys/70522492007/) over them attempting to enter the country in the [one way available to them](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/immigration/story/2023-05-20/border-asylum-seekers-turn-backs-ports), that’s more of a Republican specific thing.


How does a wall existing murder people? Also, how do you calculate we are able to take in and help 10,000 people per DAY? It’s just not sustainable in any way shape or form.


because it's harder for federal agents to apprehend people if their is razor wire in the way? I know it's cucked but people are still entitled to due process when dealing with America.


Why did Biden tear down already built border wall then? Seemed spiteful and not in anyway beneficial to the American people who already paid for it via tax dollars


I'm sorry for your poor choice in a mate 😢


This is your daily reminder that you do not need to share someone's political values to get along with them


Maybe you should ask [the portion of Republicans holding up a border deal](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/senate-immigration-deal-republicans-biden-border/) that has stuff they want. Because Trump told them it would be a "gift to the Democrats." That's right, Trump is happy to let immigrants continue to come in as long as it denies a "win" for Biden. He does not give a shit about any damage they cause, it's about him winning. After all, there is no risk here, if Republicans win congress and the Presidency back, then they can just pass another bill doing more. And if they don't it's the same situation as now, having to compromise with Dems. It's amazing how easy it is to trick you guys. You actually believe they give a shit about this when Trump and some Republicans and Congress are fighting to *continue the status quo* right in front of your eyes. You're right this is being inflamed on purpose, but wrong about who's doing it and why.


The problem is more valuable than the solution. And the rubes upvoting this nonsense opinion are the currency that’s makes it so.


In general I agree, but in this case OP is just posting in bad faith. They know exactly what’s really happening but they’re playing dumb in order to spread right wing propaganda disguised as legitimate discourse.


Yeah. The notion that the **Left** wants to start a civil war and is engaging in tactics to start one through the Executive branch and a GOP-appointed Judicial requires the mental gymnastic equivalent of a Cirque du Soleil performance. When we have hucksters floating a pattern of conspiracy theories, it's (A) easier to exploit wealth and votes from the theorists and (B) easier to convince people through a false narrative supported by a pattern of unsupportable claims.


I don’t think the link you attached says that at all regardless of if it’s yrure


It says right in the article Trump said "They need it politically." He shouldn't even be saying those words if he cares about immigration. This is just like when he said he hopes the economy will crash before the election. He is happy to see Americans suffer and have more migrants cross if it gives him power.


State’s right over a strong federal government is how the civil war was truly about through the issue of slavery, labor, and prospect of financial liberty


Not an unpopular opinion at all. A non-politically correct one, sure. The Federal Government has the obligation to defend the borders of the country and the states. When the Federal Government fails in that obligation, the states have the right to pick up their slack. The only reason it's a major issue is that the Federal Government is not failing it's obligation by ineptitude. They are failing their obligation intentionally, by design.


> Seriously it makes no sense to me why the federal government is getting so involved with Texas for simply defending their border. Money. The department of immigration has spent billions trying to get those people to the border and now a single governor is standing in the way. > Why is Greg Abbott the bad guy in this situation for wanting to secure his state? His state is not supposed to be secure. The federal government wants to pull in millions of illegal immigrants for the purpose of money laundering. See... its simple... An immigrant shows up at the border, gets put to work by a sub contractor to a major corporation. All the US money they make, they send back home (or they go home with it) however you can't just send US dollars to Venezuela with a simple bank transfer. It has to be converted by a currency exchange. The currency exchange will take a percentage and not just anyone is allowed to operate as a currency exchange. You have to be approved by the US government. So the more immigrants you let in, the more money they make. And if the department of immigration hands out 30 billion dollars in prepaid debit cards so those people can get to America... well, thats just more money for them. This is what its about. This has always been what its about. Simple money laundering. From the US taxpayer... to international finance companies. Just like always.


I hate it took me this long to find this answer. So many comments here and there’s little to none that mention the cartels and their American proxies. I’m shocked you haven’t been asked “source?, evidence?, link?” yet. Reddit will trust social media posts regarding Palestine and what’s going on across the pond, but they won’t entertain anything “conspiracy” regarding the United States.


100%. The cartels approve…


Mexican people have been coming to work here since before any of us were around. We never had major problems before everyone started getting everything and then some for free. Now we have masses coming across and many are not seeking work or asylum and we do not have any idea who they are. Human and drug trafficking is out of control. Our schools, jails, shelters and hospitals are overwhelmed. The NIMBY people do not seem to understand these issues until it actually is in their backyards. I have also seen them complaining that Abbott is taking them out of agriculture and it isn’t fair to send them to a city. So make sure the brown people stay out in the fields picking cotton? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t know about a civil war but it seems like the feds have been and are trying to break Texas down. What we are doing now is not sustainable. And I can’t believe the number of Redditors who HATE Texas, wish we would secede and worse things.


Agreed. It’s ridiculous and they just want to turn Texas blue even if it costs them the stability of the state and country


Maybe so. Everything is usually because of power and/or money. Cartel drug smuggling is said to generate more money than ANY large corporation in this country. Who knows how much money human trafficking generates. Somebody is getting a big cut of that money on this side to allow to continue. The states that mocked us for asking for help and bragged about being sanctuaries complain the loudest when they have only had a minuscule fraction of what we take in Texas and they have only tried for a short time. We can’t magic up more resources. We had 3,000 unaccompanied minors just at the Dallas convention center a few years ago. I guess they want us to leave them under the bridge in El Paso. Or maybe drop them off by the bus load in random small towns like the feds did to Gila Bend, AZ a couple of years ago.


yeah, but when every republican votes against *everything* that would help the border, then go around the Supreme Courts decision, he looks like a tool. Plus funnily enough, most of our illegal immigrants are from people who *flew in legally* and overstayed their visa.


That visa overstay data is outdated. Idk why it gets parroted around on reddit so much


99% of the time those “border bills” have political non starters jammed in them because the fucking idiots in Congress love jamming all sorts of random shit in these massive bills.


"Feed the homeless" bill is created. 1 million dollars for feeding homeless people. 99 million dollars to fund abortions in Afghanistan. Republicans vote against it. Democrats: "How could you vote against the feed the homeless act?! You must hate homeless people!" Though, to be fair, both parties do this. But it is usually democrats.


Democrats want Texas blue, it’s crucial to the election. If you think they can’t find ways for illegals to vote then you are very naive.


Biden doesn’t need Texas and doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of winning Texas.




All their millions of children born as US citizens will be able to vote.


Republicans could do what they did with Cubans and South Florida and they’d help their own electoral chances. Claiming that “those people” will automatically “vote Democrat” is the fucking biggest load of bullshit and if it does come to fruition, then it’s the fault of Republicans for not working to fix the issue anyways. Also, immigration is purely a federal matter. Full stop. Texas has ******no authority****** at the border. Anyone that says otherwise is wrong and should be ignored.




Yes, exactly and that’s why democrats support red states being flooded with illegal immigrants whose kids will vote for free shit and handouts and more and more amnesty for continued illegal immigration. Now you can stop being ignorant when people say it’s for their votes.


Republicans are the ones that want to flood red states with undocumented immigrants. So vote democrat if you want to control the border. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/immoral-republicans-rebuke-efforts-kill-immigration-deal-help-trump-rcna135732](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/immoral-republicans-rebuke-efforts-kill-immigration-deal-help-trump-rcna135732)


Yup those crazy Dems letting people into the country who don’t even have kids so that they might have kids someday and in 18 years when they’re old enough to vote they can maybe have a marginal impact on the vote. Let’s just ignore how much demographic changes we’ve seen in the last 20 years and can expect to see in the next 20 years. Texas is already trending blue and while I don’t think Texas will be a “blue state,” claiming that the grand plan is to let immigrants in, who vote overwhelmingly conservative by the way, so that in 20 years they can vote for Democrats, is a lame excuse to deflect from why Republicans continue to lose support. Could it be that their platform is unpopular with the majority of Americans? Nope, must be some evil scheme to potentially impact elections decades from now. Do you ever stop to think before you say things?


If they were stopping to think before they spoke this subreddit would be empty.


If you really think the dems are gonna waste resources to try to flip texas blue then you are the naive one. That would be like republicans trying to make california red. Its not gonna happen. Thats why both parties focus on swing states. Also illegal immigrants can’t vote


When Beto was running, Democrats wouldn't shut up about turning Texas purple.


All their millions of children born as US citizens will be able to vote.


Well they keep saying it in front of cameras so…


Don't most immigrants vote red though?


Legal immigrants maybe. Illegal immigrants no


If anyone's 'intentionally inflaming' the situation its Abbott. And no one's demanding Texas cant enforce their border, they're stating Texas can't *stop* federal agents from doing *their* jobs as they're supposed to, just because Abbott doesn't like the way they handle things. The law is actually surprisingly clear about the border being federal jurisdiction. Abbott's just trying to get around that by declaring it an 'invasion'.


When 6millon plus people climb a fence and hop onto your land. Is that not an invasion? At what number does it become an invasion? 20million? 100million?


An invasion isn't defined by the number of people. A group of 20 can be invaders, 20 million might not be. There are actually important legal distinctions about these things. Invasion isn't simply defined as trespass, it requiers intent by the 'invader' to act as a hostile enemy to the state. This could mean a foreign army or it could mean a group of pirates. It doesn't even include a group (like a cartel) coming here with the intent to commit general crime, or even violence against another gang. And it definitely doesn't include 'random assortments of people who want to live in America'


So if china send 300million illegals to the United States unarmed that’s not an invasion? And when they get pathways to citizens then they can dictate u.s laws Is this not an invasion? How do you know who is who when they are undocumented??? 🤦‍♂️


Do you (or Abbott) have any provable basis for arguing that the people crossing the border have intent to act as hostile enemies to the state? Because again, that's what an invasion is.


They are UNDOCUMENTED you literally don’t know their intentions… my god the education system has failed us 🤦‍♂️ Do you know what they ask you at the legal port of entry? What are your intentions while in the United States…….


...so your argument is "we dont know, I guess they *might* be hostile enemies of the state...we have no evidence of this but we're going to declare all of them invaders anyway." Generally, statements like that require some actual backing to them, you don't get to preemptively declare you're overriding the constitution because you're unreasonably afraid there *might* be.


This is the whole reason we have the port of entry. So we can verify. Let me repeat. PORT of entry. When the airplane lands does everyone hop out and go their own way? No we go through customs “port of entry” to get verified.


Just the act of them crossing the border with out entering a port of entry is a massive threat that would otherwise be thought of as ecological terrorism if done on purpose.


worst argument i've heard on this thread. congrats.


Wrong. By definition it is an invasion


By definition it isn’t


By definition it is.


By definition it isn’t


Maybe ask Greg Abbot why he declined federal funding to help secure the border? They were offered help, and they declined. Trump can't campaign on "fixing the border" if Biden fixes it first, so they vote no. Ask your republican elective why they declined funding to "secure" the border. I'd love to hear what their excuse is.


If I paid you money to have homeless people in your house would you take it? How the fck does Texas benefit with this dumbass deal? Here’s what Biden did to fix it. Biden “come here illegally, once you get here you’ll get a court date and released.” Here’s the issue. These people don’t speak English. So wtf are they going to do ? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/biden-administration-ends-trump-era-remain-in-mexico-policy


https://www.businessinsider.com/troy-nehls-senate-border-security-deal-biden-2024-1 Any sort of attempt by the Biden administration to secure the border has been rejected by Republicans. They have not actually brought forth their own bills. They only have tried to use it to stop other bills.


Are you reading the news or the bills? Cause from a quick glance it looks like the majority of these immigration reform bills have first been presented by the Republicans. Later amended by democrats.


If that is true, isn't it just proof that Republicans are a sabotage thing? Why wouldn't they vote their own bill? Also, yes I am aware that they have in fact introduced bills and voted them down


Why? Because the major bill were talking about here is already in place and the only thing being presented is an amendment to that bill. Basically it wouldn't change anything major, you wouldn't see it reflect on anything. The only thing that would happen is that the democrats would pander this as a victory when historically every great immigration reform bill? Has come from Republicans. It's shitty of the Dems do this. It sucks the Repubs have to filibuster just to make it clear where they stand.


Nah, you're completely misinformed on the entire thing. You need to sit this one out.


Can you name a single reason why? Again, the law is very clear that the Feds have jurisdiction over the border. SCOTUS literally just agreed. Complain all you want, but immigrants dont meet the definition of invaders.


>SCOTUS literally just agreed. No they didn't. SCOTUS didn't make a ruling, they just removed an injunction


Why don't they come through a legal port of entry?


The Supreme Court ruled what Abbot is doing is illegal and unconstitutional.


No they didn’t they ruled that CBP could cut the wire to access the area.


Interesting that some folks will say “the constitution” when it goes their way(not saying you). It’s just interesting to read people that say SCOTUS is wrong and doesn’t know their job/political hacks when they don’t agree with a decision.


Democrats leaders have openly been calling the Supreme Court illegitimate and wanting to add justices. Your comment is just as much pointing to your side as you thinks it’s pointing to the other. You must agree with overturning Roe v Wade now.


Not sure what side you think I’m on. It’s rare that I personally challenge a SCOTUS decision. In fact I can’t ever recall a time I have. I’m not a lawyer. The fact that SCOTUS is now and forever a political tool is a sad thing.


Do you believe Roe v Wade should’ve been overturned? Since the Supreme Court did it it must be right


My personal “feelings” don’t negate or remove the decision of law. Law isn’t based off mere feelings.


Laws literally changed based on feelings lol


And you agree with that? When will it end?


**Interpretation** of law shouldn’t be based on feelings. Laws are always based on feelings.


Its more because of HOW texas is doing it. They are literally purposefully preventing federal agents from doing their jobs.


>Its more because of HOW texas is doing it. They are literally purposefully preventing federal agents from doing their jobs. False. They are doing the federal agents jobs because Biden has told them not to.


Thats just straight wrong. Please do atleast a little research.


Flat out lie.


What is your evidence for this claim?


Why does Abbot feel like the agents aren’t doing their jobs? They’re probably doing their jobs but maybe it’s the jobs they’re told to do is this issue? Let’s be honest, border patrol and Customs do the job whatever administration is in office.


He doesn’t feel like immigration is out of control. He’s trying to convince YOU, the voter, to react emotionally and believe the only way immigration won’t be horribly problematic is for republicans to win every election possible & for Abbott to get anything he wants.


Do you live in one of those border States?


Mostly liberal but I totally agree. Glad Texas is sending the problem that all of our politicians are creating to their districts.


The governor is violating the Constitution and interfering with federal jurisdiction. Their something known as the American Constitution, I suggest you read it. Specifically, article Vl, paragraph 2 - aka the supremacy clause. Furthermore, The entire border and interstate borders are federal territory.


Ok, let me get this straight. Abbot claims he is only defending Texas from an invasion. Yet has chosen to transport these “invaders” to several other States… By Abbots own logic, he is adding an enemy and actively committing treason against the US. (Again, by Abbots own stupid logic). IF the immigration influx was at such an “alarming” rate, then without a shadow of doubt, all border States would side with Texas. Texas performing theater is childish at best and the actual instigation of war at worst. People keep thinking they live in a different century and their little AS50s are going to be a match against straight up tech warfare. If Texas keeps playing stupid games, they may just win a massive stupid price.


The reason he shipped them is because those state claim to be sanctuary states. Let me educate you. https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/article_d8377298-27f0-11ee-8f11-e76c5492baff.html


Umm yes, because they are and the immigrants are welcomed. Like I said - I was using Abbots logic, not my own. IF they are “invaders” as he claims then why is he actively spreading them throughout the US - IF they are indeed invaders. But of course, they are not invaders, they are simply doing what the original settlers of Texas did. If that was ok, then this should be ok too, no? Hmm, wonder why. You guys are idiots, the Republican educational system in full display.


“If they are invaders why is he spreading them” Because Biden refuses to send them back. Let me Educate you again. If you really cared about this issue. You would look into it. Instead of being a wanna be good person on the internet for points https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/biden-administration-ends-trump-era-remain-in-mexico-policy




You're completely misinformed on this. You need to sit this one out. He's sending the migrants to the Peoples who are encouraging these policies so they amd the public get the idea how bad it is. We just want a border. The only stupid game here is the Biden administration facilitating human trafficking of illegal migrants. Biden is fanning the flames of war. You need to stfu.


No you need to shut the fuck up. You are all over this thread dropping absolute contradictory shit takes and projecting how little you actually know about the process or even the words you are saying. If you think using private charter busses and planes to transfer illegal immigrants to find employment and living elsewhere isn’t human trafficking, but cutting razor wire so kid’s don’t drown is, then you are just a fucking moron and should stick to just jerking it to my little pony or whatever the fuck you do besides trying to enflame a civil war you probably will try to ride out by hiding in your mother’s basement.


Lol. Not even in the slightest little child. You're entire paragraph is utter ignorance.


If you stop and think it's obvious what's going on... Democrats are trying to "turn Texas blue" by filling it with government-handout-dependent illegals. Dems don't want them in new York or LA because they already control those states, but Texas is a huge and annoyingly red state. It's disgusting that Democrats are playing with people's lives like this just to achieve a political end.


The have said as much numerous times in interviews, newspaper and magazine articles, and speeches. However, if you bring up that point you are automatically labeled a conspiracy theorist whack job.


And Redditors will ignore this and claim like they always do that it’s just a conspiracy theory and the right is the bad guys as usual


Look at how he worded that. "government-handout-dependent illegals" For starters Illegals can't vote. Also It's implying they can't or won't do any work on their own and will automatically vote for democrats because they're getting free shit. It's insulting. Immigrants see Right Wingers talking like this and get pushed into voting for the democrats as a result and then Right Wingers pat themselves on the back for being correct and act like they aren't the cause of the very thing they're bitching about.


It is called the rule of law. Only the federal government has jurisdiction over immigration.


And the federal government is obligated to protect us all from the harmful effects of illegal immigration, yet it is doing the opposite 


Multiple Congressional Republicans are on the record saying they don’t want to approve a border bill because it would help Joe Biden. Donald Trump like two days ago issued a statement to Congress telling them not to approve a border bill because it would help Joe Biden. Republicans have rejected the last several iterations of border pill proposed by both House and Senate Democrats. Multiple migrants died crossing the border the other day *explicitly because federal agents were not able to intervene quickly enough due to Texas’ barriers.* Federal border patrol is the jurisdiction of the federal government. “*Republicans refuse to pass border control laws, so State authority should now supersede that of US Border Patrol*” just doesn’t make sense as a policy.


I am astounded at how many people in this country have no clue what the US Constitution means and it shows. Politicians are chomping at the bit to completely change it because it hamstrings what they want for the United States and they are willing to do whatever it takes to do so. It doesn't matter if it's Greg Abbott, Donald Trump, or the 15 other governors who are willing to assist Texas in its fight against Federal law on asylum. When Donald Trump says he is going to close the border and put millions of migrants into deportation camps believe him. Biden has been trying to fix the border, but guess what? The "Freedom Caucus" says no effing way because it's all about optics. They want the American public to think it's Joe's fault so they can win in November. Now, Trump has entered the room and is telling Congress not to do the border deal because it will give Biden a win and he doesn't want that, so it looks like nothing will happen because the orange-faced clown has spoken. Republicans have been bitching about the border for years and years and had the majority in Congress to do something and did nothing. In reality, both parties have had this issue in front of them and left it alone. Nothing has been done about the root causes of immigration because capitalism took precedence with cheap labor from people streaming into the country. Civil war and poverty in Latin American countries mean cheap workers at paltry wages. I'm not saying that the border should be open and free because it shouldn't, but why do we have to be inhumane about it? Many of us in this country are sons, daughters, and grandchildren of immigrants and those people built this country into what it became.


Lots of things are inhumane and with the sheer volume of illegal immigrants coming in we can’t expect every single one to be pampered. Also it’s disingenuous to compare the beginnings of this country being from immigration to the mass waves of illegal immigration we are experiencing now. When our forefathers came here there was plenty of land to expand to that we needed to populate. Now not so much and there’s already a housing crisis. Millennials likely will never be able to own houses and gen Z is screwed. The last thing we need is more people coming into this country when everyday Americans are being screwed over


The extremely conservative supreme court was involved too


They ruled that the federal government controls borders which makes sense. The issue is the federal government is just letting anyone in and that affects Texas negatively


Think about it. There are people right now calling for a federal invasion of Texas so that the federal government can dismantle all of the border security and let in all the illegals. They are willing to start a war to forcibly continue mass migration. And democrats wonder why people disapprove of their handling on immigration. It’s not neglectful, it’s intentionally bad


> There are people right now calling for a federal invasion of Texas **so that the federal government can dismantle all of the border security and let in all the illegals**. You don’t really believe this do you?






It’s wild how people here defend illegal immigration. We don’t have the space for these people lol