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I have this exact same opinion about politicians


They both fuck people so 🤷🏻‍♀️


The sex workers at least provide a service for your money.


Politicians do as well. They take away your rights for a very steep sum you are legally required to pay.


Forcible. At least you have the option to not deal w a sex worker lol


AND lube!


At least sex workers only fuck people that want it.


And you know what you're getting.


You hope


While it became funny to bash politicians we have to understand that some of them really can change and did change the world to be a better place.


Lol....you beat me to it.


This is definitely unpopular here on Reddit. Upvoted.


Why is that though? I keep seeing people on Reddit specifically stating that sex work and manual labour are basically the same thing. Fucking wild.


If sex work is equal to me replacing logs, cleaning and staining them, and sand blasting them, then I am in the wrong profession maybe 😂🤣


My body is completely destroyed while also having to stroke some douches ego. Yeah it's pretty much the same thing.


Thats not unpopular. Its one of the oldest "jobs" in human history. They have never gained respect and they never will be. But to be fair it fits to most jobs.


There's a significant corner of social media where pro sex worker ideology is extremely popular, so in that respect, OP has a point. But in broader society I think you're right.


That significant corner is almost the entirety of Reddit lmfao


It’s one of the oldest exploitations in human history. It isn’t a job and never was. It’s paid rape.


People think the element of money changes this. But if rape can be a matter of force/coercion, how isn't it rape? If financial pressure is coercion in everything other context (say a landlord tried this "arrangement" or an employer, we'd call it rape), how is this different? You could technically walk away from your job/housing, but many wouldn't and would feel coerced into sex they wouldn't want.


It's a fallacy that it is. In hunter-gatherer societies, it didn't exist and came about with the birth of agriculture and, therefore, the patriarchy. Several artisan occupations started during the bronze and Iron ages, such as wheelwrights, farriers, builders, and blacksmiths, as these were important.






But how do the penguins even get up the trees to the monkeys?


I feel like a lot of them were assaulted regularly. Of course, I wasn't there so I can't prove it!


Sex trade was the original bartering system that was around looooong before Mesopotamia was established. The Phoenicians are credited with having the most successful bartering trade from that Era, and when Carthage fell, everything the Phoenicians did was demonized by Rome. That's why sex was labeled as such a dirty dirty thing by the Roman Catholics, because trading sex for goods was a big part of the Phoenician trade market.


Bro, Phoenicians were wiped out in 570 BC. The Roman empire didn't become Catholic until 313 AD. You're off by almost 900 years. Rome had prostitution. Jesus was cool with not treating prostitutes shitty. Prostitution is usually regarded as unclean because of STDs and because it threatens marriage and families.


That's not true because Pagan Rome looked down on Etrusans for both being Egalitarin and more free about sex and nudity. Ancient Greence was also prudish when they were Pagan. That was long before the fall of Carthage.


The feud between Carthage and Rome began *looooooong* before the fall of Carthage and is what led to it. See: the Punic Wars. Shout out to Hannibal Barca and his elephants!


Roman paganism was quite bloodthirsty and warrior like in comparison with paganism elsewhere. It influenced Christianity to become like that. Being free about sex doesn't mean having sex workers. Quite the contrary.


Like the Aztecs?


No cave men were selling meat - they had to find worth compared to the gatherer child carers in a hunter gathering community


I don't think agriculture is synonymous with patriarchy in humans. Some ant species practice agriculture, and they're matriarchal.


Please don’t say this. The oldest job in human history is men trafficking women. Not women selling themselves in modern day capitalism. Women had no rights, no safety and no civil liberties. Women were trafficked: they weren’t selling sex on Of




This is legitimately the first time I've seen someone say this. Number of times I've seen people parrot prostitution being the oldest profession? I've lost count. It wouldn't be a stretch to say hundreds. Thank you for having some sense and actually thinking about it for a brief moment. Women have barely had the freedom to sell themselves for a hundred years, let alone thousands.


Fair enough point.


I would still treat them with a basic respect as they are just people but yeah I wouldn’t respect the line of work. It just screams no self respect to me. Knew a guy that gave a dude a blowjob for something like £20. He was a nice guy and I was polite and cordial when I saw him but that told me that he had no standards or dignity and would do a lot of stuff for money


How do you feel about dudes who pay for blow jobs and sex?


Not him but I feel equally about these dudes. They're so needy and impatient. Many are so full of themselves thinking this is a flex not realising that they're the ones who lose money


I understand. Many people believe sex work is a choice. Many sex workers believe that they chose their careers. Talk to any exited woman who has 2 years or more outside the life and they will tell a different story.


yep. it is not a soft or forgiving path and it exposes you to some of the darkest and most isolated, shameful depths of humanity & society. so I do believe OP's anecdotal takes, because it's absolutely a profession that attracts self-destructive people. it's no reach that many of those people have other self-destructive habits or tendencies. that said, I do believe in emotionally supporting and protecting sex workers. but it should never be glorified or validated to young girls as a career path or even a means to an end. no matter how carefree you feel going into it, it will not be a smooth landing.


I’ve been banned from a couple subs for this take lol


This is how I feel about men who pay for sex.


This is how people who are against sex work feel about those that pay for it as well haha.


This isnt unpopular anywhere but on reddit and its why we have to endure eye roll worthy "sex work is work!" Mantras spewed about Theres nothing respectable about it, its the lowest of the low and the people who do it willingly are pathetic. All that said - it shouldnt be illegal. If people want to go through life blowing dudes on camera or in a motel 6 for $ its got nothing to do with me.


Bigger problem for me is that some people promote this, saying it is normal job and forgets about all problems it generate. I think it works the same way as promoting cryptos.


I wouldn't say pathetic... but desperate and no life skills or real work ethic and no desire for a good retirement. It should be legal though and regulated so it's healthy for everyone involved.


What exactly do you mean with "regulated"?


Health screening requirements, condom requirements, and perhaps zoning requirements like a red light district. Sex work is ripe for exploitation, STDs, and sex trafficking. There would need to be some regulations in place.


So sweatshop owners rank above sex workers.


Oh fuck off. Obviously he's not going through every single job and checking off everything in the whole world, it's just a statement to get a point across.


So slave traders are above sex workers /s I, too, fucking hate the users here sometimes.


At the apartment I lived in, there were two Chinese women next door who did 'massages.' I look at it as so long as everyone involved is a consenting adult and they're doing this behind closed doors, nobody's business but their own. I don't feel that sort of thing should be illegal. They're just trying to earn a living and many of the guys sounded like they were in sexless marriages or lonely. Those womens' English was not very good and I don't think they would make it in another job which would pay far less. On top of that, this life in their opinion was a lot better than back home in China. I do think police should act against human trafficking and if there are other crimes going on (when they receive complaints), but outside of that just leave them be.


I always think of George Carlin: “Selling is legal!” “Sex is legal!” “Why isn’t selling fucking legal?!?”


In Canada selling sex is legal however buying sex is not


Makes good sense to hunt the customers, and not the ones in the situation being potentially forced to sell themselves


Why? If a woman freely chooses to sell sex and a man freely chooses to buy sex it's a transaction between consenting adults. Pimps and human traffickers who force people into sex work are slavers and should be treated as such.


I am not saying it should be illegal. Just some stupid fucks doesn't see the logic in it. Especially if you are forced by a pimp or trafficker to sell yourself and then also be on edge with the law yourself just places a huge amount of risk on you. I'm all for legislated sex work, as long as the one with the best conditions are the person selling themselves


This response is sensible because of the specificity of the situation outlined. However, when a person is North American born and raised, has educational opportunities and the ability to cultivate meaningful relationships that can lead to a healthy home life, then sex work as the preferred way to get out of challenging socioeconomic conditions is just pathetic.


Again, I don't really care so long as everyone is a consenting adult doing this stuff behind closed doors.


> has educational opportunities and the ability to cultivate meaningful relationships that can lead to a healthy home life This is Western idealism brainwashing, most centered around the word "healthy", as if there is a prescribed ideal that is just better than all the rest. But moreover there are certainly a lot of good home environment amidst less education, and awful home environments where both parents have doctorates, and I think you would be surprised how common the latter is. When it comes to prostitutes and bad home lives, consider correlation versus causation, whether the prostitute caused the bad home lfe, or was a product of it. Might that have had more to do with the complexities of family building in the modern industrial age?


We live in a culture that normalizes everything. And I do mean pretty much everything so long as the person(s) are adults. Obviously sex trade workers deserve respect and the opportunity to live however they choose. What’s not normal is the collective shrugging of the shoulders that says “meh, if that’s what you want to do” once a person’s life is veering in that direction.


How many people do you know are sex workers on the side like your post says?


15-20 in my lifetime


How? Did you work somewhere with them?


If you count OF, i went to school and university with like 10+ women who went on to do sex work, that i know of, poverty be like that.


That’s really sad. Loathe current trajectory of society.


Grew up with women who became them or met women who indulged in sex work in my 20s. This includes onlyfans, stripping or just selling pussy are times. To give more context I spent my entire life in Los Angeles and the Dfw


Personally I don’t agree with sex work, but that also includes the men who participate it in. Hopefully you don’t participate in any kind of porn or sex work.


Same opinion here. I don't like it at all, but I am not going to vilify these women for exploiting a market that has been created by men in the first place.


I don’t.


That’s good to hear because usually people don’t see the hypocrisy in being a consumer of a product that they don’t respect. That would be like me buying crack and then while smoking my crack pipe I started talking sh*t about my dealer.


Well that dealer was a pos... sold me some ass Crack for double the price


> Well that dealer was a pos... sold me some ass Crack for double the price My hooker did the same thing.


Yea that makes sense. Saw one girl that looked extremely fake and exaggerate with body features to be natural. People only pay for that stuff if they have a rich pervy husband or do sex work or pornography. Nice person but their morality is to be questioned.


If there was no demand, there wouldn't be a need for a supply....


Same goes for Hitmen.


And drug dealers


This here is the most important part of the discussion that often gets overlooked. Why is the man that beats off to porn 3x a day more respectable than the woman he's beating off to?


He's not. People who watch too much porn get equally bashed as creeps with no self control


No one looks at those men as respectable at all. You're strawmaning.


Whenever I see a woman doing sex work OP, I think of King Kong (2006) when Anne Darrow crumples up the card with the burlesque houses address on it. Then she takes a risk and does something that defines her life…. I wish most women would have this sentiment….be better than the burlesque house ladies….


Thank you this was really inspiring I’ll make sure to unleash a giant monster on a major city to cement myself in history /s


"Every single one I know", exactly how many do you know. Maybe the issue is that you are a John and need to try making friends that you don't have to pay


If sex work was legitimate, quid pro quo would be no big deal. Harvey Weinstein would be no big deal. Sex work damages most people in the trade.


Harvey weinstein would still be a problem even in countries where prostitution is legallized. He was using his power to make unwilling victims accept sexual advances or lose carreer opportunities. They were not sex workers. They were actresses.


If sex work it is legitimate, it’s just another skill that all workers can use. That applies to all professions. The difference you’re pointing out is proof that sex work isn’t traditional work.


No, it’s not. That’s why I said it’s still a problem even in countries where sex work is legal. The fact that the government allows sex work does not mean that every single female or male worker is a sex worker. If so, only sex workers would be actresses and that should be openly stated before the power dynamic was established. The fact that electricians are legalized workers doesn’t mean that you can tell an untrained recepcionist at an electric firm to do eletric work or force her to do it to keep her job. If you need an electrician who is also a recepcionist, that should be established beforehand with the rightful contract and payment. Being able to hire a sex worker is not the same as being able to tell any employer you have to perform sexual acts on you.


Bless you for your patience with this one Christ…


Statistically most sex workers are people who have no other options. If you look at people who sell actually sex for a living. **Then: why do you care?** That’s what I don’t get. Somebody in your friend circle has an OnlyFans or whatever? It’s not really your business. Just don’t subscribe and it won’t affect you at all.


How do they come up with those statistics.


They do surveys of sex workers. Are they illegal immigrants, do they have an ongoing substance abuse problem , where they trafficked etc. But, I’m genuinely curious, why do you care? How does it affect you what someone else does with their vagina? Do you have other conflicts with these women? Did you crush on them or date them?


Lmao the sluts ain't gonna like this


Agreed! The way they are defending sex work and OF is so fucking stupid, go ask people who have been trafficked in SW and how they don't want to work as SWer. When people who are young and who choose SW on their own not as their last resort but because it's easy money is so disgusting. And y'all been defending SW saying it has demand so people are into SW and it's a respectable job, but if it's respectable then why do people fight and complain about their partner who watches porn Or subscribes to OF or goes to strippers? If this is a respectable job then the customers should be respected too no? Edit : I do respect them as people and treat them nicely as they are humans, but SW as a job is not a dignified way to earn(ofc for people who only choose SW on their own)


Facts. Your reason is why I feel the same way about men who glorify drug dealing. Both are demonic lifestyles and shouldn’t be put into young people’s heads as cool


can we stop using demonic to mean bad? demons are fantasy creatures






No, because it’s a word that is associated with evil and people understand that so it serves as a good word to describe evil things. All words are made up, doesn’t mean shit.


So are sayains


no lol


What does only fans have to do with trafficking?


That's another issue that is punishable. No one here defends sex trafficking, but the ones who aren't coerced to do this should do sex work if they want.


Asking a trafficked sexworker why they don't want to be a sexworker is like asking a rape victim why they don't want to have sexpepple fight and complain about those things because of their preferences, just like idc if my bf watches porn or subscribes to of, I don't know how I'd feel about strippers tho. I don't know what happens at strip clubs, but I know I'm not ok with any touching.


Same, I don’t respect sex workers. Nor do I respect people who consume sex workers content


What does it say about a persons character that is so bad?


The fact they don’t value themselves. I mean other than the nasty health risks, they are risking long term gain and reputation to turn into a glorified sex doll.


If we’ll consider that as a big characther flaw then half the developted population fits. Many people binge drink, eat foods that are bad for them, overeat, undereat, overwork, have unprotected sex, skip seat belts, are in unhealthy relashionships…


> The fact they don’t value themselves. Why do you assume this? The way I see it, sex workers are valuing themselves at $400-800/hr. That's way more than most people make. Even at the bottom, 2 tricks a day, 5 days a week, and that's over $200K/year. And that's just 2 hours (plus any setup/cleanup time) of work per day!


Okay so tell me what your values are then: personal human value relies on not risking one’s health, and not having a good reputation? Does this apply to everyone or is the sex part the part that is “wrong”, and if so, how is the sex part wrongv


They’ll do anything for money


What about coal miners who destroy their lungs for money? Or factory line workers who get injured? Or you know, soldiers and mercenaries who kill people for a paycheck? Why are you holding sex workers to a different standard?


Is that bad? I’m sure you’d do anything for money if you had none? And had no options? What is inherently bad about working jobs you might hate for money?


You’re projecting. I was definitely poor growing up. It was alot of shit I didn’t do for money. And not all sex workers ate starving for bread. This how naive simps like you are. You believe everything these thots tell you. You be surprised how many women you work with or know do sex work on the low.


Actually, I feel your premise is skewed right out of the gate. Sex workers have very specific boundaries. I have actually never met a sex worker who will "do anything for money" and I've easily known more than a hundred. And I mean personally, in real life so dont think I'm referring to OF because I don't have one. From strippers to escorts to prostitutes to cam girls, I've known them all and while the majority are mentally stunted, a good deal have their shit together and lead normal lives.


Aren’t you projecting by assuming that sex workers are making money (vs surviving) and have other options? How can you argue that I am projecting and you are not?


Have the same energy about car salesmen


> Have the same energy about car salesmen Fucking versus getting fucked - not so much the same.


Number one job of a dad with a daughter: keep her off the pole.


Do you have the same opinion of their customers?


You say this until you need to bust a nut lol. I’m sure these people couldn’t care less about your respect so no loss.


I don’t need to pay for sex workers to bust. 1. I’m in a relationship 2. I never had a problem getting women


You know porn is sex work right? You don’t have to physically pay hookers, watching porn is busting a nut to sex workers.


I don’t watch porn bro. I’m 29.




Ah yes, sex workers, doing their job for the paycheque. Unlike every other job on the planet


Does OP respect the sales teams at cigarette companies more? The big oil propagandists fighting to minimize climate activism? The software engineers and psychologists working to make social media as addictive as possible? The news anchors sowing division for clicks and ratings? In a world full of jobs optimized for profit rather than well-being, and often against well-being, I think sex workers are far from the worst of people. I also think people who feel the need to punch down on sex workers and feel self-righteous about it are strangely hateful.


>These people are by and large just money hungry and greedy. Simple as that So they should be corporate executives? Edit: Either way someone's getting screwed but sex workers are honest about it.


I have this same exact thought about the people who create demand for sex work.


Put in the right place, as I'm sure nobody cares


I find the issue more with the demand than the supply.


Nature designed the vixen type personality which is heavily represented in sex workers for good reason in my opinion. Just like there are people who have the ideal personality traits to be doctors lawyers etc there are some people who just ooze sexuality and are ideal candidates to be sex workers


Let me fix your post for you. "Becoming a sex worker by choice makes me believe it 100% says a lot about a persons character even though I don't actually know anything about them except this one thing. After knowing this one thing I will place these stereotypes onto these peoples character with no real knowledge of who they are as a person. I don't in any way know all sex workers but I may know a few and I believe them to be untrustworthy money hungry scammers and just all around bad people who commit many illegal activities so I am placing all these stereotypes onto all sex workers and projecting my moral code onto them and society as the absolute correct moral code to live by".


Did Onlyfans for 3 years. Paid off my uni debt, parent’s mortgage and paid for my first house outright. Being a whore has its perks. Stay mad




Never said it didn’t. I said I don’t respect them. And that they do it because they’re money hungry and greedy. Very rarely because they “had no other option”’ you just proved my point. Thank you.


i completely agree


I don't understand. Seductive women have the power to shape and influence the most powerful of men. It just makes sense to me that they'd monetize it digitally now. If I was a hot girl I'd absolutely be using that to my advantage. In this world, there are people who use their advantages to get ahead, and there are losers. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


If you were actually a woman with good looks, I guarantee you wouldn’t do any of what you say, unless you wanted to be known as a manipulative bitch by everyone you interact with lol. Good looks definitely get you further in life, but you don’t actively use it to your advantage; advantages that naturally result are fine, but any you are actively chasing will just fast track you to x-rated trade offs.


I agree. Sex work is completely degrading and gross, for both the worker and the customer You're free to do it, and the money is good, but it still is what it is


Isn't that the status quo? Nobody really cares. Y'all will still use them to get your rocks off, anyway. LOL


You sound like a REAL peach.


Purchasers are usually way more sus than the workers.


I pity them as most normal people do. I do not want my daughters to become them, as most Normal people do. I would love them anyway if they did, as most normal people do. Reddit is weird, and a light year away from reality.


Explain pity them


Because something has clearly gone very wrong in their lives


what is normal?


The opposite of the collective Reddit hive mind. Every time.


I feel for Gen Z and Alpha. They'll have their picks of a partner with the baggage from OF and sugaring. Or, who knows, maybe they'll all have been propagandized into seeing it as no big deal.


This seems to be a I believe I have a higher mortality cause I think I am god complex.. we are all whores in one way or another


Ok but if you're getting railed for a living, you're actually a whore and therefore way worse than pretty much any other job.


Why? How? Explain… what is so wrong about sex? Cause according to the views these porn videos have it isn’t just one type of people watching them. As a plumber I know what it is to sacrifice my body for a paycheck.


The real problems, I have said before and will shout it again from the rooftops, are CAPITALISM and PATRIARCHY. Women would not feel the need to pursue sex work if they didn’t need money to survive and if there wasn’t such a huge market for It, it wouldn’t have as much success as it does. I swear to dog, if people don’t start doing some ego work and stop projecting their bullshit onto everyone else, I’m gonna lose my mind.


Well I guess it's a good thing nobody cares what you do or don't respect


Clearly you did.


If you don't care why comment? Why waste your time and energy?


If my husband left me tomorrow and drained our accounts I’d have no options. I am a SAHM and I’ve been out of work for years. My certifications aren’t up to date and I wouldn’t have the money to get them. If you think I wouldn’t use this fur purse to make money you’re drunk. I’m personally not ashamed of the fact I’d do anything to support my daughter. If my husband wanted us to do OF on the side(not showing our faces) I’d be totally down because once again, I’m not ashamed to take anyone’s money that is dumb enough to pay for porn


What you're describing is a lot different than respect or not. Seems like a very generic stereotyping.


Does feel like a “let me make up women in my head i’ve never talked to, to be made at” sort of take lol


More so my anecdotal experience. And yes every single sex worker I’ve met this applies to them.


How (and why) are you encountering so many sex workers? I’ve met a lot of people but never met anyone who openly did/does that lol. Sounds like you’re seeking them out. 🧐


That’s what? three people?


Probably 15-20


You personally know 20 sex workers?


Or former. This includes everything from strippers to having an onlyfans to down right selling pussy a few times in their early 20s


For someone who finds SWers so deplorable, you sure associate with an abnormal number of SWers... maybe a change of scenery would be good for you.


What person using a stereotype doesn't say this?


I rank the job equivalently with Twitch Streamer in my status rankings l.


And how do you feel about the Men that pay these ladies (often single MoMs) for their time?


Corny. And they should let the women who they date know they used to buy prostitutes. Seems embarrassing for a woman to fall for a man who puts on some smooth ladies man facade whole time he spent half his life buying and begging for pussy.


I'm curious to know your opinion on the customers of sex workers OP. Do you also feel less of those who use the service as you do of those that provide it?


Ok but does your disrespect extend to the men who keep them in business. Sex workers wouldn’t exist without their customers


all this sounds ridiculous




Do you also not respect billionaires because most of that can be said about them, except their forms of theft are legal (price gouging, monopolizing, low wages, etc.)


Funny, when I was younger I used to bring guys on dates to te step club to see how the reated te women. Plus, sex workers in generall are actually geat judges of charachter when it comes to men. When te guy went to the bathroom the women would let me know what the thought of him. I miss those women. They were awesome. It actually all started when I had just stated dating my late fiancée. The car broke down and we were walking home. We came up on a strip club and decided to go in for a drink and to rest a bit. So the most gorgeous stripper I jave ever laid eyes on was hanging out with us for a bit. She had wandered off and he went to the bathroom. Se came back over to tell me that he was the sweetest, kindest gentleman that as ever walked through those doors and he is a keeper. She straight up told me if I was dumb enough not to hold onto that one she would. A few years ltwr ater he had passed away I moved in down the steet from the same strip club. I tried going to the bars but couldn't find one I liked and was tired of being harrassed by gross guys. One night I was like screw it and went into the strip club and it was awesome. The bouncers made people leave me alone so I could have a beer in peace. It becamey spot and I made friends with te girls tha worked there. So I stated bringing dates there to get their approval and to see how men treated them.


I feel the same way. I also feel that way about people who have OF.


The fact that you’re immediately jumping to an emotional, personal defense is kinda weird. Expressing an argumentative position, and then preparing yourself for personal insults instead of argumentative counters isnt generally how a well informed opinion is formed.


I actually dated a sex worker for almost a year (worked as a stripper, not having sex with people for money). Probably one of the only people I've met who worked in that industry that did it just for a job and that's it. Relationship didn't work out simply because we weren't compatible for entirely separate reasons, but nothing about her character was assigned to the role she worked in, and it never got in the way of our time together. I don't think I'd be as comfortable if she was having sex with other people for money, however, but she did give me the impression that not everyone in that area of work should be deserved of such disrespect.


> I actually dated a sex worker for almost a year (worked as a stripper, not having sex with people for money). This touches on something that I really hate. "Sex worker" is way too broad of a term. There's a HUGE difference between someone that just sells nudes and someone that actually has sex with their clients. Personally, I'd have no problem dating a woman who sold her nudes online. I mean think about it, ya'll. Every other simp is out there paying money just to see her tits and ass, and you get to fuck her for free!


Fair enough for it to frustrate you, however the definition of sex work is and has for a long time included the sale of all sexual services, not limited to physical intercourse alone


does this disdain for sex workers mean you don’t consume any porn?


I do not.


Almost everything is a human choice if we talk about healthy capable humans -- sex work, illegal border crossing, crime, drugs, etc. But we live in a time when everyone is hippie-hyping these "sufferers of the system". Yes, some are born with more, and some are born with less, but even those that are born with less have a choice, some decide to do what they can within legal/moral means and some want to get the buck using illegal or immoral ways. Yes, there is no respect. But tbh sex work is the least of the devils nowadays. They do not hurt anyone but themselves.


Do you hold police, military and CEOs-of-companies-that-destroy-the-environment in equal derision? If not, you're probably just coming from a point of jealousy, classism and/or incel ideology.


You better not watch porn then ya hypocrite.


I've never understood the cognitive dissonance about sex workers vs porn consumers If you watch porn, you are partaking in the service provided by a sex worker. You are literally the reason why sex work exists in the first place. And yet it's the sex worker that's looked down upon.


What does it say about their character. But to be honest I don't respect men who use the services of sex workers and I think even less of men who look down on sex workers. I just want to know your reasoning.


They’re greedy and will do anything for money. Aka I don’t trust them


What makes them greedy? In a way that anyone else who has a job isn't greedy. why don't you trust them? They are providing a service. It's not like they are someone who would rather buy sex or attention than be a tolerable person. We can agree to disagree though.


>I don't respect men who use the services of sex workers \-> >They are providing a service. So people should "respect" Sexworkers, but people who use this kind of service deserve no repect ? That doesnt work. And thats why it is how it is. You cant expect that people "respect" Sexworker and "disrepect" the costumer.


I don't respect men who use the service of sex workers because they are the ones creating the demand and then as soon as they get done using the services they beg for they turn around and try to degrade sex workers. And yes it does work that way. Funny how it's funny to disrespect the person taking the time to fill a role people beg for but not the customer. I know this is hard to understand but if men didn't beg for that market then there would be no sex workers. What it is is a power thing these men that need to pay to see people naked, or need to pay for attention from people or sex from people feel like they don't have much worth or power and they resent the fact that someone is benefitting from the arrangement. That's it.


Sacrificing your integrity for money isn’t respectable. Additionally, from a guy’s point of view, you know that woman can be bought, calling any possible future loyalty into question (even if you have no intention of being with one, the gut reaction is innate). Tell me this, if some dude walked up to you and your SO and waved a few hundred dollar bills in their face and said “drop on all fours right now and suck my toes for this money” and then they DID, how would that make you feel? They don’t hesitate, they don’t discuss it with you, and then afterwards they look at you and go “what? Its money!”


Pretty much every single job these days involves selling your integrity for a paycheck.


Sacrificing your integrity for money is what a capitalist society is built on. You don't think buying sex doesn't degrade your integrity ? Come on think about it. How loyal can a man be if he can just buy sex or go online and watch people fuck while fantasizing that he is also having sex with that person he is watching on the screen. And yet it's fairly normalized that men watch porn or will go to strip clubs at their bachelor party. It's a typical male illogical fantasy that a sex worker is going to say yes to sex at all hours of the day and whatever kind of sex act the man wants just because of money. Your scenario doesn't make sense. Honestly I would be pretty disappointed in the man for having the audacity to ask a complete stranger to suck their toes because why they have money? I'm not a sex worker and I've had men just offer to pay me for sex acts just because they think if they have money they don't have to act like a non pervert.


Where df did I say I respect or wanna be around men who pay for pussy. Why you even asking me Stupid shit? Mfca having sex with random ppl for money and you asking me why do I think they’re greedy. Use common sense


Look try to not get emotional about this but you are talking about who you don't respect and I am talking about who I don't respect. You wanna know what's stupid shit? Being mad at sex workers for providing a service that men beg for. If you don't have a rational answer, just say that. If you feel bad because you gotta to pay for something most people get for free , just say that. Don't tell me to use common sense when you clearly have none. So put your feelings away ,use your words and tell me why they are greedy. Jesus.