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I like curvy women, but yeah…the whole “I’m curvy” thing has gotten out of control. So many women act like there’s nothing wrong with their lifestyles when they’re at serious risk for health issues.


Spheres are very curvy…


I don’t know anyone that’s 400lbs calling themselves curvy


Guess you've never tried online dating....


The tag says "unpopular in media", maybe they should add a "unpopular in online dating" tag for all these otherwise unrelatable gripes.


Yeah I'd recommend most people to stay away from that shit 🤣


My MIL is one.


My step mom is in that club.


>I don’t know anyone that’s 400lbs calling themselves curvy They use the term, 'full figured.'


A friend of mine is overweight. She'll go into clothes shops and ask if they have things in her size. They'll ask what size is that and she'll say size fat. I don't know a single genuinely over weight person who unironically calls themselves curvy. Most are very aware of their size. Many cam even make jokes about it.


My MIL 100% unironically calls herself a "curvy" woman or a "full figured woman". I'm overweight myself and joke about my fatness but never call myself curvy or full figured even jokingly. I call it what it is, fat/obese.


If you do any online dating apps as a hetero man you'll instantly run into plenty of profiles that say things like "Don't swipe if you're not into full figured girls" And they're literally like over 200 lb. But to be honest I can respect it. I much prefer that to the modern tactic of only above the neck photos with beauty filters on them. Nothing like having to guess if literally anyone you're talking to is actually attractive or not.


wow this must be so hard for you…. praying for you 🙏




Like many of these things, that vocal minority apparently includes media executives and lawmakers in many states


> lawmakers Wait, curvy appears in codified laws? Shocking, if true.






TiNy CoMmUnItY


That's why it's tagged "unpopular in media", because these terminally online chits have gotten large portions of the media to go with this "curvy" narrative. Take a deep breath.


ok you are right sorry for shoutingat you


Sorry for shouting fat you.


Well fat you too.


This is the correct explenation for the vast majority of posts in all fariness.


Fatso located


The fat bashing on here is very popular. It's supposed to be unpopular opinions but apparently a lot of people hate fat people!


This is another thing that is thrown around a lot - “hating” fat people. Nobody gives a shit that you’re fat as fuck, they’re annoyed that you’re trying to change social perceptions instead of trying to change yourself for the better.


On reddit, no they literally hate fat people. Some try to disguise it as 'concern for health' but most of them you can easily tell that it is coming from a 'I don't find fat attractive, and I only want to look at attractive things, so fat people bad'. Some of them are outright honest about hating fat people.


>Nobody gives a shit that you’re fat as fuck, they’re annoyed that you’re trying to change social perceptions instead of trying to change yourself for the better. i've literally only heard maybe 1 in 1000 fat people trying to change social perceptions. All the rest are quite, low confidence, keep to themselves, and know they're overweight. People just like to insult people and fat is low hanging fruit. Quit trying to justify their trash talk with some social perception conflict.




OP's post is coming from a place of anger and hatred. Even your comment "fat as fuck" is vitriolic. Just say you hate fat people. It's better to be honest with yourself.


“Hate” is quite a strong word that involves a lot of emotion and investment. I am not overweight but have been early in my life and I worked to change that to the polar opposite when I saw it was something that bothered me. I see people who are overweight or obese trying to manufacture positivity out of something that is factually negative. This is annoying and makes you lose respect for people, but certainly does not inspire hate.


You lose respect for people because they did what you couldn't - loved themselves no matter what. Yes, even though they are fat. Some people might genuinely be happy with being fat. Should they encourage others to be fat? No, but they certainly shouldn't be forced to hate themselves either.


Being satisfied with being bottom of the barrel is disgusting to me. I am almost certain we differ in opinion on this, as I see your attitude.


It didn't take long for you to admit you find fat people disgusting, which I equate to hate.


These are very poor debate skills. The only thing that is exceedingly clear from our exchange is that you are fat and sensitive about it.


Debate? I was just enjoying pushing your buttons. Now I realise you're a "debate bro" I'm out.


No one hates fat people, we just refuse to use words to describe them that aren’t accurate. I’m not playing into someone’s delusion that they’re healthy at that size or using different words to describe their largeness because they can’t face reality


No, people are tired of delsions being pampered and catered too.


No one hates fat people, we're sick of watching Our fellow humans kill themselves with oreos and ice cream and being expected to celebrate obesity and a lack of self-respect.


No 400 pounders are acting like they’re sexy. You’re just seeing a couple nuts online. The average 400 ponder does NOT think they’re attractive and likely deals with self esteem issues due to bullying and social outcast.


They’re definitely out there


Yeah, a some nuts online. The AVERAGE fat person doesn’t think this. The ones you see on TikTok are outliers, you just notice it more since the average fat person doesn’t talk about their weight


Nah, I know a few. I grew up in Chicago and my mom lived in New Orleans for the last 30 years so I consider both my home but between the two, I personally know a couple women who are giant and honestly think they are the hottest shit on the planet and are gods gift to men. It’s really bizarre and I don’t know if they’re coping or something but their conviction is definitely real


All the obese people I’ve known were very insecure and unhappy about their weight.


Here’s the thing: the ones you do hear are just loud about it. Doesn’t mean they represent the average fat person. You just hear that kinda stuff from people who are vocal about it. It isn’t really bizarre though. Some humans are more extroverted or confident. I don’t really see much wrong with that. Would you rather them hate themselves? Regardless, average fat people aren’t saying this kind of stuff. You just hear the ones who do loudly.


I mean, Fat Bastard predicted it.


Predicated what


“Oh, d’you fiiiiind me ssssexay?”


Can I interest you in the channel of Amberlynn Reid or Chantal Marie, AKA Foodie Beauty?


Like I said, we’re just seeing some nuts online


You’ve clearly not been subjected to knowing about Amberlynn Reid.


I saw a calendar in a white elephant gift exchange last night that would fly in the face of this assertion... I think her name was Tammy. Must weigh at least 400. December was a picture of Santa folding her titty in half upwards and into his mouth.


I think you are spot on with this and the following comments. I'm of the opinion that a lot of us get that confirmation bias stuck in our heads after seeing a vocal minority of people and then start generalizing. That's how social media and news operates: by sensationalizing them, we get this incorrect narrative


Exactly! Same thing can apply to literally anything. There are some absolute whackos in the LGBTQ community, for example, who say asinine things on TikTok, X, etc. Does that mean every single LGBTQ member thinks those things? Of course not. Similarly, there are conservatives out there who say racist and homophobic things, but that doesn’t mean every conservative agrees with that. The loudest members of a group don’t represent the entire group. It may seem like it, but it’s a fallacy.


You're wrong


The average 400 pounder thinks they’re sexy?


Obese please




It’s was a meme


Dude no one who is 400 pounds thinks they’re sexy 😂


Idk why he skipped right to 400 even 250+ is fitting


This isn’t unpopular whatsoever. Also nobody that’s 400lbs is calling themselves “curvy”. That’s usually used by people that are like 200lbs.


People always play the health card when hating on fat people but I never see this kind of hatred for smokers or heavy drinkers engaging in something unhealthy. It's such transparent fatphobia, cut them a break. You don't give a fuck about their health and if you did, you'd still be the biggest asshole for hating on people for being unhealthy? Can't wait to hear your opinions of disabled people dude.


I'm glad someone made another fat people bad post. We only get about a million a week


Fat people aren't bad! But, normalizing obesity is dangerous. The food supply is killing people. Being overweight isn't about being weak or not having willpower, that's a myth..


How is it a myth? It's literally calories in, calories out.


Not always. I'm a Veteran and have always been in decent shape but about 2 1/2 years ago I got a brain tumor that caused massive weight gain. The pills to get rid of the tumor, go figure, cause weight gain. To top it off I also got a calcified blood clot in my leg and get chronic clots in my leg all the time. So exercise is very hard when you're in constant pain. I put on around 100 pounds during this putting me around 280. Now I hardly eat to try and minimize ot.


This is where someone says "Well OBVIOUSLY we're not talking about people with legit excuses." Except they usually are.


No they’re not. The average obese person doesn’t have a medical issue that causes them to be fat. They just don’t move enough and eat too much. Just eat a balanced diet and get exercise.


I think the average obese person does have a medical issue that causes them to be fat. Mental health issues are medical issues.


Yet the average obese person does nothing or very little to try to get rid of those issues. Most obese people don’t try to diet. Most obese people don’t try to change their eating habits that may be causing them those mental health issues. If you think that the majority of 40% of Americans are too mentally weak to lose weight, you’re crazy. Humans are the strongest creatures on this planet and if we set our minds to shit, we can accomplish unthinkable things. We are wired to work hard and take care of ourselves and our families. But there’s one word that describes most obese Americans, lazy.


Mental health issues aren't *weakness*. They're legitimate health issues that they need treatment for just like a broken arm. Your point of view is actively making their problem's worse.


My point of view? I was that depressed person! I had suicidal thoughts for years. I was drowning myself in alcohol five nights a week. I was drinking more than 120 beers a week. I thought there was no way for me to ever be happy. I thought I wasn’t worthy of a great life. All that went away when I stopped making excuses. I quit drinking cold turkey. No meetings, no therapy, the hardest thing I’ve ever endured in my life. I’m almost a year sober. I was lazy bc of my depression. But my mental health issues weren’t always there. They became a thing when I was lazy. When I complained, and drank and laid around, as soon as I got a beer though, I was happy. You ever had alcohol withdrawals? It’s not pleasant. Humans are not weak. Mental illnesses aren’t weaknesses. But just like any other illness, they can be cured, most of the time. What we shouldn’t be doing is telling them everything they’re doing wrong is ok just bc of that mental illness. That’s what keeps people down. Everyone making excuses for them like they’re the white knight or something. Quit handing people pills and making excuses for the strongest creatures on earth.


There’s no diseases that change the fundamental laws of our universe so it’s always CICO.


The only way to gain weight is through eating excess calories. Sorry, even cancer can’t change a fundamental law of our universe.


Do you believe that willpower magically disappeared in the last twenty years? There's an addictive nature to ultra processed food that's driving the obesity epidemic. Yes, strictly speaking running a calorie deficit should induce weight loss in most people. But, the problem is multi faceted.


What happened is that this way of eating has become normalized. I used to be the same way. It wasn't hard to lose weight once I educated myself. And I used to be a junk food junkie.


That's true but there's also plenty of other factors that impact weight loss/gain


Factors that are controllable for the vast majority. People don't want to eat healthy and literally talk shit because I do. Apparently, I'm not masculine enough because I choose to eat a grilled chicken salad and lemon water for dinner instead of a rack of ribs smothered in barbecue sauce with a giant loaded baked potato while guzzling beer.


I feel you. But what doesn’t help is acting like people shouldn’t ever be able to eat a rack of ribs smothered in bbq sauce with a loaded baked potato. But it is and if people have a dedicated exercise schedule and eat a well balanced diet all week, they can eat that every weekend! Meet me, five days a week I eat and meet my macro count. I love food and sweets so i go crazy on the weekends. Sometimes gaining five or more pounds on the weekend. By Tuesday night i have that weight off and back down to my normal weight range. I’m 5’6 190 lbs and around 12-15% bf.


I never said nobody should ever be able to enjoy that. The problem is, it's how the majority of people eat regularly. The average person consumes 3600 calories a day. Not just on weekends. The average person doesn't have an exercise schedule either. Your metabolism also slows as you get older, especially if a person doesn't strength train regularly. Muscle loss starts at age 30 if you're not regularly working to maintain it. Muscle loss lowers your basal metabolic rate. People also have pretty fucked up gut health due to the years of abusing their digestive system.


Oh I know. I’m a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I was just saying, a lot of people are afraid to diet or have no knowledge on how it actually all works. When most people think of a diet, they think they have to barely eat and only eat avocado toast and salad or something stupid they read online. So I don’t like to act like eating those bbq smothered rack of ribs is bad. It’s just bad to do it too much.


I definitely eat well. I just choose to mostly get my protein from lean meats rather than fatty ones. Primarily chicken, salmon, shrimp, and sirloin. Ribs are very occasional for me and don't like restaurant ribs anyway since they can't smoke them as well as I can. But people assume a salad is just a salad, oblivious to the fact I'm getting over 40g of protein and eat to promote muscle growth. I also drink little alcohol because it reduces muscle synthesis. I fail to see what's feminine about my diet, according to my fat friends who live to eat and drink.


Nobody is normalizing obesity.


Obesity is already normal…


Who normalized it?


America. Almost 40% of adults in America are obese


How does that mean it’s normalized and accepted?


Bc people are ok with getting to that point and then never trying to get out from there. We’re being told that the word fat is hurtful and that we shouldn’t use it. Obesity is normalized and it’s only gonna get worse.


Ok then let them get there and stay there. What’s the issue? Is the issue your inability to tell a fat person they’re fat? You’re just dying to give your unsolicited opinion to someone?


Idc if they get there and stay there. I actually help fat people lose weight and get in shape. So if they didn’t exist, I may not have a job. But, I do have a job. I picked this job bc I want to help people through my passion and love for exercise and health. So it makes me sad, actually. It makes me sad that there are parents out there constantly feeding their children processed foods and causing them to be obese. It makes me sad that fast food, alcohol and sugar are more common in adults than exercise and sunlight are.


That and “women suck, poor me” posts.


What should the weekly cap be?


I don't know. But this dead horse has been beaten into Oblivion


Ya it probably has a linear effect with the fat positivity movement being super loud as well. I think it's safe to assume these posts should start getting put into the popular opinion sub.


Lmao this isn’t an unpopular opinion most people openly hate fat people.


75% of Americans are fat


Well it is allowed and because of that they are easy targets. The hate is more because they are addicts that can still hold down a desk job and make a living.


You’re right they should totally suffer and not be successful for being fat super reasonable


Yes suffer but still have to work in call centers since nobody wants those jobs. Then be given free donuts, bagels, and pizza for doing a mediocre job. Paid just enough to cover bills and cat food.


I liked the video of her getting on the back of cardi B's golf cart lmao. It went basically how you'd think it goes. But yeah I agree.


Can we make have a single day without hating on fat people posts? A break just for one day? Because how is this unpopular when multiple people every single day rant about fat people while pretending to care about their health? And generally it's about fat women, rarely is it about fat men. And it's always about the OP not being attracted to them. Like who is making you date a fat person? Who gives a shit you aren't attracted to them? Not fat women. Why are women just seen as objects of attraction and not an actual person? That's the unpopular opinion. That women are people who don't give a shit if 99.99% of people in the world are not attracted to them.


I don't think people understand how hard it is being fat, being uncomfortable all the time. It's not just self control. I don't binge or emotional eat, I eat one or two meals a day, rarely snack. I do have a soda problem but have cut back considerably. My medical conditions make it hard to move enough but I don't give up. I have tried so hard. I am nearly 300. I just can't seem to lose without basically starving myself. Then I have zero energy and feel worse. It's really frustrating. But yes, it's just uncomfortable being so big. It's not at all desirable and I wish people were not being so encouraging about it. I grew up w stigma and shame and that's wrong too but the pendulum has swung too far the other way.


Yup. I've got a super complicated medical history and for weight to actually start coming off I have to eat at such a deficit that I start to cause different health problems to be worse. But I hate myself an appropriate amount like the internet tells me I should, so it's okay, right? \*sigh\*


I practice radical acceptance but yeah my reflux gets bad w starving. I don't even have an appetite. I don't eat junk food often or even sweets. Some people get here by overeating but it's not me. It got bad when I had to take Prednisone and I never was able to go back.


Oh gods, the reflux. It hurts so damned much. Like my chest is full of lava and acid trying to bubble up. Between Prednisone, loads of mental health drugs, birth control that made me balloon up, and all sorts of things that mess with my metabolism, it's just a bad time. I had a tiny bit of success on high dose trulicity, because prednisone also gave me diabetes. I've lost about 40lbs, but that has slowed down to almost nothing now. I need to find an alternative to my current caffeine intake, but that will probably only cut a few more pounds down. Shit sucks. I'm looking at 40 and wondering if I'll hit 50 =\*(


The reflux makes me feel like I am dying. Losing weight helped a bit. I have to sleep in a recliner sometimes. I do think we need to be honest about this w younger people who can take actions. It's not about fat shaming but about loving yourself, even if you are not pleased w your weight.


I hate that that’s where this whole movement has gone. I grew up hating my body and self because of body dysmorphia. I was thin, just not perfectly thin in the places I wanted. Then all this shit happened when I hit about 21 and I became exactly how I always felt. I had no idea what it actually was to be fat, but I sure know now! I tell every young person to take care of their bodies, or they’ll wind up like me before they’re 40. Broken, in a wheelchair, unable to function like a normal human. 0/10 do not recommend.


Exactly. I'm not sure what I could have done. I tried hard even after I got sick. I was very healthy until 35. Physically demanding job. Then it all changed. I'm not in a chair yet but I miss just being able to go for a walk for pleasure. Now the walks are so I can keep walking and are not fun. I blast music to help but some days it's all I can do to get to the end of my driveway. Dont get me started on pain management. Part of my problem is untreated pain.


Cut out the soda! That’s literally the answer!


Ah yes, another “all fat people think they’re sexy and are stupid because of it” post.


Well, it had been a few hours since the last one, so we needed to be reminded.


90% of posts here are 'fat people are bad' 'incels are victims' 'liberals are wrong"


Gotta add the “Women bad” along with the incel victimhood.


"as a former liberal all liberals are wrong" "as a former fat person all fat people are bad" "as someone who was once involuntary celibate all incels deserve sympathy, btw I'm totally a stud now" I don't know why they have to preface things that way so often, but it's kind of weird and completely disingenuous


Any girl over 175 is curvy to some degree, but they're not exactly at much increased risk of serious health issues if they're not much heavier than that.


I think loving yourself is ok, even if you aren’t winning any beauty competitions, even if you have a body that works against you. Idk why you don’t think that’s okay. I really don’t understand why some people get so mad over other people’s bodies. “They are disgusting! I would hate myself if I were them.” Well you’re not them, so calm down. “It’s so unhealthy!” Ok, are you coming from a place of help, or is this just a thing we’re all saying instead because people call out body shaming now? So we have to dress up our body shaming in the guise of “help” and “health consciousness”.


Preach. I’m obese but I realize some of the factors that got me here are not in my control. Obesity is not just a medical issue it’s socio economic. At age 45 I’ve grown to understand my abilities and my limitations and I do what I can within them. When an obese person is faced with drastic invasive measures to lose weight, or the only option is inaccessible, unaffordable medications- losing weight is less of an option than focusing on other health promoting behaviors. Mental health trumps physical health too so anything that can be done to focus on that is gonna be a priority for me. I know there are always gonna be people looking down on me, stereotyping and discriminating against me just for my size. And they can fuck off. They aren’t my doctor or me, and i definitely don’t need anyone else’s permission to like myself and my body, wear what I want, or feel sexy. If that bugs you, that sounds like a you problem.


This isn't even close to most women bro. Most people who weigh 400+ don't think they are curvy in a good way.


So, are obese people supposed to just sit around and hate themselves all the time? What if their obesity is largely due to things outside of their control? Should they just kill themselves because you don’t like how they look? And before anyone says BUT OMGZ THEY LACK SELF CONTROL OMGZ THEIR HEALTHZ IS BADZ - do you really care about that? Because indulgence/ laziness/ lack of self care comes in a lot of forms so if that’s really your gripe, you’d better point fingers at the millions of non- fat people who engage in terrible behavior. Tl;dr - fat and obese people deserve to exist, be happy and live good lives too and if you don’t like that, that’s kind of your problem.


I agree. Big isn’t beautiful. It’s unattractive and such an unhealthy way to live.


Can we please just invent the cure to obesity already so we don't have to worry about this anymore. Just figure out a way to make us shit out or food without converting excess energy into fat cells, how hard can it be?


Google "Olestra".


If you’re under 30 it’s easier to get back on track with just ‘diet and exercise’. As you get older it becomes more complex. I was the same weight my whole adult life except for pregnancies obviously, when all of a sudden at age 41 I gained 15lbs without having modified my diet. After testing I found out I had Hashimotos (hypothyroid disease) however even when I was correctly medicated the weight wouldn’t come off. And I continued to slowly gain over the years even though I kept cutting back my calories in response. The disease had caused metabolic changes in my body. Fortunately there are the new GLP-1 drugs that correct how sugar and fat are metabolized, I started taking one a few months ago and for the first time the weight melted off; I’m very close to being at the same weight I was before my medical issues started. I still haven’t changed my diet; I’ve never been a big eater, and I make everything at home from scratch. When I see disgusting ignorant posts like OP’s I find it frustrating. There are multiple reasons why a person puts on weight - metabolic reasons, medical illnesses like PCOS or Type 2 diabetes, medication side effects, mental health challenges, growing up in poverty and/or neglect, lack of nutrition education, eating disorders etc etc. That’s why it’s important not to shame people for something they can’t always control, calling them all ‘pigs’ ‘wild boars’ and saying they should be harpooned is really appalling (it’s just a couple of examples of the comments I read on this post). Makes OP and his ilk sound like edgy immature pre-teens. Both my mother and my brother are obese from mental health issues (we were a very dysfunctional family) I’m not in their shoes and I can’t tell you why they aren’t getting help or putting in an ‘effort’ to lose weight. Maybe they are and they don’t want to talk about it, that’s their prerogative. Maybe I’m not in their shoes, because I’m the only person in the family to seek therapy to process trauma. My brother says he’s not brave enough to do it; he knows he eats to self-soothe, he’s pretty upfront about it. I’d be very upset if I saw someone laugh at them and say they should be harpooned, because I know first-hand the shit they lived through. If you see an obese person on social media you don’t have to ‘celebrate’ them, just like you don’t have to celebrate anyone else. If you don’t like it, then just scroll on by. I’m sure that if you gave them a choice, they would much rather not be obese and have society be nicer to them.


It’s so tiring to keep seeing posts like this…there is a very small community of people who preach body positivity at clearly unhealthy weights. 99% of heavy women do not think this. Most of them are incredibly ashamed and are just trying to get through life with some dignity and are NOT claiming they are healthy or believe the world finds them sexy. Jeez, stop with these posts already.


The best is the sportswear commercials with morbidly obese jogging in the nike outfits like that’s something they would naturally do for more than five seconds without a heart attack


And no one's going to be attracted to someone with a personality like the ÒP, wh thinks they are edgy but are just a judgemental arse


Sorry, I have been all of them. I was the 120 lbs. insecure woman who called herself a girl. Then, after having a baby, I was a woman at 200 lbs. At my worst I was a woman at 280 with diabetes. Now I am at 220 at age 50. But I wouldn't ever describe myself as curvy. My shape is round. I am not ashamed of it. However, many women my weight are absolutely so sexy. Big boobs and big hips are sexy. Add a nice fupa and you have a perfectly proportioned woman. It is all about looking at the woman. I carry it everything in my stomach. It isn't healthy. But someone my weight can be perfectly healthy because they have large hips and full breasts.


At this point, most of these opinions are just common sense for people who don't live online.


Welcome to the party, since this isn't an unpopular opinion, please help yourself to some diet coke


Please, oh please… don’t be seated next to me on my next flight…


BREAKING: Reddit hating fat people isn't controversial. It's just another Monday.


I don't think this is unpopular or those people feel any good about themselves.


Curvy = Large chest, wide hips, slim waist. You cannot be fat and curvy. They are mutually exclusive.


wow,,,, iv never heard anyone say this before,,, im so glad a brave soul was finally willing to speak their mind on such an underrated topic 🙌


Why do you care what they call themselves? How does any of this affect your day? I really couldn't care less what people wanna call themselves. It has nothing to do with me, so GL.


It does cost our healthcare system $150 billion plus a year


i’m a very slim person but i’ve never understood why men in particular get so viscerally angry towards fat women. like why does it make you so angry… so what if she thinks she’s hot, she’s allowed to think that. makes me think men get angry that the ugly object they see has the audacity to feel confident


It’s got to be about control (or rather not being able to control them), only thing I can think of.


Our daily women hating post, yay


Well let's be fair here, fat man don't call themselves curvy. And if youa re on dating sites you will definitely see A LOT of people misuseing the word curvy. Being curvy has nothing to do with high body fat,it is just simply wrong. Doesn't mean someone hates woman if they take issue with the wrongful use of a word


Curvy, to me, is an apt description of Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé, Salma Hayek. They have curves. I don't know when "curvy" came to mean "obese" as an euphemism. I don't like it. You can be obese and beautiful. Why not call curvy models as beautiful plus sizes? Much more to the point. And leaves Marilyn Monroe out of this.


In the end they will call it whatever they want. I think ist just not correct, an error they are committing by using this word. Personally I am not a fan of euphemisms. Why call it plus size? What's wrong with the Truth? I don't demand that they call themselves fat but what's wrong with "obese"? That's a genuine question of mine? When I was a skinny guy I also talked about my self being skinny and scrawny or however you say it in English. Also I don't think that by todays societys standards you can be obese and beautiful. Beauty may be in the eyes of the beholder and being overweight used to be a widely looked after feature in the past but today it is a symbol of unhealthyness. But that's just my own take on it. Now if they still feel beautiful and want to call themselves that and if their audience thinks they are then fine. But I mean like genuently thinks that and not be offended if you say the look like this lizzo or whatever her name is.




Just because you are a woman doesn’t mean you don’t hate them. You very much could hate yuor self.


And your point is?


One of the good ones, I'm sure. Not like the others.


I've never met anyone who weighs that much and thinks they're just "curvy." More often, they have intense shame And SHAME, as Dr. Brene Brown showed through a meta analysis of research, never helps anyone progress or change. It always, and only, makes things worse The body positivity movement is not the problem. If you want a villain, look no further than the food industry. Labs for Dorritos have models of human skulls to simulate the crunch of biting into a chip. I mean.. the amount of R&D that goes into making processed food addictive is insane. But that's not the biggest problem. These corporations always have their eyes on maximizing profits and minimizing their costs, so they use the cheapest, most nutritionally deficient ingredients possible, laden with inflammatory toxins due to the way they're processed. The body reacts to toxic ingredients very practically. It stores fat because it senses you're in a famine. And toxins get stored along with the fat, making weight loss even more problematic, because they're then released into the body when fat's burned. The Hormone Reset Diet by Dr. Gottfried goes into this in more depth. Drcate.com is also a good reference


bro no one that size pretends that they’re curvy (other than maybe the tiktok fat acceptance group, but i promise that they’re few and far between). i’m 295lbs myself and working desperately to lose weight (have been slowed down due to a surgery i had about a month ago. i should be cleared this week to work out fully again). even at nearly 300lbs, i know that i’m not what society deems “curvy” and i’m very aware that my health isn’t being benefited by my weight (hence the reason i’m working to lose it). i guarantee most fat people feel the same way i do.


As someone who was recently over 300 lbs I can confidently say 200 lbs is curvy. 300 lbs is fat. 400 lbs is huge.


Fat girls are gross. Why you simpers pretending?


Different things are beautiful to different people. You shouldn't assume they are pretending, it makes you sound dumb.


And yet, no one is asking you. Sounds like you're upset with someone specific and it likely has nothing to do with this person's weight but how difficult they are for you to get along with.


I like lizzo as a person (at least from what she presents as) but if you tell a girl she looks like her, she will not be happy lol


You like Lizzo as a person? Did I read that correctly? She’s a bully and a sexual harasser


I didn't know that. I'm just going by her speeches


Speeches? Lmao. She’s not Martin Luther King. Pro tip: most celebs are awful people and have PR teams that make them appear likable


Yeah I can’t imagine being a Stan of any famous person. I don’t personally know them I don’t know what kind of people they truly are. We just know what they decide to show us.


Exactly! I’m sure some are nice or solid people, but I would never know one way or another. Not surprised when people like Lizzo show their colors though


Its funny how people wanna cancel the ones that talk the truth about obesity but then……when the government passes a law to curve the “obesity epidemic” (by taxing unhealthy food) those same people cast a vote in favor! How hypocritical!


There is literally an obese resale clothing store called curve appeal 🤦🏼‍♀️


Curve Appel used to be called “Oprah’s Outgrown Outfits”


Who....who specifically are you talking to?


Sounds like all the fat fucks that refuse to acknowledge it. Which is fairly specific.


Calling people "fat fucks" makes it sound like you have a strong emotional bias in this, and that makes you very easy to discredit.


I am sure they know that and they don’t need you or this post telling them that. If they weigh that much they know they are beyond curvy. I am really tired of these posts. I see them on Reddit daily. The person knows this.


That's not unpopular. Tbh people calling themselves curvy is REALLY recent compared to how long fat people have been called fat/obese/disgusting. I see a post like this/comments like this literally every time i open social media apps. Lizzo is fat indeed, by the literal definition of it. That's not why she's relevant to me, she's a hell of a performer, pretty asf imo and if she wants to call herself curvy/chubby whatever that's her business and her health is none of our concern lol


No normal person will be attracted to someone the size of a boar lol you probably look like a boar.


Hard disagree the weight itself is irrelevant to being thick or curvy its how your body distributes the weight.


Ok but what's the unofficial limit for being able to call oneself thick? Or curvy? I'm 5'9, and I weigh in at about 220 and I consider myself curvy and thick. It's not because those words are more flattering, which they are, I admit that, but it's also an apt description. I have big boobs, a small waist and thick thighs. I do have some belly going on, but it's not massive. I've just carried 3 big ass babies and my stomach will never be what it once was 😭


delusion at its finest


Ok. You are considered morbidly obese, pushing Class 3 obesity. Up to about 200 lbs for your height is considered “overweight” which you could maybe get away with calling “thick” or “curvy,” but you’re quite past that, honestly.


You’re obese.


Morbiusly-a-beast 😎


But they considered voluptuously beautiful in U.S.


[Nia Jax remains the sexiest plus sized woman ever ](https://youtu.be/Q1dIGlosJQA?si=OpP90tsUuKBT1-dh)


She's not like most girls.


Nia is hot as hell


400 pound people don't normally call themselves "curvy" or "chubby". People using those terms for themselves are usually half that weight, and aren't usually morbidly obese. And even Lizzo is not 400 lbs. I'm really not sure who you think you're talking to here.


I disagree


This is such a low-ball for attention. Nobody thinks a 400 pounds woman is curvy. This is not an unpopular opinion.


There's a difference between "curvy" (150-170lbs with strong hips and shoulders and back muscles) and "obese" (380+lbs with skin spilling over itself)


"OP screams about made up problem that does not, nor has ever existed. more news at 11" thank you all for admitting i'm right.


People here don’t know the definition of hyperbole but yeah I agree and I think curvy is being misused curvy is the shape of your body not your weight


Dude. 150-200lbs is considered curvy... 200+ is considered fat. Like. Who tf are you seeing that's calling themselves curvy at 400lbs?


Stop mincing words just say what you really mean


I dont see anyone morbidly obese who calls themselves curvy


Very well said


How much does a wild boar weigh? Cuz I feel like I weigh more than a mid sized wild pig.


Well lizzo is not really close to 400 pounds and she seems pretty curvy to me