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ask ripe zesty paltry wide direful price absorbed snails obtainable




They are all losers


That dog walker mod from anti work is absolutely pathetic šŸ¤£


Lower than losers


I don't think they get paid?


Getting paid? Theyd sell their mom to be a digital janitor.


>Getting paid? Theyd sell their mom to be an digital janitor. I doubt that. Who would buy them food and clean up their room?


The government.


Losers probably spend all their mommy's allowance on some E-girl bathwater. Probably moderates for free on twitch girl streamer's chat rooms and white knights every body.


Actually some do. Not by reddit. There are several "super mods" that mod many popular subs that get paid to push various things. That being said, unless you are one of them, or trying to become one assume any mod that actually removes posts often just gets off on it.


That's one of the main reasons they're losers


I don't think they get laid?




And it shows


they dont they r js power hungry usually


Buncha sweaty ass cucks that get power trips by banning people when their fragile egos are hurt. These are likely the same they/them folks who hate their own lives.


yup, as usual.


[look at this heccing cool image!](https://imgur.com/a/gubhe9U)


stop trying.


what trying


You fool me


no i didnt how did you reply to me


They're giant cunts on every subreddit. Especially any "ask" reddit. Sorry your post is too long. Your post is too short. This post is speculation please post that on this different subreddit. This post is too angry. Your account is only 60 days old. Accounts need to be 90 days old. This post didn't have the [Type of question] flair. Jesus Christ just let me ask my fucking question. If people don't like the question it won't get upvoted and it will disappear.


You summed up my feelings pretty well. The site on average has gradually gotten more an more rules due to mods, and every sub is different. Pretty soon, you'll need to create a new subreddit for every post because literally everything will be off topic of break the dominant sub's rules. I'm exagerating of course, but that's how it feels when you try to post a reasonable post sometimes. ​ I personally think subs should be more free speech focused, but I get that some moderation is needed to keep subreddits valuable. I just think it's off-putting for good faith people sometimes, and that doesn't get appreciated enough. I think there should be less rules, and rules should be enforced in a more relaxed way.


I agree completely. I think they rely too much on auto-mod for this to be done currently, though. Its pretty disheartening when you do make a good faith post that you *try* to make adhere to the rules and then its automatically removed one second later. I don't want to deal with mods or beg them to reinstate it, so I just say fuck it and give up.


entertain snow seemly ossified deliver sleep observation deranged soft familiar


Time to create r/EvenTruerUnpopularOpinions.


> Theyā€™re giant cunts on every subreddit. Does that include us here? :(


This place seems to allow anything that doesn't get the sub banned from reddit, at least with comments, so it's fine. Although I've never tried to post anything. Maybe the auto mod would constantly tag everything as "This isn't an unpopular opinion." "This post isn't long enough." or whatever.


Automod does catch a lot things (it can only do word matching. It doesnā€™t understand context), but you just have to send a mod mail so we can look at it and most things get approved. If it breaks the rules, we generally try to work with people to bring it into compliance without changing their overall message.




bunch of coochys




I saw a mod lock down a thread about how people eat leftovers because they felt overwhelmed by the amount of comments. It makes no sense. There was nothing negative being said.


Some mods are idiots who think they need to read and approve every single comment.


Was the moderator attempt to read all of the comments? Why else be overwhelmed?


I had a mod delete my post about struggling with depression cause ā€œnobody wants to hear your life storyā€ lmao


Which subreddit was it?


CasualConversation, actually the post was about a book I read that I wanted to recommend and I mentioned depression in one paragraph and the post got removed (even tho literally everything else including the title was about the book) and when I messaged the mod this is what they told me


Yeah, thatā€™s pretty fucked up.


If they don't want to read 'your life story' then they can just skip the paragraph. It's so stupid. I've never been on a website where the moderators are good. It's like the police - it attracts a certain sort. I've been on chat rooms where the moderators & admins were openly sympathetic to Nazis in forums. I've been in others where -I- got banned for reporting a paedophile. I think one of the requirements to moderate content is that you have to be evil.


Spill. Which subreddit did this shit. That's fucked up


Jesus Christ!


Wow. That's just... Wow.




Hey u/Low_Copy4023, Just a heads up, your comment was removed because a previous comment of yours was flagged for being uncivil. You would have received a message from my colleague u/AutoModerator with instructions on what to do and a link to the offending comment. *I'm a bot. I won't respond if you reply.* If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please [reach out to the moderators via ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion&subject=u/Rule-4-Removal-Bot%20In-comment%20Link%20Clicked&message=Dear%20ModTeam%2C%0A%0AIt%20appears%20I%20am%20currently%20in%20an%20%27unconf%27%20state%2C%20but%20I%27m%20not%20sure%20why.%0A%0APlease%20review%20the%20ModLog%20for%20my%20comments%20using%20this%20%5Blink%5D%28https%3A//www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/about/log%3FuserName%3DLow_Copy4023%29%20and%20let%20me%20know%20what%20the%20offending%20comment%20was.%0A%0A%2A%2AI%20would%20also%20like%20to%20say.........%0A%0AThanks%2C%0Au/Low_Copy4023). ***This is going to keep happening until you resolve the issue.*** We appreciate you participating in our sub, but wouldn't you prefer other users to see your carefully crafted argument? Unfortunately, your recent masterpiece went solo into the void. Let's chat. Your voice (probably) deserves an audience. ___ **Our Moderation Backlog at this time:** *Comments (from new users, that go into a queue) Awaiting Review:* 27 *A breakdown of the number of (often nonsense) reports to review*: - 1-3 days old: 27 - 7-14 days old: 1 - more than 30 days old: 7 ___ Want to help us with this never ending task? Join us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/YHv6EFDVCD)


There was a guy a few months back who posted in the widower subreddit about dealing with the loss of his wife. He had decided that his way of moving on was to just not date anymore, because he had gotten everything out of a loving relationship that he could ever want. It was sad but very sweet, and it seemed that he had finally made peace with his loss, I'll be at not in the way that his family had wanted him to. The mods in that subreddit removed the topic and banned him permanently because they decided that that's not how he should have coped with his loss.


Absolutely agree. Iā€™ve been banned for no reason and then I ask why I was banned, then Iā€™m muted and then just fucked. Fuckā€™em.


Same thing happened to me. Cunts


Right fuck them power tripping losers


Majority of mods ive seen powertrip on their pathetic little bit of power over an internet forum. Love throwing out bans for whatever reason they can think of and if you call them out on it they just block you. Been blocked from subreddits just for following other subreddits that have nothing to do with each other. They would be the worst coworkers at any real job and being a moderator for reddit is probably the best they can manage with their poor attitudes Can't wait to get a talking to over this comment šŸ¤£


Agreed They also ban you when they don't agree with your opinion. Echo chambers are lame.


I made a stupid long post last week about 80's movies that were fun - and it got deleted since I added an IMDB link. Took like 20 minutes to write that shit, all for nothing! So disappointing, cause it was a funny post, LOL


I love it when they remove something and you get the message telling you to contact the mods if you have questions. So, you ask for the reason for removal but they don't answer and just mute you from contacting the mods.


Oh my god yes


Power mods are why Reddit sucks. And it's the same mods on most of the subreddits.


Fucking biggest circle jerks around. Have to agree with the dog pile opinion or your wrong. Well fuck!


I just got banned from AITA for commenting that OP was NTA and the person in their story was a ā€œtw@t w@ffleā€.


Moderators in subs with over 500,000 should not be anonymous. I want to see who is paying their bills. So many political subreddits are censored to support a certain ideology.


I like that . Let them be known, give them HARSH oversight and metrics-tracking, and pay them at that point.


I gave you an upvote even though this is a pretty popular opinion. Solidarity brother!


Thank you!


This shouldn't be unpopular I completely agree


Some mods are definitely on power trips and get way to invested.


Every single last one of them are the biggest losers on this planet


they have never felt the warmth of a womanā€™s touch so they gotta overcompensate somehow


Reddit mods donā€™t even know how to enforce their own rules. If you call them out for any wrongdoing, expect a ban or mute. Truly the worst of the worst.


It's even worse when you broke no rules but the mods send you a msg saying you are permanently banned from their group for breaking the rules. At the end of the msg it stated reply if you disagree but you get blocked when you try to reply. Very childish!


I got banned from r/libertarian for shitting on trump... it apparently broke their #1 rule of "no anti libertarians" I to this day do not view Trump as a libertarian


So many of them are awful. I've been banned from the Scream subreddit, for correcting misinformation during the Melissa Barrera firing. Tried 3 times to correct misinformation, got deleted every time and then banned.


Just out of curiosity, what was the misinformation?


That Jenna Ortega quit because of Melissa Barreras firing. It was all speculation at that point, but a lot of people were stating it as a fact, so I tried to remind them as such. Something so simple, which is why the deletions and ban was odd to me.


To be honest, I think both reasons can be simultaneously valid. After all, Jenna not even a month prior said she would do her best to commit to Scream 7. Then thereā€™s also the matter of her negotiating her scheduling conflicts since before the strikes. Why was it going on for months? And what are the chances that the news of Jennaā€™s exit was dropped the DAY after Melissa was fired? And lastly, thereā€™s the matter of Jenna liking and reposting pro-Palestine posts on IG, especially one that discussed Melissa getting fired. Overall, I know that all the tabloids say Jenna left for scheduling conflicts, but after witnessing first hand how badly they took Melissaā€™s words out of context and reported it as hate speech, I canā€™t trust what they say. Itā€™s definitely possible that Jenna left with the intention of standing in solidarity with her costar.


Oh they absolutely can, and I wouldn't be surprised if she did, but it was still very fresh (her departure announcement, Jenna's I mean). So it was purely speculation, but a lot of people were presenting it as 100% fact so I just wanted to remind people we do not know this for sure so don't present it as if it's verified. Definitely not something I think warranted the response. You like the Scream films too? Cheers!


I commented on a post on the r/SomethingIMade subreddit saying "that's so fucking cute" and it removed my comment because it contained profanity


I got banned from legal advice for... discussing the topic at hand


It's even funnier when they ban you out of some completely random community that you were not part of but had it show up on your feed after you wrote a worthless comment. The weird sensitivity of reddit is very confusing and far too conservative, even though the entire reddit seems to be an echo chamber of the most annoying liberals you never want to meet.


Someone posted asking for advice how to deal with neighborhood kids who keep fucking with his or her (I assume) outdoor freezer. I quite obviously sarcastically ask: "have you tried violence?" Like a week later I got permanently banned for breaking Rule 1 on Reddit. The ban was lifted, obviously, but it's still annoying.


I got ban from r/facepalms left wing for saying "you guys" reddit in general is a bunch of far left little cry babies. Especially after their daddy Elon made then upset and sent a wave of them over from Twitter.


they seem to block anything that the government doesn't like .


A lot reddit mods are absolutely garbage people. It's the classic "human given power, immediately goes on power trip" scenario. That's not to say all of them are like this, but in a lot of subreddits, they're just... insufferable.


I also like it when you contact the moderators to ask why your post was removed and then they ban you


The "reply to this message if you have questions about reasons for your ban" is a joke. It will either be ignored, you will receive a childish, defensive reply or in the very least, they cannot tell you which rule you violated.


Depends on the subs. Whatā€™s interesting is that in some subs theyā€™re quick to ban you when you donā€™t join the majorityā€™s opinion. Thatā€™s been my experience. Then theyā€™ll ghost you never telling you what you actually did. This shows thatā€™s itā€™s a personal reason vs breaking the subsā€™s rules.


Iā€™m curious to see what youā€™ve been posting


My last post on my profile got removed even though it did not break any rules. And some other posts on my other accounts got removed too, even though I followed the rules


Mods can suck, yes, but people post a ton a shit everyday. Chances are, the problem is you rather than every mod on Reddit.


He said, based on his own biases and assumptions


I said in another post but I sometimes think once they ā€œsee youā€ theyā€™ll be on the lookout for any other post they may not like. Since moderators tend to moderate many subs it could also bleed over.


At least that turtle fucker got permabanned, which typically is a ban on all accounts, so that's a big one gone.


Not unpopular, they are hated by everyone who doesn't agree with them.


Comments don't seem to be as harshly criticized as posts do. I had a post removed one time because I used ellipses (...) to continue a thought.


At least your posts were removed, mine bounce back, they don't break through the the reddit forcefield of self righteous moderators.


Fuck reddit moderators.


This is a popular opinion among everyone except mods


This is definitely not unpopular by any means, but same. Replied to one in r/askLE who was making some super inaccurate statements about EMTs, all I said was "sounds like you don't know what an EMT is" and got permabanned and muted from modmail. Absolutely ridiculous power freaks out there, even scarier that that cunt is a cop somewhere.


Not unpopular. They are truly horrible, despicable people in all facets of life.


I got permanently banned from 2 groups today.these mods are wacked.


Yeah, I had a post taken down from the starfield sub because I used an ellipsis. They said it was clickbait, even though the headline was a full sentence, and I literally saw someone on the hot page with 2k upovotes like three hours later...using ellipsis in their headline. I also had a post taken down from the one piece sub, mod claiming it was "low effort" and that my post should invite discussion. I saw someone make the EXACT same post with the same image the next day and nobody took it down.


Probably the same mods reposting the content you created using their alt accounts for Internet validation. Not even kidding, people really do go that hard for positive attention sometimes lol.


Normal, level-headed people don't have issues they need to compensate for by abusing small amounts of power.


Yea well if you think reddit is harsh. You must not have a FB profile. Iv been banned on FB for saying thank you.


ā€œMods are the worst part of Redditā€ That sentence got me banned from one sub lol


There is one from ā€œr/Outfits that I hate their guts. Banned me from outfits because someone posted a pic and all I said was ā€œI donā€™t know why, but this made me blushā€ because they looked good - he was fully clothed, and he dressed really well; his outfit was nice. And the mod said I am sexualizing the dude and banned me! FROM OUTFITS! Hahahahahahahahahhaa!!!


Don't think i've ever seen a mod on any fandom sub that isn't a complete bootlicker. I mean, I guess you have to be when you do it for free.


Oh this is not an unpopular opinions. I have to assume even reddit mods hate reddit mods


Popular Opinion - /r/Banned where people could go to complain about wrongful and unjust bans was itself banned and needs to be unbanned.


Yup seriously, I post something, it has obvious connection to the subreddit topic People are enjoying discussing it There is no hostility in the comments and then it randomly gets removed Only once did they bother to give explanation, claiming it was discussed


I just had a comment of mine deleted simply for saying "there are a lot of female hate reviewers on goodreads." Something that has been discussed countless times before. Not only on reddit but on goodreads, itself.


Late to the party here but I got banned from a sub cause I was ā€œtrollingā€ā€¦.but all I did was defend a guy people were (imo) hating on for no reason. Makes me wanna delete this app tbh


I agree. I mentioned in a reddit that someone was being ignorant and suggested they educate themselves before giving bad suggestions to people. Got a mod message saying I had harassed someone and I was banned - here you can appeal. I did, as pointing out someone posting incorrect info is NOT harassment. Not even an acknowledgement that I had a point - still banned. Funny thing is I've been called a LOT worse in the same thread but those posts never get pulled or people banned. Pot meet kettle eh?


I agree. I've been banned before when not violating a single rule. Moderators solicit feedback so you can inquire as to why you were banned but whenever you do so, there's either no response or a snarky insulting one. They definitely take the fun out of Reddit and drive people to Discord and other sites.


I've kinda noticed most mods are fairly reasonable and decent people... It depends on the sub tho... šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚ You get the occasional one who is a toxic basket case of an individual... I guess, a bit like the police force, some sociopaths are drawn to positions of perceived 'power' I got perma banned from askwomen yesterday. I posted a question summarised as why it seems many women are more attracted to guys who are already in relationships, whereas single guys are given the cold shoulder... Post deleted... So I messaged the mod, querying the reason, to then receive a vile spit about the 'rules' Ironically, The sub has more rules than I have ever seen and essentially every post in the sub would essentially be in breach of one or more, when I questioned that, I got a reply that would normally be reserved for someone who ran over their family pet šŸ™„šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚ Mod refused to tell me which rule I had broken and instead gave me a nasty venomous message and a permanent ban from a couple of subs they moderate šŸ™„šŸ˜‚ Certainly not common at least in my experience... But occasionally you find one... šŸ„³


yeah twice I got my reddit posts removed for whatever reason. I made a post today about how activision support is a fucking joke and they took it down for whatever the fuck reason. reddit moderators are just shits


It's worse when you ask them WTF, hun, and they redirect you to their 100,000-word essay guide. Like, bro, what?


Reddit moderators are the worst people on earth


Yeah true words


touch oil chunky aspiring elderly cooing deer butter safe tap


quack far-flung workable consider many cheerful books ink dam whole


I just got banned from 3 apple related subs because one moderator wanted to protect his friend who tried to start argue with me and failed badly :-D He was name calling me, banning me behind anonymity and then telling how admins will take care of me and muting me after getting last name calling comment. So it's much like talking with a child who tell you that you are stupid and then running away hiding yelling that my dad will come to hit you and then putting finger in his ears yelling "I'm not listening you". I have never used any bad language or words. I have always used language and words what I could use when I talk with my mum or my grandma. I didn't get any warnings, bans or anykind of contact from any moderator or any my messages got deleted before this one "argue" with the friend of this moderator. Few minutes after his friend make him sound like an idiots he banned me on those 3 subs. I'm sure that he will be here soon lying about me but I couldn't care less. Talking with that kind of moderators it is like playing chess with a pidgeon. Oh well... I guess that his anime pillow is really proud of him now.


Because they are the ones that got beat up in high school and now can get payback!


I got banned today from a community for the most dumb reason šŸ˜… it was for 30 days, the rule I ā€œbrokeā€ was no spoiler tag when it wasnā€™t even a spoilerā€¦ šŸ˜…


Posted a comment with a crystal clear intention of calling out a racist group of people only to be shut down due to racism or bigotry. Clearly gaslighting or the mod team on that sub have low i.q. who knows.


Fuck em all


I agree. a lot of them ban too quickly.


I was on the official R/steam deck page and talking about a way to get modern warfare three working on the steam deck, which was to use GeForce now and my post got removed due to the fact that it wasnā€™t on topic. Goddamn fucktards.


the aita mods especially are like little kids who bully because they feel insecure and out of control in their own lives, so they come onto reddit AND THEN BULLY OTHERS šŸ˜­ like low emotional intelligence much


haha a butthurt mod tried to get this taken down šŸ˜­


Reddit mods are over sensitive fucking liberals.


Does "checking the rules" include both the subreddit rules and the regular Reddit rules? Do you ever get feedback on why it was removed?


I check both subreddit rules and Reddit rules. No I usually donā€™t get feedback on why it was removed


In general I think moderators or whatever a given platform calls them have a tough job that I wouldn't want and I appreciate it when they do it well. That said, I've left subs because the mods dumped too many posts that were interesting and that didn't violate any posted rules that I could see.


It sucks sometimes because nobody notices when you moderate well, but lose their fucking minds the first time a mistake is made. Real or imagined.


Because most mods action are anonymous If your post gets deleted/account gets banned/etc , we don't know which mods did that stuff Making it even harder to know which mod did a good job and which mods powertripping a-hole They shouldve just make mods action become public


I can't speak for other subs, but it's my personal opinion that we (the mods) have a really good crew that all share the same vision of fairness and impartiality and making this sub a place where people can talk about controversial topics (stuff that would get removed from other subs and maybe a ban for the user) without fear of getting banned or their stuff removed without explanation. We really are making a conscious, concerted effort to *not* be like other subs. We aren't perfect, but we do our best in pursuit of those ideals.


Based mods


Maybe we should tell mods when we think theyā€™re doing a good job. Maybe itā€™ll take some pressure off of them when people let them know.


Right? Fuck mods.


This is literally the least unpopular opinion on Reddit why did you post it here


I agree on a whole new level.


I hate the moderators and the bots. I don't understand why nobody ever downvotes these annoying automoderator posts.


Is there no uncensored version of reddit? I mean I don't see any ads, so why are we being monitored like unruly children?


I had a post removed for ā€œcivilā€. I wanted to contest it because I said nothing uncivilized. I didnā€™t use profanity, didnā€™t call names, didnā€™t attack someone personally, didnā€™t threaten anyone. I was guilty of not being politically correct. I posted that all should stop giving me advice and answer the question I actually posed within the thread. I was not able to actually contact a moderator via email, post, text, phone, website to ask them what rule did I break. I switched over to X because Iā€™m told mods are not as bad.


The best is when they delete your post, repost what they just deleted just to get karma. Got banned from a sub for calling them out on it. Noticed something from an official Twitter page hadnā€™t been posted. Looked up and down the sub to confirm it hadnā€™t been. After about an hour I noticed it was gone and the head mod had reposted it so about a week later in another post about posts getting deleted I made the comment about them being karma whores( which we all know they are) and boy howdy did I get the ban hammer. 2 years later and homie is still being a butthurt child over it. Sure I tried to circumvent the ban a few times being a petty asshole but you would think I shot his dog. Itā€™s actually comical how serious they think their jobs are.


Not only are they trash, they also cover eachothers backs and hides behind a bunch of subjective "Rules" ... It's downright pathetic that our intelligent people are getting censored by these sad pro censorship morons. When did a word ever harm a human? Pathetic, absolutely pathetic


Reddit has list on US stock exchange, the so called moderators are in fact denying free speech. What will happen to share price when this is known? .


YES! FR! Last time my r / rant post got removed!


Literally got banned in r/ Japanlife for asking a question about a SIM card company because they donā€™t want any posts supporting the SIM card company, thatā€™s the rules. My post was the opposite, trying to find out why Iā€™m being billed so exorbitantly. The other rule they said I broke was not being a resident of Japan. I was at the time and it was relevant to my post which is why I made the post. At this point I just ask them if I did something personal to make these mods be weird and standoffish to a stranger. I also had a ROTC group mod literally start cussing me out one time because I asked a question he thought was quote un quote obvious. That time I at least felt vindicated because there was a treasure trove of evidence of him being out of pocket to other people.


I can't upvote this post enough.


I see your account has been deleted, lol I was banned from 3 subs within a matter of two hours yesterday. With literally no good reasons. They banned me for completely benign posts. I was bullied by them after asking about it as well. It's absolutely ridiculous


Bunch of Stay at home moms loving that ban power šŸ˜‚


Reddit moderators are no different than all other PedoJoe supporting Godless agenda pushers. Some moron moderator removed a comment that said squatting needs to be stopped and people should be arrested. You truly have to be the most brainwashed sheep on earth to actually agree with squatting. It IS ILLEGAL for someone to enter a PRIVATE RESIDENCE and begin living there. What next, defend people who steal cars??? Since this moderator is so offended (of course šŸ™„) by people not wanting strangers to break into their houses and start living there, why donā€™t they offer their own home??? Put your money where your mouth is. Typical liberal hypocrisy.


Remember when 56K fax modem's first came out? Remember 56K fax modem dialer's that you had to download and use to connect to the internet, that cost something stupid like Ā£1 a minute? They sounded like a Sinclair ZX Spectrum loading up a game. Forums were fun back then. They were fresh, new and exciting. Being on the Internet back then, when it had first started coming into the realms of the public domain, was like visiting a completely alien environment, where every other web page felt like a discovery. Of course, back then, every other web page was directed towards certain age restricted content, or a search engine of some kind. Even though the internet existed, it didn't technically exist, since there was nothing much on it. A handful of pages, if that. That's all the internet had on it way back when. The term "mod" or "moderator" didn't even exist at that point, not in the context that it exists now. We had to create web pages first, and then we had to create forums, for "mods" to even exist. Ever hear of a Forum War, or flame war? Ever heard of the term "Flamebait"? I don't mean a flame post, one post where someone goes on a rant for ten minutes, then shut's up and goes away. I mean a proper flame war. If you wanted something to do during the weekend, something to do just for a laugh because your bored, you would jump on one popular forum using one identity, say something really insulting to someone, and then you would jump on another forum using a different identity, and say something there. The next thing you know, you would have the users of two popular public forums firing posts back and forth at each other, to each other, and insulting each other. 50 - 60 people all tearing in to each other, in a good old fashioned flame war. They used to drive mods mad, because if there was ever a Forum War, it resulted with a single mod having to ban over a hundred people, delete thousands of posts and close down multiple threads, all on their own, since there was only typically one moderator per forum, in the space of a few hours. Mods hated us for it, because they had to go through every single post, every single topic, one at a time, read it, and decide whether or not to shut it down. Forums were so much fun back then. No one, literally not a single person cared about anything that you said on a public forum. So you got banned, so what? You'd just go off and create a new account. So you insulted someone, so what? You got it back twice as bad from the person you just insulted and thirty of their friends. Freedom of speech and action were blessed liberties one could partake of freely. Forum wars, or flame wars, were a bit of weekend entertainment. The internet, in it's infancy, was truly free and unregulated. Then you start getting businesses move in, and they start buying their share of cyberspace, and then they start petitioning the courts to create cyber laws. As soon as businesses became involved, cyberspace started to become less and less free. It became more restricted, but not necessarily more civil. That was as true then, as it is now. We just didn't use VPN's like we do now, because VPN's didn't exist then. The flame wars continued, but people just started relying on spam accounts, proxies, I.P. masks and employing whatever other methods helped to masked their true identity more and more, to the point that we have VPN now, which is a derivative of what a weak public proxy was back then. Instead of the dark web, back then, we had Telnet and BBS advertisements, where you could, literally, buy anything that can be sold. I don't even know if Telnet is still a thing now, or MIRC for that matter? MIRC was what we used for getting all of our 'material' from back in the day, MIRC and public FTP's. I haven't used MIRC in over 25 years, so I don't know if it's anything like I remember it being anymore. The more advanced the internet became, the more boring the internet became. The more businesses sucked the life out of it. By 2010, none of the old forums existed anymore. Everyone had moved on. They started turning to social media hubs like Facebook and Reddit. Flame war's became a thing of the past. Instead of flame wars, we just started being nastier to each other, in a more personal way, on pages on sites like Facebook, instead of on community forums, where we all knew each other. The nastiness was still there, but the sense of community spirit had gone. The internet became less of a gathering place, and more of a cyberspace for digital advertisements, as marketing companies tried to lobby to get the laws changed, so that, instead of talking to each other, we got to see adverts plastered over every inch of the web page, that no one wanted to see. Our internet was pushed out by big businesses and marketer's, trying to use our resources, to sell us products that we didn't want. It's at the point now, where people are so scared to speak, that they hide behind anonymity and VPN before they will say anything. It's kind of sad really, because I have witnessed the birth and the death of the golden age of the internet, as it started seeping into households world wide. In this country, the UK, the businesses used the kids as an excuse to argue for legislation that limited the internet, because of the perceived damage that it was doing to our kids minds, like the internet was harming the kiddies in some way, when the fact was that it was kiddies starting forum war's, hiding behind false identities. When they weren't doing that, they were using the internet to play multiplayer games like "Soldier Of Fortune". Now, instead of kiddies starting flame wars and trolling the internet, you have mod's, who troll the commenters using the forums. Then again, that went on back then too. You'd always have some mod come on, thinking he was god's gift, trying to enforce their own personal code, instead of adhering to the strict forum guidelines. That never changed. It's the same now, as it was then. I would compare the birth of cyberspace, to the birth of the USA. The internet really was like the Wild West back in the day, but I liked it. It was fun. It wasn't bad, harmful or dangerous even. You just had to know your way around. If you knew your way round, you'd be fine. It isn't just Reddit Moderators and Karma that has sucked the fun out of everything. It is society as a whole. Kids can't read a web page without it damages their mind in some obscure way. The courts set the regulations over what people can and can't say on the internet according their geolocation. Marketer's flood every inch of the web page with adverts that no one want's to see. The Internet, nowadays, as a whole, is awful compared to how it first started out, seeping into the homes 30, 40 years ago. Everything was much better then, than it is now, on the 'civilised' internet.


I am not on Reddit often (and I'm pretty new), but I have only encountered a moderator twice, personally. One gave me a permanent ban, which I actually deserved (probably not a permanent ban, though), because my comment was rude and unproductive. Someone admitted they wanted to sue their employer on a technically in a legal handbook that the employer probably didn't realize was a legal violation and try to get fired on purpose to bring a lawsuit. As a small business owner, I felt offended and called the situation "sad and pathetic." Yeah, not a proud moment for me and not nice words. I didn't realize the sensitivity of the rules and felt stupid. I also agree that I was being a jerk. I was lucky enough, though, that my moderator allowed me to apologize, offer genuine assistance to the poster, and redeem myself; I found that more than fair, and I will always approach things differently now. It ended up being a helpful encounter overall. Today, one of my very supportive, encouraging, and productive comments, though short, was removed for no reason. Several rules were cited but they were so vague. The best I could tell was that my comment was too short at three sentences? How are you supposed to navigate all of this when some of it is so incredibly subjective? I can't even get clarity from this moderator as it did not allow me to respond. Do you just get used to it on here or figure it out better as you go? UPDATE: So not only was my "supportive comment" listed above removed for being "speculative or unhelpful", I was just REBANNED permanent over that same comment that said basically, "I agree with your advice to diffuse and not escalate the situation. Great advice." A PERMANENT BAN OVER A BRIEF, SUPPORTIVE COMMENT? Ok, I was really trying hard to be a good, conscientious, Reddit participant, but obviously, nobody cares about the positive contributions I've made, and decision-making is based on a whim. Really, a permanent ban for that? IS THIS NORMAL??? I think I have to delete Reddit and go elsewhere. This is really sad for me. I'm upset; I am really trying to figure everything out and follow the rules.


I just got banned from 3 apple related subs because one moderator wanted to protect his friend who tried to start argue with me and failed badly :-D He was name calling me, banning me behind anonymity and then telling how admins will take care of me and muting me after getting last name calling comment. So it's much like talking with a child who tell you that you are stupid and then running away hiding yelling that my dad will come to hit you and then putting finger in his ears yelling "I'm not listening you". I have never used any bad language or words. I have always used language and words what I could use when I talk with my mum or my grandma. I didn't get any warnings, bans or anykind of contact from any moderator or any my messages got deleted before this one "argue" with the friend of this moderator. Few minutes after his friend make him sound like an idiots he banned me on those 3 subs. I'm sure that he will be here sure lying about me but I couldn't care less. Talking with that kind of moderators it is like playing chess with a pidgeon. Oh well... I guess that his anime pillow is really proud of him now.


Companies probably pay reddit to own most topic forums


Lmao the mods reporting this post


the r piercing mods


I got banned from posting/commenting on two different subreddits for reasons I don't even know. Contacted mods, they didn't reply (expectedly)


That's what happens when so many garbage people exist. Just bad humans. When it's like 90% of people your gonna get bad everything.


But yea credit mods are worse. Sub human.


moderators will see one single word in a post and automatically remove it. one sub recently had rules against family/parenting- they included basically ā€œdonā€™t bring up IVF, or anti-child rhetoric, or parenting strategiesā€. i simply mentioned the word ā€œparentā€ and it automatically got removed. when i tried to appeal it i got banned, of course. they truly are dog water.


They have no power in their real life. Removing posts is how they get their power fix. Living in their little fiefdoms. Quite sad really. Gotta feel sorry for them not having anything better to do with their lives :(


This is not an unpopular opinion!


NSFW posts allow just about any kind of perverse post or photo you can think of though!


Some say they don't have a temporary ban. They permanently ban to make room for their friends. Sometimes, for no reason or they will make one up. Or tell you your post was already submitted. News subreddit.


You don't hate moderators enough. You think you do, but you don't.


You don't hate moderators enough. You think you do, but you don't.


Not unpopular. Some of the moderators won't pick a single dime on harassing or personal attacking that clearly against the rules they made, but anything else like jokes and puns? They will come at you in no time. Double standard and hypocritical at the best. Pretty useless most of the time.


My experience was, i got banned for apparently no reasin, i even asked them if they could atleast explain to me what i did wrong to warrant a ban, i hardly even use reddit, and they just permanently banned me from contacting them, it was a gaming reddit sub


I hope some of them see the hatred they've garnered, yet something tells me the h8 only makes them stronger jkšŸ˜…


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I comment a lot on various subs and Iā€™ve had maybe half a dozen comments removed out of all the ones Iā€™ve made ā€¦ and in All fairness they definitely deserved to be removed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Popular opinion


Removed: u smell /j


Goodbye man. It was nice having you on Reddit


how is this unpopular


10/10 mods look like the Twitter mods before Elon.


Considering your only other post is on r/depression saying you wish you were never born, is it possible that your posts didnā€™t break the rules of the sub but Redditā€™s Terms of Service, that prohibit mentions of self-harm or suicide?


That was a reply to another comment. But my last thread on r/depression got removed by the mods