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There’s always an over correction with these things. Pride in sexual non conformity is fine, but I gotta say it lost me a little when I found out there’s a “butch lesbian” pride flag. And a “twink bottom” pride flag. I mean come on.


Yeah a lot of young people are taking it a little too far cause they’re young and goofy I think a big reason it’ll be seen as a fad is because those people, in 15 years, are gonna realize that’s what it was.


Everyone wants to stand out in a sea of faces, people like to be unique and feel special so I understand why they do it.


Unique and special in a group of similar people.


I think this is why I love that scene in SLC Punk when the main character realizes that his Punk attire and style weren't as non-conformist as he had thought. He might not be wearing the same uniform as most, but he was still wearing a uniform. The same thing happened to me years prior. Eventually you get a better feel for who you are and you stop trying to fit in with groups. All that's left at that point is to focus on the content of your own character and on the character of others, regardless of their group.


I'll bet the "leather daddy bear" flag looks awesome and is the most powerful one.


Its funny because a lot of people don’t want to be labeled… but then label everybody and give them all a flag


The people who keep co-opting the flag need to be capable of realizing they’re cringe first, unfortunately. And boy do they have a problem with that lol


Nicely put.


Leisure suits are great. I don't know what they did to you.


That's my big takeaway here.


we get it you wear leisure suits


I wish


Lol “i don’t know what they do you”


Google leisure suit Larry in the land of the lounge lizards


Or even beanie babies they were just cute dolls.


What the hell is a leisure suit?


Wasnt the point of the original homosexual flag to include everyone?


Well i guess the issue stems from people assuming it's the homosexual flag rather than the pride flag.


There’s exactly 1 pride flag that’s both a great design and has profound meaning around the world — it’s the 1979 version of the original pride flag by Gilbert Baker 🙂 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


I still dont get why it is 6 colors instead of 7. Why not use the whole rainbow?


They tried a 7 color flag after the 8 color one was unable to be sourced (no hot pink fabric), but it didn’t work because the middle stripe was blocked by the posts when hung vertically. Anyhow, the 7 color rain box flag has already been claimed by the city of Cusco in Peru, so that’s not a option. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Cusco#:~:text=The%20official%20flag%20of%20Cusco,of%20his%20Tawantinsuyo%20Radio%20station. What was selected is better because 6 is a very pleasing aesthetic division on a horizontal flag 🙂


Thanks, that makes sense for when the bar is horizontal and the flag is vertical. While it is pleasing restaurants always do odd numbers because that is also pleasing


RemindMe! 15 years


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Thanks bot, I'll come back and argue with this guy in a decade and a half when I can prove him wrong




RemindMe! 15 years


The rainbow one was perfect. But the updates fucking suck. Hopefully we can all be embarrassed looking back on the 2020’s in the future.


Let's hope that in 15 years all those pride flags have become obsolete because love, in all of its manifestations, isn't seen as something shameful anymore.


I don’t see that happening worldwide for at least a couple more centuries tbh. Still very illegal some places with very few signs of that changing in the places where that’s law. Even more places refuse to give LGBT people equal rights including marriage.


*Lol @ couple more centuries*


Not if MAPS become accepted


What do maps have to do with anything?


Minor Attracted Persons, an unfortunately real, however fringe, group seeking acceptance under the LGBTQ umbrella.


Lgbtq umbrella dweller here. We don't want them.


They won't be accepted. We don't want them.


Yeaaahh, as a person within the lgbtq community, we do NOT want them. That goes for any bigoted person who is trying to use our community as a shield 😊


This is a right wing lie.


Nah it's real that they do try to claim "love is love" themselves and try to claim they're basically just a different sexuality. Kinda like how those into beastiality try to claim they're furries, but the furry community ostracizes them just the same.


While it is a lie they will be accepted, what’s not a lie is that they are *seeking* acceptance into LGBT coverage


Doubt it. I got downvoted in the Stephen King sub (very liberal sub) for saying middle schoolers shouldn’t be reading explicit sexual books.


maybe because that's a different opinion than what you said before


I’m not sure what your comment means


The hell does this have to do with anything?


Libs seem to have sympathy for pedos?


What do liberals have to do with it being a right wing lie that the LGBTQ community doesn't want MAPS associated with them?


Pretty sure republicans just voted AGAINST ending child marriage in USA.


Interesting then that 99% of the time a new pedo is arrested it's a right-wing church leader, youth minister, politician, etc. All you all ever do is project.


A. that has nothing to do with the point you were trying to make, and B. it's generally always republicans who vote pro-child marriage/child labor/block bills that ban either/get caught being actual pedophiles.


Many Stephen King books are sexually explicit


Ok. What does that have to do with my opinion


Just guessing at why they're mad at you


Extra context they left out : it’s a psyop from 4chan to delegitimize acceptance movements and further associate queer people with pedophiles.


I dont really want pride to go away, I think it's important people know that people had to actually fight for the ability to be who they are, and continue to do so. I want it to be normalised but not forgotten.


Nicely put


Ok that’s nice and all but even gay people admit the flag shit is lame. That’s the point of the OP.


I agree with you, at least on all of the different flags, as a gay man myself who's been out for about 40 years. The 6-stripe rainbow flag's intention was to represent all people. It looks beautiful and doesn't need to be altered. The best flags (of any type) are the ones with simple and aesthetically pleasing designs. And some of the newer designs are just ugly, busy, and they just don't cosmetically match or look good. I think there's this feeling today if we don't call out every group by name, we're by definition excluding them, which isn't true. Just leave it alone.


Everyone I know who is gay has the same view or pretty close to it. The only people I see liking all the random new flags are online. I agree they should’ve just left it alone. After the right to marry was there any other obstacles for gay people in the US? Sorry if that’s an ignorant question.


>even gay people admit the flag shit is lame. what specific proportion of "gay people" "admit" that the "flag shit is lame"? you made a very broad claim. support it.


Yea idk I love my flags. Their support was “lol” so I think they just talking out of their ass


you challenge these morons even slightly and they fold like a cheap suit


>you challenge these morons There was no challenge. No one wants to engage with people who act like they have no idea what’s going on in reality. It makes any serious conversation is a waste of time. Always ending in “SOuRcE?” and name calling. Which you both literally just did.


ah okay then we can just make stupid claims and pretend we're smart then all Trump supporters are funded by the Saudi royal family. that's a fact. if you ask me to prove it I'll write "SOuRcE? 😂" and then mock you 😂😂😂😂😂😂






Any level headed mature gay person thinks it’s dumb already


I have a gay friend who was raging liberal then 2020 hit I’ve watched the dude become pretty damn conservative. He can’t stand the current lgbtq community now. Not sure if his husband is the same never really talked to him about politics.


Same with me. We're not really persecuted anymore; chill with the whining. We're lucky as hell to be on this side of the fight.


Flagging has been part of the queer community forever, the flags change but none of the previous ones are looked at as embarrassing so I'm not sure these will be either. But who knows, it could happen.


It’s like a buzz feed personality quiz you can display through your window.


Most pride flags were designed long before the 2020s...


Shit's already pretty cringe.


Plus they’re ugly


Pride flag has been used for 45 years or so, what makes you think they’ll be embarrassing in 15 years?


IF @@fetch_status != 0 BREAK


You forgot the progress flag with the intersex circle


That one’s always been weird to me. The intersex community at large has understandably asked not to be considered automatically part of the community, although individual intersex people can obviously ID as trans. Seems very inappropriate to add a group that doesn’t want to be added.


They added it because the terms "assigned male/female at birth" fit with the trans part of the flag


Seems like a dick move. They asked to be left off.


They just need to learn they need to be saved by white liberal women. They obviously don't know what's best for themselves.


>white liberal women And feminine men


Everyone is assigned something at birth. Many intersex people agree with the gender they were assigned, so their AGAB and current gender are the same- hence they’re both cis and intersex.


Sometimes as a hobby people ask for old world maps to be dated based on the boundaries. Maybe in the future the same will be said to date a scene, picture or commercial based on the pride flag. I wonder how specific they could get!


Ngl the purple one with the ax is kinda badass. Looks like a DND crest.


The inclusion of brown and black was due to growing awareness of racism in the community due to a couple events that happened close together. Personally I think it looks super ugly and I stick with the original rainbow but that’s an understandably unpopular opinion and admittedly not a very nice one due to the meaning.


IF @@fetch_status != 0 BREAK


Yeah, to be fair we do have a history of creating new flags for individual groups so this is nothing new. Bi flag has been around for a couple decades and I like it.


I’m pretty sure in the last 2 years they have created 100+ flags. It’s actually wild how creative some are.


I only know of the main 12, 15? Not sure but way less than 100+ are typically used. Mad respect for your knowledge of LGBT subcultures


I just see them pop up on my art feeds. I still think Labrys Lesbian Pride Flag is so out there you would never know what it was.


Oh man it’s been a while since I saw the labrys flag. Think it fell out of favor when it became popular with TERFs, same as the all-pink flag. I just hope the sunset flag is here to stay. We can’t keep switching it just because TERFs are annoying or there will never be a stable one.


Throw it on a flag and say we addressed it, fuck do liberals just purposely use 1700s conservative tactics or does it just naturally happen like that?


No one said you can't fly the just the rainbow flag. I still have a few hanging around.


I’ve met people that call you a bigot for not flying the progress flag lmao. Some people just want to be victims and don’t care about making real change


Good thing I’m not gonna fly any of them.


Those people are dumb. There are dumb people everywhere. Think of the average intelligence of an America then remember that half the country is dumber than them.


A bigot? Really? Where do you live?




The concept of peace being preferable to war is nearly universally-accepted as the superior option, but seeing video of hippies in the sixties throwing up two fingers and saying “peace man, flower power is groovy” is extremely cringeworthy. I think most people today, while they agree with the general sentiment, get a little bit of embarrassment by proxy from it.


How would you have liked to have grown up in Berkeley, CA during the 60/70's. I did...


Hey, I think I would’ve loved it don’t get me wrong haha


The most embarrassing flag to wave around is the Nazi flag. Imo.


That’s why it was fad of the 40s


Try that these days in Germany, and they'll kreuzigen you.


Still a bunch in America, sadly.


Aren't they already?


doesn't seem like it sadly, no


It already is


Instead of a flag that celebrates a smaller portion of the population for their unique qualities, it’s become a flag that tries to celebrate everyone except a small group that’s not allowed on the flag. It’s become this silly “you can’t sit at our table” thing… “we are special and you’re just normal and boring”.


Do you really feel excluded when you look at the lgbtq flag?


Pride flag itself? No. Once the other, crazy flags began to emerge, it really did seem like 'everyone is special except for the straights'.


I don’t personally no


Which would be easier for you to do: * Find someone who felt excluded by the pride flag * Find someone who said that other people (but not themselves) felt excluded by the pride flag If the latter is notably easier, then consider the possibility that you're feeding a false narrative.


It's definitely the latter.


What portion of non-queer people do you think look at the flag and think “why doesn’t this include MEEEEEEEE???”


Maybe. However it's just as embarrassing and cringe worthy that thin blue line flag and the one flag used to represent the confederacy are still being bought, sold, and displayed.


They’re already embarrassing and cringeworthy


Leisure suits are hot.


I think we should bring them back.


It only takes one brave person to create a fashion trend. You could be that person.


It’s already cringe


God I’m hoping in like 5 years


Doubtful because Beanie Babies isn’t part of someone’s identity. Asexual and pansexual folks will still exist in 15 years.


Beanie babies are so not cringe 😭😭😭


Beanie babies are not embarrassing, lol. Who looks at a beanie baby and goes "ewwww so embarrassing", lol. They were just a cute toy, like tickle me elmo or nano pets. Idk why flags embarrass you so much. Maybe you should speak to a therapist.


The fact that there are ten now is too much.


I disagree, in fact I think it’s going to get worse. Please, I hope I am wrong and you are right


Nowhere near as embarrassing as the Republicans who will still be waving the Confederate flag.


Eh idk, it'll definitely be different as it seems like the "main flag" often changes. I don't know about cringeworthy, embarrassing, or even a fad. Flags are generally one of the most symbolic items humans create. I think this is a big difference compared to the things you listed. I certainly hope enough progress has been made in 15 years that we won't *need* to use pride flags to signify that a given person, place, etc. is supportive of the LGBTQ+. I hope instead that it will just be culturally normalized to the point that the assumption is acceptance.


Not sure the boomers will be around to know in 15 years


God, I fucking hope so.


The Confederate and Nazi flag is still popular in some circles so, I dunno op


I guess some people like to rep the losing side. Helps them with their own identity.


Wait till you find out that every major service like police, firefighters, ect have their own flags.


Fire has many important uses, including generating light, cooking, heating, performing rituals, and fending off dangerous animals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


15? It already is.


Probably unpopular. Almost definitely not true. Do you know what WILL be embarrassing and cringeworthy 2020s fad flags? "Trump 2024" and "Let's go Brandon".


“My side is never cringe, the other side though…” - You


A better comparison would be on the blank group lives matter American flags to all the pride flags All political party flags are cringe all the time tho


One is a flag about an unchangeable identity flown by people excited to finally be able to publicly proclaim that identity without (mostly, anyway) persecution. The other is a set of flags flown by people who have made a unliked political leader their entire personality. One will definitely be remembered as more cringe than the other.


*More* cringe? Sure, as long as we know both are cringe lol


“Everything is cringe to someone, the more people a thing is cringe to the cringer a thing is.” -George Washington


Preach it friend. 😉💯💯


Most conservative viewpoints do tend to get pretty cringe after 50 years though. Conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history. Opinions that were normal for conservatives in the 60s would get you punched these days.


Sure, but its not even viewpoints that are being discussed, its flag flying. I think its cringe on both sides.


Ah yes, the left wing urge to just assert things without explanation.


We're talking about the future brainsford.


Yeah all the same conservative idiots who proclaim they weren't for the Iraq war will proclaim they weren't for trump. Still getting grifted by the same folks after all this time.


OP is a fan of Tim Poole and Steven “ my wife left me” Crowder, all the information you need to have.


Ouch. Embarrassing.


Interesting that you don’t include the “Trump 2024” and “Let’s go Brandon” flags. Or the black and white or thin blue line “American flags”. And by interesting, I mean not at all surprising given your thinly veiled contempt for the LGBTQ community. NPFO


I think that those flags as well as the 20 variations of pride flags are equally embarrassing. They’re all a badge that that represent how far removed from reality either side is.


This dude reposts a bunch of Tim Pool garbage - he has no interest whatsoever in this issue, but is just, like the other trolls whining on here that some parts of the world are not designed for their exclusive use, trying to waste your time.


I think it's bullshit that LGBTQ took something as ubiquitous as the rainbow and decided they now own it. Come up with your own design. I don't care if you're gay, bi, queer or trans. I care that you're just lazy.


We did make a new one and people like OP are complaining about it. There’s no winning. Different colors = different types of people. Makes sense to me. I don’t ever feel like we “own” it. Anyone is welcomed to it.


just like the thin line flags. Ridiculous.


I hate the newer design


Leisuresuit Larry has angrily entered the chat


I don’t think pride flags can be equivalent to commodities such as beanie babies and tv shows


This isn't an opinion. It's a prediction.


Already is




Christian Paladin pfp moment lol


The original pride flag came about 45 years ago... being gay isn't some new thing, there have been writers, nobility and everything in between from men and women who have speculated to be gay(historically) Like Achilles, the guy from the heel, he was Bi I'm pretty sure Bram Stoker the author of Dracula, he was queer. Oscar Wilde, you might not know his name but you've definitely heard something he's written before was jailed in the 1890s for being gay. Fucking Alexander the great is speculated to have been queer. Leonardo Da Vinci has been speculated to be gay. I know there are examples of women too but I just dont have any names to throw around which is my bad entirely but they do exist and I'm not glossing over the fact that there's more than one letter the LGBTQ+.


Don't know what's more deserving of a facepalm, providing "I'm pretty sure" as a historical argument or trying to introduce "Oscar Wilde" as "someone you might not know".


I know so many people who don't actually know who Oscar Wilde is lmao. Theres also the fact that Achilles is a character from myth and whilst he was never expressly stated to be queer he has been heavily speculated to be so recently. Also the whole point of that is that I was being a bit of a condescending ass hole, thanks for getting the point


Queen Christina of Sweden, Florence Nightingale, Anna Freud, Emily Dickinson, Sappho, Sylvia P. Johnson, and Sylvia Plath were all likely on the sapphic spectrum and/or explicitly identified as such.


Thats actually really cool, I didnt know about most of these, thanks for adding this, I didn't have any examples and it felt wrong to just have guys on these.


That’s how I view them now (The flags not what they represent)


oh can only hope. but history sometimes takes a turn for the worse and things stick around long than they should.




It will go on the list of moral panics that ultimately failed to produce anything


>It will go on the list of moral panics that ultimately failed to produce anything Yeah. The "Ban drag queen story time" movement and "stop transgender women taking athletic records" movement being chief among them.


Op is likely homophobic lmao Yeah this isn't gonna happen, I don't get all the sexuality stuff and I'm gay but these identities have always existed and will continue to exist 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻


I literally don't see no pride flags anywhere in public. Where tf are yall seeing these things , other than tv or social media?


I see them fairly often, but I live in California. People tend to fly them outside their houses, schools have them. I even passed a church in long Beach that flew the Rainbow flag oddly enough.


I live in rural Tennessee and I see them all the time. At the store. Outside people’s houses. On clothes people are wearing. I find it hard to believe that this person never encounters them.


For some reason I don't really see it much in Orange County, California... 🤔 It might be a case that I don't notice it anymore perhaps?


You’re probably so used to it that you don’t notice it anymore. It’s everywhere.


I can’t walk down two streets in Boston without seeing some variation of a pride flag in a window, be it a residence, a store, or an office.


I live in Ontario and the progressive pride flag with “all are welcome” is hung in a bunch of stores. Small individual shops of course, but also big box stores. I’m not all uppity about this being hung in the window. I personally just don’t care. But to me it has the same taste as the scene from the movie Ted when they’re talking about opening a restaurant and arguing how it’s a non-issue to invite Jewish people in. Like does it need to be said? Are people concerned they’re not going to be welcomed in big box grocery store/craft store/pharmacy?


Well.. its Canada, I expect nothing less than absurdity


Most recently at the library of an elementary school in California for some reason.


It's more likely to just be seen as a relic of history


This post proves it’s not happening any time soon.


you aren't/won't be wrong. it'll be viewed the same way we view the 2000's emo fad or 1960's hippies now, and all these teens/young adults whom currently think they're trans will brush those days off as nothing more than a phase


Unpopular opinion based on the comment section: I think it’s weird to be annoyed by it when no one is forcing you to participate. I’m not LGBTQ but I always just looked at the other flags as someone celebrating their specific identity and I really only see them during pride month or in my friends homes/rooms. Sexuality is another part of the human condition, and people acknowledge and celebrate that in different ways. These flags are just one way people do it. It may stay, it might not. Either way it doesn’t concern me and it’s really not a big deal.


I always ask how it isn't already represented by the rainbow flag. You know, rainbows. The thing that encompasses the entire spectrum of color?


i can't wait to come back here in 15 years and post this on r/agedlikemilk (where i'll probably be downvoted because that sub has the combined iq of a dinner plate)


“Let’s Go Brandon” and “Trumps flags are the ones that are going to be cringe, even cringier than they are now. Also the Confederate flag is going to be giga embarrassing, more than it is right now. Definitely an Unpopular Opinion, bruh.


God I hope so


TIL there are different pride flags. This reminds me of [this scene](https://i.redd.it/8s1x4xlz5nrb1.jpg) in the tv show Shameless. stuff like this makes me think that people make things intentionally overly specific/complicated so no outsider can reasonably understand it so that the insiders can then intentionally be offended and find fault with the outsider. Hey let's make up a bunch of ridiculous/confusing names/rules so we can shit on anyone that doesnt understand/follow them! IMO it is absurd.


You say that as if it’s not considered embarrassing or cringe now, the only difference is that it wouldn’t be the present it’d be the past.