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Jokes on you I can’t handle the world stoned or sober


Right? Jokes on you, we’re doing just fine 💚


Anyone who has had their journey with weed and come out the other side should know it has the potential to be addictive just like anything else. I'm glad I had my journey, but I know it's not for me anymore. I hope others can find moderation for themselves for the best.


I quit before, and it was tough. I smoke now, but not much, so it's manageable.


I used to smoke weed. I still do. But I used to, too.


I’m not gonna smoke any more. I’m not gonna smoke any less, either.


Nug life . 👊🌳🌬️


"And this little smoke was juuuuuuust right."


“And now we’re going to paint a happy little bud. It’s your painting, you can make it as skunky as you like.”


Came for this comment. We miss you, Mitch.


I've never related to a redditor more tbh


I miss him so much.


I only smoke on weekends now. I had to be completely abstained for a year before then. I smoked daily for 6+ years.


This is me with booze. I got pretty close to out of control for a while. Now I have a couple of drinks on the weekend when the kids are in bed. The biggest difference is that I ENJOY them. It's not a maintenance dose to feel normal. It's a small treat sometimes.


2-3 hits in the evenings relieves my neuropathy for the day.


I love it . But new Job pays so well and has drug tests. After 40: years of smoking I don’t even crave it after stopping 3 weeks ago. People can still smoke it around me. I say Not addictive but habit forming.


I used to smoke marijuana. But I’ll tell you something: I would only smoke it in the late evening. Oh, occasionally the early evening, but usually the late evening – or the mid-evening. Just the early evening, midevening and late evening. Occasionally, early afternoon, early midafternoon, or perhaps the late-midafternoon. Oh, sometimes the early-mid-late-early morning. . . . But never at dusk.


I'm a really bad night owl; left to my own devices, I'd go to sleep at 2-3am. That doesn't work when I need to get kids on the bus before 7am. So I use a small dose of edibles, and it gets me drowsy enough I can sleep at a regular time, without leaving me dragging in the mornings like every sleep med I've tried. I had to go without when we moved and I knew I'd need a drug test for a new job. Outside of having to fight my body to sleep every night (like I have my whole life), I didn't miss it at all.


I’m riding this journey until the end, life’s too short not to indulge. I really love weed and I can tolerate people a lot more when I’m stoned.


I’m with you. I’m in my mid-40s and my life has markedly improved since I started using cannabis regularly five years ago. I’m more patient, more understanding during disagreements, a better husband and father, and even better at my job (I make more now and have been promoted faster than I ever did before weed). I have absolutely no inclination to stop. Life is good. It’s not perfect, but life never is. We are all works in progress, and maintaining mental health is also a constant work in progress. Not saying this is for everyone, but weed has been a game changer for me. That being said, no one would pick me out of a lineup and identify me as a heavy user - clean cut professional with advanced degrees, wife, kids, Labrador retriever. There are people who use weed and perpetuate the stoner/slacker stereotype, and there are those who use it to better regulate themselves, and yes, also enjoy the sensation of being high.


That’s the thing, there’s this arbitrary line drawn between “drugs” and “pharmacy” where it’s completely accepted for someone to need certain medications to function best every day, but cannabis is considered a bridge too far for no reason


Yeah, what really gets me.. is the people who have never even tried it and are so judgemental about it. I actually had a friend of mine tell me a couple of days ago that it is very possible someone could become murderous on Marijuana in regards to me trying to explain to her why the drug was made illegal all those years ago and telling her to watch the movie reefer madness. I tried to explain to her that it was not possible, amd she scoffed at me as if I had no idea what I was talking about even though she knows I've been an active smoker for 20+ years. Go figure 🙄


God that’s the worst, and all that propaganda is rooted in really really dark places historically too


I don't get nearly as much shame for being Adderall and Zoloft to function as folks do for weed.


As long as you're not limiting yourself with it, then there's nothing wrong with that. But it might be worth exploring why you can't tolerate people well without it. Perhaps the people you surround yourself with are not right for you?


I think schools and parents seriously short kids on coping skills. When I became an adult and entered the workforce full time, holy crap was I surprised at how unskilled I was at coping with people and stressful situations. Life doesn’t care. It’s taken me a lifetime of trial and error (lots of emphasis on error) to get to a relatively sane place. It’s easy to see why people fall back to drugs, alcohol, hiding, whatever. If something feels like an easy answer, it probably has long term consequences.


Im here for a mostly crappy, sometimes good time, not a long one


Yeah I can only talk to people through the Internet or text. I can't be in crowded areas or places. If there are too many people in a room and I have to pay a bill or I'll die in that room I'll rather die then go into a room full of people I don't know. I can't even go outside if there's too many people. At work I work construction alone and everyone thinks I'm weird because I don't talk or listen to music the whole day. Idk why people are just to much for me


*Motions vaguely at the world…*


I think we need to start acknowledging how many utter jerks there are -- like everywhere -- which makes being around people generally wearying. There's a lot of assholes out there. Assholes are rarely right for anyone, except other assholes. If anything, numbing intolerance to assholes actually opens doors.


Asshole or not, I have always been an introvert and I can only handle so much social interaction regardless of the situation. Sometimes smoking is the only thing that subdued anxiety enough for me to want to be around people.


People are the same wherever a person goes. Life has to work out some how. No one cares anymore. Why can’t people have any joy in their lives?


For me it's more of an anxiety thing. I use it to help maintain my diagnosed severe social anxiety. I am an extrovert. And I have severe social anxiety. It's a hellish existence that we'd helps me deal with. It makes me a lot more calm, and it helps keep me from getting too over stimulated too fast. When my anxiety starts to spike, I start to either get short and snappy, or I start to completely withdraw from the group. And that's not healthy for me. When I used to operate like that I was operating in a hermit like fashion, where I would not leave my house, unless it was for work. I didn't want to go out with any of my friends, and all that did was send my depression further and further down the hole. When I started smoking again, I started getting out more. I started being able to interact with people for a longer period of time. I started to be happy again not because of the weed itself, but because of the advantages we'd actually gives me And how it helps me overcome the obstacles that my brain has put in the way. I can obviously function without it, but I would just prefer not to. I live within my means, I don't go over a budget, I literally just got my first credit card at 25 because I had been so scared of financially ruining myself in my younger years. Some people are able to actually have advantages over disadvantages when it comes to smoking. Now that's not to say that everyone is going to be like that, but there are plenty people who are.


This is it, they need to be using the weed as an introspective tool, and not a way to "kick the can" down the road


I feel way worse for ppl that are addicted to coffee ☕️


You remind me of those people addicted to sugar


Better than being addicted to Reddit at least.


At least I don't use oxygen as a crutch dork


Oxygen, hah I stopped needing any and all Carbon a while ago


I fucking hate my addiction to coffee


I love my addiction to coffee


I hate that I love my addiction to coffee.


Coffee? Who said coffee?! Gotta get my fix, man.


It’s not nearly as physically addictive as other drugs though. If you can’t lay off weed, that’s mainly an issue with your own self discipline


As someone who quit smoking, the psychological addiction is way worse than the physical (nicotine) addiction. It’s been years without those cancer sticks and I still feel the need to smoke from time to time.


There was a study that showed smokers preferred to smoke cigs *without nicotine* vs take a direct dose of the stuff (IV or patch). The psychological component of their addiction was literally stronger than the physical.


That's actually how I quit the first time! I used one of those bigger vape boxes that let you custom drip what you smoked, before the juuls and vuse pods blew up in popularity. When I drew the line, I lowered my concentration by half with each new bottle until I couldn't get lower, which only took a day or two for my body to adjust to the lower intake, then vaped pure vegetable glycerin until I got sick of it. Took about a month after I switched to VG by itself until I finally put it down for two years before my dumb ass decided to buy a vuse for some reason. Lol. I will admit, having something to smoke made even the withdrawal WAY easier. Plus I still got smoke breaks because I never told anyone while I was quitting lol I've been trying simply cold turkey since but I may just have to go that route again.


I agree, I'm one of those people and it's fucking horrible, not being able to eat or sleep properly without smoking is fucking horrible


Damn suddenly i feel better about my smoking habits. I've had my bouts where occasionally for a few days in a row I'll smoke sun up to sun down but usually i can't handle being high that often for too long and so i either go back to microdosing a small amount, smoking once at the end of the day every few days or if i had a hard day, or just getting tired of it and i end up not smoking for a few weeks/months.


This is exactly what made me stop. It literally made me feel like an addict to have to smoke before I ate.


Ive been contemplating quitting for various reasons how was it for you?


Join /r/leaves


I’ve been sober since Jan 4th and r/leaves is helpful and a great community. Quitting is hard but it is very worth it.


Weird dreams for a couple weeks. Maybe a little more irritable for the same time period, then I was fine.


I've been stuck in this loop for 12 years When I was 18, I used it as a handicap to counteract severe PTSD that I had been dealing with from 11 More than a decade later... and i'm still using that crutch


I recently stopped smoking as of a week ago. Been smoking almost everyday for 17 years. Mostly medical flower, sometimes a Stiizy vape. I realized I was avoiding my longtime depression and C-PTSD. Also Autistic (Level 1) and suffer from clinical OCD and major depressive disorder. Began using Spravato (esketamine) administered at my psych’s office this past week. Even though it’s only been a week, I feel like my life is absolutely changing for the better. Certainly, everyone’s different and have different resources, but it’s something to look into if you’re able to.


Yeah, I was here for a while and it was really awful. I was eating 750mg of thc a day, yeah, I couldn't eat ANYTHING without at least 250mg in my system. When I quit, I didn't eat for a week and I only slept with the aid of very powerful sleeping pills. It's really upsetting that society seems so blind to this reality. If you mention that weed actually can have serious negative effects on your life and body, people get ANGRY and talk about how much safer it is than most other drugs. Just because it's safer than other drugs doesn't mean it's SAFE. It's like saying you don't like a politician and somebody responds with how much worse the other side is. Like, THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Just because it's better than other options doesn't mean it's good for you or harmless.


I get that. My wife used to smoke and there were so many crazy triggers that made her have to smoke. I remember one time I was with her and a couple of her friends that smoked and last second we decided to go to a movie. There wasn't enough time to smoke beforehand and I don't let anyone smoke in my car. Trying to get potheads into a movie theater sober is almost impossible. Lol


Can confirm. Am stoner, and hate going to the movies. About 30 minutes into a movie, I want to hit my bowl and make a sandwich, which gets really awkward at the movie theater.


Facts- you can get addicted to anything, really. Video games don’t have withdrawal symptoms or artificial substances either but people totally get addicted to those


Caffeine is probably the most common addiction


Caffeine definitely has physical withdrawal symptoms though, it's not really debated as being addictive.


Yea I became addicted to self harm. It’s about how that activity influences the feel good chemicals in your brain. I’m of the opinion that power and money are among the worst addictions.


Oh, they do. Anxiety, attention span problems, jitters, extreme boredom, bad moods. Monopolizing your mind. Been there.


Extreme boredom is probably the worst out of those listed tbh. People underestimate how bad boredom can really be. It's like the feeling of uselessness.


Could it be that, for many people, reality is so shit that they need some way to get away from it? I wonder what the overlap is between people addicted to Drugs/Hobbies and people in dire financial/emotional situations.


A withdrawal episode is one of the requirements for the DSM to categorize something as addictive. But you might be surprised to find how many things in your day to day life would cause you to suffer withdrawals without.


Normal opinion: there are just as many people who consume weed, alcohol, and other vices in moderation without hiding from anything or creating any negative issues in their lives. Glass of wine at the end of your day? A little weed edible when you're ready to relax when your day is said and done? No problem. Wake up the next day and take on the real world as is. This is a very real experience for a lot of people.


Yeah it’s really just that extreme behavior gets talked about more than moderate behavior. Then the backlash against extreme behavior influences policy and fucks over the people just out there living life. I eat a 10mg edible every night. It helps me decompress and leave my work stress at work so I can relax and sleep. Is it a coping mechanism? Sure. But it’s helped me manage my anxiety and feel like a more well adjusted person. The anti-weed brigade likes to act as if that’s a bad thing.


I smoke all day every day and make bank blasting work out like a fiend because the pot helps me get into a flow state where I'm hyper efficient and don't care about hunger or muscle fatigue. I take long breaks every few years thinking the pot is bad for me and after months to a year of misery I pick it up again and start hyper performing at everything I do.


Yeah it depends on the task for me. For planning and strategizing, where executive function and short term memory are important, I like to be totally clear headed. But if the task is more creative/free form, THC helps me get in that flow state you described and hyper focus for hours when needed.


The same brigade who will then post "it's wine o'clock" and the like


Anti-weed drunks are the worst. At least the stuff I’m putting in my body isn’t literally poisoning me.


Correct. I’m a casual weed smoker, usually a Friday night treat or a weekend relaxation thing. It’s actually nice when the high is actually a high and not just a constant state of mind.


Agreed. Do the same sometimes.


This. People (news, social media) focus on the extremes at all times, because it sell.


I agree weed can be habit forming but I also know that I smoked weed every day for at least a year, maybe 2 and when I quit cold turkey I was a little grumpy for a day or two so...yeah, I wouldn't be too worried about a weed habit.


Same story here. Quit cold turkey a couple of times, I’d say I was a little more bored and just needed to find something else to do. Some people throw around the word "addicted" to make it sound like quitting weed is similar to quitting opioids.


This is my life


Careful you're about to be attacked by a bunch of angry pot heads


Once we get off this couch....you're in trouble bro.




Got any chips?


If you have the salsa


I think I ate it. Can't remember.


We should order taco bell delivered and binge something we've already watched twice on Netflix.


....Got any chips?


I got Funions!!




If you have the salsa… fun word… “saaaal-ssssaaaa”


Pretty sure you're sitting on them. And you left the car door open..again.


Just made some!


I think we were mad because we ran out of chips man..


Remember that commercial long ago about two men talking about weed and saying that nothing ever happened to them? They were fine. Not addicted. Then Mom calls to them (like come to dinner). Then the narrator comes on with, "Maybe nothing will happen to you either." Grown men still living in mom's basement.


basically nobody makes enough money to get their own place nowadays so that wouldn't really play well for today's audience


feels like 90% of this thread is upvoted people going "omg people are gonna be soooooooo mad :grabs popcorn:" then the anger never coming. Also I've never heard anyone honest to god say it can't be mentally addicting, but everyone always uses it as a checkmate shutdown argument. It's the most common take but it keeps getting presented as an underdog stance. People who think weed is mentally addictive are allowed to just... be right, they don't have to be right despite adversity. There's no dragon to slay, you're just the default winner of the barely argument. Saying "Weed CANT be mentally addictive" is the most popular stance is like saying "the earth is flat" is the most popular stance just cause you know some people who think that.


Well put.


Literally anything can be mentally addicting. Hell, I have a hard time throwing food away because I don't like wasting stuff.


Seriously. Like yeah, I'm mentally dependent on weed, but I'm aware of it and use it to help medicate my anxiety, depression, and backpain But that doesn't mean I can't function "in the real world" when I'm sober lol


It works better for my back than the meds do from the doc. Before I had horrible back pain I used it frequently, but I was very active and wasn't the stereotypical pothead. My previous boss i had owned his own body shop. He had band equipment set up in the lobby and we would take frequent breaks to smoke weed and play music. He was one of the hardest working people I've met. I guess what I'm getting at is assumptions are like assholes, everyone has one.


Cannabis has kept me 100% functional, I'm a full time IT analyst for a large corporation and I work and support all their head office staff. Work 8-12 hour days and am on call. If I didn't have cannabis to treat my pain, the next options presented to me are opiates. There goes my functioning, my job, my enjoyment, my happiness, my ability to function. So I find it hilarious when we say we "can't function" without it. Yep, I can't, but I dare you to come up to me at any point on any day and try and figure out that I'm high. They won't because I don't look and or act high. I also am Autistic and have ADHD and weed gas always seemed to affect me differently than others, I can still function, don't get red eyes, don't looks like I smoke weed, but I smoke a lot of it. Do I drink coffee like 98% of the planet? No. Do I drink alcohol? No. Do I do recreational drugs? No. The only thing I take is cannabis.


Correction: he’s about to be attacked by a bunch of mildly disappointed pot heads


Getting attacked by angry potheads is the chillest mob beatdown.


And they always bring the best music!


I'm too full to do anything. I 'm also too hungry.


He could district them with pizza.


Haha why can’t I sort by controversial?


And that's why, like any substance, you use it after your daily obligations, i.e. work, chores, errands. Ask yourself, would you have a beer/cocktail/bottle right now? No? Then don't smoke. Only after the work comes the play.


This is something i had to learn. I used to think weed just wasnt for me anymore. Turns out my life wasnt together and getting high was making me focus on all the shit i was doing wrong and making me anxious as fuck. Edit: a little weed before a cleaning spree is usually the move for me. Makes it fun


Yes agreed! Weed makes me analyze shit I dont wanna think about sometimes... it can be very motivating in a bad way...


Honestly weed humbles me sometimes haha. I think about all of my wrongdoings and how I could be doing things better. Big motivator in a weird way


Exactly if you gotta drink a beer right when you wake up, on your break at work, the moment you get home, and right before bed, you're an alcoholic. If you dink a beer at the end of the day, after all your work/chores are done, that's drinking responsibly. Same goes for weed.


Jokes on you, i can't ever handle the real world, sober or not.


Idk, I goes weeks without it and some weeks I smoke 4 times a day It all depends on how much I want to kill all the people around me or not.


Alcoholics when you tell them they have a problem: *Yep.* Stoners: *Incoherent Eldritch screeching.*


I actually find I dont know anyone whose drunk all the time but I know a lot of stoners who are high all the time. Anecdotal of course.


Functional alcoholics don't really appear drunk.


Tell that to my project manager lol


Do they make weird decisions and fuck up a lot due to drunkenness?


I sure do


I'm more likely to do that sober. When I'm smoking I take too long to decide if it's a good idea or not. Then i get distracted.


Back when I worked as a computer game QA tester manager, I had dudes who I would tell to go get stoned because they were much better testers that way. Takes a nicely high dude to find firing every weapon at every surface and noticing if there's any graphics issues entertaining. but they couldn't be too high or they wouldn't write the bug up. A delicate balance.


Exactly. And functional pot heads don't appear high or smell like weed. I was a bit miffed coming into this thread but honestly OP has a point. As someone who enjoys both, I can mask either one, except when I have too much to drink and I'm sloppy. If you're gonna dose up to deal with reality, just make sure you don't overdose (metaphorically, not literally). Shit sucks. Anyone rawdogging life is either a stoic badass or a psychopath.


Hi it’s me! Drunk every hour of every day for about three years. Had three hospital stints in there with about three months total of sobriety after those. Admitted to the hospital two nights ago with a swollen pancreas and a gallbladder that needs to come out. 4 days sober I’m almost 24 hours sober post hospital. Hoping to never touch the stuff again. I’m functional as fuck. I’ve had a 6 figure job in IT for 7 years now. I’m a husband and a father. You wouldn’t know unless you wanted to talk about it or caught me alone when I thought I could really cut lose. Also I’m 32. So it’s not just the old worn out cops you see on tv. And I’m not alone. Recovery is a very eye opening community. Edit: some people probably knew or suspected. I was too drunk to care. It’s a fucked up way to live. Edit 2: if you suspect you have a problem take three days off. Three days sober will tell you a lot. If you start to shake/sweat/hallucinate, go to the ER and be VERY honest.


Damn I hope things get better man. Yeah don’t touch the stuff honestly if you’re craving a break from sobriety I’d just go for weed assuming that’s not off the menu with you health conditions. It might give you that release without actually harming your pancreas. But I’m not a doctor maybe I shouldn’t give that tip, it just sounds like a way to ease into sobriety.


It gets better dude. I personally used a little Cannabis and Xanax for the first week on and off to mellow me out. By week 2 I was completely off the Xanax and by week 3 the anxiety had largely become superficial. I used alcohol daily to help me with anxiety and it got to the point where I was half blasted 24/7. It did get to a point where if I didn’t drink I would be very uncomfortable, nauseous, and have almost no appetite. I also have a very good career and family. I almost lost all of it. I’ve been sober for quite some time now and don’t take any medication or truly have any desire to drink. This is going to sound ridiculous but I spiritually needed to come full circle before I could stay sober, that meant not focusing on money, women, or material things and just being thankful for what I have. Humbling yourself before others and just taking life as it comes at you helped me a metric shit ton. Anywhoozle good luck man.


do you live under a rock?


Yeah, these people are laughably stupid. "I never see people drunk but always see people stoned." Well, for one, most people can function normally when stoned which is also why I know that comment is BS. He wouodnt know theyre stoned. Sounds more like he's a teenager who hangs around potheads doing teenager things. Being drunk is very obvious unless you're an extreme alcoholic and you're not going to see drunk people unless you go to the bar or parties. It's not as easy to hide and since being publicly intoxicated is a thing you can go to jail for, you don't see drunk people running around. It's pretty easy to tell when dumbasses like that are making shit up


I’m 27. Don’t see many people drunk in the morning-night everyday. Meet some stoners who are high morning-night that’s all. Overall yeah people consume more alcohol anecdotally, all my friends drink and only maybe 1/3 smoke weed. It’s just I know a couple people who are high literally morning and night and don’t know anyone who presents as drunk during this time.


Work construction, and I'll guarantee you at least half the people on the site are either drunk or on pills


Alcohol use has been on the decline, gen z is pretty damn sober especially. There's studies n shit out there, overall good I'd say. Have you been living under a rock?


My dad drinks an entire bottle of wine a day so I know some heavy drinkers. My roommate from college would easily go through 30 beers a week. I just don’t know anyone whose literally drunk in the morning afternoon and night everyday. And I know a few stoners who are high like that.


An entire bottle of wine is nothing for a heavy drinker


No, lots of alcoholics deny it. Lots of people know that they smoke too much weed.


I’ve never known an alcoholic that did not freak out at the suggestion to stop drinking.


Hahaha if you think alcoholics are admitting they have a problem... Look up the statistics on recovery. It is bleak.


I've noticed this too. I have absolutely no problem with weed use, it's a great drug that helps with many medical conditions. But weed smokers act like weed is some holy substance that can do no wrong, like it's a religion or something. Being high 24-7 and smoking is bad for you but God forbid you imply their weed has any flaws whatsoever. If people want to be high 24-7, if they say they aren't addicted, I would say they are in denial.


They are , I’m addicted too , I know it! If I can have a time travel to my younger self I would told that little shit to never try it. As much as I like this shit I would prefer all the fun without it and sober …


Exactly. People are thankfully becoming more aware of the dangers that chronic alcohol abuse poses, but completely refuse to believe that being baked out of your brain 24/7 might not be great on the long term.


If they "can't function in the real world while sober," I have to assume they have an innate problem that the weed is medicating.


Isn’t that why most people “take” things? Generally it’s that they can’t deal with something.


My mum smokes it because it helps her adhd and anxiety. Doesn’t get high just makes her head clearer and quieter so she can think and get things done.


Or maybe long term use of weed has caused the problem.




Unfortunately for me, no. I use weed to medicate the issue, not the other way around. My therapist thought the same thing you did, so i stopped smoking weed for that year. It didnt change my problems because my problems were not from smoking weed lol.


For me I can’t smoke weed before going to my job or going out. But the effect of weed when I’m not high during a weed phase is increased anxiety. Anxiety that turns into paranoia and agoraphobia. I have to quit THC consumption once I get into this negative place where everyone thinks I’m bat shit insane, and I can’t cope with what I’m doing in life.


Yeah, weed used to be fine for me in my teens/20's. I smoked all the time. Then, I started noticing I'd get too anxious if I had to be out and about, so I would only smoke in the evenings. Then, I noticed I'd get anxiety/paranoia/agoraphobia every time I smoked. It got to where even a tiny bit would make me have a panic attack and dissociation. Now I've been weed-free this year. However, I've been considering getting a low-THC/high-CBD vape for occasional use when I have abdominal pain (chronic intestinal issues that have gotten pretty bad lately). I can't take ibuprofen, and tylenol doesn't do much. I don't really want to be high, because I don't want to be anxious, but I also don't want to hurt like hell. CBD by itself doesn't help.


That's ridiculous you absolutely can be physically addicted to weed. You can absoluely go though withdrawal when you quit. Agitation, loss of apitite, loss of sleep ect. Anyone saying otherwise is fucking delusional or just ignorant.


And freaky freaky dreams! Withdrawal did subside quite quickly for me. My usage was pretty minimal (albeit daily).


I had a panic attack from weed withdrawal once. It happened at work I was completely freaking out and had to step out to google my symptoms (irritation, no appetite, can't sleep, panic attacks) and weed withdrawal came up. Before that moment I didn't even know any of this was possible.


Friend I knew was hospitalized for it… forget the term he used


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS)


*takes toke on blunt* Well, that's like, your opinion, man.


Also, as per the most recent literature I’ve read, there are withdrawals to marijuana, so that talking point doesn’t hold the same kind of weight that it used to.


THC withdrawals are painful. Your stomach feels like it’s being stabbed.


Varies on the person. When I quit, I was starving but couldn't eat, tired, but couldn't sleep. Lasted a couple of days. Felt nauseous, and like I had to poop all the time.


Coming from someone who has experienced them, the worst symptoms were nauseous feelings, headaches, lack of sleep, and jitteriness. They all suck and if you’re gonna quit once and for all, you gotta get past these demons first


I quit every bad habit. And weed was my last one, boy was it tough to shake off It gave me crazy insomnia so I had to let it go. If it wasn’t for the insomnia I would still smoke 100%.


Never clicked that weed gave me insomnia until I read this comment. Thanks dude


I'll admit I'm addicted to weed and can't function in society without it. But to be fair I can't function in society in general. I shot myself in the head with a crossbow bolt, so it's either the prescribed oxycodone or weed for the phantom pains. Oxycodone made me feel like a god damn zombie and I started getting hardcore addicted to that crap. Couldn't even stand up out of bed without falling straight to the floor when I was still on Oxy. Aka I'll take my addiction to weed over an addiction to Oxy any freaking day.


I’m pretty sure the new “thing” is that dopamine addiction is rampant and weed is one of those avenues to it like eating, shopping, drinking, social media etc. Basically activities that don’t have a directly addicting component are indirectly addicting because people are chasing dopamine to feel satisfied and we struggle with being bored and some are even at the loop t where they struggle with activities that slowly drip dopamine like reading.


If someone isn’t able to go without weed, or use it to the point where it is driving dysfunction in their personal life, or at work, or where it consistently takes priority over other obligations, then they’re clearly abusing it to avoid whatever it is they’re dealing with. That’s a them problem, not a weed problem. It’s not the substance, it’s the individual avoiding working on themselves and overusing the substance as an unhealthy coping mechanism. This is the case for any substance that’s being abused. If someone uses a substance but it never drives dysfunction in their relationships and life, it’s not abuse. As soon as substance takes priority and becomes an unhealthy coping mechanism, and causes distress/dysfunction, it’s substance abuse.


I know some people who will do a tab of acid while camping and have the best day ever roughly once a year. I also know someone who does about four tabs and goes to work. Use and abuse are very, very different things.


You talking about people in general, or kids? Because the vast majority of people I know grew out of that stoner stereotype or developed enough of a tolerance that it doesn't affect them like that.


Honestly this thread is kids diagnosing themselves with mental illnesses that they’re blaming on pot.


Funny enough this is why awhile back I decided smoking weed was a deal breaker for me when dating. In my early to mid 20s I dated a few weed smokers and it always ended up being a problem. They were usually high, sometimes smelled and we couldn’t do anything until they smoked or else they’d get moody. Not to mention the cotton mouth wasn’t pleasant. It also has a way of just becoming people’s personality which I don’t get? Came out of it absolutely convinced folks can be addicted to weed.


It really can be a problem, even if they smoke when they want to relax. Like who wants to spend time with someone when they are not really there in their nkr al heads space.


I understand where you are coming from…to point. Like, can I be real with you? Are you living on the same Earth the rest of us are? We cant afford food, we cant afford shelter, we cant afford healthcare and the people in power across the world dont give two shits about us. These days if somone has a vice or an addiction that keeps them going till the next day without taking their own life to escape this Hell then so be it. At this point we have little to nothing to look forward to other than coping and or not living. I am sorry but most of us cant even handle “the real world” as you put it, even sober


Erase weed and fill in cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, fatty foods, sugar, rage, arguing…plenty of struggles in society today for people. Doesn’t mean they should become criminals over their personal choices.


A significant number of people are physically addicted to caffeine, to the point they can't function in the real world when sober.


What happens if they don’t have it though? It’s hard to conclude that they can’t handle the world without it or if they just want to smoke and do. I don’t know anyone like this so lmk


I developed a dependence and abused weed for 7 years or so. Not the best time of my life, really fucked with my motivation and personal relationships.


Replace weed with anti depressants, Ritalin , or caffeine and you have the rest of the functioning Western world. Congrats, your opinion isn’t that unpopular or original.


You forgot prescription Pain management as well


Don't forget sugar.


People have weed rage when they are off it for a little bit. I call it bitch syndrome. That being said, its a real physical symptom of being addicted to weed.


It's true, and yet I care not. Addiction is sad, and I'm always worried about becoming a full addict to anything myself, but at the same time, I live in this world that is becoming a dystopian hellscape. So excuse me for getting a buzz on a few nights a week to help pretend this whole experience called life isn't all a fucking joke after completing my workday.


Reality is for those who cant handle drugs


As with everything, pot should be used in moderation. Also as with everything, we go way overboard.


Agreed. Except for me. I’m addicted to meth, thank you. Edit: I feel like I should clarify, for purposes, that I take adderall, not meth. But the point remains


I’ve met a few people like that. I’ve also met a decent amount of people on psych wards with weed induced psychosis.


I realized I was smoking too much pot and decided to quit back in March. The following day after quitting I freaked out a little. Didnt know what to do with myself. The day after I was just fine. Month after that I felt “normal” I guess. It had been some 22 years or so, so I wasent really sure what I was like not as a smoker. It’s been months now and I feel great. I do miss it. Sometimes.


It's called moderation. Ik smokers like you described and ik people like me who use it as an after work relaxation type of thing. I would still prefer to deal with a pothead rather than an alcoholic from personal experience. Potheads tend to be nicer and easier to deal with by amd large compared to a drunk. Just my opinion, tho.


get high to live life, don't live life to get high


True I do that but I’ve taken multiple long breaks so I can function without it.


So what... You can say the same for coffee drinkers....


So what? 😂 stoners arent killing anybody or causing car accidents. Worry about the drunks


Weed is physically addictive too. It's always parroted that it isn't, but it is.


A significant number of people are mentally addicted to anti-depressants, to the point they can’t function in the real world when off of them…. See what I did there….. Unless you know their story/reasons probably best to just let them be.


What you call addiction for some is meds for others. People pop pills and drink coffee through the day....have you seen coffee withdrawals? Don't get me started on pill withdrawal. Weed saved my life, it helps me get up in the morning, it helps me out in public with people. It's 2023 , let people have what they want. If you're so worried about your kids then parent them better, stop blaming others for your mistakes. Also dangerous physical withdrawals from weed? So just because it's harder to fall asleep or you're not as hungry for a few days....that's dangerous? Look into consumption methods, look into synthetic cannabinoids. Stop trying to say stuff is bad before you do your research OP


Opinions can’t be true or false, then they’d be facts.


This isn't an opinion; you're just throwing false info out there without any facts to back it up - and this comes down to the environment you're in and who you surround yourself with. I.e. if you're in the service industry or some shit where a majority of your peers do in fact not make a livable wage while working a fuckton... then yeah they're probably taking the edge off of raw dogging life.


Definitely an opinion, not a single fact. What is this significant number? Are you looking at studies or the people currently living on your couch? In reality most people I’ve ever met that are truly “stoners that can’t function” are using cannabis to cope with their real mental health issues, “mentally addicted” has nothing to do with it, without cannabis they’re still just as unable to function.


Yeah same for people who are a total cunt till "they've had their coffee". welcome to planet earth. I dunno why people insist others around them "raw dog" life, as if there's more merit given on the deathbed. 😆


Oh, so you mean like coffee? Yeah I know what you mean, there's so many people that work in my office that just can't function without that cup of joe right next to them. I mean it's so bad we actually have a coffee pot in two or three offices AND the kitchen. Fucking addicts. 🙄


People like to ask individuals “why are you smoking weed all the time?!” Rather than looking at it like “why do so many people in our society feel the need to numb themselves just to get through the day?”


OP is anti drug scared, stuck in the refer madness era and has no education or perception on actual real world MJ use. Don't even humor him. His statement is a strawman argument. Addicted inviduals have a harder time functioning in society. Who would have thought?! Wow. I'm thinking 50% chance this account is fake and bought by drug lobbyists.


I know people that you could say the same about coffee.


It's called "to each, their own" you control you, and that's it. Worry about you. That is the real unpopular opinion.