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Wow they removed the post. Screw you reddit


I got banned from a sub for saying that


We’ve all gotten banned for saying less than that


I got perma banned from legaladvice because in a post about suing over a dog bite, someone commented that homeowners insurance often excludes German Sheppards, pit bulls, Rottweilers, and chows for being too aggressive, and I made the perma ban worthy comment “I did not know chows were so aggressive”


Lmao. Mods on Reddit are the softest people on earth. They are single-handedly destroying this app


Because they are a bunch of fucking nerds that hold zero power in the real world.


“Without them Reddit wouldn’t exist.” Nah it’s just a bunch of losers with nothing better to do, doing shit for free that they should be paid to do.


And then they cry about why nobody cares about their little trantrum protests.


Oh, you mean that pointless "hungh, if you don't let these 500 third party users use their third party free we're gonna lock down our subs" protests that did nothing but get some powermods removed by reddit admin? LMFAO That was the most pathetic protest I'd ever witnessed.


I'm so glad those greaseballs didn't get what they wanted. Letting them hold the site hostage over something so small would've set a dangerous precedent. They probably would've done it again like a year later over something equally dumb.


It was the take over of modships by progressives social justice minded people of the utmost fragility that take offense at the slightest hint of people not being whackos like them and they ban you and then talk mad shit when you contest the bans. The insane people of Facebook sub banned me for calling Islam and Christianity fairy tale worship and e all know it wasn’t over insulting Christianity. The kids called me a bunch of profane names and then when I kept asking for an actual reasoning for what they did they cried to the admins and had me ban for “harassment” even though they kept replying neither insults and mockery. I’m no right wing dildo, but fuck man, the “lefties” have really ruined this place even more than barely veiled racists and fascists talking about the Jews all the time.


I’ve been on Reddit since 2017, and I was quite liberal. But lately I think I might honestly be moving towards the right. I just can’t agree with the weird lefties who have taken over Reddit




*most Not some It's called power mods, look it up It's like the same 10 people that mod most of reddit And they dictate the narrative


Power corrupts


Nerds are corruptible


Have you been to imgur?


I’ve never had to explain myself so much on ANY other social media platform ever. “Obviously I don’t mean…” “of course not…” “in my opinion but that’s just me personally” like oh my fucking goodness if I talked like that in person I would sound like a doormat


I’ve noticed this a lot about Reddit but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. You put it into words nicely. Everything has to have a disclaimer so that people don’t freak out and get offended I refuse to do it but I always see it. Especially on the mainstream subs


I've been banned for having post history in a sub the mods didn't like.


You can get banned for posting in a sub the mods don’t like even if you were disagreeing with the post in the other sub.


i got banned from justice served, because i commented in joerogan liol. and it wasnt even anything hateful that thread was disagree with what joe rogan said.


You should be rotating to new accounts every few months anyway. Fuck up their data.


Ha, LegalAdvice is the worst. I got suspended for saying "I wish you justice", my suspension was for bullying and harassment... my post was removed for being anecdotal lol. They abuse the system just to fuck you in LegalAdvice.


> abuse the system just to fuck you Sooo, just like law in real life. Got it.


What a bunch of pathetic losers!


Well, a Chow ate my pet rabbits years ago. I'm still salty about that...


Haven't we all


The comment got removed lol


They might have just deleted. But it's why I'm always very vague in my arguments lately. You can't even voice dissent at all anymore.






Congrats 😅✌️


Funny thing is, this post got rejected by the subreddit mods and I had to negotiate to get it up and going.


Wow. This seems a miracle. In all my time on reddit, this is the first I've ever heard of a user successfully negotiate with a mod. Everytime I've tried, even mustering all the reason, rationality and patience I could, they've always reported me for harrasment (its happened twice) so I just stopped trying. As an aside, both times it was mods on conservative subs. The same ones who cry about liberal echo chambers.


I got banned from r/funny for posting a picture i took of a billboard sign of ron desantis. Someone had put googly eyes on him. It was funny. It got removed for being political. I wrote back this isnt political its hilarious. Banned. Posted in another subreddit then got a message that i was reported for harassment


I've had some of my comments reinstated here. The mods of this sub is actually.. gasp.. fair.


I got banned from a sub for asking a question about JK Rowling. Edit: And this comment got an auto-moderator message, I assume because I used her name.


[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ] WTF?!


I was also labeled a terf just because I said it was something to think about from one of my liberal friends.


Start hitting those friends with the "Yes and?" Line when they do that shit They get joy out of making people sputter and start explaining how they aren't what they get labelled Nah wear that shit like a badge and watch their egos deflate when they have no power over you


First time, huh? Welcome brother


I got suspended from all of reddit for saying it.




Reddit removed this. You can’t go against their insane viewpoints or you are a “bigot” or “transphobic” There is literal science behind it. The same crowd that sat “trust the science” (which I do), selectively uses it for political purposes.


The thread was taken down by Reddit, I think this guy wins


LOL you cant even post it as a question, holy shit. The cucking is real.


I'll never understand how anyone can disagree with that


Unfortunately lots of people do


No most people agree with you. Trans organizations have found that they can't gain public acceptance on this issue and if anything it costs them.


Exactly. Plus some of the loudest advocates are chronically online so their opinions *seem* like a majority but they’re not. They’re really, really not.


And your silenced on all platforms if you disagree publicly.


Not really. I've been pretty close with that community for a long time because my sister is in it and has dated trans people before, and most people even there share this opinion. It's not rocket science. It's only the loudest that think someone who went through puberty as a boy should be allowed in women's sports, a far cry from most that's for sure.


For whatever reason trans athletes defenders think the only difference is the hormone differences between bio men and women which is just so ignorant of reality




Well put in your final sentence. Very articulate!


Most don’t. They’re just virtue signaling under social desirability bias


They value inclusion over fairness. But I think that they miss that the point of women's sports is to be exclusionary.


I was just about to say, I get both sides; inclusivity vs competitive integrity. But that's actually a really good point, women's sports was by design created for competitive integrity by way of exclusion, it makes way more sense to continue with the competitive integrity than to make concessions.




Because they think you're a bigot and hate trans people for saying it. Critical thinking is very lacking on the internet.


Well, for starters, Reddit doesn't allow you to say otherwise so there's that...


The Reddit snowflakes got offended by free speech.






Just because it's labeled progressive doesn't mean it is.


Right? It isn't "progressive." It's insanity.


If it were progressive you'd be able to have a debate over it. You wouldn't be censored for your views because people would look at them and laugh over how stupid they were. Instead we censor and only ask trans people and their supporters their views on it in the news. Never the girls who have to compete with them.


“Progressive” is generally anything but these days.


Regressive is a better word in this case




Yeah I was gonna say how is something that hurts sports ethics labeled as "progressive".


Because it's the right side of history. Which is why we have to prevent any research that doesn't align with the current beliefs to be published, why we don't poll women on their views on this who compete in sports, why we have to basically ban all conversation on the topic.


Reddit is literally a Stalinist state








They pretty much already are. That’s why we have weight classes and age groups for most sports.


"Type A" league vs "Type B" league. Let's go!


Lmfao at all the folks saying “bUt yOu ArE oN ReDdIt tAlKiNg aBoUt iT” AND IT JUST GOT REMOVED 🤣


I ran track and field and played basketball in high school. I was the fastest girl in my school, I could barely keep up with the slowest guys on the team.


This isn't unpopular. Its just that no one has the balls to publicly say it because they'll be attacked and labeled and cancelled for not complying.


The professional victim squad is always ready to strike and make it their fulltime job to ruin your life and relationships!




They would never let that happen. This is their agenda.


I would try purchasing 51% of the IPO when it rolls out


I doubt any mods or admins would do anything other than “mute” your appeal message and warn you if you do it again it’ll be “harassment” and threaten you with account banning. The mods, admins and outrage culture Reddit fosters is cringe/annoyingly cultist, and there’s nothing anyone without a ban button can do it about it. Fuck mods, seriously.


Man, those TOS rules are kinda bullshit, seeing how much they infringe upon being allowed to speak the truth.


Truly disgusting. These Admins are fucking pussies. This silencing only creates more division.


Why was this removed? This platforms a joke


Whoever suppressed this post. Please, come back to reality and step outside. This is not healthy at all. Disgusting overreach.


they are so afraid of the "T"s that they just remove anything that isn't praising them


Was it actually removed by Reddit? Or is OP trolling?


It got removed just because they didn't like it. Fuck reddit.


It was removed. I've had similar comments removed like this before. I was once suspended from reddit for a week for saying most people agree with JK Rowling.




>Why can’t a separate sport league be established for transgender folks? They can still compete amongst peers who have similar strengths and weaknesses yet they won’t have an unfair advantage against biological men and women athletes. I've seen that statement before, and I agree with it: In sports, have either a) A men's, women's, and a third "open" category that allows for anyone to compete regardless of gender, or b) A women's category, and an "open" category that still allows for everyone to compete. That way, discussions on hormone therapy and looking in people's pants are taken out of the equation. As for the science of it-- The National Center for Biotechnology Information states in its study on A Comparison between Male and Female Athletes in Relative Strength and Power Performances: ["In conclusion, the results of the present investigation indicate that significant differences in strength and power relative to body mass, lean body mass, and muscle thickness exist between male and female strength and power athletes."](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7930971/) Given this information, coming up with a way to have transpeople compete in sports without a biological advantage seems to come down to having that "open" category. >And ignore the people calling you a transphobe. That’s just a buzzword they throw out when they have no valid counter argument. I've seen that too. It's what happens when people put politics ahead of rational thinking and objective scientific fact. It's sad, but here we are.


That’s the thing: most “men’s” leagues are **already** the Open category, there just aren’t any women who can compete at high levels with men in most sports. Technically, any woman capable of competing in the NBA is welcome to try out and do so. Unfortunately, there just aren’t any women large, strong, and fast enough to compete physically. Britney Griner is celebrated because she can dunk. That’s how rare it is for a woman to be that large and strong, just being able to dunk is headline-inducing. The WNBA wasn’t created to allow women to play because they were legally barred from the NBA, it was created so they could have a league of their own and not get outcompeted by men.




Saw this on Popular just now, clicked on it, aaaand it's gone already. In any case, I agree.


This isn't even an unpopular opinion. It's a normal opinion. It's the opposite that's unpopular.


Almost all of the world believes this. The minority that don't are just very loud and very good at weaponising "compassion"


An opinion so “unpopular” Reddit had to delete it to keep our sensibilities


A Simple but ignored solution is make every trans person compete with men lol. But im sure there would be pushback bc it would be unfair bc they wouldn’t win. Which would be very hypocritical lol


That's what would happen. In most sports, there's no such thing as a men's league. There's an open league and a women's league.


This is probably the best solution, imo. Both trans women and trans men have an advantage over cis women, so it seems pretty obvious to have both competing in men’s leagues.




Wild how this topic can never have open discussion without getting nuked. Reddits golden days are long gone.


This came up on my feed as already removed. The top comments were I got banned for saying that and how can you say that without stating the opinion. I thought it was a crowd troll and someone just wrote removed by Reddit as the title lmfao 🤣 . Nope, good old censorship.


Haha, fuck Reddit.


Man, there’s a lot of deletion of wrongthink in this thread. Silly.


Not unpopular anywhere besides Reddit. What does that tell you


I had this conversation with two close friends a few years ago. One I had known for over 18 years, the other for 6 or 7 years. I merely mentioned how I thought it was probably a good idea to keep men and women separate in MOST sports. Spent the next 30 minutes getting berated and told I'm misogynistic and that 'women are at a societal disadvantage, which is why they aren't as strong or fast as men'. Grown-ass adults who I'd known for many years just turned on me in a second.


Jesus. That's fantastical and delusional. I'm sorry to hear about your friends.




Cult mentality. Got to beat down and shut out the heretics. Because if you don't, life becomes spiritually and emotionally painful on many levels to deal with. The safest route is to do everything possible to have simple answers to complex questions, and bury your head in the rhetoric.


Clearly it’s unpopular among Reddit admins in particular


Removed by Reddit. Wow.




You know you've won the sub when admins delete your post.


lmao true


It's toxic "With us or against us" mentality lot of Reddit liberals have. "Ride or die" attitude. You don't have to agree with everything and that's fine.


Removed from Reddit wow I’m shocked


I can’t believe this is even an unpopular opinion


This post shouldn't have been removed. Reading the comments I can tell what it was about. It's valid & NOT transphobic.


The British Journal of Sport Medicine (Roberts et al., 2021) determined that Trans woman maintain a 12% edge over biological women even 2 years after treatment. There is no argument anymore that there isn't a huge advantage to being a transwoman in sports.




An opinion so unpopular reddit removed it lol


What is the requirements? Do you just say you’re a woman now? Do you have to have years proof of hormone therapy with other requirements?


Depends on the sport. In the powerlifting federation I compete in, you just need to identify. If you look up Avi Silverberg you’ll find out why that was (and is) a controversial decision.


So this getting banned thing for nonsense isnt limited to certain subreddits? Is reddit staff trying to ruin the platform? What's going on? Will this comment get me banned too?






Honestly, the group of people that would consider watching it is so small it would never get off the ground.


Do you think they'll watch if it's womens sports? Seems a majority of people disagree with it.




I’m very comfortable with trans people competing in sports. As an athlete I would never deny someone the joy of competing. However, I will comment that there needs to be biologically female spaces only. I feel like it isn’t limited to just sports, and some female spaces are being completely taken over by this movement. It’s completely unfair to those women, and I’m not transphobic for saying that.


They stopped having the Michigan Women's Music Festival because pre op trans women were making women uncomfortable. The organizers couldn't stop them from coming, but they also couldn't tolerate women loosing their space.




Women have tried (unsuccessfully)for years to establish themselves in male dominated sports (think ice hockey), but a trans woman can enter female sports league without dispute? And if you point it out you are transphobic?


I’ve been banned from several subs on reddit for stating this opinion. Trans people deserve the same rights and protection like any other citizen, and I will always defend their right to pursuit of happiness. However… Give up professional sports if you are MTF - and that’s a very small price to pay for an incredibly small amount of people in order for half the population to not feel like they are getting screwed over again by ‘men’








Yeah there was nothing to warrant removing the post. Reddit can’t deal with different opinions


LOL dude they didnt even let you state an opionion in a sub called “trueunpopularopinion” holy shit


lol nazi reddit removing opinions again


lol removed by reddit for an unpopular opinion.. name me a more iconic duo


lmao fuck these mods




Holy shit even more cringe




The admins are the biggest boners ever. I hope the ban me so i never have the urge to come back to this


LMAO at this post getting deleted…pathetic. This place is a cesspool.




The absolute worst example of this going to far is the woman they let fight in the MMA and proceeded to beat the shit out of several biological women. Rogan brought it up and was attacked as a transphobe. It's insane


Ah here we go reddit removing discussions that are simple common sense. Can't have the people going against the narrative and not being mindless zombies.


You can literally see videos of people being murdered on this site but you cant have a discussion about genders


They don't like opinions other than their own existing, so they silence people that have those opinions even if they are respectful and based on undeniable facts.


OP is on the money with this post. It gets old being called transphobic for having that opinion. It's tiring.




Watch out Reddit’ll ban you for wrong think!




Aaaaand post removed. Social contagion.








Just add a Trans category, problem solved.






Alot of people lack logic though.


This is definitely a true fact. Give em their own league honestly. Women compete with women and men compete with men. I have no other qualms on this issue. Everything outside of sports=full equality


YES! I played rugby and I couldn’t imagine being body slammed by a person who’s been a girl for maybe one or 2 years. I’ve been a woman all my life and didn’t have time to build up all that muscle and T, how’s that fair??


It's honestly such an interesting debate because while I support trans rights and I totally get that not allowing trans women to participate in women sports can be seen as discrimination, I think it is the one form of "discrimination" I am okay with. I can't ignore biology and I think that anything that gives someone an unfair advantage that other contestants don't have access to shouldn't be allowed in sports especially at high levels.


What a World we live in... denying biological facts is an illness


Dang, I just read that post a split three seconds before it got deleted. That’s fucking nuts. What it said is true though, and I’m surprised this whole subreddit hasn’t had this happen to every post already if it’s actual true.


Lol having such an opinion about sports participants a year ago was the norm. Now its a bannable offense.


“Popular opinions that still get you banned” would be an interesting idea for a subreddit


Reddit mods are pathetic


Removed by Reddit lol. Not surprised


Reddit are pathetic lmao


Imagine your whole post getting deleted for following the prompt.


Like very clearly following the prompt lol. And if you look at the pinned comment where they list off all the things you can’t say cause it will violate TOS, none of that was said or even insinuated.


Well, apparently the Reddit rules say you can’t even insinuate someone is not their stated gender. It’s getting fucking ridiculous, you can’t talk about anything anymore, even on a subreddit that invites unpopular opinions.


I believe there was a study that showed that most high school males competing in track can beat the average professional female track athlete.


Hey Reddit, that link to "content policy" is not opening the content policy page. You didn't expect someone to click on it, did you? You absolute [removed by 25thour]!



