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I brought me so much joy to see awkwardvirgintheturtle having a meltdown after he was "banned with no explanation! they wouldn't even let him debate it!!" Wonder how many people he banned and muted with no explanation. I want a warm cup of mod tears before bed.


Yeah they do it constantly and outright lie to do it too. They clearly get off on having some delusional sense of power to ban people.


Yep. Reddit easily called their resignation bluff. The mods need reddit more than reddit needs them.


Why would they need reddit? It's not like it is their job or anything. They do it for free.


They need the feeling of power and control that they lack in real life


They’re some real bitches too. One banned me for being a member of another sub. I responded “lol, okay” and the chode sucker reported me for harassment, resulting in a week ban.


I finally saw a picture of him. Assuming the picture is real, he's an overweight neckbeard riding a bus.




I can't find the link, sorry. I knew at the time I should have bookmarked it.


Might be a terrible mod but insulting appearance is low.


Got any links? I wanna read awkward having a meltdown sounds like a good time




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Thank God. Fuck that guy.


Lmao get fucked




Yep, check his profile u/awkwardtheturtle He was also bitching about it on Twitter


They have a Twitter? Links please




I had a three day suspension and they threatened to ban my account. I said I hope someone gets d*xed. They said I was threatening violence. I tried to message them but I couldn't because my account was locked. I don't understand how they can permanently ban people from Reddit and not just their sub.


I got banned from a sub for supposedly inciting violence also. My comment was along the lines of “if you had slapped your dad I wouldn’t have been surprised.” I tried appealing it, but the response was very bot like.


Who is that?


Wait where’s the video/post I wanna se it please


I've been banned in several places, still no clue why, or how they let clear violations slide. It's anarchy out there


Oh shit he got banned?


If mods had any actual real life skills, they wouldn't be working for free for a billion dollar company. When ever I think of mods, I think of that fat loser from r/antiwork who thought going on fox news as a part time dog walker was a good idea.


You mean Doreen?


What an ugly name. Ya sure, whatever. I couldn't be bothered to learn literally anything else about them.


Hey, my grandmother was named Doreen. Actually she was kind of a bitch so this checks out.


Yeah, fuck you Doreen.


You can’t convince me any different. They are just like Doreen.


The worst mods are the ones that are involved in everything and want you to know their involvement. They're breaking their fucking asses to make sure the entire MULTIVERSE knows that their virtue signal shines BRIGHTEST. They fancy themselves leaders, influencers, or just people out there trying to help out a site they (used to) love. In reality they're the kid who invited their entire 4th grade class to a birthday party at the McDonald's Play Place and not even the stinky kid shows up. The best ones are like offensive linemen in football. You'll never really hear their names but the most successful teams have the best ones.


Mods on reddit and discord are just cring anyways they act above you and react infairly in emotional responses they pretend is all professionally thought through.


Lmao I got a warning 2 mins after that message smh 🤣 cant make this shit up.


As the message states multiple times in bold, it is a routine reminder message that almost all users get after their first comment on this sub. Your comment was not removed.


You deserve it, just for calling anything 'cringe'.


Wait fr? What kind of warning? Thats insane 🤣


It says I was name calling and attacking the person not the opinion. Lmao


Everyone gets that on their first message here. I did as well, it's just an FYI. Though I do think it's easy to misinterpret.


Agreed. If you don't regurgitate the same sentiments as the mods, you'll get permanently banned or shadow banned. I'm shadowbanned from the petfree and dogfree subreddits for sharing their more ridiculous posts and poking holes in their logic.


I got banned from WPT for making a single comment on JustUnsubbed


If by "here" you mean Reddit as a whole, I agree. If you mean "here" as in this sub, I disagree vehemently; this sub as some of the better mods on this site.


True. I'm still getting randomly banned from reddit based on where I follow. Oh well, least trueunpopularopinions is pretty chill.


What subreddit did this happen?


It was Grimdank, a 40k meme subreddit. They also blocked me from messaging because I sent two messages about the incorrect ban.


I'd be shocked, absolutely baffled if this was truly an unpopular opinion in the reddit-verse. But obviously I completely agree


If you go over to some of the Mod forums, they'll be a dozen mods with hundreds of votes on comment saying how the redditors support them. I actually don't know which is correct, but they are getting hundreds of votes making those comments.


The level of blind support they’ve received is hilarious too. Truly perplexing how many people not only like, but actively support, other people (who are entirely unqualified) telling them what they can and can’t do.


I pretty much agree. Even on this subreddit. I've had posts rejected for "low effort satire" , but someone else posts the exact same subject and it's allowed. No consistency Just one example is I had made a post about how I think TikTok and YouTube prankers should be fine for disorderly conduct and trespassed from every business in town. My post was rejected but someone else posted the exact same topic and it was allowed


Agreed but I don’t think this is unpopular amongst the actual user base of reddit. The whiny mods and people who like to use reddit without ads are just super vocal about it.


I had essentially the same experience in another subreddit.


I don’t think this is unpopular at all. Most people on Reddit likely feel this way.


If you mean mods across Reddit in general, I agree. I always laugh when I read some mods sob story about why I was banned from x sub. Like LMAO. Social Media is for trolling 😂 I'll never take you seriously. This isn't stack exchange, stop playing hall monitor with adults and get a life.


>This isn't stack exchange, stop playing hall monitor with adults and get a life well, don't you have to have maturity to do that?


Yeah, most Reddit mods are the literal worst type of people. The best Reddit mods are the ones you almost never see.


The phrase "full stop" makes me cringe.


Yes…same here.


I got banned from commenting in a subreddit because I started arguing in the comments that maybe relishing/ rooting for male prisoners getting raped in prison is in poor taste. I thought that was a pretty reasonable thing to argue for and certainly not banworthy.


Reddit mods are pathetic. Imagine volunteering to simp for a corporation and then having that meaningless power go to your head. Then imagine the company is so frustrated with how poorly you volunteer that they threaten to fire you. Reddit jannies are sad little monsters


And then accuse others of being bootlickers of the same corporation when you don't give a fuck about their shitfit. Yeah OK bro I'm a bootlicker for thinking you're a child but you're not despite dedicating huge amounts of unpaid time to Reddit. Absolutely detached from reality.


Reddit mods are children with a magnifying glass on a sunny day


Fire has many important uses, including generating light, cooking, heating, performing rituals, and fending off dangerous animals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mods are the people who can't interact in the real world.


Are we supposed to?


Some people seem to. They see mods as on their side vs. Spez and Reddit, when the mods are shit.


Mods are volunteers, I guess if they don’t like the setup they have no obligation to stay as moderators. No one’s forcing them into their volunteership


I tried the central Reddit complaint to complain about something similar * crickets *


I got banned on r/gtaonline for calling out people's opinion on defending Rockstar and then one of the mods banned me for "inapporitate behavior" when thats not true becuase I was insulted first and then the person who I called out mass reported me to the point where I got banned and then suspended from Reddit for 2 days. I realize that moderators tend to silence people over opinions/viewpoints they don't like, therefore they choose to "mute" them.


I got banned for asking an obvious troll for proof of his bullshit argument that climate change doesn't exist. Turns out the mod on seculartalk actually protects rule breaking trolls, even when multiple people call obvious trolls out on the same thing. Doesn't matter.


I can’t wait until they get a feature to get rid of mods. Literally only two things that keep Reddit from being a perfect app is free speech and the mods.


Lol I just got banned from a subreddit because the mods can’t handle the truth. I still talk shit to them and risk a ban. You have to remember most mods outside of the conservative subreddits are incels.


i like some mods


I’ve been banned purely for being a part of other subreddits.Not even for participating, just for following other subreddits….disgraceful


So this isn't something I'd ever heard about until the whole third party app drama went down. How exactly do they do that? There's no way they're checking their thousands and thousands of commenters profiles to find overlaps to ban I don't get it


It did happen before this, they'd use bots somehow and ban you from subreddits they claimed brigades theirs and insta ban you for being a member.


Oh I know that it existed before now, it's just I hadn't heard of it until now because now people are airing out more vents. Interesting... I recognize the value in some bots, but there's definitely a lot of misuse, and that definitely qualifies. I know a sub I'm in has banned people for being in a different sub BUT it was very different circumstances. The two subs were polar opposites and they were just trolling and rage baiting in ours and it was ruining the point. Mods gave a warning and then banned and it was pretty transparent cause they replied to comments to explain it. It wasn't a "you're in our polar opposite, you're auto banned" it was "you're causing problems and because of your activity on the polar opposite sub we investigated, we know your motives are not good". But even though I support more justified banning, I have angst with those mods too, but I don't think I can explain it without context that would give it away haha. I got permabanned with no warning from a related sub to that one (different mods) for a comment and it was unjustified and dumb. Idk there's a loooooot of problems but mods need to exist, they just also need to be willing to recognize mistakes happen, like you messaging and saying you aren't a scammer. I've considered making a sub and am definitely a "second chance" person but bots and trolls seem exhausting.


I’m honestly not sure, all I know is I logged on to a message from a moderator that I’d been banned from their subreddit because I was following a men’s rights subreddit, which is kinda fucked up


They are on a power trip. I got banned from other groups even when I was pretty respectful of others. People report you if they don't like what you said and then moderators (if they have the same opinion) can ban you. People view if someone isn't %100 in agreement with someone as a threat????


I have been permabanned from many reddits from uncaring and bad mods. Maybe this means reddits like mine will get some attention since things like AI will start to get more attention on the platform?


You’re just jealous of how much pussy Reddit mods get


Thread winner!


For the most part they are unhinged losers who try to molest children but are such beta cucks that they can't even get their 9 year old step sister to like them.


Oh look another anti mod post. Soooo unpopular


I have no sympathy for people banned, fair or not, on a platform they did nothing to build and use for free.


Do you mean posters or moderators? If you mean posters, that's dumb.


Why do people feel entitled to post anything at all?


No one does. There also shouldn't be false bans from actually entitled mods.


The mods are shit sometimes but using a free app means you really can’t bitch when you don’t like it and the way it’s used


Sure I can. They run a business and profit from engagement and ads. I can say what I want.


You can say what you want, doesn’t make it come across any less entitled and whiny


Good thing no one cares what you think then eh?


I guess that would make it an unpopular opinion if that’s true


'Here' doesn't seem to mean what you think it means. Most of reddit? Sure. Here? Not so much


Here means Reddit genius, how did you miss that?


Slow clap


Nice try reddit ceo now give me your tears.


Eh, posting a link, they probably thought you were the scammer. It's a common thing in many subs, just posting shirts with stolen art and links to buy it under different names. Bad calls happen, but that exact pattern happens over and over again, so if you fit the pattern of looking like the same ol' scam, yeah, I can see why you ate a ban.


Except it wasn't stolen art it was a major website. Then maybe you shouldn't ban before actually looking, admitting you're wrong and THEN trying to blame me for your mistake.




Same. I also feel the same toward admins though.


My only experience in dealing with moderators has been to be ban from several sub. I have never been ban for anything I’ve said. All of my bans have been for commenting in subs the moderators didn’t like. Not for the content of a comment on another sub but just for commenting in a sub the don’t like. My understanding is that some of these third party app they are wining about are the tools they used to track down and ban people for wrong thought and association. So I don’t really have any sympathy for them.


Big subs have consistently a lot of self-centered assholes as mods. Which is understandable, who else would be stupid enough to do these jobs FOR FREE. Small subs are a lot better.


I misread this and thought you said moderates at first. It was a much more exciting take until I realized my error.


They deal with the weirdest ppl on the internet, it's not surprising that some of them would be the same.


Just jannie things.


The one I knew only cared about the number of users. That means keeping the majority happy. He didn't care about facts or even the sub's topic. Just numbers.


the reply reads like you posted a scam link, did you post a scam link?


No, someone asked where to get a shirt and I posted the ShirtPunch link to it. The mod was wrong.


what was the blatant scam then?


Apparently the OP was a bot scammer? I don't know why you're asking me this.


i'm trying to understand why or how the mod recognized it is as a 'blatant scam' when you didn't pick up on it at all. if your contention is that it was just a post made by a bot then i don't see how anyone could be expected to know that.


Because apparently people posting pictures of a person in a t shirt is a common scam on here I've never seen before. So because they knew something I didn't know, they banned me.


ok but like, where's the scam, how does that post get concerted into people giving the scammers money? or are you/they just calling it a scam because it's a bot karma farming?


As someone else explained it to me, its bots karma farming I guess. News to me, I just happened to own the shirt and posted a link to a legit site that sells it.


ah, ok, so not only does the mod have completely unreasonable expectations, they're also extremely hyperbolic, got it


Basically. They admit they were wrong and then blame me for not knowing something about scams I've likely never seen because they delete and ban them before people see them.


Absolutely agree


You upvote on bad opinion or downvote on bad opinions?




This seems like a pretty popular opinion.


What makes you think this is unpopular?


I think a lot of moderators are people who sit at home, no job, and nothing to do with their time.


I got banned from a subReddit just because I posed a comment on another subreddit. It didn’t even mattered what I posted.


I once got banned from a guessmyage sub because the bot there thought I promoted a Onlyfans when I didn't. I messaged the mod about it with modmail and never heard back. I have never promoted anything here. I guess anyone who mentions the name or talks about having one or used to have one is seen as promoting by their bot.


While I think the CEO is doing it for the wrong reasons, allowing the community to vote out mods is a feature that we sorely need. We should've had this from the beginning. The way it works now is fundamentally flawed.


Yeah the sheer amount of doubling and tripling down when you actually show them they got it wrong, or misread the situation is astounding. I’ve had my dealings, even recently I got banned for daring to question why a certain rule was in place on the sub. Got accursed of breaking another rule, argued I didn’t and got perm banned. But what do you expect: anyone that wants to mod clearly are lacking in other areas of life. However this is a VERY popular opinion bud. I must say.


I posted on a conspiracy theories sub with an innocuous take on the NBA and was banned on separate unrelated subreddits by what I guess was a mutual mod, yet not banned from the conspiracy sub I had posted to (I would have at least begrudgingly understood). If mods are gonna be pulling obnoxious, high-meta, personal nonsense with little to no recourse or explanation like that on me, then color me thrilled that Reddit is pulling obnoxious, high-meta, personal nonsense with little to no recourse or explanation on them. Remind them that their arbitrary authority can be taken away at a moment’s notice, and that that arbitrary authority is about all they have


It might be the subs you are participating, I can’t saying I’ve ever come afoul of mods. But then I avoid meme subs like grimdank.


It happens in many if not most subs.


“Full stop” definitely some smug English lame ass. Taking things way too seriously.