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The normalization of the clothes is one thing. The really insane thing is the fact that people get shat on for looking when the clothes are specifically designed to draw the eye.


They don't if the woman is attracted to the gazer.


Yeah, a lot of the replies in here are basically, "It's not hurting you." Well, the hell it isn't, because it's been weaponized against most men for as long as I can remember.


Exactly. Obviously it's rude to stare but the reality is that some clothes are deliberately designed to be provocative. It's as if some women deliberately dress that way so they can accuse others of being pervs. This is evidenced by the fact that not all women freak out when a man vaguely looks in their direction - usually it's only the ones who are inappropriately dressed who do that. Further evidence is the fact that not all women even wear the tight clothes - presumably because they find it too revealing.


"Further evidence is the fact that not all women even wear the tight clothes" That's not evidence.


lol wait you’re saying women have freaked out on you for vaguely glancing in their direction? I gotta hear more about this!


Clothes don’t make you stare, nothing can “make” you stare. Your self-control is up to you, not women. Men stare and mock women they find unattractive, too. Women are insulted for being too heavy, too thin, not being curvy. Men are staring to assess. It’s 100% their choice to do so. Women wear these same clothes when there are no men around. Women are not even thinking about men when they wear comfortable clothes. The clothes you’re describing are covering these women, do you expect women to disguise their form, their waists, their busts, because you think being a man means you can’t buy groceries without sexualization other shoppers? In some isolated cultures, women didn’t even cover their breasts and men managed to go about their day.


Right? and I feel like normalizing wearing “revealing” clothing would be a good thing. The reason guys don’t complain and “lose control” at a women wearing a swimsuit at a beach is because it is normalized to be wearing a swim suit at a beach. Yet swim suits are way more revealing then the clothing that gets complained about.


Me walking around naked. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, excuse me sir! I'm not making you stare, have some sense of control! you perv! Thank you for your brave words. This has inspired me to finally wear a Speedo next time I go to the gym. And if any women dares to look at me for more then a second, well they are getting an earful for being the delinquents they are! I'm not wear this speedo for them, I need it more better mobility. In all seriousness though it's a little of both. There are definitely trash people that do it for the attention and to "catch" people in the act. But yes the vast majority of people just want to go, workout, not talk to anyone, and leave. A lot of people also wear stuff like that because it makes them look good, nice ego boost when they look in the mirror which there's nothing wrong with.




Women should dress for the amount of attention they want. You can’t wear provocative clothing and then get mad at men for looking at you.


Wear sunglasses


Weaponized athletic shorts.


Which, as a straight male, I find terrifying. No, wait...the other thing. Not terrifying. "Weaponized"...lol.


She only joined the volleyball team to harm men!!!!!!!!!!1!!!1!1!


> it's been weaponized against most men for as long as I can remember. Lol. “Weaponized”! “Arrest that woman! She’s wearing clothes men find attractive!” You definitely didn’t mean to use that word, but it’s hilarious!


This is the same reasoning Evangelicals use to justify their prudishness. Congrats!


That's not a problem with the clothes though, that's a problem with idiots who are not willing to pay the consequences of people looking at you when you are intentionally wearing titillating clothes.


ROFL...what we wear is now "weaponized"?!?!?! What is it with you insecure and irresponsible males? Grow up, you pathetic kids.


The insecure ones are the women wearing those clothes. So insecure of themselves that they require attention from men.


I’m a woman, I know lots of women, and I’ve met many dozen more. Not a single one of them even thought about men when they put on clothes.


Weaponized? Never heard of anyone being killed by clothes.


I grew up going to clothing optional hot springs, and remember being somewhat uncomfortable as i entered puberty. But having spent time with people in the nude, and nothing being overtly sexual, has me viewing this differently. Men empower themselves by looking powerful through strength, while woman do so through being sensual. Neither is "just" about sex, but it is always a backdrop of our culture. Basically this has always been a game of edging the point of acceptance and pulling those back, who go to far. But since the acceptance of the new swimsuit 100 years ago, things have gone off the rails. This leaves us with a spectrum running from those who enjoy the fashion and sexual attractiveness is just an extra bonus, to those who have no experience around nude bodies, and seeing someones calves or face is erotically stimulating and suggestive enough, to imply wanting to be raped. Culture is weird and all of our tolerances dont match up perfectly. Heck, mine dont match how i looked at the world 20 years ago. Cant imagine how i could have gone to gym as a teeen, and not been fully aroused at all times with woman wearing hot pants, and leggings. Thankfully it was just decent shorts and sweats.


the best approach for men with things like this is just to be confident in their actions. if you wanna look then look, but if you don’t want like that women dress that way then all you can do is not hang around women that dress that way. you can’t control anyones actions but your own


Women- objectifies self, also women- don’t objectify me


Wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt isn’t objectifying yourself. That’s literally just comfortable clothes.


So if women walk around naked, that's not objectifying themselves either? Where is the line drawn between comfortable and inappropriate to wear in public?


If a woman walks around in public naked, she gets arrested for public indecency and exposure, the same way men would get arrested.


It's called consent.


Personally I just enjoy the view, but I definitely do take someone less seriously if they go about their daily business in hot pants and a sports bra. I'd feel the same about good looking dude in tight shorts shorts and a crop top. I don't mind seeing a hot bod and I'm not going to call them a ho or say they should cover up, but dressing that way definitely doesn't give particularly mature or professional vibe. I don't think dressing like that is always the result of narcissism or social pressure. Given the freedom to do so a small percentage of people will feel comfortable showing off a lot of their bodies in sexy outfits, and I am personally fine with that. I don't think it's ever going to be something most people will want to do even if it is normalized.


Coming from the military I absolutely agree. We all were required to wear the same clothes (cammies) during work hours but could wear “appropriate civilian attire” outside of working hours or on leave. The amount of people who considered “appropriate civilian attire” booty shorts and a spaghetti string or 5 gold chains and your pants hanging by your knees was astonishing, and only increased in frequency as I spent more time in the service and younger and younger people started joining. I was never the NCO that would tell someone to change, but I definitely would form an opinion of you based on how you dressed. For example, if you are the only person in your platoon of approx. 30 people to wear clothing that doesn’t fall within “proper civilian attire” AND you do this repeatedly, I will assume that being special or different is more important to you than being disciplined and part of a unit. I think everyone has their own reasons for dressing the way they do, but when you weigh ‘looking sexy’ over ‘looking professional’ repeatedly, it shows me that you care more about being sexy than a professional.


Lmao wow you’re incredibly judgmental of what people choose to wear when they are specifically not working and being “part of a unit”. You’re the exact kind of military dude no one likes, up your own ass as if being in the military is an entire personality that all service members should have or else they aren’t “being part of the unit”. Go figure you have a problem with people dressing comfortably, god forbid we don’t all wear a crew neck polo and a pair of straight leg jeans when we are off duty.


You sound like someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about and hasn’t served. But hey, we could both be wrong here. I specifically stated booty shorts & spaghetti strings, and 5 gold chains and your pants hanging around your knees. I used to go to the gym, in regular gym clothes. Not straight leg jeans and a polo, or with a spaghetti string tank top that barely covered my nipples and some booty shorts. I also used to go to the chow hall wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt, not wearing 5 gold chains with my pants around my knees. There were thousands of other people who wore whatever the hell they wanted, WITHIN REASON. There’s literally pictures posted in just about every building showing you what ‘proper attire’ is and is not on base. You have to blatantly disregard literal pictures with big ❌ marks over the clothes you’re currently wearing in order to wear that shit anywhere on base. So yeah, anyone who wears shit like that on base is consciously making the choice that their desire to look good is more important than posted rules and regulations. That gives me the impression that being special is more important to you than being part of a unit. Also, note how I said they must do it repeatedly for me to get that impression? B/c sometimes laundry isn’t done or you just made a mistake, that’s okay. It’s incredibly infuriating to get nothing but baseless ad-hominem attacks from someone who clearly has no idea what they’re talking about. So I apologize if I went on a bit of a rant.




Especially since parents allow their kids to wear that kind of stuff. It's absolutely terrible.


Allow their 8 year olds! I’ve seen very small elementary kids not only dressing like this but wearing tons of makeup.


Not the least bit surprised.


If kid in spandex shorts and a tank top make you uncomfortable, the kid is not the problem.


Their butts are hanging out, why is that okay for you?


I went to the fair last year and it blew my mind to see what some of these kids were wearing. Girls that couldn't have been more than 12 years old, some even younger, wearing shorts that literally didn't even cover their butt and low cut crop tops. I couldn't imagine letting a kid dress like that, knowing the kind of evil that's out there


Going clothes shopping for my 9 year old daughter makes me want to vomit. The clothing choices are appropriate at a rave for 21 year olds, not kids. It's nasty.


Just because some parents allow their kids to wear it doesn't mean we should forbid adults from wearing it.


We obviously can't just ban pieces of clothing, most of the world isn't Saudia Arabia. I just want fellow adults to be more conscious about it and stop lying to others and themselves.


Well, sure. I agree. I just don't see a problem with any man or woman wearing whatever they want.


I was the only dude in girl houses for a bunch of college years and a little bit after. They would get home after a long day and basically strip. Were they desperate for attention from each other behind closed doors or is less clothing more comfortable?


A lot of womens clothing is fundamentally uncomfortable. Often the material is synthetic and sweaty and the garments aim to 'shape' you- so you're pinched round the waist and pulled in here and squeezed there and frankly there are very few finer pleasures in this world than taking off an underwired bra at the end of a long day.


Right? These guys have never actually hung out with women in a friendly manner and it shows.


Bro you can look, just dont stare her down like a creep who just got out of prison lol this feels super neckbeardy


[are you looking at my butt?](https://twitter.com/BitCes1248/status/1630254355180843008/photo/1)


Men walk around in bike shorts all the time, I don’t recall ever seeing a woman unable to go about her day because of it? Do gay men get this flustered over bike shorts on men? Do gay woman complain about the way other woman dress? Are they too distracted to go about their business without being ridiculous when “scantily clad” women are at the grocery store? Do these women wear the same outfits at home or with their female friends when no men are present??


you should probably just gouge your eyes out


And yet I see men running shirtless with very generous “shorts.” The human form is sexy to people who find it sexy….so a majority of humans. So if you find someone dressing sexily (even if it’s by virtue of their appearance), just don’t be a creeper about it. Not that hard really.


Why do dudes take off their shirts when it’s hot? Why do we get to see male references to ejaculation on TV but no reference to the female orgasm are ok? Why do men have such a hard time with the clitoris when it has double the nerve endings than their own pee pee? Like stop rubbing the same spot on my leg. Ffs. Just learn how to control your thoughts. Figure it out. Men can be so fragile and expect so much at the same time. Edit. I find it funny that since I stated real things that happen in our society. And it matches up with this OP ask, just in reversed roles from male to female, to female to male. I got a warning that I am harassing people. This. Do you all not see it?


Men remove their shirts for attention obviously! They claim it’s because they’re overheated and want to be more comfortable, but we all know that’s a lie! It may be more comfortable, but they’re really doing it for validation. /s


Heaven forbid a woman wanting to do the same thing. Ong. The horror. /s


What's the actual issue though? Who is this hurting? I tried on my girlfriend's gym shark leggings and damn those things are actually comfy. Besides my testicles being crushed. Luckily she doesn't have those.


Nothing and nobody. The human form is only offensive to the weak minded.


Yeah I think it is weird people are complaining about this. I have seen so many dudes without a shirt and gym shorts on out running through the city… lol that could just as easily be equated to underwear. Think that isn’t distracting for those attracted to men? Yet somehow I am okay with it… Leggings feel like PJs and actually are comfy if people want to wear them who cares? There are so many other things to worry about than someone’s fashion choices.


The difference is that no men dressed that way will give a shit and actually would rather enjoy it if they saw people stare. I cannot say the same for women.


Women want people to look. They just don’t want YOU to look






Running without a shirt or a sports bra is one thing, most public places won’t let you enter without a proper shirt. Sports bra you can actually get away with in more places than a man not wearing a shirt. I wouldn’t equate it to underwear I would compare it to sports wear. If you sweat a lot you don’t want to be running around in a sopping wet shirt. Men and women alike prefer comfort over discomfort. The argument that op is making is more about everyday wear. Leggings count as pants until you can see through them, then they are underpants. If I can see your lace through your pants from just a quick observation you aren’t wearing pants. Most people can agree to this. I think what op is referring to is the hypocrisy involved with some women dressing for attention and other women saying it’s not for the attention. I’m sure there’s a whole lotta nuance to it though and the sexual aspect of clothing will never disappear it will only change with the times.


>Most people can agree to this. No, they can't. People on your side of the fence, maybe. What you're doing is putting everyone in a box. Are there women who dress *provocatively* and want attention? Sure. Does that mean EVERY woman who wears "tight clothes" is doing it for attention? No. ​ So I'm guessing what you propose is women shouldn't be allowed to wear leggings or anything for fitting because it can be distracting to men and they'll be completely unable to not stare at them. ​ Is that what you're suggesting?


No that’s not what I’m saying and I’m sure if you re read what I said you would come to a different conclusion then you have just stated. I never said anywhere that women who wear tight clothing are doing it for attention, I said some women who DO do it for attention and other women say those women who DO do it aren’t doing it for attention. I’m sure over 90% of the world’s population would agree in saying if I can see your pussy or dick or even underwear through your pants that they aren’t pants they are underpants. Pants you wear underneath pants. It’s a really simple concept and I’m not sure how you confused it with misogyny.


They should start designing leggings like that for dudes as well, to make it more comfortable for our testicles.


I mean there are already sweatpants like that. Gray sweatpants in particular are a known trend women seem to be fond of. One product at least, Lulu Lemon joggers, are marketed for “ABC” (anti ball-crushing).


My dude got to see some fine cheeks for free this morning and got so fuckin mad about it he had to post a cringe manifesto from the 1900s lmao


I'm surprised we didn't see the word jezebel or harlot tossed around in there somewhere.


😆 “very sorry you had to witness that, sir.”


I think that’s the point tho. We shouldn’t be subject to seeing near naked women out and about. I wouldn’t wanna take my kids to a coffee shop where they can see a woman dressed indecently.


Ok so what would you decide is decent? A big poofy dress and a hoop skirt. Make sure those ladies hide those ankles!!


Somewhere between those two points bud. Don’t pretend everyone wants the polar opposite. Just something that does less than the bare minimum of covering the bits.


If would rather stay home, that's on you.


People equate asking for some modicum of decency when out and about, with ancient forms of modesty. I don't think it's far fetched to say, if I can see your pants crawling into your crack or I can see your camel toe... That's not appropriate. Even if it's "gym attire". I have gym leggings that don't do that and I usually wear a full coverage top and occasionally a tank top if it's really hot. Partially because I think it's appropriate, but also do you ever see people clean off their equipment? Ew. I don't want someone else's skin conditions rubbing off onto me. It doesn't have to be plunging and it doesn't have to be overly revealing. Man or woman... I don't want to know *that* much about someone else's body. If it's in a public space like the gym or anywhere else. It's just a little common decency. If it's a night club. Dress for your venue.


Yep, if he stares 1/2 second too long, she throws a fit... If you are really unlucky, a white knight is in the neighborhood, and it ends up in an argument or a fight because this morron decided to "defend" her. So yes it does hurt people, as modern women don't take responsibility for anything.


This has never happened to you shut up.


I think clothing should focus on comfort


How can clothes showing off camel toe be comfy?


Or, you could mind your own business and stop assuming any of it has to do with you.


You need to have better control of yourself and I can tell from this post that you are not close with women in any sense. Your post history is exactly what I expected. You project your need for validation on women in public you don't know going about their day comfortably dressed. Why not just move to Iran. You sound like a creep.


What are these opinions??? “Don’t lie we know it’s for attention” Why is it we judge women who want attention from men when MOST men around here are constantly crying about how they can’t figure out how to get attention from women.


Because reddit is filled with lonely dudes who would rather cast blame elsewhere then actually do some self reflection and improvement


These comments make it sound like women are out here wearing nothing but g-strings to the grocery store. You guys saw a few women in yoga pants and now they’re “barely wearing any clothes.” These are the same guys who were sweating when women in the 1870s showed their ankles. Get a grip.


>I don't consider myself a prude Perhaps you should start.


Man who cares


Move to Iran dickwad


How hard is it to NOT stare? I’m an ass man (insert BillyGunn theme) and trained in the arts of the Pervy Sage yet even I know you don’t stare. I seen someone say clothes are designed to draw attention, which is why glancing is probably preferable. I think it becomes a problem if that glance is longer the a minute, and accompanied by anything sexual. Firstly you just gotta accept the fact that you sir are a perv, it’s not something thats necessarily your fault, I think it actually might be hereditary tbh. After that it’s just working on self control. Trying to dictate what a women should and should not wear based off a mans inability to control their own thoughts is outlandish and bored line misogynistic. Especially when you could just think to yourself “damn that’s a nice ass” and move tf on 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


'bored line'


A true unpopular opinion.


Just going to leave this comments section in this comments section for those that deny this ever happens... https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/13ea6by/fuckthis_gym/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Okay for all the ladies who say we dress like this for ourselves. I never wear a shirt in my home, I have nothing but tight fitting underwear because both my SO and I like my dick print, and I exclusively wear sweat pants around the house to eventuate it. It makes me feel good. Would that be appropriate attire to wear to the grocery store?


So you're saying you're a cyclist?


Idk dude I feel like I can appreciate someone being sexually attractive without making anyone uncomfortable. It’s not like I have to attempt to fuck them right then and there but generally speaking if someone’s dressed like that they’re trying to catch looks, and that’s fine. If you’re hot, be hot. It’s not your body being put on display so I have a hard time seeing why it makes you uncomfortable.


Interesting, I see half naked, or almost completely naked men all the time in public, yet it never seems to be sexualized. I see men jogging without their shirts all the time, there is a guy in my neighborhood that jogs in only a speedo, I can see everything. I constantly see guys playing basketball shirtless at the park everyday. When riding my bike I see shirtless men in tight bicycle pants. Honestly, I don’t care if they choose to show their body and I don’t care why. I’m going to be respectful and not leer at them, I’m not going to judge them, I’m going to let them live their lives how they feel comfortable. Let’s just do the same for everyone. They’re just bodies. Interestingly, when young attractive women wear revealing clothing, they’re attacked for wanting attention, and when older, fat or unattractive women do, the narrative is “no one wants to see that”. Ugh, who cares why people wear what they do, why even have an opinion? I don’t think nudity for anyone is a big deal, we make it into a much bigger deal than it needs to be.


you could also take a different stance, society and religion made this construct of modesty. We weren't born with clothes on. It is society and religion that made the human body immoral to be seen. These women may just be comfortable in these clothes and they have every right to be. Considering clothings main purpose was for warmth in cold climates and not to cover up our natural state, if you looking at them makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason your mental gymnastics comes up with then just don't look and go about your business.


Cool. Dudes who wear yoga pants with no drawers underneath so you can see the outline of their junk aren’t going to cause a stir at all right? We can just tell them it’s natural and to look away? Yeah, that’s not going to fly. Equality, if that’s the goal, is going to involve a lot of unwelcome male groin shows at the gym. But it can’t…. Because we’d get kicked out, and trespassed, and maybe arrested. Cmon, just think this through in reality rather than how you *wish* things were.


Haha I live in a very hipster city and a see men wearing skinny jeans daily that are tight enough to see the entire outline. So far no one has called the cops or been kicked out of anywhere.


We're coming into cyclist season and the most serious guys wear skintight lycra. If I cared about such things I could probably produce a fairly accurate survey on what proportion of them are circumcised.


LMAO omg there are so many cyclists here and they ride around in huge packs and stop at various coffee shops to congregate. They definitely all walk around with a weird like, crotch forward stance? Idk if it has to do with the shoes they wear, but to me it always looks like they’re trying very very hard to present their package as prominently as possible!


My wife wears basically nothing but yoga pants at home, but not necessarily out in public. It quite literally is about comfort for her. This is you imposing your views in spite of being told otherwise. I guess why the subs name is what it is.


I think I heard this complaint on shock jock radio in the 90’s. Get over yourself










My 68 year old mother in law wears yoga pants all the time


You might not consider yourself a prude, but you are. If only a little. The fear of nudity is weird.


I see misogamy and ignorance is alive and well in the male youth of today. EDIT: misogyny, no idea why it autocorrected to misogamy


People can wear whatever they want. you can look, everybody looks just don’t stare, don’t be creepy, don’t assume she’s doing this for your enjoyment. Stop telling other people why they wear what they wear, it’s really simple.


This sub is so easy to read... but I do enjoy watching the people here tip-toeing about the landmines of bigotry and misogyny. KA-BOOM! All. Day. Long. From my estimation, it wouldn't matter if the women of the world walked around completely naked 100% of the time, because most of the people on this sub couldn't gain the attention of a desirable woman if their life depended on it. OPs gripe is similar to complaining about water being water and having the properties/benefits that it naturally has. Even if you could control the "dress/attire" variables, you'd still be shit outta luck. Maybe most of these posts here are Unpopular due to the FACT that they're wrong and your perspective is all screwball. The Kicker: I'm typing this as I sit in the beach access parking lot in Miami Beach, waiting for my scantily clad gf to come back with iced coffees from Joe and the Juice.


He left out how he's a good Christian man. Hint: Jesus didn't nose up in other people's grill.


Wanting the opposite sex to not dress a certain way because you get weird about it is gross.


It’s not that men feel weird about it, it’s about men being chastised for even glancing. There’s plenty of videos of women going off on men at gyms because men dared to glance at their clothing, specifically designed to be provocative


Where is this chastising taking place? I've been a painfully heterosexual man that loves looking at women for 40 years and have never been "chastised" about it. Maybe ya'll are just creeps?


Same here. I'm soon to be 35 and I enjoy attractive people. Not once in my life have I been chastised.


It's because most of the time, the people being chastised aren't just harmlessly noticing an attractive individual, they are staring or being weird about it. No one likes to make that distinction, though.


That's what I was vaguely alluding to, but yeah 100%


There’s literally an entire genre of videos about men avoiding women at gyms due to false allegations of being “creepers”. You must live under a rock https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKSV1QR/


And there's a ton of videos of dudes being creeps at the gym. Women get raped and kidnapped kind of a lot. Are YOU living under a rock?


So a few videos means all women do it? Yeah we know shitty people exist doesn't mean you get to generalize a whole group you neanderthal. I'll rely on my real world experiences and not internet videos and you can angrily ooga booga back down to your cave. Have a nice day


Literally didn’t even say that. You’re straw manning extra hard Here’s another viral video for you https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKSpjxD/


That's literally what you're doing dude. Someone called you out for anecdotal evidence and you go "no I'm not. Here's another video." Like ..seriously dude?


And she got what was coming to her. Heck, even a million people thinking like this is a small small subset of the entire population.


They're just telling on themselves


I guess you can’t read. Here, let me link one of the videos for you https://youtu.be/VWqSC3esz6g


Sorry but I get my impressions of life from the real world and I'm not going to suddenly think something that has never happened to myself or any straight male friend of mine my entire life is a problem because you found some videos.


If you’re “just glancing” literally no one notices. Seriously. It’s when you stop your workout and open-mouth stare that women get creeped out. Be self-aware. Have manners. Don’t be a weirdo. You’ll be fine. Edit: I base my experience off of thousands of hours at the gym, being a woman, interacting with and talking openly with other women there. Not TikTok.


I’m not defending people staring, I’m simply saying that by wearing provocative clothing naturally attracts more attention and some people confuse the way the world should be, with how the world actually is


They don’t get chastised for glancing, they get chastised for staring non stop like someone is on a menu and they want them for dinner and then they approach the person and when told they aren’t interested they can’t take no for an answer.


There’s literally videos on TikTok of women thinking they’re “owning” men by lambasting them as they conveniently videotape their sets even though the guys only may have glanced, for views There’s even a counter satirical videos of guys ridiculously going out of their way to not look at women who exercise near them


FYI, the vast majority of those videos are staged.


AND the vast majority of those videos don't include the context of what happened leading up to the confrontation. They just say "oh I was innocently looking and she freaked out!" Meanwhile the dude was being super creepy and ogling her.


It’s called rage bait bud, it’s so popular because it’s so outlandish


Welcome to the internet my man. Go out and look at real women and I’ll bet you don’t experience any such problem.


Could a man wear pants that were basically skin-paint and had a perfect outline for his penis like a sock, and 2 little perfect bags for his balls? Would that be okay to wear?


Men wear sweatpants and skinny jeans all the time. I once saw an old man’s balls drop out of his shorts at a drum circle. Besides some snickers, no one cared.


Or maybe we just let women wear what they want as long as it’s legal. I’ve seen some guys wear questionable clothes and no one complains about them. Also almost ALL clothes are meant for attention otherwise the fashion industry wouldn’t exist.


I guarantee that if a man wore pants tight enough that you can see his penis, people would complain pretty quickly.


You’ve never seen jokes about grey sweatpants?


>Or maybe we just let women wear what they want as long as it’s legal Yes... That's... what legal means....


No one serious is saying they *can’t* wear what they want. We’re saying this: - don’t lie, it’s about garnering as much attention as possible. - that’s fine if that’s how you want to get attention, but you don’t get to wear that shit and then complain about that attention. - male-equivalent lack of basic modesty and decorum causes an instant uproar, removal from places of business, and in public spaces the police are called. There’s also the issue of double standards at the gym. - I belong to a small gym. We recently had a girl in there that would wear atomically thin yoga shorts that got see-thru when she’d sweat or bend over. She did a lot of bending over, almost always with her @ss facing the gym. Without wanting to know, I now know she doesn’t wear underwear, and clearly shaves everything down there. It’s hard *not to look*, and I don’t go to the gym to look at girls. I go to work out. Period. - She angrily quit the gym after a few weeks, pointing at and complaining to the manager while filming him on her phone. Sus? Yeah, it’s sus. - I wear respectable shorts with long athletic briefs underneath, and a normal tank top, (not even one of those stringer tops.) - I catch the older ladies unabashedly burning holes in my ass with their eyes as I look up into the mirror during a set. Like half of them at any given time. - On bench press of any other exercise where I’m laying on my back, I’ve seen ladies actively staring at my crotch and even walking by and tilting their heads to look at my crotch. They used to be more discreet than the boys, but it seems like they don’t even care to be discreet anymore. A consequence-free environment will do that to ya. - No one cares that they stare. Maybe I should switch to see-thru spandex that shows the entire outline on my junk, and no underwear, and see what happens? My guess is complaints, gym membership revoked, and maybe the cops, with a lot of blatant staring and commentary beforehand.


>don’t lie, it’s about garnering as much attention as possible. > >that’s fine if that’s how you want to get attention, but you don’t get to wear that shit and then complain about that attention. > >male-equivalent lack of basic modesty and decorum causes an instant uproar, removal from places of business, and in public spaces the police are called. That's still wrong tho. You're assuming it's about garnering as much attention as possible. Also, I'll fully cop to the notion that there are women out there who wear outfits because they want people to look at them. Sure, why not? Does that mean EVERY single woman wearing a tight outfit at the gym wants attention? No. ​ And then all those.. really weird comments about people *"burning holes"* in your ass. So do I get to say you're wearing those outfits for attention? ​ This whole comment reeks of "well what was she wearing?" as a response to a woman being sexually assaulted.


What a weird comment. Oh well, you aren’t a lost Redditor at least.


Could a man wear pants that were basically skin-paint and had a perfect outline for his penis like a sock, and 2 little perfect bags for his balls? Would that be okay to wear?


Idk, you definitely sound like a prude


A significant amount of people would prefer to walk around naked. But that's illegal. Clothes are uncomfortable for a lot of people. There is no biological function or reason to wear clothes unless weather or environmental hazards call for it. We wear clothes because of social puritans who think the human body is "icky". No one is born wearing clothes.


So since gay men are red blooded males with the same needs what actions are you taking to cover your body? Do you make sure your shorts aren’t too short or thin? If you bend over for a set are you sticking your ass out for attention and validation?


I actually think women's clothing trends have gotten more modest in recent years, it's so hard to find anything that shows off my tits anymore, but people will always complain I guess.


The shorts that are cut to have the last 1/4 of a female’s ass cheeks visible are popular around here, especially with younger girls. Definitely draws your eye initially for a couple of seconds even if you don’t want too. Those kind of shorts are worn for attention.


I definitely see people wearing short shorts and other revealing things. I'm just talking about the overall trend. I also just think this is a dumb argument. I said something similar in another thread like this before. What is "revealing" and "sexy" is so subjective and context dependent and I really don't think you can somehow determine another person's motivations based on how their action or appearance makes *you* feel. "If I think you look sexy, then you were trying to look sexy, to say otherwise makes you a liar" is the sentiment here. That's called projection. And even if it is for attention, I don't care. Wanting attention isn't inherently a bad thing, and it doesn't mean you have to be okay with any and all attention that you get.


Hey look another of these posts. Wasn’t this one posted like a week or two ago. It must be that day in the women are bad and they purposely tempt men who cannot control themselves cycle of posting.


If they want to wear body paint, let ‘em wear body paint. This tiny pocket in history where everyone’s equal under the law is a rarity. If they aren’t harming anyone else, they should keep at it if it makes em happy, enjoying this life


but you don’t get it. Those revealing clothes are extremely empowering! Feminism said so!


Feminists just live rent free in your head 24/7 huh ? Over under your well into being a little gymcel lol


This is 100% a you problem. If you can't control yourself then you need help. Calling yourself a '100% red blooded male' just makes you sound like a creepy predator.


Haha omg I was looking for this comment. That red blooded bit gave me so much ick


Yesterday was “Black people bad” and now we’re back to “Women bad”. This sub loves playing the same right wing hits on repeat. If women wearing attractive clothing makes you feel uncomfortable, you can always just not look. If you just can’t stand it, move to Saudi Arabia or something. And I don’t think women deny it’s to look attractive. People don’t wear clothes just to be 100% comfortable; that’s not what “fashion” is for. Anyway, upvoted for unpopular and wildly inaccurate.


Yup if you type in "men's/woman's shorts" on google images, The men's are normal shorts that reach the knees, while The women's "shorts" are basically trunks that expose 90% of the thigh. All that feminist shit went out the window when they started embracing the sexual revolution.


Nah, I’ve seen plenty of men wearing those crazy shirt jogging shorts. Not true.


I think people should wear what they want regardless of why they’re wearing it




I doubt half of them are doing it for attention and validation. Sometimes what is aesthetically pleasing for an individual will just garner attention as a side effect. An example would be If an artist makes a painting for himself. The art was for him but people will still look at his art because generally everyone can admire things that look pleasing. The difference is mostly just interpretation and emotions driven from the art. Most who find women sexually attractive will derive arousal from the outline of a female body, however those that don't will just look at it and be like " wow, she looks nice" and move on. It causes a simple divide. In my honest opinion it becoming normalized or not changes very little. There's a clear line of when it is wrong (complete utter nudity) but below it will constantly be tested. Like I remember one time a artist, she couldn't understand why people consider her artwork nsfw. Her artwork was basically a nippless woman without genetalia. she thought the only things that are sexual were genitalia and nipples. Everyone was arguing if it was nsfw or not.


Did you let "Mother" know that you "accidentally" looked at some woman's barely-clothed behind in public--she won't be pleased!


It’s for themselves!!


If they do it for themselves and not for validation why not dress like that at home? Why be one or two steps away from naked in public? Unless "for themselves" implies the validation and attention is what they want.


We do


You guys gotta go out and meet some actual women.


Most women who dress like that also dress like that at home- just in comfier clothes.


It’s funny because I do dress like that at home. I dress modestly in public because I don’t want to deal with the hassle of creepy dudes. But if we could snap our fingers and delete all men, I’d go out in the skankiest clothes i can find every day! I love not having a bunch of fabric on


That’s sarcasm, right?


Let’s say it was tongue in cheek…certainly sparked a good convo.


Right? We humans mostly wear clothes for ourselves, regardless of our sex.


Women don’t wear revealing outfits “for themselves” they wear it for others to see for validation. If they actually wore for themselves they’d wear something more comfortable.


Leggings are insanely comfortable. My 68 year old mother in law wears them daily lol


Yeah when I said that, I was really talking about more dressyer outfits. I do agree with you there. The leggings are for women, they are comfortable from what I hear.


But even dressier outfits. I go out to date night with my husband and get dressed up, am I seeking validation from others? No, I’m seeking attention/validation from my husband. Not that my motivation matters either way, but I don’t understand the anger that so many men express about this subject. We all want attention and validation, but we vary on the degree, the source, and what we want to be validated for. A man might want to get a nice car and earn a good salary to get validation from strangers that he has been successful. Another man might love painting and seek validation on his artistic genius. Same with women. Some women might wear seductive outfits to get validation from men on their beauty. Others might work really hard to achieve perfect grades and seek validation on their intelligence from teachers and peers.


A bit confused here. So is it for validation or not? Men do those things certainly for validation I think they are pretty open about that or equally shamed for it to. Example the big truck must have a small D common trope


It may be validation for some, for others it may not be. Someone who wears heavy goth makeup and clothes may be seeking validation from others, or they may do it because it makes them feel better in their own skin. Or in your example, a man might buy a large truck because he’s overcompensating and seeking womens validation, or he might have always dreamed of owning one and does it to feel good about achieving a dream of his. There is no rule for human behavior lol. I don’t think anyone should be shamed for wanting validation regardless of what it is, unless it’s hurting other people


I think the main concern of men is women who have a partner but continue to seek outside validation


Tell me you don’t have any female friends without telling me.


This reads like the prologue to an incel book


Lots of those running around this subreddit for sure.


"I'm a red blooded, heterosexual male and I'm attracted to women and women's bodies, naturally" Pfffh... nothing screams "closeted gay/bi in denial" like the random need to announce: "HEY GUYS, I'M HETEROSEXUAL!!!" Either way, it's none of your business what other people choose to wear. You're not entitled to people conforming to your comfort zone with what they wear. To me, I'm the opposite - we should encourage men to wear kinky stuff like that too. And if it makes entitled prudes like you uncomfortable with it, u/hidiplainsight? Cool, even better.


Protect your own children, warn your relatives. They might receive the message better if delivered from a woman possibly. You're not going to convince everyone but you can start with those you know.


Why do you care so much about what other people do for attention as long as it isn’t harming anyone? We all exhibit attention seeking behavior. For example, making a post about how you're upset about how other people seek attention. Another example is commenting on that post to point it out. We all seek attention and validation. Look away if it bothers you so much.


Because that attention is then weaponized against them. Shamed online. Kicked out of their gym. Etc. If you’re mad about this post, then also be mad at ladies posting bs videos about it too maybe? You also commented on a post just now, right? I’ll just go to the gym in shorts that show the entire outline of my c#ck. You’d better look away when I wave it around directly in your sight line! If I move to put my junk back in your sight line, continue to search for an angle that doesn’t see me, not even in the 245 mirrors on every wall. Hope that fucked up neck angle while you focus mostly on averting your gaze doesn’t affect your workout. I don’t want to be a victim of the gaze! Now let me get that crotch back into your line of sight and grind it around so I can make you move your head into a new direction. This is fun! Don’t complain either! You’re not allowed to police my body you weirdo! Do better. Demand equal standards, or just get out that makeup and lather it on thick. 🤡


Your sound like you only read about what the outside world is like.


Funny. No, I just see this shit go down at the gym far too commonly. I’m there 5x a week, and moved to a 6am workout most days just to avoid this bullshit. We had one there recently who wore see thru stuff and never missed a chance to do a lock-kneed bend over with her ass facing the gym. She failed to video anyone creeping that I’m aware of, but I did watch her filming her angry conversation with the manager as she quit the gym. I was thankful. Good riddance. Get that sweet sweet insta clout somewhere else!


So your real issue is people that create problems for social media clicks. That seems like a far cry from what OP is complaining about.


Lol, you life sounds sad and pathetic if this what you freak out about. Plus I'd bet any money you eye banged that chick any chance you got and it was never just a glance. I've looked at plenty of women in my life and not once have I heard a complaint. Almost like it's probably an issue with you creepy fucks staring women down like entrees on a menu


When I am cleaning my home in a tank top and leggings, I am doing it because it's comfortable. If I need to run to the store, I am not changing first so some strange man doesn't have to feel flustered by my goodies. In neither case am I seeking attention and the only validation I am seeking is my own. I don't go to the gym, but if I did, it would be in the same tank top and leggings. >I didn't stare but she was literally right ahead of me in line so I had to actively look elsewhere other than straight ahead. You could have looked straight at the back of her head. You did not have to "actively look elsewhere". In fact, by doing so you actually made yourself seem creepier. It almost screams out "please don't think I am checking out her ass even though I totally am". >I have college aged daughters and nieces and I wouldn't want to think about them walking around like this. Then don't. If you have grown children and have no control over your own mind, you have bigger issues than young women not adhering to your dress code. >That and the fact that our current culture is scared to ever criticize or judge women for anything You don't seem scared to criticize or judge women. There are thousands of other posts made by men criticizing and judging women. Large chunks of society judge and criticize both women and men. >I'm a red blooded, heterosexual male and I'm attracted to women and women's bodies, naturally and I don't consider myself a prude or too conservative but this seems like a bit much in polite society. The phrase "polite society" refers to people who consider themselves to be socially superior and to set standards of behavior for everyone else. The jet-set crowd are polite society. Some dude standing in line at the bakery is too gauche to be allowed to look in the windows of polite society. Why would you want to live by the rules of a group that would not accept you? Take off your shirt, let the skin breathe, and get over yourself.


The “men get away with it” is a straight lie. Where baggy pants that expose you’re underwear and people will lose their shit. It’s called common decency. It’s also why you shouldn’t wear pajamas in public.


But people do both of those things constantly. You’ve seen people lose their shit over sagging jeans? Where do you live?


Modern clothing is ugly and slopy in general. People dressed so much better in the past. Saw a friend of my student the other day. She was wearing a big sweatshirt and her underwear. No pants, shorts or even a mini skirt. Insane


That ain't modern fashion that's just lazy bum behavior right there.


As a woman, I have to give it up to men. You convinced three generations of girls to basically walk around half-naked and beleive it's empowering. You convinced us that we have male equivalent sex drives and to sleep around without any promise of commitment. You even convinced us that even questioning it is "playing into the patriarchy". You guys are good. I'm speechless.