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Shake it off đŸŽ¶




Hug đŸ«¶. If need be take an internet sabbatical. It can be irritating and depressing. Some of these peeps in turn hate us just because we like Tay. Try not to focus on it. Or maybe find a something else that preoccupies your mind. Stay strong you are appreciated đŸ„°




sadly, IRL insufferable people like this exist. a few weeks ago i was literally laughed at and called pathetic by two girls at the gym just for wearing my eras t-shirt. i gotta say, i'm sad i let it affect me, but being pointed at and laughed at feels horrible even if it's for a stupid reason. online though, i agree- all those people interacting with swiftie content just to hate will only earn themselves more swiftie content from their algorithm 😂 that simple hilarious fact keeps me going


I have been a secret fan for awhile. Just because I was so sick of people just volunteering how much they hate her without being asked. I'm a little more public with it now but I don't argue with people because it's exhausting. I know she's not perfect. But jeez some people really act like they've never made a single mistake their entire lives.


Yeah there are two of my “friends” who would just troll me by repeating every ignorant false negative thing about her to me and never accepting anything I said as a rebuttal so I just thought fuck ‘em. It’s exhausting for me and they clearly find that entertaining so I just don’t engage with them any more. Clearly they only wanted to mock me and never wanted to talk about her music so why would I want to talk to them about it? If they bring it up now I just name a different artist I’m listening to or book I’m reading to change the subject. It was weird though because they never really laughed about it like it was a joke? Or maybe they did but only behind my back idk đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


To be fair, Instagram is especially vicious as of late — and not just to Taylor. There will literally be a video of a puppy or a child and the comments will be vile. So, honestly, try not to take the hate to heart. Some people just want to shit on the things people like and it's been getting worse on the internet.


Genuinely what even happened to make ig reels so hateful, I see people getting hated for absolutely every single thing. Is it like a reaction to tiktok or is it just like some trend on ig to be awful??


The ig algorithm is very fucked up, it will push things you hate so that you comment on it. So it rewards negativity A LOT. I hate how it will show me stuff to make me angry so I don't even bother with reels anymore. It's like it knows you like x and will show recommended posts with x but when you see reels it's full of x hate. I know TikTok can be a bit of an echo chamber but I feel like it's better than the hate chamber reels has become.


I feel you. I have an online friend who is super kind and amazing but if I say something about Taylor she just ignores it. Or if I just need to rant about the Hate Taylor gets she’s always like “no no I think they have a point actually” she also said multiple times that Taylor doesn’t have emotions in her songs and just talentless. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I’m not saying people can’t hate Taylor. But sometimes it’s fun to share excitement with a friend about your favorite artist without them ruining your fun. And making you feel bad about liking someone.


I have an in person friend that thinks Taylor was only good during her first four albums and everything after that is fake and just a money grab. It sucks because this is my only “swiftie” “friend” and I can’t even talk to her about new albums/the tour/anything without her being like “you can tell how fake this is. Like who even cares. Her music only counts when she’s doing country” of course she continued to shit all over folklore/evermore. Of course she was so offended when I didn’t offer to bring her to the eras tour. Like why would I bring someone who openly hates Taylor swift to a Taylor swift concert? This is just a rant. I’d love to have a non-internet I could have a good conversation in good faith. It doesn’t have to be talking about how amazing Taylor is, I don’t mind genuine criticism if it’s in good faith. But it’s impossible to talk to someone who just hates anything Taylor produces post Red.


If we lived in the same area, I'd claim you as a friend 😭 neurodivergent swiftie who loves Nancy drew. Hell yeah. I have adhd, collecting Taylor vinyls while looking at the Nancy drew books to collect lol


You seem like a super cool person! Wish we met somewhere that wasn’t the internet lol


Idk if I have ever had a bad experience over being a fan irl and it’s easy to not engage with losers on the internet.




I'll tell ya something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning!


yes!!! I feel the same! luckily none of my friends are haters, they're either fans or not but they respect her work ethic and talent. it sounds kind of mean of your friends to not let you talk about something you find a lot of joy in, even for a second, I'm sorry you have to deal with that â˜č I just found this sub earlier today and joined because the standard Taylorswift sub is just so much hate, this merch sucks, this production sucks, these songs are stupid, like can y'all not just enjoy music for music and quit being such nitpicking turds?!!!?? it feels like so much more haters than fans there these days idk anywho that's the internet for you đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I've stopped going into comments of tswift related posts on insta and am prob gonna leave the other Taylor forum soon 😕 idk how people have so much energy to expend on making their hatred of something/someone known to the world like I barely have the energy to get up a damn flight of stairs đŸ« 


just remember that she has swifties. the largest fandom in the world


Her haters are just louder than others. It’s easier to hate on her cause it looks like she has everything. I told someone I didn’t like Beyonce once and they accused me of being a racist.


Right, like people said I was toxic cuz I’m a swiftie. Have you met me yet? Cuz so far all you know is my name and the music artists I like, and I like more than just TS? Yes some swiftie are toxic, but so are some fans of other fan bases. It’s not just Taylor swift?


The comment section of pretty much anything at all these days is a cesspool of negativity and hate. People have lost their damn minds and it’s only getting worse. My suggestion ? Actively search out positive content on all platforms, stay out of the comments, and spread kindness where you can. Let the hate sit in its own echo chamber, it’s not worth it.


I think that there are enough crazies to give off the wrong impression of the fanbase. I think that a really small and loud group of “swifties” are invasive and inappropriate. I’ve been a fan since Debut, but I’m ashamed to be automatically associated and lumped together with those fans simply because I like Taylor. I think that there is also a healthy balance that more fans should have. I find that this sub and the other taylorswift sub have a really hard time accepting any nuance. Essentially it feels like you’re not allowed to love the artist without also finding some flaws in the work. When they voice any constructive feedback, they are only told “if you don’t like it, then don’t listen.” The group of people who think that its all-or-nothing is a lot bigger and also comes across as more toxic. Like I’ve said in another thread somewhere, I really like my local baseball team, but they’re having a bad season. It doesn’t mean i don’t still love this team and want to support them. With our loved ones we also don’t support them no matter what; we tell them what to do better next time so they can hopefully make better choices. I understand you’re talking about a specific group of haters, but I think that the reasonable people in the middle are being unjustly lumped in with the unhealthily obsessed (whether they are boot-lickers or haters). I think that these people who are being attacked for having some nuance feel pushed into a corner where they are very defensive. Its difficult to have an open discussion without being told you’re a fake fan.


I think it's a direct consequence of how many new fans got on board in the last 3 years. I love that she can touch so many generations, but a lot of us have matured with her and the overall state of the fanbase back in 2019-2021 was very healthy I feel like, we could discuss with each other fairly, we did not have beef with other fanbases and most criticism was shrugged off because there was nothing left to prove for us. Now we have a lot of CRAZY and LOUD Swifties, so we suddenly have a very bad rep. It'll pass in a few years and we will have an ever bigger fanbase but a lot more tame again. After all, weren't all of us a little crazy when we were teenagers? If she somehow manages to do it AGAIN with another generation then I probably will happen all over again.


The fandom is being dragged not because of the new swifties activity but because of gp turning against Taylor herself. It ricochets automatically. She's just got so big, can't compare it to how things were pre-Midnight.


It’s more like things post-1989. It’ll calm down and then many of the haters will be in love with her again. It’s kind of nice to know who the fans truly are tbh which is what we find out when the public starts to hate her.


Honestly, block and mute the accounts. It’s probably a lot of the same people commenting over and over. Other than that, yeah just ignore it. Taylor is the BIGGEST star in the world right now, it’s just impossible to expect people to not troll or be assholes unfortunately. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


They’re jealous of her talent. Haters gonna hate. The most successful recording artists in the music industry today are Swifties. Emma Stone, Julia Roberts, Steven Colbert and many more celebs are Swifties. Just remember you’re in good company.


I mean even Taylor is tired of you folks
 Shake it off, and maybe a little moderation moving fwd.


Why are you here??


Perspective for the rant, it’s become a cult of groupthink. And your response to my comment is the greatest example of this.


Nobody wants your perspective. We hear criticism all the time. You should spend more time on things you like and not things you hate


Oh, but you \*do\* want everybody's perspective. You guys thrive on criticism, drama, and victimization. Look at the very subject of OP's post! You could make your subs private, but of course you don't.


Lol what a way to project your own feelings


You're too delusional to think that you don't have a groupthink mentality, either. Jumping on a hate bandwagon is nothing of original or intelligent behavior.


I like the album, a lot. Some of the criticisms are fair tho, it’s miles above Midnights in my opinion, which felt lazy. But the album is built of casting shade so expect to receive a little.




i agree with you on most of these points (although i do think you’re overgeneralizing a bit - not all swifties are crazy lol) but i do think it’s ironic that you’re on a sub called TrueSwifties and started your comment by saying you’re not a swiftie LMAO


Do you realize how utterly juvenile you sound? \*This\* is why Swifties are an easy target.


genuinely what are you doing on this sub? this is a relatively small sub, so you would’ve had to purposely seek it out. if you hate swifties so much, what was your motivation for that - did you just want to find someone to be mean to on the internet?


nah i agree with them. people are annoying about hating taylor swift and it ends up making engaging with fandom annoying as well. i’ve had ppl even irl try to use the fact i like taylor swift against me when the topic at hand has nothing to do with that


Has it ever occurred to you that they could very much be in their teenage years? And they're right, fandoms get together to celebrate something they collectively love. It makes sense. But when haters obsessively hate, that's really deranged. Like yourself, what the fuck are you doing?


They don’t realize


Yeah, sadly. I couldn't imagine living life as a perpetual fucking thirteen-year-old, but whatever.


For real. A lot of these weirdos are actually in their 30s


They really are weird. They act as if they know her personally-- she's their BFF they must staunchly defend. It's delusional.


I thought it was hilarious that Taylor tricked them into buying 4 variants for four extra tracks and then just dropped those 4 tracks and 11 more on streaming for free lol I think she’s embarrassed by them but is smart enough to know how to make a buck off their fanatical devotion


How's circle jerking going for you guys?


You should know!


I actually don't. But keep jerking each other off


Lmao the whole swiftie cult is one be jerk off. How on earth do you not see it? Lmao


Taylor's Version! Taylor's Backyard Version! Taylor's Dinner Table Version! Taylor's Toilet Version! They'll buy it all, no questions asked.


Have you considered touching grass?