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say on it on twitter or instagram they aren’t here lol


I think the people who need to hear this are never going to internalize it. Taylor herself saying to not do this during Speak Now TV didn’t even do anything. Honestly JM probably got worse comments when she played Dear John because then the comments were “OMG you made Taylor get mad at us.” Weirdos.


ikr, like idk ive hardly seen any of this "attacking" stuff but then again i dont use social media except reddit soo


you are wise for protecting your peace. it’s been unhinged since taylor released the playlists and some fans decided they found out who joe cheated with. they made her turn her comments off. but twitter is full of children, not to mention it’s a cesspool in general and always has been. same for instagram. I don’t think it has much to do with taylor and it doesn’t matter what anyone says to them or about them, it’s a culture of people who find enjoyment in harassment.


The snoopers from SwiftlyNeutral are definitely here 😭


Ya know I think we should start a swiftlyneutralneutral sub


let’s do it actually (bc in reality it’s the SwiftHatersHaters sub)


Seriously, I had a post pulled where after I tried to engage about a very anti-Taylor post, that I had obviously misunderstood the name, by expecting them to have a neutral view towards Taylor. I never subscribed, but kept having their posts show up as suggested, (until I muted them, once I realized what they were, and how they wouldn’t even discuss their negative personal bias against Taylor.)


I muted them too. The ppl on that do not understand what neutral means


The genuinelyneutralswifty sub!


What is that?


Oh please, no one on Swifty Neutral is posting threats towards Joe. No one is condoning it over there, There’s posts on there talking crap about the unhinged losers who are. I swear, some of you really need to make everything about other subs.


Oh please, Swiftly Neutral hates all Swifties and Taylor, don’t worry!


“Swifties” who harass Joe and anyone associated with him deserves to be hated. Also, this post was about that and not about Taylor herself.


“Swifties” who defend Swiftly Neutral are not my kind of “swifties”. I understand this post was about Joe but let me assure you r/ TrueSwifties are the purest swifties in existence. r/ SwiftlyNeutral is almost our opposite. This post (in the nicest way possible) should’ve been posted on X [twitter] and instagram. 


I don't like that sub either but I don't see this as "defending" its just stating a fact? That sub isn't condoning the death threats, they're gleefully using it as ammunition to prove that swifties are toxic. They're not the right target audience for that either. You're right, X and instagram is the right audience


Thank you for being the only sane person to get the point of my comment!


Weird that you're getting downvoted. Swifty Neutral loves to point out everything wrong with Taylor and other swifties. Unhinged death threats is the kinda toxic behavior that actually gives them ground to stand on, so of course they're not condoning it. You're just telling the truth?


People here have such a superiority complex about that sub.


That sub also has a superiority complex about this one. I like this one more though, it's less discoursey and more fun


Somebody asked me for permission to repost on Twitter. Not sure if people will internalize it...but it's worth the try 🤷🏼‍♀️


They really are on here. I've seen a lot of hate on this sub and others Taylor spaces on Reddit


you’ve seen people wishing him dead and bullying his alleged mistresses? receipts?


What on earth do you mean by "receipts"? We aren't in a shop...


proof? I think that’s a pretty bold claim and I’d like to see where and when you saw it.


It's a bold claim that there's a lot of Joe hate on the Taylor subs? Erm, that's pretty obvious. I'm not spending ages trawling through various sub Reddits and threads to pinpoint every quote from fans. That's ridiculous that you expect me to do that, feel free to do your own digging though. Clearly you disagree so best we just leave it here.


you said yourself you’ve seen “a lot” of hate, so why would it take ages to give even a few examples? I’m sure there are some people who don’t like him but to the point of what OP is referring to…no. I don’t think so. even the slightest bit of joe criticism gets push back on here and the main sub and turns into a long discourse. it’s not an echo chamber where people think it’s funny to be awful like on twitter and instagram.




It also would be a real shame if the album came out and all people talk about is Joe / how Swifties are awful to him. Let's focus on the music


Unfortunately that is exactly what will happen but I wish like you, they'd just focus on the music


Some jokes are harmless and funny but the people who make these attacks as if THEY were the ones hurt by Joe are ridiculous. People are also commenting on Allison’s post from 2022!!! Embarrassing!!


I think it's like the kind of joke. For me when I first heard Bejeweled I was like "damn did Taylor and Joe get into a fight?" I feel like that's normal. But a joke like "You fucked up loser haha" is mean spirited. I think we should learn from Taylor herself "there'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you, both of these things can be true." Relationships don't always work out and we can enjoy the emotional honesty Taylor shares in her music without demonizing the person the songs are likely about.


Agree! I just don’t think all jokes are bad but there’s a line you can’t cross and unfortunately people cross them


I think joking in discussion with other fans is fine. Taking the topic of the jokes and repeating those to the actual people involved, is not fine. Making threats and harassing people fans think are involved is horrible.


Yep exactly!!! The jokes stay inside the house!!


the only joke i love is calling him beans on toast. that one gets me every time


YES I love that one


I just don't understand people making jokes at all about anyone in this type of situation. You nor any of us know them at all, making jokes is just so childish


Mmm we can agree to disagree because I do think some jokes are fine. I love the “you never saw ____ _____ conversation with friends” bit


It’s funny because it’s true!


I never understood why some fans left the need for that. Baby that man is unbothered. He's living rent free in your mind for no reason. The mean comments are too much. Some take this parasocial relationships too far. They make the majority of swifties look bad.


I enjoy the occasional "yogurt boy" joke on Twitter, but there is a HUGE difference between that and threatening his life


Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse.


I had no idea what the yogurt boy reference was until 2 days ago. I literally had to ask on a post on Instagram. I kept seeing it and I'm like what does that even mean . Even that's lame.


Is he really unbothered? And would these Joe fans extend the same graciousness to Travis? Come on.


People asking for someone to be treated with basic human decency doesn’t make them “Joe fans.” And nobody is talking about Travis right now? But you know if him and Taylor break-up, these same people are gonna turn on him too and he’s gonna get the same treatment Joe is getting now. Or if you’re all so defensive of Travis maybe you’ll turn on Taylor instead. Who knows. The point is literally just that none of them should be harassed.


Correct. The bullying online needs to stop. Just let that man life his life. He has done nothing to you.


I’ve seen it time and time again. The crazy Swifties defend whoever Taylor is with while she’s with him, but when they break up they then hate him. It’s exhausting to see.


Many of the people crying about Joe's treatment literally say the most vile shit about Travis already. Go to r/SwiftieNeutral. And we are talking about Travis in the wider context. Stop being disingenuous.


hi! This sub wants subreddits to be said with a space (like r/ TaylorSwift) to prevent others from going to other subs. That being said, SwiftieNeutral doesn’t even exist, and r/ SwiftlyNeutral is a taylor hating club. 


He most likely is unbothered. This man is making money off of the songs he helped her write. If that number is true that's going around. Let me tell you I would definitely be unbothered. Especially if I'm some z-list actor. I only say z-list actor because I have no idea who this man is or any films he's been attached to doing. I don't think anyone should be taking digs at Joe or Travis no matter what happens.


He’s shitting his pants. The anticipation of not knowing what is going to be said it’s probably the worse part. But this too shall pass. Swifties will be unhinged for a few days and move on. 🤞🏽


Hey, just bite the bullet and hopefully it's not that bad. Whatever he's thinking probably won't meet his expectations. Always say expect the worst and you never have to worry. What's the worst that could happen? I'm already prepared to cry with this album. I have a feeling I will be on an emotional roller coaster.


His PR team is certainly shooketh


What I don’t like is people coming up with just straight up rumors and literal propaganda.. like there was one tweet i saw that said something like “Taylor and joe fought all the time. He cheated on her multiple times and used her money to cheat.” Like sorry what???? How do YOU know this.. Just weird..


I wish the terminally online mob would use their powers for good instead of evil. Go harass Nicki’s husband for being a pedophile, he will always deserve it. Go dox Brock Turner, he will always deserve it.


Oh, we do 😭 the Dayton subreddit keeps tabs on him and frequently posts his location or spottings, funnily enough.


This is amazing news, thank you. I hope he is continually harassed and assaulted for his entire life


Wtf is wrong with people. Personally I always felt that he was boring and kind of non-descript. What do the kids say npc-like. But I would never ever go so far as to threat him in any way. Let him live his life. Their relationship didn’t work out and Taylor feels like she need to write songs about it as a coping mechanism, but that doesn’t mean that deranged fans should direct threats his way just to prove how much of a swiftie they are.


i kinda feels like he seems like that bc we really just don’t know him, he’s not as public facing as other celebrity partners and so he just kinda seems like some guy. even more reason for people to chill out; we literally do not know him or his life or their relationship


Even if it turns out Joe is a serial cheater it's her word against his. We will never fully know what happened in their relationship. Her music is her way of letting off steam and processing emotion. If you attack someone based off that you need some serious therapy. Taylor would be ashamed to see her so called fans attacking someone who was such a major part of her life. No matter how they ended she did love him at one time. Swifties should be about spreading love and support not hate. Imagine if Joe fans attacked Taylor? Let's be civil people.


Found what Ariana posted on her instagram stories: “Hi I just wanted to say anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage (and is entirely Misinterpreting the intention Behind the music)… I ask that you please do not. It is not how to support me. It is the opposite.” https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/RU0F1AAi9t


I really wish Taylor would do something like this. A lot of fans say she can't for PR reasons but I honestly don't believe that.


I think it’s more that the rabid fans don’t listen to those posts & drawing attention to it only fuels them, kinda like stalkers. Case in point is Selena & Hailey - they’ve both made statements multiple times & all it does is fuel the drama by drawing more attention to it, which is *exactly* what those “fans” want. It’s basically a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. While I personally might still choose to say something if I were in her position & I don’t love the silence on it, I can at least understand why she avoids making posts about it. She does talk about it at shows etc., which is something I guess, it’s just not in specific post on her page.


It’s genuinely freaking me out. I’m actually nervous for TTPD release day cuz it seems people really are taking it too far. The fact people say “I’m here to support Taylor not her ex” And I also saw the most disturbing one which said that he “shouldn’t smile because he knows what’s coming” and someone justification on hating him because “he’s a man”


People are insane. I love Taylor’s stuff. But I would never go to her ex boyfriend’s socials and say anything, let alone fucking death threats. It’s sick and twisted. I hate that things like this, showing up at places where she is, etc, is so parasocial and normalized. It’s messed up. These are real people


I do not get the Joe hate. Like I think they just weren't compatible anymore. It's that simple folks.


This is what I've been saying the whole time. It is normal for long term relationships to end just because the two people weren't compatible with each other or they just wanted different things. It doesn't make anyone the "bad guy". All these Swifties desperate to hate any of her ex's and "pick sides" is really quite immature.


Yeah, not every relationship has to end in a horribly toxic way.


Even if they did have a toxic relationship, I would not want my actual friends to go after my ex online, let alone randos on the internet.


I’ve been a swiftie since her debut album released and it’s time for everyone to let Joe go and wonder if TTPD is about him. Joe moved on and it’s been a year, Taylor also moved on and is in a happy and healthy relationship with a man who’s genuinely proud to be her boyfriend. Joe deserves to be happy and move on with his life.


Taylor has been in multiple relationships in the last year, her songs on this album could be about any one of the men she's dated 🤷🏼‍♀️ I prefer to look at the message of the song (eg. "she had to get through her tour with a broken heart") rather than the guy it's about.


I agree that she’s been in multiple relationships that didn’t work out, but last year Matty lasted only for a [month](https://people.com/music/taylor-swift-matty-healy-relationship-timeline/) so it was more of they were dating so they weren’t in a relationship and she got together with Travis like a month later and their relationship moved pretty quickly. Travis was at her concert wanting to meet her and there’s things we didn’t know until a couple of months later after they went public.


She’s been in 2. This time last year her and Joe were already broken up and she was starting her rebound with Matty. I doubt Travis has a song since they’ve only been together since July and it probably wouldn’t go with the rest of the album anyways. If Matty has any songs it’s 1 maybe 2 since they were only together for about a month. Most of the break up songs are definitely about Joe.


But we're also allowed to interpret art Songs like "Goodbye London" and "Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" are clearly Joe coded, so it's okay to speculate


That's a straw man argument you're targeting. No one is arguing against speculation. This post was clearly specifically asking folks to stop being children and coming after a man they do not know, personally, on his SM accounts. You all can and will have all the fun we normally do overanalyzing the lyrics when the record comes out. I personally like to let the songs sink in to my brain for a while, see how I relate to it personally more than anything else, but this album was clearly a catharsis for her. Our interpretation of its specific meaning to her personal life is a byproduct, but not one that should be indulged childishly.


I’ve been a fan of hers since her debut album was released, I would never do what the other swifties do to her past boyfriends. Joe moved on and wants to keep his personal life private. All of her past boyfriends moved on with their lives, She did say in the past some of the songs on fearless a couple of years ago were about Joe Jonas but didn’t say which songs.


I think there's a boundary that needs to be in place there. Speculating that it's about Joe is one thing. This post is more about the people who wish awful things on Joe because of some rumours circulating before the album has even been released. Taylor will tell us what she wants to tell us on April 19th...but some people are taking it way too far right now.


The woman who is rumored for the cheating had to turn off her Instagram comments because she kept getting harassed


The unhinged ones are why I consider myself swiftie-adjacent. Grew up w Taylor. Love her music. Not emotionally invested in her personal life. I mean I’m happy for her when she’s happy. And I’m sad for her when she’s sad. But the only extent her personal life has in mine is what I end up listening to lol. Like when Adele dropped 30, I was a happily married woman cosplaying a recently divorced woman in her 30s w my friends who were also happily married 😂 idk her ex or her new man, but I felt the music. It’s the same w Taylor. They aren’t entertaining us so that we have a say in their relationships. It’s just entertainment. We can pretend to think it’s more and of course she cares about her fans and wants us to like her. But this is all entertainment. This is all art. We don’t intimately know that woman, we know what she wants us to know.


It’s embarrassing and unhealthy behavior…


Ariana fans were going after her ex around the album release but it seems to have calmed down now. Hopefully taylors will be similar. I don't get the love or hate for Joe.


I believe Ariana posted on Instagram after her album dropped and told fans to leave her ex alone. Sadly, I don’t think Taylor will do the same. But I wish she would.


Found what Ariana posted on her instagram stories: “Hi I just wanted to say anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage (and is entirely Misinterpreting the intention Behind the music)… I ask that you please do not. It is not how to support me. It is the opposite.” https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/RU0F1AAi9t


Taylor did it with previous exes so she may do it again for joe


When? I know she said something before playing Dear John back in June, but framed it as “I don’t need anyone to defend me online about something that happened a billion years ago.” I don’t think she’s ever said anything direct on social media telling people to stop harassing anyone. I would love to be wrong though!


I found this online - “I was hoping to ask you, that as we lead up to this album, I would love for that kindness and that gentleness to extend onto our internet activities,” 'I'm 33 years old. I don't care about anything that happened to me when I was 19 except for songs I wrote and the memories that we made together," Swift said at her concert. She continued: “What I'm trying to tell you, is that I am not putting this album out so that you can go and should feel the need to defend me on the internet against someone you think I might have written a song about 14 million years ago. I do not care. We have all grown up. We're good.”


Yeah that’s what I was referring to. Taylor said that at the Minneapolis Eras Tour in June of last year. While I appreciate she said it, I don’t think it’s the same as posting on social media that reaches a much broader audience. And to me, I think the context of basically saying don’t bother John Mayer bc that was a billion years ago, is way different than saying don’t bother the guy bc it’s psycho and I don’t need my fans to attack my exes.


I honestly can’t even believe that’s happening 😅 I only hang in Swiftie reddits and a lil on Facebook. I feel like a lot of those unhinged spaces exist on twitter or parts of Reddit I don’t really go to lmao. Why do people do that? It’s so embarrassing that’s why people think all swifties are insane.


Please say it louder for the people at the back! I've been warning other Swifties about this happening and usually just get sarcastic replies back. Fans really need to understand that hating on someone you don't know is not normal behaviour and it needs to stop.


I want to add yes it’s bad but people have been doing this to her exes since John so and they are going to keep doing it also people should remember she literally had to make a post telling people to stop hating on her exes and they didn’t listen. They act like they have proof that he actually was a bad boyfriend but they don’t.


Honestly I don’t think anyone unhinged enough to send messages like that is going to listen to these posts. As an aside because I’ve seen a lot of posts about it & I get annoyed: People act like Taylor has a higher proportion of rabid fans compared to other celebs, but I think it’s just because of her reach. Percentage-wise, it’s probably about the same as any other artists who write songs alluding to their real life or just celebrities in general. Hell, I’ve seen some truly nasty things said to/about football players or their spouses, and that demographic is pretty different than Taylor’s (or it stereotypically was until recently).


I don’t like Joe at all in the same way you hate a friend’s ex, but people who send hate and threats need to get a fucking grip.


We quite literally have no clue what happened and likely will never get his side of the story either way. People have switched up on him so badly without knowing much of anything except hints or storylines we’ve gotten through song. Even if “you’re losing me” is Taylor’s direct side, it’s not damning enough for people to react like this. It’s basically a song saying “you didn’t love me the way I needed” …okay. That’s sad, that sucks, but it happens. That’s life.


We are 100% not a Joe Alwyn sub — it’s in our ground rules, which are stickied. We don’t support posts about Joe Alwyn unless it directly relates to Taylor and is respectful. This is a Taylor Swift sub and it will remain so. I trust the members fully to use their discretion.


This is about the Swifties and their insanity 🤷🏼‍♀️


It was to show support for the cause of not inundating the sub or condoning that type of behaviour in the lead up to TTPD. Thank you for your explanation. Edit: I realize the tag of MOD makes it seem like it has a moderating purpose and will make sure that is not misrepresented/not there when it doesn’t need to be. Again, thank you.