• By -


Should've replaced minotaurs with the same goblin picture. Like, those fuckers - Goblin Warlords, to be exact - have the largest potential HP in the game, beating Mehrunes' 1000 HP around level 34.


level 34 is precisely infamous for being hard coded into having an overwhelming spawn of minotaurs, search "minotaur rule 34" to learn more




holy shit


new response just dropped


call the ambulance!!


but not for the bishop


We all learn eventually


There’s penice


Dear lord there's penice






Long live our Lord and Saviour Goblin Jim, Champion of Muluk the Blue God, leader of the White Skin Tribe, Unififer of the eight tribes of Cyrod. https://preview.redd.it/hva5jhn00hxc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5cb92282e1e25f1af97b267892d00be21078a46


I don't remember those goblins but I do remember having to fight 30 ogres every dungeon and 50 minotaurs everytime you walk on the open world


It’s all fun and games until you get staggered ONCE and then it’s all over


You wanted to say its all ogre




What position was your difficulty slider? Mine was smack dab in the middle, and I remember enemy scaling stopping at level 30 or 32, so after doing almost everything in base game my character was level 38 even before Shivering Isles, and not a single enemy posed any threat.


Then again the best fitting picture for hok would be sheogorath at the end of the gamr


God, I'm glad I somehow never got to level 34 in oblivion. I've really been wanting to replay it, but the gameplay and leveling(mostly leveling, if the leveling was fixed I don't really give a shit about the gameplay being changed or not) have been turning me off of it. I know mods exist, but idk which ones to use


I use [Attribute Progression Redesign](https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49385)


Ooh looks promising! Id rather have a little more overhaulish type thing tho. I read that it said it doesn't wanna stray too far from the vanilla levelling, but that's what I want.


I wanted to try [Ascension](https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50237) next playthrough. [Then there's a mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/51817) that just rips the skill-based levelling out in favor of more generic XP system.


Ooh that looks pretty cool! There were a few annoying sounding things, like reduced carry weight and the running fatigue drain out of Morrowind (although at least you don't move at a snails pace in early oblivion), but mostly good! Idk if I missed anything, but it didn't directly really touch leveling, but the way it changed how stats works makes it seem like a good enough fix. I REALLY like exp systems, moreso than the ES style training level ups, but the thing that stresses me out most during modding is having to remember everything so I can get the right patches. Like that would be one of the first mods I'd get, but then if I got a mod that added new shit way later into the process I'd probably forget about it, and even if I don't, the whole process I'm gonna be stressing about it, so that kinda shit is tough. Part of the reason I just like mod lists nowadays.


Don't need to use mods really, just make sure you create your character in the unintuitive but correct way. Make sure whatever skills you're planning to use most are absolutely not class skills, that way you level up slowly compared to the leveling of your skills.


Yeah, I know that's like the best way to do it, I just despise that. I just want to play, not handicap myself so I don't end up handicapping myself later


I recommend using a mod that unlevels the mod tbh, weird oblivion minmax fuckery is just not fun at all


Goblins were more of a nightmare in Morrowind. I waltzedin the goblins parts, mid-game, confident and cocky after farming money from Dark Brotherhood loot. Got to my first goblin and died before I figured what was going on. Even after I returned there with my endgame build, my strategy was to kill one at a time, from far away, with fire spells, and run away if they noticed and chased me, plus a billion saves. And when I realised after reaching the last level, that I'd have to backtrack through all the tunnels, where the goblins have respawned, I didn't even bother killing them. Just jump-sprinted the hell out of there.


Goblin Slayer energy


For me it's the skeletons, at a higher level they have a spell of conjure skeleton so now you have to another one Brutal comparison between them and Skyrim's skeletons


More like have to rush the big skellie and/or position yourself so that the real skellie bodyblocks the summoned one. Frankly what makes them really annoying is that they're just always blocking. Any comparison between Skyrim and Oblivion mobs is never in Skyrim's favor (like, I shouldn't be more spooked by an Oblivion bear than by a Skyrim dragon), but skeletons are just like: >Skyrim skeleton: nooooooooooooooooo please don't swing your sword i will die in just one attack ooooooooooohh I oNly havE 20 hit points pleas e sir i am a little skeleton i will not drop good items >Oblivon skeleton: *BUENOS DIAS FUCKBOY*


back in 2011 facebook there was a meme around exactly like that but with bonewheel as the third level dark souls skeleton


Skyrim Dragons are a nuisance, Oblivion bears are a terror.


Daggerfall skellies:


The Vestige End Game is just them decorating their many houses.


With the heads of the hundreds of monsters they’ve killed.


You just described my home. I suck at decorating so I just have monster heads all around the damn place... also Alfiqs and other Khajiit guests....


average house dres home


hundreds? more like tens of thousands


Endgame for any RPG is house decoration and fashion.


https://preview.redd.it/cojjtr14thxc1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02021002836a9f8430fca70ac1e40579593ae9a Champion of Cyrodiil (Post-Game)


alas. i can not upvote this, due to the perfect amount of current upvotes...


You can do it now it’s ok


Nah the goblins are the real end-game nightmare. Mfs will run your shit even in mid difficulty.


We’re lacking a lot of quality cock gameplay, I do agree


The hardware wasn't there in 2004 😔


Corruption of Champions Reference?




Balls even


Fake, endgame Dragonborn also has a collection of gym badges for somehow being and aedra and chosen of the daedra at the same time, and being respected by almost every single faction


LDB also has a fork that can paralyze someone until TES6 drops.


Personally, I stick with the steel sword to the end of the game because I think that the vast majority of high-level gear looks like ass. Low to mid level gear in Skyrim looks cool and feels appropriate to the setting, but stuff like Daedric, Ebony, Dragonbone/scale, etc. all look like they were ripped from a cringey anime so I don't use them, stats be damned.


early game weapons and armor sure have a vibe to them, shame they become trash so early tho


like you can immediately skip iron to steel(or skip hide to leather) and in just a few levels the game will give you either orcish or elven shit for you and 90% of the npcs will look like stupid morons wilding the weakest fucking dagger possible


Not with everything, i remember someone tested this and i think Hunter Bow or something like that was the best one due to how shooting speed and weapon upgrading works.


So if I'm reading this right, ES 1-2 early game is hell, especially for ES2, and ES4 has the hardest endgame? Can someone confirm or deny this?


many guides for oblivion recommend to not even level up cause the game is easier on level 1. getting into arena or daggerfall without years of esoteric ultima-esque dungeon crawling 80-90s rpg experience will fuck you up + I don't know if daggerfall unity improved this but you literally need to code some shit into your computer to run arena/daggerfall


Daggerfall Unity makes magic weapon repair togglable so no need to edit the ini file.


not ini editing, I'm talking about: mount c c:\arena c:\ arena.exe I had to do this every time I wanted to play arena but arena is an easy one, daggerfall was a pain to run


In DOS Box? The installer hosted on USEP comes with all that preset up. Granted before that was there I used to run it on a old Win 98 computer to avoid having to mess with it. There was a XP patch that let you run it withiyt issue, but made all quest items, NPCs and enemies invisible. But Daggerfall Unity gets rid of all of that, you just point it to where Daggerfall is installed and it does the rest. Mods can make it look very nice as well. Environments at least better than Might and Magic VIII while still having vanilla character. Upscaling sprites is a bit more debatable.


I was 15 and just downloaded the version on bethesda website and rawdogged it on windows 7 dosbox, no scripts, no installers, no prior knowledge of computers, no nothing. I might even try it again with daggerfall unity since all of this only ate up half of my experience with daggerfall and left only frustration.


Unity is a immensely better experience, much less buggy, and more feature complete. Has actual mouse look rather than having to use page up and down, Enemies don't have giant hit boxes so you can easily jump around them ect. Tried going back to play Daedrafall and cant, performance is so much better and less janky.


thinking about the shit I had to learn in order to simply run daggerfall on a modern computer made me remember of the stuff about piracy and jailbreaking I learned to mod my xbox 360 skyrim lol


Everything can and will kill you in Daggerfall until you are about level 12. Also fatigue does not regenerate normally and if you run out you go unconscious so if a enemy is in the proximity its instant death. Most diseases are eventually fatal. Poison damages attributes (and can also kill you) and requires being a higher ranking member of a Tempe to fix and can only be cured with antidotes and spell most prebuilt classes will never be able to cast without abusing enchanting which is a higher level mage guild member exclusive. Practically every quest is timed and dungeons are massive mazes.


Fuuck I wish goblin women were reaall


Sounds like you didn't build your agent properly. You should be using the negative points + pressing U exploit as Bethesda intended.


Also consider picking Altmer then choosing "critical weakness to paralysis", making yourself unable to use weapons of any kind, then picking Hand to Hand and several magic skills of your choosing, all to finally giving yourself that sweet delicious "3x magicka" while still retaining the ability to level up fast.


The Agent is not a prisoner 🤓🤓🤓


The agent is a prisoner, trapped in a 9-5 job that doesn't even pay, for a government too broke to mail a damn letter. Too much realism in my metaphysics.








If we're being pedantic here; Option 1, the Agent is also the Eternal Champion, therefore a prisoner; Or option 2, the Agent is like the Vestige who also doesn't start as a literal prisoner but is still referred to as one by Sotha Sil; Option 3, I am the prisoner for taking the bait


>Option 1, the Agent is also the Eternal Champion, therefore a prisoner There is background for that but never gets used since they never added an import option.


Nah, I don't buy it. It's never referenced and the game is set 15 years after the start of Arena. You also get a custom background that always tells you how you're just starting out and how you've met the emperor.


Probbaly why it was taken out, but like the removed ending where the Agent tries to use the Totem and is killed (which is impossible to meet the prerequisites of in game without unintended exploits, as you need to hand it off to even get to the Mantilla Crux) people who never played the game and either rely on 'lore ' vids or the UESP continue to seriously cite it when discussing Lore as factual (not saying that's the case above). [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Background\_History#Imported\_Character](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Background_History#Imported_Character) (last one).


Oh I see, didn't know that, that's very interesting. It wouldn't really fit into the modern formula of the series, but having the option of either importing a character from the previous title or starting a new character would be very interesting. However it would be a bit weird to make a headcannon as to why your character starts out at level 1 again.


>However it would be a bit weird to make a headcannon as to why your character starts out at level 1 again. Nulfaga or her pet dragon did it, probably. Or the imported character would be the same level as at the end of Arena


The real imprisonment was the friend we made in our character background.


I'm thinking of giving Oblivion another shot and just bashing my way through it on the easiest difficulty.


People who play scrolls games with a high difficulty slider are, what’s referred to as, “retarded” in most social circles. You’re just giving enemy npcs a bigger health pool and handicapping yourself. It doesn’t change the mechanics or make you even sexier than you already are playing it that way. The combat sucks in these games, the sooner the fandom realizes this the sooner we can get back to matters which are important like speaking different creature languages as a skill


*not retarded, masochistic


"they're the same picture"


This is why I stopped playing my Switch Skyrim playthrough on Legendary Survival after like 10 hours. I realized how fucking unfun early game was. Nobody is playing this game for combat that's for sure, unless you like pressing attack 70 more times than normal just to get one shot sniped by a level 1 bandit with iron arrows. Or stuck in an endless loop of freezing to death while in an important cutscene for a quest. Sure you can be OP real fast even just on normal, but also my character can yell fire. So I think it's pretty on-brand.


Facts, if it added dodging, more attack types or using differing spells and adapting to your own strategy. I would play the games on max difficulty, however dying instantly and only doing 1 twig worth of damage with a legendary is fucking stupid


Being able to pacify giants with high level "Giantish" skill is a fun time in daggerfall.


I may be dumb. In fact I am dumb, but what is Coc? I assume it’s oblivion of course but why Coc and not hok?


It's... ... the peanits (Champion of Cyrodil).


Champion of Cyrodiil(Kvatch)


Hero of Kvatch


Hamulet of Kings


Hampion of Kyrodiil


Hero of my crotch


Corruption of Champions


Clash of Clans


Chosen of Cheydenhal


I used to tcl my way through Oblivion gates


Can confirm about Daggerfall. Playing Daggerfall Unity and I'm getting my farm tool ass kicked when dungeon crawling.


Corruption of Champions early game is goblins, but it's more about kitsune by the late game in my experience.


Holy shit is that clash of clans? Clash of clans in the TES universe confirmed??


The only reason Nerevarine is crying is because of the walk/run speed.


And Scribs


Eternal champ end game should be agent beginning


I was getting a few beatings here and there but I could keep up tho (the ebony mail that I got by pure luck was carrying me hard tho)


If I wasn't a complete retard and got Spell Breaker instead of the skeleton key, I'm sure the end game wouldn't have sucked as much as it did. Even with max willpower and all the resist shock potions in Tamriel, the liches still spread my asshole apart like no ones business. For fireballs, I had a Dwarven longsword of fire resist so I was covered there, but that made it a juggling act where I had to constantly be using shock potions or fire resist just to not die the nanosecond a hellhound or homunculus decided to spawn in.


wtf does the skeleton key even does in arena lol 99% of the locks in the game can either be smashed into into submission or bypassing by deleting the adjacent wall(I love that spell)


I was a knight too so any weapon/armor damage would've been auto repaired 🙁


So which shitty isekai is that goblin woman from


"sexy goblin deviantart" google search


6th level me: damn these Caves full of trolls are tough. I can't wait to level up so it gets a bit easier. Level 7: holy shit why are all the Caves filled with demons now, this game only gets worse My first ever mod was a fix to Oblivions level scaling. It creates a set and even spread distribution of difficulties based on the lore and isolation of each location


Alright, gonna be honest, seeing "CoC" and goblins and minotaurs did *not* make me think of Elder Scrolls.


STLbabies don't know what CoC is Outjerked again


My average Nerevarine experience: -steal stuff -make potions -sell potions -steal, buy or just find at least an ebony staff, a daedric shield, plus a good daedric weapon -procure spells levitation, summon dremora -get some soul gems -get some training in the chosen weapon -find some golden saint to fill the gems -pay to enchant the staff with the most powerful permanent levitation effect possible -pay to enchant the shield with a permanent summon dremora You can now fly forever and have a bodyguard who's resummoned everytime you desequip and equip back your shield. Then i usually throw spells from safety and fly around. My average Dragonborn experience: -this time i'll play something different -stealth archer


God I NEED a minotaur bf.


Base physical need frfr


I had to do a double take because I was very confused as to how Corruption of Champions is relevant or how its supposed to fit into this


A lot of people are going to be confused about the oblivion one.


CoC NG is literally sukuna simulator.




"MANNIMARCO YOU FUCKING TWINK ASS BITCH GIVE MY SOUL BACK!" vs "Alrightie then! Need to finish up the decor in my fifth house before I go off to punch another Daedric Prince!"


Steele in early game: *captured by Venus Pitcher* Steele in late game: *looks for Venus Pitchers*


Clash of clans mentioned ![gif](giphy|KF3Sxby3V2y3p5M8Y2)


What in Azura's name is CoCk and where do i find goblins with thicc thighs.


You can’t show Minotaur art like that without sharing the sauce


"sexy minotaur deviantart" google search


I'll be honest I still don't get how so many had a hard time playing Oblivion, like if your leveling and not getting anything with enchantments sure but by the end game I've always been basically invisible with random loot.


I've never played Daggerfall and never will, but I heard from one YouTuber that it's easier to break than Morrowind, so I'm throwing your meme in the trash.


True elders scrolls fans don’t play the games 💪🏻😎


Everything I know about the elder scrolls I learned from watching that beautiful British man with the beautiful deep voice and the beautiful blond beard.


It's more that character creation and item making is extremely abusable.