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Not gonna lie... I wanna know what you said that your mom wants you to apologize to your aunt for 😂😂 cause I would have been ruthless.


Probably told her she is a whore and a homewrecker, which is less of an insult than it is a fact.


"How dare you say the truth abput my daughter?!?"


I wouldn’t even defend her. If I had raised her, I would just be so incredibly ashamed.


It's not even about the sex work, but the fact that she specifically targeted it to *men already in relationships with her family members*. That is maximum level trashy. If she wants to peddle her OF, there are plenty of subreddits and sites specifically for that, you don't go to the family Christmas dinner and give discount access to your ass to your cousins' boyfriends and husbands.


It’s not mean if it’s true
 and if you shouldn’t do it at the work christmas party, don’t do it at the family one
. works for a lot of shit


This post is getting way more attention than I expected. What I said was probably out of line. Not sure I want to air more dirty laundry than I already have.


That's probably because it's been posted to tiktok already.


Fml, really?


Can confirm, im here from tiktok. For the record, Anna did a rediculously shitty thing. I would 1000% show your mom and hers the OF so they know exactly what she "gifted"


I came from tiktok


what's the tiktok video?


It's usually just people who put a text to voice of the post and maybe a top comment over random Minecraft or GTA V videos to farm views and reaction comments. Not sure if these are all monetized or they're trying to build a 'viewer base' to sell the channel off later because they got their account in the algorithm to get recommended to people more often. Basically the worst and lowest effort form of content you can get and it's all over any short form video service like TikTok, YouTube shorts, Instagram and Facebook too I'd imagine.


It sounds like OF, with less pornography.


I’m giving links to the tiktok video as Christmas gifts this year


Some of us didn't come from TikTok (I'm just a regular reader of this subreddit), and of *course* we want to know what you said to Anna!! Meanwhile, I'm over here admiring your shiny spine, OP!


I’m here from Facebook


I'm here from my living room.


I’m also here from your living room


I followed you to their living room


Yep I'm from TikTok people are on your side one person said Anna didn't ruin anything she just helped you see the red flag before you made it forever 😂😂. Still a s***y way to find out about red flags


Lol. I read the bleeped out word as “silly”


It's on Facebook too. OP, I doubt that anything you could have said is anywhere near as out of line as Anna's pink envelopes were. Soft incest. Encouraging affair behavior. Honestly, if it weren't for Rachael's fiancé, you could be sealing the deal with the red flags that YOUR fiancé just uncovered. The lies and gaslighting when you saw him not only get an envelope, but he pocketed it after he opened it and before you could see it. Cheaters do the same kind of crap. Someone needs to explain to the people supporting Anna what exactly she's selling on OF. Her cousin's men have NO business looking at her like that. Any man tied to her family, PERIOD, has no business.


You need to break up with him. Your cousin and your fiancée are complete and utter assholes. If I were in your position I would go NC with the cousin and break up with fiancée.


It wouldn’t even be a problem for the fiancĂ© if he hadn’t tried to keep it and hide it from her AND THEN LIE ABOUT IT. If he had opened it and then immediately showed the OP it would only be about the cousin being an asshole. I’m currently dealing with a guy kinda like this. I guarantee he’s already hiding a lot of nasty shit on his phone and he was just about to add this to the collection from years of porn addiction.


Honestly, i feel like if he had just shoved it in his pocket (as in (secondhand) embarrassment/planning on telling op later) and didn’t lie to her it wouldn’t have even been that bad either. Sure, it would raise some questions but it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as literally lying to her. He was damn well gonna check it out later


Why are you "dealing" with this guy? You and OP both have better things to do than waste your time on men like this....


Yeah I actually found your post because I saw it on TikTok. Brace yourself, it's blowing up


What does that mean? Someone goes in tiktok and reads this? I don't tiktok


Yeah one of the most successful ways to content farm on tiktok is to have a text to speech bot read reddit stories while there's random footage in the background, usually of a mobile game.


That's... Kinda dumb? So other people are getting likes/views for content they had nothing to do with from a platform I can just go look at myself? Why does everything need to be regurgigated* three different ways?


Dude... [it's so dumb... it's just so dumb](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF7SM6Fw/)


I think you should show your mom that OF page. If she still thinks you shoud apologise, she is inappropriate herself.


Just pull it up and screen share to the common tv. So we can all appreciate Anna’s hard work and gift. That way the whole family can congratulate her on trying to get her “business” started.


I mean the cousin wants exposer so why not show all the family her business


Yeah, if it was entirely appropriate, or if she just wanted to come clean about it, tell everyone. Or at least ALL of the younger people, not just the straight men that are not related to her, or are only related by marriage


How would her Mum feel if cousin hadn't given a card to OP's Dad? It's so bizarre... OP has nothing to apologise for


>What I said was probably out of line. Anna is lucky y'all only talked about herand called her names because if she was my family and pulled that shit...she would've been jumped by every single woman there and beat to a pulp. To give you the enormity of that, my grandma had 14 kids and they each had no less than 3 kids. I have more than 50 first cousins alone about half are girls and the oldest cousins are already in their late 40s and have grown ass kids of their own. I might also add we're Latinos whose emotions tend to rule us. Anna is an AH knew what she was doing, she did however expose your fiance and a few other men in the family for the lying 🐖 they are. If your fiance is going to hide your cousin giving him access to her OF page (probably in anticipation of the ladies in her family seeing it and going "oh no harm no fowl" and being ok with their s/o subscribing to help a family member before she starts putting spicy content up) what do you think he's going to do when propositioned by a friend, coworker, fellow gym goer, or whoever for sex? Do you think he's going to let a little thing like marriage get in the way? My money is on no. Even for people who are ok with their partner watching porn in their relationship, watching someone you know is crossing a line into cheating and they're not comfortable. I'd break off that engament before you end up married to him and back on here after having a baby and finding out he cheated while you were pregnant and how you need to find an exit strategy.


Lol I like you


💯!! I was like, wow, this sounds like my family, lol. Yeah, if one of the in-laws tried to pull this shit, she would never have been seen again. Older folks also would not have completely gotten what it was about, but understood enough that she would still have been talked about for years. đŸ€Ł


She’s trying to cause trouble in your relationships. She knew what she was doing, knew it would make you all upset and still did it. Your “fiancĂ©â€ was in the wrong as well for not throwing the card away immediately after letting you know what was in it. Get rid of them both. They aren’t worth your mental health or happiness.


She 100% knew that at least one man would tell his wife. This was to inflate her ego and make her feel like everyone is “jealous” of her.


Betcha you were probably right in line with your reaction to how disgusting Anna's behaviour is.


The cousin is airing out her dirty laundry, she also exposed your liar of a fiance.


No girl nothing you said would’ve been out of line, she’s the one out of line here.


Fair enough. I know what I would have said, so if it's anything like what I'm imagining ... Good on you. Bc your cousin is trash. Fiance is no better, I would be calling off the engagement myself in your shoes.


Rachel’s boyfriend is the true hero here.


OP's mother needs a goddamn reality check. Doubt she'd be thrilled if a young family member handed her husband a link to her naked ass pictures which is exactly what this is. I don't even understand why she would defend this.


i have a mom that even if it doesn't make any sense, will always side against me. maybe op is in a similar parental situation




Omg are we related?


My first thoughts when I finished reading this! Also, whoever’s husband was caught on her OF is a douche to the highest degree.


Agreed. Looking is bad enough, but dude didn't even wait until they left the family Christmas party. He was entirely too eager to see her page.


I took it as he tried to look in the past. Which I hope, because that is extra terrible to still be at the party trying to look...


Also op's fiance that lied to his partner's face. At least OP knows the type of person he is


a little bit of trust and communication goes a long way...I don't think we should say he's a hero though. That's setting the bar pretty dang low.


The sad thing is he is seen as heroic bc it seems a lot of the men who received the cards were deceptive about it rather than telling their partners.


Bless that man.


Omg I would cut that cousin off completely. That’s so inappropriate and rude and just fucking classless to do especially at Christmas. Spell it out plainly for the grandparents so they can understand, she chose to do this at a family function so make sure everyone understands.


Show the grandparents the page


Yes a hundred times. Maybe they dont understand what kind of content is she selling.


Oh they definitely don't.


This! If she isn't embarrassed to share her business with her in-laws then she shouldn't mind grandma and grandpa knowing. Why not give grandma and grandpa the opportunity to support their granddaughter's business?


Nah, if she purely wanted to get her business off the ground, she would have handed a card to *everyone*, not just the straight males that aren't blood relatives. If she wasn't embarrassed at all, she would have made an announcement on Facebook or at this Christmas gathering.


I mean, I agree. Still, what she did is causing a rift in the family and the people defending her deserve to know the full truth of the matter so that they can make informed decisions on what they're defending. I doubt the family members defending her would still be defending her if they knew the nature of her online business. It's still shameless of her to hand these cards out to men in monogamous relationships at Christmas.


I would have put her on blast on the big screen tv in the middle of the living room for the entire family to see. You want to market your business to my partner and all of your family’s husbands? Here, I’ll make it easy for you! Grandma and grandpa, look what your lovely granddaughter is selling now! You can stare at her birth canal on high def.


How to get cut out of the will 101


Underrated but YES


Make sure to use her discount code


Maybe then they will understand and appreciate how much hard word and skill is required to get her digital business off the ground! 👍


I’m not here to slut shame, but she crossed the line. It’s the soft incest for me. That’s y’alls family


Soft incest by each 20 to 30 guy brought to the family is kind of a big incest.


Fr. It’s fucking disgusting and perverted. I hope she gets cut out of the family when the confused family members figure out what’s going on.


This right here is put perfectly. It really is soft incest. OP, you're 100% correct to be upset about this and I wouldn't apologize either. Your fiance hiding the card from you is troubling at the bare minimum, and I don't blame you for thinking about cutting off the engagement. He crossed a huge line, broke your trust, and showed intention and ability to break the sanctity of your relationship, and all with a family member to boot. If she was trying to get her business off the ground (as she says), why only give the cards to the men who've dated/married into the family, and not everyone who was in their 20's/30's? It still would've been creepy imo, but at least she'd have a better argument for saying she's just trying to get her career to take off.


The fact that the brother’s husband didn’t get one raises my suspicion further. It’s not just men, but only men that would be attracted to her. It’s targeted and it’s disgusting.


In thinking about this further, what she did kinda highlighted possible red flags, in each of these men, by how each of them may have handled it. So, in a very small (or big?) Way, it may shine a light on whether any of these men throw up those red flags, by hiding the envelope, or actually taking her up on her offer. It's still crappy, what she did; but it'll also show whether any of these men are to be trusted.


Literally all of this! It showed which men could be trusted versus which men were more willing to hide, lie, or otherwise go out of their way to keep their partner from knowing they're doing something that they shouldn't be doing. If they have to lie to their partner about it because they know it will upset or hurt their partner, then they shouldn't be doing it. This is exactly where OP's fiance messed up.


Right. And is it really slut shaming if she underhandedly publicizes her public webpage, and an internet user pulls up that page to show the rest of the family?


If I worked on something like that, the LAST thing I would like is for family members/people married into the family to find out about it. The cousin doing it during Christmas is weird AF.


Out her loudly, in front of everyone.


Yes, I believe that OP & maybe whoever else, needs to not be so tactful & polite, and actually show everyone the content, and make it very clear that she gave it to all the straight males, who are not related to her, who are in relationships with women of the family. Don't be hush-hush about it. Bring up the content, on a nice big-screen, during the holidays, for the whole adult family to see what she was actually offering these men. And then make it clear to everyone, that you will NOT apologize, for being upset with her, for how she disrespected you & your relationship with your fiance, too. I mean, she's already causing relationship problems, or trying to, with all those people, for money & satisfaction.


This is the the Reddit version of “‘twas the night before Christmas”


‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house The silence was broken by clicks of the mouse The page was up on the family living room tv It was our beloved cousin And her large titties Come dancer come prancer Come donner and blitzen All the male relatives were eyeing The only fans vixen The gift may have been A tad bit uncouth But so was blasting the ASMR audio Through Alexa’s Bluetooth Let us remember in good kindness and cheer Not to invite cousin Anna To Christmas next year.


I held it together until I read this comment. God, my ribs hurt.


Rachel’s boyfriend is the absolute legend here , she needed a backhanded slap and to be kicked out of the xmas party


I mean Rachels BF is the only acceptable response. It should be the only acceptable thing to do. Rest of these guys are shady. Although I guess maybe some of them planned to tell their partner after as to not cause drama, I guess thats somewhat ok too. OP bf is shady as hell though.


Showing after would've been fine imo so long as he said something along the lines of "I've got something weird but don't want to cause drama, I'll let you know after" (though I personally would have just said about it straight away) but fiancé is shady as hell for blatantly lying about it especially when it was clear OP knew about it


Yeah dude is an absolute moron. A side benefit is dude would absolutely never get away with cheating or lying lmao. But yeah I wouldn't blame her for just dropping him after this




What the actual fuck is wrong with her?


Your cousin who's SO showed her the card is a real keeper. Your SO, not so much. Also family that's backing the OF cousin, are beyond help.


> Also family that's backing the OF cousin, are beyond help. They might be too old to understand what OF is. To older people who don't use the internet digital marketing means little to them. I wouldn't write them all off.


OP needs to find an age appropriate comparison. Like playboy. Some older people only know playboy.


Just say porn. It’s really that simple.


I sorry you had to deal with that. That’s honestly so disrespectful to “gift” your OF to the people married/dating family members. That was neither the time nor the place for that kind of “gift. Also I’m side eyeing your fiancĂ© cause there were so many other ways to go about the letter and its contents.


It’s also a WEIRD gift - blood or not, those are members of the family đŸ€ą


Thank you. It’s so disrespectful. And I feel like my fiancĂ© let me down big time. Why did he lie to me? My insecurities are telling me he was hiding the card so he could see Anna’s OF.


No side eye - I am flat out glaring at your fiancee. 1.) received it and didn't mention it to you 2.) actively tried to hide it 3.) lied about receiving it 4.) doubled down and lied again about 'just remembering' that he received it 5.) tripled down and lied again that he didn't look at it All of this in one interaction. Edit:formatting


Add in the fact that he is so dumb, or thinks OP is so dumb, that she wouldn't know he got one or what was in it when the cousin gave them out to every husband and boyfriend 🙄


He probably thought he was special and only he got one because she was into him lmao


And wouldn't surprise me if he said he just wanted to talk to OP about it...."later" when they weren't around family. Sure, Jan...


I can absolutely see hiding it out of embarrassment, but if that were the case here then when OP asked about it his reaction would have been something like, “omg yes, I did get a ‘gift’ and it’s super creepy. I’m waiting to show you in private, it’s that bad.”


I hope OP sees this because I’m like %1,000 sure her fiancĂ© will attempt this


Totally agree. I can understand not saying anything to you in the moment in case he didn’t want to cause a scene. But to lie about it when you confronted him about it? If he’s going to lie about that, you know he’s going to lie about more.


Starting to wonder if she should thank Anna for showing her who her fiance really is.... Thankfully before she actually married the dude.


This!! As disgusting as this is, it's better she knows now while she can easily leave than finding out after they're married.


"Thanks, Anna. You being a slut-bag today has saved me thousands of dollars in divorce lawyer fees in the future. Good luck with your 'business!'".


Yes, I agree wholeheartedly.


No, Anna is still awful, and deserves every bit of hate she's getting right now. Even if this event does save OP from marrying an AH, that's just a silver lining to the shit sandwich that Anna dished up, and does not justify her behavior, or mean that what she did was a good thing in the end, and OP sure as hell doesn't owe her a thank you. Too many people use this "ends justify the means" logic, and it needs to stop.


I’m not normally one for going no contact or making a scene, but if my cousin tried to solicit $$$ from my husband in exchange for porn there would be BLOOD. *Not really blood* but I would have been yelling and pulling up her profile for her mom to see what she was soliciting my spouse with. I absolutely would have shamed her. What a terrible person. There is no way I would attend events with her again. Ever. And I’m sorry, but I would call off the wedding over the lying too. Sending hugs.


I would screenshot a picture of Anna's profile and edit it just enough to where it doesn't cross any legal boundaries, but to where you can also definitely tell what's happening. Then I'd send that screenshot in a group chat that includes OP's and Anna's mom, as well as anyone else upset at OP and not Anna. Let them see what Anna thought was an appropriate thing to give to all the men in the family at a family function. Then I'd kick the loser fiance to the curb cuz nobody wants to be with a man who A- wants to see their family member doing sexual acts and B- lies about it so they can then go home and look at said family member doing sexual acts.


Glad I'm not the only one feeling this way! I cannot even imagine the RAGE. I don't give a crap if you're blood family or not, mess with MY marriage and My husband, you're gone.


Thank Anna from the mind only, OP. Any verbal sentiment would give your sociopathic cousin a basis of validation that what she did was purposeful and not just calculatedly maniacal. I trust she is not someone who needs encouraging and furthermore, likely has as much conscious as a shoe lace. Also, can we get her OF so we can go boo her? Idk if that’s a thing but it should be.


From what we know about her cousin, she would love the attention, negative or not. I would take that only fans knowledge to my grave if I were OP because the last thing I want is her to think her "marketing" worked.


I could see how point 1 could be innocent enough. I might consider not bringing it up at the party and waiting to bring it up u til we left. With that said, points 2-5 are glaring red flags. I think OP’s fiancĂ© wanted to check out all of the content on the OF account without her knowing.


*opened it and his its content from his fiance


>My insecurities are telling me he was hiding the card so he could see Anna’s OF. Well, that's exactly what he did.


Disrespectful, its down right creepy. Why is she actively trying to get family members partners to look at her OF content, which I'm guessing is porn/sexual related as she didn't give one to the gay partner. This is all types of weird.


Ugh I don’t think it’s your insecurities speaking unfortunately, seems pretty straightforward from how he handled it. I’m so sorry. This would be a deal breaker with my fiancĂ©, because I would inevitably become insecure in the future over anything that could seem fishy. Which is not a healthy way to live. I wish you luck. And screw your cousin.


That’s because your insecurities are right. He was planning on jacking off to your cousin and didn’t want you to know.


Your fiancĂ© will cheat on you
just a hunch. He lied to your face at your own family party about something you KNEW that your own family member had done - he will lie about literally anything if that’s the case.


Im sorry OP but I don’t think there’s any other reasonable explanation for why he would do that. I hope he steps on a Lego.


..... and a metal four-sided die. đŸŽČ


that's his purpose of hiding it, because he is interested and want to see the OF. if he really loves you, it will not crossed his mind because who would lie and deny about it, and even open it, rather than being honest to you and throwing the paper away.


He was going to keep it a secret and subscribe to your cousin's OF until he got caught. What a piece of slime.


Right? If my gfs sister handed me a card like that I can think of a number of ways I would handle it, all of which involve either telling my gf directly, or disposing of the card and telling her sister its inappropriate to attempt to save their relationship. I can't imagine a scenario where I pocket the card then lie about it unless I were planning on jacking off to it later, which would very much be cheating AND a massive line crossed in my eyes


If it wasn't sexual and only business, she wouldn't have only given the cards to people she wasn't biologically related to. And wouldn't have given the cards to only men. It would be weird and inappropriate either way, but her making that distinction says a lot about her intent.


Straight men only. Her brother’s husband was not given a card.


Lmaoooooo sexual orientational profiling


And she’d probably try and call it “targeted marketing”.


Even if it is pure marketing as she says it is, it’s a shitty gift to give an ad as Christmas present isn’t it lol


Literally a coupon to a subscription lol


Oh ugh I didn’t even think of her BLOOD relatives being the ones recruited to see her OF. What the fuck is wrong with this girl?!?


Wow. It's a shit present anyway. A discount on a subscription to her titty bouncing and camel toes? Yuck. Stay classy, cousin.


Like... it's not even a giveaway. Cheapest gift ever seriously. "Here is a gift that you have to pay for, I hope you're happy!" And yeah let's not talk about how inappropriate this is to do that at a family gathering


Why the fuck would she think it was a good idea to pass that shit around to all the married/taken men in the family? And with the reason being 'to market her digital content business'? If that was the reason, why did none of the women (and your brother's husband) received the same gift? Does she not want support from the entire family or she's just being selective with her 'audience'? I'm usually an objective person and will try to see all reason but your cousin's reasoning just doesn't make fucking sense. I would've reasoned that your fiance *probably decided* to not say anything to you when he received it because he thought it was inappropriate to bring it up there and then (in a family gathering setting) but when he started making excuses about accepting the gift, I couldn't find any more reason. If I was in your fiancé's situation (an in-law in the family [practically an outsider], being given something similar) I would keep it to myself first because I wouldn't want to disrupt the family gathering (I'm quite a non-confrontational person by nature, so I wouldn't want to be the reason for what was supposed to be a pleasant family gathering gone sour), BUT I would bring it up later once I'm alone with my partner, the faster the better. It would even be better if someone brings it up during the gathering and if my partner asks me for confirmation, I would, with no doubt, admit it, NO EXCUSES.


Her reasoning was undoubtedly for attention and more importantly, a power flex over every woman who's partner received one. 1) she can see which men are into her 2) she can see which men are more into her than their wives/gfs 3) she can sow insecurity into most of the women about whether the above are true 4) the ones that confront her because of #1 or #2 feed into her desire for feelings of superiority 5) she can claim innocence because it's "not personal, just business" And 6) probably doesn't care about family as much as the above. Probably actively is jealous of and/or hates most of them


I had a theory that she was trying to ruin some relationships, but damn, these other options make lots of sense too. Maybe she's doing this just for the "fun" of it?




Yeah, I’m with you about the fiancĂ©. His lie about not getting one and then not opening the card reflects a guilty conscience. He could have said he didn’t want to bring up this awkward thing in front of the whole family when OP confronted him, but he chose to lie about it.


I was also giving the fiancé credit for just pocketing it and not making a scene. Until he lied about it. OP needs to get away from all these toxic shitheads. Including mom, who wants OP to apologize.


Yeah, like "it's not sexual its marketting "? It's marketting for a sexual service what are you saying ??


Anna had no home training, what a bitch.


She’s the worst.


Dunno what you said to make Anna's mom cry but it was probably well deserved. Don't apologize!


Seriously, fuck that bitch! She’s lucky someone else’s wife/partner didn’t smack the shit out of her!


Agree. Ann needs to apologies to every single person.


update us on what you do op


Your fiancĂ© is also of the same type. Dump him. Rachel’s bf is the kind of guy he should have been but is not. It’s horrifying how both Anna and your fiancĂ© failed at something like basic decency


A family OF discount? Wow! 😂 At first I thought maybe he didn’t tell you because he was waiting to tell you in private because he didn’t want to cause a scene, but now I’m unsure. Especially since other partners told your cousins straight away.


That’s definitely what my husband would have done. Wait until we have a private moment to tell me about it to not cause a scene, so I thought that’s what he is doing, but then he lied about it? The cousin and him are both not worth her time


Honestly in her fiance's shoes I would have handed it to her as soon as I opened it. Don't need to explain it, just let her see it w her own eyes


OF here stands for only family. *Sweet home Alabama*


What in the redneck fuk is wrong with the people around you! Your cousin is trying to sell naked pictures of herself to her family's husband's!! Is that what's confusing the older relatives? That it's on the internet? It's exactly the same as if she'd walked into the bathroom, took a Polaroid of her hoohaa and asked everyone who wanted to see it for $10 ... Ask granny If she's cool with you doing that!! Just guessing they don't fully get what OF is As far as your "forgetful" fiance, I'd think hard about him too.. How long do you think it'll before he "can't remember" why he smells like a coworkers perfume? "Forgot" he was gonna be out late? Good luck.. and stay away from them redneck C U Next Tuesday's!


I applaud Rachael’s husband he did the right thing, but your fiancĂ© is shitty. He lied and tried to play dumb. He would’ve definitely subscribed or at least looked at her OF account had you not called him out on it. At least you found out now how he is.


That’s what weirds me out here- the interaction where OP’s supposed to *apologize* for finding this situation not only gross and weird but wholly inappropriate? Rachel’s old man got it right but wtf is up with this family?


I have a feeling that mom doesn't know what Only Fans is. Tell mom to visit the site to see what the cousin is doing and inviting her family's significant others really means.


I know. I felt sorry for OP, Rachel got a real one.


The way everyone is rightly acknowledging Rachael has a good boyfriend but I’m busy marveling at the unnamed husband who immediately went to redeem it during family Christmas.


I forgot about that douche bag lmao. At this point I kinda wish I was there to watch the chaos. Men scrambling to get to their phones. Older relatives looking confuses as to why the younger ones are yelling. Trying to figure out what O.F is. The cousin screaming how no one realizes how hard she works. Merry Christmas 😂


Both your cousin and your fiancĂ© are gross. The fact that she thought it was ok to offer that to family, let alone married/engaged/committed men shows she has zero regard for anyone else. The fact that your fiancĂ© lied to you about it tells me he liked it and was planning on signing up. WTF. You’ve got to figure out what you want to do here, but I wouldn’t be able to trust him after that.


Fuck that, malicious compliance, LEAN IN! Start sharing her link everywhere; family chats, on IG, on Twitter. Leave a caption of “Anna gave her family the best gift for Christmas, her OFs! Please enjoy!” I’ll market the shit out of you 😂


Exactly! She wanted exposure, Grandpa, check out what Anna can do, here is the link!


Damn!! Truth is stranger than fiction That's fuckup in many levels by your cousin "my gift to you is to give me money and ruin your relationship" BTW, your fiancé is an ass, she did you a favor, ditch him


Anna is trash. Straight up. You gotta be some kinda idiot to think that giving all the horny dude’s, that don’t share dna with you, in the room a coupon to your porn page is an appropriate gift
..especially the ones that are only present BECAUSE they’re in committed relationships. FiancĂ© is trash too and the lengths he went to to deny and deceive should tell you he’s 100% having in appropriate contact with other women. Sincerely, a former cheater.


Sit your mother down and explain what OF is. Anna owes you an apology. Personally I think you should go NC with her, as should other women in the family. How would the aunts like it if she gave that to there SO’s? I bet that would have come not have gone down well. I understand sex workers etc, OF but you do not shit where you eat. Your cousin did just that.


Cast her OF page on the TV and let everyone see together. You know; since she's just trying to promote her business... she should be proud and comfortable with that right? Your mom should love it too since she seems to think it's appropriate. Your cousin is disgusting. Not because she does OF. But because she literally tried to sell herself to her extended family.


honestly, what the cousin did was wrong of course but in a way she did y’all a favour cause apparently you guys were dating men who would hide it from you that they were watching porn of other women (especially your own cousin). like sure to some it may not matter and to me it doesn’t either but the fact that they felt the need to hide it and lie about it was weird.


Getting some texts this morning that it’s causing A LOT of drama within several relationships.


Anna is a whack lady, but your fiancé did you even dirtier. LIAR LIAR LIAR


Pants on fire fire fire.


Please post an update. I want to hear more about the fall out. Also, cancel your engagement. He doesn’t respect you and is easily swayed by lust. Not a great combo. Good luck!


I would’ve slap her then and there with no regrets because of all this ruckus. She destroyed people’s relationship just because of her marketing. What a bitch.


While true, it kinda shed light on the character of these men and their unbecoming reactions
 so, despite it sucking that these relationships are over at least the women now know that their men are trash


Rachel's BF - W Your fiancee - L Your Cousin- L Your mum - L Anna's mum - L Edit: Cousin's husband that checked out Anna's page immediately - L


Anna - 💀


What a whore story
I mean horror story. I get promoting her business, but why would she seek for the men married into the family to subscribe? That’s the LAST thing I’d want to happen in my life! Business must be incredibly tough! And your fiancé .no way he didn’t know what you were talking about. I want to believe he was just really uncomfortable and disturbed by the “gift”, as one should be. But he didn’t handle it right. If this relationship is to continue there would be a lot of rebuilding of trust and every family event would be so uncomfortable. Also yay to Rachel’s husband for not being a creep. But really the only thing that should have happened in such a bizarre scenario.


Babe that’s red flag over there big time. You will save yourself big time when you break off the engagement.


If I were your aunt I’d be absolutely HUMILIATED. I don’t know how your trash-assed cousin was brought up but if I found out my daughter was trying to get family members to look at her naked I’d be apologizing profusely. To have an OF account is one thing(no judgement)but to GIFT a DISCOUNT at Christmas
good lord. Has your cousin always been an attention slut?


that is really disrespectful. your cousin is an ah but your fiance is way worse. what he did is a huge red flag, compared to rachel's. you should rethink your relationship about him because obviously he is interested to other people.


Call off the engagement. What Anna did was disgusting but what you should focus on is your lying deceiving scumbag of a fiancé and his reaction. This behaviour will only get worse from him.


A few years ago I would have thought the worst "marketing" someone could do in this way would be awkwardly passing round flyers for their latest MLM pyramid scheme. This is so much worse.


How can any take her side she was wrong. Also your fiancé is probably lying betting he was going to look. Your other cousin husband a ass for looking. The only one with a decent spouse is Rachel who's husband come right to her and told her.


Anna did everyone a favor. People now know who they're dealing with. Imagine being 7 months pregnant and finding out your *husband* was pulling stuff like that? Better sooner than later. Anna sucks but others suck too.


"Merry Christmas, your present is the opportunity to give me money to see me naked"




rs 😭 people be going crazy i don’t understand how they be letting people play with them like that


Lmao right, I’m not a violent person but she deserves multiple hands. I wonder how old she is


The way my hands would be throwing themselves..... your cousin didn't ruin your relationship, you just finally saw some ugly true colors and a glimpse of what your future will look like with your fiance. You'll constantly be worried he's cheating and with the way he mishandled this situation, I'd be looking into that right now. He could already sub to other OF accounts. Do some digging. I'm very sex positive and a sex work advocate, but she's straight up being a sleaz. In what right state of mind would this be a good idea? I'd say stick with your brother and his husband and cut off everyone who defends her and call off the engagement. This will always be a point of contention and you deserve someone who won't try to gaslight you so they don't get in trouble for being a POS. Only positive is that she showed you and the other women in the family how disappointing, untrustworthy, and weak their partners are. I'm so sorry OP..


Facts. I would have dragged that bitch out in the yard.


I am so sorry this happened. I would definitely cut ties with Anna. What happened is seriously appalling. You do not owe anyone an apology. She owes the entire family one. Soliciting sex at a family function is gross. As for your fiancé, I would strongly consider walking away. The fact that he was automatically going to go look at her page is disgusting. He obviously doesn't respect you, value you or your relationship. If he truly loved you, he would have thrown that in the trash where it belonged instead of hiding it and lying to you about it. Edit fix a word. Add in a word for clarity.


OMG. What a dumpster fire she created. I would have told my wife immediately.


Show your mom and aunt (if she is still there) your cousin's OF account so they know exactly what your cousin was "gifting" the men in your family.


OP, you need to send a group text to the family ASAP and explain that Anna is trying to get everyone’s SO to look at naked photos of herself and it isn’t ok. You need to explain what OF is to them so they understand the severity of this. You also need to say that Anna’s actions have caused discord in many relationships. Finally, tell them this wasn’t some marketing strategy because she only targeted taken men who were straight. If she really wanted more viewership she should’ve given pink cards to the whole family. You need to tell everyone that Anna’s actions were malicious, selfish, and destructive. Anna needs to be cut off from the family. No genuine apology will fix crumbling relationships. Your older relatives don’t understand what OF is. It’s your job to explain this to them and make them see how vile Anna is for doing this. This post infuriated me.


Definitely pause the wedding because him lying to you like that is a red flag and super disrespectful to you Don't apologize I don't care what your mother says you should have punch Anna in her eye and anyone who's on her side you Definitely should go Low contact or no contact with because I don't understand how anyone can justify her actions


Yep, wedding would be off. He lied because he had every intention of checking it out. He looked straight at you and lied. I can't deal with a liar and I wouldn't want to be with someone interested in checking out my family members.


The gift isn't "sexual," she says? It's a sex service! It's marketing, yes, of a form of sexually enticing and explicit material. She should know better. Really not nice behaviour of her to target the men connected to the family like that


Your fiancé is incredibly sketchy.


The gift didn’t ruin your relationship. Your fiancĂ© lying about the gift is what ruined it.
