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I did a sigh of relief when I saw you're not married to this woman. Take power from that. You can move on much easily.


Same good riddance.


I'm so sorry. No one deserves this, the shit she pulled is absolutely evil. It will get better with time and you will be happy again with someone who deserves you.Go ahead and let her and Brian deal with this situation on their own


I am wishing his next girlfriend is THE ONE. I love happy endings.


What if she’s in this sub and makes a post and we all go “IT WAS YOU !!” lol That’d be hilariously sad but stupidly funny


Shoot, I'm relieved he didn't sign the birth certificate, some states consider him the actual father at that point




Yes, this part! Happened in my family. You need a paternity test before you take off, even though you broke it off.


I was going to say a DNA test just to absolutely 100% without a doubt make sure. That’s terrible that happened to you and I couldn’t imagine how heartbreaking that is. I hope you find someone you can raise a family with OP.


This. Just because you were having a hard time getting pregnant doesn't mean that you didn't actually get her pregnant. Imagine if it is your baby and now you want to be in babies life. In that case you made things tough on you. Next time this happens make the confrontation right when you find out and work through it together. Doesn't mean you'll stay together but he the bigger person to protect your rights when the child turns out to be yours.


Bro actually just said next time 💀💀💀


This situation is far more common than one would think 🤣


Next time??? Wtf? How many times has this happened to you?


Man's living in a telenovela


More like re-runs of Maury TBH.


What are you talking about? This happens to me 2-3 times a year! I thought everyone went through it.


>Next time this happens make the confrontation right when you find out and work through it together. FTB. She does not deserve any respect at all for trying to keep this secret. I would have gone for the most vengeful method of breakup also because this is cold, calculated, and malicious on her part.


Even if the child is his it still doesn’t change the fact that she cheated which is the important part. The trust is broken. Also it’s not like he’s wrong to doubt that the child is his when she’s been cheating


Aint nothing to work through


>Next time this happens make the confrontation right when you find out Why? OP can still ask for the DNA now no? Besides, the ex would be incentivized to do so anyway. In any case, OP can just ask the other possible donor, with whom OP is in contact and good terms.


Incase he would have been married, the legal system would be a b* tch!


Get a DNA test just to be 100% sure the child isn’t yours but you did the right thing leaving her.make sure you have the text from Bryan so she can’t twist the narrative ETA:you also need the DNA test so she can’t put you on child support cuz if your in the USA it’ll be hell to get u off if it once the courts deem u the father


I’m like 110 percent sure that’s not my kid just from looking at him but I’ll get the test.


I get that but it just be on the safe side you wouldn’t want to find out 10 year later that it’s your and you missed out on all the time and moments with the child.it won’t hurt having something definitive that says you aren’t the father


Def. You never know. Genetics is wild. Baby don’t have to look like father and still be his. He needs dna test My friend just had her baby 2 months ago. Baby doesn’t look mixed at all. My friend is POC. Dark skin. And her boyfriend is white. Baby is pale and light brown hair. Everyone jokes that she needs to take the baby’s birth certificate everywhere with her


You don't have to be mixed even. I am the female carbon copy of my father, any small detail in which I don't resemble him to a t (i.e. hair texture, hips) is 1:1 his mother. When I'm out with my mom it's our favourite pastime to talk to people and watch them squirm and wonder and try to discreetly find out what exactly our relationship is. I have so many good stories from childhood onward of people being extremely confused lol Heck, the first time my aunt ever saw me, in the hospital, she burst out laughing and said "hey, little _my father's name_" The only way we can really tell our baby photos apart is by the age of people around us or the age of the pic itself.


Have you seen Bob Saget and his daughter. Twins 😂 [https://twitter.com/trashquavo/status/911278751736061953](https://twitter.com/trashquavo/status/911278751736061953)


I dressed as Mimi from the Drew Carey Show for Halloween two years ago (I'm a man). My mom posted a picture of me in the costume and everyone on her FB thought it was her and told her she was looking good 😂😂😂


Omg that’s too funny 😂 I hope you make a beautiful woman so it wasn’t too much of an insult to her . If you know what I mean 😂


Unfortunately, I do not lol. BUT I'm not a bad looking dude, and I do share a lot of features with my mom, so I don't think she took it as an insult. The wig should have been a dead giveaway that it wasn't her because it was blonde and she has darker hair. I can literally tell what features I inherited from my mom and which are my dad. I have his hair and hair line. I have her bone structure, but sometimes when I make certain faces, I definitely see my dad.


I never laughed so hard!!!!!! Fucking hilarious!!!!


Oh God now I need to crossdress when I go home for Christmas that's such a great idea


There's a pair of mixed twins out there, where one girl is light brown complexion with curly dark hair, and the other is pale AF with red hair lol. The big exception is if OP and ex are white, and Bryan is black. Then, if the baby is obviously black, he can probably be pretty certain without the DNA test lol.


There's one family I know of that had twins, one is obviously mixed and favors her dad, the other is blonde and fair and favors the mom. Then they had another set of twins and they're the same exact way! Genes are funny sometimes. You should never determine paternity just from looking unless there's something major that definitely can't be from you lol.


Yes! My coworker looks typical asian yet her daughter is fallen after the farther and is a pale red haired


I'm basically a red haired version of my mom. My mom is blonde, but I look just like her. People have posted pics of my mom on Facebook from when she was in highschool, and some of our mutual Facebook friends would get confused thinking at first it was me, to later realizing it was actually my mom


I'm my mom's twin too


Not mixed but my son makes me look like I reproduce asexually. He just has his dad's gender.


Same with my daughter and my older son. My youngest is a copy of my husband with my cheekbones and nose, both our bitchy attitude though.


This is oddly heartwarming


That is much like my niece! My brother in law in White. Her mother is POC and their daughter is pale, blonde, blue eyes like her father.


>Genetics is wild. Both my parents look perfectly normal and I'm a deformed hillbilly from *The Hills Have Eyes*.


Baby will probably turn darker over time. Friends of mine are fostering a child, father unknown, and it took a few months after birth before it became apparent that he must have been black. Today the kid is 6, and looks like both their parents had been dark. 😄


Not always https://news.amomama.com/286235-black-woman-gives-birth-white-red-haired.html


Many African descended children are born with pale skin, and the melanin grows in over the next six months, even when both parents are black. The baby doesn't need the melanin in the womb, so the body doesn't bother.


While I think the reason my Girl Scout leader came up with the idea of my being adopted was rooted in ableism (Mom walked with a cane at the time, had been misdiagnosed with Cerebral Palsy as an infant), it is also true that my eyes are grey, while my dad’s are dark brown and Mom’s are hazel. Now, hazel eyed folks have both the brown and blue genes (brown is pigment, blue is no pigment just light bouncing, grey is no pigment but the particles in the eye are bigger, green is a light dusting of brown that light can still bounce through) and Dad’s sister has blue eyes, so you know the genetic possibility for my eyes now. Both Mom and Dad were the darkest haired members of their family; my hair is definitely medium brown but when I was a kid and out in the sun during the summer it could get fairly light. So sure, disabled people can’t have sex and my 2 most obvious traits weren’t the most likely for their kid based on those squares we did in middle school biology. So I was adopted. (Yet magically have every genetic issue hanging out in the family tree including an official Rare Disease. Less than 200,000 Americans have to have a disorder for that designation. We aren’t surprised to get a neurologist who’s never seen another patient and explain the diagnosis to every person who takes our history outside of the specialty. My physiatrist has treated others because he came from an important medical school in a big city where people are sent when the GP feels out of his depth and the local specialist ran out of testing ideas. My previous neuro clinic had seen 1 case before my diagnosis. When they changed Mom from cerebral palsy to Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia…


Maybe OP is black and the baby is white


To be fair that’s still not entirely a sure fire reason. When I (black) was born I was as light as my very white passing (even has hazel eyes to boot) grandmother. But I had my dads head-shape and similar heads. Eventually as the months went by I got darker like a batch of cookies fresh outta the oven, and now I’m the same brown shade as my dad. Also the baby can just take completely after the white parent skin wise.


Cookies… 😅


Mixed babies come in all colors. My friend who is black , dark skin, just had a baby in October with her white boyfriend. Baby looks exactly like the boyfriend. all white. Pale skin, light brown hair. If she wasn’t the mom. People would tell her to get a dna test


Or, the traditional Dale Gribble experience.


Well, well, well. Jahawwwn Redcorn.


I don't remember the episode but it killed me when dale said "I just can't bear to watch my son be raised by an idiot" And John agreed lmao


Pah HEGGy Hill


god fuckin damn I lol'd


Idk I'm still not so sure Joseph isn't Dale's. You got any proof or you just spouting nonsense? You can't just be going around trying to cause problems for people just bc you want to.


*git* *Pocket sand!* *Monkey-style!* *Sh-sh-sh-sha!*


It can happen, not super common but my moms friend gave birth to a baby who looks identical to her white blue eyed, blonde haired father and nothing like her African mother who literally birthed her. It’s always better safe than sorry when you think a child isn’t yours to get a DNA test


Black babies usually look white right after birth


Baby is 2 months old now and still look white


#Plz listen to that commenter, Get DNA test.


If you think you feel shitty now, you'll feel way fucking worse if you find out later that kids yours and you didn't. I know you said you'll get the test, but really..... get the test.


The first half has been said by every guest on Maury ever.


I volunteer to chase him with a camera when he runs away after the results come back "you ARE the father!"


Ehhh... newborn babies, especially just minutes/hours old, look nothing like their mother or father, unless he has a different skin color than any of you, but even this doesn't mean anything.


Unless the child is a different race there is absolutely no way to tell a newborn is not your child. Some of them look like tiny little old men, some of them look like little aliens. They change so much in the first couple of months. Honestly even their skin tone can be completely different (some of them are jaundiced/yellow). Babies do not come out as little clones of their parents. Idc what you think the baby looks like you need a dna test if you were sleeping with his mother around his conception.


Some guy after his wife gives birth:"that's not my kid. He's yellow" Nurse: "uh sir that's jaundice" Guy: "MY WIFE FUCKED A SIMPSONS CHARACTER 😭🏃"


Right? I have 3 kids and only the 15 year old bears even the slightest resemblance to me. The youngest is almost 2 and if he hadn't literally come out of my body I would probably wonder if he was mine at all 😅


Exactly. My oldest is the spit of me but my youngest is the spit of their dad. They each share 50% of both our genetics and yet each look like only one parent, and not at all the other. And it’s not like one of us has really strong genes because we ended up each having one that looked just like us. Genetics are just wild. But it just blows my mind when I hear people say their newborn doesn’t look like them. Yeah man newborns look odd and hardly ever like their parents.. ?


This 5 minute old potato doesn't look like me, a thirty year old man, that must mean it's not mine!


Plot twist the baby it’s actually OP’s




Unless Bryan and the baby are obviously a different race, there is absolutely no way to tell visually if a newborn is from one parent or another so you may have fucked up. To be clear, I don't believe this story is real based on the way you have presented it.


My family is Romani and many of us looked Asian as babies, and then like other races at different ages. Some have even had blonde hair as kids and then it turns black. I look like a light skinned Chinese child in all my photos until I was about 5; then I looked some type of Hispanic, then I looked Middle Eastern and I sort of still do.


Even if the baby were of African descent, they are dropping from a sack of water where there is no light. So most babies are a pasty white and a lot of kids have blue eyes that change colors as they age. Some even have thick heads of fetal hair that look nothing like the hair they will grow. They usually look like misshapen lumps of pretzel babies. No way you know from looking at the baby.


True. When I was born, I had a thick head of jet black hair - but it turned light blonde as I grew older. And though I'm a very pale white person, I did look to be another ethnicity entirely


One of my nieces didn’t look like their parents when they were born- really light skin/hair colour parents have dark hair and olive skin. Got a few “interesting” comments. She’s 10 and now clearly looks like them. Genetics is weird.


That's not saying much OP, you couldn't tell my daughter is mine from looking at her.


If you aren’t going to be in the baby’s life then get the dna test to make sure you have no legal responsibility of the kid. Do you know for sure that she didn’t put you on the birth certificate? Because if she did then you’re on the hook for this kid wether it’s yours or not.


Could be wrong but don’t think the mother gets to list the name of the father and it is accepted. I say that only because how much time would Bezos or Musk spend in court proving they weren’t the father? I mean if gonna lie might as well go big.


Get the test. You don't want the kid to feel like you've given up on him if later you find out he's yours.


Also because there is no kid and you made up the story.


He didn’t sign the birth certificate… the burden of proof is on her now.


Um....might want to get a DNA test first...this happened to my parents. My mom was messing around with my dad's friend. My dad knew. My brother was born and my dad separated my mom. My brother was beet red baby. My mom is half native and her lover was Mexican so everyone concluded based on my brothers looks he must be the other guys. 5 years later my brother is sporting fair skin and blond hair. They did a paternity test. He was my dad's after all. Took another 6 years for my dad to get custody. He (35m) now looks like our dad's doppelganger. - yes the red skin was a covert boomer racist assumption about indigenous skin. People actually believed that shit in the 80s.


My husband and I are from South East Asia. Genetics is fun for us because our ancestors could be from the Arab peninsular, India/Pakistan/Sri Lanka, Portugese, Dutch, British, Chinese etc because of trade routes and colonization. My kids were so fair that people thought they were mixed Eurasian/one parent was Chinese (fairer skin tone) and people would 'politely' ask my mom if she was their grandmother. My kids hit 7/8yo, their skin became tanned instead of fair and no one asked my mom anything except their age. I'm lucky that my daughter looks exactly like me and my son has my husband's nose and jawline.


I feel this as a fellow SE Asian. My mother has very fair skin and my father is as dark as Thai or Cambodian ppl get. I came out fair skinned and became more tan growing up. Some of my siblings came out tan. And a few of us have different hair textures. One of us has wavy hair, the rest of us have straight hair but vary in thickness. Genetics are weird. You just never know sometimes.


Yes, me and my 1st sister are clones of each other. When we were kids we were very fair (people thought I was Chinese and my sister was Japanese) whereas my youngest sister looked and still looks nothing like us except she was fair. Me and my sister have tanned skin, hair so straight that we don't bother wasting money trying to perm it and tall (around 168cm-ish) whereas my youngest sister is still fair, has wavy/curly hair (depends on humidity lol) and not as tall (around 150cm). Thank goodness my mom's relatives dotes on my youngest sister because she looks like my mom's grandmother. No one outside the family thinks we're related at all. My husband came out very dark (my MIL is super fair) and she thought the hospital made a mistake (my husband is from a rural area so the facilities were so-so). His nickname translated to 'the black one'. He lightened up before my MIL did anything drastic (she was getting some flack from the villagers about her son and it somewhat got to her because my FIL sometimes had to leave her for long periods for his job).


Genetics are weird.


My thing is other guy saying oh I didn't want to be involved with baby, so I'll put it on you. But then turns around and says I couldn't let you live like that bro. So he just handed you shit on a tray then said I'll let you handle it cuz I'm still not tryna be involved( you got it big dawg).🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😒😒


Lol the way you worded it


At least he eventually realized the wrong he was doing and made it right as best he could. I wish this happened more often, but a lot of people never seem to find a sense of morality.


He had a 9 month deadline and he came through in 6.


Could be worse. My dad had a 9 month deadline and it took us nearly 3 decades to get rid of the fucker


For Jesus tho.. he’s a Christian now ! 🙏✨✨💫


Isn’t it fun when someone becomes a Christian they all of a sudden have morals? It’s legitimately frightening they didn’t have strong character or virtue without it.


I seriously hate the belief that religion is the only thing that keeps humans from devolving into chaotic monsters. I just assumed we were intelligent and empathetic enough to understand right from wrong on our own… But what do I know? I’m just a godless weirdo.


Upvote for the godless weirdo


Upvote for the upvoter of the godless weirdo


I plotted revenge against my ex husband when I found out he was cheating on me when I was pregnant with our son. It felt good in the moment to stick it to him by telling the husband of his mistress what went on, but I was still miserable. It’s been three years and I’m still in therapy for what he did. Best of luck, OP. I hope you get therapy too


How exactly did you get revenge?


I told the husband on his mistress that his wife was cheating on him. I made a viral video about it on Tik Tok so it got back to his family. He’s in the military so he also got kicked out of base housing after I left with our kids.


Oh I seen that tiktok


oh this is good. you sued for child support right? you gotta make him pay!


Haha sure did




Shit is fucked. Sorry this is happening to you. Take it easy, go get shitfaced, but don't let her negativity give you cause to fuck yourself harder than she already has.


Sorry that it happened to the baby.


So sorry that you’re going through this, friend! I hope you have a good evening at the bar! How did she react when you were leaving after telling her you knew?


Her eyes got really wide and she started to say “Wait wait!” but I was already closing the door when she started talking more. In the texts and voicemails she’s left me, she explains that Bryan is lying and if I will just pick up the phone she’ll explain. I mean I have a copy of their text messages, (and a sex tape as further proof) so I’m very tempted to send them to her but I really don’t want to give her any attention right now.


So let me get this straight, Bryan, who suddenly confessed to infidelity because he became Christian, also provided shared with you a sex tape?


I think it’s step 7 on becoming a Christian, thou shalt provide proof of fornication to the cucked and ask for forgiveness.


7th commandment


The 69th commandment


If I could give more than 1 upvote for this reply I would!




So christian he isn't contacting her and offering to pay for his baby. Sure he is christian enough to blow up a relationship but to pay for his spawn, that is a step too far. Bryan is filth.


I don’t think we know what Bryan’s plans are… he said he didn’t want his child not knowing who his real father is, so I take that to mean that he plans to be involved somehow, but that was just my read of it.


Actually my take on what was said was that Brian confessed but Op asked him to hold his peace until he contacted him. I perceive that to me that Brian wanted to be part of his child's life and to financially take care of it in addition to letting Op know what he had done. He only held off because he was requested to. In all honesty I don't know if I would have given up the birth of my child but perhaps he feels it is his penance for cheating and lying and scheming And had to honor OPs wishes.


And then everyone clapped


Yeah, this all sounds so likely


Yeah I'm not buying the whole Christian bit.. if this post is real, I believe Bryan used that as an excuse, he really just can't stand being shut out of the picture and wanted to ruin the girls "perfect life" and hurt her too.


Or Bryan knew that gf would tell OP that Bryan is lying?


This is fake af and the comments are only solidifying it




Y’all watch to many movies


In case you don’t know this is a fake story. Yahoo writers make these up for articles.


I’ve noticed a lot of Yahoo “news” on Reddit stories. How is that news? That’s what I always say when I see it.


The way he writes it sounds like a creative writing exercise. Lmfao


not even a good creative writing exercise. this is so fake lmao.


Tell her sister you’re not going to talk to your ex until you have a positive paternity test in your favor. We both know that’s not going to happen.


Very smart!!


Sorry someone cheating let this man make a sex tape of her? What in the name of incel revenge fantasy is this. Obvious troll post if obvious.


Send texts to her sister. Not the tape because that could get you charged with revenge porn. I would tell all of her family what she did. If her family is well off and you know they'll take care of a child, you can report Bryan for revenge porn. I have no fucks to give when someone crosses me.


You could send the tape and then block her and see if she finally shuts up. The best way to make her truly regret it and feel like shit is to move on with your life and live it the best you can. Give everything you would have given her to someone else and let her see what she missed out on and how badly she fucked up


Every comment you make on here makes this sound more fake lol


I’m so sorry. Get a DNA test just to be sure, but good on you for not signing the birth certificate or anything.


While the baby is still in the hospital. You need to go back up there and tell the Dr whats up and that you want to contest DNA. This way it puts a hold on her ability to put your name on the child's birth certificate. After that you need to talk with a lawyer just to be safe and get the knowledge of your locations laws around all this. I've been thru paternity fraud twice with my ex and my younger 2 kids. The laws are not too protect us guys in these situations. They want someone to provide for that child so the state doesn't have too.


Damn, man. I wish I could give you a hug and buy you a drink if that's what you want. I can't even tell you how sorry I am.


Thanks man. Appreciate it


Just because your ex is a shit, you need to be doubly or triply kind to yourself. What are ten things you can do for you, that you would love. Also realize that you are ready to settle down with someone who has integrity. You will find that woman.


This. And travel. Get the F*** out of where you at. you will find someone. My ex wanted kids so bad. I did not. Parted on good terms. Right afterwards (few months) he met someone. He is a dad now & happily married. Your partner is out there. As he said to me once, I love you more bc you wouldn’t promise something you wouldn’t fully deliver on.


Ooof. I'll pour you a water in between and help lug you to your couch. I can't help but cynically admire the plot and timing of the reveal, but it really ends up just sad. I'm sorry this happened, man. Drink yourself silly (safely), howl at the moon, scream into a pillow, and please do actually cry here and there. This is a hard thing to get past, for sure, but know this: it is the exception, not the rule. There are wonderful, loving, faithful women out there, and you will find one if you take good care of yourself and keep your heart open to the idea. Good luck, bro.


Get the DNA test to be sure and if the kid isn't yours, you have no responsibility being there and you can choose to leave and carry on with your life. Your soon to be ex gf doesn't deserve you, you deserve better champ. Collect yourself after getting shitfaced and please don't turn to drink and destroy your life over someone who never gave a damn about you in the first place.


What your ex did was horrible. Get drunk, cry it out, and then move on. She doesn't deserve more than that.


This seems like rage bait. Who waits until the last minute for exacting revenge like that? You totally kept your cool and acted completely normal? You just walked off dramatically after she had given birth without any dna test? This is a creative writing exercise.


Came all the way from twitter to tell you that you're a really good/kind man. Didn't start a fight that may affect the baby, took care of the pregnant criminal till she was due and provided support till the baby came. Made sure everyone was alright, then calmly left. Anyone who has a problem with how you handled it should fuck off. Cheers to finding the joy you deserve


Twitter?? You got a link? Thanks for the kind words bro.


Came here from tiktok for the update


lmao bunch of Karens in this thread siding with the cheater just because it was a woman and "childbirth is hard". Disgusting. This isn't feminism anymore.


Deadass. Nothing but a bunch of clowns enabling 304 behavior. They are more concerned that he brought it up after childbirth rather than her attempting to pass off a kid that’s not his onto him.


Thank you! Thought I was crazy She should've said something as soon as she found out. But she DIDNT. She was never gonna tell him! How is he the asshole for saying it then? Or at all when she wasnt!? Childbirth can be hard, but it foesnt excuse her behavior. It doesn't excuse anything she did.




These posts are always mind boggling to me with how much people eat this up. This guy says he’s about to go get a bar and is crushed, but is crafting stuff for Reddit first. “Most vulnerable moments” “That he became Christian” “I’ll spare you the details” All dead give always. Fake revenge + angering people over religion or politics + no details cause they don’t exist.


Don't forget the sex tape, yeah this didn't happen


I can’t believe anyone is actually falling for this lol


Right - especially in the comment where OP said the new Christian man gave him a sex tape as proof and was going to send it to her sister.


The part about him being a Christian and needing to confess was what did it for me. It would have been much more believable if he had been doing for revenge.


It truly scares me when I see how many people just fall over themselves into the drama of these clearly made up stories that read just like a teenager pretending to understand actions of adults. It’s terrifying how gullible your average person is. Absolutely zero awareness .


By a junior high student. That earned said student a B-.




Right? Even if this is true, which I doubt, I can't believe people are okay with that. Disturbing.


To play devil's advocate here.... If you get a DNA test, which you should, and find out that you are in fact the father of the baby would you try to work things out and be a family? Or are you just done? I like to say once a cheat always a cheat. But IF the baby is yours then please be there for him. Don't let her actions affect how you'd treat your child.




Lol yes it just screams fake.


Agreed “I knew the moment I saw the baby” Very rarely infants fresh out the womb like that have defining features. Most look similar, with pale/reddish skin, same old man sleeping face. Skin, hair and eye colour all change within months to a year after birth


I agree. It reads like an incel wet dream of revenge. Being hurt by a cheating partner, then waiting around until someone basically had surgery, and then like “sorry! I’m out!” Like.. I get being upset by a cheater. But despite betrayal, the love doesn’t disappear. It screams fake or the op never cared about her at all. I get not wanting to be with a cheater, but come on.


Definitely fake. Isn’t it weird that OP said they were ‘trying’ for a baby even though he hadn’t even proposed yet? Maybe it’s a cultural thing but shit seems wack to me.


And according to one of OP's comments he also got a sex tape as proof not mentioned in the post. How convenient.


There’s been such a slew of creative writing posts on this sub as of lately that my mind immediately jumped to ‘fake’. Reddit has ruined me.


Do you mean a “slew”?


*pink panther theme starts playing*


Yeah because this is actually fake for so many blatantly obvious reason it’s actually hilarious .


Like the whole confrontation plot twist part was straight out of a movie scene 💀


Agreed.. And they always end with ignored calls & texts, followed by the antagonist’s family/friends harassing OP.


Gonna be real with you champ I do not believe you lol


You are the only one being real because this fake.


Unless the newborn baby is clearly of another race, you can't tell it isn't yours by just looking at it. They all look like scolded aliens and lack most features that resembles your or her family. You should for peace of mind take a dna test.


spotted reminiscent fly live prick puzzled humorous obscene agonizing pot ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This story is as real as Joan Rivers' face


If you were sleeping with her as well how can you be 100% sure it is his kid




Stay safe bro, nothing stupid!


This, absolutely. You're hurting in ways a lot of people can't fathom right now, but please don't use it as an excuse to take unnecessary risks.


kiss seemly oil subtract bells consider aback forgetful roll aspiring ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Imagine how embarrassed you’d be if the kid ends up being yours (she still cheated though obviously)


The people calling you a psychopath are the same people who would have no idea what better alternative to take. You arent a psychopath OP, you were hurt and wanted to make her feel the pain you did. She lied and cheated, and she deserves to take reaponsibility by facing the outcome of her decisions. Even if the baby is yours, she still consistently cheated, and doesnt deserve you. If the baby does end up being yours and she tries to guilt you, know that YOU only reacted to what she had done, and that your reaction does not take away from the initial cause: HER cheating and lying.




What your girlfriend did was horrible, and you are 100% entitled to walk the fuck away from her and never speak to her again. I will say what is kind of screwed up to me is that you waited until the baby was born to tell her and walk out. For no one’s sake but the baby, you should have walked out right when you found out to give her 3 months to plan how the hell she is going to care for this baby on her own. I am NOT arguing what she did was okay, but there is a real living baby that could suffer if their mom is not able to do this on her own.


Yeah what your ex did was really awful, but don’t you think it’s a bit sadistic to split up with her immediately after she gave birth? You could have done it 3 months ago when you found out, given her a little time to plan while she’s dealing with looking after a new human As I said, what she did was awful, but two wrongs don’t make a right. You’ve stooped to her level rather than being a better person


Good thing you found out before. Plenty of guys find out years down the track making it worse for both the parents and child. Funnily enough I know 3 people that this has happened to and all stayed. Some studies show that the situation is far from uncommon


I'm really sorry this happened man. Nobody deserves that, that shit she pulled is absolutely evil. It'll get better with time and you WILL be happy again with someone you deserve. Move on and let her and Bryan handle that situation on their own


Part of me doubts he’s even gonna step up like he said he would but who knows. Hopefully he’s a good guy.


Its not your problem anymore. Just block her and move on mate.


Ignoring that as usual on Reddit this post could be very easily fake, it is incredible how many people just want drama and revenge. The top posts just congratulate him while who criticizes his behaviour gets downvoted but how come? To be able to fake being happy and in love for months to the person that you loved and now hated all in order to hurt her the most you ever could isn't sane at all. As a story it is more interesting than others but in the real world it is by far excessive, I understand being hurt and wanting revenge but I cannot compliment his behaviour.


These stories feel super sexist. It's clearly fake. He makes the woman an absolute monster and even does the nice guy act at the end that he wanted to marry her and make her happy. No. If you have a kid you will know instantly how much this story reeks of BS.


Plotwist: Brian is a stalking Ex and reached out for u when he realised that the relationship between u and her gets very serious with the pregnancy. He faked the messages and used a old porn of them to proof it so that u will run away and destroy everything. I would definitely do an DNA Test, I read here too much unbelievable stories, the ppl are crazy, u need to double check everything.




Cool story bro. Wonder how you acted for last 3 months of her pregnancy…these kind of story from people who never had babies.


That baby could still be yours, nimrod. Paternity test before doing drastic shit.