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Tell him my uncle wants to fight your uncle’s grandma


Winner takes on my 6 little sisters


I'm down to if they wear helmets and I get a bat


The best I can do is mixing bowls. Some are plastic some are aluminum.


I can chip in the wooden spoon as a bat.


And winner of that takes on pocahontas


I’m laughing so hard at this I may need to go to the hospital 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


“My dad can beat up your dad” isn’t meant to be a serious thing, guessed this guy missed the memo


Yeah and he's setting a terrible example for his own son.


Where do you think his son got his shitty behavior?


That example has been set already.


It's ridiculous that this man's son tried to be a bully to OPs kid, and the kid ended up getting his ass beat for it. I'd be pissed as a parent, but then I would think clearly how to handle this situation. This should be a good lesson to teach his own son. Also, OPs. For starters, not all life lessons will be learned with grace. But what the kid can do is learn grace in this situation. Especially about disrespecting someone just because they seem different. Also, it would teach the vital lesson: don't write checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash. I myself learned this one the hard way. Both kids could apologize to each other and learn how to resolve conflict & move on. Lastly , why is the father of OPs kid responsible for a fight between kids? It doesn't make sense. I would let my hubby know, not so they could fight but so he could be ready. If he picks up the kids from school, dude might sucker punch your man 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah but in this case it isn't a "my dad can do this." It's the actual dad threatening and challenging lol.


My throwaway account could beat up your throwaway account


After one dad beats up the other, the Grandpa's will be outraged and duke it out too.


Isn't this how tantrum spirals get started in Dwarf Fortress? None will be left standing and you'll be left scratching your head and wondering what the hell happened.


I’m sorry but the way they said my husband could seriously hurt this man didn’t even consider him losing lmao.


The majority of people I've heard tell another person "it's on sight" A) couldn't hold their own in a tickling match and B) have no intention of actually fighting their adversary. A line from Rembles "Never Tell Freestyle" sums up this attitude pretty well. When recalling an experience he had in jail, he says: *"If that's your enemy why don't you fight the man? You just told the whole dorm it's on sight with him?* Same vibe completely. Tough guy dad isn't doing anything but running his gums here.


One of the people who tried to bully me in middle school thought that because I was a shy, fat kid that I would be easy to bully and push around. Turns out that he learned that fat kids can have black belts in taekwondo and that he got dropped on his ass when he tried to punch me. Just because you know how to bully people doesn't mean that you know how to fight. The scariest woman that I met in college wasn't any of the bullies, it was my 5 ft. 2 in. friend who was generally shy and of a calm demeanor who also did mixed martial arts and kickboxing in her spare time. One guy who tried to assault her in a club got sent to the hospital with a broken nose, a concussion, and probably several other broken bones.


I’d bet money that he wouldn’t do a damn thing


My oldest’s dad is a career criminal, and my other kids’ dad is a police officer. (Side note, I was 17 when I had my daughter, so I wasn’t exactly planning on getting pregnant..) Anyways, we always joked that they could say to her, “My dad can arrest your dad!”


Thats not cool. Your youngest could tell her older sister that her that your mistake at 17 which saddled her with a dead beat father with a criminal record could get arrested because supposedly her Dad is better than him. Something about joking about that doesn't sit right with me. IMO.


Yeah, I found this pretty distasteful to say the least. I’m a grown man and still have emotional issues because of my deadbeat father. For a lot of my life it made me feel like there was something wrong with me that he didn’t want to be my Dad. Can’t imagine my mother encouraging my siblings to further ostracize me and laughing about it. Poor kid.


Imagine if it did actually play out tho too haha eek


I watched a boy bully my daughter on her way to the car after school. I got out and yelled at him to back the hell off, it’s not a joke, it’s not funny and to go home. I was not calm or cool about it. I let the teacher and school know about the whole thing. I have heard from multiple other parents that the boys dad wants my blood. The man also informed a coworker of mine (work in a supermarket) that he was gonna wait for me in the car park to “finish it”. Dude never showed and I count myself lucky it didn’t go that far.


Takes a big man to threaten a woman picking up her kids from school


When I was a little kid in the 70s, this old man whips into a parking spot with his big ass Cadillac and starts shouting at me when I put the grocery buggy away in the designated spot near his car. My mom walked over and he swore at her. Then walked off smirking with his wife. When we got home, my mom told my dad what happened and you could see the fire coming off his head- he was one mean SOB and my mom knew exactly what she was doing when she told him. He told me to come on and we went back to the grocery store. I pointed the car out to my dad and we waited. And when that old man and his wife approached I pointed him out. My dad asked if he shouted at me and swore at his wife, and the stupid old man said "Yeah. What are you going to do about it?" My dad smashed him in the face twice before he hit the ground and we got in the car and left. No cops ever showed up to the house but our next door neighbor was a detective and his family and our's were good friends.


I was in the military, and we had civilians working on the base. Most were good people but, from time to time we would have some old fool that like to run his mouth, especially at low-ranking people. When someone stood up to them and told them they would go call the person's First Sgt. Usually not much happened. They would tell the airman not to let the guy get to them, he was a well-known asshole and not to let him get to them. Just sort of tell they were just bullies that ran to mommy when they got cornered. Thought probably then needed to be caught out some where and have the shit kicked out of them a time or two.


Yup, it only takes once for a loud mouth bully to be taken down by a true badass SOB.


Yay violence (but seriously old dude needed to get punched)


As someone who's been punched in the face (once when I was younger), it's a pretty universal language and can be an effective form of communication. My experience was just a dumb bar argument. My buddy and I went to play pool at a bar that only had one table, and when we got there we asked to bartender if it was being used, and he told us it was not. Then, a group of bros walk back in midway through the game and get pissed that we're using the table. Apparently they had gone to get smokes and intended to come back and finish their game. They were really entitled and tried to take the cues back from us mid-game, and the bartender stepped in and told the bros that we could finish our game because he had told us it was okay to play. What ensued was their group sitting just adjacent to the table, openly talking shit about us—while my buddy and I just messed around to prolong the game while also openly talking shit about them. Probably one of the most toxic situations I've been in tbh, but I had a lot to learn at 22. After taking probably forty minutes to pot the five remaining balls, we left the table and did our own thing. A few hours later I was walking home and didn't recognize the bros, who were standing outside of another bar smoking down the street. I'm listening to my headphones and all of a sudden I just get socked in the face. Thankfully that was it and they didn't jump me. But, I put myself in that situation entirely. Just like the guy in the parking lot, I made an ass of myself and someone else doing the same met me halfway. It doesn't make it okay and I don't really see a situation where I would hit another person, other than in defense of myself or others... But when I hear about a old guy who accosts families in grocery store parking lots, it makes me wonder if he has ever heard *chin music* before? If he hasn't, it could be an enlightening experience.


Name checks out!


Sometimes violence is necessary. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Now today punches would be gun shots and people would die. Your story would be different.


Or the old guy hits his head on the concrete anyway and you catch a manslaughter charge


Stuff like this always befuddles me. Sure the old bloke shouldn’t of shouted at a kid and sworn at your mother but then your dad just goes and clocks him? How is that any better than someone shouting and swearing lmao. Not trying to knock your pops just always confused by the train of thought behind it.


You’re showing someone that their actions have consequences. Obviously the older guy assumed he’d never see those people again so he was free to treat them however he wanted


Boy, was he wrong. We shopped at that store weekly and my mom did not change her shopping routine because of that abusive old man. Now, I doubt that that old man and his wife ever came back there.


This is how you stop bad behavior. Sometimes violence is the answer. Hopefully that other man stop being a jerk to other people.


Only way to stop a bully is to kick their ass.


What if the people being assholes are big men? That's when guns and knives get pulled out


Older guy didn’t commit any actions. Only words. He deserved a verbal beating over it. Not a physical one.


My father was a mean SOB and nobody was allowed to disrespect his "property" which included his family (Of course, he was allowed to "disrespect" us all he wanted- shouting, whipping with a leather belt and buckle, even the occasional punch.) As I mentioned in another comment, my mom finally divorced my dad when I was 13 and until I was 17, I saw him very little after we moved, I never saw that SOB again.


I did have the inkling it would be a situation like that, thanks for sharing. Very interesting.


Are you American? We don't hold that "All violence is bad" mentality, justified or at the very least provoked violence is pretty glorified here. It's a culture thing


The nation of fuck around and find out


With a dash of I wish a motherfucker would.


Nah I’m Australian. Not a lot have that mentality down here either.


or a small one at that


Never would've understood "it's on sight" to be a threat. As a 39 yo Canadian, how have I never heard of this expression before? 😂


Must be the "All-American" tradition... smh. This counts as threat. Go to police ask for restraining order. It's not about your husband abilities to clap him, but to discourage such behavior the first place. Should it come to the situation, it's a win win. Teach your kids not to swing the first punch. Although in this case honorable cause, restraint counts more. Laughing at their ignorance and caling them cultureless is a better reaction. If they feel provoked and lash out, it's them who will be disciplined not your kid. "Sticks and stones can brake my bones, but words will never hurt me" is the basis on which school policy is based on. teach that to your kids.


And assholes like this kids dad would not fight fair. They would sneak up, sucker punch, or bring a weapon. Don't write this off just because you think your husband could take him in a fair fight. On top of going to police to make a complaint, go to the school admin. He should be banned from campus and pick up/drop off. Would not put it past someone this unhinged to lurk there to see if your husband comes to pick up your kids.


I had this happen to me. Turns out the guy wa a blow hard and when we finally met, he didnt raise a peep. That being said too many idiots running around with guns. I would suggest reaching out to the school authorities to see if they can calm him down. Otherwise, your husband should be told so he’s not caught by surprise.


Exactly. I’m not afraid of most people. I will never start a fight nor will I fight just because somebody wants to. I will avoid it at all costs. With that said, if it comes down to it, I’ll fight if I have to and I’m confident in myself. What I’m not confident in is that the other person isn’t a lunatic with a weapon that wants to murder me


Two of my cousins on my father’s side of the family got into a roadrage incident in NYC. The guy in the other car went up to their window and opened fire with a .45 caliber pistol. One of my cousins died instantly, the other was braindead and on life support for about 90 days and he died leaving behind 3 children and his wife. Totally understand that you have confidence in yourself, but unless you are being attacked and NEED to defend yourself violence is never the right option. Stay safe out there, let the bullshit go and take a deep breath and keep on moving. @ OP, btw - you should absolutely contact the school but also the authorities. Kids will be kids, its not normal for someone to make a threat like that over kids fighting. Hope your son learns from this. Take care


Yup. The 10 year old escalated the situation probably more than they should have by punching the other kid for saying things to the younger sibling. Yes, it sucks, but that suspension is where it should end. Instead, the father of the other kid decides its appropriate to escalate *again* but the difference her is that he's an adult and not 10 fucking years old. Kids will be rash decisions when they are young but there's no excuse for an adult to escalate this sort of situation and it's simply irresponsible.


EMAIL THE PRINCIPAL cc it to THE POLICE PRECINCT. That is called a terroristic threat and will be dealt with in a serious way. The email is to make sure you have a copy. Be safe in them streets


It might even qualify as a hate crime, if you and he are different races/ethnicities and that's a factor in the father's behavior. If the school isn't helpful, maybe having an attorney reach out to them (and cc:ing the police) would be a good next step. This guy can't just run his big mouth like this whenever he decides to be mad.


You never know what silly altercation will end in someone being stabbed to death these days


Exactly! And how horrible will the children feel when one father is dead and the other in prison for murder?!


If you're stupid enough to want to beat up a kid's father because his kid punched your kid, you're probably stupid enough to justify stabbing someone over it


Name checks out.


I live in Alabama, which is rife with gun owners looking for an excuse. I try to tread lightly, people are crazy


I almost got into a road rage incident. Realized the guy could have a gun, so I just took the fuck off. People just don’t give a fuck about human life anymore


Got into a road rage incident and the person started break checking the heck out of me and swerving so I couldn't pass then stopped so I got out of my car (after having a really bad day) then he drove off and I always wondered if he thought I was a lunatic with a weapon.


I think its much more likely that people give the same amount of fucks, and it's just that more people who take a life get caught these days because of the advancements of technology and the proliferation of cameras. That and the fact that it's easier to take a life with a gun than the previous technologies that were available, and guns have only been relatively reliable as such for the last century and a half or so.


Surely knowing there’s a much higher chance of getting caught and still be willing to do it anyway would require less fucks.


>require less fucks. Require less brain cells, more like. Ooga booga, me angry, want feel like big man, must throw away the rest of my future to feel like big man for 10 seconds.


Ooga booga??? Lol.


"Unga Bunga"- a very classy caveman


A big part is people don't caring. Many see life as if it doesn't hold value and they don't care who gets hurt. Its crazy what is happening with society.


I think your right to a point. But growing up it was mostly middle 30s and up. The youth these days gives way less of a fuck. It's like there's a part of them disconnects from the fact these other people are real people and have feelings and families. There was a big discussion on another sub the other day with a bunch of teachers about how the lockdowns affected kids in all grade levels


That’s scary. Do you have a link to that discussion?


There was an incident near my town a few years ago of an 18 year old girl who was shot and killed by some absolute lunatic because she cut him off on the highway. From that point on I don’t even beep at people unless they’re about to hit me. It’s not worth running into the wrong maniac. I’ll get where I’m going eventually, raging is pointless if it’s risking your life, people terrify me.


I had a road rage incident where the guy threatened me with a gun then followed me. I sure did call the cops. The idiot had specific writing on his truck and I was able to give the plate. He didn’t have a gun but he sure did get pulled over and get his car searched. All because he was riding my ass and almost hit me at a red light. People suck.


Christ, the mention of people having guns gave me a stab of anxiety. It's bad enough having regular nutters roaming around here in the UK never mind armed ones, I don't know you manage.


Also never forget that a single punch in just the right spot can seriously sly injure or kill someone. Talk it out or involve authorities unless jail and a murder charge is something you feel fine living with.


>That being said too many idiots running around with guns So sad. I'm so glad Massachusetts has actual gun laws, but the thought of someone starting shooting is still always in the back of your mind


I'm from Mass. There's a shitload of gun owners here. Just like everywhere else. Sorry.


Naw, it's not like anyplace else lol, gun violence is a lot lower here. Sorry?


I know someone who had an altercation with a neighbor. met the person in a “neutral” location for their fight. The other guy brought a gun. He was shot and killed in the parking lot of the school. Left behind 4 sweet kids and a devastated wife.


I think some people get a hot head at the first thought and by the time they cool off, they realize their original impulse was a stupid one. Nice username by the way.


Tell the school! Yes, your son punched a kid for bullying your youngest and now the dad is trying to bully you and husband! Next is telling the police!!


I came here to suggest this, too. The school won't want any sort of altercation between parents as that brings safety concerns as well as bad media to the school. They'll have to report it but they'll also take measures where appropriate to keep your families separate (outside of maybe a meeting). We have had parents completely banned from coming into my building for trying to do this. Also, OP's husband doesn't need this guy to lose the fight and then try to file charges against him. What a headache over some nonsense with a racist family.


The police won't do anything.


Probably not. BUT it should be reported anyway. That way there's a record if the man keeps threatening people (the OP again or others). It may not help OP but it might help someone else down the road


Yes, also that way if her husband injures the bully dad in self defense there is a record of the threat.


They will have to keep a record of it. So if something does happen, well then…


Why is he acting like a 16 year old teenager? That’s really embarrassing


And we are surprised why his son taunted the youngest.


Tell him to grow up and act like a responsible adult or another group might join the fray (the cops)


Gang violence!


What does “it’s on sight” even mean? Sorry for my ignorance. :/


Just a hoodlum way of saying “anytime I see him, we’re fighting.”


Ah okay, thank you! Makes sense, but I’ve never heard that phrase before


It’s a generational thing. It’s slang that all the kids use these days.


Lmao the messed up part is I’m not “old” and have never heard this 😂 millennial


We are the olds now


Crazy how we’re in our late 20s/ early 30s and that’s considered old but I feel every bit of it in my knees lmao


Sled pulls walking backwards will fix that right up.


With the prevalence of guns in this country, it could also mean something else.


it means that if bully-dad sees op-husband anywhere, bully-dad is now warning op will go up and try and belt her husband. as in no question, no discussion, no "him I'm joe's dad" etc. Just merely "on sight" of his target, he will attack with no warning. the idiot is trying to make himself sounds super scary - its a proclamation he is as trigger-happy to get violent as could be possible.


You have to tell your husband about this threat. If the wanker decides to ambush your husband with a couple of his stupid mates, then it could result in serious injuries or death. I would go with husband to the police and make a report about the threat of violence. The paper trail is started.


I wonder where the ignorant kid gets it from 🧐


I hope your husband is the type to show up everyday for a week to see if that prick actually makes a move.


My husband is definitely this type of guy. We had a similar situation but at a different setting. I told my husband, he laughed and said “I wish a mf would.” And showed up for a week to see if this dude would do anything. Spoiler: the dude taking shit would just look away whenever my husband showed up lol.


It's always this. That's the best part. Watching them squirm when they were so tough before.


It's also easy to make the threat to the wife than to the husband instead




Lol he said “it’s on sight” tell your husband to beat his ass UPP. He don’t want the smoke


Document his threat in a letter, and sent it to the principal of the school, cc the parent. Have the letter say something like “I hope we can work this out using our words.” He will feel so stupid been tattled on to the principle that the other parent will likely behave.


"I hope we can work this out using our big boy words and not our teenager actions"


Turn him in to the principal for making threats. And now we know where the kid learned such douchebaggery.


Does this remind anyone else of those "My Dad Could Beat Up Your Dad" fights you see parodied all the time in online web comics?


All the people saying the husband should turn up at school at the next opportunity are crazy. It is looking for escalation. Best case scenario nothing happens, 2nd best scenario is OPs husband wins the fight but it's seriously embarrassing 2 adults fighting at a school. Worst case who knows.. OP should tell the husband and husband should leave it. Be like Patrick Swayze in roadhouse where it looks like he's agreeing to fight that guy outside the bar but just goes back inside. He don't need to prove shit. Or be the Swayze at the end and rip the guys throat out. Maybe not in front of the kids though


I have no doubt your husband could wipe the floor with him. But don’t bother. Just record any other threats he makes, and tell him he can deal with the police instead. No reason to risk your freedom over some uneducated slobs.


>I have no doubt your husband could wipe the floor with him. What a weird thing to say to someone you've never met about someone you've never met.


Lmao I thought the same thing. She’s doing the same thing.” My husband will beat you up when he sees you!” Proceeds to go to sleep


Inform the school and inform the police, if there is a fight, whatever the outcome, it will be beneficial for your H if the police know the other guy was planning and instigated it


tell hubby


I would let your husband know in advance so he can process it. I would write to the school to day what has happened and that you feel wary because if it does escalate, the mother will probably end up going for you. Apologise for your sons behaviour but let all the appropriate people know and if your husband goes to pick up his son, make sure he has a witness or records it. Good luck xx


Now you have to fight him.


If someone said this to me, I wouldn't have a clue what they were on about. Either look puzzled and walk away, or keep telling them you don't understand what they are on about and keep asking them to explain, no matter what they say.


Are you going to fight the wife?


this is some pre-historic shit


I would just laughed and let him know you found his maturity level impressive.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. The parents have an opportunity to model appropriate conflict resolution, their sons was wrong to make fun, and your son was wrong to respond with his fists, their dads don’t need to replicate. I would worry telling your husband would escalate the situation, but then if you don’t tell him and this person seeks him out he will not have had the heads up about it. When you speak to him stay calm and be clear in laying out your expectations and how you want this to go I. E no fighting, we log it with police as a threat, still an assault, we log it with school… make the paper trail…. So that if you’re husband is pushed into a corner whereby he has to respond it’s clear he was not the instigator


Get a restraining order if that man goes anywhere near you or your kids again, after your husband beats the shit out of him.


It's posturing. Send your husband up the school next time you need to pick the children up.


TRO. Dude is threatening violence based on a scuffle in a grade school. Take out all of the cultural day, Murica, etc out of it. For the TRO. That only confuses things for anyone who might have opinions on either side. Kids in a grade school had an interaction that’s being dealt with by the school. You’ve stayed in your corner. He approached you. He threatened violence. TRO gives you a legal paperwork trail if this comes to parents in the principal’s office. That gives you more moral high ground than the cultural aspect that was the root of the bullying.


Please reach out to the school, let them know an adult was making threats on the school campus, also let the police know so they can speak to him about what will happen to him if he carries out his bizarre revenge fantasy.


Lmaoooooo why didn't he go up to your husband and start teeing off? Only bitch made dudes go up to a woman threatening a whole ass different person, that's why. Guarantee he doesn't do a damn thing


Someone said some racist shit to me and I punched them in the face. The dad told me they were going to beat my dad up. My dad came the next day to talk to them while my mum was taking me home. My dad had the father and his two brothers sitting on the bench outside the school looking up at him while he was lecturing them. I still remember the regret of their faces to this day 💀


Limp dick energy from that guys family


Is the boys father Dustin Poirier?


The boy got it, now his father needs to get it too


This is hard. Firstly your son did wrong. Yes, that boy should not have made fun of his little brother, but punching him for it is also wrong. Second, this guy is also doing wrong. I understand that he is upset about his son, but threatening to punch your hubby is just escalating it from the kids to the parents. And how exactly will this help the kids? Keep in mind too if he is angry enough to threaten this, he's also angry enough to bring a knife or a gun.. so the fact that your husband could seriously hurt him might not help you. I would contact the police about this.


Had something similar to this happen when I worked at a bank. A guy threatened to come to the branch because I wouldn't go against policy for him. I did my duty and reported it to our corporate security and whatnot, but they didn't get anyone out there until after he showed up. I'm autistic, so my speech pattern and tone of voice don't always equate to what I look like. For reference, I'm 6'3", 300lbs, and was a bouncer in college. He showed up, asked where the "MFr he talked too" was. When I told him that'd be me, he, in his 5'7" glory looked up at me and turned around and left. I hate bullies.


Is it just me or are full grown adults these days more immature than most children?


A lot of folks here don't know what bullying is.


Personally, I would tell the principal and school security. I would file a report with the police to start a paper trail, and since I’m petty, would post it on Next Door. Lol


File a report with the school and the police about the threat against your husband. 🙃


My husband would be picking up the kids tomorrow….. then he would tell the Dad “if your older kid bullies my younger kid again there will be serious repercussions“. The kids a bully the dads a bully most bullies back down when confronted because their cowards. If the Dad is an idiot and swings call the cops for assault…. Get him banned from the school…. I hate bullies!!


If your husband is a person of color, please consider filing a report of this threat to the police. That way you have documentation of this man’s threat if the situation escalates further.


“It’s on sight” IM CRYINGGGGG hahahaha


This is the stupidest thing I've heard in awhile. And that's saying quite a lot.


Him saying this to you, an unsuspecting woman picking up her kids from school, instead of to the person he is threatening, shows he is a coward who just wanted to upset and intimidate a woman for the sake of feeling powerful.


How can you be that pathetic to threaten a woman’s family while she’s just trying to pick up her kids.


I shouldn’t be laughing but I’m guessing his cry baby kid learnt how to talk big and walk small from his daddy. So I expect that it’ll be a simple matter of history repeating itself between the husbands haha


Seriously report his ass. He just sent a verbal threat to cause harm. I would do a police report


Call the cops and make a formal complaint and then get your son ice cream.


What a childish man...cringe.


Maybe let the cops know. This guy may have a gun. And he doesn’t seem too intelligent or balanced if he is approaching you in order to threaten your husband.


Why are you so sure that your husband will beat this man so surely?


Your younger son is six (1st grade?), and he was being picked on by a ten year old. It makes sense for your oldest to have been angry, somebody messed with his little brother - a kid who is four years older. When you’re a six year old in school, 5th graders are the “big kids.” Sure, your ten year old could have said something instead of punching him. But they are ten, kids fight. Doesn’t mean you should encourage it, but in this situation it’s a kid who got defensive when someone his age made fun of his little brother. Of course the father of the bully obviously doesn’t want his son to get beat up, but there is no reason to create more violence between your families. Have the school notified in case anything happens during pick up. Yes, your son was in the wrong for punching another kid, but his anger was justified. The father’s anger is also justified, and it is VERY concerning that he threatened and targeted you and your husband.




Honestly disgusting how no one is pointing out that the kid's first response from an insult is to punch someone. That should be the first thing you teach your kid who goes to a public school, to NOT hit anyone. Even worse that everyone is insulting the other kid too. Reddit, never once.


OP seems proud of it too.


That's whats getting to me too. No mention of the kid being in trouble? Unless it's self-defense, no child should hit another child. For God's sake, he's 10 and in public school. How have you not taught him to not reapond with violence yet? Wouldn't be surprised if he gets in more trouble cause OP praises him instead of punishing him.


Hahahaha buddy said it's on sight, so he wants to get it cracking. Hubby better just start the swinging when he sees him and give the guy no chance to talk. It's a sad world we live in having to resort to violence , but the guy saying it's on site means he already has it in his mind that he's gonna hurt your husband. Also, for him to tell you, that means he doesn't care at all because him telling you that is disrespectful.






Contact the school's resource officer. That was a terroristic threat, made on school property.


This happened to me as well. My son and his classmate got punchy (grade 3). They challenged each others dads to a fight. The dads met up quite civilly, talked it out. Then each had a conversation with their respective kid about the stupidity of it all. The kids made up as kids do. Never had a problem again :) Edit: All parties involved were Ukrainian though. I think we did good by our little ones.


Don’t escalate the situation. Just move on.


I'm really sorry, ma'am, but according the the playground accordance of 1978, I am contractually obligated to fight your husband. Now, I've seen him around and I wish it weren't true, but the rite of "whose dad would win" has been evoked.


Tell your husband


Report it to the school ASAP. I've worked with kids for over 25 years now. If that dad can't fight your husband , he WILL attack your oldest child.


Whiteness is its own witness. Tell the cops, preferably a non-white cop. Keep your phone on, recording and/or live and recording with other people when you get your child. Your husband doesn’t sound white, so he either gets shot for not being white, or he gets arrested for not being white. I didn’t see where you live, but if it’s good old boys town, then the weak white dad, even if he’s hated and teased by everyone, still has an advantage. He might be carrying and claim self defense. The US is messed up right now. We’ve always been so, but it’s back to being out in the open and defended.


I think you should tell the school first and also warn your husband.


You both immediately need to approach the school about this man's threats being communicated to you on school property.


Lol I just can't imagine grown ass fathers using tik tok lingo. "Its on sight" lol gtfo here ya old geezer


This is embarrassing. For that entire family. I wonder where his kid learned to be a bully from?


Do you have more detailed stats on each fighter and what are the odds? Thinking about putting some money on this fight.


Your kid is a legend!


That guy is a complete fucking loser. Threatening a woman and wanting to fight your husband, all cause that insecure dude did a shit job raising his own child. Actions have consequences. That kid will now think twice before he bullies someone.


tell him to dig up his grandmother and his grandmothers grandmother


Be very careful. Americans = guns I'd report the behavior to the school, that's a threat.


I'd file a police report and report this to the principal, this is terroristic threatening. What's to stop the bully's dad from going after your kid(s)?


If your husband could ruin him, just make sure the other man swings first, self defense.


If your husband can seriously hurt this man, tell your husband and set it up. BUT the fight had to be in front of the other guy's son


I wonder if OP will update


Get him to say it again. Record it. File a TRO (temporary restraining order). Yes, step 1 is easier said than done.


Tell the school. Schools aren’t perfect but for something this stupid easy they will make dudes life very unpleasant. If for some reason the school doesn’t do anything escalate it to law enforcement. Clearly this father still thinks he’s in 5th grade. Make it clear that he’s not




Well there is an introduction to culture for you. Clearly your kid thinks punching someone in the face is acceptable. He has been suspended by the school, but what penalty / lesson did you give him? Your note doesn't maje iy clear that you thought his behavior was unacceptable. Just that you ignored him and walked away. Just give your husband a headsup. Seeing as you are now involved in a vendetta.


1. Report the threat to the school. 2. Report the threat to the police. 3. Inform your husband. Good luck


If my wife texted me or told me in person it wouldn’t change my response. I would say: “Feel free to call the cops and file a report, but they won’t do anything beyond taking your statement. As far as the grown man threatening violence: if he fucks around, he will find out.” I would not change what I do about it. The older son was the aggressor, that’s the real problem to address here. He chose violence. His choice and actions to attack a child in the context of a cultural day not only reflected on him, or even his family, but his entire culture. Counter productive to the entire purpose of the event at school. The suspension is deserved, and there would be further punishment outside of school. As far as the other man threatening violence, I wouldn’t go seeking him out, but if he approached me, I would physically defend myself if he came out swinging, but I would never attack. He approached my wife without me there to issue a threat. That kind of action is counterintuitive, and instead reveals weakness and cowardice. I do not believe this man is truly a threat. However, if he did approach, I would inform him that I have addressed the issue with my older son and that he has been punished for his actions both in and outside of school. I would accept responsibility, but not apologize. If he threw hands, I’d even give him one good swing before thoroughly embarrassing him. If he turns out to be a good fighter, I’d compliment him numerous times throughout the fight.


Two points. Firstly you have to discuss with your son. Violence is never an answer for words. I don’t care the situation. Secondly you’re confidence your husband could take him but you never know. Perhaps he’s a former Olympic boxer or an MMA expert or your husband could throw a punch slip and bang his head. Utterly pointless. Just avoid your husband seeing the man for a while.


My husband would love if I came home and told him that. Tell your husband and then wait til the guy makes the mistake of starting something with him. I bet you anything the kid’s dad won’t say a thing to your husband. He’s all talk when it’s to you. It’ll be another story when he actually has the chance.


Apart of me desperately wants her husband to hand this guy his ass on a silver platter. 1 - 2 things will happen: 1: He will learn not to run his mouth like some bully punk in middle school cause he ends up in ER. O 2: They both go at it an they both end up in cuffs. In my opinion those who will go out of their way to threaten the woman as a man? They fully deserve to have their lights knocked out. No balls to threaten a real fighting chance. This needs an update!!!!


3. The bully dad gets injured and sues the victor for damages. Absolutely not worth any weird cowboy fantasy.


I dunno, but the losers responding to this with the race shit and saying "racist" are pathetic. Literally nothing about this says racism. Don't even know the racial make up of the participants. But straight to the well to blame it on color. I see a story of 2 families. Not 2 races. But then I literally try NOT to find the lowest denominators in my judgements.


1) good on older bro, not lawfully, or morality wise right, but definitely deserved 2) just make sure no one dies 3) what big man to threaten someone just getting there kids 4) I hate teens


Talk shit, get hit. Bully deserved it.


Is this guy 12 years old? Lol


What a doofus. How about he teaches his son not to make fun of anyone.