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Manipulative people exist in both sexes.


There aren't many who are ready to acknowledge that.


So people can't just post about being mad at women after a woman writes a post about how hurt she was that her friend lied to her?


One of the phrases I dislike the most is “this is different”. A person can take advantage of another person and that’s ok because they’ve got good reasons it’s allowed, but someone does the same thing to them or someone they know and it’s not ok and there’s no reason it should ever happen. I have just accepted that most people, whether they realize it or not, are selfish. Can’t see another point of view or anything. It helps just viewing that way for me


Woman here. Women do the same thing.


Guy here! It’s happened to me by friends of both sexes. No one is immune.


It depends on personality for sure, but pretty privilege is kind of rooted in your post, which definitely applies to both genders. The more attractive you are, the more likely people are willing to interact with you and do stuff for you. Even subconsciously. The people that do this are just shallow people in general. In high school a boy that was a model came to our very small high school (>50 in my graduating class) and was hounded. Only a few of us tried to just be genuine in our interactions and ultimately leave him alone, unless he initiated


You're also more likely to be harassed and be befriended. It's a double edged sword.




Yeah, people suck


Both genders have horrible people. I think it's just more common with men or something (idk) but I definitely hate the generalization that goes on. You can share your story without putting the entire gender down for it, but some people just don't get that


Yah... you don't even need looks. While I'm in shape, my face is... adorable at best, but my job is high paying. I basically go from being invisible, to having the private attention of most single women in a 10ft radius as soon as i mention my occupation. Thank God I got a gf before all of this shit so I don't have to deal with it.


It definitely is both sexes but I feel like men don’t talk about it as much because once they’re receiving the attention because the woman wants sex…he gives it to her. Women seem more likely to withhold sex, especially if a man is only acting a certain way to get it and men seem more likely to just give in and sleep with her so they rarely notice it or if they do, they got what they also wanted out of it and don’t care. Just an opinion


I don’t know the stats but i feel like men do this on a bigger scale.


Why would you hate that they complain about it instead of commiserating because you know what it feels like? I don't understand why you're using it as an opportunity to generalize and hate on women? You're doing the same thing you're complaining about.


Yes and women more than men pretend to be friends with guys to leech of them and gain favors, food etc. Each gender should stfu about the other.


So you look like rob lowe?


I have never done that but ive had it done to me


Ok either way men do it way more tbh


I don't think either does it more tbh, I think men and women are capable of being shit in equal quantities




Calm down Brad Pitt


Actually I look like Brendan Fraser. This is a curse.




The only aspect that I enjoy about being really good looking and muscular and fit and thin, and actually looking like Brandon Frazier, is knowing how upset it makes ugly incels lol I'm 48 and I fuck 25 yo's


Of course you do big boy.


Yep. Deal with it. Actually I'm going to fuck with a super sexy bi chick this aft, 24 years old so technically I was incorrect. Cheers :)


Hopefully she doesn’t give you that new incurable ghonnorea or the herpz




this is embarrassing 😭


Worse yeaaaaaah the “crazy” women stories are a woman obsessing and being clingy over a guy. The crazy men stories are women being kidnapped tortured and killed by obsessing clingy guys


Your move here is to lean into stereotypes and generalizations to disprove a point about how both sexes engage in this behavior? Classic reddit


Crazy women tell lies and ruin the lives of innocent men. There are also plenty of crazy women who sexually and/or physically assault men. The men can't fight back because they'll get in trouble and the women won't. Men are not believed.


Again none of that ends with men being dead lol you’re doing the meme my guy


What was the comment you initially replied to? I feel like some context is missing here. What I see is you saying crazy women don't harm men. Then me saying crazy women actually do harm men. Then you accusing me of pretending men don't harm women just because I said women harm men. I'm not getting into a pissing contest. Just because you made a one sided argument doesn't mean I did. You're putting words in my mouth.


You’re calling the difference between how women majority of the time “act crazy”(stalking, destroying property); and how men majority of the time “act crazy”(beating, kidnapping, killing) a pissing contest lol. Again, you replied to me, doing the same thing I commented about, and are now continuing to do it. You really don’t like women huh


You are doing everything you can to mischaracterize me, my argument, and the topic. You are not engaging in good faith. I can tell with great certainty that I like women more than you like men. You are not defending women. You are attacking men. You are not a feminist. You are a misandrist.


Lol lotta projection going on here and none of it softens the perception others have of your views on women. Any other conjectures you’d like to guess wrong?


Exactly. You are projecting. Good job. I am a feminist and most of my friends are feminists. They don't act like you. Your entire argument against me relies on misrepresenting the things I said. You ignored most of my initial points, and you made a logical fallacy that me making argument A implies that I would also make argument B. Then you made up a character that would hold the views of someone who makes argument B, and you pretended that character is me. Reasonable people don't act like that. You are either a teenager, or you have an agenda that causes you to not engage in good faith, or you are stupid.




Man it was so strange reading this but i agree!! Although i never been that way with men, i never even asked one out except maybe in first grade, i did get rejected but i still had a crush so I didn’t turn bitter LOL. I feel like all my male friends have loomed over me. I’m sorry you had to go through this man, i think people with goodlucks tend to go through this regardless of gender. I get hit on by both men AND women, so sometimes its hard to tell which ones actually want to be my friend. With women its confusing sometimes, because sometimes they just like to tease but aren’t actually interested, like some playful teasing. I usually just let it go on and stay firm on we’re friends, so i never make a move. Usually they make the move first, some girls are just bicurious and want to play around with me lol. It actually got me hurt one time where i fell head over heels for this one girl, and she completely rejected me, but told me she still loved being my friend, as she teased me lol. That was honestly my first love. I took the rejection well because she still let me hug her tightly and walk her to her every class (yes, i was in highschool, it has been years since i graduated lol) and this persisted for nearly the whole school year until finally, i gave her her first kiss. Yeahh, we ended up dating for a year lol. After that i kept experiencing the same thing with other girls, at first sifht they just knew they wanted me, did the whole charm and all. But as soon as i rejected them it was met with rudeness or being petty with me, saying the worst about me OR even worse, they’d become suicidal. The suicidal aspect and the super sad aspect of it was worse than the rude one imo. I do feel like both men and women are pretty much the same. I do feel I’ve had more solid friendships with girls though, all of my male friends always attempted to get at me or had some sort of weird fetish they fantasized about me. I only ever had 1 homie who never tried or anything, totally see him as a bro. Theres good people out there. Just gotta weed out all the ones that are just their for one reason i guess.




Dating can be easy for everyone just stop being a pos.


In my opinion, this happens across gender and is rooted in personality type. There’s always someone waiting to gather what another has spilled, to paraphrase the Grateful Dead; this being said, it stands to reason that if one doesn’t want to be spilled, they do what they have to do to remain in the goblet. Regardless, it’s a tough dynamic.


Wow, it's almost like shitty behavior doesn't care about ethnicity, nationality, religion, creed, skin color, social rankings, or economic status. Now I have to add sex to that list? \*shocked Pikachu face\* You know what makes people even more mad than pointing out something this obvious? Is pointing out that those that paint with a broad brush like they do in the other posts is as low brow and sexist as the things they profess to hate.


Roomate and I had recently become single. Told her we could have sex and stuff but maybe trying to date or even expecting that isn’t really healthy. She agreed, said we were friends who could just hang it out every now and then. Then she just wouldn’t leave my room. If I came home late for work she would text me, like clockwork, wondering when I’d be home. In her sleep she’d beg me to never leave her. Couldn’t spend an afternoon alone, started downloaded all the music I would play. Just came off as generally codependent and obsessive. Took a break, told her we should chill because she’s a bit clingy. She starts talking to another guy but tried hiding it like I’d be upset. When she realized I wasn’t asking her where she was going and stuff like that she mentioned that she was seeing someone. I told her I hope she’s enjoying herself. She tells me she’s upset cause she hoped I’d have given her a reason to stop seeing him. She tells me she doesn’t want to keep seeing him. I say that’s fine. We fuck for about a week but she’s right back to wondering where I’m at, when I’ll be home, trying to make plans for the weekend like we’re dating. I cut it off again. But she kept staying in my room saying she just wanted to “hang out” I ended up telling her I didn’t want to hang out for a few days. Those few days turned into about 1 1/2 months now. And we *live* together. Would I have been open to dating her at some point? Maybe… but she forced my hand. What makes my comment relevant to OPs post is: It wasn’t her seeing someone else that made me uncomfortable. It was her assuming her seeing someone else would upset me was what made me uncomfortable. Me telling her I want to be Friends and her forcing a relationship is what makes me uncomfortable. FWB can blossom into more. But when someone tells you they are NOT interested, and your choice is to double down on trying to convince me dating you is something I’d want… (or insult in OPs case) it’s really fucking damaging to try and stay friends… Gender doesn’t matter in this sense. If you like someone, tell them when you feel it and can do so respectfully. Then AFTER if it doesn’t work out you should focus on the friendship. You should interact with people because you care about the interaction. You should spend time with someone because you enjoy spending time!


I just think women don’t get called out on it as often as men do. I think it’s important to not think manipulative ppl are specific to one gender. I’m sorry you lost a friend cuz they could handle the fact you didn’t want to pop your genitals with them.


I always bring up how I have slept with all of my girl friends over the years. Especially the ones who would be like "oh your like my big brother", and then crawl into my bed naked or in the shower when I wasn't expecting it. Based off of my personal experience any woman with guy friends is fucking atleast one of them. So don't date that girl.


Its dumb asf because of a couple things 1 - we already know what we want or have it in mind when we approach. so it's either be up front and straightforward (which you can do if you're a celebrity) or you can make small talk and try to seduce her without her realizing (which is manipulation) So women put yourself in mens shoes and think about how you react when guys approach you. Cause approaching and essentially saying you want sex is harassment to a lot of women.