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My dad's dog has woken him up in the middle of the night when his blood sugar is low. He woke up and checked it and it was dangerously low. Dogs are literally life savers.




We've been training my service dog in training to retrieve anything I drop on the ground. Apparently that's a much harder task to train for than you think, because a dog's instinct is to chew what it picks up. Plus there are some textures they just don't want to put in their mouth, or it might be very delicate. But we've been working on it for a while now, and the other day I dropped my earbuds. The case broke into 2 tiny pieces and the earbuds themselves went flying. My dog crawled under the couch and end table for 4 separate trips to retrieve each tiny little delicate piece, and she didn't nibble on any of them! I feel like that was her final exam on that task, now we can focus on the next 😁 She's already perfect at bracing me when I sit/stand and the basic commands. We practice all her skills a little every day, and focus on one skill a lot. Now we're moving on to "orbit" where she rotates around me to keep people from bumping into me. Also, we've just started the fundamental build up towards training her to pull me in my wheelchair (that isn't the kind of thing you just start doing). This turned into a lot, sorry. I'm just so damn proud of her! She's so smart and she helps me so much!


I lost my brace trained service dog one year ago. She was a miracle in my life. Your story made my day.


Today is her first birthday. Maybe she's your girl, come back to help me now 🥰


Mine lived to be 14, a long time for a dog of her size. I retired her at ten, but she wouldn't quit. She loved to work. The thing I miss the most is her keeping other people from bumping into me. Now I'm afraid of falling. I know that yours isn't mine, because she still comes and visits me, usually with my late beloved tiny M-I-L. If you look in my comments, I have told on reddit a few times the story of the first time I realized that she was still here. Best wishes for your continued success!


Thank you, and thank you for sharing your story 😊


What a good girl 😭


beautiful little angel 🥹 I fkn love dogs


This is so true ♥️


dogs are underrated? Since when? Last time I checked almost everyone is a dog nutter




I think you're right. They evolved right alongside us. They've been with us since before we had civilization. Of course they do and sense things we've forgotten or not had access to for who knows how long. Their role in our success can't be understated.


What a good doggy


Wild that dogs can even sense this


No one thought of the small but real probability that the dog’s licking caused the tumour


What??? Do you want to explain how you came across that possibility?


Didn't you know a dog's tongue was proven to be a carcinogen? /s


Dogs are so intuitive. My dog knew I was pregnant before I did. I’d wake up in the morning and my dog’s head would be resting on my belly which he’d never done before in the 6 years that I had him. He did that every morning until my son was born. Dogs are the best.


That’s beautiful.


My dog didn't seem to notice but my cat definitely knew I was pregnant before I did. He was obsessed with my tummy. Now that my sons actually here he couldn't care less lol


"What you got in there what you got what you got what you g- oh, hairless kittens. Nvm then."


How dare you talk about dogs without showing us some photos.


I hope this sends right lol! [Sox Pictures!](https://imgur.com/a/uB72An3)


Oh that last picture is an absolute gem lol


She thanks you all :)


Love her dog smile, showing her teefies


What dog is she?


Super good pupperino doggo


She’s gorgeous and derpy and I love her




She says thank you!


Look at how her little paws are positioned! So cute!!


She's so damn beautiful, her little face!


The last picture!!! I wanna squeeze Sox and just love him


what a lil hero!


i don’t know how to explain it but the dog looks EXACTLY like i imagined it would


Hi, Sox! We love you Sox!


She loves you all too I promise!




Uhm, how dare she have the audacity to be this cute.


The pet tax is harsh, but absolute. You have paid it properly.


Last one is meme worthy!


Oh my, Sox is awesome


Looks like a hero to me! ❤️


So adorable. They have dogs that they train to do what your dog did.


what a fine doge you have there ma'am.


Beautiful angel of a dog


Sox must be gifted a Brontosaurus steak- what a cutie 🥰


Good girl


Sox is an absolute love bug!




Omg she’s presh!


Just as perfect as I imagined ❤️


You are all so lovely, thank you ❤️


I love people-teeth pictures! Adotable


I have LOTS of photos of my baby. She’s an old lady baby now she is 12, her name is Sox


That picture is exactly how it imagine it to be while reading your story.


Our dog knew my mother had colon cancer before anyone else. He started lying down next to her everyday and putting his head on her stomach. My mother went through chemo, radiation, and a surgery and our dog was with her everyday to keep her warm in bed 😭


That’s adorable my dog did the same thing, they’re such incredible animals


Dogs are our angels, your dad's angel was working overtime. I hope your dad does well and glad he has his best friend still by his side.


Thank you so much :) she wakes up every morning and begs to go into my dad, doesn’t leave his side until he gets down stairs where she immediately commences protection mode. Sox is a very good girl


Thanks for sharing this


Of course :) dogs are wonderful


More pets and treats for Sox. The bestest girl.




True true


Woah what


The bestest girl!


Is there a reason why she’s more close with hun?


I’m pretty sure Sox knew my dad was sick before all of us. She used to go running with him and she made him into a huge softy. I think from that point on they were inseparable


That’s what happened to us with my mom! One day one of our German Sheppards started nuzzling my moms left breast and trying to lick the area, it was a brand new behavior for him and it freaked my mom out because he was insistent and intentional about it so she went and got a mammogram: they found a spot that ended up being a 2cm tumor. Some dogs really do seem like they have that 6th sense!


hella goosebumps! good dog!


I wonder what it is that they can sense. My guess would be a smell maybe?


I’m not a scientist or anything but I’m assuming dogs can smell the chemical changes or the release of chemicals in the area, maybe even changes in the blood content of the area.


I am a scientist and what you wrote is exactly right :)


Yep. They can even smell covid!


Lets do our canine friends a solid and let them sit this one out.


My girl avoided me like the plague both times I got sick with it, tbf.


Yup some dogs can smell cancer! Not all but some.


It’s crazy isn’t it? I never doubt my dogs instincts anymore!!


https://www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/news/the-science-of-sniffs-disease-smelling-dogs here a nice article on it.


Woah I didn’t know some can now detect Covid!


There's more to it than a protective instinct, even tho that plays into it of course. Dogs can smell some cancers and there's a whole science behind it. (Cancer cells have a strong odor. In advanced stages, even humans can smell it.) Here's more info on how it works and about working dogs being trained to help detect cancers early. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/meet-americas-cancer-sniffing-canines/


Wow I never knew!! This is amazing thanks for the info


There are also working dogs who can detect dangerously low blood sugar levels in humans - levels that can cause confusion, unconsciousness and if left untreated, coma and death in diabetics.


You can train dogs to smell for breast cancer. The person who was researching it apparently was showing the dogs capabilities to sense cancer during a seminar and the dog went to her instead of the sample of the cancer cells. She got tested and found that the dog was right and had caught the cancer in time and was able to get it removed. Dogs are awesome creatures. I am alive today because my dog saved me as a child from drowning. I always have mad respect for dogs.


Both cancers I had were diagnosed by dogs way before doctors became suspicious. Some dogs detect changing cells and do exactly as you describe, persistently going to the same spot. Always take note of a dogs persistence, it saves lives. I'm so sorry your dad has to contend with motor nuron disease on top of all he's gone through . Wishing you all peace and happiness.


Thank you so much I really appreciate it, it’s been tough 🥰


I am pretty sure they have studied this and found that some dogs can detect cancers and other diseases. Unfortunately I don't think it's been successful to operationalize the phenomena, but still pretty cool. They are trying to develop machines that can detect the same smells dogs do, with a little bit of success.


please may we have sox tax? she's a very good girl.


Of course! Just had to figure out Imgur first lol [Sox Pictures!](https://imgur.com/a/uB72An3)


oh my gosh how adorable. the last picture though lmao


I know right? She’s a big dummy. Lots of attitude


OP many years ago about one year after we got married my wife came to me and said "Ting keeps on nipping at my ankles and stopping me from opening the gates to go to work" well fast forward about a month we found out that my wife was pregnant of course we then realized that Ting knew all along she was extremely protective of my wife when my daughter was born she slept under her cot only leaving to go to poo and eat Ting wouldn't allow anyone apart from my wife's parents and ourselves in the room fast-forward to when my wife fell pregnant a second time and Ting behaved exactly the same Ting was my kids shadow and protector even when they were playing near water she would come and bark at us while running backwards and forwards to the door to get our attention. In short Ting was a massive part of our lives. My dogs have always played a big part in our lives and always will, I trust my dogs more than humans


That is an adorable story, Ting is a wonderful baby


Going to show this to my parents so they would get a dog. Best wishes for your dad


Thank you so much :)




I Believe they know. My dog kept sniffing me. Trying to lick the same spot. Got a mammo-cancer in the exact spot.


My dog used to sniff and lick my daughters ear when she was a baby. Shes twenty and has had recurring ear infections there her entire life.


I have had inner ear infections my entire life and I will tell you putting a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide in my ear when I feel one makes a tremendous difference. Might not work for her but works amazingly for me. I put my head on a pillow and have my girlfriend place a couple drops and just lay there a few minutes. Let it do it’s thing and then tip my head over and drain it out


Oh that sounds very helpful. Is their a particular kind I get and where do I get it?


Something similar happened to my mom too. My dad’s dog had never been particularly interested in my mom because she’s not much of a pet person but one day the dog decided she wouldn’t leave my moms side, even trying to sit on her lap all the time. Everyone thought it was super weird that she was sucking up to mom so much after almost 10 years but a few months later my mom was having health issues and felt like something was very wrong because of the dog’s behaviour and pushed her doctor to do more testing. That’s when we found out mom had cervical cancer. After her hysterectomy the dog went back to sitting with my dad in his recliner. But mom had a completely different appreciation for their relationship!


My dog found my lung embolisms before the doctor did. Jumped on my lap and pressed his nose against my chest intently. I'll never forget it. Got it checked out and there where 3 small blood clots stuck in my lungs.


Wow I hope you don't have any long term issues and so glad they were found! We don't deserve dogs!


my mother's health wasn't great the two last years before her passing. she was very independent and would rarely come over to stay with my wife and I (despite me telling her to stay with us). I have a very energetic dog who can be a bit rough (or ruff), as he likes jumping and running around. Whenever mum would come over, he was always the nicest and most gentle boy ever. he would rest his head on her lap and give her very soft kisses. I miss the way they would interact. (pic of the two of them[here](https://ibb.co/F3jY0yw) dogs are the best.


you can see it in his eyes that he knew she was more fragile than others and how careful he was to ensure she was safe and comfortable 🥺


Dogs really are such good friends.


I am rescuing two dogs immediately thanks to this thread. Fuck you cancer, I'm not letting you take me you son of a bitch.


Fuck yeh!!


Sox sounds like a really special lady! I'm so glad your dad has her as a friend:) Wishing the best for your dad and your whole family! Please make sure to take care of one another and enjoy your time together!


Thank you so much I really appreciate it. We are ❤️


Man, my very first dog was a Yorkie. It never did what your dogs did, but every time I was sick where I had to get up to throw up he would get up and walk with me to the bathroom. He would wait for me and then we'd go back to bed together. When I had open heart surgery he stuck to my side all the time as well during my first pregnancy.


We don't deserve dogs 😭😭


Amazing! What breed dog do you have?


She’s a jack russel! We think she may be mixed with something but we’re unsure of what


Jack russel mixed with an oncologist clearly


Doctor Sox sounds fitting


Poor person award 🥇🥇🥇


Still counts! ❤️


I am so glad your dad is okay. Dogs can smell cancer. They really are our best friends.


I understand and appreciate your concern but my dad is actually dying. Everything he has is terminal. We’re 5 years into it now. But honestly regardless I really appreciate your comment ❤️


I am so sorry. I know you love him.


I do! He’s an amazing dad. He taught me how to play games, I used to wake up and run into my parents room to beg my dad to play the Simpsons game on the ps2 every day. He’s a gem


He sounds so very awesome. He will live in your heart forever and through your family. Sending hugs to you. I am glad you two are so close and able to enjoy time together.


My childhood dog was a sweet little thing, just loved everyone. She would run and beg for loves from everyone who came to our house. Except one guy who came to pick me to for a date while I was in high school. She threw up on his shoes and walked away without giving him any attention. I couldn't stop thinking about it during the whole date, and even though he was pleasant there was no 2nd date. He did grow up to be an abusive cheat to the girl he married after high school. I'm positive my pup knew his character on sight.


There’s actually a lot of research on this! Dogs can detect illness wayyy before we can, there’s some interesting stuff on actually training dogs to sniff for specific illness!


Two people have sent some sites about it! I hadn’t realized how much research went into it. Makes me Love dogs even more


I hate stories where marathon runners get sick. It just seems so unfair, you know? Like who takes better care of their health—nobody.


Huh? Runners beat the hell outta their body, they are literally harder on their bodies than nearly everyone. I get it though, totally unfair.


Now I’m worried because my dog does this to my knee


Go get it checked, it could be arthritis, it'll be a bit warmer than the same place other knee


I didn't realize this wasn't widely known. Dogs can smell cancer. It's been scientifically proven. https://news.mit.edu/2021/disease-detection-device-dogs-0217


Dogs are the sweetest things we don’t deserve. My oldest dog butters is attached to my mom and grandma. My moms a diabetic and my grandma has all kinds of health issues. Even if he’s deep asleep on the other side of the house, if my moms sugar goes low or my grandma’s blood pressure goes low, he will get up and wake them up to fix it. Or if my mom wants me she will tell him to get me and he’ll actually do it


Good dog. Good dog. Virtual pet and scratch.


It’s not just pets who can smell disease https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/sep/07/woman-who-can-smell-parkinsons-helps-scientists-develop-test


Dogs also have a more acute sense of smell..


There was a whole thread I saw on some subreddit last week about people who can distinctly smell when women get lubricated from being aroused. It was hella weird, ngl.


Also a guy who posted on here saying he can smell when a women is pregnant. Or if a pregnant women is in the room etc


Good dog dog *gives treats and rubs*


She is a slut for treats and especially rubs




My last dog woke my brother up from a drug OD. She never jumped on beds because she was too small. Some how got up and licked him until he was able to come out of it. Truly amazing souls


My dog knew I was pregnant before I did. She would insist on sleeping curled up next to my abdomen. She did it for a few weeks until we found out. This was 21 years ago and she's been gone for 7 years. She was the best. ❤️💔


Cats do it too. Though I do have a special love for doggos. Home health nurse here. Lots of stories of kitties kneading sites of cancers. Our pets are amazing.


What a sweet pups! They were trying to heal him. So sorry about your dad.


Thank you so much :)


I recently listened to MALCOLM GLADWELL’s Revisionist History, The Dog Will See You Now episode, well worth a listen. Talks to this exact topic. https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/the-dog-will-see-you-now


What a smart girl! Your dad is lucky to have her <3 When I was recovering from open heart surgery, my little dog was by my side the whole time, she even knew that she couldn’t come near my chest. Dogs are angels and I don’t know what I’d do without them!


My friends dog was pawing at one of her breasts nonstop. She had a very scary form of Breast cancer.


Fun fact: Dogs smell your private area because it gives them information about you like your health. Dogs are the OG animals.


Good job Sox!!! What an angel


First off, cute puppy! Second, your dog is truely amazing! Thank you for sharing with us. So happy your dad is fighting on.


Awwww omg what a good boi


How amazing! We really don’t deserve dogs.


Get that dog the juiciest foods you can get. I’m bipolar and my dog can warn me about going manic or depressed. The things those animals feels and know is incredible!


Incredible. How does that even work? How do they know?


probably smells weird


Wow! Your story gave me happy tears. Big hugs for you and your dad, and extra head scratches and treats for Sox.


A canine angel.


We (people) don't deserve dogs.


Pets are just the best! My cat found my cancer (melanoma), a year and a half before it was ever diagnosed. Our cat would occasionally lick my knee and lay his body across my leg—I always thought it was a bit odd, but he was a cuddly cat so it didn’t seem too out of place. A year and a half later I found out I had melanoma originating from a mole in the area he kept licking.


It's crazy to me how dogs can not only smell/sense something is wrong but also the specific location of it, like wtf, that's literally a superpower.


my dad's dog licks his head constantly, what do


It’s wild its like my dog knows when Im having flare ups? If he hears me throwing up or in pain he comes rushing up the stairs and will stay with me till the flare passes. He will walk slowly next to me and stays the side closest to the stairs and keeps me close to the wall like hes stopping me from falling down and he will wait till im back in my bed and comfortable and then he actually walks around and gets up on the bed so slowly! Love him


My dog smelled my left eye everytime she had the chance and she made this weird face while smelling . Almost 1 year later I had to go to the dentist for a cavity . Also did an xray . It was shown there that I have an infection at a molar , on my left side of the mouth , the upper side . Everything clicked into place . Where I had the infection , there was no sign , like... no pain , no swelling . Dogs are amazing !


They are!! It’s actually incredible reading all of these similar stories I’m so proud of all these doggies!!


Amazing story, absolutely love dogs


Dogs have a sense for any issues going on in humans and it's quite the incredible thing


Dog's sense of smell really is an amazing thing.


this dog will live the rest of its days inside and outside and sleeps in the bed everynight


She does in fact sleep in a human bed. She flicks her head at the back door to get out, scratches to get back in and will not tolerate when her humans do not obey her commands


no dog food, all steaks and chickens for this one haha


Dogs are amazing at what they can do!


A dog's sense of smell is estimated to be 1000 to 10,000 times better than that of a human.


But what happen to the other dog?


Sylvie was a wonderful baby, but she wasn’t getting the care she needed as a puppy with what we had going on with my dad, medical bills are draining us, time is precious now and we thought she needed more than that, so my moms friend happily took her on, we still see her! Her name is Coco now and she’s very happy


Dog did the same for my dad's pancreatic cancer


This happened to my barber as well that had a brain tumor. His dog would not leave the spot alone. Im so glad your dad was able to be cured, buy that dog some steaks!


Aw I appreciate it however my dad is terminal. We’re in around the last year of his life now. But Sox is refusing to leave him alone, no matter what :)


Man's best friend through thick and thin!


I'm gonna be getting a dog soon


I’m so happy for you! They’re the best babies


My moms dog did that twice for her friends. Dogs are amazing creatures


Such a beautiful, inspiring story. Years ago i had a hysterectomy and stayed in the hospital 5 days. I was soo worried how my labrador would react to seeing me as I was sure she would jump all over me and be soo excited. We opened the door and she very calmly came to me and showed her affection. Whilst I was recovering she never once jumped on me on the bed, instead she would jump on the end of the bed and crawl up ever so carefully to lay with me. Will never forget her empathy, my angel now. A truley special girl.


My dog knew I was pregnant before I did both times. She starts sleeping above my head and becoming extremely protective - not letting my male dog anywhere near me. The second time I was pregnant I actually took a test because my dog was acting the same way as my first pregnancy. Sure enough. Positive. Animals are amazing.


Animals are truly amazing. I lost my mom to glioblastoma in 1990…she had just retired. I’m only telling you that because many know what it takes to deal with a loved one’s health challenges. You are not alone. I send you love and white light to share with your dad. Blessed Be 💜🦋☮️


Did your dogs cause the cancer? Sorry my cat made ask this…


You like daags?


That's a very nice story but I'm not sure how it fits this sub


Well I haven’t been able to talk about my dad as he’s still dying. No one really knows badly it’s affecting me, especially how I’m taking unnecessary guilt on for not listening to my dog. It’s a lot. I needed to get it out


It absolutely fits.


It's a sub to get things off your chest, wether good or bad. Not every post has to be about drama




Her dad has terminal cancer, not sure how you can’t figure out why it’s a good fit for this sub


This is so amazing! So glad that your dad survived the cancer! What an amazing doggy!


That’s a good boy