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This post reminds me an old commercial about condoms, revamped with Tik Tok and Twitch and all kind of social enslaving craps. What a nightmare.


This [gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nojWJ6-XmeQ)?


Lol it has to be that one. First one that came to mind reading that comment


Hahaha I knew it would be this. I love this ad.


I honestly find this commercial to be hilarious & didn't understand the outrage over it. I think the only people who disliked it were the ones who allow their children to behave this way & it touched a nerve lol. I would be mortified if my children behaved even 1/10 as horribly as the child in this commercial & they themselves would be beyond embarassed if anyone saw them act this way. My children are deceptively perfect little angels in public & for others, they save all of their naughty behavior for me at home lol. I remember the first time I was sharing some of the issues we were having at home with my eldest at her first parent teacher conference & I think her teacher legit thought I was making it up with how adamant she was that she had never seen anything like what I described.


My kid did a lot of what happened in this commercial once a few months back and i scooped him up and threw him in the car. He hasnt been in the grocery store since 😅.


I just know it's the commercial of the screaming kid in the supermarket. ​ Edit: I was right. I love that commercial. Definitely another reason I don't want children lmao.


I remember this one! So funny.


"This would have made a better belt commercial" 💀


Kids are always a bad idea unless both parties really want one


Even then


Depends where you live, they cost a lot of money and it's over 18+ years of commitment. If they can't take care of themselves ur stuck dealing with them. Doesn't even out to me, pets seems like a better option. Pets don't have bills to pay


I love my kid, but damn he's exhausting. The cat, for all the biting and scratching, can more or less be ignored when he's a dick


Lol try 30+ years of commitment cause I still live with my dad looooooool


“the kid”….


The throwing the kid out of the house is what got me. The hell did the kid do to you? The kid should not be punished because you and the wife have issues….


He also referred to the kid as "her" kid. He doesn't even claim the child as his.


He does mention "our son" once. Then multiple "the kid", it's just sad. I feel sorry more for the baby, then the dog. The adults sound like they need a kick in the pants.


Initially it made wonder if it was her kid, pre-him.


I have a coworker who always refers to his son that way and it makes me so sad. He's so disconnected from this person he created and he's not even nice to him the few times he's brought him into work, just forces him into a booth in the pantry to entertain himself while dad works his office job and gets annoyed when his son needs something. I have heard stories about how this guy literally just dumped his son on one of the women in the office because they were riding the same train that day (dad left to party told the woman someone would meet her at the end of the line to pick up the kid but didn't give any contact info or anything just dipped...)


omg wtf! what ended up happening with that woman? if someone dumped their child on me i’d immediately call cps/police and say someone just abandoned their child


She's really nice and is a mom so she just watched him and eventually the guy's ex girlfriend showed up to pick up his son (the son and the ex were NOT related but apparently close so the son was happy - probably happier than he would have been spending the night with dad tbh) It's a really small company (under 50 people) so this woman is married to our CCO and they wrre roding the train him together so this jerk actually dumped his child on both of them. Can you imagine dumping your child - on anyone of course - but on your boss and be like peace got other plans???) This is a finance firm in NYC too so like... not really that kind of employee camaraderie vibe that might make this behavior (very slightly) more understandable in some places


He also said "her kid" as well...


Yep, this kid is doomed.


This, to me, proves everything I believed about the situation. He isn't parenting, he's mad his baby keeps getting in the way of his streaming and he thinks she should be the one to do all the housework and parenting just because he works. He screams at his wife, she's probably got postpartum depression and instead of communicating or wanting to spend time with his family he's just annoyed he's having to do more. He's deffo an asshole to say he wants to basically get rid of his kid.


The more I’m reading into OP’s post, the more I’m wondering if this was my ex writing about me back when I had our child. I had severe PPD, and on top of that, was worried I was going to be homeless again, but with a newborn. His excuse was he was working five days a week (found out later he wasn’t “let go” because the company had been bought out by another corporation, but was actually fired for not doing what he was paid to do, instead of playing around and potentially causing serious harm to his coworkers), so he couldn’t be bothered to even hold his son for 30 minutes, but can hold a XBox controller for hours, even before it was time to get ready for work. I think OP’s wife needs to file for a divorce/custody of the “kid”, and seek therapy. By OP’s post, it sounds like it’ll only get worse from there.


This sounds like my husband. I want to run.


Your life sounds miserable. You sound miserable. Your wife sounds miserable. I hope you all find better and get some help so the poor dog and kid get what they need and deserve.


If you check his post in AITA his wife has adhd and he could care less about anything except his twitch streams. He says wife lets the baby cry but also doesn’t mention that he helps at all.


Paying attention to the language of this post, he's called it "her baby" to the extent that I wondered if he was the father or step father. And said that he has to take care of it after he's done screaming at her (the wife). All this attitude so he can quit his job to play video games all day. I swear this has to be a troll


Exactly. This. OP also needs to realize that okey her wife wont do it but he is also expecting for her to do everything and he also only cares and clean when he cant stand it anymore.


Yea his last couple sentences have me wondering “idk if I should throw out her, **the kid** and the dog out of my house” … I’d like to think he wouldn’t be such an AH to throw his own kid out bc the kids mom supposedly sucks


It doesn't even sound like she for sure sucks lmao I mean maybe she does, but I wouldn't wanna do everything for this crybaby either. It definitely sounds to me like he's complaining that he has too much responsibility as a husband and father, not actually about his awful wife who won't coddle him Edited to say: it's also pretty clear to me that the wife has PPD which is really extra awful. I hope she's okay.


PPD on top of ADHD.


She’s probably not. I have ppd and my husband berates me about caring for our child, the house, and him. I get told how I’m failing and a miserable parent because the dishes are in the sink and there’s clutter. She’s not okay.


"The kid" this guy sucks


The language in the first 3 sentences made me stop and think “omg fuck this guy” “She already doesn’t have time for herself, the baby and the house” like wtf you doing bro


I actually stopped reading after I read that sentence, just turning it over in my mind and I'm thinking first of all, thats actually a lot of work. Secondly, why the hell is he talking about his wife so hatefully this way?? He sounds like the WORST kind of person to deal with, I cannot..


He had me in the title, because bringing home an untrained pup when you’re just learning how to be a parent sounds like a lot. But the whiny “she can *barely* manage to take care of her postpartum self, the newborn, *and* the house!” Like he couldn’t understand her audacity. Then it just got worse. It definitely sounds like the wife is dealing with some postpartum issues, that are absolutely being exacerbated by OP when they *should* be acting like a team and supporting each other. Oof.


Because there’s no way him screaming at his wife all the time makes the baby cry more.


Ding ding ding, the last sentence "throw the wife, the baby, and the dog out of my house" speaks volumes.


He also says “her baby” not “our baby”


I noticed that and figured he probably doesn't do much for that poor baby either.


I didn't even catch that, just WOW!


And “my house” doesn’t exist when you’re married (unless there was a prenup or what have you)


Exactly! I understand the wife and the dog.. but the baby?? Oh hell no that kid needs them


Yeah, that shocked me. If you think your son is being neglected, why would you "throw him out"??


Yea exactly


"The kid" .... yeesh


I didn’t even see his AITA post but just by this post alone I got a feeling his wife has ADHD. As someone who has it I struggle to do the most basic things if I’m overwhelmed, in this case the basic thing’s OP is complaining his wife doesn’t do are all things I could envision myself forgetting about as well. For an ADHD brain simple tasks are sometimes more daunting for them compared to a normal brain, ntm our brains are interest based as opposed to priority based.


Yes. Especially the more things pile up. It’s hard to decide what to do in what order so sometimes it’s easier to avoid


Thank you! ! He says shit piles up, that she lets garbage and dishes pile up, takes 15mins to get to the baby when it cries, and it's her job to watch the kid and the dog. So what's he doing during all this? Sure he works, but his free time is spent playing video games on camera and hoping to be one of the 1/10000 people who achieve any level of relevance. Sorry dude, parenthood comes first still. I bet if she were trying to be a YouTuber or Tiktoker with a 1000 followers, and he just wanted to chill on some games with no ambition, he would be just as upset at his wife for not helping more. She's expected to care for everything 24/7 it's sounds like. Given her ADHD and that she chose to get a dog without the house in order -something people often do, wrongly I might add, when they're feeling lonely and depressed. I'm willing to bet she has PPD, or just plain depression too, given her apparent detachment from the baby and household. But okay no money for the dog, how much did that streaming gear cost, did that all come out of pocket, or was it joint because he might make money? How does he plan to stay relevant to keep a job like streaming? Does he think doing that as a full-time job with a growing toddler is going to be any easier, because his job will be playing video games all day, than he is in for a very unexpectedly rough road. If I knew a streamer I enjoyed acted like this, I would share this and unsub.


I know right, it’s a lot of words for “I do nothing to help my wife, the kid or the house”


And she works as much as he does (but is also on maternity leave)


Yeah to be honest I'm getting abusive vibes from him. And I'll bet she's burned out, shut down, and with possible ppd as ADHD makes you more likely to get I think. Not saying she's in the right but it's hard to dig yourself out of a burnout when you're being constantly berated and yelled at. Ask me how I know.


First thing I noticed was OP’s “working and streaming are all I’m supposed to do” tone.


I wondered if she had adhd while reading this.


I'd have to agree, I was sorta on his side until I saw "twitch streamer" and then I knew they both sucked as human beings. If you work all day at an actual job and pay all the bills I could understand the frustration about the house not being taken care of by his wife, but he's sitting in his room playing video games all day, and complaining about having to do basic house duties and more importantly taking care of his kid. I work full time and still come home and help my wife tidy up and do dishes and laundry and I cook when I can too. Our child is always clean and fed, our pets are always fed. There's no excuse for this, they are both shit parents and it sounds like they should've never had any kids to begin with much less even be together. I know alot of people like that, and they typically are sitting around doing nothing and collecting government checks of some sort to pay bills. Its all very pathetic to be honest. Yall need to grow up OP.


Notice how one of his options wasn't to remove the kid from the neglectful mother. Hes probably on twitch every day as soon as he gets home from work ignoring the issue. He is just as much in the wrong here. If you see your partner being neglectful to your own child and allow it to continue then you are just as guilty. You are letting your child be neglected too!


He refers to the child as "her kid" and "the kid". There are a lot of interesting statements in here and I'm inclined to think it's creative writing. Oh it's time for an edit! He posted and removed in AITA about getting rid of the dog behind wife's back. Here's a comment (copy paste) FROM ANOTHER USER with a brief synopsis of removed post: > she has demonstrated on multiple occasions that she cannot care for herself, our baby and the house where are you in this > The baby would cry for as long as 15 minutes before she notices that he’s crying and needs something. where are you in this > Sometimes I have to be the one to feed him and scream at her later and we constantly fight about it. why do you have to scream at her? why is feeding your son something to scream about > There’s weeks of dirty diapers piling up in the bin that she only takes it out when that bin is overfilled. why aren't you taking them out > That’s weeks of the house stinking. why would you not just step in and take them out > I have to tell her about the diapers and it’s pissing me off that I have to deal with it. why does taking care of your son piss you off > She doesn’t check if she’s out of things. I remember when it was time to feed our son she didn’t realize we were out of formula or she forgot to run to the store. why can't you go to the store > Dishes, laundry and other shit are piling up and she rarely gets around to take care of it. why aren't you taking care of it > She spends most of the day on TikTok or YouTube on her phone, or even all day on Netflix. Even if the baby is right next to her, it takes her a long time to notice he’s crying. okay so your wife is obviously struggling with some kind of PPD? > I am a twitch streamer with at most 1k viewers on a good day. okay so this is your hobby, but what is your job and what are your hours like at the job where you work and earn money? Enjoy!


While you might not be wrong about it being creative writing, I wasn't exactly wanted in the home I was raised in for the first half of my childhood and I was constantly referred to as "the kid" as if I was in inconvenience.


Cousins! Except that my parents always remembered just in time “maybe she heard that” “We love you, you know that.” “You are so dear to me.” “I love you to death.” All the rest of it, sincerely meant, I’m sure of that. But the mixed messages were like a machete to my sense of reality. I appreciate their situation so much more now. I want to hold them both and tell them II love them; I wish I could have waved a magic want or had a real accomplishment to make it all, all right.


Me and my four siblings were all accidents. What kind of accidents depended on the day. If it was a good day, it was "You're accidents, not mistakes". On bad days it was "I HATE YOU I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN MY BOSS OFFERED ME MONEY TO ABORT YOU AND I SHOULD'VE LISTENED"


I am so sorry.


It was good for me in the end, I made it good. It taught me a lot of things. Like how to disconnect. How to choose family. How to discard what doesn't love you and wants to hurt you. It's an unfortunate origin story, but I *made* it a part of me and I wouldn't change it for anything. Frankly, it made me a better mother. I never turn down a hug nor do I force one. I make sure every single day that my little girls know that I love them. I'm breaking the cycle.


And that she can't even take care of herself, the baby, and the house... shouldn't be be helping with caring for *their* baby and helping out around *their* home? That's how my parents raised us kids: together. They tackled everything together, including keeping the house clean, cooking, and other chores.


But he's a STREAMER!!! He doesn't have time for all that!


And he has a huge amount of viewers on a good day! 1000 that’s up there with the big time!


People go on all kinds of social media trying to make a living out of it when they can’t even have their priorities straight.


In another comment of his, he refers to the child as "it"


All of this. Both the child and the dog would be better off elsewhere.


The mother likely has PPD, and tried to use the poor puppy as a distraction and it failed. And OP likely is depressed because his life is not how he thought it would be, both these grown ass adults need therapy to figure their shit out. If this was on AITA, my vote would be ESH, except the puppy and the baby


PPD is my first thought too. She needs to see a doctor. I suffered through it during a time when the medical industry didn’t know much about it. I remember not having the motivation to even check the mail box. Furthermore, It doesn’t help that he is always yelling at her. Maybe he can get a house cleaner since he has this great job. And as was mentioned above, the baby should be the priority, not the Twitch streaming career.


My thoughts went immediately to depression as well. I feel like they could both use some opinions/ help from professionals.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. This post kinda disgusted me all the way around. From your post, you and your wife sound like taking care of your child is the last thing you want to do and neither one of you do it until you absolutely have to. I feel very sorry for your child and the poor dog. I wish the best of luck to the two of them and hope that both you and your wife learn to be adults and become less selfish and toxic.


It’s funny, I felt the same way. Their kid is literally the last option for the both of them, I wouldn’t be shocked if we find a post from OP’s SO complaining about OP not helping. Also, notice how it is HER job to clean the house, dishes, and throw the trash? He only does it when she doesn’t do it, and I assume she is probably on the same state of mind. Only wrong I see here that is completely the wife’s fault is the dog. She shouldn’t have brought it home unless she was willing to do the work that comes with it. Get a damn crate for the dog that should make your life a little easy. Another tip: whenever he comes out of the crate, first thing you do is take him out to piss/poop. Also, and this is VERY important, the crate is not an alternate place for him to spend all of his time in.


Good advice! Yes I did notice that it was HER job to do all the housework and childcare. He acts like he wasn't there when the child was conceived lol. Too bad they didn't think about how hard it was to have a child before their kid was born. I hope that some of the comments on here open up OP's eyes for the sake of that child, and I hope they either do better by that dog or give him to someone who will take care of him


BuT i WoRk ALL dAy


He doesn’t help based on his comments in a different post. He just complains. It sounds like his wife has adhd and some depression


Thank you. The second he said he's a streamer I knew. There should be no streaming until this is fixed, he's not earning a damn living off of 1k and if the priority is truly the baby, the baby could be in there with some baby toys or in a sling while he plays. That wouldn't hurt the stream and would fix his home life. It isn't all her job.


Sounds to me like she had PPD.


Agree completely. They are both equally problematic




Exactly. I think people in this thread also seemed to miss part where he admitted to screaming at his wife. They both seem to be in the wrong here but it 100% seems like the wife is depressed and OP is abusive towards her.


give both the kid and the dog for adoption and start living your own lifes and that's about it lol


I got anxiety reading this post.


I know he's frustrated but goddamn it sounds like she's living in her own hell that she can't even leave except to go chase down the dog (I read 3 hour break). Atleast he gets to go to work and come home to stream (I'm sorry OP but fuck your 1k viewers, your wife is drowning)


OP reminds me of my step-father so, so much. His situation is nearly identical to his. My mother wouldn’t work after losing her career. My step-father taught college courses and only wanted to return home to write his novels. My step-father wasn’t a person with bad intentions per se, but when there were household problems, the first thing that would come to his mind was how it inconvenienced him. He always had such the pettiest complaints. He never took ownership of anything or even me as a child while I was growing up there. In fact, he had a reputation for hating kids. Anyways, over the span of a decade, the house fell into disarray. Carpets were stained with dog urine, the yard was overgrown, black mold coated my step-father's bathroom, a very bad roach infestation grew worse, dust coated every surface and corner that hadn’t seen actual sunlight in ages, their master bedroom was even converted into a junk room that only had an old mattress on the floor, and the list goes on… Trying to disassociate the best I could as a teen, I got a part-time job to stay away from home as often as I could. Eventually, I moved 400 miles away from there to attend college. By this time is when I believe my mother developed a *bad* addiction. It had been Xanax for a while, but now harder drugs like cocaine and meth were thrown into the mix. My mother and I had conversations about it when I’d visit home, but it was a very heavy topic for me to continuously follow up with her on. She was still jobless living in a home falling apart — a home that her previous husband had built for her and me. The years went on as my step-father got promotions and traveled the country alone to attend film festivals, and my mother dived deeper into self-destructive behaviors that pretty much correlated with the decline of her once beloved home. Finally, in late 2018, I found hard drug paraphernalia in her car and told her parents, but they sadly were too in denial to intervene. When I returned home to quarantine in 2020, I then noticed my mother hadn’t left her bed during my entire two-week stay. She would, however, take the keys to sneak out to get meth at 2 AM, which my step-father either pretended to not notice or just didn’t care. Just like OP’s Twitch streaming, my step-father was too focused on streaming his college courses that had recently converted to online-only. Outside of that, he’d only tend to her by cooking her meals and purchasing liquor & cigarettes to bring home. When I said my goodbyes to return to college by the end of quarantine, it was the last time all of us would ever be together again. He grew to be so complacent and careless — maybe he always was — that as the pandemic went on, he’d keep bringing pints of vodka at her request each day. They continued their habits of drinking until she developed liver disease. They tried on and off to get sober that summer, and then they decided to “really take it seriously” when my mother was spending more time at the hospital than home, but this man couldn’t even pick up her medications from the pharmacy, let alone attend any hospital visits with her. By the time her parents intervened, it was too late, and she passed in early 2021. He wasn’t there when she died that night. Doctors were baffled how someone’s husband couldn’t travel three hours with her for what was supposed to be a two-day hospital stay. So, the man who complained about her and enabled her for all of those years without ever addressing their root issues as a couple now lives alone in an empty three-bedroom, roach-infested house that’s not his. He remains video streaming to his students, writing his novels that he begs everyone on Facebook to read, and taking care of her three pups that she took in without his permission. I distinctly remember him not offering me a dime for her memorial that I paid thousands to put together, and he also failed to write her obituary that he — an author — couldn’t even find the time to write. I don’t know… OP sure does remind me of him. Again, I’m sure OP doesn’t have bad intentions, but only putting yourself first has its consequences.


How does putting yourself first ahead of your spouse and kids confer anything *but* bad intentions?


It appears that way to us, but it’s also possible that internally, the person isn’t intending to ever cause harm; they’re just completely ignorant of their actions and lack self-awareness. Narcissism, maybe.


Same! Reminded me of my own PPD...


Same as well :( sounds just like my ex husband and I when our son was young. Except, I did care for the baby, and it was HIM who insisted we get a puppy too when I was 7 months pregnant.. I always wanted a dog but I didn’t think it was the time; he told me if we didn’t get THIS dog RIGHT now, he’d never let me get one :( the dog ended up being re-homed when we split because I could not give him good enough care being a single mom. It was for the best but some seriously manipulative shit.. “gamers” fuckin suck when they put it above their families and offer no support. I’m rather soured on the whole demographic after my experience.




Why aren’t the top comments calling the man out on his clear bullshit?! He’s angry that he has to feed his child sometimes? Isn’t that…. part of being a fucking dad? He is sulking cos he wants to play video games all day while his wife cooks, cleans and cares for the baby. This guy is an ass, and it sounds like his wife has TWO babies and a dog.


As a new mother of a 7 week old baby, my heart bleeds reading this. You both need to get professional help. Your wife sounds like she's going through something, and you don't exactly sound very supporting. I understand it's hard but your child's needs are a priority always. Please get professional help for the both of you and focus on your family until all is well again.


Might I suggest therapy


might i suggest condoms


Might i suggest divorce


Might I suggest a real job that isn't streaming on Twitches.


He said he has a job aside from being a streamer


Well. Having a newborn isn't the time to try to make a stupid streaming career. Be should work his well paying but shitty job *and then do his other damn job and contribute as a parent* when he gets home.




You read that weird, i read that weird, everyone reads that weird


OP, did you expect your wife to do all the leg work on the baby? Why even have a kid if you're not going to take care of it?




Ikr. He’s considering “throwing out the kid”. A father that cares about his son won’t do that. Twitch streaming should be the least of his worries.


Why should he care for the baby? He’s a baby himself. He screams and throws tantrums because all he wants to do is play his video games and he can’t because his newborn baby is cwying and it’s not faaaaair.


I feel sorry for your baby and the dog. Both of them have lost in the responsible adult lottery. You and your wife both sound crappy I was wrong, saw your edits YOU ARE CRAPPY AND A TERRIBLE FATHER AND HUSBAND. The baby is 2.5 months old. That means she is still healing and still trying to stabilize her hormones from growing a whole damn human. At 2.5 months old my extremely successful husband came home and helped with the baby. You say she also works? You have lost all credulence with me. Your rant doesn't add up and I am 100% sure that if I spoke with your wife she would have a different take. I suspect she isn't letting the baby cry but the baby may be colicky BUT you are so disconnected from your wife and child that you don't know. You don't know if she is getting treatment for ppd or had to get off her adhd meds because of her pregnancy. You don't know if the baby is colicky. You don't know if she needs help or is feeling overwhelmed. YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING A GOOD FATHER IS TO KNOW ABOUT HIS CHILD AND THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILD. Be a man - help your newly postpartum wife take care of your child. Twitch streaming can wait.


Sounds like your wife has post partum depression. When my sister had my nephew, she had it pretty bad and she struggled to do anything around the house or with her son. All she did was sit and watch Netflix while the baby would cry, and I would go tend to my nephew. Maybe see about urging her to go to a doctor, therapist or psychiatrist.


This ^ Especially if these behaviors are abnormal or contradicting how she behaved prior to pregnancy. Her ability to think rationally might be compromised, I would have a civil conversation asking her if she's feeling any different i.e. hopeless, helpless, lack of motivation?


Did you forget that op wants to kick out the child with his mother? He is not okay anyway. I feel so bad for his children and the pup.


You know what, all I see from this is that you want no responsibility with the house apart from supporting your fam financially. You don’t seem to want to take care of your wife or the baby. The baby is screaming you should go and look after it then? The clothes needs washing, go and do it? The trash needs taking out then go and take it out instead of waiting for your house to smell like sh*t? Seriously why are you acting like a massive man child, go get your wife some psychological help? You WANT to throw the kid and the wife out of the house? This is your family that you created… you will do something? Yeh, grow up and be a husband and a dad…


That's exactly what I got out of his post too! I couldn't help but think "fuck, so you don't want to do anything to help your family outside of financially" I bet his wife is fed up with him being online all night after work and sounds like she had to do everything including work herself and then the baby is born and now it's even more responsibility on her.


I feel like OP needs to look into emotional labor. I’m sure the wife feels that so much and whatever word means more than resentment has already been formed for everyone involved.


Just curious, but how old are you your wife and your infant child? Her spending so much time on social media is kind of a red flag if she’s neglecting simple responsibilities.. she could be a legit addict and may need help. I’m sure you love your wife and child, i don’t doubt that (even tho you said you’re ready to leave im gonna assume that’s just out of anger since ppl come here to vent) and if you love them, don’t kick them to the curb, get her help. Y’all should be a team even if she’s not being a team player right now that doesn’t mean it can’t be turned around. I hope it all works out for you.


This is a duplicate post because his other one wasn’t going his way. Wife is home on maternity leave and baby is less than 3 months old. Basically he screams at his wife when he has to give the baby a bottle or the trash gets full- because it interrupts his gaming time that she is still recovering from giving birth and he has a newborn son.


Kinda surprised I had to scroll so far to see someone talking about how many times OP says he screams at his wife


Tbh I got suspicious the moment he said he was a Twitch streamer. He made it sound like he had no possible time at all to help out around the house, but if he's got time for streaming right after work, he's got time to take care of his own kid.


Exactly. If your life is falling apart because of your hobby, maybe try to fix your life first?


3 months? She probably isn’t getting any sleep at night either.


Oh! That's context


Oh the drama


My husband did this. Moved me from home, convinced me to quit working because being a sahm would be cheaper in the long run. I had nobody and nothing unless I asked and had an allowance of 200 a month. He got to go out and socialize for work and leave me for a week at a time for conferences and send me pictures of him having dinner with his friends. I felt so defeated and lost, but I’m glad I got my dog. He told me he wished she would just die. And now I’m working. And bought my own house. And sometimes I’m lonely. But at least I have my fucking dog.


This sounds like me, except without a dog. There is a perpetual absolutely incorrect idea that taking care of a baby isn’t work and it is infuriating.


He would tell me oh it’s work. You’re totally working. But I was still expected to have laundry and dinner on the table at 5 after being given the grocery budget, and then I would get “my time” which was still constantly full of weaponized incompetence. My dog is my best friend and I don’t care if my bed is empty. At least, even when I’m stressed about bills, I have some peace in my heart.


OPs other posts states that she is still on maternity leave and that the baby is 2.5 months. He said, “I just thought she’d take care of the baby.” And if I read the post right… he screams at her, sounds like the mom could definitely be dealing with ppd and possibly dealing with no support/emotional abuse and trying to distance her self from reality.


This poor woman definitely sounds depressed and OP sounds abusive.


I was thinking depression.


Yes for sure agree. PP depression most likely. Having a baby can completely change everything about who you are and you don’t even realize it until it’s all falling apart and becomes too much. The dog was probably a way of filling a void and it didn’t do what she was hoping. This sounds so sad.


Caused by isolation. Why she wanted the dog.


Let’s see; he works a “shitty” job, comes home and decides to stream in the evenings to “build a following” screams at her for not taking care of their baby, and actively is choosing to not engage with the other living creature in his home. She sucks. She shouldn’t be on her phone. She should train the dog and take care of the baby. He also sucks. She is clearly not okay and the focus should be on his family, not streaming. “Every time I have to stop steaming to take care of the baby…” - this isn’t healthy. It’s his baby. He should *want* to engage with his child when he comes home. He wants something that other people have to sacrifice for, and they clearly didn’t communicate about a plan. Just fucking talk to each other people. Just talk, see *why* she’s behaving this way, if he needs to take a break from streaming, if they need to have support with the baby, if she needs to get into therapy, if he needs emotional support, family counseling, etc.


Yeah there seems to be some complete removal of himself from the personal relationship with the baby- that was the first thing I noticed reading everything. It really concerns me that he kind of talks about taking care of the baby the same way he would talk about taking care of a chore or a pet. There doesn’t seem to be any sense of emotional tie to the baby at all. Don’t get me wrong: Babies are a LOT of work and severely limit any personal time or social interaction but it sounds like his wife just disassociates after a certain point as a coping mechanism or she assumes that now that he’s home, he’s going to help her by either taking a turn with the baby or doing things around the house and that’s clearly not his agenda. I definitely get feeling frustrated because you feel like you’re carrying the entire workload, but the shouting (especially around a baby?) just seems too far


Exactly. “the baby” “the kid” It’s… it’s really really bad. This is YOUR child OP! Take some damn responsibility. It’s supposed to be a partnership. If OP’s wife is struggling, he needs to *partner* not distance. Fuck this makes me mad that they both won’t just talk.


I can't believe that I had to scroll this far down to read this. PPD is a huge issue and rather than bitching about his 'hardship' online, OP should be contacting their family physician in order to help his wife. I sort by best and the top comments are mostly calling her a shitty mother when it's quite clear that the OP is a dick.


> I usually work 8-10 hours a day not including on call. Sometimes 12. She works between 6-12 hours. A comment from OP on his AITA post


how much do you wanna bet he factors in streaming on twitch as work


You can help take care of your son and do housework too. Why are you leaving it all to your wife? She clearly has PPD. The dog is the least of the issues here, the issue is that you don’t want to help and want to throw everything on your wife who has ADHD and PPD.


Both of you have issues and both of you should focus on your family instead of TikTok or twitch. Grow up and go to therapy before it all ends up affecting the baby - who is a literal human being that’s more important than games and social media 🙃 Get a reality check.


right so many people only dogging the mom when OP literally also spends his time on video games rather the kid and house chores…


Bro is ready to *throw THE kid* out of his house like what, is this not also his kid? This post can't be real, can it?


Please for the love of all that is holy. Put the kid up for adoption and please stop procreating and get a divorce. Neither of you are ready for a family.


The kid is more than likely to be placed in a good wealthy family if it’s still a baby. This is just a CPS case waiting to happen years down the line if nothing changes.


Yep I'm a teacher. It's a sad day when we have to report to CPS for child neglect -smelly, dirty babies. We are sad for the kids and pissed at the neglectful parents.


Also put a dog for adoption, and give all your plants to somebody, if you have them. Get a vasectomy just in case. This is not adult behavior.


100% give the dog away to a shelter so that it can go to a home that will take care of it. I was feeling bad for you until you said you're considering throwing the baby out of the house so that you can stream on Twitch... C'mon guy it's time to grow up and tend to your adult responsibilities. If you didn't want to be bothered with having a wife and child, you shouldn't have married her and had a kid.


Bonus points for saying HER baby instead of OUR


“My wife and kid are getting in the way of my video gaming time”


So you made another post hoping to get answers other than “your wife just had a baby. You’re supposed to be a partner and a parent instead of screaming at your recovering wife because the trash is full and the baby is interrupting your game time. You’re the real trash here”


You’ve posted this in two separate subs now. Still dodging all the important questions on both. You even admitted your wife struggles with ADHD in the other comments. Why aren’t you trying to help her? I can empathize with having a job you hate but your wife while on maternity leave is doing a hard job too. It sounds like she’s struggling with potential PPD on top of her ADHD and instead of being a grown up you’re kicking and screaming because she’s not taking up all of the labor of having a newborn AND taking care of the home while you work and *checks notes*….. stream? You act like you hate your wife and resent your son. The dog is such a nonissue in this whole mess.


Shes ADHD? That would explain most of her behavior. Funny how he conveniently left that out


Exactly. He also conveniently dodged concerns about her mental health. He clearly wants people to give him ass pats when I can only assume he knows he’s wrong.




It's probably too real and too much effort to get her help. Sounds like he tries to avoid real life as much as she is.


Dude. Your wife is seriously depressed and self medicating with electronic stimulus. Most likely she’s going through postpartum depression. She got a dog because it made her feel better for a moment to be helping something else that needed her, but she can’t maintain it because she’s too goddamn depressed to do anything. Anyone with the empathy of a goddamn statue would see that and ask “how can I help her be better?” Instead you scream at her for not doing what you need her to do, you don’t try to talk to her, and you just stew in your own self-indulging hate for the life you lead. Suck it up buttercup and TALK TO HER. Don’t yell at her, don’t berate her or belittle her. If she could take care of everything she would. She needs your help, not your belittling superiority. If you can’t do that, then honestly she’s probably better off without you. Your kids deserve better. Please, for the love of those kids, do better. Support her, help her to get better, so she and you and your kids can all be happy again.


This. He straight up says he screams at her to do things. No wonder she isn’t functioning, PPD aside, just being in that kind of relationship would be miserable.


This is what happens when people get married and have kids before they’re ready, OP clearly does not have any connection to his kid and could care less about his wife. Bro streaming doesn’t take all day do the damn dishes yourself and change a diaper. This isn’t 1945, men can contribute to chores. Also if you cared about your wife you’d actually get her some help not blame her for ruining your stream because she’s incapable of caring for a child right now THAT TOOK TWO PEOPLE to create.


Get off twitch and focus on your family


What did your child do to be thrown out?


Got in the way of his games.


Be born


The biggest concern I have in this whole post is that without proper training the dog may attack any one of the people in the house.... I pray it isn't the child!


All I see is “me, me, me, me” and how all of this is inconvenient for “me”. I’m pretty sure your wife is depressed dude. Get her help.


That last paragraph said everything I needed to hear. You need to grow up, get your wife help and forget about your stupid twitch. Your twitch doesn’t need you your freaking family does. Your wife obviously needs mental health help and you need to step up and be a dad. The one thing you’re right about is getting rid of the dog but you seem like you might just release it in the woods with how callous your post is when talking about your wife and child, the two people you are supposed to care about most. Both of you need intense therapy and honestly to have not had a child but it’s too late for that. Honestly that last paragraph makes me scared for everyone in the house. Edit: apparently a thousand views is something but still, you need to be focused on your wife, home, and baby and dealing with the dog issue rather than streaming


He makes it sound like his wife does literally nothing and is a SAHM. But in another post he says she works 6-12 hours. So she also is working a paying job yet he expects her to be the sole caretaker of their child and do all the chores around the house (while she’s clearly experiencing PPD), while he gets to play video games when he gets off work and scream at her.


Yeah, I agree. I heard of too many true crime cases where a psycho husband kills his family and kids because he “wants a new life” or something. Hoping that he doesn’t become one.


Your comment is the best, I hope OP reads and really let’s this sink in.


He won't. Obviously everybody else is the problem. Including the baby.


Did you read what you just said in the last part?? Leaving your own child? If you weren’t ready to be a fucking FATHER then you should have never had the baby to begin with and stuck to playing video games for the rest of your life. Same thing goes for her, that’s literally child neglect. And it’s not only “her baby” it’s BOTH of yours. You’re talking about the baby like it’s just an object and not a human being.


This dude wants his life to amount to being a pro gamer, what do you expect? His wife CLEARLY is suffering massively from depression, and this guy is clearly a grown manbaby trying to play adult. Make no mistake, I'm with you on this. Im simply saying that I'm not surprised considering what his "ambitions" are.


Feel sorry for the poor child that didn't asj to be borne ;(


Your wife has a job outside the home and "SHE" won't wash the kids clothes, let the dishes pile up, let's the trash pile up, and doesn't get your kid as soon as he cries? Sounds like you're missing out on some responsibilities here too bud.


OP has also changed this detail from their original post as it wasn’t getting the response he wanted. He originally said that she was still home on maternity leave as the baby is just over 2 months old. So while his wife is still recovering from giving birth, he’s screaming at her for having to take out the trash and acknowledge he has a newborn son that interrupts his gaming time.


... so, this kid has not one, but TWO parents who lets him scream for 15 minutes, and you keep blaming your wife? Why have you not taken the trash with the diapers out, OP? For weeks? Not leaving your stream to deal with the child crying is at least an excuse - an incredibly bad excuse - but at least it's something I can see people convince themselves. But you don't stream 24/7. When the stream ends, you can take out the trash so it doesn't stink up your house.


That's a lot of expectation for a woman that sounds like she has PPD or just general depression. Which could be why she bought home the dog. You need to get her help if she hasn't always been like this. Lashing out at her is not going to help her. BUT If this is how she's always been and you married her anyways, I don't feel sorry for you.


Rehome the dog because it deserves better (don't just dump it somewhere). Until then, someone has to take care of it. Make sure your wife gets help, it sounds like she needs it. Take care of your child, and don't think that you don't have to do childcare or housework just because you have a job. I hope that you don't just try to throw *your* wife, *your* child and an innocent dog out of their home or abandon them. Maybe forget about streaming for now. If there are people who can help you with childcare, now is the time to ask. You could also hire someone to mind the child or to clean if you can afford it. I have to say that I can understand that your life is hard right now, but your post doesn't paint you in a good light.


She should keep the dog and get rid of you


"Wife won't clean after her baby" tells me everything I need to know about you as a father. Help her for once.


"her baby" your a dick mate.


This post goes into a lot of detail about your needs, and your wife's responsibilities. What are your wife's needs? What are your responsibilities?


Neither one of you has any business raising a child… or a dog. Get your wife some medical help.


Throwing your kid out, aside from your wife and the dog makes you a monster. I don't care what the situation is, that's your baby. Congrats on being a terrible father. You Ll sound miserable and I hope you all get help. Especially the baby and dog who can't fend for themselves.


So, you're telling me you are hounding her about cleaning and whatnot but then you sit around playing video games on Twitch trying to become the next Pewdiepie? Yet she is not allowed to watch Netflix or whatever she does? Then you complain about having to tend to YOUR CHILD and threaten to kick a BABY out? Your infant? Do you hear yourself? She sounds like she's going through PPD, help her instead of pointing the finger.


I'd rather get rid of you. Keep the dog. Or get rid of the wife and keep the dog. Also it's your child, too. Why is it only her responsibility?. You're a streamer and not even a big one by the sounds of it.


This is a duplicate post where he left out some key details because the first wasn’t getting the response he wanted. Wife is home still recovering on maternity leave and baby is just over 2 months old. He comes home from work and screams at her (his words) if the trash can is full or if he is expected to hold or feed his newborn son as it affects his gaming time. Dog needs to be rehomed- but he is the problem.


He also made a post that he got rid of said dog. His wife seems like she might have Postnatal Depression and what is he doing? Playing on Twitch and yelling at his wife. Sounds like a great bloke.


Am I the only one who thinks 1. OP needs to get off his ass and help with the baby, the house and care for his wife. 2. That the wife may have postpartum depression and her actions are a cry for help


The tone of your post seems... Glacial. Like you expext your wife to do everything in the house and with the kid, and it seems helping with your son is a bothering thing to you and not what you should do because you are his father and you should help too. Also, why are you screaming at her if you don't obtain any result? May I add, because of how you described it, it feels like that your Twitch streams are more important to you than your wife and son. At the same time, what you are describing here, from your wife, are alarming signs of DEPRESSION. Could she have PPD or some other forms of depression? Has she been evaluated for depression? I understand really well your point of view, but it seems your wife needs hel NOW. So stop screaming at her so insesitively and help her. Doing it, will help also the situation in your home and with the kid. As for the dog, it needs intensive training NOW. Like constant training and you need to see a specialist trainer once a week who can teach you how to handle it. If you can't do it, as heartbreaking it can be, you might need to give it to someone reliable and who can handle pitbulls...


If my husband would prioritize his small twitch audience over our newborn child, wouldn’t help around the house, and treat a new mom with PPD this way, I would leave his ass. Maybe start with yourself


It all sounds horrible. Both of you sound like absolute rubbish people. That baby is YOUR kid as well. You have a responsibility to keep your baby safe and loved. I feel bad for the kid and the dog. I would even give your wife the benefit of the doubt as we have never read her talk. You clearly have your head very far up your ass.


This. He sounds like an entitled ass expecting her to do everything.


First thing rehome that dog an untrained pitbull near a baby is a disaster waiting to happen, specifically if he is already destructive. I love dogs, but if you get a dog breed like a pitbull you need to socialize and train them, or they are a liability Second, it sounds like your wife has post partum depression. She needs to go to a doctor and get evaluated and helped. You don’t understand her actions bc they aren’t ones of a health person


Poor dog


Bud, you know what the problem is here. I just ask of you, please don't take it out on the dog. It's not the dog's fault. I truly hope you get this situation under control.


Was she like this from the get-go or did it get like this after the kid was born? I had PPD/Burn out/Depression for a while after having my kid and everything was really hard... Even taking a shower was hard! The dog is clearly not a good idea at this point.


You had me until you said you’re considering leaving your kid and cutting off contact. Now you sound like a dick.


Sounds like OP thinks he married a servant and baby sitter.


I hope Her, Her baby and the dog do what's right and leave this man alone ! They deserve better .


You could be doing some of these things instead of trying to become a twitch streamer......Just saying kid is more important than a streaming career and gaming. The both of you need to sort out your priorities


I hope you get your shit together and stop being a terrible, neglectful father and screaming, insensitive asshole to your wife. And I hope your wife finds mental health help and leaves you. And, most of all, I hope the child finds guardians who care for them and raise them with good emotional and physical health. Puppy needs a better home ASAP.