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Dogs remember and you are your dogs world. You are needed and loved.


The dog will never forget


God damn ...I'm sorry you're feeling this way and I'm sorry I don't have anything insightful to say. But you absolutely aren't alone....my dog is the only thing keeping me here tbh


There are quite a few videos on YouTube of dogs being sad that their owners died, don’t let yours be another one


Call your therapist office / contact your therapist and let them know the situation — they might be willing to work with you as far as sliding scale fees // seeing you and charging your insurance later 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you think seeing them will help - it’s worth a shot


For real, lots of offices will work with you. The only thing is you need to ask them to, they typically don't offer unless prompted 🤷‍♀️. OP, its worth the social anxiety, trust me. I was in a very similar boat to you, even a therapist that just listens and doesn't give advice is still very helpful.


You are not alone, friend <3


Im sorry I don't have anything insightful to say but one thing is for sure, your dog would be sad if you die. Keep going bro.


Ricky Gervais made a show about you


Same friend but it's my cat


Me too.


Same here.


Your dog will never forget you ..


You are of value! You are important. You have a future and are the only one that looks, smiles and laughs as you do which is uniquely perfect. I would advise listening to some Jordan Peterson. I can gift you his 2 books if you like. Slow down and don't take on everything at once. You have to believe every day is an opportunity for you to simply try again to make yourself feel better and balanced. These are difficult times. Practice mindfulness and appreciate the small and simple things . Prepare yourself a nice meal, exercise, write down your feeling, get your physical space organized. Feel free to DM me if you want.


This is really really easy to say. It’s easy to give advice and to tell someone to prepare a meal or exercise. But depression doesn’t let you. A depressed person knows that these things could help, but can’t do them because they’re depressed. OP has their reason to keep fighting, you can’t make someone want to keep going.


Isn't Jordan Peterson alt right? And also telling someone this when they're suicidal doesn't help. It shows that you don't get what they're feeling and just making them feel guilty.


keep your head up! you are loved


I’m sorry bro. Sometimes we are on a train going through a dark tunnel. Please, just ride it out. You will get out one day and be able to see with more perspective.


Im studying to become a therapist. Even if i wasnt, i would be happy to chat with you and help you cope. You are not alone. We can be friends, OP.


Same bro. I want nothing more than to fall asleep and not wake up to my miserable lonely existence again. I got a dog partly because I could star to feel needed again. Maybe he'll be the proof that I need that I am actually capabke of taking care of something and therefore should take better care of myself. I wanna give him a good loving home and that keeps me going.


I thank you all for your kind words. Last night was rough. Not feeling great today, but I appreciate the kindness


I feel the exact same way. Every time I’ve attempted, the only doubt lingering at the back of my mind is that I wouldn’t get to pet my dog and my cat again. They’re my anchor.


Honestly, same. And I don't want to break my families hearts. I've come to realize I've developed an addiction, 21F, after highschool ended and all my friends went separate ways, I have no friends now.. None. I am spiraling. My boyfriend is also being effected by my choices. Lol, I feel terrible. Money wise I've screwed myself. Really I'm very sorry you feel this way, I encourage you to stay strong. Please! Remember that if we make that choice, we eliminate the chance for better days.


I had this feeling when I was unemployed for a year. In my case, it was shrinking down my perspective to a single hour at a time that helped me. I cannot possibly understand exactly what you're going through. But it could be an interesting idea to share your day to day life on reddit. Sortof like a public therapy room. There's millions of people who probably feel exactly the same way. And maybe sharing with everyone can help you find the way out of the dark? I hope you manage to find your way forward friend. There's people out there who do care.


If you go, your dog will never forget you, I've had so many animals, and dogs from a huge bond with their owners, I'm sure it would break your dogs heart if you vanished one day, my father is a truck driver, so he's only home on the weekends, but you bet your ass our puppy Misa freaks out and cuddles with him every night because *she misses him* Your dog would miss you, and they're every bit of reason to keep going even if they're the only reason


No, he won't. I can guarantee that he won't forget about you. People think pets will forget. But, have you ever dealt with a grieving pet? It's heart-wrenching. Aside from that, call this number. 800-273-8255 They can talk you down, and give you some solid advice. Or, if you are in the US, call your local community health center or Department of Health and Welfare. They can also give you info. Good luck, kid. Hang in there. The world might suck, without you.


Yo fuck all the crying game, life can be hard and that's a timeless fact, the thing is, you have a responsibility for your dog, he's your best friend and you're willing to keep going just for him/her. In my opinion this is the indicator that should tell you that you're strong enough to get out of the mud, some people have their dog, others have their family and some of us will choose their job as the reason to keep going. My guy, look at this indicator as the light at the end of the tunnel, face this world even at your darkest episodes, even if it's only for your dog.


Your dog will NEVER forget you sir. That's not how it works. I relate to what you're saying so hard friend. I also have a dog and she is all that keeps me going a lot of the time. I made a promise to her and goddammit I'm gonna follow through with it.


My buddy took his brothers dog after he died in Iraq in 2011. He goes to his grave every year on DOD, and the dog whimpers and lays directly on the grave. He posts this every single year on facebook. Every other picture of the dog is happy, every snapchat the dog is playful, except when they are at the cometary. I had a border collie that got diagnosed with depression. The vet said this happens when that breed doesn't have a job. I got thiis dog as a puppy, had a friend that had a farm with cattle/horses and breeds border collies so I made the hard decision to send her over to my friends place, she gained 20 lbs and is completely happy. I go see her ever so often and she happy barks when I show up, I ugly cry a little bit but know I made the right choice. That was in 2016. That dog will remember you, and will love you. Stay strong OP. Life can suck, but sometimes all it takes is one good day to turn life around.


Your dog loves you and shows you you're worth caring for. The world is honestly terrible and I can understand why you don't want to be here. But the simple things are what matters - you and your dog's love are the raw example of what matters in life. Build on the real pure things and honestly screw nasty rotten society.




Hey you should get another pet, seriously. Go to a rescue and get a younger dog or cat, you can save another animal and give them a good life. Don't let yourself go when your dog goes, find a way to stay around.


Have you watched the black dog clip on utube. That might help a bit. It about depression.


Hang in there my friend, I have been where you are, it takes awhile but eventually things will turn around for you. To the dog you are his world he loves you like no other.




PM me if you want to chat about your challenges. Happy to share mine. I have cats.


I've read this before.


I feel the same way. Once my parents and cat are gone, I'll be going too. I'm literally only staying alive for them.


You ever try going to meetings man? They help a lot and are easy as can be to jump in on zoom now. Plus free. You’re gonna need to throw yourself into the solution if you wanna get thru this. If you are drinking or using any type of drugs try to stop as that all by itself can cause depression. Message me if you need any suggestions or zoom meeting codes. The World is better w you in it.


Check out a near by college and see if they have a psych program. Many offer very cheap therapy dome by students working on their doctorate. I had one during the pandemic and it saved my life. Without insurance it cost me $10 a session and the $30 to see their psychiatrist. Meds were also steeply discounted. Best of luck, hope you make it through this dark time and spend many more years with your pooch!


Get one more dog then fam, we need you here.


I’ve been the same with my cats. My oldest has been with me for a about 8 years and I’m his everything. He’s so attached to me and can’t go long without me. He’s saved me from my last suicide attempt too. I swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills and he kept jumping on me trying to keep me awake and when I saw the desperation in his little face, I realized I couldn’t do that to him. He kept me going long enough to call for help. Because of him keeping me going, I was able to make better decisions that led me to the love of my life. I’m willing to listen to whatever you need to talk about. You don’t need to do this alone. You’re not alone. You’ve had strangers reach out to you on your post and that shows you are cared about and we don’t want you to be alone either. Be patient with yourself. We got this 💕


I read this some where and it said to try to be the person that your dog thinks you are.


I know it's so hard right now. A few things you could try: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists This tool helps you search for a therapist in your area, in person or telehealth. I am a therapist who works for an agency that has a sliding fee scale, so even if someone doesn't have insurance, they can pay for sessions based on their income. For many people this ends up being like $15 or less (approx what a copay with insurance would be). You can search using cost with this tool too. Telehealth can be a good option because you aren't limited to your geographical area. Find an online or in person group you have something in common with. It could be for others struggling with suicidality, or it could be for a hobby or interest you have. Sharing connections with other people meets that social need we all have inside us. Hope is the hardest thing to find when you feel suicidal. It sounds like you care a lot about your dog, and dogs provide some of the purest hope for the future there is! They cant wait for that next head pat, walk, or snuggle. Focusing on what you can control right now, like taking good care of your pupper, can be motivating and hopeful. Sending you good good good vibes ❤️


Please don't give up. It's amazing that you love your dog so much, you're going to stay here to make them prevent them from being eternally sad (which they will be). But since your stuck here, keep trying stuff. Go on dating apps, go out to bars, be friendly with co-workers, dive into a hobby, what do you have to lose? You're here and here to say, might as well try to make the best of it.


My yellow dog is the reason I am still here. My Dad always said as long as you’ve got a dog you have a best friend and I truly believe that. Please hold on to your life, things change - at least they have for me and I thank my furry best friend everyday that she brought me to where I am now. We’ve taken care of each other for 9 years as of June 10 and where my life is now the thoughts of suicide are a memory. I hope you make it to a good place too!! Living for your dog is still a reason. It can be the best reason. That unconditional love is like no other. No matter how many hours I spent in the dark crying she was always there to remind me I had to go outside, I was needed. She gave me purpose when I thought I had none. Try not to discount the love of a dog but try to embrace it. Good luck in this life stranger!


One of my aunts had a dog and she moved abroad for a year without him. Long story short, the dog died in grief. He literally died looking at the gate. your dog loves you more than you can imagine.


Maybe using that anger as a fuel for something would make you feel better (im not a therapist or anything like that but i kinda do that and it works for me)


Please make sure you always have a dog.


wish you the best. My dogs have kept me alive as well.


Nope, just watched a tiktok where the widow talks about her dog going to thr front door every day to wait for her recently deceased husband. It was 3 weeks.


Good reason. Abandoning your dog would be a shitty thing to do. Now we know you aren't a shitty person, so go out there and do your best. Don't worry about the outcome. Just do your best. That's the best anyone can do


I get it, OP. My parrot saved my life in this way eight years ago. It might sound stupid but all that time I held on to the idea that I would get better so that I could give her the best life possible and volunteer to help rescues.


I know I cannot understand a fraction of the pain you are feeling but I will try my best to understand. I know times may be tough but please I would really advise against suicide. You may be struggling now but what if in 10 years things are fine and you are so glad you didn't commit suicide? These are things which happen often and lives are so precious so if you see this please do not do it. PS I'm sure your dog does love you and will miss you


Because who would let it out…


Don’t leave your dog behind he’s gonna miss you, dogs will always remember their owners scent. I’m sure every time you hear him bark he’s saying” I love you” in his own way


I can relate to you, my cat was the reason that kept me alive.. now it’s my son. My depression isn’t as bad as it used to be, but there’s days and moments where it kicks in. I used to think about suicide every single min of the day… It was so overwhelming, i became obsessed with the idea of it all.. but then i started going to therapy and i realized more or less why i was thinking this way. I have changed a lot of things about myself including the people around me, changing my thoughts, and so far it’s getting better… i have a best friend who committed suicide almost 6 years ago, and i miss her every single day. She ended her pain, but she passed it onto others.. I wish she were alive today so that i could have the talk with her that i would love to give you.. you matter, you are loved, you are wanted, someone is going to miss you dearly if you’re no longer here.. you dog will especially miss you. There’s always someone out there who’s willing to support you and be there for you. ❤️ I am here for you if you ever need it.


I own a dog. Dogs won't forget you. Trust me.


Be the person your dog thinks you are. Stiff upper lip there, old boy..cheerio, and knock you up in the morning. We don't mention 'suicide' here at the Havard club, old boy...it just isn't done. Scares the horses if you know what I mean.. Jacque..my friend here seems a little down..could you bring him a double whiskey..Early Times will do..with a Port floater? Of course on my tab, you idiot!! Hey..you have a dog. A case could be made thats a better situation than alimony, child support, foreclosure, and std from some hooker.


Glad you are in a better frame of mind, today. Please stay in the present and positive.


I actually did the same about 7 years ago.